コード例 #1
//! Handles Ethernet interrupts for the lwIP TCP/IP stack.
//! This function handles Ethernet interrupts for the lwIP TCP/IP stack.  At
//! the lowest level, all receive packets are placed into a packet queue for
//! processing at a higher level.  Also, the transmit packet queue is checked
//! and packets are drained and transmitted through the Ethernet MAC as needed.
//! If the system is configured without an RTOS, additional processing is
//! performed at the interrupt level.  The packet queues are processed by the
//! lwIP TCP/IP code, and lwIP periodic timers are serviced (as needed).
//! \return None.
    unsigned long ulStatus;
#if !NO_SYS
    portBASE_TYPE xWake;

    // Read and Clear the interrupt.
    ulStatus = EthernetIntStatus(ETH_BASE, false);
    EthernetIntClear(ETH_BASE, ulStatus);

    // The handling of the interrupt is different based on the use of a RTOS.
#if NO_SYS
    // No RTOS is being used.  If a transmit/receive interrupt was active,
    // run the low-level interrupt handler.

    // Service the lwIP timers.
    // A RTOS is being used.  Signal the Ethernet interrupt task.
    xQueueSendFromISR(g_pInterrupt, (void *)&ulStatus, &xWake);

    // Disable the Ethernet interrupts.  Since the interrupts have not been
    // handled, they are not asserted.  Once they are handled by the Ethernet
    // interrupt task, it will re-enable the interrupts.
    EthernetIntDisable(ETH_BASE, ETH_INT_RX | ETH_INT_TX);

    // Potentially task switch as a result of the above queue write.
    if(xWake == pdTRUE)
コード例 #2
//! Handles Ethernet interrupts for the lwIP TCP/IP stack.
//! This function handles Ethernet interrupts for the lwIP TCP/IP stack.  At
//! the lowest level, all receive packets are placed into a packet queue for
//! processing at a higher level.  Also, the transmit packet queue is checked
//! and packets are drained and transmitted through the Ethernet MAC as needed.
//! If the system is configured without an RTOS, additional processing is
//! performed at the interrupt level.  The packet queues are processed by the
//! lwIP TCP/IP code, and lwIP periodic timers are serviced (as needed).
//! \return None.
    uint32_t ui32Status;
    uint32_t ui32TimerStatus;
#if !NO_SYS
    portBASE_TYPE xWake;

    // Read and Clear the interrupt.
    ui32Status = MAP_EMACIntStatus(EMAC0_BASE, true);

    // If the interrupt really came from the Ethernet and not our
    // timer, clear it.
        MAP_EMACIntClear(EMAC0_BASE, ui32Status);

    // Check to see whether a hardware timer interrupt has been reported.
    if(ui32Status & EMAC_INT_TIMESTAMP)
        // Yes - read and clear the timestamp interrupt status.
        ui32TimerStatus = EMACTimestampIntStatus(EMAC0_BASE);

        // If a timer interrupt handler has been registered, call it.
            g_pfnTimerHandler(EMAC0_BASE, ui32TimerStatus);

    // The handling of the interrupt is different based on the use of a RTOS.
#if NO_SYS
    // No RTOS is being used.  If a transmit/receive interrupt was active,
    // run the low-level interrupt handler.
        tivaif_interrupt(&g_sNetIF, ui32Status);

    // Service the lwIP timers.
    // A RTOS is being used.  Signal the Ethernet interrupt task.
    xQueueSendFromISR(g_pInterrupt, (void *)&ui32Status, &xWake);

    // Disable the Ethernet interrupts.  Since the interrupts have not been
    // handled, they are not asserted.  Once they are handled by the Ethernet
    // interrupt task, it will re-enable the interrupts.
                                    EMAC_INT_TX_STOPPED |
                                    EMAC_INT_RX_NO_BUFFER |
                                    EMAC_INT_RX_STOPPED | EMAC_INT_PHY));

    // Potentially task switch as a result of the above queue write.
    if(xWake == pdTRUE)