コード例 #1
ファイル: orthographic.cpp プロジェクト: blckshrk/IFT6042
	AABB getAABB() const {
		AABB bounds;
		bounds.expandBy(m_sampleToCamera(Point(0, 0, 0)));
		bounds.expandBy(m_sampleToCamera(Point(1, 1, 0)));

		return m_worldTransform->getSpatialBounds(bounds);
コード例 #2
	Spectrum sampleDirection(DirectionSamplingRecord &dRec,
			PositionSamplingRecord &pRec,
			const Point2 &sample, const Point2 *extra) const {
		const Transform &trafo = m_worldTransform->eval(pRec.time);

		Point samplePos(sample.x, sample.y, 0.0f);

		if (extra) {
			/* The caller wants to condition on a specific pixel position */
			samplePos.x = (extra->x + sample.x) * m_invResolution.x;
			samplePos.y = (extra->y + sample.y) * m_invResolution.y;

		pRec.uv = Point2(samplePos.x * m_resolution.x,
			samplePos.y * m_resolution.y);

		/* Compute the corresponding position on the
		   near plane (in local camera space) */
		Point nearP = m_sampleToCamera(samplePos);
		nearP.x = nearP.x * (m_focusDistance / nearP.z);
		nearP.y = nearP.y * (m_focusDistance / nearP.z);
		nearP.z = m_focusDistance;

		Point apertureP = trafo.inverse().transformAffine(pRec.p);

		/* Turn that into a normalized ray direction */
		Vector d = normalize(nearP - apertureP);
		dRec.d = trafo(d);
		dRec.measure = ESolidAngle;
		dRec.pdf = m_normalization / (d.z * d.z * d.z);

		return Spectrum(1.0f);
コード例 #3
	Spectrum sampleRay(Ray &ray, const Point2 &pixelSample,
			const Point2 &otherSample, Float timeSample) const {
		Point2 tmp = warp::squareToUniformDiskConcentric(otherSample)
			* m_apertureRadius;
		ray.time = sampleTime(timeSample);

		/* Compute the corresponding position on the
		   near plane (in local camera space) */
		Point nearP = m_sampleToCamera(Point(
			pixelSample.x * m_invResolution.x,
			pixelSample.y * m_invResolution.y, 0.0f));

		/* Aperture position */
		Point apertureP(tmp.x, tmp.y, 0.0f);

		/* Sampled position on the focal plane */
		Point focusP = nearP * (m_focusDistance / nearP.z);

		/* Turn these into a normalized ray direction, and
		   adjust the ray interval accordingly */
		Vector d = normalize(focusP - apertureP);
		Float invZ = 1.0f / d.z;
		ray.mint = m_nearClip * invZ;
		ray.maxt = m_farClip * invZ;

		const Transform &trafo = m_worldTransform->eval(ray.time);
		return Spectrum(1.0f);
コード例 #4
	void configure() {

		const Vector2i &filmSize   = m_film->getSize();
		const Vector2i &cropSize   = m_film->getCropSize();
		const Point2i  &cropOffset = m_film->getCropOffset();

		Vector2 relSize((Float) cropSize.x / (Float) filmSize.x,
			(Float) cropSize.y / (Float) filmSize.y);
		Point2 relOffset((Float) cropOffset.x / (Float) filmSize.x,
			(Float) cropOffset.y / (Float) filmSize.y);

		 * These do the following (in reverse order):
		 * 1. Create transform from camera space to [-1,1]x[-1,1]x[0,1] clip
		 *    coordinates (not taking account of the aspect ratio yet)
		 * 2+3. Translate and scale to shift the clip coordinates into the
		 *    range from zero to one, and take the aspect ratio into account.
		 * 4+5. Translate and scale the coordinates once more to account
		 *     for a cropping window (if there is any)
		m_cameraToSample =
			  Transform::scale(Vector(1.0f / relSize.x, 1.0f / relSize.y, 1.0f))
			* Transform::translate(Vector(-relOffset.x, -relOffset.y, 0.0f))
			* Transform::scale(Vector(-0.5f, -0.5f*m_aspect, 1.0f))
			* Transform::translate(Vector(-1.0f, -1.0f/m_aspect, 0.0f))
			* Transform::perspective(m_xfov, m_nearClip, m_farClip);

		m_sampleToCamera = m_cameraToSample.inverse();

		/* Position differentials on the near plane */
		m_dx = m_sampleToCamera(Point(m_invResolution.x, 0.0f, 0.0f))
			 - m_sampleToCamera(Point(0.0f));
		m_dy = m_sampleToCamera(Point(0.0f, m_invResolution.y, 0.0f))
			 - m_sampleToCamera(Point(0.0f));

		/* Precompute some data for importance(). Please
		   look at that function for further details */
		Point min(m_sampleToCamera(Point(0, 0, 0))),
			  max(m_sampleToCamera(Point(1, 1, 0)));

		m_imageRect.expandBy(Point2(min.x, min.y) / min.z);
		m_imageRect.expandBy(Point2(max.x, max.y) / max.z);
		m_normalization = 1.0f / m_imageRect.getVolume();

		/* Clip-space transformation for OpenGL */
		m_clipTransform = Transform::translate(
			Vector((1-2*relOffset.x)/relSize.x - 1,
			      -(1-2*relOffset.y)/relSize.y + 1, 0.0f)) *
			Transform::scale(Vector(1.0f / relSize.x, 1.0f / relSize.y, 1.0f));

		m_aperturePdf = 1 / (M_PI * m_apertureRadius * m_apertureRadius);
コード例 #5
ファイル: orthographic.cpp プロジェクト: blckshrk/IFT6042
	void configure() {

		const Vector2i &filmSize   = m_film->getSize();
		const Vector2i &cropSize   = m_film->getCropSize();
		const Point2i  &cropOffset = m_film->getCropOffset();

		Vector2 relSize((Float) cropSize.x / (Float) filmSize.x,
			(Float) cropSize.y / (Float) filmSize.y);
		Point2 relOffset((Float) cropOffset.x / (Float) filmSize.x,
			(Float) cropOffset.y / (Float) filmSize.y);

		 * These do the following (in reverse order):
		 * 1. Create transform from camera space to [-1,1]x[-1,1]x[0,1] clip
		 *    coordinates (not taking account of the aspect ratio yet)
		 * 2+3. Translate and scale to shift the clip coordinates into the
		 *    range from zero to one, and take the aspect ratio into account.
		 * 4+5. Translate and scale the coordinates once more to account
		 *     for a cropping window (if there is any)
		m_cameraToSample =
			  Transform::scale(Vector(1.0f / relSize.x, 1.0f / relSize.y, 1.0f))
			* Transform::translate(Vector(-relOffset.x, -relOffset.y, 0.0f))
			* Transform::scale(Vector(-0.5f, -0.5f*m_aspect, 1.0f))
			* Transform::translate(Vector(-1.0f, -1.0f/m_aspect, 0.0f))
			* Transform::orthographic(m_nearClip, m_farClip);

		m_sampleToCamera = m_cameraToSample.inverse();

		/* Position differentials on the near plane */
		m_dx = m_sampleToCamera(Point(m_invResolution.x, 0.0f, 0.0f))
			 - m_sampleToCamera(Point(0.0f));
		m_dy = m_sampleToCamera(Point(0.0f, m_invResolution.y, 0.0f))
			 - m_sampleToCamera(Point(0.0f));

		/* Clip-space transformation for OpenGL */
		m_clipTransform = Transform::translate(
			Vector((1-2*relOffset.x)/relSize.x - 1,
			      -(1-2*relOffset.y)/relSize.y + 1, 0.0f)) *
			Transform::scale(Vector(1.0f / relSize.x, 1.0f / relSize.y, 1.0f));

		const Transform &trafo = m_worldTransform->eval(0.0f);

		m_invSurfaceArea = 1.0f / (
			trafo(m_sampleToCamera(Vector(1, 0, 0))).length() *
			trafo(m_sampleToCamera(Vector(0, 1, 0))).length());

		m_scale = trafo(Vector(0, 0, 1)).length();
コード例 #6
ファイル: thinlens.cpp プロジェクト: winmad/mitsuba
	Spectrum sampleRayDifferential(RayDifferential &ray, const Point2 &pixelSample,
			const Point2 &otherSample, Float timeSample) const {
		/* Record pixel index, added by Lifan */
		ray.index.x = (int)std::floor(pixelSample.x);
		ray.index.y = (int)std::floor(pixelSample.y);

		Point2 tmp = warp::squareToUniformDiskConcentric(otherSample)
			* m_apertureRadius;
		ray.time = sampleTime(timeSample);

		/* Compute the corresponding position on the
		   near plane (in local camera space) */
		Point nearP = m_sampleToCamera(Point(
			pixelSample.x * m_invResolution.x,
			pixelSample.y * m_invResolution.y, 0.0f));

		/* Aperture position */
		Point apertureP(tmp.x, tmp.y, 0.0f);

		/* Sampled position on the focal plane */
		Float fDist = m_focusDistance / nearP.z;
		Point focusP  =  nearP       * fDist;
		Point focusPx = (nearP+m_dx) * fDist;
		Point focusPy = (nearP+m_dy) * fDist;

		/* Turn that into a normalized ray direction, and
		   adjust the ray interval accordingly */
		Vector d = normalize(focusP - apertureP);
		Float invZ = 1.0f / d.z;
		ray.mint = m_nearClip * invZ;
		ray.maxt = m_farClip * invZ;

		const Transform &trafo = m_worldTransform->eval(ray.time);
		ray.rxOrigin = ray.ryOrigin = ray.o;
		ray.rxDirection = trafo(normalize(Vector(focusPx - apertureP)));
		ray.ryDirection = trafo(normalize(Vector(focusPy - apertureP)));
		ray.hasDifferentials = true;

		return Spectrum(1.0f);