コード例 #1
// Core send message logic.
OsStatus OsMsgQShared::doSendCore(OsMsg* pMsg,
                                  const OsTime& rTimeout,
                                  UtlBoolean isUrgent,
                                  UtlBoolean deleteWhenDone)
   if (mSendHookFunc != NULL)
      if (mSendHookFunc(*pMsg))
         // by returning TRUE, the mSendHookFunc indicates that it has handled
         // the message and there is no need to queue the message.
         if (deleteWhenDone)
            // Delete *pMsg, since we are done with it.
            delete pMsg;
         return OS_SUCCESS;


   int count = numMsgs();
   if (_reportFull && 2 * count > mMaxMsgs)
                   "OsMsgQShared::doSendCore message queue '" << mName.data()
                   << "' is over half full - count = " << count
                   << " max = " << mMaxMsgs);

   system_tap_queue_enqueue(mName.data(), 0, _queue.size());
   return OS_SUCCESS;
コード例 #2
ファイル: OsMsgQShared.cpp プロジェクト: ossapp/sipxecs
// Core send message logic.
OsStatus OsMsgQShared::doSendCore(OsMsg* pMsg,
                                  const OsTime& rTimeout,
                                  UtlBoolean isUrgent,
                                  UtlBoolean deleteWhenDone)
   OsStatus ret;
   const void*    insResult;

#ifdef MSGQ_IS_VALID_CHECK /* [ */
   int      msgCnt;

   ret = mGuard.acquire();         // start critical section
   assert(ret == OS_SUCCESS);



   ret = mGuard.release();         // exit critical section
   assert(ret == OS_SUCCESS);
#endif /* MSGQ_IS_VALID_CHECK ] */

   if (mSendHookFunc != NULL)
      if (mSendHookFunc(*pMsg))
         // by returning TRUE, the mSendHookFunc indicates that it has handled
         // the message and there is no need to queue the message.
#ifdef MSGQ_IS_VALID_CHECK /* [ */
         OsStatus rc = mGuard.acquire();         // start critical section
         assert(rc == OS_SUCCESS);


         rc = mGuard.release();         // exit critical section
         assert(rc == OS_SUCCESS);
#endif /* MSGQ_IS_VALID_CHECK ] */
         if (deleteWhenDone)
            // Delete *pMsg, since we are done with it.
            delete pMsg;
         return OS_SUCCESS;

   ret = mEmpty.acquire(rTimeout);   // wait for there to be room in the queue
   if (ret != OS_SUCCESS)
      // Do not log problem with the queue for the syslog task to prevent
      // infinite recursion.
      if (mName != "syslog")
         Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_KERNEL, PRI_ERR,
                       "OsMsgQShared::doSendCore message send failed for queue '%s' - no room, ret = %d",
                       mName.data(), ret);
      if (ret == OS_BUSY || ret == OS_WAIT_TIMEOUT)
          ret =  OS_WAIT_TIMEOUT;     // send timed out
      if (deleteWhenDone)
         // Delete *pMsg, since we are done with it.
         delete pMsg;
      int count, max;
      mFull.getCountMax(count, max);
      // Do not log problems with the queue for the syslog task to prevent
      // infinite recursion.
      if (mReportFull && 2 * count > max && mName != "syslog")
         Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_KERNEL, PRI_NOTICE,
                       "OsMsgQShared::doSendCore message queue '%s' is over half full - count = %d, max = %d",
                       mName.data(), count, max);

      ret = mGuard.acquire();           // start critical section
      assert(ret == OS_SUCCESS);

      if (isUrgent)
         insResult = mDlist.insertAt(0, pMsg); // insert msg at queue head
         insResult = mDlist.insert(pMsg);      // insert msg at queue tail

      msgCnt = mDlist.entries();
      if (msgCnt > mHighCnt)
	 mHighCnt = msgCnt;

      if (insResult == NULL)
      {                                 // queue insert failed
         Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_KERNEL, PRI_CRIT,
                       "OsMsgQShared::doSendCore message send failed - insert failed");

         if (deleteWhenDone)
            // Delete *pMsg, since we are done with it.
            delete pMsg;
         ret = OS_UNSPECIFIED;
         ret = mFull.release();            // signal rcvrs that a msg is available
         assert(ret == OS_SUCCESS);

      int curCount;
      UtlBoolean increasedLevel = FALSE;
      UtlBoolean decreasedLevel = FALSE;

      curCount = mDlist.entries();
      if (curCount >= mIncreaseLevel)
          increasedLevel = TRUE;
          while (curCount >= mIncreaseLevel)
              mIncreaseLevel += mIncrementLevel;
          mDecreaseLevel = mIncreaseLevel - (2 * mIncrementLevel);

      if (curCount <= mDecreaseLevel)
          decreasedLevel = TRUE;
          while (curCount <= mDecreaseLevel)
              mDecreaseLevel = mDecreaseLevel - mIncrementLevel;
          mIncreaseLevel = mDecreaseLevel + (2 * mIncrementLevel);

      OsStatus guardRet = mGuard.release();           // exit critical section
      assert(guardRet == OS_SUCCESS);

      if (increasedLevel)
          OsSysLogPriority pri = PRI_INFO;
          if (curCount == mMaxMsgs)
	     pri = PRI_WARNING;

          Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_KERNEL, pri,
                        "OsMsgQShared::doSendCore Message queue %p increased to %d msgs (max=%d)\n",
                        this, curCount, mMaxMsgs);
      else if (decreasedLevel)
          Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_KERNEL, PRI_INFO,
                        "OsMsgQShared::doSendCore Message queue %p decreased to %d msgs (max=%d)\n",
                        this, curCount, mMaxMsgs);

   system_tap_queue_enqueue(mName.data(), 0, mDlist.entries());

#ifdef MSGQ_IS_VALID_CHECK /* [ */
   OsStatus rc = mGuard.acquire();         // start critical section
   assert(rc == OS_SUCCESS);

   if (ret == OS_SUCCESS)


   rc = mGuard.release();         // exit critical section
   assert(rc == OS_SUCCESS);
#endif /* MSGQ_IS_VALID_CHECK ] */

   return ret;