int serialize_to_public_message(char** dest, struct item* item) /*@ requires [?f0]world(?pub, ?key_clsfy) &*& [?f1]item(item, ?i, pub) &*& pointer(dest, _) &*& [_]pub(i); @*/ /*@ ensures [f0]world(pub, key_clsfy) &*& [f1]item(item, i, pub) &*& pointer(dest, ?d) &*& malloc_block(d, result) &*& result > 1 &*& chars(d, result, ?cs) &*& [_]item_constraints(i, cs, pub); @*/ { int size; char* temp; //@ open [f1]item(item, i, pub); //@ assert [f1]item->content |-> ?cont; size = item->size; //@ assert [f1]crypto_chars(secret, cont, size, ?cs); temp = malloc_wrapper(size); memcpy(temp, item->content, (unsigned int) size); *dest = temp; //@ open [f0]world(pub, key_clsfy); //@ close [f0]world(pub, key_clsfy); //@ retreive_proof_obligations(); //@ assert [_]item_constraints(i, cs, pub); //@ serialize_item(i); //@ public_crypto_chars(temp, size); //@ leak proof_obligations(pub); //@ close [f1]item(item, i, pub); return size; }
struct item* deserialize(char* buffer, int size) /*@ requires [?f0]world(?pub, ?key_clsfy) &*& [?f1]chars(buffer, size, ?cs); @*/ /*@ ensures [f0]world(pub, key_clsfy) &*& [f1]chars(buffer, size, cs) &*& item(result, ?i, pub) &*& [_]pub(i); @*/ { if (size <= MINIMAL_STRING_SIZE) abort_crypto_lib("Found corrupted item during deserialization"); struct item* item = malloc(sizeof(struct item)); if (item == 0){abort_crypto_lib("malloc of item failed");} //@ open [f0]world(pub, key_clsfy); //@ public_chars(buffer, size); //@ close [f0]world(pub, key_clsfy); item->size = size; item->content = malloc_wrapper(item->size); //@ assert item->content |-> ?cont; //@ chars_to_crypto_chars(buffer, size); //@ assert [f1]crypto_chars(normal, buffer, size, ?ccs); memcpy(item->content, buffer, (unsigned int) size); //@ get_forall_t<char>(); //@ get_forall_t<list<char> >(); parse_item(buffer, size); //@ retreive_proof_obligations(); //@ deserialize_item(ccs); //@ leak proof_obligations(pub); //@ assert [_]item_constraints(?i, ccs, pub) &*& [_]pub(i); //@ cs_to_ccs_crypto_chars(cont, cs); //@ cs_to_ccs_crypto_chars(buffer, cs); //@ chars_to_secret_crypto_chars(cont, size); //@ close item(item, i, pub); return item; }
struct item *create_hash(struct item *payload) /*@ requires [?f0]world(?pub, ?key_clsfy) &*& [?f1]item(payload, ?pay, pub); @*/ /*@ ensures [f0]world(pub, key_clsfy) &*& [f1]item(payload, pay, pub) &*& item(result, ?hash, pub) &*& col || hash == hash_item(some(pay)); @*/ { //@ open [f1]item(payload, pay, pub); //@ open [_]item_constraints(pay, ?pay_cs, pub); //@ assert [f1]payload->content |-> ?p_cont &*& [f1]payload->size |-> ?p_size; struct item* hash = malloc(sizeof(struct item)); if (hash == 0){abort_crypto_lib("malloc of item failed");} hash->size = TAG_LENGTH + HASH_SIZE; hash->content = malloc_wrapper(hash->size); write_tag(hash->content, TAG_HASH); if (payload->size < MINIMAL_STRING_SIZE) {abort_crypto_lib("Payload of hash was to small");} sha512(payload->content, (unsigned int) payload->size, hash->content + TAG_LENGTH, 0); //@ open [f0]world(pub, key_clsfy); //@ assert hash->content |-> ?cont &*& hash->size |-> ?size; //@ public_chars(cont, TAG_LENGTH); //@ assert chars(cont, TAG_LENGTH, ?cs_tag); //@ assert cs_tag == full_tag(TAG_HASH); //@ open cryptogram(cont + TAG_LENGTH, HASH_SIZE, ?cs_cont, ?h_cg); //@ assert h_cg == cg_hash(pay_cs); //@ item h = hash_item(some(pay)); //@ close ic_cg(h)(cs_cont, h_cg); //@ list<char> cs = append(cs_tag, cs_cont); //@ if (col) public_chars(cont + TAG_LENGTH, HASH_SIZE); //@ if (col) public_generated_join(polarssl_pub(pub), cs_tag, cs_cont); //@ if (col) chars_to_secret_crypto_chars(cont + TAG_LENGTH, HASH_SIZE); //@ chars_to_secret_crypto_chars(cont, TAG_LENGTH); //@ crypto_chars_join(cont); //@ close [f0]world(pub, key_clsfy); //@ close ic_parts(h)(cs_tag, cs_cont); //@ WELL_FORMED(cs_tag, cs_cont, TAG_HASH) //@ close well_formed_item_chars(h)(pay_cs); //@ leak well_formed_item_chars(h)(pay_cs); //@ close item_constraints(h, cs, pub); //@ leak item_constraints(h, cs, pub); //@ close item(hash, h, pub); return hash; //@ close [f1]item(payload, pay, pub); }
struct item* item_clone(struct item* item) //@ requires [?f]item(item, ?i, ?pub); /*@ ensures [f]item(item, i, pub) &*& item(result, i, pub) &*& result != 0; @*/ { //@ open [f]item(item, i, pub); struct item* clone = malloc(sizeof(struct item)); if (clone == 0){abort_crypto_lib("malloc of item failed");} clone->size = item->size; clone->content = malloc_wrapper(clone->size); memcpy(clone->content, item->content, (unsigned int) clone->size); return clone; //@ close [f]item(item, i, pub); //@ close item(clone, i, pub); }
treenode_t * insert(treenode_t ** root_ptr, const int value) { if (*root_ptr == NULL) { // tree is empty malloc_wrapper((void *)(root_ptr), sizeof(treenode_t)); (*root_ptr)->value = value; return *root_ptr; } else { if ((*root_ptr)->value >= value) { // go left (*root_ptr)->left = insert(&(*root_ptr)->left, value); //((*root_ptr)->left) = insert(&(*root_ptr)->left, value); } else { (*root_ptr)->right = insert(&(*root_ptr)->right, value); } return *root_ptr; } }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int * intPtr = NULL; volatile int number = 0; treenode_t * root = NULL; printf("intPtr is at address %p\n", &intPtr); malloc_wrapper((void *)&intPtr, 4); if (intPtr == NULL) { printf("could not malloc\n"); return -1; } printf("intPtr is at address %p\n", &intPtr); printf("intPtr is pointing to %p\n", intPtr); free (intPtr); printf("is big endian result : %08x\n", isBigEndian()); insert(&root, 1); printf("root is %p\n", root); traversal(root); insert(&root, 2); traversal(root); insert(&root, 3); traversal(root); insert(&root, 1); traversal(root); insert(&root, 2); traversal(root); insert(&root, 3); traversal(root); insert(&root, -1); traversal(root); insert(&root, 0); traversal(root); printf("\n"); deleteTree(&root); return 0; }
bool first_fit(Scheduler *s) { //given the runnable list, fit the memory chunk in. //operation complete MemoryChunk* current_chunk; ProcessList* current_list; current_list = s->running; current_chunk = s->memory; while (current_chunk != NULL) { if (current_chunk->pid == -1) { if(current_chunk->size >= current_list->proc.mem_size) { //space found! MemoryChunk* new_chunk = malloc_wrapper(sizeof(MemoryChunk)); current_chunk->size = current_chunk->size - (current_list->proc.mem_size); new_chunk->size = current_list->proc.mem_size; new_chunk->time = s->clock_time; new_chunk->pid = current_list->; if(current_chunk->next != NULL) { new_chunk->next = current_chunk->next; } else { new_chunk->next = NULL; } current_chunk->next = new_chunk; return true; } } current_chunk = current_chunk->next; } return false; //no space found. }
struct item *create_pair(struct item *first, struct item *second) /*@ requires [?f0]world(?pub, ?key_clsfy) &*& [?f1]item(first, ?f, pub) &*& [?f2]item(second, ?s, pub); @*/ /*@ ensures [f0]world(pub, key_clsfy) &*& [f1]item(first, f, pub) &*& [f2]item(second, s, pub) &*& item(result, pair_item(f, s), pub); @*/ { //@ open [f0]world(pub, key_clsfy); struct item* pair = malloc(sizeof(struct item)); if (pair == 0){abort_crypto_lib("malloc of item failed");} //@ open [f1]item(first, f, pub); //@ assert [f1]first->content |-> ?cont_f &*& [f1]first->size |-> ?size_f; //@ assert [f1]crypto_chars(secret, cont_f, size_f, ?cs_f); //@ assert [_]item_constraints(f, cs_f, pub); //@ well_formed_item_constraints(f, f); //@ open [_]well_formed_item_chars(f)(cs_f); //@ open [f2]item(second, s, pub); //@ assert [f2]second->content |-> ?cont_s &*& [f2]second->size |-> ?size_s; //@ assert [f2]crypto_chars(secret, cont_s, size_s, ?cs_s); //@ well_formed_item_constraints(s, s); //@ open [_]well_formed_item_chars(s)(cs_s); //@ assert [_]item_constraints(s, cs_s, pub); if (INT_MAX - TAG_LENGTH - (int) sizeof(int) - first->size < second->size) abort_crypto_lib("Requested pair item was to big"); pair->size = TAG_LENGTH + (int) sizeof(int) + first->size + second->size; pair->content = malloc_wrapper(pair->size); //@ assert pair->content |-> ?cont &*& pair->size |-> ?size; write_tag(pair->content, TAG_PAIR); { //@ assert chars(cont, TAG_LENGTH, full_tag(TAG_PAIR)); //@ public_chars(cont, TAG_LENGTH); //@ chars_to_secret_crypto_chars(cont, TAG_LENGTH); char* temp = pair->content + TAG_LENGTH; //@ chars_split(cont + TAG_LENGTH, sizeof(int)); //@ assert [f1]integer(&first->size, ?flen); //@ integer_to_chars(&first->size); //@ open chars((void*) &first->size, sizeof(int), chars_of_int(flen)); //@ character_limits((void*) &first->size); //@ close [f1]chars((void*) &first->size, sizeof(int), chars_of_int(flen)); //@ public_chars((void*) &first->size, sizeof(int)); //@ public_chars((void*) &first->size, sizeof(int)); //@ chars_to_crypto_chars((void*) &first->size, sizeof(int)); write_buffer(&temp, (void*) &(first->size), (int) sizeof(int)); //@ crypto_chars_to_chars((void*) &first->size, sizeof(int)); //@ chars_to_secret_crypto_chars(temp - sizeof(int), sizeof(int)); //@ chars_to_integer(&first->size); //@ chars_split(cont + TAG_LENGTH + sizeof(int), first->size); write_buffer(&temp, first->content, first->size); write_buffer(&temp, second->content, second->size); //@ crypto_chars_join(cont + TAG_LENGTH + sizeof(int)); //@ crypto_chars_join(cont + TAG_LENGTH); //@ crypto_chars_join(cont); } //@ list<char> size_f_cs = chars_of_int(size_f); //@ list<char> cs0 = append(size_f_cs, append(cs_f, cs_s)); //@ list<char> cs = append(full_tag(TAG_PAIR), cs0); //@ take_append(TAG_LENGTH, full_tag(TAG_PAIR), cs0); //@ drop_append(TAG_LENGTH, full_tag(TAG_PAIR), cs0); //@ assert length(size_f_cs) == sizeof(int); //@ take_append(sizeof(int), size_f_cs, append(cs_f, cs_s)); //@ drop_append(sizeof(int), size_f_cs, append(cs_f, cs_s)); //@ take_append(size_f, cs_f, cs_s); //@ drop_append(size_f, cs_f, cs_s); //@ assert drop(sizeof(int), cs0) == append(cs_f, cs_s); //@ assert size_f_cs == chars_of_unbounded_int(length(cs_f)); //@ append_assoc(size_f_cs, cs_f, cs_s); //@ assert crypto_chars(secret, cont, size, cs); //@ item p = pair_item(f, s); //@ close ic_pair(p)(cs_f, cs_s); //@ length_equals_nat_length(cs); //@ length_equals_nat_length(cs0); //@ drop_drop(sizeof(int), TAG_LENGTH, cs); //@ head_append(full_tag(TAG_PAIR), cs0); /*@ switch(nat_length(cs)) { case succ(n): well_formed_upper_bound(cs_f, nat_length(cs_f), n); well_formed_upper_bound(cs_s, nat_length(cs_s), n); case zero: assert false; } @*/ /*@ if(col) { public_chars(cont, size); public_generated_split(polarssl_pub(pub), cs, TAG_LENGTH); } @*/ //@ close ic_parts(p)(full_tag(TAG_PAIR), cs0); //@ close item_constraints(p, cs, pub); //@ leak item_constraints(p, cs, pub); //@ close item(pair, p, pub); //@ close [f1]item(first, f, pub); //@ close [f2]item(second, s, pub); return pair; //@ close [f0]world(pub, key_clsfy); }
void pair_get_components(struct item* pair, struct item** firstp, struct item** secondp) /*@ requires [?f]world(?pub, ?key_clsfy) &*& item(pair, ?p, pub) &*& p == pair_item(?f0, ?s0) &*& pointer(firstp, _) &*& pointer(secondp, _); @*/ /*@ ensures [f]world(pub, key_clsfy) &*& item(pair, p, pub) &*& pointer(firstp, ?fp) &*& pointer(secondp, ?sp) &*& item(fp, ?f1, pub) &*& item(sp, ?s1, pub) &*& col ? true : f0 == f1 && s0 == s1; @*/ { char* temp; check_is_pair(pair); //@ open item(pair, p, pub); //@ assert pair->content |-> ?cont &*& pair->size |-> ?size; //@ assert crypto_chars(secret, cont, size, ?cs); //@ open [_]item_constraints(p, cs, pub); //@ assert [_]ic_parts(p)(?cs_tag, ?cs_cont); //@ take_append(TAG_LENGTH, cs_tag, cs_cont); //@ drop_append(TAG_LENGTH, cs_tag, cs_cont); //@ assert [_]ic_pair(p)(?cs_f, ?cs_s); struct item *first = malloc(sizeof(struct item)); struct item *second = malloc(sizeof(struct item)); if (first == 0 || second == 0){abort_crypto_lib("malloc of item failed");} temp = pair->content; //@ crypto_chars_split(cont, TAG_LENGTH); //@ if (col) public_generated_split(polarssl_pub(pub), cs, TAG_LENGTH); //@ assert crypto_chars(secret, temp, TAG_LENGTH, cs_tag); //@ assert crypto_chars(secret, temp + TAG_LENGTH, size - TAG_LENGTH, cs_cont); //@ assert cs_tag == full_tag(TAG_PAIR); //@ assert cs == append(cs_tag, cs_cont); //@ switch(cs_tag) {case cons(c0, cs0): case nil: assert false;} //@ assert cs_tag == cons(TAG_PAIR, _); temp = temp + TAG_LENGTH; if (pair->size <= TAG_LENGTH + (int) sizeof(int)) abort_crypto_lib("Found corrupted pair item 1"); //@ open [f]world(pub, key_clsfy); //@ crypto_chars_split(temp, sizeof(int)); //@ if (col) public_generated_split(polarssl_pub(pub), cs_cont, sizeof(int)); //@ assert crypto_chars(secret, temp, sizeof(int), ?cs_size_f); //@ assert crypto_chars(secret, temp + sizeof(int), size - TAG_LENGTH - sizeof(int), ?cs_p); //@ take_append(sizeof(int), cs_size_f, cs_p); //@ drop_append(sizeof(int), cs_size_f, cs_p); //@ public_crypto_chars(temp, sizeof(int)); //@ chars_to_integer(temp); first->size = *((int*) (void*) temp); second->size = pair->size - TAG_LENGTH - (int) sizeof(int) - first->size; //@ assert first->size |-> ?size_f &*& second->size |-> ?size_s; if (first->size <= TAG_LENGTH || pair->size - TAG_LENGTH - (int) sizeof(int) <= first->size) abort_crypto_lib("Found corrupted pair item 2"); //@ integer_to_chars(temp); temp = temp + (int) sizeof(int); //@ assert cs_cont == append(cs_size_f, cs_p); //@ append_assoc(cs_cont, cs_size_f, cs_p); //@ crypto_chars_split(temp, first->size); //@ if (col) public_generated_split(polarssl_pub(pub), cs_p, first->size); //@ take_append(size_f, cs_f, cs_s); //@ drop_append(size_f, cs_f, cs_s); //@ assert crypto_chars(secret, temp, size_f, cs_f); //@ assert crypto_chars(secret, temp + size_f, size_s, cs_s); //@ assert cs_p == append(cs_f, cs_s); first->content = malloc_wrapper(first->size); if (first->size <= MINIMAL_STRING_SIZE) abort_crypto_lib("Found corrupted pair item 3"); memcpy(first->content, temp, (unsigned int) first->size); temp = temp + first->size; if (second->size <= MINIMAL_STRING_SIZE) abort_crypto_lib("Found corrupted pair item 4"); second->content = malloc_wrapper(second->size); memcpy(second->content, temp, (unsigned int) second->size); //@ crypto_chars_join(cont + TAG_LENGTH + sizeof(int)); //@ chars_to_secret_crypto_chars(cont + TAG_LENGTH, sizeof(int)); //@ crypto_chars_join(cont + TAG_LENGTH); //@ assert first->content |-> ?cont_f &*& second->content |-> ?cont_s; //@ assert crypto_chars(secret, cont_f, size_f, cs_f); //@ assert crypto_chars(secret, cont_s, size_s, cs_s); //@ assert size_f == int_of_chars(cs_size_f); //@ assert chars_of_unbounded_int(size_f) == cs_size_f; //@ assert length(cs_f) == size_f; //@ assert [_]item_constraints(f0, ?cs_f0, pub); //@ assert [_]item_constraints(s0, ?cs_s0, pub); /*@ drop_append(sizeof(int), chars_of_int(length(cs_f0)), append(cs_f0, cs_s0)); @*/ /*@ take_append(sizeof(int), chars_of_int(length(cs_f0)), append(cs_f0, cs_s0)); @*/ //@ drop_append(length(cs_f0), cs_f0, cs_s0); //@ take_append(length(cs_f0), cs_f0, cs_s0); //@ close item(first, f0, pub); //@ close item(second, s0, pub); //@ close item(pair, pair_item(f0, s0), pub); *firstp = first; *secondp = second; //@ close [f]world(pub, key_clsfy); }