Screen* meh_screen_mapping_new(App* app) { g_assert(app != NULL); Screen* screen = meh_screen_new(app->window); screen->name = g_strdup("Gamepad configuration screen"); screen->messages_handler = &meh_screen_mapping_messages_handler; screen->destroy_data = &meh_screen_mapping_destroy_data; /* * Custom data */ MappingData* data = g_new(MappingData, 1); SDL_Color white = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }; data->title = meh_widget_text_new(app->big_font, "Press a key on the controller to configure", 50, 50, 1230, 50, white, FALSE); data->title->x = meh_transition_start(MEH_TRANSITION_LINEAR, -300, 50, 300); meh_screen_add_text_transitions(screen, data->title); data->device_configuring = NULL; data->action = NULL; data->step = MEH_MAPPING_STEP_IDENTIFY; screen->data = data; return screen; }
/* * meh_simple_popup_add_action adds an action to the popup. */ void meh_simple_popup_add_action(App* app, Screen* screen, gchar* label, void (*func) (struct App*, struct Screen*)) { g_assert(label != NULL); g_assert(func != NULL); SimplePopupData* data = meh_simple_popup_get_data(screen); SimplePopupAction* new_action = g_new(SimplePopupAction, 1); new_action->label = g_strdup(label); new_action->run = func; SDL_Color white = { 255, 255, 255, 0 }; /* compute the position of this widget */ new_action->widget = meh_widget_text_new( app->small_font, new_action->label, 400, data->y+55 + (32*g_queue_get_length(data->actions)), data->width-20, 30, white, TRUE); g_queue_push_tail(data->actions, new_action); }
void meh_exec_selection_prepare(App* app, Screen* screen) { g_assert(app != NULL); g_assert(screen != NULL); ExecutableListData* data = meh_exec_list_get_data(screen); SDL_Color white = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }; SDL_Color white_transparent = { 255, 255, 255, 50 }; /* Selection */ data->selection_widget = meh_widget_rect_new(0, -100, 415, 28, white_transparent, TRUE); data->selection_widget->y = meh_transition_start(MEH_TRANSITION_CUBIC, -100, 130, 500); meh_screen_add_rect_transitions(screen, data->selection_widget); /* Executables */ for (int i = 0; i < MEH_EXEC_LIST_SIZE; i++) { WidgetText* text = meh_widget_text_new(app->small_font, "", 55, 130+(i*32), 350, 30, white, FALSE); text->uppercase = TRUE; /* executables name in uppercase */ g_queue_push_tail(data->executable_widgets, text); } }
Screen* meh_screen_popup_new(App* app, Screen* src_screen, Executable* executable) { g_assert(app != NULL); g_assert(src_screen != NULL); g_assert(executable != NULL); Screen* screen = meh_screen_new(app->window); screen->name = g_strdup("Popup screen"); screen->messages_handler = &meh_screen_popup_messages_handler; screen->destroy_data = &meh_screen_popup_destroy_data; /* * Custom data */ PopupData* data = g_new(PopupData, 1); data->src_screen = src_screen; data->executable = executable; data->action = 0; data->width = 400; data->height = 200; data->x = MEH_FAKE_WIDTH/2 - data->width/2; data->y = MEH_FAKE_HEIGHT/2 - data->height/2; data->quitting = FALSE; /* Popup background */ SDL_Color white = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }; SDL_Color black = { 0, 0, 0, 240 }; SDL_Color gray = { 15, 15, 15, 120 }; SDL_Color light_gray = { 90, 90, 90, 220 }; SDL_Color very_light_gray = { 40, 40, 40, 220 }; data->background_widget = meh_widget_rect_new(data->x, data->y, data->width, data->height, very_light_gray, TRUE); data->background_widget->y = meh_transition_start(MEH_TRANSITION_LINEAR, -data->height, data->background_widget->y.value, 150); meh_screen_add_rect_transitions(screen, data->background_widget); screen->data = data; black.a = 150; data->hover_widget = meh_widget_rect_new(0, 0, MEH_FAKE_WIDTH, MEH_FAKE_HEIGHT, black, TRUE); /* Title */ data->title_widget = meh_widget_text_new(app->small_bold_font, "OPTIONS", data->x+10, data->y+5, data->width-10, 40, white, TRUE); data->title_bg_widget = meh_widget_rect_new(data->x, data->y, data->width, 45, gray, TRUE); data->selection_widget = meh_widget_rect_new( data->x+5, data->y+54, data->width-10, 30, light_gray, TRUE); /* Add/Remove to favorite */ data->favorite_widget = meh_widget_text_new( app->small_font, executable->favorite == 1 ? "Remove from favorite" : "Add to favorite", data->x+20, data->y+55, data->width-20, 30, white, TRUE); screen->data = data; return screen; }
Screen* meh_screen_popup_new(App* app, Screen* src_screen, Platform* platform, Executable* executable) { g_assert(app != NULL); g_assert(src_screen != NULL); g_assert(executable != NULL); Screen* screen = meh_screen_new(app->window); screen->name = g_strdup("Popup screen"); screen->messages_handler = &meh_screen_popup_messages_handler; screen->destroy_data = &meh_screen_popup_destroy_data; /* * Custom data */ PopupData* data = g_new(PopupData, 1); data->src_screen = src_screen; data->executable = executable; data->platform = platform; data->action = 0; data->width = 400; data->height = 200; data->x = MEH_FAKE_WIDTH/2 - data->width/2; data->y = MEH_FAKE_HEIGHT/2 - data->height/2; /* Popup background */ SDL_Color white = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }; SDL_Color black = { 0, 0, 0, 240 }; SDL_Color light_gray = { 40, 40, 40, 220 }; screen->data = data; black.a = 210; data->hover_widget = meh_widget_rect_new(0, 0, MEH_FAKE_WIDTH, MEH_FAKE_HEIGHT, black, TRUE); /* Title */ data->title_widget = meh_widget_text_new(app->small_bold_font, "OPTIONS", -300, data->y+5, data->width-10, 40, white, TRUE); data->title_widget->x = meh_transition_start(MEH_TRANSITION_CUBIC, -300, 300, 350); meh_screen_add_text_transitions(screen, data->title_widget); data->selection_widget = meh_widget_rect_new( 0, data->y+54, MEH_FAKE_WIDTH, 30, light_gray, TRUE); /* Add/Remove to favorite */ data->favorite_widget = meh_widget_text_new( app->small_font, executable->favorite == 1 ? "Remove from favorite" : "Add to favorite", 400, data->y+55, data->width-20, 30, white, TRUE); /* Run random */ data->random_widget = meh_widget_text_new( app->small_font, "Run random executable of this platform", 400, data->y+87, data->width-20, 30, white, TRUE); screen->data = data; return screen; }
Screen* meh_main_popup_new(App* app, Screen* src_screen) { g_assert(app != NULL); g_assert(src_screen != NULL); Screen* screen = meh_screen_new(app->window); screen->name = g_strdup("Main popup screen"); screen->messages_handler = &meh_main_popup_messages_handler; screen->destroy_data = &meh_main_popup_destroy_data; /* * Custom data */ MainPopupData* data = g_new(MainPopupData, 1); data->src_screen = src_screen; data->action = 0; data->width = 400; data->height = 200; data->x = MEH_FAKE_WIDTH/2 - data->width/2; data->y = MEH_FAKE_HEIGHT/2 - data->height/2; /* Popup background */ SDL_Color white = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }; SDL_Color black = { 0, 0, 0, 240 }; SDL_Color light_gray = { 40, 40, 40, 220 }; screen->data = data; black.a = 210; data->hover_widget = meh_widget_rect_new(0, 0, MEH_FAKE_WIDTH, MEH_FAKE_HEIGHT, black, TRUE); /* Title */ data->title_widget = meh_widget_text_new(app->small_bold_font, "COMMANDS", data->x+10, data->y+5, data->width-10, 40, white, TRUE); data->title_widget->x = meh_transition_start(MEH_TRANSITION_CUBIC, -300, 300, 350); meh_screen_add_text_transitions(screen, data->title_widget); data->selection_widget = meh_widget_rect_new( 0, data->y+54, MEH_FAKE_WIDTH, 30, light_gray, TRUE); data->title_widget->x = meh_transition_start(MEH_TRANSITION_CUBIC, -300, 300, 350); meh_screen_add_text_transitions(screen, data->title_widget); /* Run random executable */ data->random_widget = meh_widget_text_new( app->small_font, "Run random executable", 400, data->y+55, data->width-20, 30, white, TRUE); /* Close mehstation */ data->close_widget = meh_widget_text_new( app->small_font, "Close mehstation", 400, data->y+87, data->width-20, 30, white, TRUE); /* Shutdown */ data->shutdown_widget = meh_widget_text_new( app->small_font, "Shutdown", 400, data->y+119, data->width-20, 30, white, TRUE); screen->data = data; return screen; }
/* * meh_screen_mapping_button_pressed is called when we received a button pressed * message. */ void meh_screen_mapping_button_pressed(App* app, Screen* screen, int pressed_button, int sdl_key, gchar* guid) { MappingData* data = meh_screen_mapping_get_data(screen); g_assert(data != NULL); SDL_Color white = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }; Gamepad* gamepad = meh_input_manager_gamepad_by_guid(app->input_manager, guid); const char* name = "keyboard"; if (gamepad != NULL) { name = gamepad->name; } switch (data->step) { case MEH_MAPPING_STEP_IDENTIFY: meh_widget_text_destroy(data->title); data->title = meh_widget_text_new(app->big_font, "Configuring:", 50, 50, 1230, 50, white, FALSE); data->device_configuring = meh_widget_text_new(app->big_font, name, 300, 50, 1030, 50, white, FALSE); data->action = meh_widget_text_new(app->big_font, "Press the key for up", 200, 150, 1030, 50, white, FALSE); data->action->x = meh_transition_start(MEH_TRANSITION_LINEAR, MEH_FAKE_WIDTH+200, 200, 200); meh_screen_add_text_transitions(screen, data->action); break; case MEH_MAPPING_STEP_UP: meh_widget_text_destroy(data->action); data->action = meh_widget_text_new(app->big_font, "Press the key for down", 200, 150, 1030, 50, white, FALSE); data->action->x = meh_transition_start(MEH_TRANSITION_LINEAR, MEH_FAKE_WIDTH+200, 200, 200); meh_screen_add_text_transitions(screen, data->action); data->up = sdl_key; break; case MEH_MAPPING_STEP_DOWN: meh_widget_text_destroy(data->action); data->action = meh_widget_text_new(app->big_font, "Press the key for left", 200, 150, 1030, 50, white, FALSE); data->action->x = meh_transition_start(MEH_TRANSITION_LINEAR, MEH_FAKE_WIDTH+200, 200, 200); meh_screen_add_text_transitions(screen, data->action); data->down = sdl_key; break; case MEH_MAPPING_STEP_LEFT: meh_widget_text_destroy(data->action); data->action = meh_widget_text_new(app->big_font, "Press the key for right", 200, 150, 1030, 50, white, FALSE); data->action->x = meh_transition_start(MEH_TRANSITION_LINEAR, MEH_FAKE_WIDTH+200, 200, 200); meh_screen_add_text_transitions(screen, data->action); data->left = sdl_key; break; case MEH_MAPPING_STEP_RIGHT: meh_widget_text_destroy(data->action); data->action = meh_widget_text_new(app->big_font, "Press the key for A button", 200, 150, 1030, 50, white, FALSE); data->action->x = meh_transition_start(MEH_TRANSITION_LINEAR, MEH_FAKE_WIDTH+200, 200, 200); meh_screen_add_text_transitions(screen, data->action); data->right = sdl_key; break; case MEH_MAPPING_STEP_A: meh_widget_text_destroy(data->action); data->action = meh_widget_text_new(app->big_font, "Press the key for B button", 200, 150, 1030, 50, white, FALSE); data->action->x = meh_transition_start(MEH_TRANSITION_LINEAR, MEH_FAKE_WIDTH+200, 200, 200); meh_screen_add_text_transitions(screen, data->action); data->a = sdl_key; break; case MEH_MAPPING_STEP_B: meh_widget_text_destroy(data->action); data->action = meh_widget_text_new(app->big_font, "Press the key for L button", 200, 150, 1030, 50, white, FALSE); data->action->x = meh_transition_start(MEH_TRANSITION_LINEAR, MEH_FAKE_WIDTH+200, 200, 200); meh_screen_add_text_transitions(screen, data->action); data->b = sdl_key; break; case MEH_MAPPING_STEP_L: meh_widget_text_destroy(data->action); data->action = meh_widget_text_new(app->big_font, "Press the key for R button", 200, 150, 1030, 50, white, FALSE); data->action->x = meh_transition_start(MEH_TRANSITION_LINEAR, MEH_FAKE_WIDTH+200, 200, 200); meh_screen_add_text_transitions(screen, data->action); data->l = sdl_key; break; case MEH_MAPPING_STEP_R: meh_widget_text_destroy(data->action); data->action = meh_widget_text_new(app->big_font, "Press the key for START button", 200, 150, 1030, 50, white, FALSE); data->action->x = meh_transition_start(MEH_TRANSITION_LINEAR, MEH_FAKE_WIDTH+200, 200, 200); meh_screen_add_text_transitions(screen, data->action); data->r = sdl_key; break; case MEH_MAPPING_STEP_START: meh_widget_text_destroy(data->action); data->action = meh_widget_text_new(app->big_font, "Press the key for SELECT button", 200, 150, 1030, 50, white, FALSE); data->action->x = meh_transition_start(MEH_TRANSITION_LINEAR, MEH_FAKE_WIDTH+200, 200, 200); meh_screen_add_text_transitions(screen, data->action); data->start = sdl_key; break; case MEH_MAPPING_STEP_SELECT: meh_widget_text_destroy(data->action); data->action = meh_widget_text_new(app->big_font, "All done", 200, 150, 1030, 50, white, FALSE); data->action->x = meh_transition_start(MEH_TRANSITION_LINEAR, MEH_FAKE_WIDTH+200, 200, 200); meh_screen_add_text_transitions(screen, data->action); data->select = sdl_key; break; case MEH_MAPPING_STEP_END: meh_screen_mapping_next_screen(app, screen); break; } meh_input_manager_reset_buttons_state(app->input_manager); data->step++; }