コード例 #1
ファイル: math3d.cpp プロジェクト: GuoNing1206/CppProject
// Calculate the tangent basis for a triangle on the surface of a model
// This vector is needed for most normal mapping shaders 
void m3dCalculateTangentBasis(const M3DVector3f vTriangle[3], const M3DVector2f vTexCoords[3], const M3DVector3f N, M3DVector3f vTangent)
    M3DVector3f dv2v1, dv3v1;
    float dc2c1t, dc2c1b, dc3c1t, dc3c1b;
    float M;
    m3dSubtractVectors3(dv2v1, vTriangle[1], vTriangle[0]);
    m3dSubtractVectors3(dv3v1, vTriangle[2], vTriangle[0]);
    dc2c1t = vTexCoords[1][0] - vTexCoords[0][0];
    dc2c1b = vTexCoords[1][1] - vTexCoords[0][1];
    dc3c1t = vTexCoords[2][0] - vTexCoords[0][0];
    dc3c1b = vTexCoords[2][1] - vTexCoords[0][1];
    M = (dc2c1t * dc3c1b) - (dc3c1t * dc2c1b);
    M = 1.0f / M;
    m3dScaleVector3(dv2v1, dc3c1b);
    m3dScaleVector3(dv3v1, dc2c1b);
    m3dSubtractVectors3(vTangent, dv2v1, dv3v1);
    m3dScaleVector3(vTangent, M);  // This potentially changes the direction of the vector

    M3DVector3f B;
    m3dCrossProduct(B, N, vTangent);
    m3dCrossProduct(vTangent, B, N);
コード例 #2
ファイル: VBOMesh.cpp プロジェクト: RamboWu/openglex
// Add a triangle to the mesh. This searches the current list for identical
// (well, almost identical - these are floats you know...) verts. If one is found, it
// is added to the index array. If not, it is added to both the index array and the vertex
// array grows by one as well.
void CVBOMesh::AddTriangle(M3DVector3f verts[3], M3DVector3f vNorms[3], M3DVector2f vTexCoords[3])
    const  float e = 0.000001; // How small a difference to equate

    // First thing we do is make sure the normals are unit length!
    // It's almost always a good idea to work with pre-normalized normals

    // Search for match - triangle consists of three verts
    for(GLuint iVertex = 0; iVertex < 3; iVertex++)
        GLuint iMatch = 0;
        for(iMatch = 0; iMatch < nNumVerts; iMatch++)
            // If the vertex positions are the same
            if(m3dCloseEnough(pVerts[iMatch][0], verts[iVertex][0], e) &&
               m3dCloseEnough(pVerts[iMatch][1], verts[iVertex][1], e) &&
               m3dCloseEnough(pVerts[iMatch][2], verts[iVertex][2], e) &&
               // AND the Normal is the same...
               m3dCloseEnough(pNorms[iMatch][0], vNorms[iVertex][0], e) &&
               m3dCloseEnough(pNorms[iMatch][1], vNorms[iVertex][1], e) &&
               m3dCloseEnough(pNorms[iMatch][2], vNorms[iVertex][2], e) &&
                // And Texture is the same...
                m3dCloseEnough(pTexCoords[iMatch][0], vTexCoords[iVertex][0], e) &&
                m3dCloseEnough(pTexCoords[iMatch][1], vTexCoords[iVertex][1], e))
                // Then add the index only
                pIndexes[nNumIndexes] = iMatch;
        // No match for this vertex, add to end of list
        if(iMatch == nNumVerts)
            memcpy(pVerts[nNumVerts], verts[iVertex], sizeof(M3DVector3f));
            memcpy(pNorms[nNumVerts], vNorms[iVertex], sizeof(M3DVector3f));
            memcpy(pTexCoords[nNumVerts], &vTexCoords[iVertex], sizeof(M3DVector2f));
            pIndexes[nNumIndexes] = nNumVerts;
コード例 #3
ファイル: gltools.cpp プロジェクト: yangyang95/SpaceInvader
// For best results, put this in a display list
// Draw a torus (doughnut)  at z = fZVal... torus is in xy plane
void gltDrawTorus(GLfloat majorRadius, GLfloat minorRadius, GLint numMajor, GLint numMinor)
    M3DVector3f vNormal;
    double majorStep = 2.0f*M3D_PI / numMajor;
    double minorStep = 2.0f*M3D_PI / numMinor;
    int i, j;
    for (i=0; i<numMajor; ++i) 
		double a0 = i * majorStep;
		double a1 = a0 + majorStep;
		GLfloat x0 = (GLfloat) cos(a0);
		GLfloat y0 = (GLfloat) sin(a0);
		GLfloat x1 = (GLfloat) cos(a1);
		GLfloat y1 = (GLfloat) sin(a1);
		for (j=0; j<=numMinor; ++j) 
			double b = j * minorStep;
			GLfloat c = (GLfloat) cos(b);
			GLfloat r = minorRadius * c + majorRadius;
			GLfloat z = minorRadius * (GLfloat) sin(b);
			// First point
			glTexCoord2f((float)(i)/(float)(numMajor), (float)(j)/(float)(numMinor));
			vNormal[0] = x0*c;
			vNormal[1] = y0*c;
			vNormal[2] = z/minorRadius;
			glVertex3f(x0*r, y0*r, z);
			glTexCoord2f((float)(i+1)/(float)(numMajor), (float)(j)/(float)(numMinor));
			vNormal[0] = x1*c;
			vNormal[1] = y1*c;
			vNormal[2] = z/minorRadius;
			glVertex3f(x1*r, y1*r, z);
コード例 #4
ファイル: math3d.cpp プロジェクト: GuoNing1206/CppProject
// Ditto above, but for doubles
void m3dGetPlaneEquation(M3DVector4d planeEq, const M3DVector3d p1, const M3DVector3d p2, const M3DVector3d p3)
    // Get two vectors... do the cross product
    M3DVector3d v1, v2;

    // V1 = p3 - p1
    v1[0] = p3[0] - p1[0];
    v1[1] = p3[1] - p1[1];
    v1[2] = p3[2] - p1[2];

    // V2 = P2 - p1
    v2[0] = p2[0] - p1[0];
    v2[1] = p2[1] - p1[1];
    v2[2] = p2[2] - p1[2];

    // Unit normal to plane - Not sure which is the best way here
    m3dCrossProduct(planeEq, v1, v2);
    // Back substitute to get D
    planeEq[3] = -(planeEq[0] * p3[0] + planeEq[1] * p3[1] + planeEq[2] * p3[2]);