コード例 #1
ファイル: forward_euler_main.cpp プロジェクト: NTFrs/wip
int main (void)

	typedef  double real;

  real start = 0;
  real stop = 10;
  real dt0 = .1;
  real tol = 1e-3;
  real x0 = 10;
  forward_euler<real> meth(start,stop, dt0, tol);
  linear<real> fun; //Es 1
  real k=-0.5;
  auto f=[k,&fun](real x, real t){return fun(x,t,k);};
  //auto f=[k](real x, real t){return linear<double>()(x,t,k)}  
  meth.apply(f, x0);

//  std::cout << "r = [" << std::endl;
//  for (auto ii = result.begin (), 
//         jj = time.begin (); 
//       ii != result.end () && jj != time.end (); 
//       ++ii, ++jj)

//    std::cout << *jj << ",\t " << *ii << std::endl;
//  std::cout << "];" << std::endl;

  return 0;
コード例 #2
int meth(int r,int c)
    if(r==x && c==y && s[r][c]=='X')
        return 1;
        return 0;
    int i;
            return 1;
    return 0;
コード例 #3
int main()
    int n,m,i;
    return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: pdf-jsimp-mu.c プロジェクト: BYogesh/mupdf
static void wrapmethod(js_State *J)
	pdf_jsimp_obj *args[MAXARGS];
	pdf_jsimp_obj *ret;
	pdf_jsimp_method *meth;
	const char *type;
	void *jsctx;
	void *obj;
	int i;

	int argc = js_gettop(J) - 1;

	js_getregistry(J, "jsctx");
	jsctx = js_touserdata(J, "jsctx", -1);
	js_pop(J, 1);

		js_getproperty(J, -1, "__call");
		meth = js_touserdata(J, "method", -1);
		js_pop(J, 1);

		js_getproperty(J, -1, "__type");
		type = js_tostring(J, -1);
		js_pop(J, 1);
	js_pop(J, 1);

	if (js_isuserdata(J, type, 0))
		obj = js_touserdata(J, type, 0);
		obj = NULL;

	if (argc > MAXARGS)
		js_rangeerror(J, "too many arguments");

	for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
		args[i] = OBJ(i+1);
	ret = meth(jsctx, obj, argc, args);
	if (ret)
		js_copy(J, IDX(ret));
コード例 #5
ファイル: rrdtoolmodule.c プロジェクト: Sweet-kid/rrdtool-1.x
        r = NULL;
    } else {
        r = Py_None;

    return r;

/* List of methods defined in the module */
#define meth(name, func, doc) {name, (PyCFunction)func, METH_VARARGS, doc}

static PyMethodDef _rrdtool_methods[] = {
    meth("create", PyRRD_create, PyRRD_create__doc__),
    meth("update", PyRRD_update, PyRRD_update__doc__),
    meth("fetch", PyRRD_fetch, PyRRD_fetch__doc__),
    meth("graph", PyRRD_graph, PyRRD_graph__doc__),
    meth("tune", PyRRD_tune, PyRRD_tune__doc__),
    meth("first", PyRRD_first, PyRRD_first__doc__),
    meth("last", PyRRD_last, PyRRD_last__doc__),
    meth("resize", PyRRD_resize, PyRRD_resize__doc__),
    meth("info", PyRRD_info, PyRRD_info__doc__),
    meth("graphv", PyRRD_graphv, PyRRD_graphv__doc__),
    meth("updatev", PyRRD_updatev, PyRRD_updatev__doc__),
    meth("flushcached", PyRRD_flushcached, PyRRD_flushcached__doc__),
    meth("xport", PyRRD_xport, PyRRD_xport__doc__),
    meth("dump", PyRRD_dump, PyRRD_dump__doc__),
    {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}
コード例 #6
static JSValueRef callMethod(JSContextRef jscore_ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argumentCount, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception)
	pdf_jsimp *imp;
	fz_context *ctx;
	pdf_jsimp_obj *res = NULL;
	JSValueRef resref = NULL;
	int i;
	pdf_jsimp_obj **args = NULL;
	pdf_jsimp_method *meth = JSObjectGetPrivate(function);
	priv_data *pdata = JSObjectGetPrivate(thisObject);
	if (meth == NULL)
			The attempt to store the method pointer as private data failed, so we
			turn the function into a string, which will have the form "function name() xxx",
			and then lookup the name.
		char name[STRING_BUF_SIZE];
		char *np;
		char *bp;
		JSStringRef jname = JSValueToStringCopy(jscore_ctx, function, NULL);
		prop *p;
		JSStringGetUTF8CString(jname, name, STRING_BUF_SIZE);
		if (strlen(name) >= FUNCTION_PREAMBLE_LEN)
			np = name + FUNCTION_PREAMBLE_LEN; /* strlen("function "); */
			bp = strchr(np, '(');
			if (bp)
				*bp = 0;
			p = find_prop(pdata->type->props, np);
			if (p && p->type == PROP_FN)
				meth = p->u.fn.meth;
	if (meth == NULL || pdata == NULL)
		return JSValueMakeUndefined(jscore_ctx);

	imp = pdata->type->imp;
	ctx = imp->ctx;

		args = fz_malloc_array(ctx, argumentCount, sizeof(pdf_jsimp_obj));
		for (i = 0; i < argumentCount; i++)
			args[i] = wrap_val(imp, arguments[i]);

		res = meth(imp->nat_ctx, pdata->natobj, argumentCount, args);
		if (res)
			resref = res->ref;
		if (args)
			for (i = 0; i < argumentCount; i++)
				pdf_jsimp_drop_obj(imp, args[i]);
			fz_free(ctx, args);
		pdf_jsimp_drop_obj(imp, res);
		return JSValueMakeUndefined(jscore_ctx);

	return resref;
コード例 #7
ファイル: UnfoldMultDists.C プロジェクト: ktf/AliPhysics
   * Run the unfolding and correction task. 
   * The @a measuredFile is assumed to have the structure 
   * @verbatim
   *     /- ForwardMultSums         (TCollection)
   *          |- [type]             (TCollection)
   *          |    |- [bin]         (TCollection) 
   *          |    |    `- rawDist  (TH1)
   *          |    |- [bin]
   *          |    ...
   *          |- [type]
   *          ...
   * @endverbatim 
   * and @a corrFile is assumed to have the structure 
   * @verbatim
   *     /- ForwardMultResults            (TCollection)
   *          |- [type]                   (TCollection)
   *          |    |- [bin]               (TCollection) 
   *          |    |    |- truth          (TH1)
   *          |    |    |- truthAccepted  (TH1)
   *          |    |    |- triggerVertex  (TH1)
   *          |    |    `- response       (TH2)
   *          |    |- [bin]
   *          |    ...
   *          |- [type]
   *          ...
   * @endverbatim 
   * where @c [type] is one of <i>symmetric</i>, <i>positive</i>,
   * <i>negative</i>, or <i>other</i>, and [bin] is the @f$ \eta@f$
   * bin named like
   * @verbatim
   *   [bin]          := [eta_spec] _ [eta_spec]
   *   [eta_spec]     := [sign_char] [integer_part] d [decimal_part]
   *   [sign_part]    := p          positive eta 
   *                  |  m          negative eta 
   *   [integer_part] := [number]
   *   [decimal_part] := [number] [number]
   *   [number]       := 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 
   * @endverbatim
   * That is, the bin @f$ -3\le\eta\ge3@f$ is labeled
   * <b>m3d00_p3d00</b>, @f$ 0\le\eta\ge2.5@f$ is <b>p0d00_p2d50</b> 
   * @a measuredFile and @a corrFile can point to the same file.  If
   * @a corrFile is not specified, it is assumed that @a measuredFile
   * has the expected @a corrFile @e in @e addition to the
   * expected content of that file.
   * @param measuredFile Name of file containing measured data
   * @param corrFile     Name of file containing correction data
   * @param method       Unfolding method to use 
   * @param regParam     Regularization parameter 
  void Run(const TString& measuredFile, const TString& corrFile,
	   const TString& method="Bayes", Double_t regParam=4)
    // Get the input collections 
    if (measuredFile.IsNull()) {
      Error("Run", "No measurements given");
    TCollection* mTop = GetTop(measuredFile, false);
    TCollection* cTop = GetTop(corrFile.IsNull() ? measuredFile : corrFile, 
    if (!mTop || !cTop) return;

    // Get some info from the input collection 
    UShort_t sys;
    UShort_t sNN; 
    ULong_t  trig; 
    Double_t minZ; 
    Double_t maxZ;
    GetParameter(mTop, "sys",     sys);	  
    GetParameter(mTop, "sNN",     sNN);	  
    GetParameter(mTop, "trigger", trig);
    GetParameter(mTop, "minIpZ",  minZ); 
    GetParameter(mTop, "maxIpZ",  maxZ); 
    if (sys == 0 || sNN == 0) 
      Warning("Run", "System (%d) and/or collision energy (%d) unknown", 
	      sys, sNN);
    // Open the output file 
    TFile* out = TFile::Open("forward_unfolded.root", "RECREATE");
    if (!out) { 
      Error("Run", "Failed to open output file");

    // Decode method option and store in file 
    TString meth(method);
    UInt_t  mId = MethodId(meth);
    if (mId == 0xDeadBeef) return;

    // Store information 

    // Load other data 
    TString savPath(gROOT->GetMacroPath());
    // Always recompile 
    if (!gROOT->GetClass("OtherPNch"))

    // Loop over the input 
    const char*  inputs[] = { "symmetric", "positive", "negative", 0 };
    const char** pinput   = inputs;
    while (*pinput) { 
      TCollection* mInput = GetCollection(mTop, *pinput, false);
      TCollection* cInput = GetCollection(cTop, *pinput, false);
      if (mInput && cInput)
	ProcessType(mInput, cInput, mId, regParam, out,
		    sys, sNN);

    // out->ls();

コード例 #8
ファイル: client.c プロジェクト: jnferguson/nibbler
signed int
main(signed int ac, char** av)
	SSL_CTX* 	ctx(nullptr);
	SSL_METHOD*	meth(nullptr);
	SSL*		ssl(nullptr);
	signed long	sflags(0);
	signed int	sockfd(-1);
	signed int	retval(-1);
	std::string	host("");
	std::string	port("");
	std::string key("");
	std::string cert("");
	std::string	store("");
	std::string root("");


	sflags = ( 	SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 | SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1 | 

	if (7 != ac) {
		std::cerr << "Usage: " << av[0] << " <host> <port> <certificate> <key> <root certificate> <certificate store>" << std::endl;
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	host 	= av[1];
	port 	= av[2];
	cert	= av[3];
	key 	= av[4];
	root	= av[5];
	store	= av[6];

	meth	= const_cast< SSL_METHOD* >(::TLSv1_2_client_method());
	ctx		= ::SSL_CTX_new(meth);

	if (nullptr == meth) {
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	::SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, sflags);

	if (0 >= ::SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, cert.c_str(), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)) {
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	if (0 >= ::SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, key.c_str(), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)) {
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	if (! ::SSL_CTX_check_private_key(ctx)) {
		std::cerr << "Private key does not match certificate" << std::endl;
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	if (! ::SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, root.c_str(), store.c_str())) {
		std::cerr << "Load certificate store location failure" << std::endl;
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	::SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER | SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT, nullptr); //&verify_cb);
	::SSL_CTX_set_verify_depth(ctx, 5);

	std::cout << "Connecting to: " << host << ":" << port << std::endl;

	sockfd = open_connection(host, port);

	if (0 > sockfd) 
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	ssl = SSL_new(ctx);
	::SSL_set_fd(ssl, sockfd);

	do {
		retval = ::ERR_get_error();
		if (0 != retval) 
			std::cerr << "SSL ERR: " << ::ERR_reason_error_string(retval) << std::endl;

	} while (0 != retval);

	retval = ::SSL_connect(ssl);

	if (1 != retval) {
		std::cerr << "Error in SSL_connect()" << std::endl;

	} else {
		X509* 			ccert(::SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl));
		char* 			line(nullptr);
		char 			buf[4096] = {0};
		signed int		len(-1);
		struct in_addr	ia;
		struct in6_addr	i6a;
		std::vector< ip_addr_t > avec;
		std::vector< port_t >	pvec;

		//message_t		msg(OP_SCAN_STATUS, 0x4141414141414141);

		if (0 >= ::inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &ia)) {
			std::cerr << "inet_pton() error: " << ::strerror(errno) << std::endl;
			return EXIT_FAILURE;

		avec.push_back(ip_addr_t(ia, 24));
		if (0 >= ::inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &ia)) {
			std::cerr << "inet_pton() error: " << ::strerror(errno) << std::endl;
			return EXIT_FAILURE;

		avec.push_back(ip_addr_t(ia, 8));

		if (0 >= ::inet_pton(AF_INET6, "fe80:20c:29ff:feee:4b72::1", &i6a)) {
			std::cerr << "inet_pton() error: " << ::strerror(errno) << std::endl;
			return EXIT_FAILURE;

		avec.push_back(ip_addr_t(i6a, 120));

		if (0 >= ::inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &ia)) {
			std::cerr << "inet_pton() error: " << ::strerror(errno) << std::endl;
			return EXIT_FAILURE;


		if (0 >= ::inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1", &i6a)) {
			std::cerr << "inet_pton() error: " << ::strerror(errno) << std::endl;
			return EXIT_FAILURE;

		pvec.push_back(port_t(PORT_PROTO_TCP, 80));
		pvec.push_back(port_t(PORT_PROTO_TCP, 443));
		pvec.push_back(port_t(PORT_PROTO_TCP, 143));
		pvec.push_back(port_t(PORT_PROTO_TCP, 22));
		pvec.push_back(port_t(PORT_PROTO_TCP, 139));
		pvec.push_back(port_t(PORT_PROTO_TCP, 31336));
		pvec.push_back(port_t(PORT_PROTO_TCP, 15));

		message_t msg(avec, pvec);

		if (X509_V_OK != ::SSL_get_verify_result(ssl)) 
			std::cout << "Certificate validation failed" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "Certificate successfully validated" << std::endl;

		std::cout << "Connected with " << ::SSL_get_cipher(ssl) << " encryption." << std::endl;
		if (nullptr == ccert) {
			std::cerr << "ccert is nullptr" << std::endl;
			return EXIT_FAILURE;

		line = ::X509_NAME_oneline(::X509_get_subject_name(ccert), 0, 0);
		std::cout << "Subject: " << line << std::endl;
		line = ::X509_NAME_oneline(::X509_get_issuer_name(ccert), 0, 0); 
		std::cout << "Issuer: " << line << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Version: " << ::X509_get_version(ccert) << std::endl;

		len = ::SSL_read(ssl, buf, sizeof(buf));

		if (0 < len && 4096 > len) {
			buf[len] = 0;
			std::cout << "buf: " << buf << std::endl;

		std::vector< uint8_t > d(msg.data());
		::SSL_write(ssl, d.data(), d.size());

	return EXIT_SUCCESS;	
コード例 #9
ファイル: rrdtoolmodule.c プロジェクト: OPSF/uClinux
            DICTSET_CNT(cdd, "unknown_datapoints",


    return r;

/* List of methods defined in the module */
#define meth(name, func, doc) {name, (PyCFunction)func, METH_VARARGS, doc}

static PyMethodDef _rrdtool_methods[] = {
    meth("create",  PyRRD_create,   PyRRD_create__doc__),
    meth("update",  PyRRD_update,   PyRRD_update__doc__),
    meth("fetch",   PyRRD_fetch,    PyRRD_fetch__doc__),
    meth("graph",   PyRRD_graph,    PyRRD_graph__doc__),
    meth("tune",    PyRRD_tune,     PyRRD_tune__doc__),
    meth("last",    PyRRD_last,     PyRRD_last__doc__),
    meth("resize",  PyRRD_resize,   PyRRD_resize__doc__),
    meth("info",    PyRRD_info,     PyRRD_info__doc__),

#define SET_INTCONSTANT(dict, value) \
            t = PyInt_FromLong((long)value); \
            PyDict_SetItemString(dict, #value, t); \
#define SET_STRCONSTANT(dict, value) \
コード例 #10
	@brief Call the function that implements a specified method.
	@param appName Name of the application.
	@param methodName Name of the method.
	@param ses Pointer to the current application session.
	@param reqId The request id of the request invoking the method.
	@param params Pointer to a jsonObject encoding the parameters to the method.
	@return Zero if successful, or -1 upon failure.

	If we can't find a function corresponding to the method, or if we call it and it returns
	a negative return code, send a STATUS message to the client to report an exception.

	A return code of -1 means that the @a appName, @a methodName, or @a ses parameter was NULL.
int osrfAppRunMethod( const char* appName, const char* methodName,
		osrfAppSession* ses, int reqId, jsonObject* params ) {

	if( !(appName && methodName && ses) ) return -1;

	// Find the application, and then find the method for it
	osrfApplication* app = _osrfAppFindApplication(appName);
	if( !app )
		return osrfAppRequestRespondException( ses,
				reqId, "Application not found: %s", appName );

	osrfMethod* method = osrfAppFindMethod( app, methodName );
	if( !method )
		return osrfAppRequestRespondException( ses, reqId,
				"Method [%s] not found for service %s", methodName, appName );

	if( method->argc > 0 ) {
		// Make sure that the client has passed at least the minimum number of arguments.
		if(!params || params->type != JSON_ARRAY || params->size < method->argc )
			return osrfAppRequestRespondException( ses, reqId,
				"Not enough params for method %s / service %s", methodName, appName );

	// Build an osrfMethodContext, which we will pass by pointer to the function.
	osrfMethodContext context;

	context.session = ses;
	context.method = method;
	context.params = params;
	context.request = reqId;
	context.responses = NULL;

	int retcode = 0;

	if( method->options & OSRF_METHOD_SYSTEM ) {
		retcode = _osrfAppRunSystemMethod(&context);

	} else {

		// Function pointer through which we will call the function dynamically
		int (*meth) (osrfMethodContext*);

		// Open the function that implements the method
		meth = dlsym(app->handle, method->symbol);

		const char* error = dlerror();
		if( error != NULL ) {
			return osrfAppRequestRespondException( ses, reqId,
				"Unable to execute method [%s] for service %s", methodName, appName );

		// Run it
		retcode = meth( &context );

	if(retcode < 0)
		return osrfAppRequestRespondException(
				ses, reqId, "An unknown server error occurred" );

	retcode = _osrfAppPostProcess( &context, retcode );

	if( context.responses )
		jsonObjectFree( context.responses );
	return retcode;