/* ** Creates the metatables for the objects and registers the ** driver open method. */ LUASQL_API int luaopen_luasql_firebird (lua_State *L) { struct luaL_reg driver[] = { {"firebird", create_environment}, {NULL, NULL}, }; create_metatables (L); luaL_openlib (L, LUASQL_TABLENAME, driver, 0); luasql_set_info (L); return 1; }
/* ** Creates the metatables for the objects and registers the ** driver open method. */ LUASQL_API int luaopen_luasql_odbc (lua_State *L) { struct luaL_Reg driver[] = { {"odbc", create_environment}, {NULL, NULL}, }; create_metatables (L); lua_newtable (L); luaL_setfuncs (L, driver, 0); luasql_set_info (L); return 1; }
/* ** Creates the metatables for the objects and registers the ** driver open method. */ LUASQL_API int luaopen_luasql_mysql (lua_State *L) { struct luaL_reg driver[] = { {"mysql", create_environment}, {NULL, NULL}, }; create_metatables (L); luaL_openlib (L, LUASQL_TABLENAME, driver, 0); luasql_set_info (L); lua_pushliteral (L, "_MYSQLVERSION"); lua_pushliteral (L, MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION); lua_settable (L, -3); return 1; }