void menu_entries_pop_stack(size_t *ptr, size_t idx) { menu_list_t *menu_list = NULL; menu_entries_ctl(MENU_ENTRIES_CTL_LIST_GET, &menu_list); if (menu_list) menu_list_pop_stack(menu_list, idx, ptr); }
static int mouse_post_iterate(menu_file_list_cbs_t *cbs, const char *path, const char *label, unsigned type, unsigned action) { if (!driver.menu->mouse.enable) return 0; if (driver.menu->mouse.ptr <= menu_list_get_size(driver.menu->menu_list)-1) menu_navigation_set(driver.menu, driver.menu->mouse.ptr, false); if (driver.menu->mouse.left) { if (!driver.menu->mouse.oldleft) { driver.menu->mouse.oldleft = true; if (cbs && cbs->action_ok) return cbs->action_ok(path, label, type, driver.menu->selection_ptr); } } else driver.menu->mouse.oldleft = false; if (driver.menu->mouse.right) { if (!driver.menu->mouse.oldright) { driver.menu->mouse.oldright = true; menu_list_pop_stack(driver.menu->menu_list); } } else driver.menu->mouse.oldright = false; return 0; }
static void menu_list_flush_stack(menu_list_t *list, size_t idx, const char *needle, unsigned final_type) { const char *path = NULL; const char *label = NULL; unsigned type = 0; size_t entry_idx = 0; if (!list) return; menu_entries_set_refresh(false); menu_entries_get_last(list->menu_stack[idx], &path, &label, &type, &entry_idx); while (menu_entries_flush_stack_type( needle, label, type, final_type) != 0) { size_t new_selection_ptr; menu_navigation_ctl(MENU_NAVIGATION_CTL_GET_SELECTION, &new_selection_ptr); if (!menu_list_pop_stack(list, idx, &new_selection_ptr)) break; menu_navigation_ctl(MENU_NAVIGATION_CTL_SET_SELECTION, &new_selection_ptr); menu_entries_get_last(list->menu_stack[idx], &path, &label, &type, &entry_idx); } }
static int archive_open(void) { char cat_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; const char *menu_path = NULL; const char *menu_label = NULL; const char* path = NULL; unsigned int type = 0; menu_handle_t *menu = menu_driver_get_ptr(); if (!menu) return -1; menu_list_pop_stack(menu->menu_list); menu_list_get_last_stack(menu->menu_list, &menu_path, &menu_label, NULL); if (menu_list_get_size(menu->menu_list) == 0) return 0; menu_list_get_at_offset(menu->menu_list->selection_buf, menu->navigation.selection_ptr, &path, NULL, &type); fill_pathname_join(cat_path, menu_path, path, sizeof(cat_path)); menu_list_push_stack_refresh( menu->menu_list, cat_path, menu_label, type, menu->navigation.selection_ptr); return 0; }
static int menu_archive_open(void) { char cat_path[PATH_MAX]; const char *menu_path = NULL; const char *menu_label = NULL; const char* path = NULL; unsigned int type = 0; menu_list_pop_stack(driver.menu->menu_list); menu_list_get_last_stack(driver.menu->menu_list, &menu_path, &menu_label, NULL); if (menu_list_get_size(driver.menu->menu_list) == 0) return 0; menu_list_get_at_offset(driver.menu->menu_list->selection_buf, driver.menu->selection_ptr, &path, NULL, &type); fill_pathname_join(cat_path, menu_path, path, sizeof(cat_path)); menu_list_push_stack_refresh( driver.menu->menu_list, cat_path, menu_label, type, driver.menu->selection_ptr); return 0; }
static void menu_list_flush_stack(menu_list_t *list, size_t idx, const char *needle, unsigned final_type) { bool refresh = false; const char *path = NULL; const char *label = NULL; unsigned type = 0; size_t entry_idx = 0; file_list_t *menu_list = menu_list_get(list, (unsigned)idx); if (!list) return; menu_entries_ctl(MENU_ENTRIES_CTL_SET_REFRESH, &refresh); file_list_get_last(menu_list, &path, &label, &type, &entry_idx); while (menu_list_flush_stack_type( needle, label, type, final_type) != 0) { size_t new_selection_ptr = menu_navigation_get_selection(); if (!menu_list_pop_stack(list, idx, &new_selection_ptr, 1)) break; menu_navigation_set_selection(new_selection_ptr); menu_list = menu_list_get(list, (unsigned)idx); file_list_get_last(menu_list, &path, &label, &type, &entry_idx); } }
static int menu_input_mouse_frame( menu_file_list_cbs_t *cbs, menu_entry_t *entry, uint64_t input_mouse) { menu_input_t *menu_input = menu_input_get_ptr(); menu_list_t *menu_list = menu_list_get_ptr(); menu_navigation_t *nav = menu_navigation_get_ptr(); if (BIT64_GET(input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_L)) { if (BIT64_GET(input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_L_TOGGLE)) return menu_entry_action(entry, nav->selection_ptr, MENU_ACTION_SELECT); if (BIT64_GET(input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_L_SET_NAVIGATION)) menu_navigation_set(nav, menu_input->mouse.ptr, false); } if (BIT64_GET(input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_R)) menu_list_pop_stack(menu_list, &nav->selection_ptr); if (BIT64_GET(input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_WHEEL_DOWN)) menu_navigation_increment(nav, 1); if (BIT64_GET(input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_WHEEL_UP)) menu_navigation_decrement(nav, 1); return 0; }
static int action_iterate_custom_bind_keyboard(const char *label, unsigned action) { menu_handle_t *menu = menu_driver_get_ptr(); if (!menu) return -1; if (menu_input_bind_iterate_keyboard()) menu_list_pop_stack(menu->menu_list); return 0; }
static int menu_message_toggle(unsigned action) { if (driver.video_data && driver.menu_ctx && driver.menu_ctx->render_messagebox) driver.menu_ctx->render_messagebox(driver.menu->message_contents); if (action == MENU_ACTION_OK) menu_list_pop_stack(driver.menu->menu_list); return 0; }
static int archive_load(void) { int ret = 0; menu_displaylist_info_t info = {0}; const char *menu_path = NULL; const char *menu_label = NULL; const char* path = NULL; size_t entry_idx = 0; settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); global_t *global = global_get_ptr(); size_t selected = menu_navigation_get_current_selection(); menu_handle_t *menu = menu_driver_get_ptr(); menu_list_t *menu_list = menu_list_get_ptr(); if (!menu || !menu_list) return -1; menu_list_pop_stack(menu_list); menu_list_get_last_stack(menu_list, &menu_path, &menu_label, NULL, NULL); if (menu_list_get_size(menu_list) == 0) return 0; menu_list_get_at_offset(menu_list->selection_buf, selected, &path, NULL, NULL, &entry_idx); ret = rarch_defer_core(global->core_info, menu_path, path, menu_label, menu->deferred_path, sizeof(menu->deferred_path)); fill_pathname_join(detect_content_path, menu_path, path, sizeof(detect_content_path)); switch (ret) { case -1: event_command(EVENT_CMD_LOAD_CORE); menu_common_load_content(false, CORE_TYPE_PLAIN); break; case 0: info.list = menu_list->menu_stack; info.type = 0; info.directory_ptr = selected; strlcpy(info.path, settings->libretro_directory, sizeof(info.path)); strlcpy(info.label, menu_hash_to_str(MENU_LABEL_DEFERRED_CORE_LIST), sizeof(info.label)); ret = menu_displaylist_push_list(&info, DISPLAYLIST_GENERIC); break; } return ret; }
static int menu_info_screen_iterate(unsigned action) { char msg[PATH_MAX]; char needle[PATH_MAX]; unsigned info_type = 0; rarch_setting_t *current_setting = NULL; file_list_t *list = (file_list_t*)driver.menu->menu_list->selection_buf; if (!driver.menu) return 0; if (driver.video_data && driver.menu_ctx && driver.menu_ctx->render) driver.menu_ctx->render(); current_setting = (rarch_setting_t*)setting_data_find_setting( driver.menu->list_settings, list->list[driver.menu->selection_ptr].label); if (current_setting) strlcpy(needle, current_setting->name, sizeof(needle)); else if ((current_setting = (rarch_setting_t*)setting_data_find_setting( driver.menu->list_mainmenu, list->list[driver.menu->selection_ptr].label))) { if (current_setting) strlcpy(needle, current_setting->name, sizeof(needle)); } else { const char *label = NULL; menu_list_get_at_offset(driver.menu->menu_list->selection_buf, driver.menu->selection_ptr, NULL, &label, &info_type); if (label) strlcpy(needle, label, sizeof(needle)); } setting_data_get_description(needle, msg, sizeof(msg)); if (driver.video_data && driver.menu_ctx && driver.menu_ctx->render_messagebox) { if (*msg && msg[0] != '\0') driver.menu_ctx->render_messagebox(msg); } if (action == MENU_ACTION_OK) menu_list_pop_stack(driver.menu->menu_list); return 0; }
static int action_iterate_message(const char *label, unsigned action) { menu_handle_t *menu = menu_driver_get_ptr(); if (!menu) return -1; menu_driver_render_messagebox(menu->message_contents); if (action == MENU_ACTION_OK) menu_list_pop_stack(menu->menu_list); return 0; }
/* Clicks the back button */ int menu_entry_go_back(void) { menu_list_t *menu_list = menu_list_get_ptr(); if (!menu_list) return -1; menu_setting_apply_deferred(); menu_list_pop_stack(menu_list); if (menu_entries_needs_refresh()) menu_entries_refresh(MENU_ACTION_CANCEL); rarch_main_data_iterate(); return 0; }
static int archive_load(void) { int ret; const char *menu_path = NULL; const char *menu_label = NULL; const char* path = NULL; unsigned int type = 0; menu_handle_t *menu = menu_driver_get_ptr(); settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); global_t *global = global_get_ptr(); if (!menu) return -1; menu_list_pop_stack(menu->menu_list); menu_list_get_last_stack(menu->menu_list, &menu_path, &menu_label, NULL); if (menu_list_get_size(menu->menu_list) == 0) return 0; menu_list_get_at_offset(menu->menu_list->selection_buf, menu->navigation.selection_ptr, &path, NULL, &type); ret = rarch_defer_core(global->core_info, menu_path, path, menu_label, menu->deferred_path, sizeof(menu->deferred_path)); switch (ret) { case -1: event_command(EVENT_CMD_LOAD_CORE); menu_entries_common_load_content(false); break; case 0: menu_list_push_stack_refresh( menu->menu_list, settings->libretro_directory, "deferred_core_list", 0, menu->navigation.selection_ptr); break; } return 0; }
static int menu_input_mouse_frame( menu_file_list_cbs_t *cbs, menu_entry_t *entry, uint64_t input_mouse) { size_t selection; menu_input_t *menu_input = menu_input_get_ptr(); menu_list_t *menu_list = menu_list_get_ptr(); menu_navigation_ctl(MENU_NAVIGATION_CTL_GET_SELECTION, &selection); if (BIT64_GET(input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_L)) { if (BIT64_GET(input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_L_TOGGLE)) return menu_entry_action(entry, selection, MENU_ACTION_SELECT); if (BIT64_GET(input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_L_SET_NAVIGATION)) { size_t idx = menu_input->mouse.ptr; bool scroll = false; menu_navigation_ctl(MENU_NAVIGATION_CTL_SET_SELECTION, &idx); menu_navigation_ctl(MENU_NAVIGATION_CTL_SET, &scroll); } } if (BIT64_GET(input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_R)) { menu_list_pop_stack(menu_list, &selection); menu_navigation_ctl(MENU_NAVIGATION_CTL_SET_SELECTION, &selection); } if (BIT64_GET(input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_WHEEL_DOWN)) { unsigned increment_by = 1; menu_navigation_ctl(MENU_NAVIGATION_CTL_INCREMENT, &increment_by); } if (BIT64_GET(input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_WHEEL_UP)) { unsigned decrement_by = 1; menu_navigation_ctl(MENU_NAVIGATION_CTL_DECREMENT, &decrement_by); } return 0; }
static int menu_archive_load(void) { int ret; const char *menu_path = NULL; const char *menu_label = NULL; const char* path = NULL; unsigned int type = 0; menu_list_pop_stack(driver.menu->menu_list); menu_list_get_last_stack(driver.menu->menu_list, &menu_path, &menu_label, NULL); if (menu_list_get_size(driver.menu->menu_list) == 0) return 0; menu_list_get_at_offset(driver.menu->menu_list->selection_buf, driver.menu->selection_ptr, &path, NULL, &type); ret = rarch_defer_core(g_extern.core_info, menu_path, path, driver.menu->deferred_path, sizeof(driver.menu->deferred_path)); switch (ret) { case -1: rarch_main_command(RARCH_CMD_LOAD_CORE); menu_common_load_content(); break; case 0: menu_list_push_stack_refresh( driver.menu->menu_list, g_settings.libretro_directory, "deferred_core_list", 0, driver.menu->selection_ptr); break; } return 0; }
static int archive_open(void) { char cat_path[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0}; menu_displaylist_info_t info = {0}; const char *menu_path = NULL; const char *menu_label = NULL; const char* path = NULL; unsigned int type = 0; size_t entry_idx = 0; menu_navigation_t *nav = menu_navigation_get_ptr(); menu_list_t *menu_list = menu_list_get_ptr(); if (!menu_list || !nav) return -1; menu_list_pop_stack(menu_list); menu_list_get_last_stack(menu_list, &menu_path, &menu_label, NULL, NULL); if (menu_list_get_size(menu_list) == 0) return 0; menu_list_get_at_offset(menu_list->selection_buf, nav->selection_ptr, &path, NULL, &type, &entry_idx); fill_pathname_join(cat_path, menu_path, path, sizeof(cat_path)); fill_pathname_join(detect_content_path, menu_path, path, sizeof(detect_content_path)); info.list = menu_list->menu_stack; info.type = type; info.directory_ptr = nav->selection_ptr; strlcpy(info.path, cat_path, sizeof(info.path)); strlcpy(info.label, menu_label, sizeof(info.label)); return menu_displaylist_push_list(&info, DISPLAYLIST_GENERIC); }
static int menu_input_mouse_post_iterate(menu_file_list_cbs_t *cbs, const char *path, const char *label, unsigned type, unsigned action) { driver_t *driver = driver_get_ptr(); menu_handle_t *menu = menu_driver_get_ptr(); settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); if (!menu) return -1; if (!settings->menu.mouse.enable #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY || (settings->input.overlay_enable && driver && driver->overlay) #endif ) { menu->mouse.wheeldown = false; menu->mouse.wheelup = false; menu->mouse.oldleft = false; menu->mouse.oldright = false; return 0; } if (menu->mouse.left) { if (!menu->mouse.oldleft) { rarch_setting_t *setting = (rarch_setting_t*)setting_find_setting (menu->list_settings, menu->menu_list->selection_buf->list[menu->navigation.selection_ptr].label); menu->mouse.oldleft = true; #if 0 RARCH_LOG("action OK: %d\n", cbs && cbs->action_ok); RARCH_LOG("action toggle: %d\n", cbs && cbs->action_toggle); if (setting && setting->type) RARCH_LOG("action type: %d\n", setting->type); #endif if (menu->mouse.ptr == menu->navigation.selection_ptr && cbs && cbs->action_toggle && setting && (setting->type == ST_BOOL || setting->type == ST_UINT || setting->type == ST_FLOAT || setting->type == ST_STRING)) return cbs->action_toggle(type, label, MENU_ACTION_RIGHT, true); if (menu->mouse.ptr == menu->navigation.selection_ptr && cbs && cbs->action_ok) return cbs->action_ok(path, label, type, menu->navigation.selection_ptr); else if (menu->mouse.ptr <= menu_list_get_size(menu->menu_list)-1) menu_navigation_set(&menu->navigation, menu->mouse.ptr, false); } } else menu->mouse.oldleft = false; if (menu->mouse.right) { if (!menu->mouse.oldright) { menu->mouse.oldright = true; menu_list_pop_stack(menu->menu_list); } } else menu->mouse.oldright = false; if (menu->mouse.wheeldown) menu_navigation_increment(&menu->navigation, 1); if (menu->mouse.wheelup) menu_navigation_decrement(&menu->navigation, 1); return 0; }
void menu_entries_pop_stack(size_t *ptr, size_t idx, bool animate) { menu_list_t *menu_list = menu_entries_list; if (menu_list) menu_list_pop_stack(menu_list, idx, ptr, animate); }
/** * menu_iterate: * @input : input sample for this frame * @old_input : input sample of the previous frame * @trigger_input : difference' input sample - difference * between 'input' and 'old_input' * * Runs RetroArch menu for one frame. * * Returns: 0 on success, -1 if we need to quit out of the loop. **/ int menu_iterate(bool render_this_frame, unsigned action) { menu_entry_t entry; enum action_iterate_type iterate_type; size_t selected; const char *label = NULL; int ret = 0; uint32_t hash = 0; menu_handle_t *menu = menu_driver_get_ptr(); menu_navigation_t *nav = menu_navigation_get_ptr(); menu_display_t *disp = menu_display_get_ptr(); menu_list_t *menu_list = menu_list_get_ptr(); if (render_this_frame) menu_animation_update_time(); menu_list_get_last_stack(menu_list, NULL, &label, NULL, NULL); if (!menu || !menu_list) return 0; menu->state.fb_is_dirty = false; menu->state.do_messagebox = false; menu->state.do_render = false; menu->state.do_pop_stack = false; menu->state.do_post_iterate = false; menu->state.pop_selected = NULL; menu->state.msg[0] = '\0'; hash = menu_hash_calculate(label); iterate_type = action_iterate_type(hash); if (action != MENU_ACTION_NOOP || menu_entries_needs_refresh() || menu_display_update_pending()) { if (render_this_frame) menu->state.fb_is_dirty = true; } switch (iterate_type) { case ITERATE_TYPE_HELP: ret = action_iterate_help(menu->state.msg, sizeof(menu->state.msg), label); if (render_this_frame) menu->state.do_render = true; menu->state.pop_selected = NULL; menu->state.do_messagebox = true; menu->state.do_pop_stack = true; menu->state.do_post_iterate = true; if (ret == 1) action = MENU_ACTION_OK; break; case ITERATE_TYPE_BIND: if (menu_input_bind_iterate(menu->state.msg, sizeof(menu->state.msg))) menu_list_pop_stack(menu_list, &nav->selection_ptr); else menu->state.do_messagebox = true; if (render_this_frame) menu->state.do_render = true; break; case ITERATE_TYPE_VIEWPORT: ret = action_iterate_menu_viewport(menu->state.msg, sizeof(menu->state.msg), label, action, hash); if (render_this_frame) menu->state.do_render = true; menu->state.do_messagebox = true; break; case ITERATE_TYPE_INFO: ret = action_iterate_info(menu->state.msg, sizeof(menu->state.msg), label); menu->state.pop_selected = &nav->selection_ptr; if (render_this_frame) menu->state.do_render = true; menu->state.do_messagebox = true; menu->state.do_pop_stack = true; menu->state.do_post_iterate = true; break; case ITERATE_TYPE_MESSAGE: strlcpy(menu->state.msg, disp->message_contents, sizeof(menu->state.msg)); menu->state.pop_selected = &nav->selection_ptr; menu->state.do_messagebox = true; menu->state.do_pop_stack = true; break; case ITERATE_TYPE_DEFAULT: selected = menu_navigation_get_selection(nav); /* FIXME: selected > selection_buf->list->size, i don't know why. */ selected = max(min(selected, menu_list_get_size(menu_list)-1), 0); menu_entry_get(&entry, selected, NULL, false); ret = menu_entry_action(&entry, selected, (enum menu_action)action); if (ret) goto end; menu->state.do_post_iterate = true; if (render_this_frame) menu->state.do_render = true; /* Have to defer it so we let settings refresh. */ if (menu->push_help_screen) { menu_displaylist_info_t info = {0}; info.list = menu_list->menu_stack; strlcpy(info.label, menu_hash_to_str(MENU_LABEL_HELP), sizeof(info.label)); menu_displaylist_push_list(&info, DISPLAYLIST_HELP); } break; } if (menu->state.do_pop_stack && action == MENU_ACTION_OK) menu_list_pop_stack(menu_list, menu->state.pop_selected); if (menu->state.do_post_iterate) menu_input_post_iterate(&ret, action); end: if (ret) return -1; return 0; }
static int action_iterate_menu_viewport(const char *label, unsigned action) { int stride_x = 1, stride_y = 1; char msg[PATH_MAX_LENGTH]; struct retro_game_geometry *geom = NULL; const char *base_msg = NULL; unsigned type = 0; global_t *global = global_get_ptr(); video_viewport_t *custom = &global->console.screen.viewports.custom_vp; menu_handle_t *menu = menu_driver_get_ptr(); settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); if (!menu) return -1; menu_list_get_last_stack(menu->menu_list, NULL, NULL, &type); geom = (struct retro_game_geometry*)&global->system.av_info.geometry; if (settings->video.scale_integer) { stride_x = geom->base_width; stride_y = geom->base_height; } switch (action) { case MENU_ACTION_UP: if (type == MENU_SETTINGS_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT) { custom->y -= stride_y; custom->height += stride_y; } else if (custom->height >= (unsigned)stride_y) custom->height -= stride_y; event_command(EVENT_CMD_VIDEO_APPLY_STATE_CHANGES); break; case MENU_ACTION_DOWN: if (type == MENU_SETTINGS_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT) { custom->y += stride_y; if (custom->height >= (unsigned)stride_y) custom->height -= stride_y; } else custom->height += stride_y; event_command(EVENT_CMD_VIDEO_APPLY_STATE_CHANGES); break; case MENU_ACTION_LEFT: if (type == MENU_SETTINGS_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT) { custom->x -= stride_x; custom->width += stride_x; } else if (custom->width >= (unsigned)stride_x) custom->width -= stride_x; event_command(EVENT_CMD_VIDEO_APPLY_STATE_CHANGES); break; case MENU_ACTION_RIGHT: if (type == MENU_SETTINGS_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT) { custom->x += stride_x; if (custom->width >= (unsigned)stride_x) custom->width -= stride_x; } else custom->width += stride_x; event_command(EVENT_CMD_VIDEO_APPLY_STATE_CHANGES); break; case MENU_ACTION_CANCEL: menu_list_pop_stack(menu->menu_list); if (!strcmp(label, "custom_viewport_2")) { menu_list_push_stack(menu->menu_list, "", "", MENU_SETTINGS_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT, menu->navigation.selection_ptr); } break; case MENU_ACTION_OK: menu_list_pop_stack(menu->menu_list); if (type == MENU_SETTINGS_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT && !settings->video.scale_integer) { menu_list_push_stack(menu->menu_list, "", "custom_viewport_2", 0, menu->navigation.selection_ptr); } break; case MENU_ACTION_START: if (!settings->video.scale_integer) { video_viewport_t vp; video_driver_viewport_info(&vp); if (type == MENU_SETTINGS_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT) { custom->width += custom->x; custom->height += custom->y; custom->x = 0; custom->y = 0; } else { custom->width = vp.full_width - custom->x; custom->height = vp.full_height - custom->y; } event_command(EVENT_CMD_VIDEO_APPLY_STATE_CHANGES); } break; case MENU_ACTION_MESSAGE: menu->msg_force = true; break; default: break; } menu_list_get_last_stack(menu->menu_list, NULL, &label, &type); menu_driver_render(); if (settings->video.scale_integer) { custom->x = 0; custom->y = 0; custom->width = ((custom->width + geom->base_width - 1) / geom->base_width) * geom->base_width; custom->height = ((custom->height + geom->base_height - 1) / geom->base_height) * geom->base_height; base_msg = "Set scale"; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s (%4ux%4u, %u x %u scale)", base_msg, custom->width, custom->height, custom->width / geom->base_width, custom->height / geom->base_height); } else { if (type == MENU_SETTINGS_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT) base_msg = "Set Upper-Left Corner"; else if (!strcmp(label, "custom_viewport_2")) base_msg = "Set Bottom-Right Corner"; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s (%d, %d : %4ux%4u)", base_msg, custom->x, custom->y, custom->width, custom->height); } menu_driver_render_messagebox(msg); if (!custom->width) custom->width = stride_x; if (!custom->height) custom->height = stride_y; aspectratio_lut[ASPECT_RATIO_CUSTOM].value = (float)custom->width / custom->height; event_command(EVENT_CMD_VIDEO_APPLY_STATE_CHANGES); return 0; }
static int menu_input_mouse_post_iterate(uint64_t *input_mouse, menu_file_list_cbs_t *cbs, menu_entry_t *entry, unsigned action) { driver_t *driver = driver_get_ptr(); settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); menu_handle_t *menu = menu_driver_get_ptr(); menu_list_t *menu_list = menu_list_get_ptr(); menu_navigation_t *nav = menu_navigation_get_ptr(); *input_mouse = MOUSE_ACTION_NONE; if (!menu) return -1; if (!settings->menu.mouse.enable #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY || (settings->input.overlay_enable && driver && driver->overlay) #endif ) { menu->mouse.wheeldown = false; menu->mouse.wheelup = false; menu->mouse.oldleft = false; menu->mouse.oldright = false; return 0; } if (menu->mouse.left) { if (!menu->mouse.oldleft) { BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_L); rarch_setting_t *setting = menu_setting_find( menu_list->selection_buf->list[nav->selection_ptr].label); menu->mouse.oldleft = true; if (menu->mouse.y < menu->header_height) { menu_list_pop_stack(menu_list); return 0; } if (menu->mouse.ptr == nav->selection_ptr && cbs && cbs->action_right && setting && (setting->type == ST_BOOL || setting->type == ST_UINT || setting->type == ST_FLOAT || setting->type == ST_STRING)) { BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_L_TOGGLE); } else if (menu->mouse.ptr == nav->selection_ptr && cbs && cbs->action_ok) { BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_L_OK); } else if (menu->mouse.ptr <= menu_list_get_size(menu_list)-1) { BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_L_SET_NAVIGATION); } } } else menu->mouse.oldleft = false; if (menu->mouse.right) { if (!menu->mouse.oldright) { menu->mouse.oldright = true; BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_R); } } else menu->mouse.oldright = false; if (menu->mouse.wheeldown) { BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_WHEEL_DOWN); } if (menu->mouse.wheelup) { BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_WHEEL_UP); } return 0; }
static int menu_input_pointer_post_iterate(menu_file_list_cbs_t *cbs, menu_entry_t *entry, unsigned action) { int ret = 0; menu_handle_t *menu = menu_driver_get_ptr(); driver_t *driver = driver_get_ptr(); settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); if (!menu) return -1; if (!settings->menu.pointer.enable #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY || (settings->input.overlay_enable && driver && driver->overlay) #endif ) return 0; if (menu->pointer.pressed[0]) { if (!menu->pointer.oldpressed[0]) { menu->pointer.start_x = menu->pointer.x; menu->pointer.start_y = menu->pointer.y; menu->pointer.old_x = menu->pointer.x; menu->pointer.old_y = menu->pointer.y; menu->pointer.oldpressed[0] = true; } else if (menu->pointer.x != menu->pointer.start_x && menu->pointer.y != menu->pointer.start_y) { menu->pointer.dragging = true; menu->pointer.dx = menu->pointer.x - menu->pointer.old_x; menu->pointer.dy = menu->pointer.y - menu->pointer.old_y; menu->pointer.old_x = menu->pointer.x; menu->pointer.old_y = menu->pointer.y; } } else { if (menu->pointer.oldpressed[0]) { if (!menu->pointer.dragging) { if (menu->pointer.start_y < menu->header_height) { menu_list_pop_stack(menu->menu_list); } else if (menu->pointer.ptr <= menu_list_get_size(menu->menu_list)-1) { menu->pointer.oldpressed[0] = false; ret = pointer_tap(cbs, entry, action); } } menu->pointer.oldpressed[0] = false; menu->pointer.start_x = 0; menu->pointer.start_y = 0; menu->pointer.old_x = 0; menu->pointer.old_y = 0; menu->pointer.dx = 0; menu->pointer.dy = 0; menu->pointer.dragging = false; } } if (menu->pointer.back) { if (!menu->pointer.oldback) { menu->pointer.oldback = true; menu_list_pop_stack(menu->menu_list); } } menu->pointer.oldback = menu->pointer.back; return ret; }
static int action_iterate_menu_viewport(char *s, size_t len, const char *label, unsigned action, uint32_t hash) { int stride_x = 1, stride_y = 1; menu_displaylist_info_t info = {0}; struct retro_game_geometry *geom = NULL; const char *base_msg = NULL; unsigned type = 0; video_viewport_t *custom = video_viewport_get_custom(); menu_display_t *disp = menu_display_get_ptr(); menu_navigation_t *nav = menu_navigation_get_ptr(); menu_list_t *menu_list = menu_list_get_ptr(); settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); struct retro_system_av_info *av_info = video_viewport_get_system_av_info(); if (!menu_list) return -1; menu_list_get_last_stack(menu_list, NULL, NULL, &type, NULL); geom = (struct retro_game_geometry*)&av_info->geometry; if (settings->video.scale_integer) { stride_x = geom->base_width; stride_y = geom->base_height; } switch (action) { case MENU_ACTION_UP: if (type == MENU_SETTINGS_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT) { custom->y -= stride_y; custom->height += stride_y; } else if (custom->height >= (unsigned)stride_y) custom->height -= stride_y; event_command(EVENT_CMD_VIDEO_APPLY_STATE_CHANGES); break; case MENU_ACTION_DOWN: if (type == MENU_SETTINGS_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT) { custom->y += stride_y; if (custom->height >= (unsigned)stride_y) custom->height -= stride_y; } else custom->height += stride_y; event_command(EVENT_CMD_VIDEO_APPLY_STATE_CHANGES); break; case MENU_ACTION_LEFT: if (type == MENU_SETTINGS_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT) { custom->x -= stride_x; custom->width += stride_x; } else if (custom->width >= (unsigned)stride_x) custom->width -= stride_x; event_command(EVENT_CMD_VIDEO_APPLY_STATE_CHANGES); break; case MENU_ACTION_RIGHT: if (type == MENU_SETTINGS_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT) { custom->x += stride_x; if (custom->width >= (unsigned)stride_x) custom->width -= stride_x; } else custom->width += stride_x; event_command(EVENT_CMD_VIDEO_APPLY_STATE_CHANGES); break; case MENU_ACTION_CANCEL: menu_list_pop_stack(menu_list); if (hash == MENU_LABEL_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT_2) { info.list = menu_list->menu_stack; info.type = MENU_SETTINGS_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT; info.directory_ptr = nav->selection_ptr; menu_displaylist_push_list(&info, DISPLAYLIST_INFO); } break; case MENU_ACTION_OK: menu_list_pop_stack(menu_list); if (type == MENU_SETTINGS_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT && !settings->video.scale_integer) { info.list = menu_list->menu_stack; strlcpy(info.label, menu_hash_to_str(MENU_LABEL_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT_2), sizeof(info.label)); info.type = 0; info.directory_ptr = nav->selection_ptr; menu_displaylist_push_list(&info, DISPLAYLIST_INFO); } break; case MENU_ACTION_START: if (!settings->video.scale_integer) { video_viewport_t vp; video_driver_viewport_info(&vp); if (type == MENU_SETTINGS_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT) { custom->width += custom->x; custom->height += custom->y; custom->x = 0; custom->y = 0; } else { custom->width = vp.full_width - custom->x; custom->height = vp.full_height - custom->y; } event_command(EVENT_CMD_VIDEO_APPLY_STATE_CHANGES); } break; case MENU_ACTION_MESSAGE: if (disp) disp->msg_force = true; break; default: break; } menu_list_get_last_stack(menu_list, NULL, &label, &type, NULL); menu_driver_render(); if (settings->video.scale_integer) { custom->x = 0; custom->y = 0; custom->width = ((custom->width + geom->base_width - 1) / geom->base_width) * geom->base_width; custom->height = ((custom->height + geom->base_height - 1) / geom->base_height) * geom->base_height; base_msg = "Set scale"; snprintf(s, len, "%s (%4ux%4u, %u x %u scale)", base_msg, custom->width, custom->height, custom->width / geom->base_width, custom->height / geom->base_height); } else { if (type == MENU_SETTINGS_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT) base_msg = menu_hash_to_str(MENU_LABEL_VALUE_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT_1); else if (hash == MENU_LABEL_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT_2) base_msg = menu_hash_to_str(MENU_LABEL_VALUE_CUSTOM_VIEWPORT_2); snprintf(s, len, "%s (%d, %d : %4ux%4u)", base_msg, custom->x, custom->y, custom->width, custom->height); } menu_driver_render_messagebox(s); if (!custom->width) custom->width = stride_x; if (!custom->height) custom->height = stride_y; aspectratio_lut[ASPECT_RATIO_CUSTOM].value = (float)custom->width / custom->height; event_command(EVENT_CMD_VIDEO_APPLY_STATE_CHANGES); return 0; }
static int action_iterate_main(const char *label, unsigned action) { menu_entry_t entry; static bool did_messagebox = false; char msg[PATH_MAX_LENGTH] = {0}; enum action_iterate_type iterate_type; size_t selected; size_t *pop_selected = NULL; bool do_messagebox = false; bool do_pop_stack = false; bool do_post_iterate = false; bool do_render = false; int ret = 0; menu_handle_t *menu = menu_driver_get_ptr(); menu_navigation_t *nav = menu_navigation_get_ptr(); menu_display_t *disp = menu_display_get_ptr(); menu_list_t *menu_list = menu_list_get_ptr(); uint32_t hash = menu_hash_calculate(label); if (!menu || !menu_list) return 0; iterate_type = action_iterate_type(hash); switch (iterate_type) { case ITERATE_TYPE_HELP: ret = action_iterate_help(msg, sizeof(msg), label); pop_selected = NULL; do_messagebox = true; do_pop_stack = true; do_post_iterate = true; if (ret == 1) action = MENU_ACTION_OK; break; case ITERATE_TYPE_BIND: if (menu_input_bind_iterate()) menu_list_pop_stack(menu_list); break; case ITERATE_TYPE_VIEWPORT: ret = action_iterate_menu_viewport(msg, sizeof(msg), label, action, hash); break; case ITERATE_TYPE_INFO: ret = action_iterate_info(msg, sizeof(msg), label); pop_selected = &nav->selection_ptr; do_messagebox = true; do_pop_stack = true; do_post_iterate = true; break; case ITERATE_TYPE_MESSAGE: strlcpy(msg, disp->message_contents, sizeof(msg)); pop_selected = &nav->selection_ptr; do_messagebox = true; do_pop_stack = true; break; case ITERATE_TYPE_DEFAULT: selected = menu_navigation_get_current_selection(); /* FIXME: selected > selection_buf->list->size, i don't know why. */ selected = max(min(selected, menu_list_get_size(menu_list)-1), 0); menu_entry_get(&entry, selected, NULL, false); ret = menu_entry_action(&entry, selected, (enum menu_action)action); if (ret) return ret; do_post_iterate = true; do_render = true; /* Have to defer it so we let settings refresh. */ if (menu->push_help_screen) { menu_displaylist_info_t info = {0}; info.list = menu_list->menu_stack; strlcpy(info.label, menu_hash_to_str(MENU_LABEL_HELP), sizeof(info.label)); menu_displaylist_push_list(&info, DISPLAYLIST_HELP); } break; } did_messagebox = did_messagebox != do_messagebox; if (did_messagebox) menu_display_fb_set_dirty(); if (do_messagebox) menu_driver_render_messagebox(msg); if (do_pop_stack && action == MENU_ACTION_OK) menu_list_pop(menu_list->menu_stack, pop_selected); if (do_post_iterate) menu_input_post_iterate(&ret, action); if (do_render) menu_driver_render(); return ret; }
static int menu_input_pointer_post_iterate(menu_file_list_cbs_t *cbs, const char *path, const char *label, unsigned type, unsigned action) { menu_handle_t *menu = menu_driver_get_ptr(); settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); driver_t *driver = driver_get_ptr(); if (!menu) return -1; if (!settings->menu.pointer.enable #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY || (settings->input.overlay_enable && driver && driver->overlay) #endif ) return 0; #if defined(HAVE_XMB) if (driver->menu_ctx == &menu_ctx_xmb) return 0; #endif if (menu->pointer.pressed[0]) { if (menu->pointer.oldpressed[0]) { if (menu->mouse.ptr <= menu_list_get_size(menu->menu_list)-1) menu_navigation_set(&menu->navigation, menu->mouse.ptr, false); } else menu->pointer.oldpressed[0] = true; } else { if (menu->pointer.oldpressed[0]) { rarch_setting_t *setting = NULL; menu->pointer.oldpressed[0] = false; setting = (rarch_setting_t*)setting_find_setting (menu->list_settings, menu->menu_list->selection_buf->list[menu->navigation.selection_ptr].label); if (menu->mouse.ptr == menu->navigation.selection_ptr && !menu->pointer.cancel && cbs && cbs->action_toggle && setting && (setting->type == ST_BOOL || setting->type == ST_UINT || setting->type == ST_FLOAT || setting->type == ST_STRING)) return cbs->action_toggle(type, label, MENU_ACTION_RIGHT, true); if (menu->mouse.ptr == menu->navigation.selection_ptr && !menu->pointer.cancel && cbs && cbs->action_ok) return cbs->action_ok(path, label, type, menu->navigation.selection_ptr); else if (menu->mouse.ptr <= menu_list_get_size(menu->menu_list) - 1) menu_navigation_set(&menu->navigation, menu->mouse.ptr, false); } } if (menu->pointer.back) { if (!menu->pointer.oldback) { menu->pointer.oldback = true; menu_list_pop_stack(menu->menu_list); } } menu->pointer.oldback = menu->pointer.back; return 0; }
static int menu_input_mouse_post_iterate(uint64_t *input_mouse, menu_file_list_cbs_t *cbs, unsigned action) { settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); menu_display_t *disp = menu_display_get_ptr(); menu_input_t *menu_input = menu_input_get_ptr(); menu_list_t *menu_list = menu_list_get_ptr(); menu_navigation_t *nav = menu_navigation_get_ptr(); *input_mouse = MOUSE_ACTION_NONE; if (!settings->menu.mouse.enable #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY || (settings->input.overlay_enable && input_overlay_is_alive()) #endif ) { menu_input->mouse.wheeldown = false; menu_input->mouse.wheelup = false; menu_input->mouse.oldleft = false; menu_input->mouse.oldright = false; return 0; } if (menu_input->mouse.left) { if (!menu_input->mouse.oldleft) { BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_L); menu_input->mouse.oldleft = true; if ((unsigned)menu_input->mouse.y < disp->header_height) { menu_list_pop_stack(menu_list, &nav->selection_ptr); return 0; } if ( (menu_input->mouse.ptr == nav->selection_ptr) && cbs && cbs->action_select ) { BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_L_TOGGLE); } else if (menu_input->mouse.ptr <= menu_list_get_size(menu_list)-1) { BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_L_SET_NAVIGATION); } } } else menu_input->mouse.oldleft = false; if (menu_input->mouse.right) { if (!menu_input->mouse.oldright) { menu_input->mouse.oldright = true; BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_BUTTON_R); } } else menu_input->mouse.oldright = false; if (menu_input->mouse.wheeldown) { BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_WHEEL_DOWN); } if (menu_input->mouse.wheelup) { BIT64_SET(*input_mouse, MOUSE_ACTION_WHEEL_UP); } return 0; }
static int menu_input_pointer_post_iterate(menu_file_list_cbs_t *cbs, menu_entry_t *entry, unsigned action) { unsigned header_height; size_t selection; int ret = 0; menu_list_t *menu_list = menu_list_get_ptr(); menu_input_t *menu_input = menu_input_get_ptr(); settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); if (!menu_input) return -1; if (!menu_navigation_ctl(MENU_NAVIGATION_CTL_GET_SELECTION, &selection)) return -1; menu_display_ctl(MENU_DISPLAY_CTL_HEADER_HEIGHT, &header_height); if (!settings->menu.pointer.enable #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY || (settings->input.overlay_enable && input_overlay_is_alive()) #endif ) return 0; if (menu_input->pointer.pressed[0]) { int16_t pointer_x = menu_input_pointer_state(MENU_POINTER_X_AXIS); int16_t pointer_y = menu_input_pointer_state(MENU_POINTER_Y_AXIS); if (!menu_input->pointer.oldpressed[0]) { menu_input->pointer.accel = 0; menu_input->pointer.accel0 = 0; menu_input->pointer.accel1 = 0; menu_input->pointer.start_x = pointer_x; menu_input->pointer.start_y = pointer_y; menu_input->pointer.old_x = pointer_x; menu_input->pointer.old_y = pointer_y; menu_input->pointer.oldpressed[0] = true; } else if (abs(pointer_x - menu_input->pointer.start_x) > 3 || abs(pointer_y - menu_input->pointer.start_y) > 3) { float s, delta_time; menu_input->pointer.dragging = true; menu_input->pointer.dx = pointer_x - menu_input->pointer.old_x; menu_input->pointer.dy = pointer_y - menu_input->pointer.old_y; menu_input->pointer.old_x = pointer_x; menu_input->pointer.old_y = pointer_y; menu_animation_ctl(MENU_ANIMATION_CTL_DELTA_TIME, &delta_time); s = menu_input->pointer.dy / delta_time * 1000000.0; menu_input->pointer.accel = (menu_input->pointer.accel0 + menu_input->pointer.accel1 + s) / 3; menu_input->pointer.accel0 = menu_input->pointer.accel1; menu_input->pointer.accel1 = menu_input->pointer.accel; } } else { if (menu_input->pointer.oldpressed[0]) { if (!menu_input->pointer.dragging) { if ((unsigned)menu_input->pointer.start_y < header_height) { menu_list_pop_stack(menu_list, &selection); menu_navigation_ctl(MENU_NAVIGATION_CTL_SET_SELECTION, &selection); } else if (menu_input->pointer.ptr <= menu_list_get_size(menu_list)-1) { menu_input->pointer.oldpressed[0] = false; ret = pointer_tap(cbs, entry, action); } } menu_input->pointer.oldpressed[0] = false; menu_input->pointer.start_x = 0; menu_input->pointer.start_y = 0; menu_input->pointer.old_x = 0; menu_input->pointer.old_y = 0; menu_input->pointer.dx = 0; menu_input->pointer.dy = 0; menu_input->pointer.dragging = false; } } if (menu_input->pointer.back) { if (!menu_input->pointer.oldback) { menu_input->pointer.oldback = true; menu_list_pop_stack(menu_list, &selection); menu_navigation_ctl(MENU_NAVIGATION_CTL_SET_SELECTION, &selection); } } menu_input->pointer.oldback = menu_input->pointer.back; return ret; }
void menu_entries_pop_stack(size_t *ptr, size_t idx) { menu_list_t *menu_list = menu_list_get_ptr(); if (menu_list) menu_list_pop_stack(menu_list, idx, ptr); }
static int menu_input_pointer_post_iterate(menu_file_list_cbs_t *cbs, menu_entry_t *entry, unsigned action) { int ret = 0; menu_display_t *disp = menu_display_get_ptr(); menu_navigation_t *nav = menu_navigation_get_ptr(); menu_list_t *menu_list = menu_list_get_ptr(); menu_input_t *menu_input = menu_input_get_ptr(); settings_t *settings = config_get_ptr(); if (!menu_input) return -1; if (!settings->menu.pointer.enable #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY || (settings->input.overlay_enable && input_overlay_is_alive()) #endif ) return 0; if (menu_input->pointer.pressed[0]) { if (!menu_input->pointer.oldpressed[0]) { menu_input->pointer.accel = 0; menu_input->pointer.accel0 = 0; menu_input->pointer.accel1 = 0; menu_input->pointer.start_x = menu_input->pointer.x; menu_input->pointer.start_y = menu_input->pointer.y; menu_input->pointer.old_x = menu_input->pointer.x; menu_input->pointer.old_y = menu_input->pointer.y; menu_input->pointer.oldpressed[0] = true; } else if (abs(menu_input->pointer.x - menu_input->pointer.start_x) > 3 || abs(menu_input->pointer.y - menu_input->pointer.start_y) > 3) { float s; menu_input->pointer.dragging = true; menu_input->pointer.dx = menu_input->pointer.x - menu_input->pointer.old_x; menu_input->pointer.dy = menu_input->pointer.y - menu_input->pointer.old_y; menu_input->pointer.old_x = menu_input->pointer.x; menu_input->pointer.old_y = menu_input->pointer.y; s = menu_input->pointer.dy / menu_animation_get_delta_time(disp->animation) * 1000000.0; menu_input->pointer.accel = (menu_input->pointer.accel0 + menu_input->pointer.accel1 + s) / 3; menu_input->pointer.accel0 = menu_input->pointer.accel1; menu_input->pointer.accel1 = menu_input->pointer.accel; } } else { if (menu_input->pointer.oldpressed[0]) { if (!menu_input->pointer.dragging) { if ((unsigned)menu_input->pointer.start_y < disp->header_height) menu_list_pop_stack(menu_list, &nav->selection_ptr); else if (menu_input->pointer.ptr <= menu_list_get_size(menu_list)-1) { menu_input->pointer.oldpressed[0] = false; ret = pointer_tap(cbs, entry, action); } } menu_input->pointer.oldpressed[0] = false; menu_input->pointer.start_x = 0; menu_input->pointer.start_y = 0; menu_input->pointer.old_x = 0; menu_input->pointer.old_y = 0; menu_input->pointer.dx = 0; menu_input->pointer.dy = 0; menu_input->pointer.dragging = false; } } if (menu_input->pointer.back) { if (!menu_input->pointer.oldback) { menu_input->pointer.oldback = true; menu_list_pop_stack(menu_list, &nav->selection_ptr); } } menu_input->pointer.oldback = menu_input->pointer.back; return ret; }