コード例 #1
ファイル: UIMapList.cpp プロジェクト: OLR-xray/XRay-NEW
void CUIMapList::LoadMapList()
	string_path				fn;
	FS.update_path			(fn, "$game_config$", MAP_LIST);
	CInifile map_list_cfg	(fn);

	// maps
	for (int k=0; game_types[k].name; ++k)
		EGameTypes _id			= (EGameTypes)game_types[k].id;
		LPCSTR _name			= game_types[k].name;

		if( !map_list_cfg.section_exist(_name) ) continue;

		CInifile::Sect& S		= map_list_cfg.r_section(_name);
		CInifile::SectIt it		= S.begin(), end = S.end();
		for (;it!=end; ++it){
			shared_str _map_name = it->first;
			m_maps[_id].push_back	(_map_name);

	shared_str				weather_sect = "weather";
	CInifile::Sect& S		= map_list_cfg.r_section(weather_sect);
	CInifile::SectIt it		= S.begin(), end = S.end();
	shared_str				WeatherType;
	shared_str				WeatherTime;

	for (u32 cnt=0; it!=end; ++it, ++cnt)
		WeatherType			= it->first;
		WeatherTime			= map_list_cfg.r_string(weather_sect, *WeatherType);

		AddWeather			(WeatherType, WeatherTime, cnt);

コード例 #2
ファイル: ServerDlg.cpp プロジェクト: OLR-xray/OLR-3.0
void	CServerDlg::LoadMapList()
	string_path			fn;
	FS.update_path		(fn, "$game_config$", MAP_LIST);
	CInifile			map_list_cfg(fn);

	// maps
	for (int k=0; game_types[k].name; ++k)
		EGameTypes _id			= (EGameTypes)game_types[k].id;
		LPCSTR _name			= game_types[k].name;

		if( !map_list_cfg.section_exist(_name) ) continue;

		CInifile::Sect& S		= map_list_cfg.r_section(_name);
		CInifile::SectCIt it	= S.Data.begin(), end = S.Data.end();

		for (;it!=end; ++it)
			shared_str _map_name = it->first;
			m_maps[_id].push_back	(_map_name);
//			strcpy(m_Maps[MapListType][m_MapsNum[MapListType]++], token);
		//		std::sort(m_maps[_id].begin(), m_maps[_id].end(), MP_map_cmp);

	shared_str				weather_sect = "weather";
	CInifile::Sect& S		= map_list_cfg.r_section(weather_sect);
	CInifile::SectCIt it		= S.Data.begin(), end = S.Data.end();

	shared_str				WeatherType;
	shared_str				WeatherTime;

	for (;it!=end; ++it){
		WeatherType			= it->first;
		WeatherTime			= map_list_cfg.r_string(weather_sect, *WeatherType);

//		AddWeather			(WeatherType, WeatherTime);
		if (m_pSVWeatherOptDlg) m_pSVWeatherOptDlg->AddWeather(*WeatherType, *WeatherTime);
コード例 #3
ファイル: UIChangeMap.cpp プロジェクト: OLR-xray/XRay-NEW
void CUIChangeMap::FillUpList()
	lst->Clear				();
	maps.clear_not_free		();
	string_path				fn;
	FS.update_path			(fn, "$game_config$", MAP_LIST);
	CInifile map_list_cfg	(fn);

	LPCSTR sect_name		= get_token_name( game_types, GameID() );

	CInifile::Sect& S		= map_list_cfg.r_section(sect_name);
	CInifile::SectIt it		= S.begin(), end = S.end();
	for (;it!=end; ++it)
		shared_str _map_name = it->first;
		maps.push_back		(_map_name);
		lst->AddItem		( CStringTable().translate(_map_name).c_str() );
コード例 #4
ファイル: UIGameCustom.cpp プロジェクト: BeaconDev/xray-16
void CMapListHelper::Load()
	string_path					fn;
	FS.update_path				(fn, "$game_config$", "mp\\map_list.ltx");
	CInifile map_list_cfg		(fn);

	//read weathers set
	CInifile::Sect w			= map_list_cfg.r_section("weather");
	CInifile::SectCIt wi		= w.Data.begin();
	CInifile::SectCIt wi_e		= w.Data.end();
	for( ;wi!=wi_e; ++wi)
		m_weathers.resize		(m_weathers.size()+1);
		SGameWeathers& gw		= m_weathers.back();
		gw.m_weather_name		= (*wi).first;
		gw.m_start_time			= (*wi).second;

	// scan for additional maps
	FS_FileSet			fset;
	FS.file_list		(fset,"$game_levels$",FS_ListFiles,"*level.ltx");

	FS_FileSetIt fit	= fset.begin();
	FS_FileSetIt fit_e	= fset.end();

	for( ;fit!=fit_e; ++fit)
		string_path					map_cfg_fn;
		FS.update_path				(map_cfg_fn, "$game_levels$", (*fit).name.c_str());
		LoadMapInfo					(map_cfg_fn, (*fit).name);
	//scan all not laoded archieves
	LPCSTR tmp_entrypoint			= "temporary_gamedata\\";
	FS_Path* game_levels			= FS.get_path("$game_levels$");
	xr_string prev_root				= game_levels->m_Root;
	game_levels->_set_root			(tmp_entrypoint);

	CLocatorAPI::archives_it it		= FS.m_archives.begin();
	CLocatorAPI::archives_it it_e	= FS.m_archives.end();

		CLocatorAPI::archive& A		= *it;
		if(A.hSrcFile)				continue;

		LPCSTR ln					= A.header->r_string("header", "level_name");
		LPCSTR lv					= A.header->r_string("header", "level_ver");
		FS.LoadArchive				(A, tmp_entrypoint);

		string_path					map_cfg_fn;
		FS.update_path				(map_cfg_fn, "$game_levels$", ln);

		xr_strcat					(map_cfg_fn,"\\level.ltx");
		LoadMapInfo					(map_cfg_fn, ln, lv);
		FS.unload_archive			(A);
	game_levels->_set_root			(prev_root.c_str());

	R_ASSERT2	(m_storage.size(), "unable to fill map list");
	R_ASSERT2	(m_weathers.size(), "unable to fill weathers list");