int main(void) { int i; flint_rand_t state; printf("init/ clear... "); fflush(stdout); _randinit(state); /* Unmanaged element type (long) */ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { long m, n; ctx_t ctx; mat_t A; m = n_randint(state, 100) + 1; n = n_randint(state, 100) + 1; ctx_init_long(ctx); mat_init(A, m, n, ctx); mat_randtest(A, state, ctx); mat_clear(A, ctx); ctx_clear(ctx); } /* Managed element type (mpq_t) */ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { long m, n; ctx_t ctx; mat_t A; m = n_randint(state, 100) + 1; n = n_randint(state, 100) + 1; ctx_init_mpq(ctx); mat_init(A, m, n, ctx); mat_randtest(A, state, ctx); mat_clear(A, ctx); ctx_clear(ctx); } _randclear(state); _fmpz_cleanup(); printf("PASS\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/** * Main function * * @param argc * @param argv */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { // create PAPI routines PapiCounterList papi_routines; papi_routines.AddRoutine("matvec"); // allocate arrays float a[ROWS][COLS]; float b[COLS]; float c[ROWS] = {0.0f}; printf("Rows: %d\n", ROWS); printf("Cols: %d\n", COLS); printf("Runs: %d\n", RUNS); // initialize matrix & vector mat_init(ROWS, COLS, 1.0, a); vec_init(COLS, 3.0, b); // do the measurement papi_routines["matvec"].Start(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < RUNS; i++) mat_vec_mul(ROWS, COLS, a, b, c); papi_routines["matvec"].Stop(); // print results printf("Control sum: %f\n", vec_sum(ROWS, c)); printf("\n"); papi_routines.PrintScreen(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
double second_subproblem_obj (double ** ytwo, double ** z, double ** wtwo, double rho, int N, double* lambda) { double ** temp = mat_init (N, N); double ** difftwo = mat_init (N, N); mat_zeros (difftwo, N, N); // reg = 0.5 * sum_k max_n | w_nk | -> group-lasso mat_zeros (temp, N, N); double * maxn = new double [N]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++) { // Ian: need initial maxn[i] = -INF; } for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++) { for (int j = 0; j < N; j ++) { if (wtwo[i][j] > maxn[j]) maxn[j] = wtwo[i][j]; } } double sumk = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++) { sumk += lambda[i]*maxn[i]; } double group_lasso = sumk; // sum2 = y_2^T dot (w_2 - z) -> linear mat_zeros (temp, N, N); mat_sub (wtwo, z, difftwo, N, N); mat_tdot (ytwo, difftwo, temp, N, N); double sum2 = mat_sum (temp, N, N); // sum3 = 0.5 * rho * || w_2 - z_2 ||^2 -> quadratic mat_zeros (temp, N, N); mat_sub (wtwo, z, temp, N, N); double sum3 = 0.5 * rho * mat_norm2 (temp, N, N); mat_free (temp, N, N); // ouput values of each components #ifdef BLOCKWISE_DUMP cout << "[Blockwise] (group_lasso, linear, quadratic) = (" << group_lasso << ", " << sum2 << ", " << sum3 << ")" << endl; #endif //cerr << group_lasso << ", " << sum2 << ", " << sum3 << endl; return group_lasso + sum2 + sum3; }
/** * Main function * * @param argc * @param argv */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { // allocate matrix float *A = (float*)_mm_malloc(ROWS * COLS * sizeof(float), 64); if(A == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "_mm_malloc error !\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // allocate vectors float *B = (float*)_mm_malloc(COLS * sizeof(float), 64); if(A == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "_mm_malloc error !\n"); _mm_free(A); return EXIT_FAILURE; } float *C = (float*)_mm_malloc(ROWS * sizeof(float), 64); if(A == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "_mm_malloc error !\n"); _mm_free(A); _mm_free(B); return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf("Rows: %d\n", ROWS); printf("Cols: %d\n", COLS); printf("Runs: %d\n", RUNS); // initialize matrix & vector const double tstart = omp_get_wtime(); mat_init(ROWS, COLS, 1.0, A); vec_init(COLS, 3.0, B); const double tinit = omp_get_wtime(); // do the measurement for(unsigned i = 0; i < RUNS; i++) { mat_vec_mul(ROWS, COLS, A, B, C); } const double tcalc = omp_get_wtime(); // print results printf("Control sum: %f\n", vec_sum(ROWS, C)); printf("Time Initialization: %0.3f\n", tinit - tstart); printf("Time Calculation: %0.3f\n", tcalc - tinit); printf("Time Total: %0.3f\n", tcalc - tstart); // free memory _mm_free(A); _mm_free(B); _mm_free(C); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void init_matrix(MatrixType& M, const std::vector<typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType>& rows, const std::vector<typename MatrixType::LocalOrdinalType>& row_offsets, const std::vector<int>& row_coords, int global_nodes_x, int global_nodes_y, int global_nodes_z, typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType global_nrows, const simple_mesh_description<typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType>& mesh) { MatrixInitOp<MatrixType> mat_init(rows, row_offsets, row_coords, global_nodes_x, global_nodes_y, global_nodes_z, global_nrows, mesh, M); for(int i=0; i<mat_init.n; ++i) { mat_init(i); } }
extern inline Matrix mat_O(int m,int n){ Matrix R; int i; srand(time(NULL)+rand()); mat_init(&R,m,n); for(i=0;i<m*n;i++){ R.body[i]=0.; } return R; }
double first_subproblm_obj (double ** dist_mat, double ** yone, double ** zone, double ** wone, double rho, int N) { double ** temp = mat_init (N, N); double ** diffone = mat_init (N, N); mat_zeros (diffone, N, N); // sum1 = 0.5 * sum_n sum_k (w_nk * d^2_nk) -> loss mat_zeros (temp, N, N); mat_times (wone, dist_mat, temp, N, N); double sum1 = 0.5 * mat_sum (temp, N, N); // sum2 = y_1^T dot (w_1 - z) -> linear mat_zeros (temp, N, N); mat_sub (wone, zone, diffone, N, N); // temp = w_1 - z_1 mat_tdot (yone, diffone, temp, N, N); double sum2 = mat_sum (temp, N, N); // sum3 = 0.5 * rho * || w_1 - z_1 ||^2 -> quadratic mat_zeros (temp, N, N); mat_sub (wone, zone, temp, N, N); double sum3 = 0.5 * rho * mat_norm2 (temp, N, N); // sum4 = r dot (1 - sum_k w_nk) -> dummy double * temp_vec = new double [N]; mat_sum_row (wone, temp_vec, N, N); double dummy_penalty = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++) { dummy_penalty += r*(1 - temp_vec[i]); } double total = sum1+sum2+sum3+dummy_penalty; #ifdef FRANK_WOLFE_DUMP cout << "[Frank_wolfe] (loss, linear, quadratic, dummy, total) = (" << sum1 << ", " << sum2 << ", " << sum3 << ", " << dummy_penalty << ", " << total << ")" << endl; #endif mat_free (temp, N, N); mat_free (diffone, N, N); delete [] temp_vec; return total; }
int main(int argc, char** args) { Matrix a; mat_init(a, HEIGHT_OF_A, WIDTH_OF_A); Matrix b; mat_init(b, HEIGHT_OF_B, WIDTH_OF_B); Matrix c; mat_init(c, HEIGHT_OF_A, WIDTH_OF_B); mat_print(a, "The matrix A:\n"); mat_print(b, "The matrix B:\n"); printf("APPLYING KERNEL...\n\n"); MatMul(a, b, c); // MatMul_Fast(a, b, c); mat_print(c, "The result:\n"); mat_free(a); mat_free(b); mat_free(c); }
extern inline Matrix mat_I(int m,int n){ Matrix I; int i,j; mat_init(&I,m,n); for(i=0;i<m;i++){ for(j=0;j<m;j++){ if(i==j) mat_set(I,i,j,1.0); else mat_set(I,i,j,0.0); } } return I; }
int main(void) { uint8_t delay1 = 0, delay2 = 0, delay3 = 0; seg_init(); mat_init(); uart_init(); sei(); uart_puts("\n\n"); uart_puts("/o/i/booting\r\n"); while(1) { for(uint8_t i=0; i<3;i++) uart_process(); delay2++; if(delay2 == 200){ delay2 = 0; mat_check(); delay1++; if(delay1 == 200){ delay1 = 0; mat_debug(); test(); uart_puts("d\r\n"); if(delay3 == 10){ delay3 = 0; uart_puts("\n"); } connect(); //checks hastoconnect variable } } _delay_us(5); } }
/* data: N data instance assignment: N by 1 vector indicating assignment of one atom */ void compute_means (vector<Instance*>& data, vector<int>& assignment, int FIX_DIM, vector< vector<double> >& means) { int N = data.size(); assert (assignment.size() == N); int nClusters = means.size(); // for 0-index vector< vector<int> > group_points (nClusters, vector<int>()); for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++) group_points[assignment[i]].push_back(i); for (int c = 0; c < nClusters; c++) { int num_points = group_points[c].size(); if (num_points == 0) { std::fill(means[c].begin(), means[c].end(), -INF); continue; } std::fill(means[c].begin(), means[c].end(), 0.0); double ** local_dist_mat = mat_init(num_points, num_points); for (int x = 0; x < num_points; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < num_points; y++) { Instance* a = data[group_points[c][x]]; Instance* b = data[group_points[c][y]]; double dist = L2norm(a, b, FIX_DIM); local_dist_mat[x][y] = dist * dist; } } double* sum_dist = new double [num_points]; mat_sum_col(local_dist_mat, sum_dist, num_points, num_points); int min_index = -1; double min_value = INF; for (int j = 0; j < num_points; j++) if (sum_dist[j] < min_value) { min_index = j; min_value = sum_dist[j]; } assert (min_index < num_points); Instance* new_medoid = data[group_points[c][min_index]]; for (int f = 0; f < new_medoid->fea.size(); f ++) means[c][new_medoid->fea[f].first-1] = new_medoid->fea[f].second ; delete [] sum_dist; mat_free (local_dist_mat, num_points, num_points); } }
static void pdf_gstate_init(pdf_page *p) { pdf_prs *s = p->s; int rotate = p->rotate; pdf_extgstate *gs; gs = &s->gs; gs->th = 1; mat_init(&gs->ctm, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); if (rotate) { switch (rotate) { case 90: mat_init(&gs->ctm, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, p->mediabox.y1); break; case 180: mat_init(&gs->ctm, -1, 0, 0, 1, p->mediabox.x1, 0); break; case 270: mat_init(&gs->ctm, 0, 1, -1, 0, p->mediabox.x1, 0); break; case 360: mat_init(&gs->ctm, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, p->mediabox.y1); break; default: break; } } mat_init(&gs->txt_ctm, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); mat_init(&gs->txt_lm, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); // path stack gs->path_base = p->i->path_stk; gs->path_top = gs->path_base; gs->D_n = 0; gs->D_OFFSET = 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { double err = 0.0; struct timeval start; float time = 0.0; int n; nr_nodes = get_nr_nodes(); initial_node = get_node_id () ; next_node = (initial_node + 1) % nr_nodes ; nr_migrations = nr_nodes + 1 ; parse_args(argc, argv); if (verbose>=2) { printf("gram-schmidt 'uni-proc' for %dx%d in", numcols, numrows); fflush(stdout); } time = 0 ; for (n=0 ; n<numloops ; n++) { mat_init(&mat); timer_start(&start); up_mgs(&mat); time += timer_stop(&start); if (verbose > 2) printf ("up_gs finished, starting orth_err\n"); if (migration == 1 && get_node_id() != initial_node) migrate_self (initial_node); err = orth_err(&mat); printf ("\n Err = %g\n", err); if ( err < ERROR ) printf ("-- MGS test : PASSED --\n\n\n"); else { printf ("-- MGS test : FAILED --\n\n\n"); exit(-1) ; } } /* migration ici = pb */ if (verbose>2) printf ("up-gs : terminé\n"); if (verbose >= 1) { printf("\ntime :"); printf(" %g s (err: %g)\n", time/(float)numloops, err); } if (save_matrix) save_normalized_matrix(); if (verbose>2) printf ("up_gs termine\n"); return 0; }
int main(void) { int i, result; flint_rand_t state; printf("transpose... "); fflush(stdout); _randinit(state); /* Check aliasing */ /* Unmanaged element type (long) */ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { long m, n; ctx_t ctx; mat_t A, B, C; m = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; n = m; ctx_init_long(ctx); mat_init(A, m, n, ctx); mat_init(B, m, n, ctx); mat_init(C, m, n, ctx); mat_randtest(A, state, ctx); mat_set(B, A, ctx); mat_transpose(C, B, ctx); mat_transpose(B, B, ctx); result = mat_equal(B, C, ctx); if (!result) { printf("FAIL:\n\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(A, ctx); printf("\n"); printf("Matrix B\n"); mat_print(B, ctx); printf("\n"); printf("Matrix C\n"); mat_print(C, ctx); printf("\n"); } mat_clear(A, ctx); mat_clear(B, ctx); mat_clear(C, ctx); ctx_clear(ctx); } /* Check that (A^t)^t == A */ /* Unmanaged element type (long) */ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { long m, n; ctx_t ctx; mat_t A, B, C; m = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; n = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; ctx_init_long(ctx); mat_init(A, m, n, ctx); mat_init(B, n, m, ctx); mat_init(C, m, n, ctx); mat_randtest(A, state, ctx); mat_transpose(B, A, ctx); mat_transpose(C, B, ctx); result = mat_equal(A, C, ctx); if (!result) { printf("FAIL:\n\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(A, ctx); printf("\n"); printf("Matrix B\n"); mat_print(B, ctx); printf("\n"); printf("Matrix C\n"); mat_print(C, ctx); printf("\n"); } mat_clear(A, ctx); mat_clear(B, ctx); mat_clear(C, ctx); ctx_clear(ctx); } _randclear(state); _fmpz_cleanup(); printf("PASS\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main (int argc, char ** argv) { if (argc < 5) { cerr << "Usage: " << endl; cerr << "\tHDP_MEDOIDS [dataFile] [nRuns] [lambda_global] [lambda_local]" << endl; exit(-1); } // PARSE arguments char* dataFile = argv[1]; int nRuns = atoi(argv[2]); vector<double> LAMBDAs (2, 0.0); LAMBDAs[0] = atof(argv[3]); // lambda_global LAMBDAs[1] = atof(argv[4]); // lambda_local objmin_trace << "time objective" << endl; // read in data int FIX_DIM; Parser parser; vector<Instance*>* pdata; vector<Instance*> data; pdata = parser.parseSVM(dataFile, FIX_DIM); data = *pdata; // init lookup_tables vector< pair<int,int> > doc_lookup; get_doc_lookup (data, doc_lookup); Lookups lookup_tables; lookup_tables.doc_lookup = &doc_lookup; lookup_tables.nWords = data.size(); lookup_tables.nDocs = lookup_tables.doc_lookup->size(); int seed = time(NULL); srand (seed); cerr << "###########################################" << endl; cerr << "nDocs = " << lookup_tables.nDocs << endl; // # documents cerr << "nWords = " << lookup_tables.nWords << endl; // # words cerr << "lambda_global = " << LAMBDAs[0] << endl; cerr << "lambda_local = " << LAMBDAs[1] << endl; cerr << "TRIM_THRESHOLD = " << TRIM_THRESHOLD << endl; cerr << "seed = " << seed << endl; cerr << "###########################################" << endl; // Run sparse convex clustering int N = lookup_tables.nWords; int D = lookup_tables.nDocs; double** W = mat_init (N, N); // dist_mat computation and output dist_func df = L2norm; double** dist_mat = mat_init (N, N); compute_dist_mat (data, dist_mat, N, FIX_DIM, df, true); start_time = omp_get_wtime(); double min_obj = INF; vector< vector<double> > min_means; for (int j = 0; j < nRuns; j ++) { vector< vector<double> > means; // inner-doc shuffle for (int d = 0; d < D; d++) { int begin_i = doc_lookup[d].first; int end_i = doc_lookup[d].second; random_shuffle(data.begin()+begin_i, data.begin()+end_i); } // between-doc shuffle vector<pair<int,int> > s_doc_lookup (doc_lookup); random_shuffle(s_doc_lookup.begin(), s_doc_lookup.end()); vector<Instance*> s_data (N, NULL); int p = 0; for (int d = 0; d < D; d ++) { for (int i = s_doc_lookup[d].first; i < s_doc_lookup[d].second; i ++) { s_data[p] = data[i]; p ++; } } lookup_tables.doc_lookup = &s_doc_lookup; double obj = HDP_MEDOIDS (s_data, means, &lookup_tables, LAMBDAs, df, FIX_DIM); lookup_tables.doc_lookup = &doc_lookup; cerr << "###################################################" << endl; if (obj < min_obj) { min_obj = obj; min_means = means; } } /* Output objective */ output_objective (min_obj); ofstream model_out ("opt_model"); for (int i = 0; i < min_means.size(); i ++) { model_out << "mean[" << i << "] "; for (int j = 0; j < min_means[i].size(); j ++) { model_out << min_means[i][j] << " " ; } model_out << endl; } model_out.close(); /* Output cluster centroids */ // output_model (W, &lookup_tables); /* Output assignment */ // output_assignment (W, &lookup_tables); /* reallocation */ mat_free (W, N, N); mat_free (dist_mat, N, N); objmin_trace.close(); }
void cvx_clustering ( double ** dist_mat, int fw_max_iter, int max_iter, int D, int N, double* lambda, double ** W) { // parameters double alpha = 0.1; double rho = 1; // iterative optimization double error = INF; double ** wone = mat_init (N, N); double ** wtwo = mat_init (N, N); double ** yone = mat_init (N, N); double ** ytwo = mat_init (N, N); double ** z = mat_init (N, N); double ** diffzero = mat_init (N, N); double ** diffone = mat_init (N, N); double ** difftwo = mat_init (N, N); mat_zeros (yone, N, N); mat_zeros (ytwo, N, N); mat_zeros (z, N, N); mat_zeros (diffzero, N, N); mat_zeros (diffone, N, N); mat_zeros (difftwo, N, N); int iter = 0; // Ian: usually we count up (instead of count down) while ( iter < max_iter ) { // stopping criteria #ifdef SPARSE_CLUSTERING_DUMP cout << "it is place 0 iteration #" << iter << ", going to get into frank_wolfe" << endl; #endif // mat_set (wone, z, N, N); // mat_set (wtwo, z, N, N); // mat_zeros (wone, N, N); // mat_zeros (wtwo, N, N); // STEP ONE: resolve w_1 and w_2 frank_wolf (dist_mat, yone, z, wone, rho, N, fw_max_iter); // for w_1 #ifdef SPARSE_CLUSTERING_DUMP cout << "norm2(w_1) = " << mat_norm2 (wone, N, N) << endl; #endif blockwise_closed_form (ytwo, z, wtwo, rho, lambda, N); // for w_2 #ifdef SPARSE_CLUSTERING_DUMP cout << "norm2(w_2) = " << mat_norm2 (wtwo, N, N) << endl; #endif // STEP TWO: update z by averaging w_1 and w_2 mat_add (wone, wtwo, z, N, N); mat_dot (0.5, z, z, N, N); #ifdef SPARSE_CLUSTERING_DUMP cout << "norm2(z) = " << mat_norm2 (z, N, N) << endl; #endif // STEP THREE: update the y_1 and y_2 by w_1, w_2 and z mat_sub (wone, z, diffone, N, N); double trace_wone_minus_z = mat_norm2 (diffone, N, N); mat_dot (alpha, diffone, diffone, N, N); mat_add (yone, diffone, yone, N, N); mat_sub (wtwo, z, difftwo, N, N); //double trace_wtwo_minus_z = mat_norm2 (difftwo, N, N); mat_dot (alpha, difftwo, difftwo, N, N); mat_add (ytwo, difftwo, ytwo, N, N); // STEP FOUR: trace the objective function if (iter % 100 == 0) { error = overall_objective (dist_mat, lambda, N, z); // get current number of employed centroid #ifdef NCENTROID_DUMP int nCentroids = get_nCentroids (z, N, N); #endif cout << "[Overall] iter = " << iter << ", Overall Error: " << error #ifdef NCENTROID_DUMP << ", nCentroids: " << nCentroids #endif << endl; } iter ++; } // STEP FIVE: memory recollection mat_free (wone, N, N); mat_free (wtwo, N, N); mat_free (yone, N, N); mat_free (ytwo, N, N); mat_free (diffone, N, N); mat_free (difftwo, N, N); // STEP SIX: put converged solution to destination W mat_copy (z, W, N, N); }
// entry main function int main (int argc, char ** argv) { // exception control: illustrate the usage if get input of wrong format if (argc < 5) { cerr << "Usage: cvx_clustering [dataFile] [fw_max_iter] [max_iter] [lambda] " << endl; cerr << "Note: dataFile must be scaled to [0,1] in advance." << endl; exit(-1); } // parse arguments char * dataFile = argv[1]; int fw_max_iter = atoi(argv[2]); int max_iter = atoi(argv[3]); double lambda_base = atof(argv[4]); char * dmatFile = argv[5]; // vector<Instance*> data; // readFixDim (dataFile, data, FIX_DIM); // read in data int FIX_DIM; Parser parser; vector<Instance*>* pdata; vector<Instance*> data; pdata = parser.parseSVM(dataFile, FIX_DIM); data = *pdata; // vector<Instance*> data; // readFixDim (dataFile, data, FIX_DIM); // explore the data int dimensions = -1; int N = data.size(); // data size for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { vector< pair<int,double> > * f = &(data[i]->fea); int last_index = f->size()-1; if (f->at(last_index).first > dimensions) { dimensions = f->at(last_index).first; } } assert (dimensions == FIX_DIM); int D = dimensions; cerr << "D = " << D << endl; // # features cerr << "N = " << N << endl; // # instances cerr << "lambda = " << lambda_base << endl; cerr << "r = " << r << endl; int seed = time(NULL); srand (seed); cerr << "seed = " << seed << endl; //create lambda with noise double* lambda = new double[N]; for(int i=0; i<N; i++) { lambda[i] = lambda_base + noise(); } // pre-compute distance matrix dist_func df = L2norm; double ** dist_mat = mat_init (N, N); // double ** dist_mat = mat_read (dmatFile, N, N); mat_zeros (dist_mat, N, N); compute_dist_mat (data, dist_mat, N, D, df, true); ofstream dist_mat_out ("dist_mat"); dist_mat_out << mat_toString(dist_mat, N, N); dist_mat_out.close(); // Run sparse convex clustering double ** W = mat_init (N, N); mat_zeros (W, N, N); cvx_clustering (dist_mat, fw_max_iter, max_iter, D, N, lambda, W); ofstream W_OUT("w_out"); W_OUT<< mat_toString(W, N, N); W_OUT.close(); // Output cluster output_objective(clustering_objective (dist_mat, W, N)); /* Output cluster centroids */ output_model (W, N); /* Output assignment */ output_assignment (W, data, N); /* reallocation */ mat_free (dist_mat, N, N); mat_free (W, N, N); }
void blockwise_closed_form (double ** ytwo, double ** ztwo, double ** wtwo, double rho, double* lambda, int N) { // STEP ONE: compute the optimal solution for truncated problem double ** wbar = mat_init (N, N); mat_zeros (wbar, N, N); mat_dot (rho, ztwo, wbar, N, N); // wbar = rho * z_2 mat_sub (wbar, ytwo, wbar, N, N); // wbar = rho * z_2 - y_2 mat_dot (1.0/rho, wbar, wbar, N, N); // wbar = (rho * z_2 - y_2) / rho // STEP TWO: find the closed-form solution for second subproblem for (int j = 0; j < N; j ++) { // 1. bifurcate the set of values vector< pair<int,double> > alpha_vec; for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++) { double value = wbar[i][j]; /*if( wbar[i][j] < 0 ){ cerr << "wbar[" << i << "][" << j << "]" << endl; exit(0); }*/ alpha_vec.push_back (make_pair(i, abs(value))); } // 2. sorting std::sort (alpha_vec.begin(), alpha_vec.end(), pairComparator); /* for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++) { if (alpha_vec[i].second != 0) cout << alpha_vec[i].second << endl; } */ // 3. find mstar int mstar = 0; // number of elements support the sky double separator; double max_term = -INF, new_term; double sum_alpha = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++) { sum_alpha += alpha_vec[i].second; new_term = (sum_alpha - lambda[j]) / (i + 1.0); if ( new_term > max_term ) { separator = alpha_vec[i].second; max_term = new_term; mstar = i; } } // 4. assign closed-form solution to wtwo if( max_term < 0 ) { for(int i=0; i<N; i++) wtwo[i][j] = 0.0; continue; } for (int i = 0; i < N; i ++) { // harness vector of pair double value = wbar[i][j]; if ( abs(value) >= separator ) { wtwo[i][j] = max_term; } else { // its ranking is above m*, directly inherit the wbar wtwo[i][j] = max(wbar[i][j],0.0); } } } // compute value of objective function double penalty = second_subproblem_obj (ytwo, ztwo, wtwo, rho, N, lambda); // report the #iter and objective function /*cout << "[Blockwise] second_subproblem_obj: " << penalty << endl; cout << endl;*/ // STEP THREE: recollect temporary variable - wbar mat_free (wbar, N, N); }
int adios_read_icee_schedule_read_byid(const ADIOS_FILE *adiosfile, const ADIOS_SELECTION *sel, int varid, int from_steps, int nsteps, void *data) { int i; icee_fileinfo_rec_ptr_t fp = (icee_fileinfo_rec_ptr_t) adiosfile->fh; log_debug("%s (%d:%s)\n", __FUNCTION__, varid, fp->fname); //assert((varid < fp->nvars) || (fp->nvars == 0)); if (nsteps != 1) { adios_error (err_invalid_timestep, "Only one step can be read from a stream at a time. " "You requested % steps in adios_schedule_read()\n", nsteps); return err_invalid_timestep; } icee_varinfo_rec_ptr_t vp = NULL; vp = icee_varinfo_search_byname(fp->varinfo, adiosfile->var_namelist[varid]); if (adios_verbose_level > 5) icee_varinfo_print(vp); if (!vp) { adios_error(err_invalid_varid, "Invalid variable id: %d\n", varid); return adios_errno; } while (fp->merge_count != fp->nchunks) { log_debug("Waiting the rest of blocks (%d/%d)\n", fp->merge_count, fp->nchunks); usleep(0.1*1E6); } if (sel==0) memcpy(data, vp->data, vp->varlen); else switch(sel->type) { case ADIOS_SELECTION_WRITEBLOCK: { //DUMP("fp->rank: %d", fp->rank); //DUMP("u.block.index: %d", sel->u.block.index); if (fp->comm_rank != sel->u.block.index) adios_error(err_unspecified, "Block id missmatch. " "Not yet supported by ICEE\n"); // Possible memory overwrite memcpy(data, vp->data, vp->varlen); break; } case ADIOS_SELECTION_BOUNDINGBOX: { if (vp->ndims != sel-> adios_error(err_invalid_dimension, "Dimension mismatch\n"); log_debug("Merging operation (total nvars: %d).\n", fp->nchunks); if (adios_verbose_level > 5) icee_sel_bb_print(sel); while (vp != NULL) { icee_matrix_t m_sel; icee_matrix_t m_var; icee_matrix_view_t v_sel; icee_matrix_view_t v_var; uint64_t start[10]; int64_t count[10]; // should be signed to check validity uint64_t s_offsets[10], v_offsets[10]; int i; if (adios_verbose_level > 5) icee_varinfo_print(vp); mat_init(&m_sel, vp->typesize, vp->ndims, sel->, data); mat_init(&m_var, vp->typesize, vp->ndims, vp->ldims, vp->data); for (i=0; i<vp->ndims; i++) start[i] = MYMAX(sel->[i], vp->offsets[i]); for (i=0; i<vp->ndims; i++) { count[i] = MYMIN(sel->[i]+sel->[i], vp->offsets[i]+vp->ldims[i]) - start[i]; } for (i=0; i<vp->ndims; i++) { if (count[i] <= 0) { log_debug("No ROI. Skip\n"); goto next; } } for (i=0; i<vp->ndims; i++) s_offsets[i] = start[i] - sel->[i]; for (i=0; i<vp->ndims; i++) v_offsets[i] = start[i] - vp->offsets[i]; view_init (&v_sel, &m_sel, count, s_offsets); view_init (&v_var, &m_var, count, v_offsets); view_copy (&v_sel, &v_var); next: vp = icee_varinfo_search_byname(vp->next, adiosfile->var_namelist[varid]); } break; } case ADIOS_SELECTION_AUTO: { // Possible memory overwrite memcpy(data, vp->data, vp->varlen); break; } case ADIOS_SELECTION_POINTS: { adios_error(err_operation_not_supported, "ADIOS_SELECTION_POINTS not yet supported by ICEE.\n"); break; } } return adios_errno; }
int main(void) { int i, result; flint_rand_t state; printf("zero... "); fflush(stdout); _randinit(state); /* Unmanaged element type (long) */ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { long m, n; ctx_t ctx; mat_t A; m = n_randint(state, 100) + 1; n = n_randint(state, 100) + 1; ctx_init_long(ctx); mat_init(A, m, n, ctx); mat_randtest(A, state, ctx); mat_zero(A, ctx); result = mat_is_zero(A, ctx); if (!result) { printf("FAIL:\n\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(A, ctx); printf("\n"); abort(); } mat_clear(A, ctx); ctx_clear(ctx); } /* Managed element type (mpq_t) */ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { long m, n; ctx_t ctx; mat_t A; m = n_randint(state, 100) + 1; n = n_randint(state, 100) + 1; ctx_init_mpq(ctx); mat_init(A, m, n, ctx); mat_randtest(A, state, ctx); mat_zero(A, ctx); result = mat_is_zero(A, ctx); if (!result) { printf("FAIL:\n\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(A, ctx); printf("\n"); abort(); } mat_clear(A, ctx); ctx_clear(ctx); } _randclear(state); _fmpz_cleanup(); printf("PASS\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(void) { char *str; /* String for the input polynomial P */ mpoly_t P; /* Input polynomial P */ int n; /* Number of variables minus one */ long K; /* Required t-adic precision */ long N, Nw; long b; /* Matrix dimensions */ long i, j, k; mat_t M; ctx_t ctxM; mon_t *rows, *cols; padic_mat_struct *C; fmpz_t p; fmpz_poly_mat_t B; long vB; printf("solve... \n"); fflush(stdout); /* Example 3-1-1 */ /* str = "3 [3 0 0] [0 3 0] [0 0 3] (2 0 1)[1 1 1]"; */ /* Example 3-3-2 */ /* str = "3 [3 0 0] [0 3 0] [0 0 3] (2 0 1)[2 1 0] (2 0 1)[0 2 1] (2 0 1)[1 0 2]"; */ /* Example 4-4-2 */ /* str = "4 [4 0 0 0] [0 4 0 0] [0 0 4 0] [0 0 0 4] (2 0 1)[3 1 0 0] (2 0 1)[1 0 1 2] (2 0 1)[0 1 0 3]"; */ /* Example ... */ /* str = "4 [4 0 0 0] [0 4 0 0] [0 0 4 0] [0 0 0 4] (2 0 1)[1 1 1 1]"; */ /* Example from AKR */ str = "4 (1 3)[0 3 0 0] (2 0 3)[0 1 2 0] " "(2 0 -1)[1 1 1 0] (2 0 3)[1 1 0 1] " "(2 0 -1)[2 1 0 0] [0 0 3 0] (2 0 -1)[1 0 2 0] " "(1 2)[0 0 0 3] [3 0 0 0]"; n = atoi(str) - 1; K = 616; N = 10; Nw = 22; fmpz_init(p); fmpz_set_ui(p, 5); ctx_init_fmpz_poly_q(ctxM); ctxM->print = &__fmpz_poly_q_print_pretty; mpoly_init(P, n + 1, ctxM); mpoly_set_str(P, str, ctxM); printf("P = "), mpoly_print(P, ctxM), printf("\n"); b = gmc_basis_size(n, mpoly_degree(P, -1, ctxM)); mat_init(M, b, b, ctxM); fmpz_poly_mat_init(B, b, b); vB = 0; gmc_compute(M, &rows, &cols, P, ctxM); mat_print(M, ctxM); printf("\n"); gmde_solve(&C, K, p, N, Nw, M, ctxM); gmde_convert_soln(B, &vB, C, K, p); printf("Solution to (d/dt + M) C = 0:\n"); fmpz_poly_mat_print(B, "t"); printf("vB = %ld\n", vB); gmde_check_soln(B, vB, p, N, K, M, ctxM); mpoly_clear(P, ctxM); mat_clear(M, ctxM); free(rows); free(cols); fmpz_poly_mat_clear(B); ctx_clear(ctxM); fmpz_clear(p); for (i = 0; i < K; i++) padic_mat_clear(C + i); free(C); _fmpz_cleanup(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(void) { int i, result; flint_rand_t state; printf("add... "); fflush(stdout); _randinit(state); /* Check that addition is abelian */ /* Unmanaged element type (long) */ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { long m, n; ctx_t ctx; mat_t A, B, C, D; m = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; n = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; ctx_init_long(ctx); mat_init(A, m, n, ctx); mat_init(B, m, n, ctx); mat_init(C, m, n, ctx); mat_init(D, m, n, ctx); mat_randtest(A, state, ctx); mat_randtest(B, state, ctx); mat_add(C, A, B, ctx); mat_add(D, B, A, ctx); result = mat_equal(C, D, ctx); if (!result) { printf("FAIL:\n\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(A, ctx); printf("\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(B, ctx); printf("\n"); } mat_clear(A, ctx); mat_clear(B, ctx); mat_clear(C, ctx); mat_clear(D, ctx); ctx_clear(ctx); } /* Managed element type (mpq_t) */ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { long m, n; ctx_t ctx; mat_t A, B, C, D; m = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; n = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; ctx_init_mpq(ctx); mat_init(A, m, n, ctx); mat_init(B, m, n, ctx); mat_init(C, m, n, ctx); mat_init(D, m, n, ctx); mat_randtest(A, state, ctx); mat_randtest(B, state, ctx); mat_add(C, A, B, ctx); mat_add(D, B, A, ctx); result = mat_equal(C, D, ctx); if (!result) { printf("FAIL:\n\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(A, ctx); printf("\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(B, ctx); printf("\n"); } mat_clear(A, ctx); mat_clear(B, ctx); mat_clear(C, ctx); mat_clear(D, ctx); ctx_clear(ctx); } /* Check that the zero matrix does what it's supposed to do */ /* Unmanaged element type (long) */ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { long m, n; ctx_t ctx; mat_t A, B, C, D; m = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; n = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; ctx_init_long(ctx); mat_init(A, m, n, ctx); mat_init(B, m, n, ctx); mat_init(C, m, n, ctx); mat_init(D, m, n, ctx); mat_randtest(A, state, ctx); mat_zero(B, ctx); mat_add(C, A, B, ctx); mat_add(D, B, A, ctx); result = mat_equal(A, C, ctx) && mat_equal(C, D, ctx); if (!result) { printf("FAIL:\n\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(A, ctx); printf("\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(B, ctx); printf("\n"); } mat_clear(A, ctx); mat_clear(B, ctx); mat_clear(C, ctx); mat_clear(D, ctx); ctx_clear(ctx); } /* Managed element type (mpq_t) */ for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { long m, n; ctx_t ctx; mat_t A, B, C, D; m = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; n = n_randint(state, 50) + 1; ctx_init_mpq(ctx); mat_init(A, m, n, ctx); mat_init(B, m, n, ctx); mat_init(C, m, n, ctx); mat_init(D, m, n, ctx); mat_randtest(A, state, ctx); mat_zero(B, ctx); mat_add(C, A, B, ctx); mat_add(D, B, A, ctx); result = mat_equal(A, C, ctx) && mat_equal(C, D, ctx); if (!result) { printf("FAIL:\n\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(A, ctx); printf("\n"); printf("Matrix A\n"); mat_print(B, ctx); printf("\n"); } mat_clear(A, ctx); mat_clear(B, ctx); mat_clear(C, ctx); mat_clear(D, ctx); ctx_clear(ctx); } _randclear(state); _fmpz_cleanup(); printf("PASS\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(void) { int i, result; flint_rand_t state; printf("inv... "); fflush(stdout); _randinit(state); /* Check aliasing */ /* Managed element type (mpq_t) */ for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) { long n; ctx_t ctx; mat_t A, B, C; long ansB, ansC; n = n_randint(state, 20) + 1; ctx_init_mpq(ctx); mat_init(A, n, n, ctx); mat_init(B, n, n, ctx); mat_init(C, n, n, ctx); mat_randtest(A, state, ctx); mat_set(B, A, ctx); ansC = mat_inv(C, B, ctx); ansB = mat_inv(B, B, ctx); result = ((ansB == ansC) && (!ansB || mat_equal(B, C, ctx))); if (!result) { printf("FAIL:\n\n"); printf("A: \n"), mat_print(A, ctx), printf("\n"); printf("B: \n"), mat_print(B, ctx), printf("\n"); printf("C: \n"), mat_print(C, ctx), printf("\n"); printf("ansB = %ld\n", ansB); printf("ansC = %ld\n", ansC); } mat_clear(A, ctx); mat_clear(B, ctx); mat_clear(C, ctx); ctx_clear(ctx); } /* Check A * A^{-1} == A^{-1} * A == Id */ /* Managed element type (mpq_t) */ for (i = 0; i < 50; i++) { long n; ctx_t ctx; mat_t A, B, C, D, I; long ansB; n = n_randint(state, 20) + 1; ctx_init_mpq(ctx); mat_init(A, n, n, ctx); mat_init(B, n, n, ctx); mat_init(C, n, n, ctx); mat_init(D, n, n, ctx); mat_init(I, n, n, ctx); mat_randtest(A, state, ctx); ansB = mat_inv(B, A, ctx); if (!ansB) { mat_mul(C, A, B, ctx); mat_mul(D, B, A, ctx); } result = (ansB || (mat_equal(C, D, ctx) && mat_is_one(C, ctx))); if (!result) { printf("FAIL:\n\n"); printf("A: \n"), mat_print(A, ctx), printf("\n"); printf("B: \n"), mat_print(B, ctx), printf("\n"); printf("C: \n"), mat_print(C, ctx), printf("\n"); printf("D: \n"), mat_print(D, ctx), printf("\n"); printf("ansB = %ld\n", ansB); } mat_clear(A, ctx); mat_clear(B, ctx); mat_clear(C, ctx); mat_clear(D, ctx); ctx_clear(ctx); } _randclear(state); _fmpz_cleanup(); printf("PASS\n"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(void) { char *str; /* String for the input polynomial P */ mpoly_t P; /* Input polynomial P */ long n; /* Number of variables minus one */ long K; /* Required t-adic precision */ long N, Nw; long i, b; mat_t M; ctx_t ctxM; mon_t *rows, *cols; padic_mat_struct *C; fmpz_t p; printf("valuations... \n"); fflush(stdout); /* Example 3-1-1 */ /* str = "3 [3 0 0] [0 3 0] [0 0 3] (2 0 1)[1 1 1]"; */ /* Example 4-4-2 */ /* str = "4 [4 0 0 0] [0 4 0 0] [0 0 4 0] [0 0 0 4] (2 0 1)[3 1 0 0] (2 0 1)[1 0 1 2] (2 0 1)[0 1 0 3]"; */ /* Example 3-3-6 */ /* str = "3 [3 0 0] [0 3 0] [0 0 3] (2 0 314)[2 1 0] (2 0 42)[0 2 1] (2 0 271)[1 0 2] (2 0 -23)[1 1 1]"; */ /* Example 3-3-2 */ /* str = "3 [3 0 0] [0 3 0] [0 0 3] (2 0 1)[2 1 0] (2 0 1)[0 2 1] (2 0 1)[1 0 2]"; */ /* Example ... */ /* str = "4 [4 0 0 0] [0 4 0 0] [0 0 4 0] [0 0 0 4] (2 0 1)[1 1 1 1]"; */ /* Cubic surface from AKR */ str = "4 (1 3)[0 3 0 0] (2 0 3)[0 1 2 0] " "(2 0 -1)[1 1 1 0] (2 0 3)[1 1 0 1] " "(2 0 -1)[2 1 0 0] [0 0 3 0] (2 0 -1)[1 0 2 0] " "(1 2)[0 0 0 3] [3 0 0 0]"; n = atoi(str) - 1; N = 10; Nw = 22; K = 616; ctx_init_fmpz_poly_q(ctxM); mpoly_init(P, n + 1, ctxM); mpoly_set_str(P, str, ctxM); printf("P = "), mpoly_print(P, ctxM), printf("\n"); b = gmc_basis_size(n, mpoly_degree(P, -1, ctxM)); mat_init(M, b, b, ctxM); gmc_compute(M, &rows, &cols, P, ctxM); mat_print(M, ctxM); printf("\n"); fmpz_init(p); fmpz_set_ui(p, 5); gmde_solve(&C, K, p, N, Nw, M, ctxM); printf("Valuations\n"); for (i = 0; i < K; i++) { long v = padic_mat_val(C + i); if (v < LONG_MAX) printf(" i = %ld val = %ld val/log(i) = %f\n", i, v, (i > 1) ? (double) v / log(i) : 0); else printf(" i = %ld val = +infty\n", i); } fmpz_clear(p); mpoly_clear(P, ctxM); mat_clear(M, ctxM); for (i = 0; i < K; i++) padic_mat_clear(C + i); free(C); ctx_clear(ctxM); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void checkCorrect () { double *A,*B,*C,*cA,*cB,*cC; int minDim = 1; int maxDim = 256; int maxnbytes = sizeof(double) * SQR (maxDim); int i, j; A = (double*) malloc (maxnbytes); B = (double*) malloc (maxnbytes); C = (double*) malloc (maxnbytes); cA = (double*) malloc (maxnbytes); cB = (double*) malloc (maxnbytes); cC = (double*) malloc (maxnbytes); fprintf (stderr, "Checking for correctness on sizes:"); #if !RANDOM_TESTS for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) for (j = 0; j < num_tests[i]; j++) { int matdim = test_sizes[i][j]; #else for (i = 0; i < NUM_CORRECTNESS_CHECKS; i++) { int matdim = rrand (minDim, maxDim); #endif double err; int nbytes = sizeof(double) * SQR(matdim); fprintf (stderr, " %d", matdim); mat_init (A, matdim, matdim); mat_init (B, matdim, matdim); mat_init (C, matdim, matdim); bcopy ((void*)A, (void*)cA, nbytes); bcopy ((void*)B, (void*)cB, nbytes); bcopy ((void*)C, (void*)cC, nbytes); naive_mm (matdim, matdim, matdim, cA, cB, cC); MUL_MFMF_MF (matdim, A, B, C); if (bcmp ((void*)A, (void*)cA, nbytes) != 0 || bcmp ((void*)B, (void*)cB, nbytes) != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Source matrices were modified. DISQUALIFIED!!!\n") ; //exit (0); } if ((err = error (C, cC, matdim, matdim)) > MAX_ERROR) { fprintf (stderr, "Error for test case %dx%d is %f > %f. DISQUALIFIED! !!\n", matdim, matdim, err, MAX_ERROR); //exit (0); } } fprintf (stderr,"\n"); free (A); free (B); free (C); free (cA); free (cB); free (cC); } void timeIt () { double *A, *B, *C; double *oA[TEST_RUNS], *oB[TEST_RUNS], *oC[TEST_RUNS]; int i, j, k; int test; for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) { if (k > 0) printf ("\n"); for (test = 0; test < num_tests[k]; test++) { int matdim = test_sizes[k][test]; const int num_iters = CALC_ITERS (matdim); double max_mflops = 0.0; int run; /* make sure these are quad-word (i.e., 16-byte) aligned */ #if 0 A = oA = (double*) malloc ((SQR(matdim)+1) * sizeof(double)); B = oB = (double*) malloc ((SQR(matdim)+1) * sizeof(double)); C = oC = (double*) malloc ((SQR(matdim)+1) * sizeof(double)); #endif for (run = 0; run < TEST_RUNS; run++) { int iter; double mflops; double utime; /* use different matricies for each trial so that the OS page map ping */ /* won't affect the results... */ A = oA[run] = (double*) malloc ((SQR(matdim)+rrand(1,10)) * sizeof(double)); B = oB[run] = (double*) malloc ((SQR(matdim)+rrand(1,10)) * sizeof(double)); C = oC[run] = (double*) malloc ((SQR(matdim)+rrand(1,10)) * sizeof(double)); if (((unsigned)A) & 0x8) A = (double*)(((unsigned)A)+0x8); if (((unsigned)B) & 0x8) B = (double*)(((unsigned)B)+0x8); if (((unsigned)C) & 0x8) C = (double*)(((unsigned)C)+0x8); mat_init (A, matdim, matdim); mat_init (B, matdim, matdim); mat_init (C, matdim, matdim); START_TIMING; for (iter=0;iter<num_iters;iter++) { // iteratively accumulate into C MUL_MFMF_MF (matdim, A, B, C); } STOP_TIMING; utime = reportTiming(); // (2 * n^3) FLOPs (n^3 mul-adds) mflops = 2.0 * CUBE(matdim) * num_iters * 1e-6 / utime; max_mflops = MAX (max_mflops, mflops); } printf("%d %.0f\n", matdim, max_mflops); fflush(stdout); for (run = 0; run < TEST_RUNS; run++) { free (oA[run]); free (oB[run]); free (oC[run]); } } } }
void frob(const mpoly_t P, const ctx_t ctxFracQt, const qadic_t t1, const qadic_ctx_t Qq, prec_t *prec, const prec_t *prec_in, int verbose) { const padic_ctx_struct *Qp = &Qq->pctx; const fmpz *p = Qp->p; const long a = qadic_ctx_degree(Qq); const long n = P->n - 1; const long d = mpoly_degree(P, -1, ctxFracQt); const long b = gmc_basis_size(n, d); long i, j, k; /* Diagonal fibre */ padic_mat_t F0; /* Gauss--Manin Connection */ mat_t M; mon_t *bR, *bC; fmpz_poly_t r; /* Local solution */ fmpz_poly_mat_t C, Cinv; long vC, vCinv; /* Frobenius */ fmpz_poly_mat_t F; long vF; fmpz_poly_mat_t F1; long vF1; fmpz_poly_t cp; clock_t c0, c1; double c; if (verbose) { printf("Input:\n"); printf(" P = "), mpoly_print(P, ctxFracQt), printf("\n"); printf(" p = "), fmpz_print(p), printf("\n"); printf(" t1 = "), qadic_print_pretty(t1, Qq), printf("\n"); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } /* Step 1 {M, r} *********************************************************/ c0 = clock(); mat_init(M, b, b, ctxFracQt); fmpz_poly_init(r); gmc_compute(M, &bR, &bC, P, ctxFracQt); { fmpz_poly_t t; fmpz_poly_init(t); fmpz_poly_set_ui(r, 1); for (i = 0; i < M->m; i++) for (j = 0; j < M->n; j++) { fmpz_poly_lcm(t, r, fmpz_poly_q_denref( (fmpz_poly_q_struct *) mat_entry(M, i, j, ctxFracQt))); fmpz_poly_swap(r, t); } fmpz_poly_clear(t); } c1 = clock(); c = (double) (c1 - c0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (verbose) { printf("Gauss-Manin connection:\n"); printf(" r(t) = "), fmpz_poly_print_pretty(r, "t"), printf("\n"); printf(" Time = %f\n", c); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } { qadic_t t; qadic_init2(t, 1); fmpz_poly_evaluate_qadic(t, r, t1, Qq); if (qadic_is_zero(t)) { printf("Exception (deformation_frob).\n"); printf("The resultant r evaluates to zero (mod p) at t1.\n"); abort(); } qadic_clear(t); } /* Precisions ************************************************************/ if (prec_in != NULL) { *prec = *prec_in; } else { deformation_precisions(prec, p, a, n, d, fmpz_poly_degree(r)); } if (verbose) { printf("Precisions:\n"); printf(" N0 = %ld\n", prec->N0); printf(" N1 = %ld\n", prec->N1); printf(" N2 = %ld\n", prec->N2); printf(" N3 = %ld\n", prec->N3); printf(" N3i = %ld\n", prec->N3i); printf(" N3w = %ld\n", prec->N3w); printf(" N3iw = %ld\n", prec->N3iw); printf(" N4 = %ld\n", prec->N4); printf(" m = %ld\n", prec->m); printf(" K = %ld\n", prec->K); printf(" r = %ld\n", prec->r); printf(" s = %ld\n", prec->s); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } /* Initialisation ********************************************************/ padic_mat_init2(F0, b, b, prec->N4); fmpz_poly_mat_init(C, b, b); fmpz_poly_mat_init(Cinv, b, b); fmpz_poly_mat_init(F, b, b); vF = 0; fmpz_poly_mat_init(F1, b, b); vF1 = 0; fmpz_poly_init(cp); /* Step 2 {F0} ***********************************************************/ { padic_ctx_t pctx_F0; fmpz *t; padic_ctx_init(pctx_F0, p, FLINT_MIN(prec->N4 - 10, 0), prec->N4, PADIC_VAL_UNIT); t = _fmpz_vec_init(n + 1); c0 = clock(); mpoly_diagonal_fibre(t, P, ctxFracQt); diagfrob(F0, t, n, d, prec->N4, pctx_F0, 0); padic_mat_transpose(F0, F0); c1 = clock(); c = (double) (c1 - c0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (verbose) { printf("Diagonal fibre:\n"); printf(" P(0) = {"), _fmpz_vec_print(t, n + 1), printf("}\n"); printf(" Time = %f\n", c); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } _fmpz_vec_clear(t, n + 1); padic_ctx_clear(pctx_F0); } /* Step 3 {C, Cinv} ******************************************************/ /* Compute C as a matrix over Z_p[[t]]. A is the same but as a series of matrices over Z_p. Mt is the matrix -M^t, and Cinv is C^{-1}^t, the local solution of the differential equation replacing M by Mt. */ c0 = clock(); { const long K = prec->K; padic_mat_struct *A; gmde_solve(&A, K, p, prec->N3, prec->N3w, M, ctxFracQt); gmde_convert_soln(C, &vC, A, K, p); for(i = 0; i < K; i++) padic_mat_clear(A + i); free(A); } c1 = clock(); c = (double) (c1 - c0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (verbose) { printf("Local solution:\n"); printf(" Time for C = %f\n", c); fflush(stdout); } c0 = clock(); { const long K = (prec->K + (*p) - 1) / (*p); mat_t Mt; padic_mat_struct *Ainv; mat_init(Mt, b, b, ctxFracQt); mat_transpose(Mt, M, ctxFracQt); mat_neg(Mt, Mt, ctxFracQt); gmde_solve(&Ainv, K, p, prec->N3i, prec->N3iw, Mt, ctxFracQt); gmde_convert_soln(Cinv, &vCinv, Ainv, K, p); fmpz_poly_mat_transpose(Cinv, Cinv); fmpz_poly_mat_compose_pow(Cinv, Cinv, *p); for(i = 0; i < K; i++) padic_mat_clear(Ainv + i); free(Ainv); mat_clear(Mt, ctxFracQt); } c1 = clock(); c = (double) (c1 - c0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (verbose) { printf(" Time for C^{-1} = %f\n", c); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } /* Step 4 {F(t) := C(t) F(0) C(t^p)^{-1}} ********************************/ /* Computes the product C(t) F(0) C(t^p)^{-1} modulo (p^{N_2}, t^K). This is done by first computing the unit part of the product exactly over the integers modulo t^K. */ c0 = clock(); { fmpz_t pN; fmpz_poly_mat_t T; fmpz_init(pN); fmpz_poly_mat_init(T, b, b); for (i = 0; i < b; i++) { /* Find the unique k s.t. F0(i,k) is non-zero */ for (k = 0; k < b; k++) if (!fmpz_is_zero(padic_mat_entry(F0, i, k))) break; if (k == b) { printf("Exception (frob). F0 is singular.\n\n"); abort(); } for (j = 0; j < b; j++) { fmpz_poly_scalar_mul_fmpz(fmpz_poly_mat_entry(T, i, j), fmpz_poly_mat_entry(Cinv, k, j), padic_mat_entry(F0, i, k)); } } fmpz_poly_mat_mul(F, C, T); fmpz_poly_mat_truncate(F, prec->K); vF = vC + padic_mat_val(F0) + vCinv; /* Canonicalise (F, vF) */ { long v = fmpz_poly_mat_ord_p(F, p); if (v == LONG_MAX) { printf("ERROR (deformation_frob). F(t) == 0.\n"); abort(); } else if (v > 0) { fmpz_pow_ui(pN, p, v); fmpz_poly_mat_scalar_divexact_fmpz(F, F, pN); vF = vF + v; } } /* Reduce (F, vF) modulo p^{N2} */ fmpz_pow_ui(pN, p, prec->N2 - vF); fmpz_poly_mat_scalar_mod_fmpz(F, F, pN); fmpz_clear(pN); fmpz_poly_mat_clear(T); } c1 = clock(); c = (double) (c1 - c0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (verbose) { printf("Matrix for F(t):\n"); printf(" Time = %f\n", c); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } /* Step 5 {G = r(t)^m F(t)} **********************************************/ c0 = clock(); { fmpz_t pN; fmpz_poly_t t; fmpz_init(pN); fmpz_poly_init(t); fmpz_pow_ui(pN, p, prec->N2 - vF); /* Compute r(t)^m mod p^{N2-vF} */ if (prec->denR == NULL) { fmpz_mod_poly_t _t; fmpz_mod_poly_init(_t, pN); fmpz_mod_poly_set_fmpz_poly(_t, r); fmpz_mod_poly_pow(_t, _t, prec->m); fmpz_mod_poly_get_fmpz_poly(t, _t); fmpz_mod_poly_clear(_t); } else { /* TODO: We don't really need a copy */ fmpz_poly_set(t, prec->denR); } fmpz_poly_mat_scalar_mul_fmpz_poly(F, F, t); fmpz_poly_mat_scalar_mod_fmpz(F, F, pN); /* TODO: This should not be necessary? */ fmpz_poly_mat_truncate(F, prec->K); fmpz_clear(pN); fmpz_poly_clear(t); } c1 = clock(); c = (double) (c1 - c0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (verbose) { printf("Analytic continuation:\n"); printf(" Time = %f\n", c); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } /* Steps 6 and 7 *********************************************************/ if (a == 1) { /* Step 6 {F(1) = r(t_1)^{-m} G(t_1)} ********************************/ c0 = clock(); { const long N = prec->N2 - vF; fmpz_t f, g, t, pN; fmpz_init(f); fmpz_init(g); fmpz_init(t); fmpz_init(pN); fmpz_pow_ui(pN, p, N); /* f := \hat{t_1}, g := r(\hat{t_1})^{-m} */ _padic_teichmuller(f, t1->coeffs + 0, p, N); if (prec->denR == NULL) { _fmpz_mod_poly_evaluate_fmpz(g, r->coeffs, r->length, f, pN); fmpz_powm_ui(t, g, prec->m, pN); } else { _fmpz_mod_poly_evaluate_fmpz(t, prec->denR->coeffs, prec->denR->length, f, pN); } _padic_inv(g, t, p, N); /* F1 := g G(\hat{t_1}) */ for (i = 0; i < b; i++) for (j = 0; j < b; j++) { const fmpz_poly_struct *poly = fmpz_poly_mat_entry(F, i, j); const long len = poly->length; if (len == 0) { fmpz_poly_zero(fmpz_poly_mat_entry(F1, i, j)); } else { fmpz_poly_fit_length(fmpz_poly_mat_entry(F1, i, j), 1); _fmpz_mod_poly_evaluate_fmpz(t, poly->coeffs, len, f, pN); fmpz_mul(fmpz_poly_mat_entry(F1, i, j)->coeffs + 0, g, t); fmpz_mod(fmpz_poly_mat_entry(F1, i, j)->coeffs + 0, fmpz_poly_mat_entry(F1, i, j)->coeffs + 0, pN); _fmpz_poly_set_length(fmpz_poly_mat_entry(F1, i, j), 1); _fmpz_poly_normalise(fmpz_poly_mat_entry(F1, i, j)); } } vF1 = vF; fmpz_poly_mat_canonicalise(F1, &vF1, p); fmpz_clear(f); fmpz_clear(g); fmpz_clear(t); fmpz_clear(pN); } c1 = clock(); c = (double) (c1 - c0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (verbose) { printf("Evaluation:\n"); printf(" Time = %f\n", c); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } } else { /* Step 6 {F(1) = r(t_1)^{-m} G(t_1)} ********************************/ c0 = clock(); { const long N = prec->N2 - vF; fmpz_t pN; fmpz *f, *g, *t; fmpz_init(pN); f = _fmpz_vec_init(a); g = _fmpz_vec_init(2 * a - 1); t = _fmpz_vec_init(2 * a - 1); fmpz_pow_ui(pN, p, N); /* f := \hat{t_1}, g := r(\hat{t_1})^{-m} */ _qadic_teichmuller(f, t1->coeffs, t1->length, Qq->a, Qq->j, Qq->len, p, N); if (prec->denR == NULL) { fmpz_t e; fmpz_init_set_ui(e, prec->m); _fmpz_mod_poly_compose_smod(g, r->coeffs, r->length, f, a, Qq->a, Qq->j, Qq->len, pN); _qadic_pow(t, g, a, e, Qq->a, Qq->j, Qq->len, pN); fmpz_clear(e); } else { _fmpz_mod_poly_reduce(prec->denR->coeffs, prec->denR->length, Qq->a, Qq->j, Qq->len, pN); _fmpz_poly_normalise(prec->denR); _fmpz_mod_poly_compose_smod(t, prec->denR->coeffs, prec->denR->length, f, a, Qq->a, Qq->j, Qq->len, pN); } _qadic_inv(g, t, a, Qq->a, Qq->j, Qq->len, p, N); /* F1 := g G(\hat{t_1}) */ for (i = 0; i < b; i++) for (j = 0; j < b; j++) { const fmpz_poly_struct *poly = fmpz_poly_mat_entry(F, i, j); const long len = poly->length; fmpz_poly_struct *poly2 = fmpz_poly_mat_entry(F1, i, j); if (len == 0) { fmpz_poly_zero(poly2); } else { _fmpz_mod_poly_compose_smod(t, poly->coeffs, len, f, a, Qq->a, Qq->j, Qq->len, pN); fmpz_poly_fit_length(poly2, 2 * a - 1); _fmpz_poly_mul(poly2->coeffs, g, a, t, a); _fmpz_mod_poly_reduce(poly2->coeffs, 2 * a - 1, Qq->a, Qq->j, Qq->len, pN); _fmpz_poly_set_length(poly2, a); _fmpz_poly_normalise(poly2); } } /* Now the matrix for p^{-1} F_p at t=t_1 is (F1, vF1). */ vF1 = vF; fmpz_poly_mat_canonicalise(F1, &vF1, p); fmpz_clear(pN); _fmpz_vec_clear(f, a); _fmpz_vec_clear(g, 2 * a - 1); _fmpz_vec_clear(t, 2 * a - 1); } c1 = clock(); c = (double) (c1 - c0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (verbose) { printf("Evaluation:\n"); printf(" Time = %f\n", c); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } /* Step 7 {Norm} *****************************************************/ /* Computes the matrix for $q^{-1} F_q$ at $t = t_1$ as the product $F \sigma(F) \dotsm \sigma^{a-1}(F)$ up appropriate transpositions because our convention of columns vs rows is the opposite of that used by Gerkmann. Note that, in any case, transpositions do not affect the characteristic polynomial. */ c0 = clock(); { const long N = prec->N1 - a * vF1; fmpz_t pN; fmpz_poly_mat_t T; fmpz_init(pN); fmpz_poly_mat_init(T, b, b); fmpz_pow_ui(pN, p, N); fmpz_poly_mat_frobenius(T, F1, 1, p, N, Qq); _qadic_mat_mul(F1, F1, T, pN, Qq); for (i = 2; i < a; i++) { fmpz_poly_mat_frobenius(T, T, 1, p, N, Qq); _qadic_mat_mul(F1, F1, T, pN, Qq); } vF1 = a * vF1; fmpz_poly_mat_canonicalise(F1, &vF1, p); fmpz_clear(pN); fmpz_poly_mat_clear(T); } c1 = clock(); c = (double) (c1 - c0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (verbose) { printf("Norm:\n"); printf(" Time = %f\n", c); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } } /* Step 8 {Reverse characteristic polynomial} ****************************/ c0 = clock(); deformation_revcharpoly(cp, F1, vF1, n, d, prec->N0, prec->r, prec->s, Qq); c1 = clock(); c = (double) (c1 - c0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (verbose) { printf("Reverse characteristic polynomial:\n"); printf(" p(T) = "), fmpz_poly_print_pretty(cp, "T"), printf("\n"); printf(" Time = %f\n", c); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } /* Clean up **************************************************************/ padic_mat_clear(F0); mat_clear(M, ctxFracQt); free(bR); free(bC); fmpz_poly_clear(r); fmpz_poly_mat_clear(C); fmpz_poly_mat_clear(Cinv); fmpz_poly_mat_clear(F); fmpz_poly_mat_clear(F1); fmpz_poly_clear(cp); }