void gifLabelVerticalText(char *fileName, char **labels, int labelCount, int height) /* Make a gif file with given labels. This will check to see if fileName * exists already and has not changed, and if so do nothing. */ { struct memGfx *straight = altColorLabels(labels, labelCount, height); struct memGfx *rotated = mgRotate90(straight); struct memGfx *existing = NULL; #ifdef USE_PNG struct tempName tn; makeTempName(&tn, "gifLabelVertTemp", ".png"); mgSavePng(rotated, tn.forCgi, FALSE); rename(tn.forCgi, fileName); #else if (fileExists(fileName)) existing = mgLoadGif(fileName); /* the savings here is in the user's own browser cache - not updated if no change */ if (!sameGifContents(rotated, existing)) { struct tempName tn; makeTempName(&tn, "gifLabelVertTemp", ".gif"); mgSaveGif(rotated, tn.forCgi, FALSE); rename(tn.forCgi, fileName); } #endif mgFree(&straight); mgFree(&rotated); if (existing) mgFree(&existing); }
void gifLabelVerticalText(char *fileName, char **labels, int labelCount, int height) /* Make a gif file with given labels. This will check to see if fileName * exists already, and if so do nothing. */ { struct memGfx *straight = altColorLabels(labels, labelCount, height); struct memGfx *rotated = mgRotate90(straight); char tempName[512]; safef(tempName, sizeof(tempName), "%s_trash", fileName); mgSaveGif(rotated, tempName); /* note we cannot delete this later because of permissions */ /* the savings here is in the user's own browser cache - not updated if no change */ if (!sameFileContents(tempName,fileName)) mgSaveGif(rotated, fileName); mgFree(&straight); mgFree(&rotated); }
void gifLabelVerticalText(char *fileName, char **labels, int labelCount, int height) /* Make a gif file with given labels. This will check to see if fileName * exists already and has not changed, and if so do nothing. */ { struct memGfx *straight = altColorLabels(labels, labelCount, height); struct memGfx *rotated = mgRotate90(straight); struct memGfx *existing = NULL; struct tempName tn; makeTempName(&tn, "gifLabelVertTemp", ".png"); mgSavePng(rotated, tn.forCgi, FALSE); rename(tn.forCgi, fileName); mgFree(&straight); mgFree(&rotated); if (existing) mgFree(&existing); }
void memPngClose(struct memPng **pG) /* Write out and close and free. */ { struct memPng *g = *pG; if (g != NULL) { struct memGfx *mg = (struct memGfx *)g; mgSavePng(mg, g->fileName, g->useTransparency); freez(&g->fileName); mgFree(&mg); *pG = NULL; } }
void chkGlue(char *bacAcc, char *finBac, char *unfinBac, char *gluedBac, int trim, char *repeatMask) /* Display glued and unglued form of BAC. */ { int trackCount = 1; int pixWidth, pixHeight; int x, y; struct memGfx *mg; struct tempName gifTn, mapTn; FILE *mapFile; printf("See picture at bottom for overview of where contigs align.\n\n"); /* Figure out basic dimensions and allocate picture. */ font = mgSmallFont(); trackWidth = 700; trackHeight = mgFontPixelHeight(font) + 4; pixWidth = trackWidth + 2*border; pixHeight = trackCount * (trackHeight+border) + border; x = y = border; mg = mgNew(pixWidth, pixHeight); mgClearPixels(mg); makeBlockColors(mg); /* Create map file. */ makeTempName(&mapTn, "glu", ".map"); mapFile = mustOpen(mapTn.forCgi, "wb"); mapWriteHead(mapFile, pixWidth, pixHeight, bacAcc, trim, repeatMask); /* Write out tracks onto picture. */ aliTrack(bacAcc, finBac, unfinBac, mg, x, y, mapFile, trim, repeatMask); /* Save pic and tell html file about it. */ makeTempName(&gifTn, "glu", ".gif"); mgSaveGif(mg, gifTn.forCgi); printf("<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=map VALUE=\"%s\">\n", mapTn.forCgi); printf( "<P><INPUT TYPE=IMAGE SRC = \"%s\" BORDER=1 WIDTH=%d HEIGHT=%d NAME = \"clickMe\" ALIGN=BOTTOM><BR>\n", gifTn.forHtml, pixWidth, pixHeight); printf("Click on contig for detailed alignment\n"); /* Write end of map */ mapWriteBox(mapFile, mtNone, 0, 0, pixWidth, pixHeight, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); mapWriteBox(mapFile, mtEnd, 0, 0, pixWidth, pixHeight, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* Clean up. */ fclose(mapFile); mgFree(&mg); }
struct memGfx *mgLoadGif(char *name) /* Create memory image based on gif file. * Note this is based on a very old gif reader * that only handles the GIF87a version. * This is the same that mgSaveGif creates at * least. This version of gif was always * color mapped. */ { int c; char type[7]; int gif_colors = 0; gif_line = 0; iphase = 0; iy = 0; gif_mg = NULL; gif_file = mustOpen(name, "rb"); if (fread(&gif, 1, sizeof(gif), gif_file) < sizeof(gif)) { goto TRUNCOUT; } memcpy(type, gif.giftype, 6); type[6] = 0; if (!startsWith("GIF", type)) { errAbort("Not a good GIF file"); goto BADOUT; } if (!sameString("GIF87a", type)) { errAbort("Gif is version %s, sadly load_gif only speaks version GIF87a", type); goto BADOUT; } gif_colors = (1<<((gif.colpix&PIXMASK)+1)); if (gif.colpix&COLTAB) { int size = gif_colors*3; if (fread(gif_cmap, 1, size, gif_file) < size) goto TRUNCOUT; } for (;;) /* skip over extension blocks and other junk til get ',' */ { if ((c = fgetc(gif_file)) == READ_ERROR) goto TRUNCOUT; if (c == ',') break; if (c == ';') /* semi-colon is end of piccie */ goto TRUNCOUT; if (c == '!') /* extension block */ { if ((c = fgetc(gif_file)) == READ_ERROR) /* skip extension type */ goto TRUNCOUT; for (;;) { if ((c = fgetc(gif_file)) == READ_ERROR) goto TRUNCOUT; if (c == 0) /* zero 'count' means end of extension */ break; while (--c >= 0) { if (fgetc(gif_file) == READ_ERROR) goto TRUNCOUT; } } } } if (fread(&gim, 1, sizeof(gim), gif_file) < sizeof(gim)) goto TRUNCOUT; gif_width = (gim.whi<<8) + gim.wlo; gif_height = (gim.hhi<<8) + gim.hlo; gif_mg = mgNew(gif_width, gif_height); /* Gif files can have color maps in two places. Let * the gim color map overwrite the one in the gif header * here. */ if (gim.flags&COLTAB) { int size; gif_colors = (1<<((gim.flags&PIXMASK)+1)); size = gif_colors*3; if (fread(gif_cmap, 1, size, gif_file) < size) goto TRUNCOUT; } if (gif_colors > 0) { if (gif_colors > 256) errAbort("Too many colors in %s", name); memcpy(gif_mg->colorMap, gif_cmap, 3*gif_colors); } switch (gif_decoder(gif_width)) { case READ_ERROR: case BAD_CODE_SIZE: goto TRUNCOUT; case OUT_OF_MEMORY: errAbort("out of memory"); goto BADOUT; default: break; } carefulClose(&gif_file); return(gif_mg); TRUNCOUT: errAbort("%s is truncated", name); BADOUT: carefulClose(&gif_file); mgFree(&gif_mg); return(NULL); }
void gcSquiggle(char *chromName, char *destDir, char *type, bool thick, bool line) /* Make gcSquiggle pic for chromosome. */ { char gifName[512]; int chromSize = hChromSize(chromName); struct memGfx *mg = getScaledMg(chromSize, squiggleHeight); int dotWidth = mg->width; char nibName[512]; FILE *nibFile; int nibChromSize; struct dnaSeq *seq = NULL; double lastGcPercent = (gcPercentMin+gcPercentMax)/2; double gcPercent; int startBase = 0, endBase = 0, baseWidth; int lastDot = -1, dot; int realBaseCount; int gcBaseCount; bool lastMissing = TRUE; int squigHeight = squiggleHeight-thick; int y1,y2; sprintf(gifName, "%s/%sgc%s.gif", destDir, chromName, type); sprintf(nibName, "%s/%s.nib", nibDir, chromName); nibOpenVerify(nibName, &nibFile, &nibChromSize); if (nibChromSize != chromSize) errAbort("Disagreement on size of %s between database and %s\n", chromName, nibName); for (dot = 0; dot <dotWidth; ++dot) { startBase = endBase; endBase = dotToBase(dot+1); if (endBase > nibChromSize) endBase = nibChromSize; baseWidth = endBase-startBase; seq = nibLdPart(nibName, nibFile, nibChromSize, startBase, baseWidth); realBaseCount = realDnaCount(seq->dna, seq->size); gcBaseCount = gcDnaCount(seq->dna, seq->size); if (realBaseCount < 20) { /* Add psuedocounts from last time if sample is small. */ lastMissing = TRUE; } else { gcPercent = (double)gcBaseCount/(double)realBaseCount; y2 = gcScaleRange(gcPercent, squigHeight); if (line && !lastMissing) { y1 = gcScaleRange(lastGcPercent, squigHeight); mgDrawLine(mg, dot-1, y1, dot, y2, MG_BLACK); if (thick) { mgDrawLine(mg, dot-1, y1+1, dot, y2+1, MG_BLACK); } } else { mgPutDot(mg, dot, y2, MG_BLACK); if (thick) mgPutDot(mg, dot, y2+1, MG_BLACK); } lastGcPercent = gcPercent; lastMissing = FALSE; } freeDnaSeq(&seq); } fclose(nibFile); mgSaveGif(mg, gifName); mgFree(&mg); }
void makePlot(struct clonePos *xList, struct clonePos *yList, struct hash *yHash) /* Write out graphics for plot. */ { struct memGfx *mg = NULL; struct tempName gifTn; char *mapName = "map"; struct clonePos *xp, *yp; int i, j, x, y, nextX, nextY; int divisions = 10; double invZoom = 1.0/zoom; double magnify = 2.0; double newZoom = zoom*magnify; double invNewZoom = 1.0/newZoom; int xCount = slCount(xList); plotName = (xCount/zoom < 50); if (xList == NULL || yList == NULL) return; font = mgSmallFont(); posSpan(xList, &xStart, &xEnd); posSpan(yList, &yStart, &yEnd); if (pix < 50 || pix > 5000) errAbort("Pixels out of range - must be between 50 an 5000"); mg = mgNew(pix, pix); mgClearPixels(mg); /* Plot dots. */ for (xp = xList; xp != NULL; xp = xp->next) { if ((yp = hashFindVal(yHash, xp->name)) != NULL) { zoomScale(xp->pos, yp->pos, &x, &y); plot(mg, x, y, xp->name, MG_BLACK); } } /* Make zooming image map. */ printf("<MAP Name=%s>\n", mapName); for (i=0; i<divisions; ++i) { double cenX = xOff + (i + 0.5) * (invZoom / divisions); double sx = cenX - invNewZoom/2; x = i*pix/divisions; nextX = (i+1)*pix/divisions; for (j=0; j<divisions; ++j) { double cenY = yOff + (j + 0.5) * (invZoom / divisions); double sy = cenY - invNewZoom/2; y = j*pix/divisions; nextY = (j+1)*pix/divisions; mapZoomIn(x, y, nextX - x, nextY - y, sx, sy, zoom*magnify); } } printf("</MAP>\n"); /* Save image in temp dir. */ makeTempName(&gifTn, "wikPic", ".gif"); mgSaveGif(mg, gifTn.forCgi, FALSE); printf( "<P><IMG SRC = \"%s\" BORDER=1 WIDTH=%d HEIGHT=%d USEMAP=#%s><BR>\n", gifTn.forHtml, pix, pix, mapName); mgFree(&mg); /* Print some extra info. */ printf("X has %d elements ranging from %d to %d<BR>\n", slCount(xList), xStart, xEnd); printf("Y has %d elements ranging from %d to %d<BR>\n", slCount(yList), yStart, yEnd); }