コード例 #1
ファイル: bml_r2.c プロジェクト: jimmason1001/ompi-svn-mirror
static int mca_bml_r2_add_procs( size_t nprocs, 
                                 struct ompi_proc_t** procs, 
                                 struct opal_bitmap_t* reachable )
    size_t p, p_index, n_new_procs = 0;
    struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t ** btl_endpoints = NULL;  
    struct ompi_proc_t** new_procs = NULL; 
    struct ompi_proc_t *unreach_proc = NULL;
    int rc, ret = OMPI_SUCCESS;

    if(0 == nprocs) {
        return OMPI_SUCCESS;
    if(OMPI_SUCCESS != (rc = mca_bml_r2_add_btls()) ) {
        return rc;
    /* Select only the procs that don't yet have the BML proc struct. This prevent
     * us from calling btl->add_procs several this on the same destination proc.
    for(p_index = 0; p_index < nprocs; p_index++) { 
        struct ompi_proc_t* proc = procs[p_index]; 

        if(NULL !=  proc->proc_endpoints[OMPI_PROC_ENDPOINT_TAG_BML]) { 
            continue;  /* go to the next proc */
        /* Allocate the new_procs on demand */
        if( NULL == new_procs ) {
            new_procs = (struct ompi_proc_t **)malloc(nprocs * sizeof(struct ompi_proc_t *));
            if( NULL == new_procs ) {
                return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
        new_procs[n_new_procs++] = proc; 

    if ( 0 == n_new_procs ) {
        return OMPI_SUCCESS;

    /* Starting from here we only work on the unregistered procs */
    procs = new_procs; 
    nprocs = n_new_procs; 
    /* attempt to add all procs to each r2 */
    btl_endpoints = (struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t **) 
        malloc(nprocs * sizeof(struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t*)); 
    if (NULL == btl_endpoints) {
        return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;

    for(p_index = 0; p_index < mca_bml_r2.num_btl_modules; p_index++) {
        mca_btl_base_module_t* btl = mca_bml_r2.btl_modules[p_index];
        int btl_inuse = 0;

        /* if the r2 can reach the destination proc it sets the
         * corresponding bit (proc index) in the reachable bitmap
         * and can return addressing information for each proc
         * that is passed back to the r2 on data transfer calls
        memset(btl_endpoints, 0, nprocs *sizeof(struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t*)); 

        rc = btl->btl_add_procs(btl, n_new_procs, new_procs, btl_endpoints, reachable);
        if(OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) {
            /* This BTL has troubles adding the nodes. Let's continue maybe some other BTL
             * can take care of this task.

        /* for each proc that is reachable */
        for( p = 0; p < n_new_procs; p++ ) {
            if(opal_bitmap_is_set_bit(reachable, p)) {
                ompi_proc_t *proc = new_procs[p]; 
                mca_bml_base_endpoint_t * bml_endpoint = 
                    (mca_bml_base_endpoint_t*) proc->proc_endpoints[OMPI_PROC_ENDPOINT_TAG_BML]; 
                mca_bml_base_btl_t* bml_btl; 
                size_t size;
                if(NULL == bml_endpoint) { 
                    /* allocate bml specific proc data */
                    bml_endpoint = OBJ_NEW(mca_bml_base_endpoint_t);
                    if (NULL == bml_endpoint) {
                        opal_output(0, "mca_bml_r2_add_procs: unable to allocate resources");
                        return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
                    /* preallocate space in array for max number of r2s */
                    mca_bml_base_btl_array_reserve(&bml_endpoint->btl_eager, mca_bml_r2.num_btl_modules);
                    mca_bml_base_btl_array_reserve(&bml_endpoint->btl_send,  mca_bml_r2.num_btl_modules);
                    mca_bml_base_btl_array_reserve(&bml_endpoint->btl_rdma,  mca_bml_r2.num_btl_modules);
                    bml_endpoint->btl_max_send_size = -1;
                    bml_endpoint->btl_proc = proc;
                    proc->proc_endpoints[OMPI_PROC_ENDPOINT_TAG_BML] = bml_endpoint; 
                    bml_endpoint->btl_flags_or = 0;

                /* dont allow an additional BTL with a lower exclusivity ranking */
                size = mca_bml_base_btl_array_get_size(&bml_endpoint->btl_send);
                if(size > 0) {
                    bml_btl = mca_bml_base_btl_array_get_index(&bml_endpoint->btl_send, size-1);
                    /* skip this btl if the exclusivity is less than the previous */
                    if(bml_btl->btl->btl_exclusivity > btl->btl_exclusivity) {
                        btl->btl_del_procs(btl, 1, &proc, &btl_endpoints[p]);

                /* cache the endpoint on the proc */
                bml_btl = mca_bml_base_btl_array_insert(&bml_endpoint->btl_send);
                bml_btl->btl = btl;
                bml_btl->btl_endpoint = btl_endpoints[p];
                bml_btl->btl_weight = 0;
                bml_btl->btl_flags = btl->btl_flags; 
                if( (bml_btl->btl_flags & MCA_BTL_FLAGS_PUT) && (NULL == btl->btl_put) ) {
                    opal_output(0, "mca_bml_r2_add_procs: The PUT flag is specified for"
                                " the %s BTL without any PUT function attached. Disard the flag !",
                    bml_btl->btl_flags ^= MCA_BTL_FLAGS_PUT;
                if( (bml_btl->btl_flags & MCA_BTL_FLAGS_GET) && (NULL == btl->btl_get) ) {
                    opal_output(0, "mca_bml_r2_add_procs: The GET flag is specified for"
                                " the %s BTL without any GET function attached. Discard the flag !",
                    bml_btl->btl_flags ^= MCA_BTL_FLAGS_GET;
                if( (bml_btl->btl_flags & (MCA_BTL_FLAGS_PUT | MCA_BTL_FLAGS_GET | MCA_BTL_FLAGS_SEND)) == 0 ) {
                     * If no protocol specified, we have 2 choices: we ignore the BTL
                     * as we don't know which protocl to use, or we suppose that all
                     * BTLs support the send protocol. 
                    bml_btl->btl_flags |= MCA_BTL_FLAGS_SEND;
                 * calculate the bitwise OR of the btl flags 
                bml_endpoint->btl_flags_or |= bml_btl->btl_flags;
                /* This BTL is in use, allow the progress registration */
        if(btl_inuse > 0 && NULL != btl->btl_component->btl_progress) {
            size_t p;
            bool found = false;
            for( p = 0; p < mca_bml_r2.num_btl_progress; p++ ) {
                if(mca_bml_r2.btl_progress[p] == btl->btl_component->btl_progress) {
                    found = true;
            if(found == false) {
                mca_bml_r2.btl_progress[mca_bml_r2.num_btl_progress] = 
                opal_progress_register( btl->btl_component->btl_progress );

    /* iterate back through procs and compute metrics for registered r2s */
    for(p=0; p<n_new_procs; p++) {
        ompi_proc_t *proc = new_procs[p];
        mca_bml_base_endpoint_t* bml_endpoint = 
            (mca_bml_base_endpoint_t*) proc->proc_endpoints[OMPI_PROC_ENDPOINT_TAG_BML];
        double total_bandwidth = 0;
        uint32_t latency = 0xffffffff;
        size_t n_index;
        size_t n_size;

        /* skip over procs w/ no btl's registered */
        if(NULL == bml_endpoint) {

        /* (1) determine the total bandwidth available across all btls
         *     note that we need to do this here, as we may already have btls configured
         * (2) determine the highest priority ranking for latency
         * (3) compute the maximum amount of bytes that can be send without any
         *     weighting. Once the left over is smaller than this number we will
         *     start using the weight to compute the correct amount.
        n_size = mca_bml_base_btl_array_get_size(&bml_endpoint->btl_send); 
        /* sort BTLs in descending order according to bandwidth value */
        qsort(bml_endpoint->btl_send.bml_btls, n_size,
                sizeof(mca_bml_base_btl_t), btl_bandwidth_compare);

        bml_endpoint->btl_rdma_index = 0;
        for(n_index = 0; n_index < n_size; n_index++) {
            mca_bml_base_btl_t* bml_btl = 
                mca_bml_base_btl_array_get_index(&bml_endpoint->btl_send, n_index);
            mca_btl_base_module_t* btl = bml_btl->btl;
            total_bandwidth += bml_btl->btl->btl_bandwidth;
            if(btl->btl_latency < latency) {
                latency = btl->btl_latency;
        /* (1) set the weight of each btl as a percentage of overall bandwidth
         * (2) copy all btl instances at the highest priority ranking into the
         *     list of btls used for first fragments
        for(n_index = 0; n_index < n_size; n_index++) {
            mca_bml_base_btl_t* bml_btl = 
                mca_bml_base_btl_array_get_index(&bml_endpoint->btl_send, n_index);
            mca_btl_base_module_t *btl = bml_btl->btl;

            /* compute weighting factor for this r2 */
            if(btl->btl_bandwidth > 0) {
                bml_btl->btl_weight = (float)(btl->btl_bandwidth / total_bandwidth);
            } else {
                bml_btl->btl_weight = (float)(1.0 / n_size);

            /* check to see if this r2 is already in the array of r2s 
             * used for first fragments - if not add it.
            if(btl->btl_latency == latency) {
                mca_bml_base_btl_t* bml_btl_new = 
                *bml_btl_new = *bml_btl;

            /* set endpoint max send size as min of available btls */
            if(bml_endpoint->btl_max_send_size > btl->btl_max_send_size)
               bml_endpoint->btl_max_send_size = btl->btl_max_send_size;

            /* check flags - is rdma prefered */
            if ((btl->btl_flags & (MCA_BTL_FLAGS_PUT|MCA_BTL_FLAGS_GET)) &&
                !((proc->proc_arch != ompi_proc_local_proc->proc_arch) &&
                  (0 == (btl->btl_flags & MCA_BTL_FLAGS_HETEROGENEOUS_RDMA)))) {
                mca_bml_base_btl_t* bml_btl_rdma = mca_bml_base_btl_array_insert(&bml_endpoint->btl_rdma);
                mca_btl_base_module_t* btl_rdma = bml_btl->btl;

                *bml_btl_rdma = *bml_btl;
                if(bml_endpoint->btl_pipeline_send_length < btl_rdma->btl_rdma_pipeline_send_length) {
                    bml_endpoint->btl_pipeline_send_length = btl_rdma->btl_rdma_pipeline_send_length;
                if(bml_endpoint->btl_send_limit < btl_rdma->btl_min_rdma_pipeline_size) {
                    bml_endpoint->btl_send_limit = btl_rdma->btl_min_rdma_pipeline_size;

    /* see if we have a connection to everyone else */
    for(p=0; p<n_new_procs; p++) {
        ompi_proc_t *proc = new_procs[p];

        if (NULL == proc->proc_endpoints[OMPI_PROC_ENDPOINT_TAG_BML]) {
            if (NULL == unreach_proc) {
                unreach_proc = proc;
            ret = OMPI_ERR_UNREACH;

    if (mca_bml_r2.show_unreach_errors && 
        OMPI_ERR_UNREACH == ret) {
                       "unreachable proc",
                       (NULL != ompi_proc_local_proc->proc_hostname ?
                        ompi_proc_local_proc->proc_hostname : "unknown!"),
                       (NULL != ompi_proc_local_proc->proc_hostname ?
                        ompi_proc_local_proc->proc_hostname : "unknown!"),


    return ret;
コード例 #2
ファイル: bml_r2.c プロジェクト: aosm/openmpi
int mca_bml_r2_add_procs(
                         size_t nprocs, 
                         struct ompi_proc_t** procs, 
                         struct mca_bml_base_endpoint_t** bml_endpoints, 
                         struct ompi_bitmap_t* reachable
    size_t p;
    int rc;
    size_t p_index;
    struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t ** btl_endpoints = NULL;  
    struct ompi_proc_t** new_procs = NULL; 
    size_t n_new_procs = 0;
    int ret = OMPI_SUCCESS;
    struct ompi_proc_t *unreach_proc = NULL;

    if(0 == nprocs) {
        return OMPI_SUCCESS;
    if(OMPI_SUCCESS != (rc = mca_bml_r2_add_btls()) ) {
        return rc;
    new_procs = (struct ompi_proc_t **) 
        malloc(nprocs * sizeof(struct ompi_proc_t *)); 
    if (NULL == new_procs ) {
        return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
    memset(bml_endpoints, 0, nprocs * sizeof(struct mca_bml_base_endpoint_t*));

    for(p_index = 0; p_index < nprocs; p_index++) { 
        struct ompi_proc_t* proc;
        proc = procs[p_index]; 
        if(NULL !=  proc->proc_bml) { 
            bml_endpoints[p_index] = 
                (mca_bml_base_endpoint_t*) proc->proc_bml; 
        } else { 
            new_procs[n_new_procs++] = proc; 

    if ( 0 == n_new_procs ) {
    procs = new_procs; 
    nprocs = n_new_procs; 
    /* attempt to add all procs to each r2 */
    btl_endpoints = (struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t **) 
        malloc(nprocs * sizeof(struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t*)); 
    if (NULL == btl_endpoints) {
        return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
    for(p_index = 0; p_index < mca_bml_r2.num_btl_modules; p_index++) {
        mca_btl_base_module_t* btl = mca_bml_r2.btl_modules[p_index];
        int btl_inuse = 0;
        /* if the r2 can reach the destination proc it sets the
         * corresponding bit (proc index) in the reachable bitmap
         * and can return addressing information for each proc
         * that is passed back to the r2 on data transfer calls
        memset(btl_endpoints, 0, nprocs *sizeof(struct mca_btl_base_endpoint_t*)); 

        rc = btl->btl_add_procs(btl, n_new_procs, new_procs, btl_endpoints, reachable);
        if(OMPI_SUCCESS != rc) {
            return rc;

        /* for each proc that is reachable - add the endpoint to the bml_endpoints array(s) */
        for(p=0; p<n_new_procs; p++) {
            if(ompi_bitmap_is_set_bit(reachable, p)) {
                ompi_proc_t *proc = new_procs[p]; 
                mca_bml_base_endpoint_t * bml_endpoint = (mca_bml_base_endpoint_t*) proc->proc_bml; 
                mca_bml_base_btl_t* bml_btl; 
                size_t size;

                if(NULL == bml_endpoint) { 
                    /* allocate bml specific proc data */
                    bml_endpoint = OBJ_NEW(mca_bml_base_endpoint_t);
                    if (NULL == bml_endpoint) {
                        opal_output(0, "mca_bml_r2_add_procs: unable to allocate resources");
                        return OMPI_ERR_OUT_OF_RESOURCE;
                    /* preallocate space in array for max number of r2s */
                    mca_bml_base_btl_array_reserve(&bml_endpoint->btl_eager, mca_bml_r2.num_btl_modules);
                    mca_bml_base_btl_array_reserve(&bml_endpoint->btl_send,  mca_bml_r2.num_btl_modules);
                    mca_bml_base_btl_array_reserve(&bml_endpoint->btl_rdma,  mca_bml_r2.num_btl_modules);
                    bml_endpoint->btl_max_send_size = -1;
                    bml_endpoint->btl_proc = proc;
                    proc->proc_bml = bml_endpoint; 
                    bml_endpoint->btl_flags_and = 0;
                    bml_endpoint->btl_flags_or = 0;

                bml_endpoints[p] =(mca_bml_base_endpoint_t*)  proc->proc_bml; 
                /* dont allow an additional BTL with a lower exclusivity ranking */
                size = mca_bml_base_btl_array_get_size(&bml_endpoint->btl_send);
                if(size > 0) {
                    bml_btl = mca_bml_base_btl_array_get_index(&bml_endpoint->btl_send, size-1);
                    /* skip this btl if the exclusivity is less than the previous */
                    if(bml_btl->btl->btl_exclusivity > btl->btl_exclusivity) {
                        if(btl_endpoints[p] != NULL) {
                            btl->btl_del_procs(btl, 1, &proc, &btl_endpoints[p]);

                /* cache the endpoint on the proc */
                bml_btl = mca_bml_base_btl_array_insert(&bml_endpoint->btl_send);
                bml_btl->btl = btl;
                bml_btl->btl_eager_limit = btl->btl_eager_limit;
                bml_btl->btl_min_send_size = btl->btl_min_send_size;
                bml_btl->btl_max_send_size = btl->btl_max_send_size;
                bml_btl->btl_min_rdma_size = btl->btl_min_rdma_size;
                bml_btl->btl_max_rdma_size = btl->btl_max_rdma_size;
                bml_btl->btl_cache = NULL;
                bml_btl->btl_endpoint = btl_endpoints[p];
                bml_btl->btl_weight = 0;
                bml_btl->btl_alloc = btl->btl_alloc;
                bml_btl->btl_free = btl->btl_free;
                bml_btl->btl_prepare_src = btl->btl_prepare_src;
                bml_btl->btl_prepare_dst = btl->btl_prepare_dst;
                bml_btl->btl_send = btl->btl_send;
                bml_btl->btl_flags = btl->btl_flags; 
                bml_btl->btl_put = btl->btl_put;
                if( (bml_btl->btl_flags & MCA_BTL_FLAGS_PUT) && (NULL == bml_btl->btl_put) ) {
                    opal_output(0, "mca_bml_r2_add_procs: The PUT flag is specified for"
                                " the %s BTL without any PUT function attached. Disard the flag !",
                    bml_btl->btl_flags ^= MCA_BTL_FLAGS_PUT;
                bml_btl->btl_get = btl->btl_get;
                if( (bml_btl->btl_flags & MCA_BTL_FLAGS_GET) && (NULL == bml_btl->btl_get) ) {
                    opal_output(0, "mca_bml_r2_add_procs: The GET flag is specified for"
                                " the %s BTL without any GET function attached. Disard the flag !",
                    bml_btl->btl_flags ^= MCA_BTL_FLAGS_GET;
                bml_btl->btl_mpool = btl->btl_mpool;
                if( (bml_btl->btl_flags & (MCA_BTL_FLAGS_PUT | MCA_BTL_FLAGS_GET | MCA_BTL_FLAGS_SEND)) == 0 ) {
                     * If no protocol specified, we have 2 choices: we ignore the BTL
                     * as we don't know which protocl to use, or we suppose that all
                     * BTLs support the send protocol. 
                    bml_btl->btl_flags |= MCA_BTL_FLAGS_SEND;
                 * calculate the bitwise OR and AND of the btl flags 
                bml_endpoint->btl_flags_or |= bml_btl->btl_flags;
                bml_endpoint->btl_flags_and &= bml_btl->btl_flags;
        if(btl_inuse > 0 && NULL != btl->btl_component->btl_progress) {
            size_t p;
            bool found = false;
            for(p=0; p<mca_bml_r2.num_btl_progress; p++) {
                if(mca_bml_r2.btl_progress[p] == btl->btl_component->btl_progress) {
                    found = true;
            if(found == false) {
                mca_bml_r2.btl_progress[mca_bml_r2.num_btl_progress] = 

    /* iterate back through procs and compute metrics for registered r2s */
    for(p=0; p<n_new_procs; p++) {
        ompi_proc_t *proc = new_procs[p];
        mca_bml_base_endpoint_t* bml_endpoint = (mca_bml_base_endpoint_t*) proc->proc_bml;
        double total_bandwidth = 0;
        uint32_t latency = 0xffffffff;
        size_t n_index;
        size_t n_size;

        /* skip over procs w/ no btl's registered */
        if(NULL == bml_endpoint) {

        /* (1) determine the total bandwidth available across all btls
         *     note that we need to do this here, as we may already have btls configured
         * (2) determine the highest priority ranking for latency
         * (3) compute the maximum amount of bytes that can be send without any
         *     weighting. Once the left over is smaller than this number we will
         *     start using the weight to compute the correct amount.
        n_size = mca_bml_base_btl_array_get_size(&bml_endpoint->btl_send); 
        bml_endpoint->bml_max_send_length = 0;
        bml_endpoint->bml_max_rdma_length = 0;
        bml_endpoint->btl_rdma_index = 0;
        for(n_index = 0; n_index < n_size; n_index++) {
            mca_bml_base_btl_t* bml_btl = 
                mca_bml_base_btl_array_get_index(&bml_endpoint->btl_send, n_index);
            mca_btl_base_module_t* btl = bml_btl->btl;
            total_bandwidth += bml_btl->btl->btl_bandwidth;
            if(btl->btl_latency < latency) {
                latency = btl->btl_latency;
            bml_endpoint->bml_max_send_length += bml_btl->btl->btl_bandwidth;
        /* (1) set the weight of each btl as a percentage of overall bandwidth
         * (2) copy all btl instances at the highest priority ranking into the
         *     list of btls used for first fragments
        for(n_index = 0; n_index < n_size; n_index++) {
            mca_bml_base_btl_t* bml_btl = 
                mca_bml_base_btl_array_get_index(&bml_endpoint->btl_send, n_index);
            mca_btl_base_module_t *btl = bml_btl->btl;

            /* compute weighting factor for this r2 */
            if(btl->btl_bandwidth > 0) {
                bml_btl->btl_weight = btl->btl_bandwidth / total_bandwidth;
            } else {
                bml_btl->btl_weight = 1.0 / n_size;

            /* check to see if this r2 is already in the array of r2s 
             * used for first fragments - if not add it.
            if(btl->btl_latency == latency) {
                mca_bml_base_btl_t* bml_btl_new = 
                *bml_btl_new = *bml_btl;

            /* set endpoint max send size as min of available btls */
            if(bml_endpoint->btl_max_send_size > btl->btl_max_send_size)
               bml_endpoint->btl_max_send_size = btl->btl_max_send_size;

            /* check flags - is rdma prefered */
            if(btl->btl_flags & (MCA_BTL_FLAGS_PUT|MCA_BTL_FLAGS_GET) &&
               proc->proc_arch == ompi_proc_local_proc->proc_arch) {
                mca_bml_base_btl_t* bml_btl_rdma = mca_bml_base_btl_array_insert(&bml_endpoint->btl_rdma);
                *bml_btl_rdma = *bml_btl;
                if(bml_endpoint->btl_rdma_offset < bml_btl_rdma->btl_min_rdma_size) {
                    bml_endpoint->btl_rdma_offset = bml_btl_rdma->btl_min_rdma_size;

    /* see if we have a connection to everyone else */
    for(p=0; p<n_new_procs; p++) {
        ompi_proc_t *proc = new_procs[p];

        if (NULL == proc->proc_bml) {
            if (NULL == unreach_proc) {
                unreach_proc = proc;
            ret = OMPI_ERR_UNREACH;

    if (mca_bml_r2.show_unreach_errors && 
        OMPI_ERR_UNREACH == ret) {
        char *local, *remote;


                       "unreachable proc",
                       true, local, remote, NULL);



    return ret;