Mesh marching_cubes(Grid& grid, double isovalue, SurfaceType surface_type) { Mesh mesh; int offset[8]; Vertex* vertices[12]; unordered_set<Vertex*, vertex_hash, vertex_equals> vertex_set; compute_offset(grid, offset); for(int z = 0; z < grid.get_axis(2)-1; z++) { for(int y = 0; y < grid.get_axis(1)-1; y++) { for(int x = 0; x < grid.get_axis(0)-1; x++) { int ic = grid.index(x,y,z); int table_index = get_index(grid, ic, offset, isovalue); for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if(edge_table[table_index] & (1 << i)) { int v[3], u[3]; get_grid_edge(x, y, z, i, v, u); double sv = grid[grid.index(v[0],v[1],v[2])]; double su = grid[grid.index(u[0],u[1],u[2])]; double vc[3] = {(v[0]-grid.get_axis(0)/2.0)*grid.get_spacing(0), (v[1]-grid.get_axis(1)/2.0)*grid.get_spacing(1), (v[2]-grid.get_axis(2)/2.0)*grid.get_spacing(2)}; double uc[3] = {(u[0]-grid.get_axis(0)/2.0)*grid.get_spacing(0), (u[1]-grid.get_axis(1)/2.0)*grid.get_spacing(1), (u[2]-grid.get_axis(2)/2.0)*grid.get_spacing(2)}; if(surface_type == NO_SURFACE) { vertices[i] = lerp(vc, sv, uc, su, isovalue); } else { vertices[i] = find_cut_point(vc, sv, uc, su, isovalue, surface_type); } vertices[i] = merge_vertex(vertices[i], vertex_set, mesh); } } for(int i = 0; triangle_table[table_index][i] != -1; i += 3) { Vertex *v0, *v1, *v2; v0 = vertices[triangle_table[table_index][i]]; v1 = vertices[triangle_table[table_index][i+1]]; v2 = vertices[triangle_table[table_index][i+2]]; if(!is_degenerate(v0, v1, v2)) { Face* f = new Face; f->v.push_back(v0); f->v.push_back(v1); f->v.push_back(v2); v0->f.push_back(f); v1->f.push_back(f); v2->f.push_back(f); Edge* e0 = create_edge(v0, v1, f, mesh); Edge* e1 = create_edge(v1, v2, f, mesh); Edge* e2 = create_edge(v2, v0, f, mesh); f->e.push_back(e0); f->e.push_back(e1); f->e.push_back(e2); mesh.add(f); } } } } } compute_normals(mesh); return mesh; }
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Handles the events for the area editor. */ void area_editor::handle_controls(const ALLEGRO_EVENT &ev) { if(fade_mgr.is_fading()) return; gui->handle_event(ev); //Update mouse cursor in world coordinates. if( ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_AXES || ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_WARPED || ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN || ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP ) { mouse_cursor_x = ev.mouse.x / cam_zoom - cam_x - (gui_x / 2 / cam_zoom); mouse_cursor_y = ev.mouse.y / cam_zoom - cam_y - (scr_h / 2 / cam_zoom); lafi::widget* wum; if(!is_mouse_in_gui(ev.mouse.x, ev.mouse.y)) { wum = NULL; } else { wum = gui->get_widget_under_mouse(ev.mouse.x, ev.mouse.y); } ((lafi::label*) gui->widgets["lbl_status_bar"])->text = ( wum ? wum->description : "(" + i2s(mouse_cursor_x) + "," + i2s(mouse_cursor_y) + ")" ); } //Moving vertexes, camera, etc. if(ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_AXES) { if( !is_mouse_in_gui(ev.mouse.x, ev.mouse.y) && moving_thing == INVALID && sec_mode != ESM_TEXTURE_VIEW && mode != EDITOR_MODE_OBJECTS ) { on_sector = get_sector(mouse_cursor_x, mouse_cursor_y, NULL, false); } else { on_sector = NULL; } //Move guide. if(sec_mode == ESM_GUIDE_MOUSE) { if(holding_m1) { guide_x += ev.mouse.dx / cam_zoom; guide_y += ev.mouse.dy / cam_zoom; } else if(holding_m2) { float new_w = guide_w + ev.mouse.dx / cam_zoom; float new_h = guide_h + ev.mouse.dy / cam_zoom; if(guide_aspect_ratio) { //Find the most significant change. if(ev.mouse.dx != 0 || ev.mouse.dy != 0) { bool most_is_width = fabs((double) ev.mouse.dx) > fabs((double) ev.mouse.dy); if(most_is_width) { float ratio = guide_h / guide_w; guide_w = new_w; guide_h = new_w * ratio; } else { float ratio = guide_w / guide_h; guide_h = new_h; guide_w = new_h * ratio; } } } else { guide_w = new_w; guide_h = new_h; } } guide_to_gui(); } else if(holding_m2) { //Move camera. cam_x += ev.mouse.dx / cam_zoom; cam_y += ev.mouse.dy / cam_zoom; } //Move thing. if(moving_thing != INVALID) { if(mode == EDITOR_MODE_SECTORS) { vertex* v_ptr = cur_area_data.vertexes[moving_thing]; v_ptr->x = snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_x); v_ptr->y = snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_y); } else if(mode == EDITOR_MODE_OBJECTS) { mob_gen* m_ptr = cur_area_data.mob_generators[moving_thing]; m_ptr->x = snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_x); m_ptr->y = snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_y); } else if(mode == EDITOR_MODE_PATHS) { path_stop* s_ptr = cur_area_data.path_stops[moving_thing]; s_ptr->x = snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_x); s_ptr->y = snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_y); s_ptr->calculate_dists(); path_preview_timeout.start(false); } else if(mode == EDITOR_MODE_SHADOWS) { tree_shadow* s_ptr = cur_area_data.tree_shadows[moving_thing]; s_ptr->x = snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_x - moving_thing_x); s_ptr->y = snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_y - moving_thing_y); shadow_to_gui(); } made_changes = true; } //Move path checkpoints. if(moving_path_preview_checkpoint != -1) { path_preview_checkpoints_x[moving_path_preview_checkpoint] = snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_x); path_preview_checkpoints_y[moving_path_preview_checkpoint] = snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_y); path_preview_timeout.start(false); } if( != 0 && !is_mouse_in_gui(ev.mouse.x, ev.mouse.y)) { //Zoom. float new_zoom = cam_zoom + (cam_zoom * * 0.1); new_zoom = max(ZOOM_MIN_LEVEL_EDITOR, new_zoom); new_zoom = min(ZOOM_MAX_LEVEL_EDITOR, new_zoom); float new_mc_x = ev.mouse.x / new_zoom - cam_x - (gui_x / 2 / new_zoom); float new_mc_y = ev.mouse.y / new_zoom - cam_y - (scr_h / 2 / new_zoom); cam_x -= (mouse_cursor_x - new_mc_x); cam_y -= (mouse_cursor_y - new_mc_y); mouse_cursor_x = new_mc_x; mouse_cursor_y = new_mc_y; cam_zoom = new_zoom; } if(sec_mode == ESM_NEW_SECTOR) { new_sector_valid_line = is_new_sector_line_valid( snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_x), snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_y) ); } } else if( ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN && !is_mouse_in_gui(ev.mouse.x, ev.mouse.y) ) { //Clicking. if(ev.mouse.button == 1) holding_m1 = true; else if(ev.mouse.button == 2) holding_m2 = true; else if(ev.mouse.button == 3) cam_zoom = 1.0; if(ev.mouse.button != 1) return; //If the user was editing, save it. if(mode == EDITOR_MODE_SECTORS) { gui_to_sector(); } else if(mode == EDITOR_MODE_OBJECTS) { gui_to_mob(); } else if(mode == EDITOR_MODE_SHADOWS) { gui_to_shadow(); } //Sector-related clicking. if(sec_mode == ESM_NONE && mode == EDITOR_MODE_SECTORS) { moving_thing = INVALID; edge* clicked_edge_ptr = NULL; size_t clicked_edge_nr = INVALID; bool created_vertex = false; for(size_t e = 0; e < cur_area_data.edges.size(); ++e) { edge* e_ptr = cur_area_data.edges[e]; if(!is_edge_valid(e_ptr)) continue; if( circle_intersects_line( mouse_cursor_x, mouse_cursor_y, 8 / cam_zoom, e_ptr->vertexes[0]->x, e_ptr->vertexes[0]->y, e_ptr->vertexes[1]->x, e_ptr->vertexes[1]->y ) ) { clicked_edge_ptr = e_ptr; clicked_edge_nr = e; break; } } if(double_click_time == 0) double_click_time = 0.5; else if(clicked_edge_ptr) { //Create a new vertex. double_click_time = 0; //New vertex, on the split point. //TODO create it on the edge, not on the cursor. vertex* new_v_ptr = new vertex(mouse_cursor_x, mouse_cursor_y); cur_area_data.vertexes.push_back(new_v_ptr); //New edge, copied from the original one. edge* new_e_ptr = new edge(*clicked_edge_ptr); cur_area_data.edges.push_back(new_e_ptr); //Save the original end vertex for later. vertex* end_v_ptr = clicked_edge_ptr->vertexes[1]; //Set vertexes on the new and original edges. new_e_ptr->vertex_nrs[0] = cur_area_data.vertexes.size() - 1; new_e_ptr->vertexes[0] = new_v_ptr; clicked_edge_ptr->vertex_nrs[1] = new_e_ptr->vertex_nrs[0]; clicked_edge_ptr->vertexes[1] = new_v_ptr; //Set sectors on the new edge. if(new_e_ptr->sectors[0]) { new_e_ptr->sectors[0]->edge_nrs.push_back( cur_area_data.edges.size() - 1 ); new_e_ptr->sectors[0]->edges.push_back(new_e_ptr); } if(new_e_ptr->sectors[1]) { new_e_ptr->sectors[1]->edge_nrs.push_back( cur_area_data.edges.size() - 1 ); new_e_ptr->sectors[1]->edges.push_back(new_e_ptr); } //Set edges of the new vertex. new_v_ptr->edge_nrs.push_back(cur_area_data.edges.size() - 1); new_v_ptr->edge_nrs.push_back(clicked_edge_nr); new_v_ptr->edges.push_back(new_e_ptr); new_v_ptr->edges.push_back(clicked_edge_ptr); //Update edge data on the end vertex of the original edge //(it now links to the new edge, not the old). for(size_t ve = 0; ve < end_v_ptr->edges.size(); ++ve) { if(end_v_ptr->edges[ve] == clicked_edge_ptr) { end_v_ptr->edges[ve] = new_e_ptr; end_v_ptr->edge_nrs[ve] = cur_area_data.edges.size() - 1; break; } } //Start dragging the new vertex. moving_thing = cur_area_data.vertexes.size() - 1; created_vertex = true; made_changes = true; } //Find a vertex to drag. if(!created_vertex) { for(size_t v = 0; v < cur_area_data.vertexes.size(); ++v) { if( dist( mouse_cursor_x, mouse_cursor_y, cur_area_data.vertexes[v]->x, cur_area_data.vertexes[v]->y ) <= 6.0 / cam_zoom ) { moving_thing = v; break; } } } //Find a sector to select. if(moving_thing == INVALID) { cur_sector = get_sector(mouse_cursor_x, mouse_cursor_y, NULL, false); sector_to_gui(); } } else if(sec_mode == ESM_NONE && mode == EDITOR_MODE_OBJECTS) { //Object-related clicking. cur_mob = NULL; moving_thing = INVALID; for(size_t m = 0; m < cur_area_data.mob_generators.size(); ++m) { mob_gen* m_ptr = cur_area_data.mob_generators[m]; float radius = m_ptr->type ? m_ptr->type->radius == 0 ? 16 : m_ptr->type->radius : 16; if( dist(m_ptr->x, m_ptr->y, mouse_cursor_x, mouse_cursor_y) <= radius ) { cur_mob = m_ptr; moving_thing = m; break; } } mob_to_gui(); } else if(sec_mode == ESM_NONE && mode == EDITOR_MODE_PATHS) { //Path-related clicking. cur_stop = NULL; moving_thing = INVALID; for(size_t s = 0; s < cur_area_data.path_stops.size(); ++s) { path_stop* s_ptr = cur_area_data.path_stops[s]; if( dist(s_ptr->x, s_ptr->y, mouse_cursor_x, mouse_cursor_y) <= STOP_RADIUS ) { cur_stop = s_ptr; moving_thing = s; break; } } moving_path_preview_checkpoint = -1; if(show_path_preview) { for(unsigned char c = 0; c < 2; ++c) { if( bbox_check( path_preview_checkpoints_x[c], path_preview_checkpoints_y[c], mouse_cursor_x, mouse_cursor_y, PATH_PREVIEW_CHECKPOINT_RADIUS / cam_zoom ) ) { moving_path_preview_checkpoint = c; break; } } } } else if(sec_mode == ESM_NONE && mode == EDITOR_MODE_SHADOWS) { //Shadow-related clicking. cur_shadow = NULL; moving_thing = INVALID; for(size_t s = 0; s < cur_area_data.tree_shadows.size(); ++s) { tree_shadow* s_ptr = cur_area_data.tree_shadows[s]; float min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y; get_shadow_bounding_box(s_ptr, &min_x, &min_y, &max_x, &max_y); if( mouse_cursor_x >= min_x && mouse_cursor_x <= max_x && mouse_cursor_y >= min_y && mouse_cursor_y <= max_y ) { cur_shadow = s_ptr; moving_thing = s; moving_thing_x = mouse_cursor_x - s_ptr->x; moving_thing_y = mouse_cursor_y - s_ptr->y; break; } } shadow_to_gui(); } if(sec_mode == ESM_NEW_SECTOR) { //Next vertex in a new sector. float hotspot_x = snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_x); float hotspot_y = snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_y); new_sector_valid_line = is_new_sector_line_valid( snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_x), snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_y) ); if(new_sector_valid_line) { if( !new_sector_vertexes.empty() && dist( hotspot_x, hotspot_y, new_sector_vertexes[0]->x, new_sector_vertexes[0]->y ) <= VERTEX_MERGE_RADIUS ) { //Back to the first vertex. sec_mode = ESM_NONE; create_sector(); sector_to_gui(); made_changes = true; } else { //Add a new vertex. vertex* merge = get_merge_vertex( hotspot_x, hotspot_y, cur_area_data.vertexes, VERTEX_MERGE_RADIUS / cam_zoom ); if(merge) { new_sector_vertexes.push_back( new vertex(merge->x, merge->y) ); } else { new_sector_vertexes.push_back( new vertex(hotspot_x, hotspot_y) ); } } } } else if(sec_mode == ESM_NEW_OBJECT) { //Create a mob where the cursor is. sec_mode = ESM_NONE; float hotspot_x = snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_x); float hotspot_y = snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_y); cur_area_data.mob_generators.push_back( new mob_gen(hotspot_x, hotspot_y) ); cur_mob = cur_area_data.mob_generators.back(); mob_to_gui(); made_changes = true; } else if(sec_mode == ESM_DUPLICATE_OBJECT) { //Duplicate the current mob to where the cursor is. sec_mode = ESM_NONE; if(cur_mob) { float hotspot_x = snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_x); float hotspot_y = snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_y); mob_gen* new_mg = new mob_gen(*cur_mob); new_mg->x = hotspot_x; new_mg->y = hotspot_y; cur_area_data.mob_generators.push_back( new_mg ); cur_mob = new_mg; mob_to_gui(); made_changes = true; } } else if(sec_mode == ESM_NEW_STOP) { //Create a new stop where the cursor is. float hotspot_x = snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_x); float hotspot_y = snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_y); cur_area_data.path_stops.push_back( new path_stop(hotspot_x, hotspot_y, vector<path_link>()) ); cur_stop = cur_area_data.path_stops.back(); made_changes = true; } else if (sec_mode == ESM_NEW_LINK1 || sec_mode == ESM_NEW_1WLINK1) { //Pick a stop to start the link on. for(size_t s = 0; s < cur_area_data.path_stops.size(); ++s) { path_stop* s_ptr = cur_area_data.path_stops[s]; if( dist(mouse_cursor_x, mouse_cursor_y, s_ptr->x, s_ptr->y) <= STOP_RADIUS ) { new_link_first_stop = s_ptr; sec_mode = sec_mode == ESM_NEW_LINK1 ? ESM_NEW_LINK2 : ESM_NEW_1WLINK2; break; } } path_preview_timeout.start(false); made_changes = true; } else if (sec_mode == ESM_NEW_LINK2 || sec_mode == ESM_NEW_1WLINK2) { //Pick a stop to end the link on. for(size_t s = 0; s < cur_area_data.path_stops.size(); ++s) { path_stop* s_ptr = cur_area_data.path_stops[s]; if( dist(mouse_cursor_x, mouse_cursor_y, s_ptr->x, s_ptr->y) <= STOP_RADIUS ) { if(new_link_first_stop == s_ptr) continue; //Check if these two stops already have a link. //Delete it if so. for( size_t l = 0; l < new_link_first_stop->links.size(); ++l ) { if(new_link_first_stop->links[l].end_ptr == s_ptr) { new_link_first_stop->links.erase( new_link_first_stop->links.begin() + l ); break; } } for(size_t l = 0; l < s_ptr->links.size(); ++l) { if(s_ptr->links[l].end_ptr == new_link_first_stop) { s_ptr->links.erase(s_ptr->links.begin() + l); break; } } new_link_first_stop->links.push_back( path_link(s_ptr, s) ); if(sec_mode == ESM_NEW_LINK2) { s_ptr->links.push_back( path_link(new_link_first_stop, INVALID) ); s_ptr->fix_nrs(cur_area_data); } new_link_first_stop->calculate_dists(); sec_mode = sec_mode == ESM_NEW_LINK2 ? ESM_NEW_LINK1 : ESM_NEW_1WLINK1; break; } } path_preview_timeout.start(false); made_changes = true; } else if(sec_mode == ESM_DEL_STOP) { //Pick a stop to delete. for(size_t s = 0; s < cur_area_data.path_stops.size(); ++s) { path_stop* s_ptr = cur_area_data.path_stops[s]; if( dist(mouse_cursor_x, mouse_cursor_y, s_ptr->x, s_ptr->y) <= STOP_RADIUS ) { //Check all links to this stop. for( size_t s2 = 0; s2 < cur_area_data.path_stops.size(); ++s2 ) { path_stop* s2_ptr = cur_area_data.path_stops[s2]; for(size_t l = 0; l < s2_ptr->links.size(); ++l) { if(s2_ptr->links[l].end_ptr == s_ptr) { s2_ptr->links.erase(s2_ptr->links.begin() + l); break; } } } //Finally, delete the stop. delete s_ptr; cur_area_data.path_stops.erase( cur_area_data.path_stops.begin() + s ); break; } } for(size_t s = 0; s < cur_area_data.path_stops.size(); ++s) { cur_area_data.path_stops[s]->fix_nrs(cur_area_data); } path_preview.clear(); path_preview_timeout.start(false); made_changes = true; } else if(sec_mode == ESM_DEL_LINK) { //Pick a link to delete. bool deleted = false; for(size_t s = 0; s < cur_area_data.path_stops.size(); ++s) { path_stop* s_ptr = cur_area_data.path_stops[s]; for(size_t s2 = 0; s2 < s_ptr->links.size(); ++s2) { path_stop* s2_ptr = s_ptr->links[s2].end_ptr; if( circle_intersects_line( mouse_cursor_x, mouse_cursor_y, 8 / cam_zoom, s_ptr->x, s_ptr->y, s2_ptr->x, s2_ptr->y ) ) { s_ptr->links.erase(s_ptr->links.begin() + s2); for(size_t s3 = 0; s3 < s2_ptr->links.size(); ++s3) { if(s2_ptr->links[s3].end_ptr == s_ptr) { s2_ptr->links.erase( s2_ptr->links.begin() + s3 ); break; } } deleted = true; break; } } if(deleted) break; } path_preview.clear(); path_preview_timeout.start(false); made_changes = true; } else if(sec_mode == ESM_NEW_SHADOW) { //Create a new shadow where the cursor is. sec_mode = ESM_NONE; float hotspot_x = snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_x); float hotspot_y = snap_to_grid(mouse_cursor_y); tree_shadow* new_shadow = new tree_shadow(hotspot_x, hotspot_y); new_shadow->bitmap = bmp_error; cur_area_data.tree_shadows.push_back(new_shadow); cur_shadow = new_shadow; shadow_to_gui(); made_changes = true; } } else if(ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP) { //Mouse button release. if(ev.mouse.button == 1) holding_m1 = false; else if(ev.mouse.button == 2) holding_m2 = false; if( ev.mouse.button == 1 && mode == EDITOR_MODE_SECTORS && sec_mode == ESM_NONE && moving_thing != INVALID ) { //Release the vertex. vertex* moved_v_ptr = cur_area_data.vertexes[moving_thing]; vertex* final_vertex = moved_v_ptr; unordered_set<sector*> affected_sectors; //Check if we should merge. for(size_t v = 0; v < cur_area_data.vertexes.size(); ++v) { vertex* dest_v_ptr = cur_area_data.vertexes[v]; if(dest_v_ptr == moved_v_ptr) continue; if( dist( moved_v_ptr->x, moved_v_ptr->y, dest_v_ptr->x, dest_v_ptr->y ) <= (VERTEX_MERGE_RADIUS / cam_zoom) ) { merge_vertex( moved_v_ptr, dest_v_ptr, &affected_sectors ); final_vertex = dest_v_ptr; break; } } //Finally, re-triangulate the affected sectors. for(size_t e = 0; e < final_vertex->edges.size(); ++e) { edge* e_ptr = final_vertex->edges[e]; for(size_t s = 0; s < 2; ++s) { if(e_ptr->sectors[s]) { affected_sectors.insert(e_ptr->sectors[s]); } } } for( auto s = affected_sectors.begin(); s != affected_sectors.end(); ++s ) { if(!(*s)) continue; triangulate(*s); } //If somewhere along the line, the current sector //got marked for deletion, unselect it. if(cur_sector) { if(cur_sector->edges.empty()) { cur_sector = NULL; sector_to_gui(); } } //Check if the edge's vertexes intersect with any other edges. //If so, they're marked with red. check_edge_intersections(moved_v_ptr); moving_thing = INVALID; } else if( ev.mouse.button == 1 && sec_mode == ESM_NONE && moving_thing != INVALID ) { //Release thing. moving_thing = INVALID; } moving_path_preview_checkpoint = -1; } else if(ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) { //Key press. if( ev.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_LSHIFT || ev.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_RSHIFT ) { shift_pressed = true; } else if(ev.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_F1) { debug_edge_nrs = !debug_edge_nrs; } else if(ev.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_F2) { debug_sector_nrs = !debug_sector_nrs; } else if(ev.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_F3) { debug_vertex_nrs = !debug_vertex_nrs; } else if(ev.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_F4) { debug_triangulation = !debug_triangulation; } } else if(ev.type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_KEY_UP) { //Key release. if( ev.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_LSHIFT || ev.keyboard.keycode == ALLEGRO_KEY_RSHIFT ) { shift_pressed = false; } } }