int cq_font_list(int port, struct Mypapfile *in,struct papfile *out)
	char		*start, *stop, *p;
	struct comment	*comment = compeek(port);
	struct ppd_font	*pfo;


	for (;;) {
		switch ( markline( &start, &stop, in )) {
			case 0 :
//				return( 0 );  //8/4/99
			case -1 :
				return( CH_MORE );

		if(comgetflags(port) == 0) {
			comsetflags(port, 1 );
			for ( pfo = ppd_fonts; pfo; pfo = pfo->pd_next ) {
				APPEND( out, "/", 1 );
				APPEND( out, pfo->pd_font, strlen(pfo->pd_font));
				APPEND( out, "\n", 1 );
		} else {
			if ( comcmp( start, stop, comment->c_end, 0 ) == 0 ) {
				APPEND( out, "*\n", 2 );
				consumetomark( in );
				return( CH_DONE );
		consumetomark( in );
int cq_query(int port, struct Mypapfile	*in,struct papfile *out)
	char		*start, *stop, *p;
	struct comment	*c, *comment = compeek(port);
	struct ppd_feature	*pfe;

	for (;;) {
		switch ( markline( &start, &stop, in )) {
			case 0 :
//				return( 0 );  //8/4/99
				return(CH_MORE ); //In normal case cann't into this statement
			case -1 :
				return( CH_MORE );

		if ( comgetflags(port) == 0 ) {
			comsetflags(port, 1 );

			// parse for query
			for ( p = start; p < stop; p++ ) {
				if ( *p == ':' ) {
			while ( *p == ' ' ) {
			if(memcmp(p,"ADOSpooler",10) != NULL || (p[10] != '\r' && p[10] != '\n'))
				if ( comswitch(port, queries, cq_default ) < 0 ) {
#ifdef PC_OUTPUT
				    printf("cq_feature: can't find default!\n" );
#endif PC_OUTPUT
				return( CH_DONE );

			APPEND( out, "0\n", 2 );
		} else {
	    	if ( comcmp( start, stop, comment->c_end, 0 ) == 0 ) {
				consumetomark( in );
				return( CH_DONE );
		consumetomark( in );
	}//for (;;).....
int cq_font(int port, struct Mypapfile *in,struct papfile *out)
	char		*start, *stop, *p;
	struct comment	*comment = compeek(port);

	for (;;) {
		switch ( markline( &start, &stop, in )) {
			case 0 :
//				return( 0 );  //8/4/99 marked
				return(CH_ERROR );//In normal case cann't into this statement
			case -1 :
				return( CH_MORE );

		if(comgetflags(port) == 0) {
			comsetflags(port, 1 );

			for ( p = start; p < stop; p++ ) {
				if (*p == ':' ) break;
			cq_font_answer(port, p, stop, out );
		} else {
			if ( comgetflags(port) == 1 &&
				comcmp( start, stop, COMM_CONT, 0 ) == 0 ) {
				// continuation
				for ( p = start; p < stop; p++ ) {
					if ( *p == ' ' ) break;
				cq_font_answer(port, p, stop, out );
			} else {
				comsetflags(port, 2 );
				if ( comcmp( start, stop, comment->c_end, 0 ) == 0 ) {
					APPEND( out, "*\n", 2 );
					consumetomark( in );
					return( CH_DONE );
		consumetomark( in );
int cq_default(int port, struct Mypapfile *in,struct papfile *out)
	char		*start, *stop, *p;
	struct comment	*comment = compeek(port);

	for (;;) {
		switch ( markline( &start, &stop, in )) {
			case 0 :
//				return( 0 );  //8/4/99 marked
				return(CH_MORE ); //In normal case cann't into this statement
			case -1 :
				return( CH_MORE );

		if ( comgetflags(port) == 0 ) {	// started
			if ( comment->c_end ) {
				comsetflags(port, 1 );
			} else {

				consumetomark( in );
				return( CH_DONE );
		} else {
			// return default
			if (comcmp( start, stop, comment->c_end, 0 ) == 0 ) {
				for ( p = start; p < stop; p++ ) {
					if ( *p == ':' ) break;
				while ( *p == ' ' ) {
				*stop = '\n';
				APPEND( out, p, stop - p + 1 );
				consumetomark( in );
				return( CH_DONE );
		consumetomark( in );
コード例 #5
ファイル: vi.c プロジェクト: yeonsh/Amoeba
void vi()
	REG int			key;	/* keystroke from user */
	long			count;	/* numeric argument to some functions */
	REG struct keystru	*keyptr;/* pointer to vikeys[] element */
	MARK			tcurs;	/* temporary cursor */
	int			prevkey;/* previous key, if d/c/y/</>/! */
	MARK			range;	/* start of range for d/c/y/</>/! */
	char			text[132];
	int			dotkey;	/* last "key" of a change */
	int			dotpkey;/* last "prevkey" of a change */
	int			dotkey2;/* last extra "getkey()" of a change */
	int			dotcnt;	/* last "count" of a change */
	int			firstkey;
	REG int			i;

	/* tell the redraw() function to start from scratch */

#ifdef lint
	/* lint says that "range" might be used before it is set.  This
	 * can't really happen due to the way "range" and "prevkey" are used,
	 * but lint doesn't know that.  This line is here ONLY to keep lint
	 * happy.
	range = 0L;

	/* safeguard against '.' with no previous command */
	dotkey = dotpkey = dotkey2 = dotcnt = 0;

	/* go immediately into insert mode, if ":set inputmode" */
	firstkey = 0;
	if (*o_inputmode)
		firstkey = 'i';

	/* Repeatedly handle VI commands */
	for (count = 0, prevkey = '\0'; mode == MODE_VI; )
		/* if we've moved off the undoable line, then we can't undo it at all */
		if (markline(cursor) != U_line)
			U_line = 0L;

		/* report any changes from the previous command */
		if (rptlines >= *o_report)
			redraw(cursor, FALSE);
			msg("%ld line%s %s", rptlines, (rptlines==1?"":"s"), rptlabel);
		rptlines = 0L;

		/* get the next command key.  It must be ASCII */
		if (firstkey)
			key = firstkey;
			firstkey = 0;
				key = getkey(WHEN_VICMD);
			} while (key < 0 || key > 127);
#ifdef DEBUG2
		debout("\nkey='%c'\n", key);

		/* Convert a doubled-up operator such as "dd" into "d_" */
		if (prevkey && key == prevkey)
			key = '_';

		/* look up the structure describing this command */
		keyptr = &vikeys[key];

		/* '&' and uppercase operators always act like doubled */
		if (!prevkey && keyptr->args == CURSOR_MOVED
			&& (key == '&' || isupper(key)))
			range = cursor;
			prevkey = key;
			key = '_';
			keyptr = &vikeys[key];

#ifndef NO_VISIBLE
		/* if we're in the middle of a v/V command, reject commands
		 * that aren't operators or movement commands
		if (V_from && !(keyptr->flags & VIZ))
			prevkey = 0;
			count = 0;

		/* if we're in the middle of a d/c/y/</>/! command, reject
		 * anything but movement.
		if (prevkey && !(keyptr->flags & (MVMT|PTMV)))
			prevkey = 0;
			count = 0;

		/* set the "dot" variables, if we're supposed to */
		if (((keyptr->flags & SDOT)
			|| (prevkey && vikeys[prevkey].flags & SDOT))
#ifndef NO_VISIBLE
		    && !V_from
			dotkey = key;
			dotpkey = prevkey;
			dotkey2 = '\0';
			dotcnt = count;

			/* remember the line before any changes are made */
			if (U_line != markline(cursor))
				U_line = markline(cursor);
				strcpy(U_text, fetchline(U_line));

		/* if this is "." then set other vars from the "dot" vars */
		if (key == '.')
			key = dotkey;
			keyptr = &vikeys[key];
			prevkey = dotpkey;
			if (prevkey)
				range = cursor;
			if (count == 0)
				count = dotcnt;
			doingdot = TRUE;

			/* remember the line before any changes are made */
			if (U_line != markline(cursor))
				U_line = markline(cursor);
				strcpy(U_text, fetchline(U_line));
			doingdot = FALSE;

		/* process the key as a command */
		tcurs = cursor;
		force_flags = NO_FLAGS;
		switch (keyptr->args & ARGSMASK)
		  case ZERO:
			if (count == 0)
				tcurs = cursor & ~(BLKSIZE - 1);
			/* else fall through & treat like other digits... */

		  case DIGIT:
			count = count * 10 + key - '0';

		  case KEYWORD:
			/* if not on a keyword, fail */
			key = markidx(cursor);
			if (!isalnum(ptext[key]))
				tcurs = MARK_UNSET;

			/* find the start of the keyword */
			while (key > 0 && isalnum(ptext[key - 1]))
			tcurs = (cursor & ~(BLKSIZE - 1)) + key;

			/* copy it into a buffer, and NUL-terminate it */
			i = 0;
				text[i++] = ptext[key++];
			} while (isalnum(ptext[key]));
			text[i] = '\0';

			/* call the function */
			tcurs = (*keyptr->func)(text, tcurs, count);
			count = 0L;

		  case NO_ARGS:
			if (keyptr->func)
			count = 0L;
		  case CURSOR:
			tcurs = (*keyptr->func)(cursor, count, key, prevkey);
			count = 0L;

		  case CURSOR_CNT_KEY:
			if (doingdot)
				tcurs = (*keyptr->func)(cursor, count, dotkey2);
				/* get a key */
				i = getkey(KEYMODE(keyptr->args));
				if (i == '\033') /* ESC */
					count = 0;
					tcurs = MARK_UNSET;
					break; /* exit from "case CURSOR_CNT_KEY" */
				else if (i == ctrl('V'))
					i = getkey(0);

				/* if part of an SDOT command, remember it */
				 if (keyptr->flags & SDOT
				 || (prevkey && vikeys[prevkey].flags & SDOT))
					dotkey2 = i;

				/* do it */
				tcurs = (*keyptr->func)(cursor, count, i);
			count = 0L;
		  case CURSOR_MOVED:
#ifndef NO_VISIBLE
			if (V_from)
				range = cursor;
				tcurs = V_from;
				count = 0L;
				prevkey = key;
				key = (V_linemd ? 'V' : 'v');
				keyptr = &vikeys[key];
				prevkey = key;
				range = cursor;
				force_flags = LNMD|INCL;

		  case CURSOR_EOL:
			prevkey = key;
			/* a zero-length line needs special treatment */
			if (plen == 0)
				/* act on a zero-length section of text */
				range = tcurs = cursor;
				key = '0';
				/* act like CURSOR_MOVED with '$' movement */
				range = cursor;
				tcurs = m_rear(cursor, 1L);
				key = '$';
			count = 0L;
			keyptr = &vikeys[key];

		  case CURSOR_TEXT:
				text[0] = key;
				text[1] = '\0';
				if (doingdot || vgets(key, text + 1, sizeof text - 1) >= 0)
					/* reassure user that <CR> was hit */

					/* call the function with the text */
					tcurs = (*keyptr->func)(cursor, text);
					if (exwrote || mode == MODE_COLON)
						redraw(MARK_UNSET, FALSE);
					mode = MODE_VI;
			} while (mode == MODE_COLON);
			count = 0L;

		/* if that command took us out of vi mode, then exit the loop
		 * NOW, without tweaking the cursor or anything.  This is very
		 * important when mode == MODE_QUIT.
		if (mode != MODE_VI)

		/* now move the cursor, as appropriate */
		if (prevkey && ((keyptr->flags & MVMT)
#ifndef NO_VISIBLE
					       || V_from
				) && count == 0L)
			/* movements used as targets are less strict */
			tcurs = adjmove(cursor, tcurs, (int)(keyptr->flags | force_flags));
		else if (keyptr->args == CURSOR_MOVED)
			/* the < and > keys have FRNT,
			 * but it shouldn't be applied yet
			tcurs = adjmove(cursor, tcurs, FINL);
			tcurs = adjmove(cursor, tcurs, (int)(keyptr->flags | force_flags | FINL));

		/* was that the end of a d/c/y/</>/! command? */
		if (prevkey && ((keyptr->flags & MVMT)
#ifndef NO_VISIBLE
					       || V_from
				) && count == 0L)
#ifndef NO_VISIBLE
			/* turn off the hilight */
			V_from = 0L;

			/* if the movement command failed, cancel operation */
			if (tcurs == MARK_UNSET)
				prevkey = 0;
				count = 0;

			/* make sure range=front and tcurs=rear.  Either way,
			 * leave cursor=range since that's where we started.
			cursor = range;
			if (tcurs < range)
				range = tcurs;
				tcurs = cursor;

			/* The 'w' and 'W' destinations should never take us
			 * to the front of a line.  Instead, they should take
			 * us only to the end of the preceding line.
			if ((keyptr->flags & NWRP) == NWRP
			  && markline(range) < markline(tcurs)
			  && (markline(tcurs) > nlines || tcurs == m_front(tcurs, 0L)))
				tcurs = (tcurs & ~(BLKSIZE - 1)) - BLKSIZE;
				tcurs += plen;

			/* adjust for line mode & inclusion of last char/line */
			i = (keyptr->flags | vikeys[prevkey].flags);
			switch ((i | force_flags) & (INCL|LNMD))
			  case INCL:

			  case INCL|LNMD:
				tcurs += BLKSIZE;
				/* fall through... */

			  case LNMD:
				range &= ~(BLKSIZE - 1);
				tcurs &= ~(BLKSIZE - 1);

			/* run the function */
			tcurs = (*vikeys[prevkey].func)(range, tcurs);
			if (mode == MODE_VI)
				(void)adjmove(cursor, cursor, FINL);
				cursor = adjmove(cursor, tcurs, (int)(vikeys[prevkey].flags | FINL));

			/* cleanup */
			prevkey = 0;
		else if (!prevkey)
			if (tcurs != MARK_UNSET)
				cursor = tcurs;
コード例 #6
ファイル: vi.c プロジェクト: carriercomm/MacMinix
	register int		key;	/* keystroke from user */
	long			count;	/* numeric argument to some functions */
	register struct keystru	*keyptr;/* pointer to vikeys[] element */
	MARK			tcurs;	/* temporary cursor */
	int			prevkey;/* previous key, if d/c/y/</>/! */
	MARK			range;	/* start of range for d/c/y/</>/! */
	char			text[100];
	int			dotkey;	/* last "key" of a change */
	int			dotpkey;/* last "prevkey" of a change */
	int			dotkey2;/* last extra "getkey()" of a change */
	int			dotcnt;	/* last "count" of a change */
	register int		i;

	/* tell the redraw() function to start from scratch */
	msg((char *)0);

#ifdef lint
	/* lint says that "range" might be used before it is set.  This
	 * can't really happen due to the way "range" and "prevkey" are used,
	 * but lint doesn't know that.  This line is here ONLY to keep lint
	 * happy.
	range = 0L;

	/* safeguard against '.' with no previous command */
	dotkey = 0;

	/* Repeatedly handle VI commands */
	for (count = 0, prevkey = '\0'; mode == MODE_VI; )
		/* if we've moved off the undoable line, then we can't undo it at all */
		if (markline(cursor) != U_line)
			U_line = 0L;

		/* report any changes from the previous command */
		if (rptlines >= *o_report)
			redraw(cursor, FALSE);
			msg("%ld lines %s", rptlines, rptlabel);
		rptlines = 0L;

		/* get the next command key.  It must be ASCII */
			key = getkey(WHEN_VICMD);
		} while (key < 0 || key > 127);

		/* change cw and cW commands to ce and cE, respectively */
		/* (Why?  because the real vi does it that way!) */
		if (prevkey == 'c')
			if (key == 'w')
				key = 'e';
			else if (key == 'W')
				key = 'E';

			/* wouldn't work right at the end of a word unless we
			 * backspace one character before doing the move.  This
			 * will fix most cases.
			if (markidx(cursor) > 0 && (key == 'e' || key == 'E'))

		/* look up the structure describing this command */
		keyptr = &vikeys[key];

		/* if we're in the middle of a d/c/y/</>/! command, reject
		 * anything but movement or a doubled version like "dd".
		if (prevkey && key != prevkey && !(keyptr->flags & (MVMT|PTMV)))
			prevkey = 0;
			count = 0;

		/* set the "dot" variables, if we're supposed to */
		if ((keyptr->flags & SDOT)
		 || (prevkey && vikeys[prevkey].flags & SDOT))
			dotkey = key;
			dotpkey = prevkey;
			dotkey2 = '\0';
			dotcnt = count;

			/* remember the line before any changes are made */
			if (U_line != markline(cursor))
				U_line = markline(cursor);
				strcpy(U_text, fetchline(U_line));

		/* if this is "." then set other vars from the "dot" vars */
		if (key == '.')
			key = dotkey;
			keyptr = &vikeys[key];
			prevkey = dotpkey;
			if (prevkey)
				range = cursor;
			if (count == 0)
				count = dotcnt;
			doingdot = TRUE;

			/* remember the line before any changes are made */
			if (U_line != markline(cursor))
				U_line = markline(cursor);
				strcpy(U_text, fetchline(U_line));
			doingdot = FALSE;

		/* process the key as a command */
		tcurs = cursor;
		switch (keyptr->args)
		  case ZERO:
			if (count == 0)
				tcurs = cursor & ~(BLKSIZE - 1);
			/* else fall through & treat like other digits... */

		  case DIGIT:
			count = count * 10 + key - '0';

		  case KEYWORD:
			/* if not on a keyword, fail */
			key = markidx(cursor);
			if (!isalnum(ptext[key]) && ptext[key] != '_')
				tcurs = MARK_UNSET;

			/* find the start of the keyword */
			while (key > 0 && (isalnum(ptext[key - 1]) || ptext[key - 1] == '_'))

			/* copy it into a buffer, and NUL-terminate it */
			i = 0;
				text[i++] = ptext[key++];
			} while (isalnum(ptext[key]) || ptext[key] == '_');
			text[i] = '\0';

			/* call the function */
			tcurs = (*keyptr->func)(text);
			count = 0L;

		  case NO_ARGS:
			if (keyptr->func)
			count = 0L;
		  case CURSOR_COUNT:
			tcurs = (*keyptr->func)(cursor, count);
			count = 0L;
		  case CURSOR:
			tcurs = (*keyptr->func)(cursor);
			count = 0L;

		  case CURSOR_CNT_KEY:
			if (doingdot)
				tcurs = (*keyptr->func)(cursor, count, dotkey2);
			else if (keyptr->flags & SDOT
			 || (prevkey && vikeys[prevkey].flags & SDOT))
				dotkey2 = getkey(0);
				tcurs = (*keyptr->func)(cursor, count, dotkey2);
				tcurs = (*keyptr->func)(cursor, count, getkey(0));
			count = 0L;
		  case CURSOR_MOVED:
			/* uppercase keys always act like doubled */
			if (isupper(key))
				prevkey = key;
				range = cursor;

			if (prevkey)
				/* doubling up a command, use complete lines */
				range &= ~(BLKSIZE - 1);
				if (count)
					tcurs = range + MARK_AT_LINE(count);
					count = 0;
					tcurs = range + BLKSIZE;
				prevkey = key;
				range = cursor;
				key = -1; /* so we don't think we doubled yet */

		  case CURSOR_EOL:
			/* act like CURSOR_MOVED with '$' movement */
			range = cursor;
			tcurs = moverear(cursor, 1L);
			count = 0L;
			prevkey = key;
			key = '$';
			keyptr = &vikeys['$'];

		  case CURSOR_TEXT:
			if (vgets(key, text, sizeof text) >= 0)
				/* reassure user that <CR> was hit */

				/* call the function with the text */
				tcurs = (*keyptr->func)(cursor, text);
			count = 0L;

		  case CURSOR_CNT_CMD:
			tcurs = (*keyptr->func)(cursor, count, key);
			count = 0L;

		/* if that command took us out of vi mode, then exit the loop
		 * NOW, without tweaking the cursor or anything.  This is very
		 * important when mode == MODE_QUIT.
		if (mode != MODE_VI)

		/* now move the cursor, as appropriate */
		if (prevkey && markline(tcurs) > nlines)
			/* destination for operator may be nlines + 1 */
			cursor = MARK_AT_LINE(nlines + 1);
		else if (keyptr->args == CURSOR_MOVED)
			/* the < and > keys have FRNT,
			 * but it shouldn't be applied yet
			cursor = adjmove(cursor, tcurs, 0);
			cursor = adjmove(cursor, tcurs, keyptr->flags);

		/* was that the end of a d/c/y/</>/! command? */
		if (prevkey && (prevkey == key || (keyptr->flags & MVMT)))
			/* if the movement command failed, cancel operation */
			if (tcurs == MARK_UNSET)
				prevkey = 0;
				count = 0;

			/* make sure range=front and tcurs=rear */
			if (cursor < range)
				tcurs = range;
				range = cursor;
				tcurs = cursor;

			/* adjust for line mode */
			if (keyptr->flags & LNMD)
				range &= ~(BLKSIZE - 1);
				tcurs &= ~(BLKSIZE - 1);
				tcurs += BLKSIZE;

			/* adjust for inclusion of last char */
			if (keyptr->flags & INCL)

			/* temporarily move the cursor to "range" so that
			 * beforedo() remembers the cursor's real location.
			 * This is important if the user later does undo()
			cursor = range;

			/* run the function */
			tcurs = (*vikeys[prevkey].func)(range, tcurs);
			cursor = adjmove(cursor, tcurs, vikeys[prevkey].flags);

			/* cleanup */
			prevkey = 0;