コード例 #1
ファイル: hostd.c プロジェクト: baiyitao/practice
 * Dequeue userjob queue, put into priority queues
void deqUserJobQ() {
	PcbPtr ps;
	MabPtr mem;
	/* while head of userJobQ can be allocated on memory and resources available
	   If the process is invalid (requires more than maximum of memory or i/o),
	   it should also be enqueued to ensure it is terminate on starting time */
	while(userJobQ && (mem = memChk(memory, userJobQ->memNeed)) && rsrcChk(userJobQ)) {
		ps = deqPcb(&userJobQ);

		/* allocate memory block */
		ps->mab = memAlloc(mem, ps->memNeed);
		/* allocate I/O resource */
		/* enqueue on appropriate feedback queue */	
		switch(ps->priority) {
			case 1:
				priorityQ_1 = enqPcb(priorityQ_1, ps);
			case 2:
				priorityQ_2 = enqPcb(priorityQ_2, ps);
			case 3:
				priorityQ_3 = enqPcb(priorityQ_3, ps);
				error("Process priority level should be between 1 to 3");
コード例 #2
/* Move head of userqueue to feedback queues */
void enqueue_roundrobin() {
	PcbPtr process;
	while (user_queue) { // while there are items in the user queue
		if (check_resource(io_resources,user_queue) == 1 && memChk(memory,user_queue->mbytes)){ // if resources/memory can be allocated for the given process
			process = pcb_dequeue(&user_queue);
			process->memory = memAlloc(memory,process->mbytes); // allocating memory
			if (process->memory) { // making sure it is not null
				process->memory->id = process->id;
			io_resources = allocate_resource(io_resources,process);
			switch (process->priority) {
				case 0:
				case 1:
					p1_queue = pcb_enqueue(p1_queue,process);
				case 2:
					p2_queue = pcb_enqueue(p2_queue,process);
				case 3:
					p3_queue = pcb_enqueue(p3_queue,process);
					fprintf(stderr, "Error. Priority not correctly set. Process ID: %d Priority: %d\n",process->id,process->priority);
		else { // leave the while loop when the above condition fails
コード例 #3
ファイル: hostd.c プロジェクト: onemahon/General-Programming
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    char * inputfile;             // job dispatch file
    FILE * inputliststream;
    PcbPtr inputqueue = NULL;     // input queue buffer
    PcbPtr fbqueue[N_FB_QUEUES];  // feedback queues
    PcbPtr currentprocess = NULL; // current process
    PcbPtr process = NULL;        // working pcb pointer
    int timer = 0;                // dispatcher timer
    int quantum = QUANTUM;        // current time-slice quantum
    int i;                        // working index

//  0. Parse command line

    if (argc == 2) inputfile = argv[1];
    else PrintUsage (stderr, argv[0]);

//  1. Initialize dispatcher queues;

    for (i = 0; i < N_FB_QUEUES; fbqueue[i++] = NULL);
//  2. Fill dispatcher queue from dispatch list file;
    if (!(inputliststream = fopen(inputfile, "r"))) { // open it
          SysErrMsg("could not open dispatch list file:", inputfile);

    while (!feof(inputliststream)) {  // put processes into input_queue
        process = createnullPcb();
        if (fscanf(inputliststream,"%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d",
             &(process->arrivaltime), &(process->priority),
             &(process->remainingcputime), &(process->mbytes),
             &(process->req.printers), &(process->req.scanners),
             &(process->req.modems), &(process->req.cds)) != 8) {
        process->status = PCB_INITIALIZED;
        inputqueue = enqPcb(inputqueue, process);

//  3. Start dispatcher timer;
//     (already set to zero above)
	//initialize memory
	MabPtr memall = createnullMab(1024);
	//split memory into "protected" Real Time process memory and User Memory
	MabPtr rtmem = memSplit(memall, 64);
	MabPtr mem = rtmem->next;	//work with "mem" as user memory area
	mem->justused = 1; //initialize, the "justused" represents the most recently used, and the algorithm assumes one exists no matter what
    PcbPtr feedbackpending = NULL;	// processes waiting for memory
//  4. While there's anything in any of the queues or there is a currently running process:

    while (inputqueue || (CheckQueues(fbqueue) >= 0) || currentprocess ) {
//      i. Unload any pending processes from the input queue:
//         While (head-of-input-queue.arrival-time <= dispatcher timer)
//         dequeue process from input queue and and enqueue on feebackpending queue
        while (inputqueue && inputqueue->arrivaltime <= timer) {
            process = deqPcb(&inputqueue);          // dequeue process
            process->status = PCB_READY;            // set pcb ready
            process->priority = 0;                  // override any priority 
            feedbackpending = enqPcb(feedbackpending, process);
                                                    // & put on queue
		PcbPtr nextprocess = feedbackpending;
		//unload pending processes from user job queue:
		//while (feedbackpending->mbytes is free somewhere in user mem:
		while(feedbackpending && memChk(mem, feedbackpending->mbytes)){
			nextprocess = deqPcb(&feedbackpending); // dequeue process from user job queue
			nextprocess->memoryblock = memAlloc(mem, nextprocess->mbytes); // allocate memory to the process
			nextprocess->priority = 0;
			fbqueue[nextprocess->priority] = enqPcb(fbqueue[nextprocess->priority], nextprocess);
		puts("got it");

//     iii. If a process is currently running;
        if (currentprocess) {
            currentprocess->remainingcputime -= quantum;
            if (currentprocess->remainingcputime <= 0) {
                currentprocess = NULL;
//         c. else if other processes are waiting in feedback queues:
            } else if (CheckQueues(fbqueue) >= 0) {
                if (++(currentprocess->priority) >= N_FB_QUEUES)
                    currentprocess->priority = N_FB_QUEUES - 1;
                fbqueue[currentprocess->priority] = 
                    enqPcb(fbqueue[currentprocess->priority], currentprocess);
                currentprocess = NULL;
//    iv. If no process currently running && feedback queues are not empty:

        if (!currentprocess && (i = CheckQueues(fbqueue)) >= 0) {
            currentprocess = deqPcb(&fbqueue[i]);
//      v. sleep for quantum;

        quantum = currentprocess && currentprocess->remainingcputime < QUANTUM ?
                  currentprocess->remainingcputime :
                  !(currentprocess) ? 1 : QUANTUM;
        timer += quantum;
    exit (0);