コード例 #1
QString Project::locationOfObject( QObject *o )
    if ( !o )
	return QString::null;

    if ( MainWindow::self ) {
	QWidgetList windows = MainWindow::self->qWorkspace()->windowList();
	for ( QWidget *w = windows.first(); w; w = windows.next() ) {
	    FormWindow *fw = ::qt_cast<FormWindow*>(w);
	    SourceEditor *se = ::qt_cast<SourceEditor*>(w);
	    if ( fw ) {
		if ( fw->isFake() )
		    return objectForFakeForm( fw )->name() + QString( " [Source]" );
		    return fw->name() + QString( " [Source]" );
	    } else if ( se ) {
		if ( !se->object() )
		if ( se->formWindow() )
		    return se->formWindow()->name() + QString( " [Source]" );
		    return makeRelative( se->sourceFile()->fileName() );

    if ( ::qt_cast<SourceFile*>(o) ) {
	for ( QPtrListIterator<SourceFile> sources = sourceFiles();
	      sources.current(); ++sources ) {
	    SourceFile* f = sources.current();
	    if ( f == o )
		return makeRelative( f->fileName() );

    extern QMap<QWidget*, QString> *qwf_forms;
    if ( !qwf_forms ) {
	qWarning( "Project::locationOfObject: qwf_forms is NULL!" );
	return QString::null;

    QString s = makeRelative( *qwf_forms->find( (QWidget*)o ) );
    s += " [Source]";
    return s;
コード例 #2
ファイル: FileSystem.C プロジェクト: sujankh/rose-matlab
// Copies files to dstDir so that their name relative to dstDir is the same as their name relative to root
copyFiles(const std::vector<Path> &fileNames, const Path &root, const Path &dstDir) {
    std::set<Path> dirs;
    BOOST_FOREACH (const Path &fileName, fileNames) {
        Path dirName = dstDir / makeRelative(fileName.parent_path(), root);
        if (dirs.insert(dirName).second)
        Path outputName = dirName / fileName.filename();
        copyFile(fileName, outputName);
コード例 #3
void Project::save( bool onlyProjectFile )
    bool anythingModified = FALSE;

    //  save sources and forms
    if ( !onlyProjectFile ) {


	for ( SourceFile *sf = sourcefiles.first(); sf; sf = sourcefiles.next() ) {
	    anythingModified = anythingModified || sf->isModified();
	    if ( !sf->save() )

	for ( FormFile *ff = formfiles.first(); ff; ff = formfiles.next() ) {
	    anythingModified = anythingModified || ff->isModified();
	    if ( !ff->save() )

    if ( isDummy() || filename.isEmpty() )

    if ( !modified ) {
	if ( singleProjectMode() ) {
	    LanguageInterface *iface = MetaDataBase::languageInterface( language() );
	    if ( iface && iface->supports( LanguageInterface::CompressProject ) )
		iface->compressProject( makeAbsolute( filename ), singleProFileName, anythingModified );

    QFile f( filename );
    QString original = "";

    // read the existing file
    bool hasPreviousContents = FALSE;
    if ( f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
	QTextStream ts( &f );
	original = ts.read();
        hasPreviousContents = TRUE;
	remove_contents( original, "{SOURCES+=" ); // ### compatibility with early 3.0 betas
	remove_contents( original, "DBFILE" );
	remove_contents( original, "LANGUAGE" );
	remove_contents( original, "TEMPLATE" );
	removePlatformSettings( original, "CONFIG" );
	removePlatformSettings( original, "DEFINES" );
	removePlatformSettings( original, "LIBS" );
	removePlatformSettings( original, "INCLUDEPATH" );
	removePlatformSettings( original, "SOURCES" );
	removePlatformSettings( original, "HEADERS" );
	remove_multiline_contents( original, "FORMS" );
	remove_multiline_contents( original, "INTERFACES" ); // compatibility
	remove_multiline_contents( original, "IMAGES" );
	for ( QStringList::Iterator it = csList.begin(); it != csList.end(); ++it )
	    remove_contents( original, *it );

    if (!original.isEmpty()) {
	// Removes any new lines at the beginning of the file
	while (original.startsWith("\n"))
	    original.remove(0, 1);

    // the contents of the saved file
    QString contents;

    // template
    contents += "TEMPLATE\t= " + templ + "\n";

    // language
    contents += "LANGUAGE\t= " + lang + "\n";
    contents += "\n";

    // config
    writePlatformSettings( contents, "CONFIG", cfg );
    LanguageInterface *iface = MetaDataBase::languageInterface( lang );
    if ( iface ) {
	QStringList sourceKeys;
	iface->sourceProjectKeys( sourceKeys );
	for ( QStringList::Iterator spit = sourceKeys.begin(); spit != sourceKeys.end(); ++spit )
	    remove_multiline_contents( contents, *spit );

    // libs, defines, includes
    writePlatformSettings( contents, "LIBS", lbs );
    writePlatformSettings( contents, "DEFINES", defs );
    writePlatformSettings( contents, "INCLUDEPATH", inclPath );
    writePlatformSettings( contents, "SOURCES", sources );
    writePlatformSettings( contents, "HEADERS", headers );

    // unix
    if ( !hasPreviousContents ) {
 	contents +=
 	    "unix|os2 {\n"
 	    "  UI_DIR = .ui\n"
 	    "  MOC_DIR = .moc\n"
 	    "  OBJECTS_DIR = .obj\n"

    // sources
    if ( !sourcefiles.isEmpty() && iface ) {
	QMap<QString, QStringList> sourceToKey;
	for ( SourceFile *f = sourcefiles.first(); f; f = sourcefiles.next() ) {
	    QString key = iface->projectKeyForExtension( QFileInfo( f->fileName() ).extension() );
	    QStringList lst = sourceToKey[ key ];
	    lst << makeRelative( f->fileName() );
	    sourceToKey.replace( key, lst );

	for ( QMap<QString, QStringList>::Iterator skit = sourceToKey.begin();
	      skit != sourceToKey.end(); ++skit ) {
	    QString part = skit.key() + "\t+= ";
	    QStringList lst = *skit;
	    for ( QStringList::Iterator sit = lst.begin(); sit != lst.end(); ++sit ) {
		part += *sit;
		part += ++sit != lst.end() ? " \\\n\t" : "";
	    part += "\n\n";
	    contents += part;

    // forms and interfaces
    if ( !formfiles.isEmpty() ) {
	contents += "FORMS\t= ";
	for ( QPtrListIterator<FormFile> fit = formfiles; fit.current(); ++fit ) {
	    contents += fit.current()->fileName() +
		 (fit != formfiles.last() ? " \\\n\t" : "");
	contents += "\n\n";

    // images
     if ( !pixCollection->isEmpty() ) {
	contents += "IMAGES\t= ";
	QValueList<PixmapCollection::Pixmap> pixmaps = pixCollection->pixmaps();
	for ( QValueList<PixmapCollection::Pixmap>::Iterator it = pixmaps.begin();
	      it != pixmaps.end(); ++it ) {
		  contents += makeRelative( (*it).absname );
		  contents += ++it != pixmaps.end() ? " \\\n\t" : "";
	contents += "\n\n";

    // database
    if ( !dbFile.isEmpty() )
	contents += "DBFILE\t= " + dbFile + "\n";

    // custom settings
    for ( QStringList::Iterator it = csList.begin(); it != csList.end(); ++it ) {
	QString val = *customSettings.find( *it );
	if ( !val.isEmpty() )
	    contents += *it + "\t= " + val + "\n";

    if ( !f.open( IO_WriteOnly | IO_Translate ) ) {
	QMessageBox::warning( messageBoxParent(),
			      "Save Project Failed", "Couldn't write project file " + filename );

    QTextStream os( &f );
    os << contents;
    if (hasPreviousContents)
        os << original;


    setModified( FALSE );

    if ( singleProjectMode() ) {
	LanguageInterface *iface = MetaDataBase::languageInterface( language() );
	if ( iface && iface->supports( LanguageInterface::CompressProject ) )
	    iface->compressProject( makeAbsolute( filename ), singleProFileName, TRUE );
コード例 #4
ファイル: mpqcreate.cpp プロジェクト: hanfer/MPQCreate
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    po::options_description desc("Required options");
    ("help,h", "produce help message")
    ("force,f", "overwrite existing files")
    ("mpq", po::value<std::string>(), "the mpq to create")
    ("files", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >(), "input files");

    po::positional_options_description p;

    p.add("mpq", 1);
    p.add("files", -1);

    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).positional(p).run(), vm);

    if (!vm.count("files") || !vm.count("mpq") || vm.count("help"))
        std::cout << "usage: <mpq> [<files> ...]" << std::endl << std::endl
                  << desc << std::endl;
        return 1;

    std::vector<std::string> files(vm["files"].as< std::vector<std::string> >());
    std::vector<FileEntry> toAdd;
    fs::path mpqPath(vm["mpq"].as<std::string>());

            throw std::runtime_error("mpq does already exist");

    for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator path = files.begin(); path != files.end(); ++path)
            toAdd.push_back(FileEntry(*path, *path));

        if(!fs::is_directory(*path)) //no symlinks etc

        for(fs::recursive_directory_iterator file(*path), end; file != end; ++file)
                toAdd.push_back(FileEntry(file->path(), makeRelative(*path, file->path())));

    for(std::vector<FileEntry>::iterator it = toAdd.begin(); it != toAdd.end(); ++it)
        std::cout << it->realPath << " >> " << it->mpqPath << std::endl;

    HANDLE mpq;
    if(!SFileCreateArchive(mpqPath.string().c_str(), MPQ_CREATE_ARCHIVE_V2, toAdd.size(), &mpq))
        throw std::runtime_error("couldn't create mpq");


    size_t counter(0);
    for(std::vector<FileEntry>::iterator it = toAdd.begin(); it != toAdd.end(); ++it)
        loadbar(++counter, toAdd.size());

        if(!SFileAddFileEx(mpq, it->realPath.string().c_str(), it->mpqPath.string().c_str(), MPQ_FILE_COMPRESS, MPQ_COMPRESSION_BZIP2, MPQ_COMPRESSION_BZIP2))
            std::cout << "couldn't add file " << it->realPath << std::endl;

    std::cout << std::endl;
    SFileCompactArchive(mpq, NULL, false);


    return 0;
catch (const std::exception& e)
    std::cerr << "error: " << e.what() << "\n";
コード例 #5
ファイル: tar.cpp プロジェクト: kthxbyte/KDE1-Linaro
int KProtocolTAR::OpenDir(KURL *url)
    dirpath = url->path();

    // extracting /xxx from a tarfile containing the file xxx won't work
    while( dirpath[0] == '/' ) dirpath.remove(0,1);
    QString Command( "tar -%stvf -");
    if (dirpath[0] != '\0')
      Command += " \"";
      Command += dirpath;
      Command += "\"";
    int rc = AttachTAR( Command.data() );
    if (rc == FAIL) return FAIL;
    dirfile = fdopen( Slave.out, "r" );
    // debug ("Tar: opendir for %s", dirpath.data());

    char buffer[1024];
    char *readstr = "ok";		// to prevent breaking the loop at startup
    int moredata = 1;
    KProtocolDirEntry *de;

      int iomask = Slave.WaitIO( 1, 0 );
      if( iomask & KSlave::IN || iomask == 0 )
	    moredata = HandleRefill();
      if( iomask & KSlave::OUT || !moredata )
	char p_access[80], p_owner[80], p_group[80];
	char p_size[80], p_date[80], p_name[250];

	readstr = fgets(buffer,1024,dirfile);

	if (readstr && (sscanf(buffer,
   " %[-dlrwxst] %[0-9.a-zA-Z_]/%[0-9.a-zA-Z_] %[0-9] %17[a-zA-Z0-9:- ] %[^\n]",
   // is \r necessary, together with \n ? Not here...
			       p_access, p_owner, p_group,
			       p_size, p_date, p_name) == 6))
	  // Link?
	  QString tmp( p_name );
	  if ( p_access[0] == 'l' )
	    int i = tmp.findRev( " -> " );
	    if ( i != -1 )
	      tmp.truncate( i ); //forget link
          if (makeRelative(tmp)==FAIL)
              if (tmp.right(1)!="/") tmp+="/"; // Try again with slash appended
              if (makeRelative(tmp)!=FAIL)
                  // The file exists but not the directory
                  return Error(KIO_ERROR_NotADirectory, "No such dir", 0);
                  return Error(KIO_ERROR_CouldNotList, "No such dir", 0);

	  int i = tmp.find ("/");
	  // this is first slash; If there is something behind this slash,
	  // these are files in that subdir and we don't want to see them.

	  if (i != -1)
	    if (tmp[i+1] != '\0') // yes there is something
              // debug("there is something : %s, tmp1=%s",tmp.data(),tmp1.data());
              // hack to add missing parent directories if necessary.
	      if (isDirStored(tmp.data()))
                  continue;           // Ignore it
	      debug("emulating dir %s",tmp.data());
              // otherwise, create wrong information about a directory and 
              // add it to dirlist, which is done below.
              strcpy(p_access, "d?????????");
              strcpy(p_size, "0");
              strcpy(p_owner, "???");
              strcpy(p_group, "???");
	  // else? this is a file;

	  // now when we removed the path and slashes, If this an
	  // empty string, then it can be either dir name itself
	  // or a file with that name
	  if (tmp.isEmpty())
	    if (p_access[0] != 'd')
	      debug ("bad, you tried to openDir a file");
	      return FAIL;
	    de = new KProtocolDirEntry;

	    de->access  = p_access;
	    de->owner	= p_owner;
	    de->group	= p_group;
	    de->size	= atoi(p_size);
	    de->isdir	= ( p_access[0] == 'd' );
	    de->name	= tmp.data();
	    if( de->isdir )
	      de->name += "/";
	    de->date = p_date;
	    // debug ("Tar: openDir: %s", de->name.data());
	} else if (readstr) { fprintf(stderr,"!! Couldn't parse %s",buffer); }
    while( readstr );
    if (dirlist.count()==0) // tar returned nothing : probably a wrong dir
        return Error(KIO_ERROR_CouldNotList, "No such dir", 0);
    return SUCCESS;