static int test_bn_mat_dup(void) { mat_t m = {1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5, 6.6, 7.7, 8.8, 9.9, 10.1, 11.11, 12.12, 13.13, 14.14, 15.15, 16.16}; matp_t expected = m, actual; actual = bn_mat_dup(m); return !mat_equal(expected, actual); }
static int test_bn_mat_trn(int argc, char *argv[]) { mat_t m, expected, actual; if (argc != 4) { bu_exit(1, "<args> format: M <expected_result> [%s]\n", argv[0]); } scan_mat_args(argv, 2, &m); scan_mat_args(argv, 3, &expected); bn_mat_trn(actual, m); return !mat_equal(expected, actual); }
static int test_bn_mat_mul(int argc, char *argv[]) { mat_t m1, m2, expected, actual; if (argc != 5) { bu_exit(1, "<args> format: M1 M2 <expected_result> [%s]\n", argv[0]); } scan_mat_args(argv, 2, &m1); scan_mat_args(argv, 3, &m2); scan_mat_args(argv, 4, &expected); bn_mat_mul(actual, m1, m2); return !mat_equal(expected, actual); }
static int test_bn_mat_xform_about_pt(int argc, char *argv[]) { mat_t xform, expected, actual; point_t p; if (argc != 5) { bu_exit(1, "<args> format: M P <expected_result> [%s]\n", argv[0]); } scan_mat_args(argv, 2, &xform); sscanf(argv[3], "%lg,%lg,%lg", &p[0], &p[1], &p[2]); scan_mat_args(argv, 4, &expected); bn_mat_xform_about_pt(actual, xform, p); return !mat_equal(expected, actual); }
static int test_bn_mat_zrot(int argc, char *argv[]) { mat_t expected, actual; double sinz, cosz; if (argc != 5) { bu_exit(1, "<args> format: sinz cosz <expected_result> [%s]\n", argv[0]); } sscanf(argv[2], "%lg", &sinz); sscanf(argv[3], "%lg", &cosz); scan_mat_args(argv, 4, &expected); bn_mat_zrot(actual, sinz, cosz); return !mat_equal(expected, actual); }
static int test_bn_mat_ae(int argc, char *argv[]) { double az, el; mat_t expected, actual; if (argc != 5) { bu_exit(1, "<args> format: az el <expected_result> [%s]\n", argv[0]); } sscanf(argv[2], "%lg", &az); sscanf(argv[3], "%lg", &el); scan_mat_args(argv, 4, &expected); bn_mat_ae(actual, az, el); return !mat_equal(expected, actual); }
static int test_bn_mat_angles_rad(int argc, char *argv[]) { mat_t expected, actual; double x, y, z; if (argc != 6) { bu_exit(1, "<args> format: x y z <expected_result> [%s]\n", argv[0]); } sscanf(argv[2], "%lg", &x); sscanf(argv[3], "%lg", &y); sscanf(argv[4], "%lg", &z); scan_mat_args(argv, 5, &expected); bn_mat_angles_rad(actual, x, y, z); return !mat_equal(expected, actual); }
static int test_bn_mat_scale_about_pt(int argc, char *argv[]) { mat_t expected, actual; point_t p; double s; int error, expected_error; if (argc != 6) { bu_exit(1, "<args> format: P s error <expected_result> [%s]\n", argv[0]); } sscanf(argv[2], "%lg,%lg,%lg", &p[0], &p[1], &p[2]); sscanf(argv[3], "%lg", &s); sscanf(argv[4], "%d", &expected_error); scan_mat_args(argv, 5, &expected); error = bn_mat_scale_about_pt(actual, p, s); return !(mat_equal(expected, actual) && error == expected_error); }
static int test_bn_mat_inverse(int argc, char *argv[]) { mat_t m, expected, actual; int singular; sscanf(argv[2], "%d", &singular); if ((argc == 4 && !singular) || (argc != 4 && argc != 5)) { bu_exit(1, "<args> format: 0|1 M [expected_result] [%s]\n", argv[0]); } scan_mat_args(argv, 3, &m); if (!singular) { scan_mat_args(argv, 4, &expected); } if (!bn_mat_inverse(actual, m)) { return !singular; } return !mat_equal(expected, actual); }
bool operator==(mat<N,S> const& a, mat<N,S> const& b) { return mat_equal(a, b); }
int main(void) { int i, result; flint_rand_t state; printf("inv... "); fflush(stdout); _randinit(state); /* Check aliasing */ /* Managed element type (mpq_t) */ for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) { long n; ctx_t ctx; mat_t A, B, C; long ansB, ansC; n = n_randint(state, 20) + 1; ctx_init_mpq(ctx); mat_init(A, n, n, ctx); mat_init(B, n, n, ctx); mat_init(C, n, n, ctx); mat_randtest(A, state, ctx); mat_set(B, A, ctx); ansC = mat_inv(C, B, ctx); ansB = mat_inv(B, B, ctx); result = ((ansB == ansC) && (!ansB || mat_equal(B, C, ctx))); if (!result) { printf("FAIL:\n\n"); printf("A: \n"), mat_print(A, ctx), printf("\n"); printf("B: \n"), mat_print(B, ctx), printf("\n"); printf("C: \n"), mat_print(C, ctx), printf("\n"); printf("ansB = %ld\n", ansB); printf("ansC = %ld\n", ansC); } mat_clear(A, ctx); mat_clear(B, ctx); mat_clear(C, ctx); ctx_clear(ctx); } /* Check A * A^{-1} == A^{-1} * A == Id */ /* Managed element type (mpq_t) */ for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) { long n; ctx_t ctx; mat_t A, B, C, D, I; long ansB; n = n_randint(state, 20) + 1; ctx_init_mpq(ctx); mat_init(A, n, n, ctx); mat_init(B, n, n, ctx); mat_init(C, n, n, ctx); mat_init(D, n, n, ctx); mat_init(I, n, n, ctx); mat_randtest(A, state, ctx); ansB = mat_inv(B, A, ctx); if (!ansB) { mat_mul(C, A, B, ctx); mat_mul(D, B, A, ctx); } result = (ansB || (mat_equal(C, D, ctx) && mat_is_one(C, ctx))); if (!result) { printf("FAIL:\n\n"); printf("A: \n"), mat_print(A, ctx), printf("\n"); printf("B: \n"), mat_print(B, ctx), printf("\n"); printf("C: \n"), mat_print(C, ctx), printf("\n"); printf("D: \n"), mat_print(D, ctx), printf("\n"); printf("ansB = %ld\n", ansB); } mat_clear(A, ctx); mat_clear(B, ctx); mat_clear(C, ctx); mat_clear(D, ctx); ctx_clear(ctx); } _randclear(state); _fmpz_cleanup(); printf("PASS\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/*!***************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************* \note compute_kinematics \date June 99 \remarks computes kinematic variables ******************************************************************************* Function Parameters: [in]=input,[out]=output none ******************************************************************************/ static void compute_kinematics(void) { int i,j,r,o; static int firsttime = TRUE; static SL_DJstate *temp; static Matrix last_J; static Matrix last_Jbase; if (firsttime) { temp=(SL_DJstate *)my_calloc((unsigned long)(n_dofs+1),sizeof(SL_DJstate),MY_STOP); last_J = my_matrix(1,6*n_endeffs,1,n_dofs); last_Jbase = my_matrix(1,6*n_endeffs,1,2*N_CART); } /* compute the desired link positions */ linkInformationDes(joint_des_state,&base_state,&base_orient,endeff, joint_cog_mpos_des,joint_axis_pos_des,joint_origin_pos_des, link_pos_des,Alink_des,Adof_des); /* the desired endeffector information */ for (i=1; i<=N_CART; ++i) { for (j=1; j<=n_endeffs; ++j) { cart_des_state[j].x[i] = link_pos_des[link2endeffmap[j]][i]; } } /* the desired quaternian of the endeffector */ for (j=1; j<=n_endeffs; ++j) { linkQuat(Alink_des[link2endeffmap[j]],&(cart_des_orient[j])); } /* addititional link information */ linkInformation(joint_state,&base_state,&base_orient,endeff, joint_cog_mpos,joint_axis_pos,joint_origin_pos, link_pos,Alink,Adof); /* create the endeffector information */ for (i=1; i<=N_CART; ++i) { for (j=1; j<=n_endeffs; ++j) { cart_state[j].x[i] = link_pos[link2endeffmap[j]][i]; } } /* the quaternian of the endeffector */ for (j=1; j<=n_endeffs; ++j) { linkQuat(Alink[link2endeffmap[j]],&(cart_orient[j])); } /* the COG position */ compute_cog(); /* the jacobian */ jacobian(link_pos,joint_origin_pos,joint_axis_pos,J); baseJacobian(link_pos,joint_origin_pos,joint_axis_pos,Jbase); jacobian(link_pos_des,joint_origin_pos_des,joint_axis_pos_des,Jdes); baseJacobian(link_pos_des,joint_origin_pos_des,joint_axis_pos_des,Jbasedes); /* numerical time derivative of Jacobian */ if (!firsttime) { mat_sub(J,last_J,dJdt); mat_mult_scalar(dJdt,(double)ros_servo_rate,dJdt); mat_sub(Jbase,last_Jbase,dJbasedt); mat_mult_scalar(dJbasedt,(double)ros_servo_rate,dJbasedt); } mat_equal(J,last_J); mat_equal(Jbase,last_Jbase); /* compute the cartesian velocities and accelerations */ for (j=1; j<=n_endeffs; ++j) { for (i=1; i<=N_CART; ++i) { cart_state[j].xd[i] = 0.0; cart_state[j].xdd[i] = 0.0; cart_orient[j].ad[i] = 0.0; cart_orient[j].add[i] = 0.0; cart_des_state[j].xd[i] = 0.0; cart_des_orient[j].ad[i] = 0.0; /* contributations from the joints */ for (r=1; r<=n_dofs; ++r) { cart_state[j].xd[i] += J[(j-1)*6+i][r] * joint_state[r].thd; cart_orient[j].ad[i] += J[(j-1)*6+i+3][r] * joint_state[r].thd; cart_des_state[j].xd[i] += Jdes[(j-1)*6+i][r] *joint_des_state[r].thd; cart_des_orient[j].ad[i]+= Jdes[(j-1)*6+i+3][r] * joint_des_state[r].thd; cart_state[j].xdd[i] += J[(j-1)*6+i][r] * joint_state[r].thdd + dJdt[(j-1)*6+i][r] * joint_state[r].thd; cart_orient[j].add[i] += J[(j-1)*6+i+3][r] * joint_state[r].thdd + dJdt[(j-1)*6+i+3][r] * joint_state[r].thd; } /* contributations from the base */ for (r=1; r<=N_CART; ++r) { cart_state[j].xd[i] += Jbase[(j-1)*6+i][r] * base_state.xd[r]; cart_orient[j].ad[i] += Jbase[(j-1)*6+i+3][r] * base_state.xd[r]; cart_state[j].xd[i] += Jbase[(j-1)*6+i][3+r] *[r]; cart_orient[j].ad[i] += Jbase[(j-1)*6+i+3][3+r] *[r]; cart_des_state[j].xd[i] += Jbasedes[(j-1)*6+i][r] * base_state.xd[r]; cart_des_orient[j].ad[i] += Jbasedes[(j-1)*6+i+3][r] * base_state.xd[r]; cart_des_state[j].xd[i] += Jbasedes[(j-1)*6+i][3+r] *[r]; cart_des_orient[j].ad[i] += Jbasedes[(j-1)*6+i+3][3+r] *[r]; cart_state[j].xdd[i] += Jbase[(j-1)*6+i][r] * base_state.xdd[r] + dJbasedt[(j-1)*6+i][r] * base_state.xd[r]; cart_orient[j].add[i] += Jbase[(j-1)*6+i+3][r] * base_state.xdd[r] + dJbasedt[(j-1)*6+i+3][r] * base_state.xd[r]; cart_state[j].xdd[i] += Jbase[(j-1)*6+i][3+r] * base_orient.add[r] + dJbasedt[(j-1)*6+i][3+r] *[r]; cart_orient[j].add[i] += Jbase[(j-1)*6+i+3][3+r] * base_orient.add[r] + dJbasedt[(j-1)*6+i+3][3+r] *[r]; } } /* compute quaternion derivatives */ quatDerivatives(&(cart_orient[j])); quatDerivatives(&(cart_des_orient[j])); for (r=1; r<=N_QUAT; ++r) cart_des_orient[j].qdd[r] = 0.0; // we don't have dJdes_dt so far } /* reset first time flag */ firsttime = FALSE; }
int main(void) { int i, result; flint_rand_t state; printf("add... "); fflush(stdout); _randinit(state); /* Check that addition is abelian */ /* Unmanaged element type (long) */ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { long m, n; ctx_t ctx; mat_t A, B, C, D; m = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; n = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; ctx_init_long(ctx); mat_init(A, m, n, ctx); mat_init(B, m, n, ctx); mat_init(C, m, n, ctx); mat_init(D, m, n, ctx); mat_randtest(A, state, ctx); mat_randtest(B, state, ctx); mat_add(C, A, B, ctx); mat_add(D, B, A, ctx); result = mat_equal(C, D, ctx); if (!result) { printf("FAIL:\n\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(A, ctx); printf("\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(B, ctx); printf("\n"); } mat_clear(A, ctx); mat_clear(B, ctx); mat_clear(C, ctx); mat_clear(D, ctx); ctx_clear(ctx); } /* Managed element type (mpq_t) */ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { long m, n; ctx_t ctx; mat_t A, B, C, D; m = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; n = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; ctx_init_mpq(ctx); mat_init(A, m, n, ctx); mat_init(B, m, n, ctx); mat_init(C, m, n, ctx); mat_init(D, m, n, ctx); mat_randtest(A, state, ctx); mat_randtest(B, state, ctx); mat_add(C, A, B, ctx); mat_add(D, B, A, ctx); result = mat_equal(C, D, ctx); if (!result) { printf("FAIL:\n\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(A, ctx); printf("\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(B, ctx); printf("\n"); } mat_clear(A, ctx); mat_clear(B, ctx); mat_clear(C, ctx); mat_clear(D, ctx); ctx_clear(ctx); } /* Check that the zero matrix does what it's supposed to do */ /* Unmanaged element type (long) */ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { long m, n; ctx_t ctx; mat_t A, B, C, D; m = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; n = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; ctx_init_long(ctx); mat_init(A, m, n, ctx); mat_init(B, m, n, ctx); mat_init(C, m, n, ctx); mat_init(D, m, n, ctx); mat_randtest(A, state, ctx); mat_zero(B, ctx); mat_add(C, A, B, ctx); mat_add(D, B, A, ctx); result = mat_equal(A, C, ctx) && mat_equal(C, D, ctx); if (!result) { printf("FAIL:\n\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(A, ctx); printf("\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(B, ctx); printf("\n"); } mat_clear(A, ctx); mat_clear(B, ctx); mat_clear(C, ctx); mat_clear(D, ctx); ctx_clear(ctx); } /* Managed element type (mpq_t) */ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { long m, n; ctx_t ctx; mat_t A, B, C, D; m = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; n = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; ctx_init_mpq(ctx); mat_init(A, m, n, ctx); mat_init(B, m, n, ctx); mat_init(C, m, n, ctx); mat_init(D, m, n, ctx); mat_randtest(A, state, ctx); mat_zero(B, ctx); mat_add(C, A, B, ctx); mat_add(D, B, A, ctx); result = mat_equal(A, C, ctx) && mat_equal(C, D, ctx); if (!result) { printf("FAIL:\n\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(A, ctx); printf("\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(B, ctx); printf("\n"); } mat_clear(A, ctx); mat_clear(B, ctx); mat_clear(C, ctx); mat_clear(D, ctx); ctx_clear(ctx); } _randclear(state); _fmpz_cleanup(); printf("PASS\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void expm(Matrix A, Matrix B, double h) { static int firsttime = TRUE; static Matrix M; static Matrix M2; static Matrix M3; static Matrix D; static Matrix N; if (firsttime) { firsttime = FALSE; M = my_matrix(1,3*N_DOFS,1,3*N_DOFS); M2 = my_matrix(1,3*N_DOFS,1,3*N_DOFS); M3 = my_matrix(1,3*N_DOFS,1,3*N_DOFS); D = my_matrix(1,3*N_DOFS,1,3*N_DOFS); N = my_matrix(1,3*N_DOFS,1,3*N_DOFS); } int norm = 0; double c = 0.5; int q = 6; // uneven p-q order for Pade approx. int p = 1; int i,j,k; // Form the big matrix mat_mult_scalar(A, h, A); mat_equal_size(A, 2*N_DOFS, 2*N_DOFS, M); for (i = 1; i <= 2*N_DOFS; ++i) { for (j = 1; j <= N_DOFS; ++j) { M[i][2*N_DOFS + j] = h * B[i][j]; } } //print_mat("M is:\n", M); // scale M by power of 2 so that its norm < 1/2 norm = (int)(log2(inf_norm(M))) + 2; //printf("Inf norm of M: %f \n", inf_norm(M)); if (norm < 0) norm = 0; mat_mult_scalar(M, 1/pow(2,(double)norm), M); //printf("Norm of M logged, floored and 2 added is: %d\n", norm); //print_mat("M after scaling is:\n", M); for (i = 1; i <= 3*N_DOFS; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= 3*N_DOFS; j++) { N[i][j] = c * M[i][j]; D[i][j] = -c * M[i][j]; } N[i][i] = N[i][i] + 1.0; D[i][i] = D[i][i] + 1.0; } // set M2 equal to M mat_equal(M, M2); // start pade approximation for (k = 2; k <= q; k++) { c = c * (q - k + 1) / (double)(k * (2*q - k + 1)); mat_mult(M,M2,M2); mat_mult_scalar(M2,c,M3); mat_add(N,M3,N); if (p == 1) mat_add(D,M3,D); else mat_sub(D,M3,D); p = -1 * p; } // multiply denominator with nominator i.e. D\E my_inv_ludcmp(D, 3*N_DOFS, D); mat_mult(D,N,N); // undo scaling by repeated squaring for (k = 1; k <= norm; k++) mat_mult(N,N,N); // get the matrices out // read off the entries for (i = 1; i <= 2*N_DOFS; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= 2*N_DOFS; j++) { A[i][j] = N[i][j]; } for (j = 1; j <= N_DOFS; j++) { B[i][j] = N[i][2*N_DOFS + j]; } } }
int main(void) { int i, result; flint_rand_t state; printf("transpose... "); fflush(stdout); _randinit(state); /* Check aliasing */ /* Unmanaged element type (long) */ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { long m, n; ctx_t ctx; mat_t A, B, C; m = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; n = m; ctx_init_long(ctx); mat_init(A, m, n, ctx); mat_init(B, m, n, ctx); mat_init(C, m, n, ctx); mat_randtest(A, state, ctx); mat_set(B, A, ctx); mat_transpose(C, B, ctx); mat_transpose(B, B, ctx); result = mat_equal(B, C, ctx); if (!result) { printf("FAIL:\n\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(A, ctx); printf("\n"); printf("Matrix B\n"); mat_print(B, ctx); printf("\n"); printf("Matrix C\n"); mat_print(C, ctx); printf("\n"); } mat_clear(A, ctx); mat_clear(B, ctx); mat_clear(C, ctx); ctx_clear(ctx); } /* Check that (A^t)^t == A */ /* Unmanaged element type (long) */ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { long m, n; ctx_t ctx; mat_t A, B, C; m = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; n = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; ctx_init_long(ctx); mat_init(A, m, n, ctx); mat_init(B, n, m, ctx); mat_init(C, m, n, ctx); mat_randtest(A, state, ctx); mat_transpose(B, A, ctx); mat_transpose(C, B, ctx); result = mat_equal(A, C, ctx); if (!result) { printf("FAIL:\n\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(A, ctx); printf("\n"); printf("Matrix B\n"); mat_print(B, ctx); printf("\n"); printf("Matrix C\n"); mat_print(C, ctx); printf("\n"); } mat_clear(A, ctx); mat_clear(B, ctx); mat_clear(C, ctx); ctx_clear(ctx); } _randclear(state); _fmpz_cleanup(); printf("PASS\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }