コード例 #1
ファイル: spec16.c プロジェクト: otya128/winevdm
 *         output_entries
 * Output entries for individual symbols in the entry table.
static void output_entries( DLLSPEC *spec, int first, int count )
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = spec->ordinals[first + i];
        output( "\t.byte 0x03\n" );  /* flags: exported & public data */
        switch (odp->type)
        case TYPE_CDECL:
        case TYPE_PASCAL:
        case TYPE_VARARGS:
        case TYPE_STUB:
            output( "\t.short .L__wine_%s_%u-.L__wine_spec_code_segment\n",
                     make_c_identifier(spec->dll_name), first + i );
        case TYPE_VARIABLE:
            output( "\t.short .L__wine_%s_%u-.L__wine_spec_data_segment\n",
                     make_c_identifier(spec->dll_name), first + i );
        case TYPE_ABS:
            output( "\t.short 0x%04x  /* %s */\n",
                     odp->u.abs.value, odp->name );
コード例 #2
 *         get_stub_name
 * Generate an internal name for a stub entry point.
const char *get_stub_name( const ORDDEF *odp, const DLLSPEC *spec )
    static char buffer[256];
    if (odp->name || odp->export_name)
        char *p;
        sprintf( buffer, "__wine_stub_%s", odp->name ? odp->name : odp->export_name );
        /* make sure name is a legal C identifier */
        for (p = buffer; *p; p++) if (!isalnum(*p) && *p != '_') break;
        if (!*p) return buffer;
    sprintf( buffer, "__wine_stub_%s_%d", make_c_identifier(spec->file_name), odp->ordinal );
    return buffer;
コード例 #3
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: AndreRH/wine
/* set the dll name from the file name */
static void init_dll_name( DLLSPEC *spec )
    if (!spec->file_name && output_file_name)
        char *p;
        spec->file_name = xstrdup( output_file_name );
        if ((p = strrchr( spec->file_name, '.' ))) *p = 0;
    if (!spec->dll_name && spec->file_name)  /* set default name from file name */
        char *p;
        spec->dll_name = xstrdup( spec->file_name );
        if ((p = strrchr( spec->dll_name, '.' ))) *p = 0;
    spec->c_name = make_c_identifier( spec->dll_name );
コード例 #4
/* output the import table of a Win32 module */
static void output_immediate_imports(void)
    int i, j;
    const char *dll_name;

    if (nb_imports == nb_delayed) return;  /* no immediate imports */

    /* main import header */

    output( "\n/* import table */\n" );
    output( "\n\t.data\n" );
    output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_imports:\n" );

    /* list of dlls */

    for (i = j = 0; i < nb_imports; i++)
        if (dll_imports[i]->delay) continue;
        dll_name = make_c_identifier( dll_imports[i]->spec->file_name );
        output( "\t.long .L__wine_spec_import_data_names+%d-.L__wine_spec_rva_base\n",  /* OriginalFirstThunk */
                j * get_ptr_size() );
        output( "\t.long 0\n" );     /* TimeDateStamp */
        output( "\t.long 0\n" );     /* ForwarderChain */
        output( "\t.long .L__wine_spec_import_name_%s-.L__wine_spec_rva_base\n", /* Name */
                dll_name );
        output( "\t.long .L__wine_spec_import_data_ptrs+%d-.L__wine_spec_rva_base\n",  /* FirstThunk */
                j * get_ptr_size() );
        j += dll_imports[i]->nb_imports + 1;
    output( "\t.long 0\n" );     /* OriginalFirstThunk */
    output( "\t.long 0\n" );     /* TimeDateStamp */
    output( "\t.long 0\n" );     /* ForwarderChain */
    output( "\t.long 0\n" );     /* Name */
    output( "\t.long 0\n" );     /* FirstThunk */

    output( "\n\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(get_ptr_size()) );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_import_data_names:\n" );
    for (i = 0; i < nb_imports; i++)
        if (dll_imports[i]->delay) continue;
        dll_name = make_c_identifier( dll_imports[i]->spec->file_name );
        for (j = 0; j < dll_imports[i]->nb_imports; j++)
            ORDDEF *odp = dll_imports[i]->imports[j];
            if (!(odp->flags & FLAG_NONAME))
                output( "\t%s .L__wine_spec_import_data_%s_%s-.L__wine_spec_rva_base\n",
                        get_asm_ptr_keyword(), dll_name, odp->name );
                if (get_ptr_size() == 8)
                    output( "\t.quad 0x800000000000%04x\n", odp->ordinal );
                    output( "\t.long 0x8000%04x\n", odp->ordinal );
        output( "\t%s 0\n", get_asm_ptr_keyword() );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_import_data_ptrs:\n" );
    for (i = 0; i < nb_imports; i++)
        if (dll_imports[i]->delay) continue;
        for (j = 0; j < dll_imports[i]->nb_imports; j++) output( "\t%s 0\n", get_asm_ptr_keyword() );
        output( "\t%s 0\n", get_asm_ptr_keyword() );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_imports_end:\n" );

    for (i = 0; i < nb_imports; i++)
        if (dll_imports[i]->delay) continue;
        dll_name = make_c_identifier( dll_imports[i]->spec->file_name );
        for (j = 0; j < dll_imports[i]->nb_imports; j++)
            ORDDEF *odp = dll_imports[i]->imports[j];
            if (!(odp->flags & FLAG_NONAME))
                output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(2) );
                output( ".L__wine_spec_import_data_%s_%s:\n", dll_name, odp->name );
                output( "\t%s %d\n", get_asm_short_keyword(), odp->ordinal );
                output( "\t%s \"%s\"\n", get_asm_string_keyword(), odp->name );

    for (i = 0; i < nb_imports; i++)
        if (dll_imports[i]->delay) continue;
        dll_name = make_c_identifier( dll_imports[i]->spec->file_name );
        output( ".L__wine_spec_import_name_%s:\n\t%s \"%s\"\n",
                dll_name, get_asm_string_keyword(), dll_imports[i]->spec->file_name );
コード例 #5
ファイル: spec16.c プロジェクト: otya128/winevdm
 *         output_module16
 * Output code for a 16-bit module.
static void output_module16( DLLSPEC *spec )
    ORDDEF **typelist;
    ORDDEF *entry_point = NULL;
    int i, j, nb_funcs;

    /* store the main entry point as ordinal 0 */

    if (!spec->ordinals)
        assert(spec->limit == 0);
        spec->ordinals = xmalloc( sizeof(spec->ordinals[0]) );
        spec->ordinals[0] = NULL;
    if (spec->init_func && !(spec->characteristics & IMAGE_FILE_DLL))
        entry_point = xmalloc( sizeof(*entry_point) );
        entry_point->type = TYPE_PASCAL;
        entry_point->ordinal = 0;
        entry_point->lineno = 0;
        entry_point->flags = FLAG_REGISTER;
        entry_point->name = NULL;
        entry_point->link_name = xstrdup( spec->init_func );
        entry_point->export_name = NULL;
        entry_point->u.func.nb_args = 0;
        assert( !spec->ordinals[0] );
        spec->ordinals[0] = entry_point;

    /* Build sorted list of all argument types, without duplicates */

    typelist = xmalloc( (spec->limit + 1) * sizeof(*typelist) );

    for (i = nb_funcs = 0; i <= spec->limit; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = spec->ordinals[i];
        if (!odp) continue;
        if (is_function( odp )) typelist[nb_funcs++] = odp;

    nb_funcs = sort_func_list( typelist, nb_funcs, callfrom16_type_compare );

    /* Output the module structure */

    output( "\n/* module data */\n\n" );
    output( "\t.data\n" );
    output( "\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(4) );
	output("\t.globl __wine_spec_dos_header\n");
	output("\t.globl _wine_spec_dos_header\n");
    output( ".L__wine_spec_dos_header:\n" );
    output( "\t.short 0x5a4d\n" );                                         /* e_magic */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_cblp */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_cp */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_crlc */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_cparhdr */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_minalloc */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_maxalloc */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_ss */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_sp */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_csum */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_ip */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_cs */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_lfarlc */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_ovno */
    output( "\t.short 0,0,0,0\n" );                                        /* e_res */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_oemid */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* e_oeminfo */
    output( "\t.short 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n" );                            /* e_res2 */
    output( "\t.long .L__wine_spec_ne_header-.L__wine_spec_dos_header\n" );/* e_lfanew */

    output( ".L__wine_spec_ne_header:\n" );
    output( "\t.short 0x454e\n" );                                         /* ne_magic */
    output( "\t.byte 0\n" );                                               /* ne_ver */
    output( "\t.byte 0\n" );                                               /* ne_rev */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_ne_enttab-.L__wine_spec_ne_header\n" );/* ne_enttab */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_ne_enttab_end-.L__wine_spec_ne_enttab\n" );/* ne_cbenttab */
    output( "\t.long 0\n" );                                               /* ne_crc */
    output( "\t.short 0x%04x\n", NE_FFLAGS_SINGLEDATA |                    /* ne_flags */
             ((spec->characteristics & IMAGE_FILE_DLL) ? NE_FFLAGS_LIBMODULE : 0) );
    output( "\t.short 2\n" );                                              /* ne_autodata */
    output( "\t.short %u\n", spec->heap_size );                            /* ne_heap */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* ne_stack */
    if (!entry_point) output( "\t.long 0\n" );                             /* ne_csip */
    else output( "\t.short .L__wine_%s_0-.L__wine_spec_code_segment,1\n",
                 make_c_identifier(spec->dll_name) );
    output( "\t.short 0,2\n" );                                            /* ne_sssp */
    output( "\t.short 2\n" );                                              /* ne_cseg */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* ne_cmod */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                              /* ne_cbnrestab */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_ne_segtab-.L__wine_spec_ne_header\n" );/* ne_segtab */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_ne_rsrctab-.L__wine_spec_ne_header\n" );   /* ne_rsrctab */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_ne_restab-.L__wine_spec_ne_header\n" );    /* ne_restab */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_ne_modtab-.L__wine_spec_ne_header\n" );    /* ne_modtab */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_ne_imptab-.L__wine_spec_ne_header\n" );    /* ne_imptab */
    output( "\t.long 0\n" );                                   /* ne_nrestab */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                  /* ne_cmovent */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                  /* ne_align */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                  /* ne_cres */
    output( "\t.byte 0x02\n" );                                /* ne_exetyp = NE_OSFLAGS_WINDOWS */
    output( "\t.byte 0x08\n" );                                /* ne_flagsothers = NE_AFLAGS_FASTLOAD */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                  /* ne_pretthunks */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                  /* ne_psegrefbytes */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                  /* ne_swaparea */
    output( "\t.short 0\n" );                                  /* ne_expver */

    /* segment table */

    output( "\n.L__wine_spec_ne_segtab:\n" );

    /* code segment entry */

    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_code_segment-.L__wine_spec_dos_header\n" );         /* filepos */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_code_segment_end-.L__wine_spec_code_segment\n" );   /* size */
    output( "\t.short 0x2000\n" );                                                      /* flags = NE_SEGFLAGS_32BIT */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_code_segment_end-.L__wine_spec_code_segment\n" );   /* minsize */

    /* data segment entry */

    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_data_segment-.L__wine_spec_dos_header\n" );         /* filepos */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_data_segment_end-.L__wine_spec_data_segment\n" );   /* size */
    output( "\t.short 0x0001\n" );                                                      /* flags = NE_SEGFLAGS_DATA */
    output( "\t.short .L__wine_spec_data_segment_end-.L__wine_spec_data_segment\n" );   /* minsize */

    /* resource directory */

    output_res16_directory( spec );

    /* resident names table */

    output( "\n\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(2) );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_ne_restab:\n" );
    output_resident_name( spec->dll_name, 0 );
    for (i = 1; i <= spec->limit; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = spec->ordinals[i];
        if (!odp || !odp->name[0]) continue;
        if (odp->flags & FLAG_EXPORT32) continue;
        output_resident_name( odp->name, i );
    output( "\t.byte 0\n" );

    /* imported names table */

    output( "\n\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(2) );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_ne_modtab:\n" );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_ne_imptab:\n" );
    output( "\t.byte 0,0\n" );

    /* entry table */

    output( "\n.L__wine_spec_ne_enttab:\n" );
    output_entry_table( spec );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_ne_enttab_end:\n" );

    /* code segment */

    output( "\n\t.align %d\n", get_alignment(2) );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_code_segment:\n" );

    for ( i = 0; i < nb_funcs; i++ )
        unsigned int arg_types[2];
        int nop_words, pos, argsize = 0;

        if ( typelist[i]->type == TYPE_PASCAL )
            argsize = get_function_argsize( typelist[i] );

        /* build the arg types bit fields */
        arg_types[0] = arg_types[1] = 0;
        for (j = pos = 0; j < typelist[i]->u.func.nb_args && pos < 20; j++, pos++)
            int type = 0;
            switch (typelist[i]->u.func.args[j])
            case ARG_WORD:   type = ARG16_WORD; break;
            case ARG_SWORD:  type = ARG16_SWORD; break;
            case ARG_SEGPTR: type = ARG16_LONG; break;
            case ARG_SEGSTR: type = ARG16_SEGSTR; break;
            case ARG_LONG:   type = ARG16_LONG; break;
            case ARG_PTR:    type = ARG16_PTR; break;
            case ARG_STR:    type = ARG16_STR; break;
            case ARG_WSTR:   type = ARG16_PTR; break;
            case ARG_FLOAT:  type = ARG16_LONG; break;
            case ARG_INT128: type = ARG16_PTR; break;
            case ARG_INT64:
            case ARG_DOUBLE:
                type = ARG16_LONG;
                arg_types[pos / 10] |= type << (3 * (pos % 10));
            if (pos < 20) arg_types[pos / 10] |= type << (3 * (pos % 10));
        if (typelist[i]->type == TYPE_VARARGS && pos < 20)
            arg_types[pos / 10] |= ARG16_VARARG << (3 * (pos % 10));

        output( ".L__wine_spec_callfrom16_%s:\n", get_callfrom16_name(typelist[i]) );
        output( "\tpushl $.L__wine_spec_call16_%s\n", get_relay_name(typelist[i]) );
        output( "\tlcall $0,$0\n" );

        if (typelist[i]->flags & FLAG_REGISTER)
            nop_words = 4;
        else if (typelist[i]->flags & FLAG_RET16)
            output( "\torw %%ax,%%ax\n" );
            output( "\tnop\n" );  /* so that the lretw is aligned */
            nop_words = 2;
            output( "\tshld $16,%%eax,%%edx\n" );
            output( "\torl %%eax,%%eax\n" );
            nop_words = 1;

        if (argsize)
            output( "\tlretw $%u\n", argsize );
        else output( "\tlretw\n" );

        if (nop_words) output( "\t%s\n", nop_sequence[nop_words-1] );

        /* the movl is here so that the code contains only valid instructions, */
        /* it's never actually executed, we only care about the arg_types[] values */
        output( "\t.short 0x86c7\n" );
        output( "\t.long 0x%08x,0x%08x\n", arg_types[0], arg_types[1] );

    for (i = 0; i <= spec->limit; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = spec->ordinals[i];
        if (!odp || !is_function( odp )) continue;
        output( ".L__wine_%s_%u:\n", make_c_identifier(spec->dll_name), i );
        output( "\tpushw %%bp\n" );
        output( "\tpushl $%s\n",
                 asm_name_stdcall16( odp->type == TYPE_STUB ? get_stub_name( odp, spec ) : odp->link_name , odp));
        output( "\tcallw .L__wine_spec_callfrom16_%s\n", get_callfrom16_name( odp ) );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_code_segment_end:\n" );

    /* data segment */

    output( "\n.L__wine_spec_data_segment:\n" );
    output( "\t.byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n" );  /* instance data */
    for (i = 0; i <= spec->limit; i++)
        ORDDEF *odp = spec->ordinals[i];
        if (!odp || odp->type != TYPE_VARIABLE) continue;
        output( ".L__wine_%s_%u:\n", make_c_identifier(spec->dll_name), i );
        output( "\t.long " );
        for (j = 0; j < odp->u.var.n_values-1; j++)
            output( "0x%08x,", odp->u.var.values[j] );
        output( "0x%08x\n", odp->u.var.values[j] );
    output( ".L__wine_spec_data_segment_end:\n" );

    /* resource data */

    if (spec->nb_resources)
        output( "\n.L__wine_spec_resource_data:\n" );
        output_res16_data( spec );

    output( "\t.byte 0\n" );  /* make sure the last symbol points to something */

    /* relay functions */

    nb_funcs = sort_func_list( typelist, nb_funcs, relay_type_compare );
    if (nb_funcs)
        output( "\n/* relay functions */\n\n" );
        output( "\t.text\n" );
        for ( i = 0; i < nb_funcs; i++ ) output_call16_function( typelist[i] );
        output( "\t.data\n" );
        output( "wine_ldt_copy_ptr:\n" );
        output( "\t.long %s\n", asm_name("_imp__wine_ldt_copy") );

    free( typelist );