static void read_dict(const char *file_name) { FILE *f; dict_len = 0; f = fopen(file_name,"rb"); if (f) { dict_len = lzo_fread(f,dict,DICT_LEN); fclose(f); dict_adler32 = lzo_adler32(0,NULL,0); dict_adler32 = lzo_adler32(dict_adler32,dict,dict_len); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { lzo_bytep block; lzo_uint block_len; lzo_uint32 adler, crc; if (argc < 0 && argv == NULL) /* avoid warning about unused args */ return 0; if (lzo_init() != LZO_E_OK) { printf("lzo_init() failed !!!\n"); return 4; } /* prepare the block */ block_len = 128 * 1024L; block = (lzo_bytep) lzo_malloc(block_len); if (block == NULL) { printf("out of memory\n"); return 3; } lzo_memset(block, 0, block_len); /* adler32 checksum */ adler = lzo_adler32(0, NULL, 0); adler = lzo_adler32(adler, block, block_len); if (adler != 0x001e0001UL) { printf("adler32 checksum error !!! (0x%08lx)\n", (long) adler); return 2; } /* crc32 checksum */ crc = lzo_crc32(0, NULL, 0); crc = lzo_crc32(crc, block, block_len); if (crc != 0x7ee8cdcdUL) { printf("crc32 checksum error !!! (0x%08lx)\n", (long) crc); return 1; } lzo_free(block); printf("Checksum test passed.\n"); return 0; }
gboolean lzo_init_compress_checksum(gulong* checksum) { lzo_uint32 checksum32 = 0; checksum32 = lzo_adler32(0, NULL, 0); *checksum = checksum32; return TRUE; }
static void init_default_dict(void) { lzo_uint i, j, d, dd; dict_len = DICT_LEN; lzo_memset(dict,0,dict_len); /* this default dictionary does not provide good contexts... */ dd = dict_len; if (dd >= 16 * 256) { dd -= 16 * 256; for (i = 0, d = dd; i < 256; i++) for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) dict[d++] = (unsigned char) i; } dict_adler32 = lzo_adler32(0,NULL,0); dict_adler32 = lzo_adler32(dict_adler32,dict,dict_len); }
static int lzo_wwrite_block(const char *buffer, off_t len, struct buffer_t *outbuf) { char b2[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; int err; lzo_uint dst_len; char scratch[LZO1X_1_MEM_COMPRESS]; outbuf->offset=0; memset(scratch,0,sizeof(scratch)); err=lzo1x_1_compress((void*)buffer, len, (void*)b2, &dst_len, scratch); switch(err) { case LZO_E_OK: break; case LZO_E_ERROR: return -EINVAL; /* WTF? */ case LZO_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY: return -ENOMEM; /* Uh oh */ case LZO_E_NOT_COMPRESSIBLE: return -EINVAL; /* Claimed not to be used, dunno what we'll do */ case LZO_E_INPUT_OVERRUN: return -EINVAL; /* Can't happen on compress? */ case LZO_E_OUTPUT_OVERRUN: return -ENOMEM; case LZO_E_LOOKBEHIND_OVERRUN: return -EINVAL; case LZO_E_EOF_NOT_FOUND: return -ENOENT; /* Can't happen on compress? */ case LZO_E_INPUT_NOT_CONSUMED: return -EINVAL; case LZO_E_NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED: return -ENOSYS; default: fprintf(stderr,"Unknown lzo error %d\n",err); return -EINVAL; } write32(outbuf, len); /* Original length */ write32(outbuf, min((uint32_t)len,(uint32_t)dst_len)); /* CRC32 of the uncompressed buffer */ #if 0 write32(outbuf, lzo_crc32(CRC32_INIT_VALUE, (void*)buffer, len)); #endif write32(outbuf, lzo_adler32(ADLER32_INIT_VALUE, (const void*)buffer, len)); write_buf(outbuf, b2, dst_len); /* Return the number of bytes compressed */ return len; }
static int do_decompress ( const compress_t *c, lzo_decompress_t d, const lzo_byte *src, lzo_uint src_len, lzo_byte *dst, lzo_uintp dst_len ) { int r = -100; if (c && d && WRK_LEN >= c->mem_decompress) { unsigned char random_byte = (unsigned char) src_len; init_mem_checker(wrkmem,_wrkmem,c->mem_decompress,random_byte); if (opt_dict && c->decompress_dict_safe) r = c->decompress_dict_safe(src,src_len,dst,dst_len,wrkmem,dict,dict_len); else r = d(src,src_len,dst,dst_len,wrkmem); if (check_mem(wrkmem,_wrkmem,c->mem_decompress,random_byte) != 0) printf("WARNING: wrkmem overwrite error (decompress) !!!\n"); } if (r == 0 && opt_compute_adler32) { lzo_uint32 adler; adler = lzo_adler32(0, NULL, 0); adler = lzo_adler32(adler, dst, *dst_len); adler_out = adler; } if (r == 0 && opt_compute_crc32) { lzo_uint32 crc; crc = lzo_crc32(0, NULL, 0); crc = lzo_crc32(crc, dst, *dst_len); crc_out = crc; } return r; }
static VALUE lzoruby_adler32(VALUE self, VALUE v_adler, VALUE v_buf) { lzo_uint32 adler; lzo_bytep buf; lzo_uint len; Check_Type(v_adler, T_FIXNUM); Check_Type(v_buf, T_STRING); adler = FIX2LONG(v_adler); buf = RSTRING_PTR(v_buf); len = RSTRING_LEN(v_buf); adler = lzo_adler32(adler, buf, len); return LONG2FIX(adler); }
int lzo_write_compress_header(FILE *file, lzo_uint32 blocksize, gulong *checksum, lzo_uint32 *compressed_size) { lzo_uint32 flags = LZO_FLAG_CHECKSUM; /* do compute a checksum */ char method = LZO_METHOD; char level = LZO_LEVEL; gsize written = 0; GByteArray *headers = NULL; headers = g_byte_array_new(); #define HEADER_APPEND(V, S) g_byte_array_append(headers,(guint8*)V, S); headers = HEADER_APPEND(&lzo_magic, sizeof(lzo_magic)); /* char[7] */ headers = HEADER_APPEND(&flags, sizeof(flags)); /* guint32 */ headers = HEADER_APPEND(&method, sizeof(method)); /* char */ headers = HEADER_APPEND(&level, sizeof(level)); /* char */ headers = HEADER_APPEND(&blocksize, sizeof(blocksize)); /* guint32 */ written = fwrite(headers->data, headers->len, 1, file); if (written != 1) { ERROR("Failed to write headers\n"); if(headers) g_byte_array_free(headers, TRUE); return 1; } *compressed_size = *compressed_size + headers->len; lzo_uint32 cheksum32 = 0; cheksum32 = lzo_adler32(0, NULL, 0); *checksum = cheksum32; if(headers) g_byte_array_free(headers, TRUE); return 0; }
static int _fill_decompressed_buffer(struct compressed_chunk_s * chunk, gsize to_skip) { DEBUG("_fill_decompressed_buffer: START\n"); gsize nb_read; gsize in_len; gulong out_len; gsize total_skipped = 0; int r; if(chunk->buf) g_free(chunk->buf); chunk->buf = NULL; chunk->buf_len = 0; chunk->buf_offset = 0; chunk->data_len = 0; while(1) { /* read uncompressed size */ nb_read = 0; nb_read = fread(&out_len, sizeof(out_len), 1, chunk->fd); if (nb_read != 1) { DEBUG("Failed to read compressed chunk size"); return -1; } /* exit if last block (EOF marker) */ if(out_len == 0) { return 0; } /* read compressed size */ in_len = 0; nb_read = 0; nb_read = fread(&in_len, sizeof(in_len), 1, chunk->fd); if (nb_read != 1) { return -1; } /* check if we are in good block */ if(to_skip < total_skipped + out_len) { /* data in this block */ chunk->data_len = out_len; chunk->buf_offset = to_skip - total_skipped; break; } else { /* don't need to uncompress this block, go to the next */ total_skipped += out_len; if(fseek(chunk->fd, in_len, SEEK_CUR)) { /* fseek issue */ return -1; } } } /* Consider the "to_skip" bytes already read */ chunk->read += to_skip; DEBUG("_fill_decompressed_buffer: current block compressed size (read from file): %"G_GSIZE_FORMAT, in_len); DEBUG("_fill_decompressed_buffer: block_size = %u", (uint)chunk->block_size); /* sanity check of the size values */ if (in_len > chunk->block_size || chunk->data_len > chunk->block_size || in_len == 0 || in_len > chunk->data_len){ DEBUG("_fill_decompressed_buffer: block size error - data corrupted"); r = -1; goto err; } DEBUG("_fill_decompressed_buffer: ok, data not corrupted, it's time to work"); /* Manage the case of uncompressed data */ if (in_len == chunk->data_len) { chunk->buf_len = chunk->data_len; chunk->buf = g_malloc0(chunk->buf_len); nb_read = 0; nb_read = fread(chunk->buf, chunk->buf_len, 1, chunk->fd); if (nb_read != 1) { DEBUG("Failed to read uncompressed block"); r = -1; goto err; } } else { /* in_len < chunk->data_len */ lzo_bytep in; lzo_uint new_len; chunk->buf_len = chunk->data_len; chunk->buf = g_malloc0(chunk->buf_len); DEBUG("_fill_uncompressed_buffer: before lzo1x_decompress_safe" " (input=%u max_out=%u expected=%u)\n", (uint)in_len, (uint)chunk->buf_len, (uint)chunk->data_len); in = g_malloc0(in_len); nb_read = 0; nb_read = fread(in, in_len, 1, chunk->fd); if (nb_read != 1) { g_free(in); DEBUG("Failed to read compressed block"); r = -1; goto err; } /* decompress - use safe decompressor as data might be corrupted * during a file transfer */ new_len = chunk->buf_len; r = lzo1x_decompress_safe(in, in_len, chunk->buf, &new_len, NULL); g_free(in); if (r != LZO_E_OK || new_len != chunk->data_len) { DEBUG("_fill_uncompressed_buffer: compressed data violation" " (input=%u max_out=%u expected=%u got=%u)\n", (uint)in_len, (uint)chunk->buf_len, (uint)chunk->data_len, (uint)new_len); r = -1; goto err; } DEBUG("_fill_uncompressed_buffer: afetr lzo1x_decompress_safe" " (input=%u max_out=%u expected=%u got=%u)\n", (uint)in_len, (uint)chunk->buf_len, (uint)chunk->data_len, (uint)new_len); } /* update checksum */ if (chunk->flags & LZO_FLAG_CHECKSUM) { DEBUG("data used for checksum : %u\n", (uint)chunk->data_len); lzo_uint32 checksum32 = 0; checksum32 = chunk->checksum; checksum32 = lzo_adler32(checksum32, chunk->buf, chunk->data_len); chunk->checksum = checksum32; DEBUG("_fill_decompressed_buffer: checksum updated\n"); } r = 1; err: return r; }
int lzo_compressed_chunk_init(struct compressed_chunk_s *chunk, const gchar *path) { int r = 0; gsize nb_read; guint8 headers[HEADER_SIZE]; GError * error = NULL; struct chunk_textinfo_s cti; DEBUG("compressed_chunk_init: START\n"); if(!chunk) ERROR("Invalid parameter : %p\n", chunk); memset(headers, 0, sizeof(headers)); memset(&cti, 0, sizeof(cti)); /* Get chunk uncompressed size in his attr */ if (!get_chunk_info_in_attr(path, &error, &cti)){ DEBUG("Failed to get chunk info in attr : %s\n", error->message); g_clear_error(&error); return 1; } chunk->uncompressed_size = g_strdup(cti.size); DEBUG("size get in attr = %s", chunk->uncompressed_size); /* Read magic header & flags */ /* place block at top of buffer */ /* * Step 1: check magic header, read flags & block size, init checksum */ chunk->fd = fopen(path, "r"); if (!chunk->fd) { r = 1; goto err; } DEBUG("compressed_chunk_init: compressed chunk open"); /* compile for read all header info in one call */ nb_read = 0; nb_read = fread(headers, sizeof(headers), 1, chunk->fd); if (nb_read != 1) { DEBUG("Failed to read headers from chunk file"); r = 2; goto err; } do { /* extract all headers */ #define GETNEXTPTR(Res,Ptr,Type) do { Res = *((Type *)Ptr); Ptr = Ptr + sizeof(Type); } while (0) guint32 bsize32 = 0; char *ptr = (char*)headers + sizeof(lzo_magic); GETNEXTPTR(chunk->flags, ptr, lzo_uint32); GETNEXTPTR(chunk->method, ptr, char); GETNEXTPTR(chunk->level, ptr, char); GETNEXTPTR(bsize32, ptr, lzo_uint32); chunk->block_size = bsize32; } while (0); if (memcmp(headers, lzo_magic, sizeof(lzo_magic)) != 0) { r = 4; goto err; } if (chunk->method != 1) { r = 5; goto err; } if (chunk->block_size < 1024 || chunk->block_size > 8*1024*1024L){ r = 6; goto err; } DEBUG("ck.block_size : %"G_GUINT32_FORMAT"\n", chunk->block_size); chunk->checksum = lzo_adler32(0, NULL, 0); DEBUG("chunk->uncompressed_size = %s\n", chunk->uncompressed_size); r=0; err: if(error) g_clear_error(&error); chunk_textinfo_free_content(&cti); return r; }
static int do_file ( int method, const char *file_name, int c_loops, int d_loops, lzo_uint32 *p_adler, lzo_uint32 *p_crc ) { int r; const compress_t *c; lzo_decompress_t decompress; lzo_uint l; lzo_uint32 adler, crc; char method_name[32]; const char *n; const int t_loops = 1; lzo_byte *saved_dict = dict; lzo_uint saved_dict_len = dict_len; adler_in = adler_out = 0; crc_in = crc_out = 0; if (p_adler) *p_adler = 0; if (p_crc) *p_crc = 0; c = info(method,NULL); if (c == NULL || c->name == NULL || c->compress == NULL) return EXIT_INTERNAL; decompress = get_decomp_info(c,&n); if (!decompress || n == NULL || WRK_LEN < c->mem_decompress) return EXIT_INTERNAL; strcpy(method_name,c->name); strcat(method_name,n); if (c_loops < 1) c_loops = 1; if (d_loops < 1) d_loops = 1; fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr); /* read the whole file */ r = load_file(file_name,&l); if (r != 0) return r; /* compute some checksums */ adler = lzo_adler32(0, NULL, 0); adler = lzo_adler32(adler, data, l); if (p_adler) *p_adler = adler; crc = lzo_crc32(0, NULL, 0); crc = lzo_crc32(crc, data, l); if (p_crc) *p_crc = crc; #if 0 && defined(ALG_ZLIB) { uLong x; x = adler32(0, Z_NULL, 0); x = adler32(x, data, l); if (x != adler) return EXIT_LZO_ERROR; x = crc32(0, Z_NULL, 0); x = crc32(x, data, l); if (x != crc) return EXIT_LZO_ERROR; } #endif if (opt_dict && dict) if (opt_max_dict_len <= 0 && dict_len > l) { if (opt_max_dict_len == -1) dict += dict_len - l; /* use end of dictionary */ dict_len = l; } if (opt_verbose >= 2) { printf("File %s: %lu bytes (0x%08lx, 0x%08lx)\n", file_name, (long) l, (long) adler, (long) crc); printf(" compressing %lu bytes (%d/%d/%d loops, %lu block-size)\n", (long) l, t_loops, c_loops, d_loops, (long) opt_block_size); printf(" %s\n", method_name); } r = process_file(c, decompress, method_name, file_name, l, t_loops, c_loops, d_loops); dict = saved_dict; dict_len = saved_dict_len; return r; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int r; int lazy; const int max_try_lazy = 5; const lzo_uint big = 65536L; /* can result in very slow compression */ const lzo_uint32 flags = 0x1; lzo_byte *in; lzo_uint in_len; lzo_byte *out; lzo_uint out_len = 0; lzo_byte *wrkmem; lzo_uint wrk_len; lzo_uint best_len; int best_compress = -1; int best_lazy = -1; lzo_uint orig_len; lzo_uint32 uncompressed_checksum; lzo_uint32 compressed_checksum; FILE *f; const char *progname = NULL; const char *in_name = NULL; const char *out_name = NULL; long l; #if defined(__EMX__) _response(&argc,&argv); _wildcard(&argc,&argv); #endif printf("\nLZO real-time data compression library (v%s, %s).\n", lzo_version_string(), lzo_version_date()); printf("Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer\n\n"); progname = argv[0]; if (argc < 2 || argc > 3) { printf("usage: %s file [output-file]\n", progname); exit(1); } in_name = argv[1]; out_name = (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : NULL; /* * Step 1: initialize the LZO library */ if (lzo_init() != LZO_E_OK) { printf("lzo_init() failed !!!\n"); exit(1); } /* * Step 2: allocate the work-memory */ wrk_len = 1; #ifdef USE_LZO1X if (wrk_len < LZO1X_999_MEM_COMPRESS) wrk_len = LZO1X_999_MEM_COMPRESS; #endif #ifdef USE_LZO1Y if (wrk_len < LZO1Y_999_MEM_COMPRESS) wrk_len = LZO1Y_999_MEM_COMPRESS; #endif wrkmem = (lzo_bytep) lzo_malloc(wrk_len); if (wrkmem == NULL) { printf("%s: out of memory\n", progname); exit(1); } /* * Step 3: open the input file */ f = fopen(in_name,"rb"); if (f == NULL) { printf("%s: cannot open file %s\n", progname, in_name); exit(1); } fseek(f,0,SEEK_END); l = ftell(f); fseek(f,0,SEEK_SET); if (l <= 0) { printf("%s: %s: empty file\n", progname, in_name); fclose(f); exit(1); } in_len = (lzo_uint) l; best_len = in_len; /* * Step 4: allocate compression buffers and read the file */ in = (lzo_bytep) lzo_malloc(in_len); out = (lzo_bytep) lzo_malloc(in_len + in_len / 64 + 16 + 3); if (in == NULL || out == NULL) { printf("%s: out of memory\n", progname); exit(1); } in_len = lzo_fread(f,in,in_len); printf("%s: loaded file %s: %ld bytes\n", progname, in_name, (long) in_len); fclose(f); /* * Step 5: compute a checksum of the uncompressed data */ uncompressed_checksum = lzo_adler32(0,NULL,0); uncompressed_checksum = lzo_adler32(uncompressed_checksum,in,in_len); /* * Step 6a: compress from `in' to `out' with LZO1X-999 */ #ifdef USE_LZO1X for (lazy = 0; lazy <= max_try_lazy; lazy++) { r = lzo1x_999_compress_internal(in,in_len,out,&out_len,wrkmem, NULL, 0, 0, lazy, big, big, big, big, flags); if (r != LZO_E_OK) { /* this should NEVER happen */ printf("internal error - compression failed: %d\n", r); exit(1); } printf("LZO1X-999: lazy =%2d: %8lu -> %8lu\n", lazy, (long) in_len, (long) out_len); if (out_len < best_len) { best_len = out_len; best_lazy = lazy; best_compress = 1; /* LZO1X-999 */ } } #endif /* USE_LZO1X */ /* * Step 6b: compress from `in' to `out' with LZO1Y-999 */ #ifdef USE_LZO1Y for (lazy = 0; lazy <= max_try_lazy; lazy++) { r = lzo1y_999_compress_internal(in,in_len,out,&out_len,wrkmem, NULL, 0, 0, lazy, big, big, big, big, flags); if (r != LZO_E_OK) { /* this should NEVER happen */ printf("internal error - compression failed: %d\n", r); exit(1); } printf("LZO1Y-999: lazy =%2d: %8lu -> %8lu\n", lazy, (long) in_len, (long) out_len); if (out_len < best_len) { best_len = out_len; best_lazy = lazy; best_compress = 2; /* LZO1Y-999 */ } } #endif /* USE_LZO1Y */ /* * Step 7: check if compressible */ if (best_len >= in_len) { printf("This file contains incompressible data.\n"); return 0; } /* * Step 8: compress data again using the best compressor found */ if (best_compress == 1) r = lzo1x_999_compress_internal(in,in_len,out,&out_len,wrkmem, NULL, 0, 0, best_lazy, big, big, big, big, flags); else if (best_compress == 2) r = lzo1y_999_compress_internal(in,in_len,out,&out_len,wrkmem, NULL, 0, 0, best_lazy, big, big, big, big, flags); else r = -100; assert(r == LZO_E_OK); assert(out_len == best_len); /* * Step 9: optimize compressed data (compressed data is in `out' buffer) */ #if 1 /* Optimization does not require any data in the buffer that will * hold the uncompressed data. To prove this, we clear the buffer. */ lzo_memset(in,0,in_len); #endif orig_len = in_len; if (best_compress == 1) r = lzo1x_optimize(out,out_len,in,&orig_len,NULL); else if (best_compress == 2) r = lzo1y_optimize(out,out_len,in,&orig_len,NULL); else r = -100; if (r != LZO_E_OK || orig_len != in_len) { /* this should NEVER happen */ printf("internal error - optimization failed: %d\n", r); exit(1); } /* * Step 10: compute a checksum of the compressed data */ compressed_checksum = lzo_adler32(0,NULL,0); compressed_checksum = lzo_adler32(compressed_checksum,out,out_len); /* * Step 11: write compressed data to a file */ printf("%s: %s: %ld -> %ld, checksum 0x%08lx 0x%08lx\n", progname, in_name, (long) in_len, (long) out_len, (long) uncompressed_checksum, (long) compressed_checksum); if (out_name && out_name[0]) { printf("%s: writing to file %s\n", progname, out_name); f = fopen(out_name,"wb"); if (f == NULL) { printf("%s: cannot open output file %s\n", progname, out_name); exit(1); } if (lzo_fwrite(f,out,out_len) != out_len || fclose(f) != 0) { printf("%s: write error !!\n", progname); exit(1); } } /* * Step 12: verify decompression */ #ifdef PARANOID orig_len = in_len; if (best_compress == 1) r = lzo1x_decompress(out,out_len,in,&orig_len,NULL); else if (best_compress == 2) r = lzo1y_decompress(out,out_len,in,&orig_len,NULL); else r = -100; if (r != LZO_E_OK || orig_len != in_len) { /* this should NEVER happen */ printf("internal error - decompression failed: %d\n", r); exit(1); } if (uncompressed_checksum != lzo_adler32(lzo_adler32(0,NULL,0),in,in_len)) { /* this should NEVER happen */ printf("internal error - decompression data error\n"); exit(1); } /* Now you could also verify decompression under similar conditions as in * your application, e.g. overlapping assembler decompression etc. */ #endif lzo_free(in); lzo_free(out); lzo_free(wrkmem); return 0; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- LZO1X & LZO1X::compress(AutoPtrBuffer & buf,uint8_t * & p,int32_t & len) { int r = 0; lzo_uint dst_len = 0; if( level_ > 0 ){ buf.realloc(wBufPos_ + wBufPos_ / 16 + 64 + 3 + sizeof(int32_t) * 2 + (crc_ != CRCNone) * sizeof(uint32_t)); switch( method_ ){ case LZO1X_1 : r = lzo1x_1_compress( (const lzo_bytep) (wBuf_.ptr() + sizeof(int32_t)), wBufPos_, (lzo_bytep) (buf.ptr() + sizeof(int32_t) * 2), &dst_len, (lzo_voidp) wWrkMem_.ptr() ); break; case LZO1X_1_11 : r = lzo1x_1_11_compress( (const lzo_bytep) (wBuf_.ptr() + sizeof(int32_t)), wBufPos_, (lzo_bytep) (buf.ptr() + sizeof(int32_t) * 2), &dst_len, (lzo_voidp) wWrkMem_.ptr() ); break; case LZO1X_1_12 : r = lzo1x_1_11_compress( (const lzo_bytep) (wBuf_.ptr() + sizeof(int32_t)), wBufPos_, (lzo_bytep) (buf.ptr() + sizeof(int32_t) * 2), &dst_len, (lzo_voidp) wWrkMem_.ptr() ); break; case LZO1X_1_15 : r = lzo1x_1_15_compress( (const lzo_bytep) (wBuf_.ptr() + sizeof(int32_t)), wBufPos_, (lzo_bytep) (buf.ptr() + sizeof(int32_t) * 2), &dst_len, (lzo_voidp) wWrkMem_.ptr() ); break; case LZO1X_999 : r = lzo1x_999_compress_level( (const lzo_bytep) (wBuf_.ptr() + sizeof(int32_t)), wBufPos_, (lzo_bytep) (buf.ptr() + sizeof(int32_t) * 2), &dst_len, (lzo_voidp) wWrkMem_.ptr(), NULL, 0, NULL, level_ ); break; default : assert( 0 ); } assert( r == LZO_E_OK ); if( r != LZO_E_OK ) newObjectV1C2<Exception>(EINVAL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)->throwSP(); if( dst_len >= wBufPos_ ) goto l1; if( optimize_ ){ lzo_uint orig_len = wBufPos_; r = lzo1x_optimize( (lzo_bytep) (buf.ptr() + sizeof(int32_t) * 2), dst_len, (lzo_bytep) (wBuf_.ptr() + sizeof(int32_t)), &orig_len, NULL ); assert( r == LZO_E_OK ); } if( crc_ != CRCNone ){ lzo_uint32 checksum = 0; if( crc_ == CRC32 ){ checksum = lzo_crc32(0,NULL,0); checksum = lzo_crc32(checksum,buf.ptr() + sizeof(int32_t) * 2,dst_len); } else if( crc_ == ADLER32 ){ checksum = lzo_adler32(0,NULL,0); checksum = lzo_adler32(checksum,buf.ptr() + sizeof(int32_t) * 2,dst_len); } *(uint32_t *)(buf.ptr() + sizeof(int32_t) * 2 + dst_len) = checksum; } dst_len += sizeof(int32_t) * 2 + (crc_ != CRCNone) * sizeof(uint32_t); ((int32_t *) buf.ptr())[0] = (int32_t) dst_len; ((int32_t *) buf.ptr())[1] = wBufPos_; p = buf; len = (int32_t) dst_len; } else { l1: ((int32_t *) wBuf_.ptr())[0] = -int32_t(wBufPos_); p = wBuf_; len = (int32_t) (wBufPos_ + sizeof(int32_t)); } return *this; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint32_t adler32(uint32_t adler,const void * buf, uintptr_t len) { return lzo_adler32(adler,(const lzo_bytep) buf,(lzo_uint) len); }
void* lzowrite_init(const char* filename) { //Prepare the buffers struct lzowrite_buffer* buffer = malloc(sizeof(struct lzowrite_buffer)); buffer->output = fopen(filename, "w"); buffer->length = 0; //Allocate workmemory HEAP_ALLOC(wrkmem, LZO1X_1_MEM_COMPRESS); buffer->workmemory = wrkmem; //Write LZO fileformat unsigned char magic[LZOWRITE_LZO_MAGIC_LEN] = LZOWRITE_LZO_MAGIC; fwrite(magic, sizeof(unsigned char), LZOWRITE_LZO_MAGIC_LEN, buffer->output); //Init header struct lzowrite_file_header* fheader = malloc(sizeof(struct lzowrite_file_header)); fheader->version = LZOWRITE_LZO_VERSION; fheader->library_version = lzo_version(); fheader->needed_version = LZOWRITE_LZO_VERSION_NEEDED_TO_EXTRACT; fheader->compression_method = LZOWRITE_LZO_METHOD; fheader->compression_level = LZOWRITE_LZO_COMPRESSION_LEVEL; fheader->compression_flags = LZOWRITE_LZO_FLAGS; fheader->mode = LZOWRITE_LZO_MODE; fheader->file_name_length = 0; fheader->file_header_checksum = 1; fheader->file_mtime_high = 0; fheader->file_mtime_low = 0; fwrite(&fheader->version, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, buffer->output); fwrite(&fheader->library_version, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, buffer->output); fwrite(&fheader->needed_version, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, buffer->output); fwrite(&fheader->compression_method, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, buffer->output); fwrite(&fheader->compression_level, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, buffer->output); fwrite(&fheader->compression_flags, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, buffer->output); fwrite(&fheader->mode, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, buffer->output); fwrite(&fheader->file_mtime_low, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, buffer->output); fwrite(&fheader->file_mtime_high, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, buffer->output); fwrite(&fheader->file_name_length, sizeof(uint8_t), 1, buffer->output); //Calculate checksum fheader->file_header_checksum = lzo_adler32(fheader->file_header_checksum, (lzo_bytep)&fheader->version, 2); fheader->file_header_checksum = lzo_adler32(fheader->file_header_checksum, (lzo_bytep)&fheader->library_version, 2); fheader->file_header_checksum = lzo_adler32(fheader->file_header_checksum, (lzo_bytep)&fheader->needed_version, 2); fheader->file_header_checksum = lzo_adler32(fheader->file_header_checksum, (lzo_bytep)&fheader->compression_method, 1); fheader->file_header_checksum = lzo_adler32(fheader->file_header_checksum, (lzo_bytep)&fheader->compression_level, 1); fheader->file_header_checksum = lzo_adler32(fheader->file_header_checksum, (lzo_bytep)&fheader->compression_flags, 4); fheader->file_header_checksum = lzo_adler32(fheader->file_header_checksum, (lzo_bytep)&fheader->mode, 4); fheader->file_header_checksum = lzo_adler32(fheader->file_header_checksum, (lzo_bytep)&fheader->file_mtime_low, 4); fheader->file_header_checksum = lzo_adler32(fheader->file_header_checksum, (lzo_bytep)&fheader->file_mtime_high, 4); fheader->file_header_checksum = lzo_adler32(fheader->file_header_checksum, (lzo_bytep)&fheader->file_name_length, 1); fwrite(&((uint8_t*)(&fheader->file_header_checksum))[3], sizeof(uint8_t), 1, buffer->output); fwrite(&((uint8_t*)(&fheader->file_header_checksum))[2], sizeof(uint8_t), 1, buffer->output); fwrite(&((uint8_t*)(&fheader->file_header_checksum))[1], sizeof(uint8_t), 1, buffer->output); fwrite(&((uint8_t*)(&fheader->file_header_checksum))[0], sizeof(uint8_t), 1, buffer->output); free(fheader); return buffer; }
iow_t *lzo_wopen(iow_t *child, int compress_level) { const int opt_filter = 0; int flags; iow_t *iow; struct buffer_t buffer; buffer.offset=0; int i; if (!child) return NULL; if (lzo_init() != LZO_E_OK) { /* Fail */ return NULL; } /* Compress level is useless for LZO, but getting UNUSED into here * is more trouble than it is worth so this check will at least * stop us from getting warnings about it. */ if (compress_level < 0) return NULL; iow = malloc(sizeof(iow_t)); iow->source = &lzo_wsource; iow->data = malloc(sizeof(struct lzow_t)); DATA(iow)->child = child; DATA(iow)->err = ERR_OK; flags = 0; flags |= F_OS_UNIX & F_OS_MASK; /* Operating System */ flags |= F_CS_NATIVE & F_CS_MASK; /* Character Set */ flags |= F_ADLER32_D; /* We adler32 the uncompressed data */ /* flags |= F_STDIN; */ /* flags |= F_STDOUT */ /* flags |= F_MULTIPART; */ /* flags |= F_H_CRC32; */ write_buf(&buffer, lzop_magic, sizeof(lzop_magic)); write16(&buffer, 0x1010 &0xFFFF); /* version: pretend to be LZOP version 0x1010 from lzop's version.h */ write16(&buffer, lzo_version() & 0xFFFF); /* libversion */ write16(&buffer, opt_filter ? 0x0950 : 0x0940); /* version needed to extract */ write8(&buffer, M_LZO1X_1); /* method */ write8(&buffer, 5); /* level */ write32(&buffer, flags); /* flags */ /* if (flags & F_H_FILTER) write32(iow, opt_filter); */ write32(&buffer, 0x600); /* mode: We assume traces may be sensitive */ write32(&buffer, time(NULL)); /* mtime */ write32(&buffer, 0); /* GMTdiff */ /* Length, filename */ write8(&buffer, strlen("compresseddata")); write_buf(&buffer, "compresseddata",strlen("compresseddata")); if (flags & F_H_CRC32) { write32(&buffer, lzo_crc32(CRC32_INIT_VALUE, (const void*)buffer.buffer+sizeof(lzop_magic), buffer.offset-sizeof(lzop_magic))); } else { uint32_t chksum=lzo_adler32( ADLER32_INIT_VALUE, (const void *)buffer.buffer+sizeof(lzop_magic), buffer.offset-sizeof(lzop_magic)); write32(&buffer, chksum); } wandio_wwrite(DATA(iow)->child, buffer.buffer, buffer.offset); /* Set up the thread pool -- one thread per core */ DATA(iow)->threads = min((uint32_t)sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN), use_threads); DATA(iow)->thread = malloc( sizeof(struct lzothread_t) * DATA(iow)->threads); DATA(iow)->next_thread = 0; for(i=0; i<DATA(iow)->threads; ++i) { pthread_cond_init(&DATA(iow)->thread[i].in_ready, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&DATA(iow)->thread[i].out_ready, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&DATA(iow)->thread[i].mutex, NULL); DATA(iow)->thread[i].closing = false; DATA(iow)->thread[i].num = i; DATA(iow)->thread[i].state = EMPTY; DATA(iow)->thread[i].inbuf.offset = 0; pthread_create(&DATA(iow)->thread[i].thread, NULL, lzo_compress_thread, (void*)&DATA(iow)->thread[i]); } return iow; }
int __lzo_cdecl_main main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int r; lzo_bytep in; lzo_uint in_len; lzo_bytep out; lzo_uint out_bufsize; lzo_uint out_len = 0; lzo_voidp wrkmem; lzo_uint wrkmem_size; lzo_uint best_len; int best_compress = -1; lzo_uint orig_len; lzo_uint32_t uncompressed_checksum; lzo_uint32_t compressed_checksum; FILE *fp; const char *in_name = NULL; const char *out_name = NULL; long l; lzo_wildargv(&argc, &argv); printf("\nLZO real-time data compression library (v%s, %s).\n", lzo_version_string(), lzo_version_date()); printf("Copyright (C) 1996-2017 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer\nAll Rights Reserved.\n\n"); progname = argv[0]; if (argc < 2 || argc > 3) { printf("usage: %s file [output-file]\n", progname); exit(1); } in_name = argv[1]; if (argc > 2) out_name = argv[2]; /* * Step 1: initialize the LZO library */ if (lzo_init() != LZO_E_OK) { printf("internal error - lzo_init() failed !!!\n"); printf("(this usually indicates a compiler bug - try recompiling\nwithout optimizations, and enable '-DLZO_DEBUG' for diagnostics)\n"); exit(1); } /* * Step 2: allocate the work-memory */ wrkmem_size = 1; #ifdef USE_LZO1X wrkmem_size = (LZO1X_999_MEM_COMPRESS > wrkmem_size) ? LZO1X_999_MEM_COMPRESS : wrkmem_size; #endif #ifdef USE_LZO1Y wrkmem_size = (LZO1Y_999_MEM_COMPRESS > wrkmem_size) ? LZO1Y_999_MEM_COMPRESS : wrkmem_size; #endif wrkmem = (lzo_voidp) xmalloc(wrkmem_size); if (wrkmem == NULL) { printf("%s: out of memory\n", progname); exit(1); } /* * Step 3: open the input file */ fp = fopen(in_name,"rb"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("%s: cannot open file %s\n", progname, in_name); exit(1); } fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); l = ftell(fp); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); if (l <= 0) { printf("%s: %s: empty file\n", progname, in_name); fclose(fp); fp = NULL; exit(1); } in_len = (lzo_uint) l; out_bufsize = in_len + in_len / 16 + 64 + 3; best_len = in_len; /* * Step 4: allocate compression buffers and read the file */ in = (lzo_bytep) xmalloc(in_len); out = (lzo_bytep) xmalloc(out_bufsize); if (in == NULL || out == NULL) { printf("%s: out of memory\n", progname); exit(1); } in_len = (lzo_uint) lzo_fread(fp, in, in_len); printf("%s: loaded file %s: %ld bytes\n", progname, in_name, (long) in_len); fclose(fp); fp = NULL; /* * Step 5: compute a checksum of the uncompressed data */ uncompressed_checksum = lzo_adler32(0,NULL,0); uncompressed_checksum = lzo_adler32(uncompressed_checksum,in,in_len); /* * Step 6a: compress from 'in' to 'out' with LZO1X-999 */ #ifdef USE_LZO1X out_len = out_bufsize; r = lzo1x_999_compress(in,in_len,out,&out_len,wrkmem); if (r != LZO_E_OK) { /* this should NEVER happen */ printf("internal error - compression failed: %d\n", r); exit(1); } printf("LZO1X-999: %8lu -> %8lu\n", (unsigned long) in_len, (unsigned long) out_len); if (out_len < best_len) { best_len = out_len; best_compress = 1; /* LZO1X-999 */ } #endif /* USE_LZO1X */ /* * Step 6b: compress from 'in' to 'out' with LZO1Y-999 */ #ifdef USE_LZO1Y out_len = out_bufsize; r = lzo1y_999_compress(in,in_len,out,&out_len,wrkmem); if (r != LZO_E_OK) { /* this should NEVER happen */ printf("internal error - compression failed: %d\n", r); exit(1); } printf("LZO1Y-999: %8lu -> %8lu\n", (unsigned long) in_len, (unsigned long) out_len); if (out_len < best_len) { best_len = out_len; best_compress = 2; /* LZO1Y-999 */ } #endif /* USE_LZO1Y */ /* * Step 7: check if compressible */ if (best_len >= in_len) { printf("This file contains incompressible data.\n"); return 0; } /* * Step 8: compress data again using the best compressor found */ out_len = out_bufsize; if (best_compress == 1) r = lzo1x_999_compress(in,in_len,out,&out_len,wrkmem); else if (best_compress == 2) r = lzo1y_999_compress(in,in_len,out,&out_len,wrkmem); else r = -100; assert(r == LZO_E_OK); assert(out_len == best_len); /* * Step 9: optimize compressed data (compressed data is in 'out' buffer) */ #if 1 /* Optimization does not require any data in the buffer that will * hold the uncompressed data. To prove this, we clear the buffer. */ lzo_memset(in,0,in_len); #endif orig_len = in_len; r = -100; #ifdef USE_LZO1X if (best_compress == 1) r = lzo1x_optimize(out,out_len,in,&orig_len,NULL); #endif #ifdef USE_LZO1Y if (best_compress == 2) r = lzo1y_optimize(out,out_len,in,&orig_len,NULL); #endif if (r != LZO_E_OK || orig_len != in_len) { /* this should NEVER happen */ printf("internal error - optimization failed: %d\n", r); exit(1); } /* * Step 10: compute a checksum of the compressed data */ compressed_checksum = lzo_adler32(0,NULL,0); compressed_checksum = lzo_adler32(compressed_checksum,out,out_len); /* * Step 11: write compressed data to a file */ printf("%s: %s: %ld -> %ld, checksum 0x%08lx 0x%08lx\n", progname, in_name, (long) in_len, (long) out_len, (long) uncompressed_checksum, (long) compressed_checksum); if (out_name && out_name[0]) { printf("%s: writing to file %s\n", progname, out_name); fp = fopen(out_name,"wb"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("%s: cannot open output file %s\n", progname, out_name); exit(1); } if (lzo_fwrite(fp, out, out_len) != out_len || fclose(fp) != 0) { printf("%s: write error !!\n", progname); exit(1); } } /* * Step 12: verify decompression */ #ifdef PARANOID lzo_memset(in,0,in_len); /* paranoia - clear output buffer */ orig_len = in_len; r = -100; #ifdef USE_LZO1X if (best_compress == 1) r = lzo1x_decompress_safe(out,out_len,in,&orig_len,NULL); #endif #ifdef USE_LZO1Y if (best_compress == 2) r = lzo1y_decompress_safe(out,out_len,in,&orig_len,NULL); #endif if (r != LZO_E_OK || orig_len != in_len) { /* this should NEVER happen */ printf("internal error - decompression failed: %d\n", r); exit(1); } if (uncompressed_checksum != lzo_adler32(lzo_adler32(0,NULL,0),in,in_len)) { /* this should NEVER happen */ printf("internal error - decompression data error\n"); exit(1); } /* Now you could also verify decompression under similar conditions as in * your application, e.g. overlapping assembler decompression etc. */ #endif lzo_free(in); lzo_free(out); lzo_free(wrkmem); return 0; }
lzo_bool lzo_decompress(file_t *fip, file_t *fop, const header_t *h, lzo_bool skip) { int r; lzo_uint src_len, dst_len; lzo_uint32 c_adler32 = ADLER32_INIT_VALUE, d_adler32 = ADLER32_INIT_VALUE; lzo_uint32 c_crc32 = CRC32_INIT_VALUE, d_crc32 = CRC32_INIT_VALUE; lzo_bool ok = 1; lzo_bool use_seek; memblock_t * const block = &block2; lzo_byte * b1; lzo_byte * const b2 = block->mem; use_seek = skip || opt_cmd == CMD_LIST || opt_cmd == CMD_LS || opt_cmd == CMD_INFO; for (;;) { lzo_byte *dst; /* read uncompressed block size */ read32(fip,&dst_len); /* exit if last block */ if (dst_len == 0) break; /* error if split file */ if (dst_len == 0xffffffffL) { /* should not happen - not yet implemented */ error(fip,"this file is a split " PACKAGE " file"); ok = 0; break; } if (dst_len > MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) { error(fip, PACKAGE " file corrupted"); ok = 0; break; } /* read compressed block size */ read32(fip,&src_len); if (src_len <= 0 || src_len > dst_len) { error(fip, PACKAGE " file corrupted"); ok = 0; break; } if (dst_len > BLOCK_SIZE) { fatal(fip,"block size too small -- recompile " PACKAGE); ok = 0; break; } if (dst_len > block_size) { /* should not happen - not yet implemented */ fatal(fip,"block size too small -- use option `--blocksize'"); ok = 0; break; } assert(block->size >= src_len); /* read checksum of uncompressed block */ if (h->flags & F_ADLER32_D) read32(fip,&d_adler32); if (h->flags & F_CRC32_D) read32(fip,&d_crc32); /* read checksum of compressed block */ if (h->flags & F_ADLER32_C) { if (src_len < dst_len) read32(fip,&c_adler32); else { assert(h->flags & F_ADLER32_D); c_adler32 = d_adler32; } } if (h->flags & F_CRC32_C) { if (src_len < dst_len) read32(fip,&c_crc32); else { assert(h->flags & F_CRC32_D); c_crc32 = d_crc32; } } /* read the block */ b1 = block->mem + block->size - src_len; if (use_seek && fip->fd != STDIN_FILENO) { if (lseek(fip->fd, src_len, SEEK_CUR) == -1) read_error(fip); } else { if (read_buf(fip, b1, src_len) != (lzo_int) src_len) read_error(fip); } fip->bytes_processed += src_len; if (use_seek) { fop->bytes_processed += dst_len; continue; } assert(block->size >= MAX_COMPRESSED_SIZE(dst_len)); /* verify checksum of compressed block */ if (opt_checksum && (h->flags & F_ADLER32_C)) { lzo_uint32 c; c = lzo_adler32(ADLER32_INIT_VALUE,b1,src_len); if (c != c_adler32) { error(fip,"Checksum error (" PACKAGE " file corrupted)"); ok = 0; break; } } if (opt_checksum && (h->flags & F_CRC32_C)) { lzo_uint32 c; c = lzo_crc32(CRC32_INIT_VALUE,b1,src_len); if (c != c_crc32) { error(fip,"Checksum error (" PACKAGE " file corrupted)"); ok = 0; break; } } if (src_len < dst_len) { lzo_uint32 d = dst_len; /* decompress */ if (opt_decompress_safe) r = lzo1x_decompress_safe(b1,src_len,b2,&d,NULL); else r = lzo1x_decompress(b1,src_len,b2,&d,NULL); if (r != LZO_E_OK || dst_len != d) { error(fip,"Compressed data violation"); #if 0 fprintf(stderr,"%d %ld %ld\n", r, (long)dst_len, (long)d); #endif ok = 0; break; } dst = b2; } else { assert(dst_len == src_len); dst = b1; } x_filter(dst,dst_len,h); /* verify checksum of uncompressed block */ if (opt_checksum && (h->flags & F_ADLER32_D)) { lzo_uint32 c; c = lzo_adler32(ADLER32_INIT_VALUE,dst,dst_len); if (c != d_adler32) { error(fip,"Checksum error"); ok = 0; break; } } if (opt_checksum && (h->flags & F_CRC32_D)) { lzo_uint32 c; c = lzo_crc32(CRC32_INIT_VALUE,dst,dst_len); if (c != d_crc32) { error(fip,"Checksum error"); ok = 0; break; } } /* write uncompressed block data */ write_buf(fop,dst,dst_len); fop->bytes_processed += dst_len; } return ok; }
lzo_bool lzo_compress(file_t *fip, file_t *fop, const header_t *h) { int r = LZO_E_OK; lzo_byte * const b1 = block1.mem; lzo_byte * const b2 = block2.mem; lzo_uint32 src_len = 0, dst_len = 0; lzo_uint32 c_adler32 = ADLER32_INIT_VALUE, d_adler32 = ADLER32_INIT_VALUE; lzo_uint32 c_crc32 = CRC32_INIT_VALUE, d_crc32 = CRC32_INIT_VALUE; lzo_int l; lzo_bool ok = 1; for (;;) { /* read a block */ l = read_buf(fip, b1, block_size); src_len = (l > 0 ? l : 0); /* write uncompressed block size */ write32(fop,src_len); /* exit if last block */ if (src_len == 0) break; /* compute checksum of uncompressed block */ if (h->flags & F_ADLER32_D) d_adler32 = lzo_adler32(ADLER32_INIT_VALUE,b1,src_len); if (h->flags & F_CRC32_D) d_crc32 = lzo_crc32(CRC32_INIT_VALUE,b1,src_len); x_filter(b1,src_len,h); /* compress */ if (h->method == M_LZO1X_1) r = lzo1x_1_compress(b1, src_len, b2, &dst_len, wrkmem.mem); #if defined(USE_LZO1X_1_15) else if (h->method == M_LZO1X_1_15) r = lzo1x_1_15_compress(b1, src_len, b2, &dst_len, wrkmem.mem); #endif #if defined(USE_LZO1X_999) else if (h->method == M_LZO1X_999) r = lzo1x_999_compress_level(b1, src_len, b2, &dst_len, wrkmem.mem, NULL, 0, 0, h->level); #endif else fatal(fip,"Internal error"); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "%ld %ld %ld\n", (long)src_len, (long)dst_len, (long)block2.size); #endif assert(dst_len <= block2.size); if (r != LZO_E_OK) fatal(fip,"Internal error - compression failed"); /* optimize */ if (opt_optimize && dst_len < src_len) { lzo_uint32 new_len = src_len; r = lzo1x_optimize(b2, dst_len, b1, &new_len, NULL); if (r != LZO_E_OK || new_len != src_len) fatal(fip,"Internal error - optimization failed"); } /* write compressed block size */ if (dst_len < src_len) write32(fop,dst_len); else write32(fop,src_len); /* write checksum of uncompressed block */ if (h->flags & F_ADLER32_D) write32(fop,d_adler32); if (h->flags & F_CRC32_D) write32(fop,d_crc32); /* write checksum of compressed block */ if (dst_len < src_len && (h->flags & F_ADLER32_C)) { c_adler32 = lzo_adler32(ADLER32_INIT_VALUE,b2,dst_len); write32(fop,c_adler32); } if (dst_len < src_len && (h->flags & F_CRC32_C)) { c_crc32 = lzo_crc32(CRC32_INIT_VALUE,b2,dst_len); write32(fop,c_crc32); } /* write compressed block data */ if (dst_len < src_len) write_buf(fop,b2,dst_len); else write_buf(fop,b1,src_len); } return ok; }
uint32_t LzopStreamReader::ReadNextBlock(void) { uint32_t uncompressed; // Length of uncompressed data uint32_t compressed; // Length of compressed data uint32_t adler_checksum_d = 0; // Decompressed data ADLER32 uint32_t crc32_checksum_d = 0; // Decompressed data CRC32 uint32_t adler_checksum_c = 0; // Compressed data ADLER32 uint32_t crc32_checksum_c = 0; // Compressed data CRC32 // No more data if(m_lzoremain == 0) return 0; // Get the amount of uncompressed data in the next block m_lzopos = ReadBE32(m_lzopos, &m_lzoremain, &uncompressed); if(uncompressed == 0) { // Force data pointer to the end of the provided length // to prevent any more data from being read m_lzopos += m_lzoremain; m_lzoremain = 0; return 0; } // Read the length of the compressed data m_lzopos = ReadBE32(m_lzopos, &m_lzoremain, &compressed); // Read checksums if(m_lzoflags & F_ADLER32_D) m_lzopos = ReadBE32(m_lzopos, &m_lzoremain, &adler_checksum_d); if(m_lzoflags & F_CRC32_D) m_lzopos = ReadBE32(m_lzopos, &m_lzoremain, &crc32_checksum_d); if(m_lzoflags & F_ADLER32_C) m_lzopos = ReadBE32(m_lzopos, &m_lzoremain, &adler_checksum_c); if(m_lzoflags & F_CRC32_C) m_lzopos = ReadBE32(m_lzopos, &m_lzoremain, &crc32_checksum_c); // Sanity checks if(uncompressed > MAX_BLOCK_SIZE) throw Exception(E_DECOMPRESS_CORRUPT, COMPRESSION_METHOD); if(compressed > m_lzoremain) throw Exception(E_DECOMPRESS_TRUNCATED, COMPRESSION_METHOD); // Reallocate the block buffer if the current one is not large enough if(uncompressed > m_blocklen) { if(m_block) { delete[] m_block; m_block = NULL; } m_block = new uint8_t[uncompressed]; if(!m_block) throw Exception(E_OUTOFMEMORY); m_blocklen = uncompressed; } // Special Case: uncompressed == compressed -> copy the data if(uncompressed == compressed) memcpy(m_block, reinterpret_cast<const void*>(m_lzopos), uncompressed); // Not the same, decompress the next block of data into the block buffer else { lzo_uint out = uncompressed; lzo1x_decompress(reinterpret_cast<const lzo_bytep>(m_lzopos), static_cast<lzo_uint>(compressed), m_block, &out, LZO1X_MEM_DECOMPRESS); if(out != uncompressed) throw Exception(E_DECOMPRESS_TRUNCATED, COMPRESSION_METHOD); } #ifdef _DEBUG // Validate the checksum of the decompressed block data (adler32 only - minilzo doesn't have crc32) if(m_lzoflags & F_ADLER32_D) { uint32_t adler = lzo_adler32(ADLER32_INIT_VALUE, m_block, uncompressed); if(adler != adler_checksum_d) throw Exception(E_DECOMPRESS_CORRUPT, COMPRESSION_METHOD); } #endif // Move the LZO stream pointer to the next block of data m_lzopos += compressed; m_lzoremain -= compressed; // Reset the block current pointer and the number of remaining bytes m_blockcurrent = m_block; m_blockremain = uncompressed; return uncompressed; }
static int do_compress ( const compress_t *c, const lzo_byte *src, lzo_uint src_len, lzo_byte *dst, lzo_uintp dst_len ) { int r = -100; if (c && c->compress && WRK_LEN >= c->mem_compress) { #if defined(__LZO_CHECKER) /* malloc a block of the exact size to detect any overrun */ lzo_byte *w = wrkmem; if (c->mem_compress > 0) { wrkmem = malloc(c->mem_compress); /* must initialize memory - fill in garbage */ { lzo_uint32 i; unsigned char random_byte = (unsigned char) src_len; random_byte |= 1; for (i = 0; i < c->mem_compress; i++, random_byte += 2) wrkmem[i] = random_byte; } } else wrkmem = NULL; #else unsigned char random_byte = (unsigned char) src_len; init_mem_checker(wrkmem,_wrkmem,c->mem_compress,random_byte); #endif if (opt_dict && c->compress_dict) r = c->compress_dict(src,src_len,dst,dst_len,wrkmem,dict,dict_len); else r = c->compress(src,src_len,dst,dst_len,wrkmem); #if defined(__LZO_CHECKER) if (wrkmem) free(wrkmem); wrkmem = w; #else if (check_mem(wrkmem,_wrkmem,c->mem_compress,random_byte) != 0) printf("WARNING: wrkmem overwrite error (compress) !!!\n"); #endif } if (r == 0 && opt_compute_adler32) { lzo_uint32 adler; adler = lzo_adler32(0, NULL, 0); adler = lzo_adler32(adler, src, src_len); adler_in = adler; } if (r == 0 && opt_compute_crc32) { lzo_uint32 crc; crc = lzo_crc32(0, NULL, 0); crc = lzo_crc32(crc, src, src_len); crc_in = crc; } return r; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { lb_idtype lb_id; lzo_uint lb_overhead; lzo_uint lb_offset; lzo_bytep lb_data; lzo_bytep lb_temp; /* start up the stuff */ #ifdef _WIN32 char selfname[MAX_PATH]; /* Flawfinder: ignore */ if (GetModuleFileName(NULL,selfname,sizeof(selfname))==0) lb_error("cannot locate this executable"); argv[0] = selfname; #endif /* not _WIN32 */ lb_progname = lb_fnname(argv[0]); const char *lb_path = lb_tmppath(); if (lb_path == NULL) lb_cannot("find","tmp dir",NULL); if (lzo_init() != LZO_E_OK) lb_error("internal LZO error"); if ((L = luaL_newstate()) == NULL) lb_error("not enough memory"); luaL_openlibs(L); LBCONF_USERFUNC_INIT(L); /* open and load */ FILE *lb_file = fopen(argv[0],"rb"); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ if (lb_file == NULL) lb_cannot("open",argv[0],NULL); if (fseek(lb_file,-sizeof(lb_id),SEEK_END)!=0) lb_cannot("seek",argv[0],NULL); if (fread(&lb_id,sizeof(lb_id),1,lb_file)!=1) lb_cannot("read",argv[0],NULL); if (memcmp(,"LB02",4)!=0) lb_error("missing overlay"); if (fseek(lb_file,-(sizeof(lb_id)+lb_id.nlen),SEEK_END)!=0) lb_cannot("seek",argv[0],NULL); if (lb_id.dlen != 0) { lb_overhead = lb_id.dlen / 16 + 64 + 3; lb_offset = lb_id.dlen + lb_overhead - lb_id.nlen; lb_temp = (lzo_bytep)alloca(lb_id.dlen + lb_overhead); lb_data = lb_temp + lb_offset; } else lb_data = (lzo_bytep)alloca(lb_id.nlen); if (fread(lb_data,lb_id.nlen,1,lb_file)!=1) lb_cannot("read",argv[0],NULL); fclose(lb_file); /* checksum */ if (lzo_adler32(0,(lzo_bytep)lb_data,lb_id.nlen)!=lb_id.adler32) lb_error("bad checksum"); /* decompress */ if (lb_id.dlen != 0) { lzo_uint new_len; int r = lzo1x_decompress(lb_data,lb_id.nlen,lb_temp,&new_len,NULL); if (r != LZO_E_OK || new_len != lb_id.dlen) lb_error("overlapping decompression failed"); lb_data = lb_temp; } else lb_id.dlen = lb_id.nlen; /* set parameters (arg = argv) */ lua_newtable(L); { int i; for (i=0;i <= argc; i++) { lua_pushstring(L,argv[i]); lua_rawseti(L,-2,i); } } lua_setglobal(L,"arg"); /* setup the clean up */ lua_newtable(L); lua_setfield(L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX,"_LBCM"); lua_getfield(L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX,"_LBCM"); /* _LBCM is at index 1 */ atexit(lb_quit); /* link, load and run loop */ lua_getfield(L,LUA_REGISTRYINDEX,"_LOADED"); /* _LOADED is at index 2 */ char *buf = lb_data; uint32_t ptr = 0; do { char _type = *buf++; char _nlen = *buf++; char *_name = alloca((size_t)_nlen+1); memcpy(_name,buf,_nlen); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ _name[_nlen] = '\0'; buf += _nlen; uint32_t _size; memcpy(&_size,buf,4); /* Flawfinder: ignore */ buf += 4; switch (_type) { case LB_LUAMAIN: /* run */ if (luaL_loadbuffer(L,buf,_size,_name)) lb_error(lua_tostring(L,-1)); int i = 1; for(;i <= argc;i++) lua_pushstring(L,argv[i]); if (lua_pcall(L,i-1,0,0)) lb_error(lua_tostring(L,-1)); return 0; case LB_LMODULE: /* load */ case LB_CMODULE: /* link and load */ lua_getfield(L,2,_name); /* _LOADED[name] */ if (lua_toboolean(L,-1)) { /* is it there? */ if (lua_touserdata(L,-1) == sentinel) { /* check loops */ lua_pushfstring(L,"loop or previous error loading module '%s'",_name); lb_error(lua_tostring(L,-1)); } lua_pop(L,2); break; /* package is already loaded */ } else lua_pop(L,1); /* else must load it */ if (_type == LB_LMODULE) { if (luaL_loadbuffer(L,buf,_size,_name)) lb_error(lua_tostring(L,-1)); } else { lua_pushfstring(L,"%s/%s%s",lb_path,_name,LB_DLEXT); lb_libcreate(lua_tostring(L,-1),buf,_size); void *_lib = ll_load(L,lua_tostring(L,-1)); if (_lib == NULL) lb_cannot("load library",_name,lua_tostring(L,-1)); lua_CFunction _fun = ll_sym(L,_lib,mkfuncname(L,_name)); if (_fun == NULL) lb_cannot("find function",lua_tostring(L,-2),lua_tostring(L,-1)); lua_pop(L,1); /* pop value from mkfuncname() */ lua_pushlightuserdata(L,_lib); lua_settable(L,1); /* _LBCM[libname] = _lib */ lua_pushcfunction(L,_fun); } lua_pushlightuserdata(L,sentinel); lua_setfield(L,2,_name); /* _LOADED[name] = sentinel */ lua_pushstring(L,_name); /* pass name as argument to module */ if (lua_pcall(L,1,1,0)) /* run loaded module */ lb_error(lua_tostring(L,-1)); if (!lua_isnil(L,-1)) /* non-nil return ? */ lua_setfield(L,2,_name); /* _LOADED[name] = returned value */ lua_getfield(L,2,_name); if (lua_touserdata(L,-1)==sentinel){ /* module did not set a value? */ lua_pushboolean(L,1); /* use true as result */ lua_setfield(L,2,_name); /* _LOADED[name] = true */ } break; case LB_LIBRARY: /* link */ lua_pushfstring(L,"%s/%s%s",lb_path,_name,LB_DLEXT); lb_libcreate(lua_tostring(L,-1),buf,_size); void *_lib = ll_load(L,lua_tostring(L,-1)); if (_lib == NULL) lb_cannot("load library",_name,lua_tostring(L,-1)); lua_pushlightuserdata(L,_lib); lua_settable(L,1); /* _LBCM[libname] = _lib */ break; } buf += _size; ptr += 2 + _nlen + 4 + _size; } while (ptr < lb_id.dlen); return 0; }
int lzo_compress_chunk_part(const void *buf, gsize bufsize, GByteArray *result, gulong* checksum) { lzo_bytep out = NULL; lzo_uint out_len = 0; gsize out_max; lzo_bytep wrkmem = NULL; lzo_uint wrk_len = 0; int r = 0; /* Sanity check */ if(!result) { ERROR("Invalid parameter : %p", result); return 1; } out_max = get_working_buffer_size(bufsize); out = g_malloc0(out_max); lzo_uint tmp = bufsize; lzo_uint32 checksum32 = 0; checksum32 = *checksum; checksum32 = lzo_adler32(checksum32, buf, tmp); *checksum = checksum32; wrk_len = LZO1X_1_MEM_COMPRESS; wrkmem = (lzo_bytep) g_malloc0(wrk_len); if (buf == NULL || out == NULL || wrkmem == NULL){ DEBUG("out of memory\n"); r = 1; goto err; } /* compress block */ r = lzo1x_1_compress(buf, bufsize, out, &out_len, wrkmem); if (r != LZO_E_OK || out_len > out_max){ /* this should NEVER happen */ DEBUG("internal error - compression failed\n"); r = 2; goto err; } #define DATA_APPEND(D, S) g_byte_array_append(result, (guint8*)D, S); /* write uncompressed block size */ result = DATA_APPEND(&bufsize, sizeof(lzo_uint)); if (out_len < bufsize) { /* write compressed block */ result = DATA_APPEND(&out_len, sizeof(lzo_uint)); result = DATA_APPEND(out, out_len); out = NULL; } else { /* not compressible - write uncompressed block */ result = DATA_APPEND(&bufsize, sizeof(lzo_uint)); result = DATA_APPEND(buf, bufsize); } r = 0; err: g_free(wrkmem); if (out) g_free(out); return r; }
unsigned bmz_checksum(const void *in, size_t in_len) { return lzo_adler32(1, (Byte *)in, in_len); }
unsigned bmz_update_checksum(unsigned s, const void *in, size_t in_len) { return lzo_adler32(s, (Byte *)in, in_len); }
size_t lzo_deflate (unsigned flags, size_t cd_nelmts, const unsigned cd_values[], size_t nbytes, size_t *buf_size, void **buf) { size_t ret_value = 0; #ifdef HAVE_LZO_LIB void *outbuf = NULL, *wrkmem = NULL; int status; size_t nalloc = *buf_size; lzo_uint out_len = (lzo_uint) nalloc; /* max_len_buffer will keep the likely output buffer size after processing the first chunk */ static unsigned int max_len_buffer = 0; /* int complevel = 1; */ #if (defined CHECKSUM || defined DEBUG) int object_version = 10; /* Default version 1.0 */ int object_type = Table; /* Default object type */ #endif #ifdef CHECKSUM lzo_uint32 checksum; #endif /* Check arguments */ /* For Table versions < 20, there were no parameters */ if (cd_nelmts==1 ) { /* complevel = cd_values[0]; */ /* This do nothing right now */ } else if (cd_nelmts==2 ) { /* complevel = cd_values[0]; */ /* This do nothing right now */ #if (defined CHECKSUM || defined DEBUG) object_version = cd_values[1]; /* The table VERSION attribute */ #endif } else if (cd_nelmts==3 ) { /* complevel = cd_values[0]; */ /* This do nothing right now */ #if (defined CHECKSUM || defined DEBUG) object_version = cd_values[1]; /* The table VERSION attribute */ object_type = cd_values[2]; /* A tag for identifying the object (see tables.h) */ #endif } #ifdef DEBUG printf("Object type: %d. ", object_type); printf("object_version:%d\n", object_version); #endif if (flags & H5Z_FLAG_REVERSE) { /* Input */ /* printf("Decompressing chunk with LZO\n"); */ #ifdef CHECKSUM if ((object_type == Table && object_version >= 20) || object_type != Table) { nbytes -= 4; /* Point to uncompressed buffer length */ memcpy(&nalloc, ((unsigned char *)(*buf)+nbytes), 4); out_len = nalloc; nbytes -= 4; /* Point to the checksum */ #ifdef DEBUG printf("Compressed bytes: %d. Uncompressed bytes: %d\n", nbytes, nalloc); #endif } #endif /* Only allocate the bytes for the outbuf */ if (max_len_buffer == 0) { if (NULL==(outbuf = (void *)malloc(nalloc))) fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation failed for lzo uncompression.\n"); } else { if (NULL==(outbuf = (void *)malloc(max_len_buffer))) fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation failed for lzo uncompression.\n"); out_len = max_len_buffer; nalloc = max_len_buffer; } while(1) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("nbytes -->%d\n", nbytes); printf("nalloc -->%d\n", nalloc); printf("max_len_buffer -->%d\n", max_len_buffer); #endif /* DEBUG */ /* The assembler version is a 10% slower than the C version with gcc 3.2.2 and gcc 3.3.3 */ /* status = lzo1x_decompress_asm_safe(*buf, (lzo_uint)nbytes, outbuf, */ /* &out_len, NULL); */ /* The safe and unsafe versions have the same speed more or less */ status = lzo1x_decompress_safe(*buf, (lzo_uint)nbytes, outbuf, &out_len, NULL); if (status == LZO_E_OK) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("decompressed %lu bytes back into %lu bytes\n", (long) nbytes, (long) out_len); #endif max_len_buffer = out_len; break; /* done */ } else if (status == LZO_E_OUTPUT_OVERRUN) { nalloc *= 2; out_len = (lzo_uint) nalloc; if (NULL==(outbuf = realloc(outbuf, nalloc))) { fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation failed for lzo uncompression\n"); } } else { /* this should NEVER happen */ fprintf(stderr, "internal error - decompression failed: %d\n", status); ret_value = 0; /* fail */ goto done; } } #ifdef CHECKSUM if ((object_type == Table && object_version >= 20) || object_type != Table) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Checksum uncompressing..."); #endif /* Compute the checksum */ checksum=lzo_adler32(lzo_adler32(0,NULL,0), outbuf, out_len); /* Compare */ if (memcmp(&checksum, (unsigned char*)(*buf)+nbytes, 4)) { ret_value = 0; /*fail*/ fprintf(stderr,"Checksum failed!.\n"); goto done; } } #endif /* CHECKSUM */ free(*buf); *buf = outbuf; outbuf = NULL; *buf_size = nalloc; ret_value = out_len; } else { /* * Output; compress but fail if the result would be larger than the * input. The library doesn't provide in-place compression, so we * must allocate a separate buffer for the result. */ lzo_byte *z_src = (lzo_byte*)(*buf); lzo_byte *z_dst; /*destination buffer */ lzo_uint z_src_nbytes = (lzo_uint)(nbytes); /* The next was the original computation for worst-case expansion */ /* I don't know why the difference with LZO1*. Perhaps some wrong docs in LZO package? */ /* lzo_uint z_dst_nbytes = (lzo_uint)(nbytes + (nbytes / 64) + 16 + 3); */ /* The next is for LZO1* algorithms */ /* lzo_uint z_dst_nbytes = (lzo_uint)(nbytes + (nbytes / 16) + 64 + 3); */ /* The next is for LZO2* algorithms. This will be the default */ lzo_uint z_dst_nbytes = (lzo_uint)(nbytes + (nbytes / 8) + 128 + 3); #ifdef CHECKSUM if ((object_type == Table && object_version >= 20) || object_type != Table) { z_dst_nbytes += 4+4; /* Checksum + buffer size */ } #endif if (NULL==(z_dst=outbuf=(void *)malloc(z_dst_nbytes))) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate lzo destination buffer.\n"); ret_value = 0; /* fail */ goto done; } /* Compress this buffer */ wrkmem = malloc(LZO1X_1_MEM_COMPRESS); if (wrkmem == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation failed for lzo compression\n"); ret_value = 0; goto done; } status = lzo1x_1_compress (z_src, z_src_nbytes, z_dst, &z_dst_nbytes, wrkmem); free(wrkmem); wrkmem = NULL; #ifdef CHECKSUM if ((object_type == Table && object_version >= 20) || object_type != Table) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Checksum compressing ..."); printf("src_nbytes: %d, dst_nbytes: %d\n", z_src_nbytes, z_dst_nbytes); #endif /* Append checksum of *uncompressed* data at the end */ checksum = lzo_adler32(lzo_adler32(0,NULL,0), *buf, nbytes); memcpy((unsigned char*)(z_dst)+z_dst_nbytes, &checksum, 4); memcpy((unsigned char*)(z_dst)+z_dst_nbytes+4, &nbytes, 4); z_dst_nbytes += (lzo_uint)4+4; nbytes += 4+4; } #endif if (z_dst_nbytes >= nbytes) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("The compressed buffer takes more space than uncompressed!.\n"); #endif ret_value = 0; /* fail */ goto done; } else if (LZO_E_OK != status) { fprintf(stderr,"lzo library error in compression\n"); ret_value = 0; /* fail */ goto done; } else { free(*buf); *buf = outbuf; outbuf = NULL; *buf_size = z_dst_nbytes; ret_value = z_dst_nbytes; } } done: if(outbuf) free(outbuf); #endif /* HAVE_LZO_LIB */ return ret_value; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- LZO1X & LZO1X::decompress(AutoPtrBuffer & buf) { union { int32_t * i32; uint8_t * i8; }; i8 = buf; int32_t a = (int32_t) (i32[0] - sizeof(int32_t) * 2 - (crc_ != CRCNone) * sizeof(uint32_t)); if( crc_ != CRCNone && a > 0 ){ lzo_uint32 checksum = 0; if( crc_ == CRC32 ){ checksum = lzo_crc32(0,NULL,0); checksum = lzo_crc32(checksum,i8 + sizeof(int32_t) * 2,a); } else if( crc_ == ADLER32 ){ checksum = lzo_adler32(0,NULL,0); checksum = lzo_adler32(checksum,i8 + sizeof(int32_t) * 2,a); } if( *(uint32_t *) (i8 + sizeof(int32_t) * 2 + a) != checksum ) a = -a; } if( a <= 0 || i32[1] <= 0 ) newObjectV1C2<Exception>(EINVAL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)->throwSP(); rBufSize(i32[1]); lzo_uint srcLen = a, dst_len = i32[1]; #if HAVE_LZO1X_DECOMPRESS_ASM_FAST_SAFE int r = lzo1x_decompress_asm_fast_safe( (const lzo_bytep) (i8 + sizeof(int32_t) * 2), srcLen, (lzo_bytep) rBuf_.ptr(), &dst_len, NULL ); #elif HAVE_LZO1X_DECOMPRESS_ASM_SAFE int r = lzo1x_decompress_asm_safe( (const lzo_bytep) (i8 + sizeof(int32_t) * 2), srcLen, (lzo_bytep) rBuf_.ptr(), &dst_len, NULL ); #elif HAVE_LZO1X_DECOMPRESS_SAFE int r = lzo1x_decompress_safe( (const lzo_bytep) (i8 + sizeof(int32_t) * 2), srcLen, (lzo_bytep) rBuf_.ptr(), &dst_len, NULL ); #elif HAVE_LZO1X_DECOMPRESS_ASM_FAST int r = lzo1x_decompress_asm_fast( (const lzo_bytep) (i8 + sizeof(int32_t) * 2), srcLen, (lzo_bytep) rBuf_.ptr(), &dst_len, NULL ); #elif HAVE_LZO1X_DECOMPRESS_ASM int r = lzo1x_decompress_asm( (const lzo_bytep) (i8 + sizeof(int32_t) * 2), srcLen, (lzo_bytep) rBuf_.ptr(), &dst_len, NULL ); //#elif HAVE_LZO1X_DECOMPRESS #else int r = lzo1x_decompress( (const lzo_bytep) (i8 + sizeof(int32_t) * 2), srcLen, (lzo_bytep) rBuf_.ptr(), &dst_len, NULL ); //#else //#error broken lzo library #endif assert( r == LZO_E_OK && dst_len == rBufSize_ ); if( r != LZO_E_OK || dst_len != rBufSize_ ) newObjectV1C2<Exception>(EINVAL,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__)->throwSP(); return *this; }
int __lzo_cdecl_main main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i = 1; int r; const char *dict_name; FILE *f; time_t t_total; int level = 7; lzo_wildargv(&argc, &argv); printf("\nLZO real-time data compression library (v%s, %s).\n", lzo_version_string(), lzo_version_date()); printf("Copyright (C) 1996-2008 Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer\nAll Rights Reserved.\n\n"); progname = argv[0]; if (i < argc && argv[i][0] == '-' && isdigit(argv[i][1])) level = atoi(&argv[i++][1]); if (i + 1 >= argc || level < 1 || level > 9) { printf("usage: %s [-level] [ dictionary-file | -n ] file...\n", progname); exit(1); } printf("Compression level is LZO1X-999/%d\n", level); /* * Step 1: initialize the LZO library */ if (lzo_init() != LZO_E_OK) { printf("internal error - lzo_init() failed !!!\n"); printf("(this usually indicates a compiler bug - try recompiling\nwithout optimizations, and enable `-DLZO_DEBUG' for diagnostics)\n"); exit(1); } /* * Step 2: prepare the dictionary */ dict = (lzo_bytep) lzo_malloc(DICT_LEN); if (dict == NULL) { printf("%s: out of memory\n", progname); exit(1); } dict_name = argv[i++]; if (strcmp(dict_name,"-n") == 0) { dict_name = "empty"; dict_len = 0; } else { f = fopen(dict_name,"rb"); if (!f) { printf("%s: cannot open dictionary file %s\n", progname, dict_name); exit(1); } dict_len = (lzo_uint) lzo_fread(f,dict,DICT_LEN); fclose(f); } dict_adler32 = lzo_adler32(0,NULL,0); dict_adler32 = lzo_adler32(dict_adler32,dict,dict_len); printf("Using dictionary '%s', %ld bytes, ID 0x%08lx.\n", dict_name, (long) dict_len, (long) dict_adler32); /* * Step 3: process files */ t_total = time(NULL); for (r = 0; r == 0 && i < argc; i++) r = do_file(argv[i], level); t_total = time(NULL) - t_total; lzo_free(dict); if (total_n > 1) print_file("***TOTALS***",total_d_len,total_c_len); printf("Dictionary compression test %s, execution time %lu seconds.\n", r == 0 ? "passed" : "FAILED", (unsigned long) t_total); return r; }
static unsigned long __cdecl _calculateChecksum( unsigned long c, const void *data, size_t dataSize ) { // TODO: fix checksum verification for R* XBOX IMG files. return lzo_adler32( c, (const unsigned char*)data, dataSize ); }