コード例 #1
ファイル: scatterv.hpp プロジェクト: LocutusOfBorg/poedit
scatterv_impl(const communicator& comm, const T* in_values, T* out_values, int out_size,
              const int* sizes, const int* displs, int root, mpl::true_)
  assert(!sizes || out_size == sizes[comm.rank()]);
  assert(bool(sizes) == bool(in_values));
  scoped_array<int> new_offsets_mem(make_offsets(comm, sizes, displs, root));
  if (new_offsets_mem) displs = new_offsets_mem.get();
  MPI_Datatype type = get_mpi_datatype<T>(*in_values);
                         (const_cast<T*>(in_values), const_cast<int*>(sizes),
                          const_cast<int*>(displs), type,
                          out_values, out_size, type, root, comm));
コード例 #2
ファイル: FAST.cpp プロジェクト: MajorBreakfast/cvt
	inline void FAST::detect12( const Image& img, uint8_t threshold, FeatureSetWrapper& features, size_t border )
		size_t stride;
		const uint8_t * im = img.map( &stride );

		size_t x, y;
		size_t xsize = img.width() - border;
		size_t ysize = img.height() - border;

		int offsets[ 16 ];
		make_offsets( offsets, stride );

		for( y=border; y < ysize; y++ ){
			for( x=border; x < xsize; x++ ){
				const uint8_t* p = im + y*stride + x;

				if( isCorner12( p, offsets, threshold ) )
					features( x, y, score12Pixel( p, offsets, threshold ) );
		img.unmap( im );
コード例 #3
ファイル: index.cpp プロジェクト: Botrix/pentago
supertensor_index_t::supertensor_index_t(const sections_t& sections)
  : sections(ref(sections))
  , section_offset(make_offsets(sections)) {
  // Make sure we have a complete slice
コード例 #4
ファイル: FAST.cpp プロジェクト: MajorBreakfast/cvt
	inline void FAST::detect9simd( const Image& img, uint8_t threshold, FeatureSetWrapper& features, size_t border )
	#define CHECK_BARRIER(lo, hi, other, flags)		\
		{                                               \
			__m128i diff = _mm_subs_epu8(lo, other);	\
			__m128i diff2 = _mm_subs_epu8(other, hi);	\
			__m128i z = _mm_setzero_si128();			\
			diff = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(diff, z);				\
			diff2 = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(diff2, z);			\
			flags = ~(_mm_movemask_epi8(diff) | (_mm_movemask_epi8(diff2) << 16)); \

		size_t stride;
		const uint8_t * iptr = img.map( &stride );

		int offsets[ 16 ];
		make_offsets( offsets, stride );

		const size_t tripleStride = 3 * stride;

		// The compiler refuses to reserve a register for this
		const __m128i barriers = _mm_set1_epi8( threshold  );

		// xend is the beginning of the last pixels in the row that need to be processed in the normal way
		size_t width = img.width();
		size_t height = img.height();
		size_t xend = width - border - ( width - border ) % 16;
		size_t aligned_start = ( (int)( border / 16 ) + 1 ) << 4;

		const uint8_t* im = iptr;
		im += ( border * stride );
		const uint8_t * ptr;

		for ( size_t y = border; y < height - border; y++ ) {
			ptr = im + border;
			for ( size_t x = border; x < aligned_start; x++ ){
				if( isCorner9( ptr, offsets, threshold ) )
					features( x, y, score9Pixel( ptr, offsets, threshold ) );

			for ( size_t x = aligned_start; x < xend; x += 16, ptr += 16 ) {
				__m128i lo, hi;
					const __m128i here = _mm_load_si128( (const __m128i*)ptr );
					lo = _mm_subs_epu8( here, barriers );
					hi = _mm_adds_epu8( here, barriers );

				uint32_t ans_0, ans_8, possible;
					__m128i top = _mm_load_si128( ( const __m128i* )( ptr - tripleStride ) );
					__m128i bottom = _mm_load_si128( ( const __m128i* )( ptr + tripleStride ) );

					CHECK_BARRIER( lo, hi, top, ans_0 );
					CHECK_BARRIER( lo, hi, bottom, ans_8 );

					possible = ans_0 | ans_8;

					if ( !possible ){

				uint32_t ans_15, ans_1;
					__m128i a = _mm_loadu_si128( ( const __m128i* )( ptr - 1 - tripleStride ) );
					__m128i c = _mm_insert_epi16( _mm_srli_si128( a, 2 ), *( const uint16_t* ) (ptr + 15 - tripleStride), 7 );
					CHECK_BARRIER( lo, hi, a, ans_15 );
					CHECK_BARRIER( lo, hi, c, ans_1 );
					// 8 or (15 and 1 )
					possible &= ans_8 | (ans_15 & ans_1);

					if ( !possible )

				uint32_t ans_9, ans_7;
					__m128i d = _mm_loadu_si128( ( const __m128i* )( ptr - 1 + tripleStride ) );
					__m128i f = _mm_insert_epi16( _mm_srli_si128( d, 2 ), *( const uint16_t* )( ptr + 15 + tripleStride ), 7 );
					CHECK_BARRIER( lo, hi, d, ans_9 );
					CHECK_BARRIER( lo, hi, f, ans_7 );
					possible &= ans_9 | ( ans_0 & ans_1 );
					possible &= ans_7 | ( ans_15 & ans_0 );

					if ( !possible )

				uint32_t ans_12, ans_4;
					__m128i left = _mm_loadu_si128( ( const __m128i* )( ptr - 3 ) );
					__m128i right = _mm_loadu_si128( ( const __m128i* )( ptr + 3 ) );
					CHECK_BARRIER( lo, hi, left, ans_12 );
					CHECK_BARRIER( lo, hi, right, ans_4 );
					possible &= ans_12 | ( ans_4 & ( ans_1 | ans_7 ) );
					possible &= ans_4 | ( ans_12 & ( ans_9 | ans_15 ) );

					if ( !possible )

				uint32_t ans_14, ans_6;
					__m128i ul = _mm_loadu_si128( ( const __m128i* ) ( ptr - 2 - 2 * stride ) );
					__m128i lr = _mm_loadu_si128( ( const __m128i* ) ( ptr + 2 + 2 * stride ) );
					CHECK_BARRIER( lo, hi, ul, ans_14 );
					CHECK_BARRIER( lo, hi, lr, ans_6 );
						const unsigned int ans_6_7 = ans_6 & ans_7;
						possible &= ans_14 | (ans_6_7 & (ans_4 | (ans_8 & ans_9)));
						possible &= ans_1 | (ans_6_7) | ans_12;
						const unsigned int ans_14_15 = ans_14 & ans_15;
						possible &= ans_6 | (ans_14_15 & (ans_12 | (ans_0 & ans_1)));
						possible &= ans_9 | (ans_14_15) | ans_4;

					if ( !possible )

				uint32_t ans_10, ans_2;
					__m128i ll = _mm_loadu_si128( ( const __m128i* ) (ptr - 2 + 2 * stride) );
					__m128i ur = _mm_loadu_si128( ( const __m128i* ) (ptr + 2 - 2 * stride) );
					CHECK_BARRIER( lo, hi, ll, ans_10 );
					CHECK_BARRIER( lo, hi, ur, ans_2 );
						const unsigned int ans_1_2 = ans_1 & ans_2;
						possible &= ans_10 | (ans_1_2 & ((ans_0 & ans_15) | ans_4));
						possible &= ans_12 | (ans_1_2) | (ans_6 & ans_7);
						const unsigned int ans_9_10 = ans_9 & ans_10;
						possible &= ans_2 | (ans_9_10 & ((ans_7 & ans_8) | ans_12));
						possible &= ans_4 | (ans_9_10) | (ans_14 & ans_15);
					possible &= ans_8 | ans_14 | ans_2;
					possible &= ans_0 | ans_10 | ans_6;

					if ( !possible )

				uint32_t ans_13, ans_5;
					__m128i g = _mm_loadu_si128( ( const __m128i* ) (ptr - 3 - stride ) );
					__m128i l = _mm_loadu_si128( ( const __m128i* ) (ptr + 3 + stride ) );
					CHECK_BARRIER( lo, hi, g, ans_13 );
					CHECK_BARRIER( lo, hi, l, ans_5 );
					const uint32_t ans_15_0 = ans_15 & ans_0;
					const uint32_t ans_7_8 = ans_7 & ans_8;
						const uint32_t ans_12_13 = ans_12 & ans_13;
						possible &= ans_5 | (ans_12_13 & ans_14 & ((ans_15_0) | ans_10));
						possible &= ans_7 | (ans_1 & ans_2) | (ans_12_13);
						possible &= ans_2 | (ans_12_13) | (ans_7_8);
						const uint32_t ans_4_5 = ans_4 & ans_5;
						const uint32_t ans_9_10 = ans_9 & ans_10;
						possible &= ans_13 | (ans_4_5 & ans_6 & ((ans_7_8) | ans_2));
						possible &= ans_15 | (ans_4_5) | (ans_9_10);
						possible &= ans_10 | (ans_4_5) | (ans_15_0);
						possible &= ans_15 | (ans_9_10) | (ans_4_5);

					possible &= ans_8 | (ans_13 & ans_14) | ans_2;
					possible &= ans_0 | (ans_5 & ans_6) | ans_10;

					if ( !possible )

				uint32_t ans_11, ans_3;
					__m128i ii = _mm_loadu_si128( ( const __m128i* )( ptr - 3 + stride ) );
					__m128i jj = _mm_loadu_si128( ( const __m128i* )( ptr + 3 - stride ) );
					CHECK_BARRIER( lo, hi, ii, ans_11 );
					CHECK_BARRIER( lo, hi, jj, ans_3 );
						const uint32_t ans_2_3 = ans_2 & ans_3;
						possible &= ans_11 | (ans_2_3 & ans_4 & ((ans_0 & ans_1) | (ans_5 & ans_6)));
						possible &= ans_13 | (ans_7 & ans_8) | (ans_2_3);
						possible &= ans_8 | (ans_2_3) | (ans_13 & ans_14);
						const uint32_t ans_11_12 = ans_11 & ans_12;
						possible &= ans_3 | (ans_10 & ans_11_12 & ((ans_8 & ans_9) | (ans_13 & ans_14)));
						possible &= ans_1 | (ans_11_12) | (ans_6 & ans_7);
						possible &= ans_6 | (ans_0 & ans_1) | (ans_11_12);
						const uint32_t ans_3_4 = ans_3 & ans_4;
						possible &= ans_9 | (ans_3_4) | (ans_14 & ans_15);
						possible &= ans_14 | (ans_8 & ans_9) | (ans_3_4);
						const uint32_t ans_10_11 = ans_10 & ans_11;
						possible &= ans_5 | (ans_15 & ans_0) | (ans_10_11);
						possible &= ans_0 | (ans_10_11) | (ans_5 & ans_6);

					if ( !possible )


				possible |= (possible >> 16);

				//if(possible & 0x0f) //Does this make it faster?
					if ( possible & (1 << 0) )
						features( x, y, score9Pixel( ptr, offsets, threshold ) );
					if ( possible & (1 << 1) )
						features( x + 1, y, score9Pixel( ptr + 1, offsets, threshold ) );
					if ( possible & (1 << 2) )
						features( x + 2, y, score9Pixel( ptr + 2, offsets, threshold ) );
					if ( possible & (1 << 3) )
						features( x + 3, y, score9Pixel( ptr + 3, offsets, threshold ) );
					if ( possible & (1 << 4) )
						features( x + 4, y, score9Pixel( ptr + 4, offsets, threshold ) );
					if ( possible & (1 << 5) )
						features( x + 5, y, score9Pixel( ptr + 5, offsets, threshold ) );
					if ( possible & (1 << 6) )
						features( x + 6, y, score9Pixel( ptr + 6, offsets, threshold ) );
					if ( possible & (1 << 7) )
						features( x + 7, y, score9Pixel( ptr + 7, offsets, threshold ) );

				//if(possible & 0xf0) //Does this mak( ,  fast)r?
					if ( possible & (1 << 8) )
						features( x + 8, y, score9Pixel( ptr + 8, offsets, threshold ) );
					if ( possible & (1 << 9) )
						features( x + 9, y, score9Pixel( ptr + 9, offsets, threshold ) );
					if ( possible & (1 << 10) )
						features( x + 10, y, score9Pixel( ptr + 10, offsets, threshold ) );
					if ( possible & (1 << 11) )
						features( x + 11, y, score9Pixel( ptr + 11, offsets, threshold ) );
					if ( possible & (1 << 12) )
						features( x + 12, y, score9Pixel( ptr + 12, offsets, threshold ) );
					if ( possible & (1 << 13) )
						features( x + 13, y, score9Pixel( ptr + 13, offsets, threshold ) );
					if ( possible & (1 << 14) )
						features( x + 14, y, score9Pixel( ptr + 14, offsets, threshold ) );
					if ( possible & (1 << 15) )
						features( x + 15, y, score9Pixel( ptr + 15, offsets, threshold ) );

			for ( size_t x = xend; x < width - border; x++ ){
				if( isCorner9( ptr, offsets, threshold ) )
					features( x, y, score9Pixel( ptr, offsets, threshold ) );
			im += stride;
		img.unmap( iptr );
