コード例 #1
ファイル: standard_core.c プロジェクト: bxlab/esperr
void fill_in_counts( int order, int radix, int** counts, int* string, int string_len )
    int i, j, index, max_lookback;

    int max_index = matrix_size( order, radix );

    for ( i = 0; i < string_len; i++ )
        max_lookback = min( order, i ) + 1;
        for ( j = 0; j < max_lookback; j++ )
            index = matrix_index( j, radix, string, i );
            if ( index == -1 )
            assert( index >= 0 && index < max_index );
            counts[ j ][ index ] += 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: standard_core.c プロジェクト: bxlab/esperr
bool score_string_positions( int order, int radix, real* score_matrix, 
                             int* string, float* target, int start, int length )
    int i, index;
    real score = 0;
    int valid_tuples = 0;
    int stop = start + length;

    for ( i = start + order; i < stop; i++ )
        index = matrix_index( order, radix, string, i );

        // Skip tuples containing invalid symbols
        if ( index == -1 )

        target[i] = score_matrix[ index ];
コード例 #3
// find percentage of diference
float cellDifference(matrix_t* matrix1, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
	element_t *one, *two;
	float oneAvg, twoAvg;
	//get matrix position
	one = matrix_index(matrix1, x1, y1);
	//find element average
	oneAvg = elementAverage(one);
	//get matrix position
	two = matrix_index(matrix1, x2, y2);
	//find element average
	twoAvg = elementAverage(two);
	//calculate percentage
	if (oneAvg != 0)
		return abs(oneAvg - twoAvg)/oneAvg * 100;
		return 100;	
コード例 #4
ファイル: example1-minimal.c プロジェクト: sgowal/pcgtr
float MyCost(matrix_t *x, matrix_t *J, matrix_t *H, void *p) {
  int i;
  float c = 0.0f;

  // Weighted sphere function.
  for (i = 0; i < x->m; ++i) {
    float w = (float)i;
    c += w*x->v[i]*x->v[i];
    J->v[i] = 2.0f*w*x->v[i];
    H->v[matrix_index(H,i,i)] = 2.0f*w; 

  return c;
コード例 #5
// find edges
matrix_t* findEdges(matrix_t* matrix1, float allowedDifference)
	matrix_t* result;
	int x,y;
	// sanity check parameters
	if(!matrix_create(&result, matrix1->rows, matrix1->cols)) 
		perror("failed to create result");		
		return 0;

	for (y = 0; y < matrix1->rows; ++y)
		for (x = 0; x < matrix1->cols; ++x)
			// check parameters
			char tooDifferent = 0;
			if (y > 0)
				tooDifferent |=
					cellDifference(matrix1, x, y, x, y - 1) > allowedDifference;
			if (y < matrix1->rows)
				tooDifferent |=
					cellDifference(matrix1, x, y, x, y + 1) > allowedDifference;
			if (x > 0)
				tooDifferent |=
					cellDifference(matrix1, x, y, x - 1, y) > allowedDifference;
			if (x < matrix1->cols)
				tooDifferent |=
					cellDifference(matrix1, x, y, x + 1, y) > allowedDifference;
			//get matrix position
			element_t* res = matrix_index(result, x, y);
			res->red = res->green = res->blue =
				tooDifferent ? 1 : 0;
	return result;
コード例 #6
ファイル: print.cpp プロジェクト: frenchjl/stan
std::vector<int> dimensions(stan::mcmc::chains<>& chains, const int start_index) {
  std::vector<int> dims;
  int dim;

  std::string name = base_param_name(chains, start_index);
  int last_matrix_element = start_index;
  while (last_matrix_element+1 < chains.num_params()) {
    if (base_param_name(chains, last_matrix_element+1) == name) 

  std::stringstream ss(matrix_index(chains, last_matrix_element));
  ss >> dim;

  while (ss.get() == ',') {
    ss >> dim;
  return dims;
コード例 #7
ファイル: standard_core.c プロジェクト: bxlab/esperr
bool score_string( int order, int radix, real* score_matrix, 
                   int* string, int start, int length, real* rval )
    int i, index;
    real score = 0;
    int valid_tuples = 0;
    int stop = start + length;

    for ( i = start + order; i < stop; i++ )
        index = matrix_index( order, radix, string, i );

        // Skip tuples containing invalid symbols
        if ( index == -1 )

        score += score_matrix[ index ];

    if ( valid_tuples > 0 )
        *rval = score / (real) valid_tuples;
	    return true;
        *rval = 0;
        return false;
コード例 #8
ファイル: print.cpp プロジェクト: frenchjl/stan
 * The Stan print function.
 * @param argc Number of arguments
 * @param argv Arguments
 * @return 0 for success, 
 *         non-zero otherwise
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
  if (argc == 1) {
    return 0;
  // Parse any arguments specifying filenames
  std::ifstream ifstream;
  std::vector<std::string> filenames;
  for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
    if (std::string(argv[i]).find("--autocorr=") != std::string::npos)
    if (std::string(argv[i]).find("--sig_figs=") != std::string::npos)
    if (std::string("--help") == std::string(argv[i])) {
      return 0;
    if (ifstream.good()) {
    } else {
      std::cout << "File " << argv[i] << " not found" << std::endl;
  if (!filenames.size()) {
    std::cout << "No valid input files, exiting." << std::endl;
    return 0;
  // Parse specified files
  Eigen::VectorXd warmup_times(filenames.size());
  Eigen::VectorXd sampling_times(filenames.size());
  Eigen::VectorXi thin(filenames.size());
  stan::io::stan_csv stan_csv = stan::io::stan_csv_reader::parse(ifstream);
  warmup_times(0) = stan_csv.timing.warmup;
  sampling_times(0) = stan_csv.timing.sampling;
  stan::mcmc::chains<> chains(stan_csv);
  thin(0) = stan_csv.metadata.thin;
  for (std::vector<std::string>::size_type chain = 1; 
       chain < filenames.size(); chain++) {
    stan_csv = stan::io::stan_csv_reader::parse(ifstream);
    thin(chain) = stan_csv.metadata.thin;
    warmup_times(chain) = stan_csv.timing.warmup;
    sampling_times(chain) = stan_csv.timing.sampling;
  double total_warmup_time = warmup_times.sum();
  double total_sampling_time = sampling_times.sum();

  // Compute largest variable name length
  const int skip = 0;
  std::string model_name = stan_csv.metadata.model;
  size_t max_name_length = 0;
  for (int i = skip; i < chains.num_params(); i++) 
    if (chains.param_name(i).length() > max_name_length)
      max_name_length = chains.param_name(i).length();
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) 
    if (chains.param_name(i).length() > max_name_length)
      max_name_length = chains.param_name(i).length();

  // Prepare values
  int n = 9;
  Eigen::MatrixXd values(chains.num_params(), n);
  Eigen::VectorXd probs(3);
  probs << 0.05, 0.5, 0.95;
  for (int i = 0; i < chains.num_params(); i++) {
    double sd = chains.sd(i);
    double n_eff = chains.effective_sample_size(i);
    values(i,0) = chains.mean(i);
    values(i,1) = sd / sqrt(n_eff);
    values(i,2) = sd;
    Eigen::VectorXd quantiles = chains.quantiles(i,probs);
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
      values(i,3+j) = quantiles(j);
    values(i,6) = n_eff;
    values(i,7) = n_eff / total_sampling_time;
    values(i,8) = chains.split_potential_scale_reduction(i);
  // Prepare header
  Eigen::Matrix<std::string, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> headers(n);
  headers << 
    "Mean", "MCSE", "StdDev",
    "5%", "50%", "95%", 
    "N_Eff", "N_Eff/s", "R_hat";
  // Set sig figs
  Eigen::VectorXi column_sig_figs(n);
  int sig_figs = 2;
  for (int k = 1; k < argc; k++)
    if (std::string(argv[k]).find("--sig_figs=") != std::string::npos)
      sig_figs = atoi(std::string(argv[k]).substr(11).c_str());
  // Compute column widths
  Eigen::VectorXi column_widths(n);
  Eigen::Matrix<std::ios_base::fmtflags, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> formats(n);
  column_widths = calculate_column_widths(values, headers, sig_figs, formats);
  // Initial output
  std::cout << "Inference for Stan model: " << model_name << std::endl
            << chains.num_chains() << " chains: each with iter=(" << chains.num_kept_samples(0);
  for (int chain = 1; chain < chains.num_chains(); chain++)
    std::cout << "," << chains.num_kept_samples(chain);
  std::cout << ")";
  // Timing output
  std::cout << "; warmup=(" << chains.warmup(0);
  for (int chain = 1; chain < chains.num_chains(); chain++)
    std::cout << "," << chains.warmup(chain);
  std::cout << ")";
  std::cout << "; thin=(" << thin(0);
  for (int chain = 1; chain < chains.num_chains(); chain++)
    std::cout << "," << thin(chain);
  std::cout << ")";
  std::cout << "; " << chains.num_samples() << " iterations saved."
            << std::endl << std::endl;

  std::string warmup_unit = "seconds";
  if (total_warmup_time / 3600 > 1) {
    total_warmup_time /= 3600;
    warmup_unit = "hours";
  } else if (total_warmup_time / 60 > 1) {
    total_warmup_time /= 60;
    warmup_unit = "minutes";
  std::cout << "Warmup took ("
            << std::fixed
            << std::setprecision(compute_precision(warmup_times(0), sig_figs, false))
            << warmup_times(0);
  for (int chain = 1; chain < chains.num_chains(); chain++)
    std::cout << ", " << std::fixed
              << std::setprecision(compute_precision(warmup_times(chain), sig_figs, false))
              << warmup_times(chain);
  std::cout << ") seconds, ";
  std::cout << std::fixed
            << std::setprecision(compute_precision(total_warmup_time, sig_figs, false))
            << total_warmup_time << " " << warmup_unit << " total" << std::endl;

  std::string sampling_unit = "seconds";
  if (total_sampling_time / 3600 > 1) {
    total_sampling_time /= 3600;
    sampling_unit = "hours";
  } else if (total_sampling_time / 60 > 1) {
    total_sampling_time /= 60;
    sampling_unit = "minutes";

  std::cout << "Sampling took ("
            << std::fixed
            << std::setprecision(compute_precision(sampling_times(0), sig_figs, false))
            << sampling_times(0);
  for (int chain = 1; chain < chains.num_chains(); chain++)
    std::cout << ", " << std::fixed
              << std::setprecision(compute_precision(sampling_times(chain), sig_figs, false))
              << sampling_times(chain);
  std::cout << ") seconds, ";
  std::cout << std::fixed
            << std::setprecision(compute_precision(total_sampling_time, sig_figs, false))
            << total_sampling_time << " " << sampling_unit << " total" << std::endl;
  std::cout << std::endl;

  // Header output
  std::cout << std::setw(max_name_length + 1) << "";
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    std::cout << std::setw(column_widths(i)) << headers(i);
  std::cout << std::endl;
  // Value output
  for (int i = skip; i < chains.num_params(); i++) {
    if (!is_matrix(chains.param_name(i))) {
      std::cout << std::setw(max_name_length + 1) << std::left << chains.param_name(i);
      std::cout << std::right;
      for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        std::cout.setf(formats(j), std::ios::floatfield);
        std::cout << std::setprecision(
                                       compute_precision(values(i,j), sig_figs, formats(j) == std::ios_base::scientific))
                  << std::setw(column_widths(j)) << values(i, j);
      std::cout << std::endl;
    } else {
      std::vector<int> dims = dimensions(chains, i);
      std::vector<int> index(dims.size(), 1);
      int max = 1;
      for (int j = 0; j < dims.size(); j++)
        max *= dims[j];
      for (int k = 0; k < max; k++) {
        int param_index = i + matrix_index(index, dims);
        std::cout << std::setw(max_name_length + 1) << std::left 
                  << chains.param_name(param_index);
        std::cout << std::right;
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
          std::cout.setf(formats(j), std::ios::floatfield);
            << std::setprecision(compute_precision(values(param_index,j), 
                                                   formats(j) == std::ios_base::scientific))
            << std::setw(column_widths(j)) << values(param_index, j);
        std::cout << std::endl;
        next_index(index, dims);
      i += max-1;

  /// Footer output
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Samples were drawn using " << stan_csv.metadata.algorithm
            << " with " << stan_csv.metadata.engine << "." << std::endl
            << "For each parameter, N_Eff is a crude measure of effective sample size," << std::endl
            << "and R_hat is the potential scale reduction factor on split chains (at " << std::endl
            << "convergence, R_hat=1)." << std::endl
            << std::endl;
  // Print autocorrelation, if desired
  for (int k = 1; k < argc; k++) {
    if (std::string(argv[k]).find("--autocorr=") != std::string::npos) {
      const int c = atoi(std::string(argv[k]).substr(11).c_str());
      if (c < 0 || c >= chains.num_chains()) {
        std::cout << "Bad chain index " << c << ", aborting autocorrelation display." << std::endl;
      Eigen::MatrixXd autocorr(chains.num_params(), chains.num_samples(c));
      for (int i = 0; i < chains.num_params(); i++) {
        autocorr.row(i) = chains.autocorrelation(c, i);
      // Format and print header
      std::cout << "Displaying the autocorrelations for chain " << c << ":" << std::endl;
      std::cout << std::endl;
      const int n_autocorr = autocorr.row(0).size();
      int lag_width = 1;
      int number = n_autocorr; 
      while ( number != 0) { number /= 10; lag_width++; }

      std::cout << std::setw(lag_width > 4 ? lag_width : 4) << "Lag";
      for (int i = 0; i < chains.num_params(); ++i) {
        std::cout << std::setw(max_name_length + 1) << std::right << chains.param_name(i);
      std::cout << std::endl;

      // Print body  
      for (int n = 0; n < n_autocorr; ++n) {
        std::cout << std::setw(lag_width) << std::right << n;
        for (int i = 0; i < chains.num_params(); ++i) {
          std::cout << std::setw(max_name_length + 1) << std::right << autocorr(i, n);
        std::cout << std::endl;
  return 0;
コード例 #9
// program entry point
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	FILE *input, *output;
	matrix_t *matrix1, *result;
	element_t *item;
	int rows, cols, x, y;
	float allowedDifference, *averages;
	// open input file for read
	input = fopen("in.dat", "r");
	if(input == NULL){
		perror("failed to open in.dat for read");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	// read rows and columns from input file
	fscanf(input, "%d %d\n", &rows, &cols);
	// create matrix1 from input file	
	if(!matrix_create(&matrix1, rows, cols)){
		perror("failed to create matrix1");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	// create result from input file
	if(!matrix_create(&result, rows, cols)){
		perror("failed to create result");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	// create array for averages
	if((averages = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * cols * rows)) == NULL){
		perror("failed to create averages array");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	// open output file for write
	output = fopen("out.dat", "w");
	if(output == NULL){
		perror("failed to open out.dat for write");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	for(y = 0; y < rows; y++){
		for(x = 0; x < cols; x++){
			// get matrix position
			item = matrix_index(matrix1, x, y);
			// read the elements
			fscanf(input, "%d %d %d ",
				&item->red, &item->green, &item->blue);
			// sanity check parameters
			if((item->red < 0 || item->red > 255) || (item->green < 0 || item->green > 255)
					|| (item->blue < 0 || item->blue > 255)){
				perror("Value must be between 0-255"); 
				return EXIT_FAILURE;

			// average
			averages[y * cols + x] = elementAverage(item);
	// print matrix1 to screen
	for(y = 0; y < rows; y++){
		for(x = 0; x < cols; x++){
			item = matrix_index(matrix1, x, y);
			printf("matrix1[%d, %d] = { %3d, %3d, %3d }\n", x, y, item->red, item->green, item->blue);
	// print matrix1 to file
	for(y = 0; y < rows; y++){
		for(x = 0; x < cols; x++){
			item = matrix_index(matrix1, x, y);
			fprintf(output, "matrix1[%d, %d] = { %3d, %3d, %3d }\n", x, y, item->red, item->green, item->blue);
	// print averages to screen
	for(y = 0; y < rows; y++){
		for(x = 0; x < cols; x++){
			printf("averages[%d, %d] = %f\n", x, y, averages[y * cols + x]);
	// print averages to file
	for(y = 0; y < rows; y++){
		for(x = 0; x < cols; x++){
			fprintf(output, "averages[%d, %d] = %f\n", x, y, averages[y * cols + x]);
	// get percentage
	printf("enter allowed difference:\n");
	scanf("%f", &allowedDifference);
	result = findEdges(matrix1, allowedDifference); 
	// print result to screen
	for(y = 0; y < rows; y++){
		for(x = 0; x < cols; x++){
			item = matrix_index(result, x, y);
			printf("result[%d, %d] = { %3d, %3d, %3d }\n", x, y, item->red, item->green, item->blue);
	// print result to file
	for(y = 0; y < rows; y++){
		for(x = 0; x < cols; x++){
			item = matrix_index(result, x, y);
			fprintf(output,"result[%d, %d] = { %3d, %3d, %3d }\n", x, y, item->red, item->green, item->blue);
	// free memory allocated to matrices
	// close previously opened files