// returns a view matrix using the opengl lookAt style. COLUMN ORDER. void GLCamera::look_at(const vector3& pos, vector3 targ_pos, const vector3& up_v) { this->cam_pos = pos; // inverse translation matriz4x4 p = identity_mat4(); p = p.translate(vector3(-pos.v[0], -pos.v[1], -pos.v[2])); // distance vector vector3 d = targ_pos - pos; // forward vector vector3 f = d.normalise(); // right vector vector3 r = cross(f, up_v).normalise(); // real up vector vector3 u = cross(r, f).normalise(); matriz4x4 ori = identity_mat4(); ori.m[0] = r.v[0]; ori.m[4] = r.v[1]; ori.m[8] = r.v[2]; ori.m[1] = u.v[0]; ori.m[5] = u.v[1]; ori.m[9] = u.v[2]; ori.m[2] = -f.v[0]; ori.m[6] = -f.v[1]; ori.m[10] = -f.v[2]; R = ori; T = p; view_mat = R * T; // recalc axes to suit new orientation mat4_to_quat(quaternion, R.m); fwd = R * vector4(0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0); rgt = R * vector4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); up = R * vector4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); }
void TransformBase::decompose(float mat[4][4], float *loc, float eul[3], float quat[4], float *size) { mat4_to_size(size, mat); if (eul) { mat4_to_eul(eul, mat); } if (quat) { mat4_to_quat(quat, mat); } copy_v3_v3(loc, mat[3]); }
void BKE_mball_transform(MetaBall *mb, float mat[4][4]) { MetaElem *me; float quat[4]; const float scale = mat4_to_scale(mat); const float scale_sqrt = sqrtf(scale); mat4_to_quat(quat, mat); for (me = mb->elems.first; me; me = me->next) { mul_m4_v3(mat, &me->x); mul_qt_qtqt(me->quat, quat, me->quat); me->rad *= scale; /* hrmf, probably elems shouldn't be * treating scale differently - campbell */ if (!MB_TYPE_SIZE_SQUARED(me->type)) { mul_v3_fl(&me->expx, scale); } else { mul_v3_fl(&me->expx, scale_sqrt); } } }
animation* ani_load_file(char* filename) { int state = STATE_LOAD_EMPTY; animation* a = animation_new(); skeleton* base = skeleton_new(); frame* f = NULL; SDL_RWops* file = SDL_RWFromFile(filename, "r"); if(file == NULL) { error("Could not load file %s", filename); } char line[1024]; while(SDL_RWreadline(file, line, 1024)) { if (state == STATE_LOAD_EMPTY) { int version; if (sscanf(line, "version %i", &version) > 0) { if (version != 1) { error("Can't load ani file '%s'. Don't know how to load version %i\n", filename, version); } } if (strstr(line, "nodes")) { state = STATE_LOAD_NODES; } if (strstr(line, "skeleton")) { state = STATE_LOAD_SKELETON; } } else if (state == STATE_LOAD_NODES) { char name[1024]; int id, parent; if (sscanf(line, "%i \"%[^\"]\" %i", &id, name, &parent) == 3) { skeleton_joint_add(base, name, parent); } if (strstr(line, "end")) { state = STATE_LOAD_EMPTY; } } else if (state == STATE_LOAD_SKELETON) { float time; if (sscanf(line, "time %f", &time) == 1) { f = animation_add_frame(a, base->rest_pose); } int id; float x, y, z, rx, ry, rz; if (sscanf(line, "%i %f %f %f %f %f %f", &id, &x, &y, &z, &rx, &ry, &rz) > 0) { f->joint_positions[id] = vec3_new(x, z, y); mat4 rotation = mat4_rotation_euler(rx, ry, rz); mat4 handedflip = mat4_new(1,0,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,0,0,1); rotation = mat4_mul_mat4(handedflip, rotation); rotation = mat4_mul_mat4(rotation, handedflip); rotation = mat4_transpose(rotation); f->joint_rotations[id] = mat4_to_quat(rotation); } if (strstr(line, "end")) { state = STATE_LOAD_EMPTY; } } } SDL_RWclose(file); skeleton_delete(base); return a; }
/* called from within the core BKE_pose_where_is loop, all animsystems and constraints * were executed & assigned. Now as last we do an IK pass */ static void execute_posetree(struct Scene *scene, Object *ob, PoseTree *tree) { float R_parmat[3][3], identity[3][3]; float iR_parmat[3][3]; float R_bonemat[3][3]; float goalrot[3][3], goalpos[3]; float rootmat[4][4], imat[4][4]; float goal[4][4], goalinv[4][4]; float irest_basis[3][3], full_basis[3][3]; float end_pose[4][4], world_pose[4][4]; float length, basis[3][3], rest_basis[3][3], start[3], *ikstretch = NULL; float resultinf = 0.0f; int a, flag, hasstretch = 0, resultblend = 0; bPoseChannel *pchan; IK_Segment *seg, *parent, **iktree, *iktarget; IK_Solver *solver; PoseTarget *target; bKinematicConstraint *data, *poleangledata = NULL; Bone *bone; if (tree->totchannel == 0) return; iktree = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(void *) * tree->totchannel, "ik tree"); for (a = 0; a < tree->totchannel; a++) { pchan = tree->pchan[a]; bone = pchan->bone; /* set DoF flag */ flag = 0; if (!(pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_NO_XDOF) && !(pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_NO_XDOF_TEMP)) flag |= IK_XDOF; if (!(pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_NO_YDOF) && !(pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_NO_YDOF_TEMP)) flag |= IK_YDOF; if (!(pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_NO_ZDOF) && !(pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_NO_ZDOF_TEMP)) flag |= IK_ZDOF; if (tree->stretch && (pchan->ikstretch > 0.0f)) { flag |= IK_TRANS_YDOF; hasstretch = 1; } seg = iktree[a] = IK_CreateSegment(flag); /* find parent */ if (a == 0) parent = NULL; else parent = iktree[tree->parent[a]]; IK_SetParent(seg, parent); /* get the matrix that transforms from prevbone into this bone */ copy_m3_m4(R_bonemat, pchan->pose_mat); /* gather transformations for this IK segment */ if (pchan->parent) copy_m3_m4(R_parmat, pchan->parent->pose_mat); else unit_m3(R_parmat); /* bone offset */ if (pchan->parent && (a > 0)) sub_v3_v3v3(start, pchan->pose_head, pchan->parent->pose_tail); else /* only root bone (a = 0) has no parent */ start[0] = start[1] = start[2] = 0.0f; /* change length based on bone size */ length = bone->length * len_v3(R_bonemat[1]); /* compute rest basis and its inverse */ copy_m3_m3(rest_basis, bone->bone_mat); copy_m3_m3(irest_basis, bone->bone_mat); transpose_m3(irest_basis); /* compute basis with rest_basis removed */ invert_m3_m3(iR_parmat, R_parmat); mul_m3_m3m3(full_basis, iR_parmat, R_bonemat); mul_m3_m3m3(basis, irest_basis, full_basis); /* basis must be pure rotation */ normalize_m3(basis); /* transform offset into local bone space */ normalize_m3(iR_parmat); mul_m3_v3(iR_parmat, start); IK_SetTransform(seg, start, rest_basis, basis, length); if (pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_XLIMIT) IK_SetLimit(seg, IK_X, pchan->limitmin[0], pchan->limitmax[0]); if (pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_YLIMIT) IK_SetLimit(seg, IK_Y, pchan->limitmin[1], pchan->limitmax[1]); if (pchan->ikflag & BONE_IK_ZLIMIT) IK_SetLimit(seg, IK_Z, pchan->limitmin[2], pchan->limitmax[2]); IK_SetStiffness(seg, IK_X, pchan->stiffness[0]); IK_SetStiffness(seg, IK_Y, pchan->stiffness[1]); IK_SetStiffness(seg, IK_Z, pchan->stiffness[2]); if (tree->stretch && (pchan->ikstretch > 0.0f)) { const float ikstretch = pchan->ikstretch * pchan->ikstretch; /* this function does its own clamping */ IK_SetStiffness(seg, IK_TRANS_Y, 1.0f - ikstretch); IK_SetLimit(seg, IK_TRANS_Y, IK_STRETCH_STIFF_MIN, IK_STRETCH_STIFF_MAX); } } solver = IK_CreateSolver(iktree[0]); /* set solver goals */ /* first set the goal inverse transform, assuming the root of tree was done ok! */ pchan = tree->pchan[0]; if (pchan->parent) { /* transform goal by parent mat, so this rotation is not part of the * segment's basis. otherwise rotation limits do not work on the * local transform of the segment itself. */ copy_m4_m4(rootmat, pchan->parent->pose_mat); /* However, we do not want to get (i.e. reverse) parent's scale, as it generates [#31008] * kind of nasty bugs... */ normalize_m4(rootmat); } else unit_m4(rootmat); copy_v3_v3(rootmat[3], pchan->pose_head); mul_m4_m4m4(imat, ob->obmat, rootmat); invert_m4_m4(goalinv, imat); for (target = tree->targets.first; target; target = target->next) { float polepos[3]; int poleconstrain = 0; data = (bKinematicConstraint *)target->con->data; /* 1.0=ctime, we pass on object for auto-ik (owner-type here is object, even though * strictly speaking, it is a posechannel) */ BKE_constraint_target_matrix_get(scene, target->con, 0, CONSTRAINT_OBTYPE_OBJECT, ob, rootmat, 1.0); /* and set and transform goal */ mul_m4_m4m4(goal, goalinv, rootmat); copy_v3_v3(goalpos, goal[3]); copy_m3_m4(goalrot, goal); normalize_m3(goalrot); /* same for pole vector target */ if (data->poletar) { BKE_constraint_target_matrix_get(scene, target->con, 1, CONSTRAINT_OBTYPE_OBJECT, ob, rootmat, 1.0); if (data->flag & CONSTRAINT_IK_SETANGLE) { /* don't solve IK when we are setting the pole angle */ break; } else { mul_m4_m4m4(goal, goalinv, rootmat); copy_v3_v3(polepos, goal[3]); poleconstrain = 1; /* for pole targets, we blend the result of the ik solver * instead of the target position, otherwise we can't get * a smooth transition */ resultblend = 1; resultinf = target->con->enforce; if (data->flag & CONSTRAINT_IK_GETANGLE) { poleangledata = data; data->flag &= ~CONSTRAINT_IK_GETANGLE; } } } /* do we need blending? */ if (!resultblend && target->con->enforce != 1.0f) { float q1[4], q2[4], q[4]; float fac = target->con->enforce; float mfac = 1.0f - fac; pchan = tree->pchan[target->tip]; /* end effector in world space */ copy_m4_m4(end_pose, pchan->pose_mat); copy_v3_v3(end_pose[3], pchan->pose_tail); mul_serie_m4(world_pose, goalinv, ob->obmat, end_pose, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* blend position */ goalpos[0] = fac * goalpos[0] + mfac * world_pose[3][0]; goalpos[1] = fac * goalpos[1] + mfac * world_pose[3][1]; goalpos[2] = fac * goalpos[2] + mfac * world_pose[3][2]; /* blend rotation */ mat3_to_quat(q1, goalrot); mat4_to_quat(q2, world_pose); interp_qt_qtqt(q, q1, q2, mfac); quat_to_mat3(goalrot, q); } iktarget = iktree[target->tip]; if ((data->flag & CONSTRAINT_IK_POS) && data->weight != 0.0f) { if (poleconstrain) IK_SolverSetPoleVectorConstraint(solver, iktarget, goalpos, polepos, data->poleangle, (poleangledata == data)); IK_SolverAddGoal(solver, iktarget, goalpos, data->weight); } if ((data->flag & CONSTRAINT_IK_ROT) && (data->orientweight != 0.0f)) if ((data->flag & CONSTRAINT_IK_AUTO) == 0) IK_SolverAddGoalOrientation(solver, iktarget, goalrot, data->orientweight); } /* solve */ IK_Solve(solver, 0.0f, tree->iterations); if (poleangledata) poleangledata->poleangle = IK_SolverGetPoleAngle(solver); IK_FreeSolver(solver); /* gather basis changes */ tree->basis_change = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float[3][3]) * tree->totchannel, "ik basis change"); if (hasstretch) ikstretch = MEM_mallocN(sizeof(float) * tree->totchannel, "ik stretch"); for (a = 0; a < tree->totchannel; a++) { IK_GetBasisChange(iktree[a], tree->basis_change[a]); if (hasstretch) { /* have to compensate for scaling received from parent */ float parentstretch, stretch; pchan = tree->pchan[a]; parentstretch = (tree->parent[a] >= 0) ? ikstretch[tree->parent[a]] : 1.0f; if (tree->stretch && (pchan->ikstretch > 0.0f)) { float trans[3], length; IK_GetTranslationChange(iktree[a], trans); length = pchan->bone->length * len_v3(pchan->pose_mat[1]); ikstretch[a] = (length == 0.0f) ? 1.0f : (trans[1] + length) / length; } else ikstretch[a] = 1.0; stretch = (parentstretch == 0.0f) ? 1.0f : ikstretch[a] / parentstretch; mul_v3_fl(tree->basis_change[a][0], stretch); mul_v3_fl(tree->basis_change[a][1], stretch); mul_v3_fl(tree->basis_change[a][2], stretch); } if (resultblend && resultinf != 1.0f) { unit_m3(identity); blend_m3_m3m3(tree->basis_change[a], identity, tree->basis_change[a], resultinf); } IK_FreeSegment(iktree[a]); } MEM_freeN(iktree); if (ikstretch) MEM_freeN(ikstretch); }