コード例 #1
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: phylolvb/lvb
int main(void)
    char *s1;	/* test string */
    char *s3;	/* test string */
    long i;	/* loop counter */
    long j;	/* loop counter */


    for (i = 0; i < 50000; i++)	/* repeat to check heap seems OK */
	s1 = alloc(S1_LENGTH + 1, "test string s1");
	for (j = 0; j < S1_LENGTH; j++) s1[j] = '@';
	s1[S1_LENGTH] = 0;
	lvb_assert(strcmp(s1, s2) == 0);
	s3 = alloc(strlen(s1)+1, "test string s3");
	strcpy(s3, s1);
	lvb_assert(strcmp(s3, s2) == 0);

    printf("test passed\n");
    return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: monsanto-pinheiro/LVB
int main(void)
    const char *p1 = "";
    const char *p2 = "\b\a!\"$%^&*()_+NO_SPACE+IN$HERE!@#~'";
    const char *p3 = "\v\t\r\n \f\aHello Goodbye \n";


    lvb_assert(nextnonwspc(p1) == NULL);
    lvb_assert(nextnonwspc(p2) == p2);
    lvb_assert(nextnonwspc(p3) == p3 + 6);

    printf("test passed\n");
    return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: treestack.c プロジェクト: monsanto-pinheiro/LVB
static void upsize(Dataptr matrix, Treestack *sp)
/* increase allocation for tree stack *sp */
    long i;	/* loop counter */

    /* allocate for stack itself */
    if (sp->stack == NULL)	/* 1st call, stack does not exist */
        sp->stack = alloc(sp->size * sizeof(Treestack_element), "initial best tree stack");
        sp->next = 0;
        lvb_assert(sp->size == 1);	/* was incremented above */
    else {
        sp->stack = realloc(sp->stack, sp->size * sizeof(Treestack_element));
        if (sp->stack == NULL)
            crash("out of memory: cannot increase allocation for\n"
            		"best tree stack to %ld elements", sp->size);

    /* MIGUEL */
    /* allocate space within stack */
    for (i = sp->next; i < sp->size; i++){
    	/* sp->stack[i].tree = treealloc(matrix->n); */
    	sp->stack[i].tree = treealloc(matrix);
    	sp->stack[i].root = -1;
} /* end upsize() */
コード例 #4
ファイル: getparam.c プロジェクト: monsanto-pinheiro/LVB
static int get_default_seed(void)
/* return a default integer in the interval [0..MAX_SEED], obtained from the
 * system clock, or exit with an error message if the system time is
 * unavailable */
    time_t tim;			/* system time */
    unsigned long ul_seed;	/* seed value obtained from system time */

    tim = time(NULL);
    lvb_assert(tim != -1);
    ul_seed = (unsigned long) tim;
    ul_seed = ul_seed % (1UL + (unsigned long) MAX_SEED);
    lvb_assert(ul_seed <= MAX_SEED);
    return (int) ul_seed;

} /* end get_default_seed() */
コード例 #5
ファイル: treestack.c プロジェクト: monsanto-pinheiro/LVB
static void dopush(Dataptr matrix, Treestack *sp, const Branch *const barray, const long root)
/* push tree in barray (of root root) on to stack *sp */
    lvb_assert(sp->next <= sp->size);
    if (sp->next == sp->size) upsize(matrix, sp);
    treecopy(matrix, sp->stack[sp->next].tree, barray);
    sp->stack[sp->next].root = root;
} /* end dopush() */
コード例 #6
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: OS2World/APP-SCIENCE-LVB
int main(void)
    long i;				/* loop counter */
    long rand_val;			/* random number */
    long first_rand_val;		/* first random number */
    time_t tim;				/* system time */
    unsigned long ul_seed;		/* seed, from system time */
    Lvb_bool all_same = LVB_TRUE;	/* all 'random' values same */


    /* seed random number generator from system clock */
    tim = time(NULL);
    lvb_assert(tim != -1);
    ul_seed = (unsigned long) tim;
    ul_seed = ul_seed % (1UL + (unsigned long) MAX_SEED);
    lvb_assert(ul_seed <= MAX_SEED);
    rinit((int) ul_seed);
    first_rand_val = randpint(UPPER_LIM);
    for (i = 0; i < LOOP_CNT; i++)
        rand_val = randpint(UPPER_LIM);
	lvb_assert(rand_val <= UPPER_LIM);
	lvb_assert(rand_val >= 0);
	if (rand_val != first_rand_val)
	    all_same = LVB_FALSE;

    if (all_same == LVB_FALSE)
        printf("test passed\n");
        printf("test failed\n");
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: phylolvb/lvb
int main(void)
    /* strings that are the same, considered case-insensitively */
    static char s1[] = "`1234567890-=!\"$%^&*("
     ")_+qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm[]{};'#:@~,./<>? \t\n\r";
    static char s2[] = "`1234567890-=!\"$%^&*("
     ")_+QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM[]{};'#:@~,./<>? \t\n\r";

    /* string that is almost the same but actually different */
    static char s3[] = "`1234567890-=!\"$%^&*("
     ")_+QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNN[]{};'#:@~,./<>? \t\n\r";


    lvb_assert(cistrcmp(s1, s1) == 0);
    lvb_assert(cistrcmp(s3 + 5, s3) != 0);
    lvb_assert(cistrcmp(s1, s2) == 0);
    lvb_assert(cistrcmp(s2, s3) != 0);

    printf("test passed\n");
    return 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: parsim.c プロジェクト: OS2World/APP-SCIENCE-LVB
long getplen(Branch *barray, const long root, const long m,
 const long n, const long *weights)
    const long branch_cnt = brcnt(n);	/* branch count */
    long changes = 0;			/* tree length (number of changes) */
    unsigned current_ss;		/* current state set */
    long i;				/* loop counter */
    long k;				/* current character number */
    long left;				/* current left child number */
    unsigned left_ss;			/* left state set */
    long right;				/* current right child number */
    unsigned right_ss;			/* right state set */
    long todo_cnt = 0;			/* count of branches "to do" */
    long internal_cnt = 0;		/* non-leaf non-root branches */
    long done = 0;			/* count of branches "done" */
    long branch;			/* current branch number */
    static long todo_arr[MAX_BRANCHES + 1];	/* list of "dirty" branch nos */
    static long internal_arr[MAX_BRANCHES + 1];	/* list of internal br. nos */

    lvb_assert((n >= MIN_N) && (n <= MAX_N));
    lvb_assert((m >= MIN_M) && (m <= MAX_M));
    lvb_assert((root >= 0) && (root < branch_cnt));

    for (i = 0; i < branch_cnt; i++)
	if (barray[i].sset[0] == 0U)
	    todo_arr[todo_cnt] = i;
	if (barray[i].object == UNSET)
	    internal_arr[internal_cnt] = i;

    lvb_assert(internal_cnt == (branch_cnt - n));
    lvb_assert(todo_cnt <= (n - 3));	/* max: internal branches */

    /* calculate state sets and changes where not already known */
    while (done < todo_cnt)
	for (i = 0; i < todo_cnt; i++)
	    branch = todo_arr[i];
	    if (barray[branch].sset[0] == 0U)	/* "dirty" */
		left = barray[branch].left;
		right = barray[branch].right;
		lvb_assert((left >= 0) && (left < branch_cnt));
		lvb_assert((right >= 0) && (right < branch_cnt));
		if ((barray[left].sset[0] != 0U)
		 && (barray[right].sset[0] != 0U))
		    barray[branch].changes = 0;
		    for (k = 0; k < m; k++)
 			left_ss = barray[left].sset[k];
			right_ss = barray[right].sset[k];
			current_ss = left_ss & right_ss;
			if (current_ss == 0U)
			    current_ss = left_ss | right_ss;
			    barray[branch].changes += weights[k];
			barray[branch].sset[k] = current_ss;

    /* count changes across tree */
    for (i = 0; i < internal_cnt; i++)
	branch = internal_arr[i];
	changes += barray[branch].changes;
    /* root: add length for root branch structure, and also for true root which
     * lies outside the LVB tree data structure; all without altering the
     * "root" struct statesets (since these represent actual data for the
     * leaf) */
    left = barray[root].left;
    right = barray[root].right;
    for (k = 0; k < m; k++)
	left_ss = barray[left].sset[k];
	right_ss = barray[right].sset[k];
	current_ss = left_ss & right_ss;
	if (current_ss == 0U)
	    current_ss = left_ss | right_ss;
	    changes += weights[k];
	if ((current_ss & barray[root].sset[k]) == 0U)
	    changes += weights[k];

    return changes;

} /* end getplen() */
コード例 #9
ファイル: solve.c プロジェクト: OS2World/APP-SCIENCE-LVB
long anneal(Treestack *bstackp, const Branch *const inittree, long root,
 const double t0, const double t1, const long maxaccept, const long maxpropose,
 const long maxfail, FILE *const lenfp, unsigned char **bmat, long m, long n,
 const long *weights, long *current_iter, Lvb_bool log_progress)
/* seek parsimonious tree from initial tree in inittree (of root root)
 * with initial temperature t0, and subsequent temperatures obtained by
 * multiplying the current temperature by (t1 / t0) ** n * t0 where n is
 * the ordinal number of this temperature, after at least maxaccept changes
 * have been accepted or maxpropose changes have been proposed, whichever is
 * sooner;
 * return the length of the best tree(s) found after maxfail consecutive
 * temperatures have led to no new accepted solution;
 * lenfp is for output of current tree length and associated details;
 * *current_iter should give the iteration number at the start of this call and
 * will be used in any statistics sent to lenfp, and will be updated on
 * return */
    long accepted = 0;		/* changes accespted */
    Lvb_bool dect;		/* should decrease temperature */
    double deltah;		/* change in energy (1 - C.I.) */
    long deltalen;		/* change in length with new tree */
    long failedcnt = 0; 	/* "failed count" for temperatures */
    long iter = 0;		/* iteration of mutate/evaluate loop */
    long len;			/* length of current tree */
    long prev_len = UNSET;	/* length of previous tree */
    long lenbest;		/* bet length found so far */
    long lendash;		/* length of proposed new tree */
    long lenmin;		/* minimum length for any tree */
    double ln_t;		/* ln(current temperature) */
    long t_n = 0;		/* ordinal number of current temperature */
    Lvb_bool newtree;		/* accepted a new configuration */
    double pacc;		/* prob. of accepting new config. */
    Lvb_bool probaccd;		/* have accepted based on Pacc */
    long proposed = 0;		/* trees proposed */
    double r_lenmin;		/* minimum length for any tree */
    long rootdash;		/* root of new configuration */
    double t = t0;		/* current temperature */
    double t1_to_t0;		/* T1:T0 ratio */
    Branch *x;			/* current configuration */
    Branch *xdash;		/* proposed new configuration */
    extern Dataptr matrix;	/* data matrix */

    /* "local" dynamic heap memory */
    x = treealloc(brcnt(matrix->n), matrix->m);
    xdash = treealloc(brcnt(matrix->n), matrix->m);

    treecopy(x, inittree);	/* current configuration */
    len = getplen(x, root, m, n, weights);
    dect = LVB_FALSE;		/* made LVB_TRUE as necessary at end of loop */

    /* if t1_to_t0 is going to be very small, set it to zero without
     * calculating it, to avoid underflow. Use this relation:
     *     if T1 / T0 < eps,
     *     ln (T1/T0) < ln eps
     * i.e.,
     *     ln T1 - ln T0 < ln eps */
    lvb_assert ((t0 >= LVB_EPS) && (t1 >= LVB_EPS) && (t1 <= t0)
     && (t0 <= 1.0));
    if (log_wrapper(t1) - log_wrapper(t0) < log_wrapper(LVB_EPS))
	t1_to_t0 = 0.0;
	t1_to_t0 = t1 / t0;

    lenbest = len;
    treestack_push(bstackp, inittree, root);	/* init. tree initially best */
    if ((log_progress == LVB_TRUE) && (*current_iter == 0))
        fprintf(lenfp, "\nRearrangement: Length:\n");

    lenmin = getminlen(matrix);
    r_lenmin = (double) lenmin;

    while (1)
        if ((log_progress == LVB_TRUE) && ((len != prev_len)
	    || ((*current_iter % STAT_LOG_INTERVAL) == 0)))
	    lenlog(lenfp, *current_iter, len);
	prev_len = len;
	*current_iter += 1;

	/* occasionally re-root, to prevent influence from root position */
	if ((*current_iter % REROOT_INTERVAL) == 0)
	    root = arbreroot(x, root);

	lvb_assert(t > DBL_EPSILON);
	newtree = LVB_FALSE;
	probaccd = LVB_FALSE;

	/* mutation: alternate between the two mutation functions */
	if (iter % 2)
	    rootdash = root;
	    mutate_spr(xdash, x, root);	/* global change */
	    rootdash = root;
	    mutate_nni(xdash, x, root);	/* local change */

	lendash = getplen(xdash, rootdash, m, n, weights);
	lvb_assert (lendash >= 1L);
	deltalen = lendash - len;
	deltah = (r_lenmin / (double) len) - (r_lenmin / (double) lendash);
	if (deltah > 1.0)	/* getminlen() problem with ambiguous sites */
	    deltah = 1.0;
	if (deltalen <= 0)	/* accept the change */
	    if (lendash <= lenbest)	/* store tree if new */
		if (lendash < lenbest)	/* very best so far */
		treestack_clear(bstackp);	/* discard old bests */
		if (treestack_push(bstackp, xdash, rootdash) == 1)
		newtree = LVB_TRUE;	/* new */
	    /* update current tree and its stats */
	    prev_len = len;
	    len = lendash;
	    treeswap(&x, &root, &xdash, &rootdash);

	    if (lendash < lenbest)	/* very best so far */
		lenbest = lendash;
	else	/* poss. accept change for the worse */
	    /* Mathematically,
	     *     Pacc = e ** (-1/T * deltaH)
	     *     therefore ln Pacc = -1/T * deltaH
	     * Computationally, if Pacc is going to be small, we
	     * can assume Pacc is 0 without actually working it
	     * out.
	     * i.e.,
	     *     if ln Pacc < ln eps, let Pacc = 0
	     * substituting,
	     *     if -deltaH / T < ln eps, let Pacc = 0
	     * rearranging,
	     *     if -deltaH < T * ln eps, let Pacc = 0
	     * This lets us work out whether Pacc will be very
	     * close to zero without dividing anything by T. This
	     * should prevent overflow. Since T is no less
	     * than eps and ln eps is going to have greater
	     * magnitude than eps, underflow when calculating
	     * T * ln eps is not possible. */
	    if (-deltah < t * log_wrapper(LVB_EPS))
		pacc = 0.0;
		/* Call uni() even though its not required. It
		 * would have been called in LVB 1.0A, so this
		 * helps make results identical to results with
		 * that version. */
		(void) uni();
	    else	/* possibly accept the change */
		pacc = exp_wrapper(-deltah/t);
		if (uni() < pacc)	/* do accept the change */
		    probaccd = LVB_TRUE;
		    treeswap(&x, &root, &xdash, &rootdash);
	    if (probaccd == LVB_TRUE)
		prev_len = len;
		len = lendash;
	if (newtree == LVB_TRUE)

	/* decide whether to reduce temperature */
	if (accepted >= maxaccept)	/* enough new trees */
	    failedcnt = 0;  /* this temperature a 'success' */
	    dect = LVB_TRUE;
	else if (proposed >= maxpropose)	/* enough proposals */
	    if (failedcnt >= maxfail)	/* system frozen */
		break;	/* end of cooling */
	    else	/* decrease temp. */
		dect = LVB_TRUE;

	if (dect == LVB_TRUE)
	    t_n++;	/* originally n is 0 */
	    /* near the start of the function we ensure t1_to_t0 is
	     * either zero or no less than LVB_EPS */
	    if (t1_to_t0 < LVB_EPS)
		t = LVB_EPS;
		ln_t = ((double) t_n) * log_wrapper(t1_to_t0) + log_wrapper(t0);
		if (ln_t < log_wrapper(LVB_EPS))
		    t = LVB_EPS;
		    t = pow_wrapper(t1_to_t0, (double) t_n) * t0;
	    proposed = 0;
	    accepted = 0;
	    dect = LVB_FALSE;

    /* free "local" dynamic heap memory */

    return lenbest;

} /* end anneal() */