コード例 #1
ファイル: distance.c プロジェクト: lxj0276/myContourLet
double mat_distance_norm (mat m1, mat m2, double norm)
  double s = 0;
  idx_t i, j;
  assert (mat_width (m1) == mat_width (m2));
  assert (mat_height (m1) == mat_height (m2));

  for (i = 0; i < mat_height (m1); i++)
    for (j = 0; j < mat_width (m1); j++)
      s += pow (fabs (m1[i][j] - m2[i][j]), norm);

  return pow (s, 1. / (double) norm);
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: Flyswat/wmmp
void print_dist(mat Y, mat Y_attack, double wcr)
	uint i;

	for (i=0; i < mat_width(Y); i++)
		vec 	y = mat_get_col(Y,i),
			ya = mat_get_col(Y_attack,i);

		printf("%f, %f;\n", wcr,vec_norm(ya,1.0)/vec_norm(y,1.0));
		vec_delete( y );
		vec_delete( ya );
コード例 #3
int main()
  int i, j;
  int w, h;
  int levels, ct_levels, wt_levels,level_init;
  double rate,rate_init;
  ivec dfb_levels;
  mat source, dest;
  contourlet_t *contourlet;
  mat wavelet;
  int length;
  unsigned char *buffer;

  int argc=6;

#define LEVELS 5
#define IMPULSE 100.

  source = mat_pgm_read("1.pgm");
  h = mat_height(source);
  w = mat_width(source);
  dest = mat_new(w, h);
  rate = rate_init * w * h;
  levels = level_init;
  ct_levels = argc - 4;              /* contourlet levels */
  wt_levels = levels - ct_levels;    /* wavelet levels */
  dfb_levels = ivec_new(ct_levels);
  for(i = 0; i < ct_levels; i++)
    dfb_levels[i] = 4+i;

  buffer = bvec_new_zeros(BUFFER_SIZE);

  contourlet = contourlet_new(ct_levels, dfb_levels);
  contourlet->wt_levels = wt_levels;

  contourlet_transform(contourlet, source);
  wavelet = it_dwt2D(contourlet->low, it_wavelet_lifting_97, wt_levels);
  contourlet->dwt = it_wavelet2D_split(wavelet, wt_levels);

  /* normalize the subbands */
  for(i = 0; i < ct_levels; i++)
    for(j = 0; j < (1 << dfb_levels[i]); j++)
      mat_mul_by(contourlet->high[i][j], norm_high[1+i][dfb_levels[i]][j]);
  mat_mul_by(contourlet->low, norm_low[ct_levels]);

  /* make flat images */
  mat_pgm_write("dwt.pgm", wavelet);
  for(i = 0; i < ct_levels; i++) {
    char filename[256];

    mat dfb_rec = mat_new((h >> i) + 1, (w >> i) + 1);
      dfb_flatten(contourlet->high[i], dfb_rec, dfb_levels[i]);
      mat_set_submatrix(dfb_rec, contourlet->high[i][0], 0, 0);
    mat_incr(dfb_rec, 128);
    sprintf(filename, "dfb%d.pgm", i);
    mat_pgm_write(filename, dfb_rec);
    mat_decr(dfb_rec, 128);

  /* EZBC encoding */
  length = ezbc_encode(contourlet, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, rate);

  /* EZBC decoding */
  ezbc_decode(contourlet, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, rate);

  mat_pgm_write("rec_low.pgm", contourlet->dwt[0]);

  /* make flat images */
  for(i = 0; i < ct_levels; i++) {
    char filename[256];

    mat dfb_rec = mat_new((h >> i) + 1, (w >> i) + 1);
      dfb_flatten(contourlet->high[i], dfb_rec, dfb_levels[i]);
      mat_set_submatrix(dfb_rec, contourlet->high[i][0], 0, 0);
    mat_incr(dfb_rec, 128);
    sprintf(filename, "rec_dfb%d.pgm", i);
    mat_pgm_write(filename, dfb_rec);
    mat_decr(dfb_rec, 128);

  /* normalize the subbands */
  for(i = 0; i < ct_levels; i++)
    for(j = 0; j < (1 << dfb_levels[i]); j++)
      mat_div_by(contourlet->high[i][j], norm_high[1+i][dfb_levels[i]][j]);
  mat_div_by(contourlet->low, norm_low[ct_levels]);

  //  mat_pgm_write("rec_low.pgm", contourlet->dwt[0]);

  /* TODO: fix this in libit */
    wavelet = it_wavelet2D_merge(contourlet->dwt, wt_levels);
    mat_copy(wavelet, contourlet->dwt[0]);

  mat_pgm_write("rec_dwt.pgm", wavelet);

  contourlet->low = it_idwt2D(wavelet, it_wavelet_lifting_97, wt_levels);

  contourlet_itransform(contourlet, dest);


  mat_pgm_write("rec.pgm", dest);

  printf("rate = %f PSNR = %f\n", length * 8. / (w*h), 10*log10(255*255/mat_distance_mse(source, dest, 0)));


コード例 #4
int main ()
  it_wavelet_t *wavelet;
  it_wavelet2D_t *wavelet2D;
  it_separable2D_t *separable;
  const char *image_in = "../data/test.pgm";
  const char *image_out = "out.pgm";
  const char *sound_in = "../data/test.wav";
  const char *sound_out = "out.wav";
  char pnm_type, comments[1000];
  int  width, height, maxval;
  int  levels;
  int  length, channels, srate, depth;
  mat  m, mt;
  vec  v, vt;

  levels = 4;

  /* Read the sound */
  if (!wav_info (sound_in, &channels, &srate, &depth, &length)) {
    fprintf (stderr, "unable to open file %s\n", sound_in);
    return (1);
    ("file name = %s\nchannels = %d\nsampling rate = %d\ndepth = %d\nlength = %d samples/channel\n",
     sound_in, channels, srate, depth, length);

  m = mat_wav_read (sound_in);
  v = m[0];			/* consider only the first channel */

  /* Transform the sound */
  vt = it_dwt (v, it_wavelet_lifting_53, levels);
  vec_delete (v);

  /* Write down the coefficients */
  v = vec_new_eval (vt, rescale_sound, NULL);
  m[0] = v;
  mat_wav_write ("wavelet.wav", m, srate, depth);
  vec_delete (v);

  /* Reconstruct the sound */
  v = it_idwt (vt, it_wavelet_lifting_53, levels);
  vec_delete (vt);

  m[0] = v;
  mat_wav_write (sound_out, m, srate, depth);
  mat_delete (m);

  /* Test the separable transform */
  /* Warning: note that for the wavelet with more than 1 level of   */
  /* decomposition, the transform obtained by applying the wavelet  */
  /* on the rows, then on the columns of the image is *not* what is */
  /* usually called the separable wavelet. See this example:        */
  /* separable(wavelet1D)                   wavelet2D               */
  /*                                                                */
  /*   +------+------+------+               +------+------+------+  */
  /*   | L1L1 | L1H1 | L1H0 |               | L1L1 | LH1  |      |  */
  /*   +------+------+------+               +------+------+  LH0 |  */
  /*   | H1L1 | H1H1 | H1H0 |               | HL1  | HH1  |      |  */
  /*   +------+------+------+               +------+------+------+  */
  /*   |      |      |      |               |             |      |  */
  /*   | H0L1 | H0H1 | H0H0 |               |    HL0      |  HH0 |  */
  /*   +------+------+------+               +-------------+------+  */

  m = mat_pgm_read (image_in);
  printf ("PGM %dx%d\n", mat_height (m), mat_width (m));

  levels = 1;

  /* create a 1D wavelet object */
  wavelet = it_wavelet_new (it_wavelet_lifting_97, levels);
  /* create a separable transform out of the wavelet */
  separable = it_separable2D_new (wavelet);

  /* Transform the image */
  mt = (mat) it_transform2D (separable, m);
  mat_delete (m);

  /* Write down the coefficients (shifted & saturated) */
  m = mat_new_eval (mt, rescale_image, NULL);
  mat_pgm_write ("wavelet_separable.pgm", m);
  mat_delete (m);

  /* Reconstruct the image */
  m = (mat) it_itransform2D (separable, mt);
  mat_delete (mt);

  it_delete (separable);
  it_delete (wavelet);

  mat_pgm_write ("separable.pgm", m);
  mat_delete (m);

  /* Read the image */
  pnm_info (image_in, &pnm_type, &width, &height, &maxval, comments, 1000);
  printf ("file name = %s\npnm type = %c\n%dx%d -> maxval=%d\ncomments=%s\n",
	  image_in, pnm_type, width, height, maxval, "");

  m = mat_pgm_read (image_in);

    ("height(m) = %d\tmaxheight(m) = %d\nwidth(m) = %d\tmaxwidth(m) = %d\n",
     mat_height (m), mat_height_max (m), mat_width (m), mat_width_max (m));

  levels = 5;

  /* create a 2D wavelet object */
  wavelet2D = it_wavelet2D_new (it_wavelet_lifting_97, levels);

  /* Transform the image */
  mt = it_wavelet2D_transform (wavelet2D, m);
  mat_delete (m);

  /* Write down the coefficients (shifted & saturated) */
  m = mat_new_eval (mt, rescale_image, NULL);
  mat_pgm_write ("wavelet.pgm", m);
  mat_delete (m);

  /* Reconstruct the image */
  m = it_wavelet2D_itransform (wavelet2D, mt);
  mat_delete (mt);

  it_delete (wavelet2D);

  mat_pgm_write (image_out, m);
  mat_delete (m);

  return 0;