コード例 #1
ファイル: Line.cpp プロジェクト: jnmacd/MathGeoLib
float Line::Distance(const LineSegment &other, float &d, float &d2) const
    vec c = ClosestPoint(other, d, d2);
    mathassert(d2 >= 0.f);
    mathassert(d2 <= 1.f);
    return c.Distance(other.GetPoint(d2));
コード例 #2
ファイル: Polygon.cpp プロジェクト: chengzg/MathGeoLib
bool Polygon::Contains(const float3 &worldSpacePoint, float polygonThickness) const
	// Implementation based on the description from http://erich.realtimerendering.com/ptinpoly/

	if (p.size() < 3)
		return false;

	if (PlaneCCW().Distance(worldSpacePoint) > polygonThickness)
		return false;

	int numIntersections = 0;

	float3 basisU = BasisU();
	float3 basisV = BasisV();

	float2 localSpacePoint = float2(Dot(worldSpacePoint, basisU), Dot(worldSpacePoint, basisV));

	const float epsilon = 1e-4f;

	float2 p0 = float2(Dot(p[p.size()-1], basisU), Dot(p[p.size()-1], basisV)) - localSpacePoint;
	if (Abs(p0.y) < epsilon)
		p0.y = -epsilon; // Robustness check - if the ray (0,0) -> (+inf, 0) would pass through a vertex, move the vertex slightly.
	for(int i = 0; i < (int)p.size(); ++i)
		float2 p1 = float2(Dot(p[i], basisU), Dot(p[i], basisV)) - localSpacePoint;
		if (Abs(p1.y) < epsilon)
			p0.y = -epsilon; // Robustness check - if the ray (0,0) -> (+inf, 0) would pass through a vertex, move the vertex slightly.

		if (p0.y * p1.y < 0.f)
			if (p0.x > 1e-3f && p1.x > 1e-3f)
				// P = p0 + t*(p1-p0) == (x,0)
				//     p0.x + t*(p1.x-p0.x) == x
				//     p0.y + t*(p1.y-p0.y) == 0
				//                 t == -p0.y / (p1.y - p0.y)

				// Test whether the lines (0,0) -> (+inf,0) and p0 -> p1 intersect at a positive X-coordinate.
				float2 d = p1 - p0;
				if (Abs(d.y) > 1e-5f)
					float t = -p0.y / d.y;
					float x = p0.x + t * d.x;
					if (t >= 0.f && t <= 1.f && x > 1e-3f)
		p0 = p1;

	return numIntersections % 2 == 1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Line.cpp プロジェクト: clement-z/MathGeoLib
float Line::Distance(const LineSegment &other, float *d, float *d2) const
	float u2;
	vec c = ClosestPoint(other, d, &u2);
	if (d2) *d2 = u2;
	mathassert(u2 >= 0.f);
	mathassert(u2 <= 1.f);
	return c.Distance(other.GetPoint(u2));
コード例 #4
ファイル: Plane.cpp プロジェクト: ggf31416/CompGraf1
vec Plane::Mirror(const vec &point) const
	float signedDistance = SignedDistance(point);
	assume2(normal.IsNormalized(), normal.SerializeToCodeString(), normal.Length());
	vec reflected = point - 2.f * (point.Dot(normal) - d) * normal;
	mathassert(EqualAbs(signedDistance, -SignedDistance(reflected), 1e-2f));
	return reflected;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Sphere.cpp プロジェクト: juj/MathGeoLib
Sphere Sphere::OptimalEnclosingSphere(const vec &a, const vec &b, const vec &c, const vec &d, const vec &e,
                                      int &redundantPoint)
	Sphere s = OptimalEnclosingSphere(b,c,d,e);
	if (s.Contains(a, sEpsilon))
		redundantPoint = 0;
		return s;
	s = OptimalEnclosingSphere(a,c,d,e);
	if (s.Contains(b, sEpsilon))
		redundantPoint = 1;
		return s;
	s = OptimalEnclosingSphere(a,b,d,e);
	if (s.Contains(c, sEpsilon))
		redundantPoint = 2;
		return s;
	s = OptimalEnclosingSphere(a,b,c,e);
	if (s.Contains(d, sEpsilon))
		redundantPoint = 3;
		return s;
	s = OptimalEnclosingSphere(a,b,c,d);
	mathassert(s.Contains(e, sEpsilon));
	redundantPoint = 4;
	return s;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Sphere.cpp プロジェクト: juj/MathGeoLib
Sphere Sphere::OptimalEnclosingSphere(const vec &a, const vec &b)
	Sphere s;
	s.pos = (a + b) * 0.5f;
	s.r = (b - s.pos).Length();
	assume(s.r >= 0.f);

	// Allow floating point inconsistency and expand the radius by a small epsilon so that the containment tests
	// really contain the points (note that the points must be sufficiently near enough to the origin)
	s.r += sEpsilon;

	return s;
コード例 #7
ファイル: float3x4.cpp プロジェクト: entityhat/style
bool float3x4::InverseColOrthogonal()
#if defined(MATH_AUTOMATIC_SSE) && defined(MATH_SSE)
	mat3x4_inverse_colorthogonal(row, row);
	float s1 = float3(v[0][0], v[1][0], v[2][0]).LengthSq();
	float s2 = float3(v[0][1], v[1][1], v[2][1]).LengthSq();
	float s3 = float3(v[0][2], v[1][2], v[2][2]).LengthSq();
	if (s1 < 1e-8f || s2 < 1e-8f || s3 < 1e-8f)
		return false;
	s1 = 1.f / s1;
	s2 = 1.f / s2;
	s3 = 1.f / s3;
	Swap(v[0][1], v[1][0]);
	Swap(v[0][2], v[2][0]);
	Swap(v[1][2], v[2][1]);

	v[0][0] *= s1; v[0][1] *= s1; v[0][2] *= s1;
	v[1][0] *= s2; v[1][1] *= s2; v[1][2] *= s2;
	v[2][0] *= s3; v[2][1] *= s3; v[2][2] *= s3;

	SetTranslatePart(TransformDir(-v[0][3], -v[1][3], -v[2][3]));
	return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: TransformOps.cpp プロジェクト: juj/MathGeoLib
float3x4 operator *(const TranslateOp &lhs, const float3x4 &rhs)
	float3x4 r = rhs;
	r.SetTranslatePart(r.TranslatePart() + DIR_TO_FLOAT3(lhs.Offset()));

	// Our optimized form of multiplication must be the same as this.
	mathassert(r.Equals((float3x4)lhs * rhs));
	return r;
コード例 #9
ファイル: TransformOps.cpp プロジェクト: 360degrees-fi/tundra
float4x4 operator *(const TranslateOp &lhs, const float4x4 &rhs)
	float4x4 r = rhs;
	r.SetTranslatePart(r.TranslatePart() + lhs.Offset());

	// Our optimized form of multiplication must be the same as this.
	mathassert(r.Equals(lhs.ToFloat4x4() * rhs));
	return r;
コード例 #10
ファイル: TransformOps.cpp プロジェクト: 360degrees-fi/tundra
float3x4 operator *(const float3x4 &lhs, const TranslateOp &rhs)
	float3x4 r = lhs;

	// Our optimized form of multiplication must be the same as this.
	mathassert(r.Equals(lhs * (float3x4)rhs));
	return r;
コード例 #11
ファイル: TransformOps.cpp プロジェクト: juj/MathGeoLib
float3x4 operator *(const ScaleOp &lhs, const float3x4 &rhs)
	float3x4 ret;
	ret[0][0] = rhs[0][0] * lhs.scale.x; ret[0][1] = rhs[0][1] * lhs.scale.x; ret[0][2] = rhs[0][2] * lhs.scale.x; ret[0][3] = rhs[0][3] * lhs.scale.x;
	ret[1][0] = rhs[1][0] * lhs.scale.y; ret[1][1] = rhs[1][1] * lhs.scale.y; ret[1][2] = rhs[1][2] * lhs.scale.y; ret[1][3] = rhs[1][3] * lhs.scale.y;
	ret[2][0] = rhs[2][0] * lhs.scale.z; ret[2][1] = rhs[2][1] * lhs.scale.z; ret[2][2] = rhs[2][2] * lhs.scale.z; ret[2][3] = rhs[2][3] * lhs.scale.z;

	mathassert(ret.Equals(lhs.ToFloat3x4() * rhs));
	return ret;
コード例 #12
ファイル: TransformOps.cpp プロジェクト: 360degrees-fi/tundra
float3x4 operator *(const float3x4 &lhs, const ScaleOp &rhs)
	float3x4 ret;
	ret[0][0] = lhs[0][0] * rhs.x; ret[0][1] = lhs[0][1] * rhs.y; ret[0][2] = lhs[0][2] * rhs.z; ret[0][3] = lhs[0][3];
	ret[1][0] = lhs[1][0] * rhs.x; ret[1][1] = lhs[1][1] * rhs.y; ret[1][2] = lhs[1][2] * rhs.z; ret[1][3] = lhs[1][3];
	ret[2][0] = lhs[2][0] * rhs.x; ret[2][1] = lhs[2][1] * rhs.y; ret[2][2] = lhs[2][2] * rhs.z; ret[2][3] = lhs[2][3];

	mathassert(ret.Equals(lhs * rhs.ToFloat3x4()));
	return ret;
コード例 #13
ファイル: TransformOps.cpp プロジェクト: 360degrees-fi/tundra
float3x4 operator *(const TranslateOp &lhs, const ScaleOp &rhs)
	float3x4 ret;
	ret[0][0] = rhs.x; ret[0][1] =	 0; ret[0][2] =	 0; ret[0][3] = lhs.x;
	ret[1][0] =	 0; ret[1][1] = rhs.y; ret[1][2] =	 0; ret[1][3] = lhs.y;
	ret[2][0] =	 0; ret[2][1] =	 0; ret[2][2] = rhs.z; ret[2][3] = lhs.z;

	mathassert(ret.Equals(lhs.ToFloat3x4() * rhs));
	return ret;
コード例 #14
ファイル: float3x4.cpp プロジェクト: entityhat/style
bool float3x4::IsInvertible(float epsilon) const
	float d = Determinant();
	bool isSingular = EqualAbs(d, 0.f, epsilon);
	float3x3 temp = Float3x3Part();
	mathassert(temp.Inverse(epsilon) != isSingular); // IsInvertible() and Inverse() must match!
	return !isSingular;
コード例 #15
ファイル: TransformOps.cpp プロジェクト: 360degrees-fi/tundra
float3x3 operator *(const ScaleOp &lhs, const float3x3 &rhs)
	float3x3 ret = rhs;
	ret.ScaleRow(0, lhs.x);
	ret.ScaleRow(1, lhs.y);
	ret.ScaleRow(2, lhs.z);

	// Our optimized form of multiplication must be the same as this.
	mathassert(ret.Equals((float3x3)lhs * rhs));
	return ret;
コード例 #16
ファイル: TransformOps.cpp プロジェクト: 360degrees-fi/tundra
float3x3 operator *(const float3x3 &lhs, const ScaleOp &rhs)
	float3x3 ret = lhs;
	ret.ScaleCol(0, rhs.x);
	ret.ScaleCol(1, rhs.y);
	ret.ScaleCol(2, rhs.z);

	// Our optimized form of multiplication must be the same as this.
	mathassert(ret.Equals(lhs * (float3x3)rhs));
	return ret;
コード例 #17
ファイル: Quat.cpp プロジェクト: 360degrees-fi/tundra
void Quat::Set(const float3x4 &m)
	SetQuatFrom(*this, m);

	// Test that the conversion float3x3->Quat->float3x3 is correct.
	mathassert(this->ToFloat3x3().Equals(m.Float3x3Part(), 0.01f));
コード例 #18
ファイル: TransformOps.cpp プロジェクト: juj/MathGeoLib
float4x4 operator *(const ScaleOp &lhs, const float4x4 &rhs)
	float4x4 ret;
#if defined(MATH_AUTOMATIC_SSE) && defined(MATH_SIMD)
	simd4f x = xxxx_ps(lhs.scale.v);
	simd4f y = yyyy_ps(lhs.scale.v);
	simd4f z = zzzz_ps(lhs.scale.v);
	ret.row[0] = mul_ps(rhs.row[0], x);
	ret.row[1] = mul_ps(rhs.row[1], y);
	ret.row[2] = mul_ps(rhs.row[2], z);
	ret.row[3] = rhs.row[3];
	ret[0][0] = rhs[0][0] * lhs.scale.x; ret[0][1] = rhs[0][1] * lhs.scale.x; ret[0][2] = rhs[0][2] * lhs.scale.x; ret[0][3] = rhs[0][3] * lhs.scale.x;
	ret[1][0] = rhs[1][0] * lhs.scale.y; ret[1][1] = rhs[1][1] * lhs.scale.y; ret[1][2] = rhs[1][2] * lhs.scale.y; ret[1][3] = rhs[1][3] * lhs.scale.y;
	ret[2][0] = rhs[2][0] * lhs.scale.z; ret[2][1] = rhs[2][1] * lhs.scale.z; ret[2][2] = rhs[2][2] * lhs.scale.z; ret[2][3] = rhs[2][3] * lhs.scale.z;
	ret[3][0] = rhs[3][0];         ret[3][1] = rhs[3][1];         ret[3][2] = rhs[3][2];         ret[3][3] = rhs[3][3];
	mathassert(ret.Equals(lhs.ToFloat4x4() * rhs));
	return ret;
コード例 #19
ファイル: Polygon.cpp プロジェクト: chengzg/MathGeoLib
float3 Polygon::PointOnEdge(float normalizedDistance) const
	if (p.empty())
		return float3::nan;
	if (p.size() < 2)
		return p[0];
	normalizedDistance = Frac(normalizedDistance); // Take modulo 1 so we have the range [0,1[.
	float perimeter = Perimeter();
	float d = normalizedDistance * perimeter;
	for(int i = 0; i < NumVertices(); ++i)
		LineSegment edge = Edge(i);
		float len = edge.Length();
		assume(len != 0.f && "Degenerate Polygon detected!");
		if (d <= len)
			return edge.GetPoint(d / len);
		d -= len;
	mathassert(false && "Polygon::PointOnEdge reached end of loop which shouldn't!");
	return p[0];
コード例 #20
ファイル: Sphere.cpp プロジェクト: juj/MathGeoLib
void Sphere::Enclose(const vec &point, float epsilon)
	vec d = point - pos;
	float dist2 = d.LengthSq();
	if (dist2 + epsilon > r*r)
		Sphere copy = *this;
		float dist = Sqrt(dist2);
		float halfDist = (dist - r) * 0.5f;
		// Nudge this Sphere towards the target point. Add half the missing distance to radius,
		// and the other half to position. This gives a tighter enclosure, instead of if
		// the whole missing distance were just added to radius.
		pos += d * halfDist / dist;
		r += halfDist + 1e-4f; // Use a fixed epsilon deliberately, the param is a squared epsilon, so different order of magnitude.
		mathassert(this->Contains(copy, epsilon));

コード例 #21
ファイル: OBB.cpp プロジェクト: OtterOrder/TBToolkit
void OBB::Enclose(const vec &point)
	vec p = point - pos;
	for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
		assert(EqualAbs(axis[i].Length(), 1.f));
		float dist = p.Dot(axis[i]);
		float distanceFromOBB = Abs(dist) - r[i];
		if (distanceFromOBB > 0.f)
			r[i] += distanceFromOBB * 0.5f;
			if (dist > 0.f) ///\todo Optimize out this comparison!
				pos += axis[i] * distanceFromOBB * 0.5f;
				pos -= axis[i] * distanceFromOBB * 0.5f;

			p = point-pos; ///\todo Can we omit this? (redundant since axis[i] are orthonormal?)

			mathassert(EqualAbs(Abs(p.Dot(axis[i])), r[i], 1e-1f));
	// Should now contain the point.
	assume(Distance(point) <= 1e-3f);
コード例 #22
ファイル: Polyhedron.cpp プロジェクト: 360degrees-fi/tundra
Polyhedron Polyhedron::ConvexHull(const float3 *pointArray, int numPoints)
	///\todo Check input ptr and size!
	std::set<int> extremes;

	const float3 dirs[] =
		float3(1,0,0), float3(0,1,0), float3(0,0,1),
		float3(1,1,0), float3(1,0,1), float3(0,1,1),

	for(size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(dirs); ++i)
		int idx1, idx2;
		OBB::ExtremePointsAlongDirection(dirs[i], pointArray, numPoints, idx1, idx2);

	Polyhedron p;
	assume(extremes.size() >= 4); ///\todo Fix this case!
	int i = 0;
	std::set<int>::iterator iter = extremes.begin();
	for(; iter != extremes.end() && i < 4; ++iter, ++i)

	Face f;
	f.v[0] = 0; f.v[1] = 1; f.v[2] = 2; p.f.push_back(f);
	f.v[0] = 0; f.v[1] = 1; f.v[2] = 3; p.f.push_back(f);
	f.v[0] = 0; f.v[1] = 2; f.v[2] = 3; p.f.push_back(f);
	f.v[0] = 1; f.v[1] = 2; f.v[2] = 3; p.f.push_back(f);
	p.OrientNormalsOutsideConvex(); // Ensure that the winding order of the generated tetrahedron is correct for each face.

//	assert(p.IsClosed());
//	assert(p.FacesAreNondegeneratePlanar());

	CHullHelp hull;
	for(int j = 0; j < (int)p.f.size(); ++j)

	// For better performance, merge the remaining extreme points first.
	for(; iter != extremes.end(); ++iter)

//		mathassert(p.IsClosed());
//		mathassert(p.FacesAreNondegeneratePlanar());
//		mathassert(p.IsConvex());

	// Merge all the rest of the points.
	for(int j = 0; j < numPoints; ++j)
		if (p.f.size() > 5000 && (j & 255) == 0)
			printf("Mergeconvex %d/%d, #vertices %d, #faces %d\n", j, numPoints, (int)p.v.size(), (int)p.f.size());

//		mathassert(p.IsClosed());
//		mathassert(p.FacesAreNondegeneratePlanar());

//		if (p.f.size() > 5000)
//			break;

	return p;
コード例 #23
ファイル: Polyhedron.cpp プロジェクト: 360degrees-fi/tundra
bool Polyhedron::FaceContains(int faceIndex, const float3 &worldSpacePoint, float polygonThickness) const
	// N.B. This implementation is a duplicate of Polygon::Contains, but adapted to avoid dynamic memory allocation
	// related to converting the face of a Polyhedron to a Polygon object.

	// Implementation based on the description from http://erich.realtimerendering.com/ptinpoly/

	const Face &face = f[faceIndex];
	const std::vector<int> &vertices = face.v;

	if (vertices.size() < 3)
		return false;

	Plane p = FacePlane(faceIndex);
	if (FacePlane(faceIndex).Distance(worldSpacePoint) > polygonThickness)
		return false;

	int numIntersections = 0;

	float3 basisU = v[vertices[1]] - v[vertices[0]];
	float3 basisV = Cross(p.normal, basisU).Normalized();

	float2 localSpacePoint = float2(Dot(worldSpacePoint, basisU), Dot(worldSpacePoint, basisV));

	const float epsilon = 1e-4f;

	float2 p0 = float2(Dot(v[vertices.back()], basisU), Dot(v[vertices.back()], basisV)) - localSpacePoint;
	if (Abs(p0.y) < epsilon)
		p0.y = -epsilon; // Robustness check - if the ray (0,0) -> (+inf, 0) would pass through a vertex, move the vertex slightly.
	for(size_t i = 0; i < vertices.size(); ++i)
		float2 p1 = float2(Dot(v[vertices[i]], basisU), Dot(v[vertices[i]], basisV)) - localSpacePoint;
		if (Abs(p1.y) < epsilon)
			p0.y = -epsilon; // Robustness check - if the ray (0,0) -> (+inf, 0) would pass through a vertex, move the vertex slightly.

		if (p0.y * p1.y < 0.f)
			if (p0.x > 1e-3f && p1.x > 1e-3f)
				// P = p0 + t*(p1-p0) == (x,0)
				//     p0.x + t*(p1.x-p0.x) == x
				//     p0.y + t*(p1.y-p0.y) == 0
				//                 t == -p0.y / (p1.y - p0.y)

				// Test whether the lines (0,0) -> (+inf,0) and p0 -> p1 intersect at a positive X-coordinate.
				float2 d = p1 - p0;
				if (Abs(d.y) > 1e-5f)
					float t = -p0.y / d.y;
					float x = p0.x + t * d.x;
					if (t >= 0.f && t <= 1.f && x > 1e-6f)
		p0 = p1;

	return numIntersections % 2 == 1;
コード例 #24
ファイル: Triangle.cpp プロジェクト: d0n3val/Edu-Game-Engine
///\todo Enable this codepath. This if rom Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics,
/// but the algorithm in the book is broken and does not take into account the
/// direction of the gradient to determine the proper region of intersection.
/// Instead using a slower code path above.
/// [groupSyntax]
float3 Triangle::ClosestPoint(const LineSegment &lineSegment, float3 *otherPt) const
	float3 e0 = b - a;
	float3 e1 = c - a;
	float3 v_p = a - lineSegment.a;
	float3 d = lineSegment.b - lineSegment.a;

	// Q(u,v) = a + u*e0 + v*e1
	// L(t)   = ls.a + t*d
	// Minimize the distance |Q(u,v) - L(t)|^2 under u >= 0, v >= 0, u+v <= 1, t >= 0, t <= 1.

	float v_p_dot_e0 = Dot(v_p, e0);
	float v_p_dot_e1 = Dot(v_p, e1);
	float v_p_dot_d = Dot(v_p, d);

	float3x3 m;
	m[0][0] = Dot(e0, e0); m[0][1] = Dot(e0, e1); m[0][2] = -Dot(e0, d);
	m[1][0] =     m[0][1]; m[1][1] = Dot(e1, e1); m[1][2] = -Dot(e1, d);
	m[2][0] =     m[0][2]; m[2][1] =     m[1][2]; m[2][2] =  Dot(d, d);

	float3 B(-v_p_dot_e0, -v_p_dot_e1, v_p_dot_d);

	float3 uvt;
	bool success = m.SolveAxb(B, uvt);
	if (!success)
		float t1, t2, t3;
		float s1, s2, s3;
		LineSegment e1 = Edge(0);
		LineSegment e2 = Edge(1);
		LineSegment e3 = Edge(2);
		float d1 = e1.Distance(lineSegment, &t1, &s1);
		float d2 = e2.Distance(lineSegment, &t2, &s2);
		float d3 = e3.Distance(lineSegment, &t3, &s3);
		if (d1 < d2 && d1 < d3)
			if (otherPt)
				*otherPt = lineSegment.GetPoint(s1);
			return e1.GetPoint(t1);
		else if (d2 < d3)
			if (otherPt)
				*otherPt = lineSegment.GetPoint(s2);
			return e2.GetPoint(t2);
			if (otherPt)
				*otherPt = lineSegment.GetPoint(s3);
			return e3.GetPoint(t3);

	if (uvt.x < 0.f)
		// Clamp to u == 0 and solve again.
		float m_00 = m[2][2];
		float m_01 = -m[1][2];
		float m_10 = -m[2][1];
		float m_11 = m[1][1];
		float det = m_00 * m_11 - m_01 * m_10;
		float v = m_00 * B[1] + m_01 * B[2];
		float t = m_10 * B[1] + m_11 * B[2];
		v /= det;
		t /= det;
		if (v < 0.f)
			// Clamp to v == 0 and solve for t.
			t = B[2] / m[2][2];
			t = Clamp01(t); // The solution for t must also be in the range [0,1].
			// The solution is (u,v,t)=(0,0,t).
			if (otherPt)
				*otherPt = lineSegment.GetPoint(t);
			return a;
		else if (v > 1.f)
			// Clamp to v == 1 and solve for t.
			t = (B[2] - m[2][1]) / m[2][2];
			t = Clamp01(t);
			// The solution is (u,v,t)=(0,1,t).
			if (otherPt)
				*otherPt = lineSegment.GetPoint(t);
			return c; // == a + v*e1
		else if (t < 0.f)
			// Clamp to t == 0 and solve for v.
			v = B[1] / m[1][1];
//			mathassert(EqualAbs(v, Clamp01(v)));
			v = Clamp01(v); // The solution for v must also be in the range [0,1]. TODO: Is this guaranteed by the above?
			// The solution is (u,v,t)=(0,v,0).
			if (otherPt)
				*otherPt = lineSegment.a;
			return a + v * e1;
		else if (t > 1.f)
			// Clamp to t == 1 and solve for v.
			v = (B[1] - m[1][2]) / m[1][1];
//			mathassert(EqualAbs(v, Clamp01(v)));
			v = Clamp01(v); // The solution for v must also be in the range [0,1]. TODO: Is this guaranteed by the above?
			// The solution is (u,v,t)=(0,v,1).
			if (otherPt)
				*otherPt = lineSegment.b;
			return a + v * e1;
			// The solution is (u,v,t)=(0,v,t).
			if (otherPt)
				*otherPt = lineSegment.GetPoint(t);
			return a + v * e1;
	else if (uvt.y < 0.f)
		// Clamp to v == 0 and solve again.
		float m_00 = m[2][2];
		float m_01 = -m[0][2];
		float m_10 = -m[2][0];
		float m_11 = m[0][0];
		float det = m_00 * m_11 - m_01 * m_10;
		float u = m_00 * B[0] + m_01 * B[2];
		float t = m_10 * B[0] + m_11 * B[2];
		u /= det;
		t /= det;

		if (u < 0.f)
			// Clamp to u == 0 and solve for t.
			t = B[2] / m[2][2];
			t = Clamp01(t); // The solution for t must also be in the range [0,1].
			// The solution is (u,v,t)=(0,0,t).
			if (otherPt)
				*otherPt = lineSegment.GetPoint(t);
			return a;
		else if (u > 1.f)
			// Clamp to u == 1 and solve for t.
			t = (B[2] - m[2][0]) / m[2][2];
			t = Clamp01(t); // The solution for t must also be in the range [0,1].
			// The solution is (u,v,t)=(1,0,t).
			if (otherPt)
				*otherPt = lineSegment.GetPoint(t);
			return b;
		else if (t < 0.f)
			// Clamp to t == 0 and solve for u.
			u = B[0] / m[0][0];
//			mathassert(EqualAbs(u, Clamp01(u)));
			u = Clamp01(u); // The solution for u must also be in the range [0,1].
			if (otherPt)
				*otherPt = lineSegment.a;
			return a + u * e0;
		else if (t > 1.f)
			// Clamp to t == 1 and solve for u.
			u = (B[0] - m[0][2]) / m[0][0];
//			mathassert(EqualAbs(u, Clamp01(u)));
			u = Clamp01(u); // The solution for u must also be in the range [0,1].
			if (otherPt)
				*otherPt = lineSegment.b;
			return a + u * e0;
			// The solution is (u, 0, t).
			if (otherPt)
				*otherPt = lineSegment.GetPoint(t);
			return a + u * e0;
	else if (uvt.z < 0.f)
		if (otherPt)
			*otherPt = lineSegment.a;
		// Clamp to t == 0 and solve again.
		float m_00 = m[1][1];
		float m_01 = -m[0][1];
		float m_10 = -m[1][0];
		float m_11 = m[0][0];
		float det = m_00 * m_11 - m_01 * m_10;
		float u = m_00 * B[0] + m_01 * B[1];
		float v = m_10 * B[0] + m_11 * B[1];
		u /= det;
		v /= det;
		if (u < 0.f)
			// Clamp to u == 0 and solve for v.
			v = B[1] / m[1][1];
			v = Clamp01(v);
			return a + v*e1;
		else if (v < 0.f)
			// Clamp to v == 0 and solve for u.
			u = B[0] / m[0][0];
			u = Clamp01(u);
			return a + u*e0;
		else if (u+v > 1.f)
			// Set v = 1-u and solve again.
//			u = (B[0] - m[0][0]) / (m[0][0] - m[0][1]);
//			mathassert(EqualAbs(u, Clamp01(u)));
//			u = Clamp01(u); // The solution for u must also be in the range [0,1].
//			return a + u*e0;

			// Clamp to v = 1-u and solve again.
			float m_00 = m[2][2];
			float m_01 = m[1][2] - m[0][2];
			float m_10 = m_01;
			float m_11 = m[0][0] + m[1][1] - 2.f * m[0][1];
			float det = m_00 * m_11 - m_01 * m_10;
			float b0 = m[1][1] - m[0][1] + v_p_dot_e1 - v_p_dot_e0;
			float b1 = -m[1][2] + v_p_dot_d;
			float u = m_00 * b0 + m_01 * b1;
			u /= det;
			u = Clamp01(u);

			float t = m_10 * b0 + m_11 * b1;
			t /= det;
			t = Clamp01(t);
			if (otherPt)
				*otherPt = lineSegment.GetPoint(t);
			return a + u*e0 + (1.f-u)*e1;
			// The solution is (u, v, 0)
			return a + u * e0 + v * e1;
	else if (uvt.z > 1.f)
		if (otherPt)
			*otherPt = lineSegment.b;
		// Clamp to t == 1 and solve again.
		float m_00 = m[1][1];
		float m_01 = -m[0][1];
		float m_10 = -m[1][0];
		float m_11 = m[0][0];
		float det = m_00 * m_11 - m_01 * m_10;
		float u = m_00 * (B[0]-m[0][2]) + m_01 * (B[1]-m[1][2]);
		float v = m_10 * (B[0]-m[0][2]) + m_11 * (B[1]-m[1][2]);
		u /= det;
		v /= det;
		if (u < 0.f)
			// Clamp to u == 0 and solve again.
			v = (B[1] - m[1][2]) / m[1][1];
			v = Clamp01(v);
			return a + v*e1;
		else if (u > 1.f)
			// Clamp to u == 1 and solve again.
			v = (B[1] - m[1][0] - m[1][2]) / m[1][1];
			v = Clamp01(v); // The solution for v must also be in the range [0,1]. TODO: Is this guaranteed by the above?
			// The solution is (u,v,t)=(1,v,1).
			return a + e0 + v*e1;
		else if (u+v > 1.f)
			// Set v = 1-u and solve again.

			// Q(u,1-u) = a + u*e0 + e1 - u*e1 = a+e1 + u*(e0-e1)
			// L(1)   = ls.a + t*d = ls.b
			// Minimize the distance |Q(u,1-u) - L(1)| = |a+e1+ls.b + u*(e0-e1)|

			// |K + u*(e0-e1)|^2 = (K,K) + 2*u(K,e0-e1) + u^2 * (e0-e1,e0-e1)

			// grad = 2*(K,e0-e1) + 2*u*(e0-e1,e0-e1) == 0
			//                                      u == (K,e1-e0) / (e0-e1,e0-e1)

			u = (B[0] - m[0][1] - m[0][2]) / (m[0][0] - m[0][1]);
//			u = Dot(a + e1 + lineSegment.b, e1 - e0) / Dot(e0-e1, e0-e1);

//			mathassert(EqualAbs(u, Clamp01(u)));
			u = Clamp01(u);
			return a + u*e0 + (1-u)*e1;
			// The solution is (u, v, 1)
			return a + u*e0 + v*e1;
	else if (uvt.x + uvt.y > 1.f)
		// Clamp to v = 1-u and solve again.
		float m_00 = m[2][2];
		float m_01 = m[1][2] - m[0][2];
		float m_10 = m_01;
		float m_11 = m[0][0] + m[1][1] - 2.f * m[0][1];
		float det = m_00 * m_11 - m_01 * m_10;
		float b0 = m[1][1] - m[0][1] + v_p_dot_e1 - v_p_dot_e0;
		float b1 = -m[1][2] + v_p_dot_d;
		float u = m_00 * b0 + m_01 * b1;
		float t = m_10 * b0 + m_11 * b1;
		u /= det;
		t /= det;

		t = Clamp01(t);
		if (otherPt)
			*otherPt = lineSegment.GetPoint(t);

		if (u < 0.f)
			// The solution is (u,v,t)=(0,1,t)
			return c;
		if (u > 1.f)
			// The solution is (u,v,t)=(1,0,t)
			return b;
		mathassert(t >= 0.f);
		mathassert(t <= 1.f);
		return a + u*e0 + (1.f-u)*e1;
	else // All parameters are within range, so the triangle and the line segment intersect, and the intersection point is the closest point.
		if (otherPt)
			*otherPt = lineSegment.GetPoint(uvt.z);
		return a + uvt.x * e0 + uvt.y * e1;
コード例 #25
ファイル: Sphere.cpp プロジェクト: juj/MathGeoLib
/** For reference, see http://realtimecollisiondetection.net/blog/?p=20 . */
Sphere Sphere::OptimalEnclosingSphere(const vec &a, const vec &b, const vec &c, const vec &d)
	Sphere sphere;

	float s,t,u;
	const vec ab = b-a;
	const vec ac = c-a;
	const vec ad = d-a;
	bool success = FitSphereThroughPoints(ab, ac, ad, s, t, u);
	if (!success || s < 0.f || t < 0.f || u < 0.f || s+t+u > 1.f)
		sphere = OptimalEnclosingSphere(a,b,c);
		if (!sphere.Contains(d))
			sphere = OptimalEnclosingSphere(a,b,d);
			if (!sphere.Contains(c))
				sphere = OptimalEnclosingSphere(a,c,d);
				if (!sphere.Contains(b))
					sphere = OptimalEnclosingSphere(b,c,d);
					sphere.r = Max(sphere.r, a.Distance(sphere.pos) + 1e-3f); // For numerical stability, expand the radius of the sphere so it certainly contains the fourth point.
	/* // Note: Trying to approach the problem like this, like was in the triangle case, is flawed:
	if (s < 0.f)
		sphere = OptimalEnclosingSphere(a, c, d);
	else if (t < 0.f)
		sphere = OptimalEnclosingSphere(a, b, d);
	else if (u < 0.f)
		sphere = OptimalEnclosingSphere(a, b, c);
	else if (s + t + u > 1.f)
		sphere = OptimalEnclosingSphere(b, c, d); */
	else // The fitted sphere is inside the convex hull of the vertices (a,b,c,d), so it must be optimal.
		const vec center = s*ab + t*ac + u*ad;

		sphere.pos = a + center;
		// Mathematically, the following would be correct, but it suffers from floating point inaccuracies,
		// since it only tests distance against one point.
		//sphere.r = center.Length();

		// For robustness, take the radius to be the distance to the farthest point (though the distance are all
		// equal).
		sphere.r = Sqrt(Max(sphere.pos.DistanceSq(a), sphere.pos.DistanceSq(b), sphere.pos.DistanceSq(c), sphere.pos.DistanceSq(d)));

		// Allow floating point inconsistency and expand the radius by a small epsilon so that the containment tests
		// really contain the points (note that the points must be sufficiently near enough to the origin)
		sphere.r += 2.f*sEpsilon; // We test against one epsilon, so expand using 2 epsilons.

	if (!sphere.Contains(a, sEpsilon) || !sphere.Contains(b, sEpsilon) || !sphere.Contains(c, sEpsilon) || !sphere.Contains(d, sEpsilon))
		LOGE("Pos: %s, r: %f", sphere.pos.ToString().c_str(), sphere.r);
		LOGE("A: %s, dist: %f", a.ToString().c_str(), a.Distance(sphere.pos));
		LOGE("B: %s, dist: %f", b.ToString().c_str(), b.Distance(sphere.pos));
		LOGE("C: %s, dist: %f", c.ToString().c_str(), c.Distance(sphere.pos));
		LOGE("D: %s, dist: %f", d.ToString().c_str(), d.Distance(sphere.pos));

	return sphere;
コード例 #26
ファイル: Sphere.cpp プロジェクト: juj/MathGeoLib
/** For reference, see http://realtimecollisiondetection.net/blog/?p=20 . */
Sphere Sphere::OptimalEnclosingSphere(const vec &a, const vec &b, const vec &c)
	Sphere sphere;

	vec ab = b-a;
	vec ac = c-a;

	float s, t;
	bool areCollinear = ab.Cross(ac).LengthSq() < 1e-4f; // Manually test that we don't try to fit sphere to three collinear points.
	bool success = !areCollinear && FitSphereThroughPoints(ab, ac, s, t);
	if (!success || Abs(s) > 10000.f || Abs(t) > 10000.f) // If s and t are very far from the triangle, do a manual box fitting for numerical stability.
		vec minPt = Min(a, b, c);
		vec maxPt = Max(a, b, c);
		sphere.pos = (minPt + maxPt) * 0.5f;
		sphere.r = sphere.pos.Distance(minPt);
	else if (s < 0.f)
		sphere.pos = (a + c) * 0.5f;
		sphere.r = a.Distance(c) * 0.5f;
		sphere.r = Max(sphere.r, b.Distance(sphere.pos)); // For numerical stability, expand the radius of the sphere so it certainly contains the third point.
	else if (t < 0.f)
		sphere.pos = (a + b) * 0.5f;
		sphere.r = a.Distance(b) * 0.5f;
		sphere.r = Max(sphere.r, c.Distance(sphere.pos)); // For numerical stability, expand the radius of the sphere so it certainly contains the third point.
	else if (s+t > 1.f)
		sphere.pos = (b + c) * 0.5f;
		sphere.r = b.Distance(c) * 0.5f;
		sphere.r = Max(sphere.r, a.Distance(sphere.pos)); // For numerical stability, expand the radius of the sphere so it certainly contains the third point.
		const vec center = s*ab + t*ac;
		sphere.pos = a + center;
		// Mathematically, the following would be correct, but it suffers from floating point inaccuracies,
		// since it only tests distance against one point.
		//sphere.r = center.Length();

		// For robustness, take the radius to be the distance to the farthest point (though the distance are all
		// equal).
		sphere.r = Sqrt(Max(sphere.pos.DistanceSq(a), sphere.pos.DistanceSq(b), sphere.pos.DistanceSq(c)));

	// Allow floating point inconsistency and expand the radius by a small epsilon so that the containment tests
	// really contain the points (note that the points must be sufficiently near enough to the origin)
	sphere.r += 2.f * sEpsilon; // We test against one epsilon, so expand by two epsilons.

	if (!sphere.Contains(a, sEpsilon) || !sphere.Contains(b, sEpsilon) || !sphere.Contains(c, sEpsilon))
		LOGE("Pos: %s, r: %f", sphere.pos.ToString().c_str(), sphere.r);
		LOGE("A: %s, dist: %f", a.ToString().c_str(), a.Distance(sphere.pos));
		LOGE("B: %s, dist: %f", b.ToString().c_str(), b.Distance(sphere.pos));
		LOGE("C: %s, dist: %f", c.ToString().c_str(), c.Distance(sphere.pos));
	return sphere;