void BasisSet::outputAll() { // Can be called to print out a summary of the basis set as read in qDebug() << "\nGaussian Basis Set\nNumber of atoms:" << m_numAtoms; for (uint i = 0; i < m_symmetry.size(); ++i) { qDebug() << i << "\tAtom Index:" << m_atomIndices[i] << "\tSymmetry:" << m_symmetry[i] << "\tMO Index:" << m_moIndices[i] << "\tGTO Index:" << m_gtoIndices[i]; } qDebug() << m_symmetry.size() << m_gtoIndices.size() << m_gtoIndices[m_symmetry.size()]; for (uint i = 0; i < m_symmetry.size(); ++i) { switch(m_symmetry[i]) { case S: qDebug() << "Shell" << i << "\tS\n MO 1\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i]) << m_moMatrix(m_moIndices[i], 0); break; case P: qDebug() << "Shell" << i << "\tP\n MO 1\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i]) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i+1]) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i+2]); break; case D: qDebug() << "Shell" << i << "\tD\n MO 1\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i]) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i+1]) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i+2]) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i+3]) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i+4]) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i+5]); break; case D5: qDebug() << "Shell" << i << "\tD\n MO 1\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i]) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i+1]) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i+2]) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i+3]) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i+4]); break; default: qDebug() << "Error: unhandled type..."; } unsigned int cIndex = m_gtoIndices[i]; for (uint j = m_gtoIndices[i]; j < m_gtoIndices[i+1]; ++j) { qDebug() << cIndex << "\tc:" << m_gtoC[cIndex] << "\ta:" << m_gtoA[cIndex]; ++cIndex; } } qDebug() << '\n'; }
void GaussianSet::outputAll() { // Can be called to print out a summary of the basis set as read in qDebug() << "\nGaussian Basis Set\nNumber of atoms:" << m_numAtoms; initCalculation(); if (!isValid()) { qDebug() << "Basis set is marked as invalid."; return; } for (uint i = 0; i < m_symmetry.size(); ++i) { qDebug() << i << "\tAtom Index:" << m_atomIndices[i] << "\tSymmetry:" << m_symmetry[i] << "\tMO Index:" << m_moIndices[i] << "\tGTO Index:" << m_gtoIndices[i]; } qDebug() << "Symmetry:" << m_symmetry.size() << "\tgtoIndices:" << m_gtoIndices.size() << "\tLast gtoIndex:" << m_gtoIndices[m_symmetry.size()] << "\ngto size:" << m_gtoA.size() << m_gtoC.size() << m_gtoCN.size(); for (uint i = 0; i < m_symmetry.size(); ++i) { switch(m_symmetry[i]) { case S: qDebug() << "Shell" << i << "\tS\n MO 1\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i]) << m_moMatrix(m_moIndices[i], 0); break; case P: qDebug() << "Shell" << i << "\tP\n MO 1\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i]) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i] + 1) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i] + 2); break; case D: qDebug() << "Shell" << i << "\tD\n MO 1\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i]) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i] + 1) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i] + 2) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i] + 3) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i] + 4) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i] + 5); break; case D5: qDebug() << "Shell" << i << "\tD5\n MO 1\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i]) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i] + 1) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i] + 2) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i] + 3) << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i] + 4); break; case F: std::cout << "Shell " << i << "\tF\n MO 1"; for (short j = 0; j < 10; ++j) std::cout << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i] + j); std::cout << std::endl; break; case F7: std::cout << "Shell " << i << "\tF7\n MO 1"; for (short j = 0; j < 7; ++j) std::cout << "\t" << m_moMatrix(0, m_moIndices[i] + j); std::cout << std::endl; break; default: qDebug() << "Error: unhandled type..."; } unsigned int cIndex = m_gtoIndices[i]; for (uint j = m_gtoIndices[i]; j < m_gtoIndices[i+1]; ++j) { if (j >= m_gtoA.size()) { qDebug() << "Error, j is too large!" << j << m_gtoA.size(); continue; } qDebug() << cIndex << "\tc:" << m_gtoC[cIndex] << "\ta:" << m_gtoA[cIndex]; ++cIndex; } } qDebug() << "\nEnd of orbital data...\n"; }