コード例 #1
int libavsmash_video_setup_timestamp_info
    libavsmash_video_decode_handler_t *vdhp,
    libavsmash_video_output_handler_t *vohp,
    int64_t                           *framerate_num,
    int64_t                           *framerate_den
    int err = -1;
    uint64_t media_timescale = lsmash_get_media_timescale( vdhp->root, vdhp->track_id );
    uint64_t media_duration  = lsmash_get_media_duration_from_media_timeline( vdhp->root, vdhp->track_id );
    if( media_duration == 0 )
        media_duration = INT32_MAX;
    if( vdhp->sample_count == 1 )
        /* Calculate average framerate. */
        reduce_fraction( &media_timescale, &media_duration );
        *framerate_num = (int64_t)media_timescale;
        *framerate_den = (int64_t)media_duration;
        err = 0;
        goto setup_finish;
    lw_log_handler_t *lhp = &vdhp->config.lh;
    lsmash_media_ts_list_t ts_list;
    if( lsmash_get_media_timestamps( vdhp->root, vdhp->track_id, &ts_list ) < 0 )
        lw_log_show( lhp, LW_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get timestamps." );
        goto setup_finish;
    if( ts_list.sample_count != vdhp->sample_count )
        lw_log_show( lhp, LW_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to count number of video samples." );
        goto setup_finish;
    uint32_t composition_sample_delay;
    if( lsmash_get_max_sample_delay( &ts_list, &composition_sample_delay ) < 0 )
        lsmash_delete_media_timestamps( &ts_list );
        lw_log_show( lhp, LW_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to get composition delay." );
        goto setup_finish;
    if( composition_sample_delay )
        /* Consider composition order for keyframe detection.
         * Note: sample number for L-SMASH is 1-origin. */
        vdhp->order_converter = (order_converter_t *)lw_malloc_zero( (ts_list.sample_count + 1) * sizeof(order_converter_t) );
        if( !vdhp->order_converter )
            lsmash_delete_media_timestamps( &ts_list );
            lw_log_show( lhp, LW_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to allocate memory." );
            goto setup_finish;
        for( uint32_t i = 0; i < ts_list.sample_count; i++ )
            ts_list.timestamp[i].dts = i + 1;
        lsmash_sort_timestamps_composition_order( &ts_list );
        for( uint32_t i = 0; i < ts_list.sample_count; i++ )
            vdhp->order_converter[i + 1].composition_to_decoding = (uint32_t)ts_list.timestamp[i].dts;
    /* Calculate average framerate. */
    uint64_t largest_cts          = ts_list.timestamp[0].cts;
    uint64_t second_largest_cts   = 0;
    uint64_t first_duration       = ts_list.timestamp[1].cts - ts_list.timestamp[0].cts;
    uint64_t composition_timebase = first_duration;
    int      strict_cfr           = 1;
    for( uint32_t i = 1; i < ts_list.sample_count; i++ )
        uint64_t duration = ts_list.timestamp[i].cts - ts_list.timestamp[i - 1].cts;
        if( duration == 0 )
            lsmash_delete_media_timestamps( &ts_list );
            lw_log_show( lhp, LW_LOG_WARNING, "Detected CTS duplication at frame %" PRIu32, i );
            err = 0;
            goto setup_finish;
        if( strict_cfr && duration != first_duration )
            strict_cfr = 0;
        composition_timebase = get_gcd( composition_timebase, duration );
        second_largest_cts   = largest_cts;
        largest_cts          = ts_list.timestamp[i].cts;
    uint64_t reduce = reduce_fraction( &media_timescale, &composition_timebase );
    uint64_t composition_duration = ((largest_cts - ts_list.timestamp[0].cts) + (largest_cts - second_largest_cts)) / reduce;
    lsmash_delete_media_timestamps( &ts_list );
    double avg_frame_rate = (vdhp->sample_count * ((double)media_timescale / composition_duration));
    if( strict_cfr || !lw_try_rational_framerate( avg_frame_rate, framerate_num, framerate_den, composition_timebase ) )
        uint64_t num = (uint64_t)(avg_frame_rate * composition_timebase + 0.5);
        uint64_t den = composition_timebase;
        if( num && den )
            reduce_fraction( &num, &den );
            num = 1;
            den = 1;
        *framerate_num = (int64_t)num;
        *framerate_den = (int64_t)den;
    err = 0;
    if( vohp->vfr2cfr )
        /* Override average framerate by specified output constant framerate. */
        *framerate_num = (int64_t)vohp->cfr_num;
        *framerate_den = (int64_t)vohp->cfr_den;
        vohp->frame_count = ((double)vohp->cfr_num / vohp->cfr_den)
                          * ((double)media_duration / media_timescale)
                          + 0.5;
        vohp->frame_count = libavsmash_video_get_sample_count( vdhp );
    uint32_t min_cts_sample_number = get_decoding_sample_number( vdhp->order_converter, 1 );
    vdhp->config.error = lsmash_get_cts_from_media_timeline( vdhp->root, vdhp->track_id, min_cts_sample_number, &vdhp->min_cts );
    return err;
コード例 #2
void lwlibav_setup_timestamp_info
    lwlibav_file_handler_t         *lwhp,
    lwlibav_video_decode_handler_t *vdhp,
    lwlibav_video_output_handler_t *vohp,
    int64_t                        *framerate_num,
    int64_t                        *framerate_den
    AVStream *video_stream = vdhp->format->streams[ vdhp->stream_index ];
    if( vdhp->frame_count == 1
     || lwhp->raw_demuxer
     || ((lwhp->format_flags & AVFMT_TS_DISCONT) && !(vdhp->lw_seek_flags & SEEK_DTS_BASED))
     || !(vdhp->lw_seek_flags & (SEEK_DTS_BASED | SEEK_PTS_BASED | SEEK_PTS_GENERATED)) )
        *framerate_num = (int64_t)video_stream->avg_frame_rate.num;
        *framerate_den = (int64_t)video_stream->avg_frame_rate.den;
    video_frame_info_t *info = vdhp->frame_list;
    int64_t  first_ts;
    int64_t  largest_ts;
    int64_t  second_largest_ts;
    uint64_t first_duration;
    uint64_t stream_timebase;
    int      strict_cfr;
    if( !(lwhp->format_flags & AVFMT_TS_DISCONT)
     && (vdhp->lw_seek_flags & (SEEK_PTS_BASED | SEEK_PTS_GENERATED)) )
        first_ts          = info[1].pts;
        largest_ts        = first_ts;
        second_largest_ts = first_ts;
        first_duration    = info[2].pts - info[1].pts;
        stream_timebase   = first_duration;
        strict_cfr        = (first_duration != 0);
        for( uint32_t i = 2; i <= vdhp->frame_count; i++ )
            uint64_t duration = info[i].pts - info[i - 1].pts;
            if( duration == 0 )
                if( vdhp->lh.show_log )
                    vdhp->lh.show_log( &vdhp->lh, LW_LOG_WARNING,
                                       "Detected PTS %"PRId64" duplication at frame %"PRIu32,
                                       info[i].pts, i );
                goto fail;
            if( strict_cfr && duration != first_duration )
                strict_cfr = 0;
            stream_timebase   = get_gcd( stream_timebase, duration );
            second_largest_ts = largest_ts;
            largest_ts        = info[i].pts;
        uint32_t prev;
        uint32_t curr;
        if( vdhp->order_converter )
            prev = vdhp->order_converter[1].decoding_to_presentation;
            curr = vdhp->order_converter[2].decoding_to_presentation;
            prev = 1;
            curr = 2;
        first_ts          = info[prev].dts;
        largest_ts        = first_ts;
        second_largest_ts = first_ts;
        first_duration    = info[curr].dts - info[prev].dts;
        stream_timebase   = first_duration;
        strict_cfr        = (first_duration != 0);
        for( uint32_t i = 2; i <= vdhp->frame_count; i++ )
            if( vdhp->order_converter )
                prev = vdhp->order_converter[i - 1].decoding_to_presentation;
                curr = vdhp->order_converter[i    ].decoding_to_presentation;
                prev = i - 1;
                curr = i;
            uint64_t duration = info[curr].dts - info[prev].dts;
            if( duration == 0 )
                if( vdhp->lh.show_log )
                    vdhp->lh.show_log( &vdhp->lh, LW_LOG_WARNING,
                                       "Detected DTS %"PRId64" duplication at frame %"PRIu32,
                                       info[curr].dts, curr );
                goto fail;
            if( strict_cfr && duration != first_duration )
                strict_cfr = 0;
            stream_timebase   = get_gcd( stream_timebase, duration );
            second_largest_ts = largest_ts;
            largest_ts        = info[curr].dts;
    stream_timebase *= video_stream->time_base.num;
    uint64_t stream_timescale = video_stream->time_base.den;
    uint64_t reduce = reduce_fraction( &stream_timescale, &stream_timebase );
    uint64_t stream_duration = (((largest_ts - first_ts) + (largest_ts - second_largest_ts)) * video_stream->time_base.num) / reduce;
    double stream_framerate = (vohp->frame_count - (vohp->repeat_correction_ts ? 1 : 0))
                            * ((double)stream_timescale / stream_duration);
    if( strict_cfr || !lw_try_rational_framerate( stream_framerate, framerate_num, framerate_den, stream_timebase ) )
        if( stream_timebase > INT_MAX || (uint64_t)(stream_framerate * stream_timebase + 0.5) > INT_MAX )
            goto fail;
        uint64_t num = (uint64_t)(stream_framerate * stream_timebase + 0.5);
        uint64_t den = stream_timebase;
        if( num && den )
            reduce_fraction( &num, &den );
        else if( video_stream->avg_frame_rate.num == 0
              || video_stream->avg_frame_rate.den == 0 )
            num = 1;
            den = 1;
            goto fail;
        *framerate_num = (int64_t)num;
        *framerate_den = (int64_t)den;
    *framerate_num = (int64_t)video_stream->avg_frame_rate.num;
    *framerate_den = (int64_t)video_stream->avg_frame_rate.den;