Molecule H2() { int nAtoms = 2; Eigen::Vector3d H1( 0.735000, 0.000000, 0.000000); Eigen::Vector3d H2(-0.735000, 0.000000, 0.000000); Eigen::MatrixXd geom(3, nAtoms); geom.col(0) = H1.transpose(); geom.col(1) = H2.transpose(); Eigen::Vector2d charges, masses; charges << 1.0, 1.0; masses << 1.0078250, 1.0078250; std::vector<Atom> atoms; double radiusH = 1.20; atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(0), masses(0), radiusH, H1, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(1), masses(1), radiusH, H2, 1.0) ); std::vector<Sphere> spheres; Sphere sph2(H1, radiusH); Sphere sph3(H2, radiusH); spheres.push_back(sph2); spheres.push_back(sph3); Symmetry pGroup = buildGroup(0, 0, 0, 0); return Molecule(nAtoms, charges, masses, geom, atoms, spheres, pGroup); };
Molecule H3() { int nAtoms = 3; Eigen::Vector3d H1( 0.735000, 0.000000, -1.333333); Eigen::Vector3d H2(-0.735000, 0.000000, -1.333333); Eigen::Vector3d H3( 0.000000, 0.000000, 2.666667); Eigen::MatrixXd geom(3, nAtoms); geom.col(0) = H1.transpose(); geom.col(1) = H2.transpose(); geom.col(2) = H3.transpose(); Eigen::Vector3d charges, masses; charges << 1.0, 1.0, 1.0; masses << 1.0078250, 1.0078250, 1.0078250; std::vector<Atom> atoms; double radiusH = (1.20 * 1.20) / convertBohrToAngstrom; atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(0), masses(0), radiusH, H1, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(1), masses(1), radiusH, H2, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(2), masses(2), radiusH, H3, 1.0) ); std::vector<Sphere> spheres; Sphere sph2(H1, radiusH); Sphere sph3(H2, radiusH); Sphere sph4(H3, radiusH); spheres.push_back(sph2); spheres.push_back(sph3); spheres.push_back(sph4); enum pointGroup { pgC1, pgC2, pgCs, pgCi, pgD2, pgC2v, pgC2h, pgD2h }; Symmetry pGroup; switch(group) { case(pgC1): pGroup = buildGroup(0, 0, 0, 0); break; case(pgC2v): // C2v as generated by Oyz and Oxz pGroup = buildGroup(2, 1, 2, 0); break; default: pGroup = buildGroup(0, 0, 0, 0); break; } return Molecule(nAtoms, charges, masses, geom, atoms, spheres, pGroup); };
Molecule NH3() { int nAtoms = 4; Eigen::Vector3d N( -0.000000000, -0.104038047, 0.000000000); Eigen::Vector3d H1(-0.901584415, 0.481847022, -1.561590016); Eigen::Vector3d H2(-0.901584415, 0.481847022, 1.561590016); Eigen::Vector3d H3( 1.803168833, 0.481847022, 0.000000000); Eigen::MatrixXd geom(3, nAtoms); geom.col(0) = N.transpose(); geom.col(1) = H1.transpose(); geom.col(2) = H2.transpose(); geom.col(3) = H3.transpose(); Eigen::Vector4d charges, masses; charges << 7.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0; masses << 14.0030740, 1.0078250, 1.0078250, 1.0078250; std::vector<Atom> atoms; atoms.push_back( Atom("Nitrogen", "N", charges(0), masses(0), 2.929075493, N, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(1), masses(1), 2.267671349, H1, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(2), masses(2), 2.267671349, H2, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(3), masses(3), 2.267671349, H3, 1.0) ); std::vector<Sphere> spheres; Sphere sph1(N, 2.929075493); Sphere sph2(H1, 2.267671349); Sphere sph3(H2, 2.267671349); Sphere sph4(H3, 2.267671349); spheres.push_back(sph1); spheres.push_back(sph2); spheres.push_back(sph3); spheres.push_back(sph4); // C1 Symmetry pGroup = buildGroup(0, 0, 0, 0); return Molecule(nAtoms, charges, masses, geom, atoms, spheres, pGroup); };
Molecule CH3() { int nAtoms = 4; Eigen::Vector3d C1( 0.0006122714, 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000); Eigen::Vector3d H1( 1.5162556382, -1.3708721537, 0.0000000000); Eigen::Vector3d H2(-0.7584339548, 0.6854360769, 1.7695110698); Eigen::Vector3d H3(-0.7584339548, 0.6854360769, -1.7695110698); Eigen::MatrixXd geom(3, nAtoms); geom.col(0) = C1.transpose(); geom.col(1) = H1.transpose(); geom.col(2) = H2.transpose(); geom.col(3) = H3.transpose(); Eigen::Vector4d charges, masses; charges << 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0; masses << 12.00, 1.0078250, 1.0078250, 1.0078250; double radiusC = (1.70 * 1.20) / convertBohrToAngstrom; double radiusH = (1.20 * 1.20) / convertBohrToAngstrom; std::vector<Atom> atoms; atoms.push_back( Atom("Carbon", "C", charges(0), masses(0), radiusC, C1, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(1), masses(1), radiusH, H1, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(2), masses(2), radiusH, H2, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(3), masses(3), radiusH, H3, 1.0) ); std::vector<Sphere> spheres; Sphere sph1(C1, radiusC); Sphere sph2(H1, radiusH); Sphere sph3(H2, radiusH); Sphere sph4(H3, radiusH); spheres.push_back(sph1); spheres.push_back(sph2); spheres.push_back(sph3); spheres.push_back(sph4); // Cs as generated by Oxy Symmetry pGroup = buildGroup(1, 4, 0, 0); return Molecule(nAtoms, charges, masses, geom, atoms, spheres, pGroup); };
Molecule C2H4() { int nAtoms = 6; Eigen::Vector3d C1(0.0000000000, 0.0000000000, 1.2578920000); Eigen::Vector3d H1(0.0000000000, 1.7454620000, 2.3427160000); Eigen::Vector3d H2(0.0000000000, -1.7454620000, 2.3427160000); Eigen::Vector3d C2(0.0000000000, 0.0000000000, -1.2578920000); Eigen::Vector3d H3(0.0000000000, 1.7454620000, -2.3427160000); Eigen::Vector3d H4(0.0000000000, -1.7454620000, -2.3427160000); Eigen::MatrixXd geom(3, nAtoms); geom.col(0) = C1.transpose(); geom.col(1) = H1.transpose(); geom.col(2) = H2.transpose(); geom.col(3) = C2.transpose(); geom.col(4) = H3.transpose(); geom.col(5) = H4.transpose(); Eigen::VectorXd charges(6), masses(6); charges << 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0; masses << 12.00, 1.0078250, 1.0078250, 12.0, 1.0078250, 1.0078250; double radiusC = (1.70 * 1.20) / convertBohrToAngstrom; double radiusH = (1.20 * 1.20) / convertBohrToAngstrom; std::vector<Atom> atoms; atoms.push_back( Atom("Carbon", "C", charges(0), masses(0), radiusC, C1, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(1), masses(1), radiusH, H1, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(2), masses(2), radiusH, H2, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Carbon", "C", charges(3), masses(3), radiusC, C2, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(4), masses(4), radiusH, H3, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(5), masses(5), radiusH, H4, 1.0) ); std::vector<Sphere> spheres; Sphere sph1(C1, radiusC); Sphere sph2(H1, radiusH); Sphere sph3(H2, radiusH); Sphere sph4(C2, radiusC); Sphere sph5(H3, radiusH); Sphere sph6(H4, radiusH); spheres.push_back(sph1); spheres.push_back(sph2); spheres.push_back(sph3); spheres.push_back(sph4); spheres.push_back(sph5); spheres.push_back(sph6); // D2h as generated by Oxy, Oxz, Oyz Symmetry pGroup = buildGroup(3, 4, 2, 1); return Molecule(nAtoms, charges, masses, geom, atoms, spheres, pGroup); };
void plotter::draw_chi2(TF1 * fit_, std::vector<double> masses_, std::vector<double> chi2_, double mass, double uncert, TString file_name){ TF1 * fit = (TF1*)fit_->Clone("fit"); TVectorD masses(masses_.size()); TVectorD chi2(chi2_.size()); for(int i=0; i<masses_.size(); i++) masses[i] = masses_[i]; for(int i=0; i<chi2_.size(); i++) chi2[i] = chi2_[i]; TGraph* chi_hist = new TGraph(masses,chi2); TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("Chi2", "", 600, 600); gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15); TGaxis::SetMaxDigits(3); chi_hist->SetTitle(" "); chi_hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{top}^{MC} [GeV]"); chi_hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#chi^{2}"); chi_hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); chi_hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.9); chi_hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); chi_hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05); chi_hist->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(505); chi_hist->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505); chi_hist->SetMarkerStyle(20); chi_hist->SetMarkerSize(1.5); chi_hist->SetLineColor(1); chi_hist->Draw("AP"); fit->Draw("SAME"); // write extracted mass value into plot TLatex text; text.SetNDC(kTRUE); text.SetTextFont(43); text.SetTextSize(18); char mass_text[32]; sprintf(mass_text, "%.5g", mass); char uncert_text[32]; if(uncert < 1) sprintf(uncert_text, "%.3g", uncert); else sprintf(uncert_text, "%.4g", uncert); TString masstext = "m_{top}^{MC} = "; masstext += mass_text; masstext += " #pm "; masstext += uncert_text; text.DrawLatex(.4,.6, masstext); c->SaveAs(directory + file_name + ".pdf"); delete c; return; }
Cluster::Cluster(const size_t num, const double massMean, const double massDev, const double posRad, const intFunc_t integrator) : integrator(integrator) { particles.reserve(num); arma::vec masses = arma::randn<arma::vec>(num) * massDev + massMean; for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) { arma::vec pos; while (true) { pos = arma::randu<arma::vec>(3) * (2 * posRad) - posRad; if (arma::norm(pos, 2) <= posRad) { break; } } particles.emplace_back(masses(i), pos, arma::zeros<arma::vec>(3)); } }
void RigidBody::UpdateMass() { if (!body_ || !enableMassUpdate_) return; btTransform principal; principal.setRotation(btQuaternion::getIdentity()); principal.setOrigin(btVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); // Calculate center of mass shift from all the collision shapes unsigned numShapes = (unsigned)compoundShape_->getNumChildShapes(); if (numShapes) { PODVector<float> masses(numShapes); for (unsigned i = 0; i < numShapes; ++i) { // The actual mass does not matter, divide evenly between child shapes masses[i] = 1.0f; } btVector3 inertia(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); compoundShape_->calculatePrincipalAxisTransform(&masses[0], principal, inertia); } // Add child shapes to shifted compound shape with adjusted offset while (shiftedCompoundShape_->getNumChildShapes()) shiftedCompoundShape_->removeChildShapeByIndex(shiftedCompoundShape_->getNumChildShapes() - 1); for (unsigned i = 0; i < numShapes; ++i) { btTransform adjusted = compoundShape_->getChildTransform(i); adjusted.setOrigin(adjusted.getOrigin() - principal.getOrigin()); shiftedCompoundShape_->addChildShape(adjusted, compoundShape_->getChildShape(i)); } // If shifted compound shape has only one child with no offset/rotation, use the child shape // directly as the rigid body collision shape for better collision detection performance bool useCompound = !numShapes || numShapes > 1; if (!useCompound) { const btTransform& childTransform = shiftedCompoundShape_->getChildTransform(0); if (!ToVector3(childTransform.getOrigin()).Equals(Vector3::ZERO) || !ToQuaternion(childTransform.getRotation()).Equals(Quaternion::IDENTITY)) useCompound = true; } body_->setCollisionShape(useCompound ? shiftedCompoundShape_ : shiftedCompoundShape_->getChildShape(0)); // If we have one shape and this is a triangle mesh, we use a custom material callback in order to adjust internal edges if (!useCompound && body_->getCollisionShape()->getShapeType() == SCALED_TRIANGLE_MESH_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE && physicsWorld_->GetInternalEdge()) body_->setCollisionFlags(body_->getCollisionFlags() | btCollisionObject::CF_CUSTOM_MATERIAL_CALLBACK); else body_->setCollisionFlags(body_->getCollisionFlags() & ~btCollisionObject::CF_CUSTOM_MATERIAL_CALLBACK); // Reapply rigid body position with new center of mass shift Vector3 oldPosition = GetPosition(); centerOfMass_ = ToVector3(principal.getOrigin()); SetPosition(oldPosition); // Calculate final inertia btVector3 localInertia(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); if (mass_ > 0.0f) shiftedCompoundShape_->calculateLocalInertia(mass_, localInertia); body_->setMassProps(mass_, localInertia); body_->updateInertiaTensor(); // Reapply constraint positions for new center of mass shift if (node_) { for (PODVector<Constraint*>::Iterator i = constraints_.Begin(); i != constraints_.End(); ++i) (*i)->ApplyFrames(); } }
Molecule C6H6() { int nAtoms = 12; // These are in Angstrom Eigen::Vector3d C1(5.274, 1.999, -8.568); Eigen::Vector3d C2(6.627, 2.018, -8.209); Eigen::Vector3d C3(7.366, 0.829, -8.202); Eigen::Vector3d C4(6.752, -0.379, -8.554); Eigen::Vector3d C5(5.399, -0.398, -8.912); Eigen::Vector3d C6(4.660, 0.791, -8.919); Eigen::Vector3d H1(4.704, 2.916, -8.573); Eigen::Vector3d H2(7.101, 2.950, -7.938); Eigen::Vector3d H3(8.410, 0.844, -7.926); Eigen::Vector3d H4(7.322, -1.296, -8.548); Eigen::Vector3d H5(4.925, -1.330, -9.183); Eigen::Vector3d H6(3.616, 0.776, -9.196); // Scale C1 /= convertBohrToAngstrom; C2 /= convertBohrToAngstrom; C3 /= convertBohrToAngstrom; C4 /= convertBohrToAngstrom; C5 /= convertBohrToAngstrom; C6 /= convertBohrToAngstrom; H1 /= convertBohrToAngstrom; H2 /= convertBohrToAngstrom; H3 /= convertBohrToAngstrom; H4 /= convertBohrToAngstrom; H5 /= convertBohrToAngstrom; H6 /= convertBohrToAngstrom; Eigen::MatrixXd geom(3, nAtoms); geom.col(0) = C1.transpose(); geom.col(1) = C2.transpose(); geom.col(2) = C3.transpose(); geom.col(3) = C4.transpose(); geom.col(4) = C5.transpose(); geom.col(5) = C6.transpose(); geom.col(6) = H1.transpose(); geom.col(7) = H2.transpose(); geom.col(8) = H3.transpose(); geom.col(9) = H4.transpose(); geom.col(10) = H5.transpose(); geom.col(11) = H6.transpose(); Eigen::VectorXd charges(12), masses(12); charges << 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 6.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0; masses << 12.00, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 12.0, 1.0078250, 1.0078250, 1.0078250, 1.0078250, 1.0078250, 1.0078250; double radiusC = 1.70 / convertBohrToAngstrom; double radiusH = 1.20 / convertBohrToAngstrom; std::vector<Atom> atoms; atoms.push_back( Atom("Carbon", "C", charges(0), masses(0), radiusC, C1, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Carbon", "C", charges(1), masses(1), radiusC, C2, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Carbon", "C", charges(2), masses(2), radiusC, C3, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Carbon", "C", charges(3), masses(3), radiusC, C4, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Carbon", "C", charges(4), masses(4), radiusC, C5, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Carbon", "C", charges(5), masses(5), radiusC, C6, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(6), masses(6), radiusH, H1, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(7), masses(7), radiusH, H2, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(8), masses(8), radiusH, H3, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(9), masses(9), radiusH, H4, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(10), masses(10), radiusH, H5, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Hydrogen", "H", charges(11), masses(11), radiusH, H6, 1.0) ); std::vector<Sphere> spheres; Sphere sph1(C1, radiusC); Sphere sph2(C2, radiusC); Sphere sph3(C3, radiusC); Sphere sph4(C4, radiusC); Sphere sph5(C5, radiusC); Sphere sph6(C6, radiusC); Sphere sph7(H1, radiusH); Sphere sph8(H2, radiusH); Sphere sph9(H3, radiusH); Sphere sph10(H4, radiusH); Sphere sph11(H5, radiusH); Sphere sph12(H6, radiusH); spheres.push_back(sph1); spheres.push_back(sph2); spheres.push_back(sph3); spheres.push_back(sph4); spheres.push_back(sph5); spheres.push_back(sph6); spheres.push_back(sph7); spheres.push_back(sph8); spheres.push_back(sph9); spheres.push_back(sph10); spheres.push_back(sph11); spheres.push_back(sph12); // D2h as generated by Oxy, Oxz, Oyz Symmetry pGroup = buildGroup(0, 0, 0, 0); return Molecule(nAtoms, charges, masses, geom, atoms, spheres, pGroup); };
Molecule CO2() { int nAtoms = 3; Eigen::Vector3d C1( 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000); Eigen::Vector3d O1( 2.1316110791, 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000); Eigen::Vector3d O2(-2.1316110791, 0.0000000000, 0.0000000000); Eigen::MatrixXd geom(3, nAtoms); geom.col(0) = C1.transpose(); geom.col(1) = O1.transpose(); geom.col(2) = O2.transpose(); Eigen::Vector3d charges, masses; charges << 6.0, 8.0, 8.0; masses << 12.00, 15.9949150, 15.9949150; std::vector<Atom> atoms; double radiusC = (1.70 * 1.20) / convertBohrToAngstrom; double radiusO = (1.52 * 1.20) / convertBohrToAngstrom; atoms.push_back( Atom("Carbon", "C", charges(0), masses(0), radiusC, C1, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Oxygen", "O", charges(1), masses(1), radiusO, O1, 1.0) ); atoms.push_back( Atom("Oxygen", "O", charges(2), masses(2), radiusO, O2, 1.0) ); std::vector<Sphere> spheres; Sphere sph1(C1, radiusC); Sphere sph2(O1, radiusO); Sphere sph3(O2, radiusO); spheres.push_back(sph1); spheres.push_back(sph2); spheres.push_back(sph3); enum pointGroup { pgC1, pgC2, pgCs, pgCi, pgD2, pgC2v, pgC2h, pgD2h }; Symmetry pGroup; switch(group) { case(pgC1): pGroup = buildGroup(0, 0, 0, 0); break; case(pgC2): // C2 as generated by C2z pGroup = buildGroup(1, 3, 0, 0); break; case(pgCs): // Cs as generated by Oyz pGroup = buildGroup(1, 1, 0, 0); break; case(pgCi): // Ci as generated by i pGroup = buildGroup(1, 7, 0, 0); break; case(pgD2): // D2 as generated by C2z and C2x pGroup = buildGroup(2, 3, 6, 0); break; case(pgC2v): // C2v as generated by Oyz and Oxz pGroup = buildGroup(2, 1, 2, 0); break; case(pgC2h): // C2h as generated by Oxy and i pGroup = buildGroup(2, 4, 7, 0); break; case(pgD2h): // D2h as generated by Oxy, Oxz and Oyz pGroup = buildGroup(3, 4, 2, 1); break; default: pGroup = buildGroup(0, 0, 0, 0); break; } return Molecule(nAtoms, charges, masses, geom, atoms, spheres, pGroup); };
void derivatives(const StateMatrix& states, StateMatrix& derivs, const ControlMatrix& ctrls, const SimulationParameters& params, const Map & map) { float cd_a_rho = params.linearDrag; // 0.1 coeff of drag * area * density of fluid float k_elastic = params.elasticity; // 4000. // spring constant of ships float rad = 1.; // leave radius 1 - we decided to change map scale instead const Eigen::VectorXf &masses = params.shipDensities; // order of 1.0 Mass of ships float spin_drag_ratio = params.rotationalDrag; // 1.8; // spin friction to translation friction float eps = 1e-5; // Avoid divide by zero special cases float mu = params.shipFriction; // 0.05; // friction coefficient between ships float mu_wall = params.wallFriction; //0.25*?wallFriction; // 0.01; // wall friction parameter float wall_restitution = params.wallRestitution; // 0.5 float ship_restitution = params.shipRestitution; // circa 0.5 float diameter = 2.*rad; // rad(i) + rad(j) for any i, j float inertia_mass_ratio = 0.25; float map_grid = rad * 2. + eps; // must be 2*radius + eps std::unordered_map<std::pair<int, int>, std::vector<uint>, boost::hash<std::pair<int, int>>> bins; uint n = states.rows(); Eigen::MatrixXd f = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(n, 2); Eigen::VectorXd trq = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(n); // rotationalThrust Order +- 10 // linearThrust Order +100 // mapscale order 10 - thats params.pixelsize // Accumulate forces and torques into these: uint collide_checks = 0; // debug count... for (uint i=0; i<n; i++) { Eigen::Vector2f pos_i; pos_i(0) = states(i,0); pos_i(1) = states(i,1); Eigen::Vector2f vel_i; vel_i(0) = states(i,2); vel_i(1) = states(i,3); float theta_i = states(i,4); float w_i = states(i,5); // 1. Control float thrusting = ctrls(i, 0); float turning = ctrls(i, 1); f(i, 0) = thrusting * params.linearThrust * cos(theta_i); f(i, 1) = thrusting * params.linearThrust * sin(theta_i); trq(i) = turning * params.rotationalThrust; // 2. Drag f(i, 0) -= cd_a_rho * vel_i(0); f(i, 1) -= cd_a_rho * vel_i(1); trq(i) -= spin_drag_ratio*cd_a_rho*w_i*rad*rad; // * abs(w_i) // 3. Inter-ship collisions against ships of lower index... // Figure out this ship's hashes: It has 4 in 2 dimensions std::unordered_set<uint> collision_shortlist; std::pair<int, int> my_hash; for (int dx=-1; dx < 2; dx+=2) for (int dy=-1; dy < 2; dy+=2) { float x_mod = pos_i(0) + float(dx)*rad; float y_mod = pos_i(1) + float(dy)*rad; my_hash = std::make_pair(int(x_mod / map_grid), int(y_mod / map_grid)); if (bins.count(my_hash) > 0) { // Already exists - shortlist others and add self std::vector<uint> current_bin = bins.find(my_hash)->second; // -->first is the key as it returns a key/value pair for (uint bin_idx: current_bin) if (bin_idx != i) collision_shortlist.insert(bin_idx); current_bin.push_back(i); } else { // didnt exist - add self, and push into map std::vector<uint> current_bin; current_bin.push_back(i); bins.insert(std::make_pair(my_hash, current_bin)); } } for (uint j: collision_shortlist) { // =i+1; j<n; j++) { collide_checks ++; // std::cout << "Checking " << i << ", " << j << "\n"; Eigen::Vector2f pos_j; pos_j(0) = states(j,0); pos_j(1) = states(j,1); Eigen::Vector2f vel_j; vel_j(0) = states(j,2); vel_j(1) = states(j,3); float theta_j = states(j,4); float w_j = states(j,5); Eigen::Vector2f dP = pos_j - pos_i; float dist = dP.norm() + eps - diameter; Eigen::Vector2f dPhat = dP / (dP.norm() + eps); if (dist < 0) { // we have a collision interaction // A. Direct collision: apply linear spring normal force float f_magnitude = - dist * k_elastic; // dist < = if ((vel_j - vel_i).dot(pos_j - pos_i) > 0) f_magnitude *= ship_restitution; Eigen::Vector2f f_norm = f_magnitude * dPhat; f(i, 0) -= f_norm(0); f(i, 1) -= f_norm(1); f(j, 0) += f_norm(0); f(j, 1) += f_norm(1); // B. Surface frictions: approximate spin effects Eigen::Vector2f perp; // surface tangent pointing +theta direction perp(0) = -dPhat(1); perp(1) = dPhat(0); // relative velocities of surfaces float v_rel = rad*w_i + rad*w_j + - vel_j); float fric = f_magnitude * mu * sigmoid(v_rel); Eigen::Vector2f f_fric = fric * perp; f(i, 0) += f_fric(0); f(i, 1) += f_fric(1); f(j, 0) -= f_fric(0); f(j, 1) -= f_fric(1); trq(i) -= fric * rad; trq(j) -= fric * rad; } // end collision } // end loop 3. opposing ship // 4. Wall single body collisions // compute distance to wall and local normals float wall_dist, norm_x, norm_y; interpolate_map(pos_i(0), pos_i(1), wall_dist, norm_x, norm_y, map, params); float dist = wall_dist - rad; if (dist < 0) { /* if (dist < -1.) */ /* assert(false); */ // Spring force float f_norm_mag = -dist*k_elastic; // dist is negative, f_norm is +ve if (norm_x*vel_i(0) + norm_y*vel_i(1) > 0) f_norm_mag *= wall_restitution; if (dist > -rad*0.25) { // not significantly through wall yet f(i, 0) += f_norm_mag * norm_x; f(i, 1) += f_norm_mag * norm_y; } else { // uh-oh - lets just SET normal forces and seriously damp vel f(i, 0) = f_norm_mag * norm_x; f(i, 1) = f_norm_mag * norm_y; f(i, 0) -= 100. * vel_i(0); f(i, 1) -= 100. * vel_i(1); } // Surface friction Eigen::Vector2f perp; // surface tangent pointing +theta direction perp(0) = -norm_y; perp(1) = norm_x; float v_rel = w_i * rad + vel_i(0)*norm_y - vel_i(1)*norm_x; float fric = f_norm_mag * mu_wall * sigmoid(v_rel); f(i, 0) -= fric*norm_y; f(i, 1) += fric*norm_x; trq(i) -= fric * rad; } } // end loop current ship // std::cout << "Collision checks:" << collide_checks << "\n"; // Compose the vector of derivatives: float vmax = 40.0; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { float vx = states(i,2); float vy = states(i,3); float speed = std::sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy); if (speed > vmax) { vx *= vmax/speed; vy *= vmax/speed; } // x_dot = vx derivs(i, 0) = vx; // y_dot = vy derivs(i, 1) = vy; // vx_dot = fx / m float ax = f(i,0)/masses(i); float ay = f(i,1)/masses(i); derivs(i, 2) = ax; // vy_dot = fy / m derivs(i, 3) = ay; // theta_dot = omega derivs(i, 4) = states(i, 5); // omega_dot = T_r / (inertia_mass_ratio*m) derivs(i,5) = trq(i) / (inertia_mass_ratio * masses(i)); } // ux uy vx vy theta omega // 0 1 2 3 4 5 }