SparseVectors::SparseVectors(const int* pI, const int* pJ, const REAL* pS, int iN,int d0) : Points(), N(iN), current(0), I(pI), J(pJ), S(pS), may_delete(false) { //Step 1: Allocate space for all sparse vectors (indices and distances) mexPrintf("N = %i, d0 = %i\n", N, d0); mexEvalString("drawnow"); std::vector<SVInfo>* VsIn = new vector<SVInfo>[N]; SVInfo info; for (int row = 0; row < d0; row++) { info.idx = J[row]; info.val = S[row]; VsIn[I[row]].push_back(info); //NOTE: Expecting 0-indexing mexPrintf("row %i of %i\n", row, d0); mexEvalString("drawnow"); } //Step 2: Sort the sparse elements in each vector in ascending order of index for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { sort(VsIn[i].begin(), VsIn[i].end(), SVInfo_DistComparator()); } //Step 3: Copy over sparse vectors from the vector object to C arrays for(int i = 0; i < N; i++) { mexPrintf("Point %i of %i\n", i, N); mexEvalString("drawnow"); SparseVector* s = new SparseVector(&VsIn[i]); vectors.push_back(s); } delete[] VsIn; }
int train_callback(mkl_network *net){ learning_info info; char in_message[1024]; info.MSE = net->MSE; info.grad = 0; info.time = net->elpased_time; info.epoch = net->epoch; net_send_info(&info); mexPrintf("MSE: %e\tTime: %d\n", net->MSE, net->elpased_time); MSE_log[net->epoch - 1] = net->MSE; time_log[net->epoch - 1] = net->elpased_time; mexEvalString("drawnow;"); if (utIsInterruptPending()){ mexPrintf("Cought Ctrl+C. Wait a 5 sec.\n"); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); utSetInterruptPending(0); return -1; } if (net_receive_info(in_message)){ if(!strcmp("{command:stop}", in_message)){ return -1 } } return 0; }
//Solver Iteration Callback Monitor int user_exit(int n, int k, struct blockmatrix C, double *a, double dobj, double pobj, double constant_offset, struct constraintmatrix *con, struct blockmatrix X, double *y, struct blockmatrix Z, struct paramstruc params) { double evaltime; //Get Execution Time end = clock(); evaltime = ((double)(end-start))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; //Check max time if(evaltime > maxtime) return CSDP_MAX_TIME; //Check ctrl-c if (utIsInterruptPending()) { utSetInterruptPending(false); /* clear Ctrl-C status */ mexPrintf("\nCtrl-C Detected. Exiting CSDP...\n\n"); return CSDP_USER_TERMINATION; //terminate } if(printLevel>1 && citer) { //Display heading if % 20 iters if(citer==1 || citer % 20 == 0) mexPrintf("Iter Time PP Objective DD Objective\n"); //Display parameters mexPrintf("%-3d %6.2f %16.8e %16.8e\n",citer,evaltime,pobj,dobj); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); //flush draw buffer } citer++; //Return ok return(0); }
void insertGrid(vector<double> x_mm_list, vector<double> y_mm_list, vector<double> tilt_degrees_list, vector<double> rotation_degrees_list, vector<double> hole_radius_list, CComPtr<IModelDoc2> swModel, CComPtr<IModelDocExtension> swModelDocExt, CComPtr<IFeatureManager> swFeatureManager, CComPtr<ISketchManager> swSketchManager) { int n = x_mm_list.size(); for(int hole_number = 1; hole_number<=n; hole_number++) { double x_mm = x_mm_list[hole_number-1]; double y_mm = y_mm_list[hole_number-1]; double r_mm = hole_radius_list[hole_number-1]; double tilt_degrees = tilt_degrees_list[hole_number-1]; double rotation_degrees = rotation_degrees_list[hole_number-1]; // Display Grid Info mexPrintf("Punching hole %d / %d at position [%.2f, %.2f], rotation: %.2f, tilt = %.2f \n", hole_number,n,x_mm,y_mm, rotation_degrees,tilt_degrees); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); insertIndividualGridHole(hole_number, x_mm, y_mm, tilt_degrees, rotation_degrees,r_mm, swModel, swModelDocExt, swFeatureManager, swSketchManager); } }
void moveUnits(FILE * fid, unsigned char source, unsigned char target) { unsigned long timeStamp; short packetID; int count; unsigned char unit; count = 0; while (fread(&timeStamp, 4, 1, fid)>0) { fread(&packetID, 2, 1, fid); fread(&unit,1,1,fid); if (unit == source) { fseek(fid,-1,SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&target,1,1,fid); count++; } fseek(fid,packetSize-7,SEEK_CUR); } mexPrintf("All waveforms (%i) from code %i moved to code %i\n",count,source, target); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); }
static void printInitHeader(Data * d, Work * w, Cone * k) { idxint i; char * coneStr = getConeHeader(k); char * linSysMethod = getLinSysMethod(d, w->p); _lineLen_ = -1; for (i = 0; i < HEADER_LEN; ++i) { _lineLen_ += (idxint) strlen(HEADER[i]) + 1; } for (i = 0; i < _lineLen_; ++i) { scs_printf("-"); } scs_printf("\n\tSCS v%s - Splitting Conic Solver\n\t(c) Brendan O'Donoghue, Stanford University, 2012\n", SCS_VERSION); for (i = 0; i < _lineLen_; ++i) { scs_printf("-"); } scs_printf("\n"); if (linSysMethod) { scs_printf("Lin-sys: %s\n", linSysMethod); scs_free(linSysMethod); } if (d->NORMALIZE) { scs_printf("EPS = %.2e, ALPHA = %.2f, MAX_ITERS = %i, NORMALIZE = %i, SCALE = %2.2f\n", d->EPS, d->ALPHA, (int) d->MAX_ITERS, (int) d->NORMALIZE, d->SCALE); } else { scs_printf("EPS = %.2e, ALPHA = %.2f, MAX_ITERS = %i, NORMALIZE = %i\n", d->EPS, d->ALPHA, (int) d->MAX_ITERS, (int) d->NORMALIZE); } scs_printf("Variables n = %i, constraints m = %i\n", (int) d->n, (int) d->m); scs_printf("%s", coneStr); scs_free(coneStr); #ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE mexEvalString("drawnow;"); #endif }
void pushSparseMatrix(CvSparseMat *tcm, char* matName) { int nzCnt = 0; CvSparseMatIterator it; for(CvSparseNode *node = cvInitSparseMatIterator(tcm, &it); node != 0; node = cvGetNextSparseNode( &it)) { nzCnt++; } double *mData = new double[3 * nzCnt]; int ii=0; for(CvSparseNode *node = cvInitSparseMatIterator( tcm, &it ); node != 0; node = cvGetNextSparseNode( &it )) { int* idx = CV_NODE_IDX(tcm,node); float val = ((float*)cvPtrND(tcm, idx))[0]; mData[ii*3 + 0] = idx[0]; mData[ii*3 + 1] = idx[1]; mData[ii*3 + 2] = val; ii++; } mexPrintf("%s nzCnt: %d\n", matName, ii); mxArray *mArray = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(3, nzCnt, mxREAL); memcpy((void*)mxGetPr(mArray), (void*)mData, sizeof(double)*3*nzCnt); mexPutVariable("caller", "consMat", mArray); int pixCnt = tcm->size[0]; char buffer[512]; //_SS_ sprintf_s(buffer,"%s = sparse(consMat(1,:)+1,consMat(2,:)+1,consMat(3,:),%d,%d);", matName, pixCnt,pixCnt); sprintf(buffer,"%s = sparse(consMat(1,:)+1,consMat(2,:)+1,consMat(3,:),%d,%d);", matName, pixCnt,pixCnt); mexEvalString(buffer); delete [] mData; mxDestroyArray(mArray); }
double iterfcn(int n, int s, int iter, int gbest, struct swarm *pop) { bool stop = false; int stat; double ret = 1.0; double evaltime; //Get Execution Time end = clock(); evaltime = ((double)(end-start))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; //Iteration Printing if(printLevel > 1 && iter > 0) { if(iter == 10 || !(iter%100)) mexPrintf(" iter feval time[s] leader objective\n"); mexPrintf("%5d %5d %5.2f %5d %12.5g\n",iter,noFeval,evaltime,gbest,pop->fy[gbest]); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); //flush draw buffer } //Check for Ctrl-C if (utIsInterruptPending()) { utSetInterruptPending(false); /* clear Ctrl-C status */ mexPrintf("\nCtrl-C Detected. Exiting PSwarm...\n\n"); ret = -1.0; ctrlCExit = true; } //Iteration Callback if(iterF.enabled && iter > 0) { iterF.plhs[0] = NULL; memcpy(mxGetData(iterF.prhs[1]), &iter, sizeof(int)); memcpy(mxGetPr(iterF.prhs[2]), &pop->fy[gbest], sizeof(double)); memcpy(mxGetPr(iterF.prhs[3]), &pop->y[gbest*n], n * sizeof(double)); stat = mexCallMATLAB(1, iterF.plhs, 4, iterF.prhs, iterF.f); if(stat) mexErrMsgTxt("Error calling Callback Function!"); //Collect return argument stop = *(bool*)mxGetData(iterF.plhs[0]); if(stop) { ctrlCExit = true; mexPrintf("\nIterFun Called Stop. Exiting PSwarm...\n\n"); ret = -1; } // Clean up Ptr mxDestroyArray(iterF.plhs[0]); } //Check for maxtime expiry if(evaltime > maxtime) { mexPrintf("\nMaximum Solver Time Exceeded. Exiting PSwarm...\n\n"); ret = -1.0; } return ret; }
void printProgress(stats* info) { if( info->iter == 0 ) { /* print header at very first iteration */ #if PRINTLEVEL == 2 PRINTTEXT("\nECOS %s - (c) A. Domahidi, ETH Zurich & embotech 2012-14. Support: [email protected]\n\n", ECOS_VERSION); #endif #if defined _WIN32 || defined _WIN64 PRINTTEXT("It pcost dcost gap pres dres k/t mu step IR\n"); PRINTTEXT("%2d %+5.3e %+5.3e %+2.0e %2.0e %2.0e %2.0e %2.0e N/A %d %d -\n",(int)info->iter, info->pcost, info->dcost, info->gap, info->pres, info->dres, info->kapovert, info->mu, (int)info->nitref1, (int)info->nitref2); #else PRINTTEXT("It pcost dcost gap pres dres k/t mu step IR\n"); PRINTTEXT("%2d %c%+5.3e %c%+5.3e %c%+2.0e %c%2.0e %c%2.0e %c%2.0e %c%2.0e N/A %d %d -\n",(int)info->iter, 32, info->pcost, 32, info->dcost, 32, info->gap, 32, info->pres, 32, info->dres, 32, info->kapovert, 32, info->mu, (int)info->nitref1, (int)info->nitref2); #endif } else { #if defined _WIN32 || defined _WIN64 PRINTTEXT("%2d %+5.3e %+5.3e %+2.0e %2.0e %2.0e %2.0e %2.0e %6.4f %d %d %d\n",(int)info->iter, info->pcost, info->dcost, info->gap, info->pres, info->dres, info->kapovert, info->mu, info->step, (int)info->nitref1, (int)info->nitref2, (int)info->nitref3); #else PRINTTEXT("%2d %c%+5.3e%c %+5.3e %c %+2.0e%c %2.0e%c %2.0e%c %2.0e%c %2.0e%c %6.4f %d %d %d\n",(int)info->iter, 32,info->pcost, 32,info->dcost, 32, info->gap, 32, info->pres, 32, info->dres, 32, info->kapovert, 32, info->mu, 32, info->step, (int)info->nitref1, (int)info->nitref2, (int)info->nitref3); #endif } /* enable to flush printf in Matlab immediately */ #ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE #if defined MATLAB_FLUSH_PRINTS mexEvalString("pause(0.0001);"); #endif #endif }
/* Function: mdlStart ======================================================= * Abstract: * This function is called once at start of model execution. If you * have states that should be initialized once, this is the place * to do it. */ static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S) { //Initialize the states before Init method is called real_T *x2 = ssGetRealDiscStates(S); x2[0] = u_fps; x2[1] = v_fps; x2[2] = w_fps; x2[3] = p_radsec; x2[4] = q_radsec; x2[5] = r_radsec; x2[6] = h_sl_ft; x2[7] = long_gc_deg; x2[8] = lat_gc_deg; x2[9] = phi_rad; x2[10] = theta_rad; x2[11] = psi_rad; //x[12] = alpha_rad; //x[13] = beta_rad; /* 8/25/10 Code added to support FlightViz visualization */ mexEvalString("do_flightvue"); char v_buf[128]; mwSize v_buflen; v_buflen = mxGetNumberOfElements(verbosity) + 1; mxGetString(verbosity, v_buf, v_buflen);//v_buf contains the verbosity char string int is_debug = strcmp(v_buf,"debug"); if(is_debug == 0){ mexPrintf("\nMDL Start.\n"); } }
void MatlabJournal::PrintfImpl (EJournalCategory category, EJournalLevel level, const char* pformat, va_list ap) { const int maxStrLen = 1024; char s[maxStrLen]; #ifdef HAVE_VSNPRINTF # ifdef HAVE_VA_COPY va_list apcopy; va_copy(apcopy, ap); if (vsnprintf(s,maxStrLen,pformat,apcopy) >= maxStrLen) throw MatlabException("String buffer it too short for all the characters to be printed to MATLAB console"); va_end(apcopy); # else if (vsnprintf(s,maxStrLen,pformat,ap) >= maxStrLen) throw MatlabException("String buffer it too short for all the characters to be printed to MATLAB console"); # endif #else # ifdef HAVE__VSNPRINTF # ifdef HAVE_VA_COPY va_list apcopy; va_copy(apcopy, ap); if (_vsnprintf(s,maxStrLen,pformat,apcopy) >= maxStrLen) throw MatlabException("String buffer it too short for all the characters to be printed to MATLAB console"); va_end(apcopy); # else if (_vsnprintf(s,maxStrLen,pformat,ap) >= maxStrLen) throw MatlabException("String buffer it too short for all the characters to be printed to MATLAB console"); # endif # else vsprintf(s,pformat,ap); # endif #endif mexPrintf(s); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); //flush draw buffer }
void printProgress(stats* info) { if( info->iter == 0 ) { /* print header at very first iteration */ #if PRINTLEVEL == 2 PRINTTEXT("\nECOS - (c) A. Domahidi, Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH Zurich, 2012-13.\n\n"); #endif PRINTTEXT("It pcost dcost gap pres dres k/t mu step IR\n"); #if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN64 PRINTTEXT("%2d %+5.3e %+5.3e %+2.0e %2.0e %2.0e %2.0e %2.0e N/A %d %d -\n",(int)info->iter, info->pcost, info->dcost, info->gap, info->pres, info->dres, info->kapovert, info->mu, (int)info->nitref1, (int)info->nitref2); #else PRINTTEXT("%2d %c%+5.3e %c%+5.3e %c%+2.0e %c%2.0e %c%2.0e %c%2.0e %c%2.0e N/A %d %d -\n",(int)info->iter, 32, info->pcost, 32, info->dcost, 32, info->gap, 32, info->pres, 32, info->dres, 32, info->kapovert, 32, info->mu, (int)info->nitref1, (int)info->nitref2); #endif } else { #if defined WIN32 || defined _WIN64 PRINTTEXT("%2d %+5.3e %+5.3e %+2.0e %2.0e %2.0e %2.0e %2.0e %6.4f %d %d %d\n",(int)info->iter, info->pcost, info->dcost, info->gap, info->pres, info->dres, info->kapovert, info->mu, info->step, (int)info->nitref1, (int)info->nitref2, (int)info->nitref3); #else PRINTTEXT("%2d %c%+5.3e%c %+5.3e %c %+2.0e%c %2.0e%c %2.0e%c %2.0e%c %2.0e %6.4f %d %d %d\n",(int)info->iter, 32,info->pcost, 32,info->dcost, 32, info->gap, 32, info->pres, 32, info->dres, 32, info->kapovert, 32, info->mu, info->step, (int)info->nitref1, (int)info->nitref2, (int)info->nitref3); #endif } /* enable to flush printf in Matlab immediately */ #if PRINTLEVEL > 0 #ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE #if defined MATLAB_FLUSH_PRINTS mexEvalString("drawnow;"); #endif #endif #endif }
void BraidInPlace<T>::run(size_t NThreadsRequested) { #ifndef BRAIDLAB_NOTHREADING // restrict the number of threads if there are fewer jobs than available // threads NThreadsRequested = NThreadsRequested > Nloops ? Nloops : NThreadsRequested; #else NThreadsRequested = 1; #endif if ( NThreadsRequested == 0 ) { mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("BRAIDLAB:braid:colorbraiding:numthreadsnotpositive", "Number of threads requested must be positive"); } // unthreaded version if (NThreadsRequested == 1) { if (2 <= BRAIDLAB_debuglvl) { printf("loopsigma_helper: multiplication running UNTHREADED.\n" ); mexEvalString("pause(0.001);"); //flush } for (mwIndex l = 0; l < Nloops; ++l) { applyToLoop(l); } } #ifndef BRAIDLAB_NOTHREADING else { // threaded version if (2 <= BRAIDLAB_debuglvl) { printf("loopsigma_helper: multiplication running THREADED (%d threads).\n", NThreadsRequested); mexEvalString("pause(0.001);"); //flush } // scheduler for threads ThreadPool pool(NThreadsRequested); // (c) Jakob Progsch // std::bind creates a function reference to a member function // needed here b/c passing references to member functions // requires explicit object to be referred auto funApplyToLoop = std::bind(&BraidInPlace<T>::applyToLoop, this, std::placeholders::_1); for (mwIndex l = 0; l < Nloops; ++l) { pool.enqueue( funApplyToLoop, l); } } #endif }
int igl::mexStream::overflow(int c) { if (c != EOF) { mexPrintf("%.1s",&c); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); // to dump string. } return 1; }
// TT dispatcher handler -- called at the Time-Triggered slot boundaries double ttDispatcherCodeFcn(int segment, void *data) { char buf[200]; Task *task, *next; UserTask *userTask; TimeTriggeredDispatcher *dispatcher = (TimeTriggeredDispatcher*) data; int slotIndex=((int)((float)(rtsys->time/dispatcher->slotLength)) % dispatcher->schedulingTable.size()); // Remove all tasks from readyQ belonging to TTDispatcher and move to tmpQ task = (Task*) rtsys->readyQs[dispatcher->affinity]->getFirst(); while (task != NULL) { next = (Task*) task->getNext(); if (task->isUserTask()) { userTask = (UserTask*) task; if (userTask->ttdisp == dispatcher) { task->moveToList(dispatcher->tmpQ); } } task = next; } if (dispatcher->schedulingTable[slotIndex] > 0) { // Select the task to execute bool taskMoved = false; task = (Task*) dispatcher->tmpQ->getFirst(); while (task != NULL) { next = (Task*) task->getNext(); userTask = (UserTask*) task; // Select one of the tasks to execute if (userTask->taskIdentifier == dispatcher->schedulingTable[slotIndex]) // Current slot is for selected task { userTask->moveToList(rtsys->readyQs[dispatcher->affinity]); taskMoved = true; //OUT("Task %s moved to readyQ\n", userTask->name); break; } task = next; } // If job is not yet released, notify user if (!taskMoved) { sprintf(buf, "disp(\'@time %f: TTDispatcher Info: Task with identifier %d is not ready to execute\')", rtsys->time, dispatcher->schedulingTable[slotIndex]); mexEvalString(buf); } } // Schedule dispatcher timer for next slot dispatcher->slotTimer->time = rtsys->time + dispatcher->slotLength; dispatcher->slotTimer->moveToList(rtsys->timeQ); return FINISHED; }
static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S) { char string_aux[255]; // auxiliar string char serial_port_path[255]; // auxiliar string char my_port[255]; int baud_rate; comm_settings comm_settings_t; ssPrintf("qbmove simulink library version: %s\n", QBMOVE_SIMULINK_VERSION); //====================================================== opening serial port for (int i = 0; param_com_port(i); ++i) serial_port_path[i] = (char) param_com_port(i); switch(param_com_baudrate){ case 1: baud_rate = BAUD_RATE_2000000; break; case 2: baud_rate = BAUD_RATE_460800; break; case 3: baud_rate = BAUD_RATE_115200; break; case 4: baud_rate = BAUD_RATE_57600; break; } #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) sprintf(my_port, "\\\\.\\%s", serial_port_path); #else strcpy(my_port, serial_port_path); #endif openRS485(&comm_settings_t, my_port, baud_rate); pwork_handle = comm_settings_t.file_handle; #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64) if(pwork_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) #else if(pwork_handle == -1) #endif { ssPrintf("Check your COM port. \nCould not connect to %s\n", serial_port_path); out_handle = &pwork_handle; // Stop simulation mexEvalString("set_param(bdroot, 'SimulationCommand', 'stop')"); return; } out_handle = &pwork_handle; }
static void printFooter(Data * d, Work * w, Info * info) { idxint i; char * linSysStr = getLinSysSummary(w->p, info); char * coneStr = getConeSummary(info); for (i = 0; i < _lineLen_; ++i) { scs_printf("-"); } scs_printf("\nStatus: %s\n", info->status); if (info->iter == d->MAX_ITERS) { scs_printf("Hit MAX_ITERS, solution may be inaccurate\n"); } scs_printf("Timing: Total solve time: %1.2es\n", info->solveTime / 1e3); if (linSysStr) { scs_printf("%s", linSysStr); scs_free(linSysStr); } if (coneStr) { scs_printf("%s", coneStr); scs_free(coneStr); } for (i = 0; i < _lineLen_; ++i) { scs_printf("-"); } scs_printf("\n"); if (info->statusVal == INFEASIBLE) { scs_printf("Certificate of primal infeasibility:\n"); scs_printf("|A'y|_2 * |b|_2 = %.4e\n", info->resDual); scs_printf("dist(y, K*) = 0\n"); scs_printf("b'y = %.4f\n", info->dobj); } else if (info->statusVal == UNBOUNDED) { scs_printf("Certificate of dual infeasibility:\n"); scs_printf("|Ax + s|_2 * |c|_2 = %.4e\n", info->resPri); scs_printf("dist(s, K) = 0\n"); scs_printf("c'x = %.4f\n", info->pobj); } else { scs_printf("Error metrics:\n"); scs_printf("|Ax + s - b|_2 / (1 + |b|_2) = %.4e\n", info->resPri); scs_printf("|A'y + c|_2 / (1 + |c|_2) = %.4e\n", info->resDual); scs_printf("|c'x + b'y| / (1 + |c'x| + |b'y|) = %.4e\n", info->relGap); scs_printf("dist(s, K) = 0, dist(y, K*) = 0, s'y = 0\n"); for (i = 0; i < _lineLen_; ++i) { scs_printf("-"); } scs_printf("\n"); scs_printf("c'x = %.4f, -b'y = %.4f\n", info->pobj, info->dobj); } for (i = 0; i < _lineLen_; ++i) { scs_printf("="); } scs_printf("\n"); #ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE mexEvalString("drawnow;"); #endif }
static boolean_T setSignalNames(char* blockHandle) { short i; char buffer [120]; for(i=0;i<numberOfInputs;i++) { sprintf (buffer, "set_input_signal_name('%s',%d,'%s');",blockHandle,i+1,inputSignals[i]); mexEvalString(buffer); } for(i=0;i<numberOfOutputs;i++) { sprintf (buffer, "set_output_signal_name('%s',%d,'%s');",blockHandle,i+1,outputSignals[i]); mexEvalString(buffer); } return true; }
void thresholdSpikes(FILE * fid, int threshold, unsigned char target, int lowThresh) { unsigned long timeStamp; short packetID; int count; unsigned char unit; unsigned char unit2; short * waveform; int exceeds; int i; waveform = (short *)mxCalloc(numSamples,sizeof(short)); count = 0; while (fread(&timeStamp, 4, 1, fid)>0) { fread(&packetID, 2, 1, fid); fread(&unit,1,1,fid); fseek(fid,1,SEEK_CUR); fread(waveform,bytesPerSample,numSamples,fid); exceeds = 0; for (i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) { if (waveform[i] > threshold || waveform[i] < -threshold) exceeds = 1; } if (!lowThresh) exceeds = 1 - exceeds; if (exceeds) { if (packetID < 129) { fseek(fid,-(int)packetSize+6,SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&target,1,1,fid); fseek(fid,packetSize-7,SEEK_CUR); count++; } } } mexPrintf("%i waveforms written as sort code %i\n",count,target); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); mxFree(waveform); }
static void printSummary(idxint i, struct residuals *r, timer * solveTimer) { scs_printf("%*i|", (int) strlen(HEADER[0]), (int) i); scs_printf("%*.2e ", (int) HSPACE, r->resPri); scs_printf("%*.2e ", (int) HSPACE, r->resDual); scs_printf("%*.2e ", (int) HSPACE, r->relGap); scs_printf("%*.2e ", (int) HSPACE, r->cTx); scs_printf("%*.2e ", (int) HSPACE, -r->bTy); scs_printf("%*.2e ", (int) HSPACE, r->kap / r->tau); scs_printf("%*.2e ", (int) HSPACE, tocq(solveTimer) / 1e3); scs_printf("\n"); #ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE mexEvalString("drawnow;"); #endif }
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { // Check inputs to mex function if (nlhs != 1 || nrhs < 2 || nrhs > 3) { mexEvalString("help cv.medianFilter"); mexErrMsgIdAndTxt ( "medianFilter:usage", "Incorrect number of inputs/outputs provided." ); } // Parse input const mxArray* image = prhs[0]; const mxArray* mask = prhs[1]; const mxArray* selection = nrhs > 2 ? prhs[2] : 0; if (mxGetNumberOfDimensions(image) != 2) mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("medianFilter:image", "Only 2D images are supported for now."); if (mxIsComplex(image)) mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("medianFilter:image", "Only real valued images are supported for now."); if (!mxIsLogical(mask)) mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("medianFilter:mask", "mask must be boolean."); if (mxGetM(mask) % 2 == 0) mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("medianFilter:mask", "mask must have an odd number of rows."); if (mxGetN(mask) % 2 == 0) mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("medianFilter:mask", "mask must have an odd number of columns."); const bool* isSelected = 0; if (selection) { if (!mxIsLogical(selection)) mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("weightedSumFilter:selection", "selection must be a logical matrix."); if (mxGetNumberOfElements(selection) != mxGetNumberOfElements(image)) mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("weightedSumFilter:selection", "selection must have the same number of elements as image."); isSelected = (const bool*) mxGetData(selection); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create output structure mxArray* filtered = mxCreateNumericArray( mxGetNumberOfDimensions(image) , mxGetDimensions(image) , mxGetClassID(image) , mxREAL ); plhs[0] = filtered; // Create filter class and process applyFilter<MedianFilter2D>(image, mxGetData(filtered), isSelected, mask); }
void receive_poll(PtTimestamp ts, void *userData) { int count, command; PmEvent event; if (inStream==NULL) return; if (Pm_Poll(inStream)!=TRUE) return; while ((count = Pm_Read(inStream, &event, 1))) { if (count == 1) { /* there seems to be a constant stream of MIDI events, not all of which are interesting */ /* the status has the command in the highest 4 bits and the channel in the lowest 4 bits */ command = Pm_MessageStatus(event.message) & MIDI_CODE_MASK; if ((command == MIDI_ON_NOTE) || (command == MIDI_OFF_NOTE ) || (command == MIDI_CH_PROGRAM ) || (command == MIDI_CTRL) || (command == MIDI_POLY_TOUCH ) || (command == MIDI_TOUCH ) || (command == MIDI_BEND )) { MUTEX_LOCK; channel [numReceived] = (Pm_MessageStatus(event.message) & MIDI_CHN_MASK); note [numReceived] = Pm_MessageData1(event.message); velocity [numReceived] = Pm_MessageData2(event.message); timestamp [numReceived] = event.timestamp; if (verbose) { mexPrintf("channel = %2d, note = %3d, velocity = %3d, timestamp = %d\n", channel[numReceived], note[numReceived], velocity[numReceived], timestamp[numReceived]); mexEvalString("try, drawnow limitrate nocallbacks; end"); } if (numReceived==INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE) mexWarnMsgTxt("midi buffer overrun"); else numReceived++; MUTEX_UNLOCK; } } else mexWarnMsgTxt(Pm_GetErrorText(count)); } }
//Solver Iteration Callback Monitor static int DSDPMonitor(DSDP dsdp, void* dummy) { int iter; double pobj,dobj,pstp=0,dstp,mu,res,pnorm,pinfeas; double evaltime; //Get Execution Time end = clock(); evaltime = ((double)(end-start))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; //Check max time if(evaltime > maxtime) return DSDP_MAX_TIME; //Check ctrl-c if (utIsInterruptPending()) { utSetInterruptPending(false); /* clear Ctrl-C status */ mexPrintf("\nCtrl-C Detected. Exiting DSDP...\n\n"); return DSDP_USER_TERMINATION; //terminate } if(printLevel>1) { DSDPGetIts(dsdp,&iter); DSDPGetDDObjective(dsdp,&dobj); DSDPGetPPObjective(dsdp,&pobj); DSDPGetR(dsdp,&res); DSDPGetPInfeasibility(dsdp,&pinfeas); DSDPGetStepLengths(dsdp,&pstp,&dstp); DSDPGetBarrierParameter(dsdp,&mu); DSDPGetPnorm(dsdp,&pnorm); //Display heading if % 20 iters if(iter==0 || iter % 20 == 0) mexPrintf("Iter Time[s] PP Objective DD Objective PInfeas DInfeas Nu StepLength Pnrm\n"); //Display parameters mexPrintf("%-3d %6.2f %16.8e %16.8e %9.1e %9.1e %9.1e",iter,evaltime,pobj,dobj,pinfeas,res,mu); mexPrintf(" %4.2f %4.2f",pstp,dstp); if (pnorm>1.0e3) mexPrintf(" %1.0e \n",pnorm); else mexPrintf(" %5.2f \n",pnorm); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); //flush draw buffer } //Return ok return(0); }
// Assume that xhat and alphahat are initialized with zeros void decode_patches_oracle(const MatrixXd &D, const MatrixXd &DtY, const MatrixXd &xOracle, const double idx_array[], size_t idx_array_size, MatrixXd &xhat, MatrixXd &alphahat){ // creating a group_idx array that group indices of patches from the same group unsigned int* group_idx = new unsigned int[idx_array_size]; double* idx = new double[idx_array_size]; for (unsigned int i =0; i < idx_array_size; i++){ group_idx[i] = i; idx[i] = idx_array[i]; } quicksort(idx, group_idx, idx_array_size); // extract patches from the same group and decode them using pga_newton unsigned int max_idx = idx[idx_array_size-1]; unsigned int cur_idx_loc = 0; size_t m = D.rows(); size_t n = D.cols(); // we skip the indices of the zero patches since their reconstruction is zero for (; (unsigned int)idx[cur_idx_loc] == 0; cur_idx_loc++); for (unsigned int cur_idx = 1; cur_idx <= max_idx; cur_idx++){ unsigned int cur_group_size = 0; for (unsigned int cur_idx_loc_temp = cur_idx_loc; (unsigned int)idx[cur_idx_loc_temp] == cur_idx; cur_idx_loc_temp++){ cur_group_size++; } MatrixXd DtY_cur(n,cur_group_size); MatrixXd xOracle_cur(m,cur_group_size); MatrixXd alphahat_cur(n,cur_group_size); MatrixXd xhat_cur(m,cur_group_size); //extract patches from DtY for (unsigned int j=0; j < cur_group_size; j++){ DtY_cur.block(0,j,n,1).noalias() = DtY.block(0,group_idx[cur_idx_loc+j],n,1); xOracle_cur.block(0,j,m,1).noalias() = xOracle.block(0,group_idx[cur_idx_loc+j],m,1); } pga_oracle_newton(D, DtY_cur, xOracle_cur, xhat_cur, alphahat_cur); //copy the decoded representation and patch for (unsigned int j=0; j < cur_group_size; j++){ xhat.block(0,group_idx[cur_idx_loc+j],m,1).noalias() = xhat_cur.block(0,j,m,1); alphahat.block(0,group_idx[cur_idx_loc+j],n,1).noalias() = alphahat_cur.block(0,j,n,1); } cur_idx_loc = cur_idx_loc + cur_group_size; if(cur_idx%100 == 0){ mexPrintf("PGA processed %u/%u\n", cur_idx, max_idx); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); } } delete [] group_idx; delete [] idx; }
void receive_poll(PtTimestamp ts, void *userData) { int count, command; unsigned int latest; PmEvent event; if (inStream==NULL) return; if (Pm_Poll(inStream)!=TRUE) return; while ((count = Pm_Read(inStream, &event, 1))) { if (count == 1) { /* there seems to be a constant stream of MIDI events, not all of which are interesting */ /* the status has the command in the highest 4 bits and the channel in the lowest 4 bits */ command = Pm_MessageStatus(event.message) & MIDI_CODE_MASK; if ((command == MIDI_ON_NOTE) || (command == MIDI_OFF_NOTE ) || (command == MIDI_CH_PROGRAM ) || (command == MIDI_CTRL) || (command == MIDI_POLY_TOUCH ) || (command == MIDI_TOUCH ) || (command == MIDI_BEND )) { /* store the latest event at the end of the ring buffer */ latest = WRAP(numReceived, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); numReceived++; channel [latest] = (double)(Pm_MessageStatus(event.message) & MIDI_CHN_MASK); note [latest] = (double)Pm_MessageData1(event.message); velocity [latest] = (double)Pm_MessageData2(event.message); timestamp [latest] = (double)event.timestamp; if (verbose) { mexPrintf("channel = %2d, note = %3d, velocity = %3d, timestamp = %g\n", (int)channel[latest], (int)note[latest], (int)velocity[latest], timestamp[latest]); mexEvalString("try, drawnow limitrate nocallbacks; end"); } } } else mexWarnMsgTxt(Pm_GetErrorText(count)); } }
bool lbfgsb_program::iterCallback (int t, double etime, double* x, double f) { bool stop = false; //Check for Ctrl-C if (utIsInterruptPending()) { utSetInterruptPending(false); /* clear Ctrl-C status */ mexPrintf("\nCtrl-C Detected. Exiting L-BFGS-B...\n\n"); return true; //terminate asap } //Iteration Printing if(printLevel > 1) { if(t==1 || !(t%10)) mexPrintf(" iter feval time[s] objective\n"); mexPrintf("%5d %5d %5.2f %12.5g\n",t,noFevals,etime,f); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); //flush draw buffer } //Iteration Callback if(iterF->enabled) { iterF->plhs[0] = NULL; memcpy(mxGetData(iterF->prhs[1]), &t, sizeof(int)); memcpy(mxGetPr(iterF->prhs[2]), &f, sizeof(double)); memcpy(mxGetPr(iterF->prhs[3]), x, this->ndec * sizeof(double)); try { mexCallMATLAB(1, iterF->plhs, 4, iterF->prhs, iterF->f); } catch(...) { mexWarnMsgTxt("Unrecoverable Error from Iteration Callback, Exiting LBFGSB...\n"); //Force exit return true; } //Collect return argument stop = *(bool*)mxGetData(iterF->plhs[0]); // Clean up Ptr mxDestroyArray(iterF->plhs[0]); } return stop; }
static void printHeader(Data * d, Work * w, Cone * k) { idxint i; if (d->WARM_START) scs_printf("SCS using variable warm-starting\n"); for (i = 0; i < _lineLen_; ++i) { scs_printf("-"); } scs_printf("\n"); for (i = 0; i < HEADER_LEN - 1; ++i) { scs_printf("%s|", HEADER[i]); } scs_printf("%s\n", HEADER[HEADER_LEN - 1]); for (i = 0; i < _lineLen_; ++i) { scs_printf("-"); } scs_printf("\n"); #ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE mexEvalString("drawnow;"); #endif }
void fann_save_matrices(struct fann *network, char *fname){ unsigned int layers; unsigned int layer[100]; unsigned int bias[100]; unsigned int total_weights; unsigned int neuron_inputs; unsigned int writes_counter; DATA_TYPE weight; struct fann_connection *connections; FILE *array; char array_name[255]; int i, j; writes_counter = 0; layers = fann_get_num_layers(network); fann_get_layer_array(network, layer); fann_get_bias_array(network, bias); total_weights = fann_get_total_connections(network); printf("Total weights: %i\n", total_weights); connections = (struct fann_connection *) malloc(total_weights * sizeof(struct fann_connection)); fann_get_connection_array(network, connections); for(i = 1; i < layers; i++){ sprintf(array_name, "", fname, i); array = fopen(array_name, "wb"); for (j = 0; j < layer[i]*(layer[i-1] + 1); j++){ weight = connections[writes_counter].weight; #ifdef DEBUG mexPrintf("Number:\t%i\n", writes_counter); mexPrintf("Weight:\t%e\n", connections[writes_counter].weight); mexPrintf("From:\t%i\n", connections[writes_counter].from_neuron); mexPrintf("To:\t%i\n", connections[writes_counter].to_neuron); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); #endif fwrite(&weight, sizeof(DATA_TYPE) , 1, array); writes_counter++; } fclose(array); } return; }
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray*prhs[] ) { if (first) { mexPrintf("treeupdate using NUM_THREADS=%u\n",NUM_THREADS); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); first=0; } if (nrhs != 14) { mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong number of arguments. Fail."); return; } if (nlhs != 1) { mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong number of outputs. Fail."); return; } if (! mxIsSparse (HASHXTIC_MATRIX_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Hashxtic must be sparse. Fail."); return; } if (mxIsSparse (OAS_MATRIX_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Oas must be dense. Fail."); return; } if (! mxIsSingle (OAS_MATRIX_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Oas must be single. Fail."); return; } if (mxGetM (OAS_MATRIX_IN) != mxGetM (HASHXTIC_MATRIX_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Hashxtic and oas have incompatible shape. Fail."); return; } if (! mxIsSparse (FILTMAT_MATRIX_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Filtmat must be sparse. Fail."); return; } if (mxGetN (OAS_MATRIX_IN) != mxGetM (FILTMAT_MATRIX_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Oas and filtmat have incompatible shape. Fail."); return; } if (! mxIsSparse (EXINDEX_MATRIX_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Exindex must be sparse. Fail."); return; } if (mxGetN (EXINDEX_MATRIX_IN) != mxGetN (FILTMAT_MATRIX_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Exindex and filtmat have incompatible shape. Fail."); return; } if (! mxIsCell (BIAS_CELL_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Bias must be cell array. Fail."); return; } for (mwIndex i = 0; i < mxGetNumberOfElements (BIAS_CELL_IN); ++i) { const mxArray* mybias = mxGetCell (BIAS_CELL_IN, i); if (mybias) { if (! mxIsSingle (mybias)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Bias must contain single arrays. Fail."); } break; } } if (mxIsSparse (MOMENTUM_MATRIX_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Momentum must be dense. Fail."); return; } if (! mxIsSingle (MOMENTUM_MATRIX_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Momentum must be single. Fail."); return; } if (! mxIsCell (MOMENTUM_BIAS_CELL_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Momentum bias must be cell array. Fail."); return; } for (mwIndex i = 0; i < mxGetNumberOfElements (MOMENTUM_BIAS_CELL_IN); ++i) { const mxArray* mymombias = mxGetCell (MOMENTUM_BIAS_CELL_IN, i); if (mymombias) { if (! mxIsSingle (mymombias)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Momentum bias must contain single arrays. Fail."); } break; } } if (! mxIsSparse (YTIC_MATRIX_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Ytic must be sparse. Fail."); return; } if (mxGetN (YTIC_MATRIX_IN) != mxGetN (HASHXTIC_MATRIX_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Ytic and hashxtic have incompatible shapes. Fail."); return; } if (mxGetM (YTIC_MATRIX_IN) != mxGetM (FILTMAT_MATRIX_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Ytic and filtmat have incompatible shapes. Fail."); return; } if (! mxIsSingle (C_VECTOR_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("C must be single. Fail."); return; } if (mxGetNumberOfElements (C_VECTOR_IN) != mxGetM (OAS_MATRIX_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("C and oas have incompatible shapes. Fail."); return; } if (! mxIsDouble (NODE_PERM_VECTOR_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Node perm must be double. Fail."); return; } if (mxGetNumberOfElements (NODE_PERM_VECTOR_IN) != mxGetN (FILTMAT_MATRIX_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Node perm and filtmat have incompatible shapes. Fail."); return; } if (! mxIsDouble (EX_PERM_VECTOR_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Example perm must be double. Fail."); return; } if (mxGetNumberOfElements (EX_PERM_VECTOR_IN) != mxGetN (HASHXTIC_MATRIX_IN)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Example perm and hashxtic have incompatible shapes. Fail."); return; } if (mxGetM (ETA_SCALAR_IN) != 1 || mxGetN (ETA_SCALAR_IN) != 1) { mexErrMsgTxt("Eta must be a double scalar. Fail."); return; } if (mxGetScalar (ETA_SCALAR_IN) <= 0) { mexErrMsgTxt("Eta must be positive. Fail."); return; } if (mxGetM (ALPHA_SCALAR_IN) != 1 || mxGetN (ALPHA_SCALAR_IN) != 1) { mexErrMsgTxt("Alpha must be a double scalar. Fail."); return; } if (mxGetScalar (ALPHA_SCALAR_IN) < 0 || mxGetScalar (ALPHA_SCALAR_IN) >= 1) { mexErrMsgTxt("Alpha must be in [0,1). Fail."); return; } if (! mxIsLogical (SOFTMAX_LOGICAL_IN) || mxGetM (SOFTMAX_LOGICAL_IN) != 1 || mxGetN (SOFTMAX_LOGICAL_IN) != 1) { mexErrMsgTxt("Softmax option must be logical. Fail."); return; } NORM_DELTA_OUT = mxCreateNumericMatrix (1, 1, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL); double* norm_delta_out = (double *) mxGetPr (NORM_DELTA_OUT); double* norm_deltas = (double*) mxCalloc(NUM_THREADS, sizeof(double)); std::thread t[NUM_THREADS]; if (mxIsLogicalScalarTrue (SOFTMAX_LOGICAL_IN)) { for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < NUM_THREADS; ++i) { t[i] = std::thread (update<true>, prhs, norm_deltas + i, i, NUM_THREADS); } update<true> (prhs, norm_deltas + NUM_THREADS-1, NUM_THREADS-1, NUM_THREADS); } else { for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < NUM_THREADS; ++i) { t[i] = std::thread (update<false>, prhs, norm_deltas + i, i, NUM_THREADS); } update<false> (prhs, norm_deltas + NUM_THREADS-1, NUM_THREADS-1, NUM_THREADS); } for (int i = 0; i + 1 < NUM_THREADS; ++i) { t[i].join (); norm_deltas[NUM_THREADS-1] += norm_deltas[i]; } *norm_delta_out = norm_deltas[NUM_THREADS-1]; return; }
LRESULT CALLBACK keyboard_hook_procedure(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // // // // code : // Determines how to process the message. If less than zero // you must call CallNextHookEx // wParam : // - WM_KEYDOWN // - WM_KEYUP // - WM_SYSKEYDOWN - alt key pressed // - WM_SYSKEYUP // lParam : // pointer to a KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT structure // Structure defined at: // // typedef struct tagKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT { // DWORD vkCode; - // DWORD scanCode; - hardware scan code for key // DWORD flags; // DWORD time; - timestamp of the message // ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo; - Additional information associated with the message. // } KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT, *PKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT, *LPKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT; // short shift_pressed = GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT); // short ctrl_pressed = GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL); // short caps_pressed = GetKeyState(VK_CAPITAL); KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT* kbd = (KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT*)lParam; bool key_pressed; DWORD vkcode = kbd->vkCode; //WARNING: //-------- //The hook procedure should process a message in less time than the data //entry specified in the LowLevelHooksTimeout value in the following registry key: // HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop // The value is in milliseconds. If the hook procedure times out, the system // passes the message to the next hook. However, on Windows 7 and later, // the hook is silently removed without being called. There is no way // for the application to know whether the hook is removed. // This hook must call the next one ... // CallNextHookEx // // // 0 means, just call the next one ... if (code < 0){ return CallNextHookEx(NULL, code, wParam, lParam); } //wParam // if (wParam == WM_KEYUP){ // key_pressed = False; // }else if (wParam == WM_KEYDOWN){ // key_pressed = True; // }else // { // return CallNextHookEx(NULL, code, wParam, lParam); // } if (wParam == WM_KEYUP || wParam == WM_KEYDOWN){ //GetKeyState //Shift //Ctrl //Caps Lock key_pressed = !(wParam == WM_KEYUP); //This doesn't handle sticky keys ... //Added to ensure we don't miss capital letters ... if (vkcode == VK_LSHIFT || vkcode == VK_RSHIFT){ shift_pressed = key_pressed; }else if (vkcode == VK_LCONTROL || vkcode == VK_RCONTROL){ ctrl_pressed = key_pressed; }else if (vkcode == VK_CAPITAL){ caps_pressed = key_pressed; } //I'm not sure of a better way to pass parameters ... :/ sprintf(str,"sl.os.keyboard_logger.keyboardEvent('%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d')\0", key_pressed,kbd->vkCode,kbd->scanCode,kbd->time, shift_pressed,ctrl_pressed,caps_pressed); mexEvalString(str); } // // // // //if (wParam == WM_KEYUP){ // // // // //sprintf should add a terminating null character to terminate the string // // // // //thus I don't think we need to worry if the size of this string varies ... // // // // // // // // //Keys to know // // // // //Shift // // // // //Ctrl // // // // //caps lock // // // // //Alt // // // // // // // // BYTE keyState[256]; // // // // // // // // GetKeyboardState((LPBYTE)&keyState); // // // // wchar_t keyBuf[10]; // // // // int status = ToUnicodeEx(kbd->vkCode, kbd->scanCode, keyState, keyBuf, 10, 0 , hkl); // // // // // // // // if (status == 1 && keyBuf[0] > 0){ // // // // sprintf(str,"sl.os.keyboard_logger.keyboardEvent('%d:%d:%g')\0",wParam,keyBuf[0],kbd->time); // // // // //This is a blocking call ... // // // // //TODO: It would be better to not block ... // // // // mexEvalString(str); // // // // } // // // // //} return CallNextHookEx(NULL, code, wParam, lParam); }