miScalar lume_plane_ray_intersection(miVector *intersection, miVector *plane_point, miVector *plane_dir, miVector *ray_point, miVector *ray_dir) { miScalar q; miScalar t; q = mi_vector_dot(plane_dir, ray_dir); if (fabs(q) < 0.0001) return 0; /* parallel */ t = (mi_vector_dot(plane_point, plane_dir) - mi_vector_dot(plane_dir, ray_point)) / q; *intersection = *ray_dir; mi_vector_mul(intersection, t); mi_vector_add(intersection, intersection, ray_point); return t; }
miBoolean contour_shader_widthfromlightdir( miContour_endpoint *result, miStdInfo *info_near, miStdInfo *info_far, miState *state, Lightdir_Parameters *paras) { double d; miVector dir; miScalar max_width; miScalar min_width; /* Contour color given by a parameter */ result->color = *mi_eval_color(¶s->color); /* Normalize light direction (just in case user didn't) */ dir = *mi_eval_vector(¶s->light_dir); mi_vector_normalize(&dir); /* The contour gets wider the more the normal differs from the light source direction */ d = mi_vector_dot(&dir, &info_near->normal); min_width = *mi_eval_scalar(¶s->min_width); max_width = *mi_eval_scalar(¶s->max_width); result->width = min_width + 0.5 * (max_width - min_width) * (1.0 - d); miASSERT(min_width <= result->width && result->width <= max_width); return(miTRUE); }
miBoolean contour_shader_curvature( miContour_endpoint *result, miStdInfo *info_near, miStdInfo *info_far, miState *state, Widthfromcolor_Parameters *paras) { double d; miScalar min_width; miScalar max_width; miASSERT(info_near || info_far); /* Constant contour color */ result->color = *mi_eval_color(¶s->color); max_width = *mi_eval_scalar(¶s->max_width); min_width = *mi_eval_scalar(¶s->min_width); if ((info_near == NULL) != (info_far == NULL)) { /* Max contour width if one point hit background */ result->width = max_width; } else if (fabs(info_near->point.z - info_far->point.z) > 1.0) { /* Max contour width if large difference in depth */ result->width = max_width; } else { /* Otherwise, the contour width depends on the curvature */ d = mi_vector_dot(&info_near->normal, &info_far->normal); miASSERT(-1.0 <= d && d <= 1.0); result->width = min_width + 0.5 * (1.0 - d) * (max_width-min_width); } miASSERT(min_width <= result->width && result->width <= max_width); return(miTRUE); }
void do_diffuse_and_spec(miColor *result,miState *state,miColor *diffuse, miColor *specular,miScalar specular_exponent){ // Lights stuff miTag *light = (miTag *) malloc(sizeof(miTag *)); int light_sample_count = 0; int light_count = 0; miScalar dot_normal_light; miColor light_color; // TMP variables miColor sum; miVector light_direction; miScalar spec_amount; //resultValues miColor *diffuse_out = (miColor *) malloc(sizeof(miColor *)); miColor *specular_out = (miColor *) malloc(sizeof(miColor *)); mi_inclusive_lightlist(&light_count, &light, state); for (mi::shader::LightIterator iter(state, light, light_count); !iter.at_end(); ++iter) { light_sample_count = 0; sum.r = sum.g = sum.b = 0; while(iter->sample()){ dot_normal_light = iter->get_dot_nl(); iter->get_contribution(&light_color); light_direction = iter->get_direction(); miVector normal = state->normal; spec_amount = pow(mi_vector_dot(&normal,&light_direction),specular_exponent); diffuse_out->r = (dot_normal_light * diffuse->r * light_color.r); diffuse_out->g = (dot_normal_light * diffuse->g * light_color.g); diffuse_out->b = (dot_normal_light * diffuse->b * light_color.b); specular_out->r = (specular->r * light_color.r * spec_amount); specular_out->g = (specular->g * light_color.g * spec_amount); specular_out->b = (specular->b * light_color.b * spec_amount); sum.r += diffuse_out->r + specular_out->r; sum.g += diffuse_out->g + specular_out->g; sum.b += diffuse_out->b + specular_out->b; light_sample_count++; } if (light_sample_count){ result->r += sum.r*(1.0/light_sample_count); result->g += sum.g*(1.0/light_sample_count); result->b += sum.b*(1.0/light_sample_count); } } }
miBoolean contour_shader_widthfromlight( miContour_endpoint *result, miStdInfo *info_near, miStdInfo *info_far, miState *state, Light_Parameters *paras) { miVector orgp; /* light source origin */ miVector dirp; /* light source direction */ miVector dir; double d; miScalar min_width; miScalar max_width; /* Contour color given by a parameter */ result->color = *mi_eval_color(¶s->color); /* Get light origin or direction */ mi_light_info(*mi_eval_tag(¶s->light), &orgp, &dirp, 0); /* Now orgp or dirp is different from the null vector */ /* Compute direction from light to point */ if (mi_vector_dot(&orgp, &orgp) > miEPS) { /* point light source */ mi_vector_sub(&dir, &info_near->point, &orgp); } else { /* directional light source */ miASSERT(mi_vector_dot(&dirp, &dirp) > miEPS); dir = dirp; } mi_vector_normalize(&dir); /* The contour gets wider the more the normal is pointing in the same direction as the light source */ d = mi_vector_dot(&dir, &info_near->normal); min_width = *mi_eval_scalar(¶s->min_width); max_width = *mi_eval_scalar(¶s->max_width); result->width = min_width + 0.5 * (max_width - min_width) * (d+1.0); miASSERT(min_width <= result->width && result->width <= max_width); return(miTRUE); }
static void build_rot_matrix( miVector *old_dir, miVector *new_dir, miMatrix rot_transform) { miVector rot_axis; mi_vector_prod(&rot_axis, old_dir, new_dir); mi_vector_normalize(&rot_axis); float cos_theta = mi_vector_dot(old_dir, new_dir); float theta = (float) acos(cos_theta); mi_matrix_rotate_axis(rot_transform, &rot_axis, theta); }
miScalar dist_linear_squared3(miVector *v1, miVector *v2) { miVector s; mi_vector_sub(&s,v1,v2); return mi_vector_dot(&s,&s); }
miBoolean contour_shader_combi( miContour_endpoint *result, miStdInfo *info_near, miStdInfo *info_far, miState *state, Combi_Parameters *paras) { miScalar depth = info_near->point.z; double near_z, far_z, w_near, w_far; miVector orgp; /* light source origin */ miVector dirp; /* light source direction */ miVector dir; double d; double factor; miTag light; /* Ensure that near_z and far_z are negative as they should be */ near_z = -fabs(*mi_eval_scalar(¶s->near_z)); far_z = -fabs(*mi_eval_scalar(¶s->far_z)); if (depth > near_z) { /* contour is closer than near_z */ result->color = *mi_eval_color(¶s->near_color); result->width = *mi_eval_scalar(¶s->near_width); } else if (depth < far_z) { /* contour is more distant than far_z*/ result->color = *mi_eval_color(¶s->far_color); result->width = *mi_eval_scalar(¶s->far_width); } else { /* contour is betwn near_z and far_z */ miColor near_color = *mi_eval_color(¶s->near_color); miColor far_color = *mi_eval_color(¶s->far_color); /* Weights w_near and w_far depend on depth */ w_near = (depth - far_z) / (near_z - far_z); miASSERT(0.0 <= w_near && w_near <= 1.0); w_far = 1.0 - w_near; /* Mix of near_color and far_color according to weights */ result->color.r = w_near * near_color.r + w_far * far_color.r; result->color.g = w_near * near_color.g + w_far * far_color.g; result->color.b = w_near * near_color.b + w_far * far_color.b; result->color.a = w_near * near_color.a + w_far * far_color.a; /* Width depending on weights */ result->width = w_near * *mi_eval_scalar(¶s->near_width) + w_far * *mi_eval_scalar(¶s->far_width); } /* Width decreases by factor for each refraction_level */ factor = *mi_eval_scalar(¶s->factor); if (factor > miEPS) result->width *= pow(factor, (double)info_near->level - 1.0); light = *mi_eval_tag(¶s->light); if (light) { miScalar light_min_factor = *mi_eval_scalar(¶s->light_min_factor); /* Get light origin or direction */ mi_light_info(light, &orgp, &dirp, 0); /* Now orgp or dirp is different from the null vector */ /* Compute direction from light to point */ if (mi_vector_dot(&orgp, &orgp) > miEPS) /* point light */ mi_vector_sub(&dir, &info_near->point, &orgp); else { /* directional light source */ miASSERT(mi_vector_dot(&dirp, &dirp) > miEPS); dir = dirp; } mi_vector_normalize(&dir); /* The contour gets wider the more the normal is pointing in the same direction as the light source */ d = mi_vector_dot(&dir, &info_near->normal); result->width *= 0.5 * (d + 1.0) * (1.0 - light_min_factor) + light_min_factor; } miASSERT(result->width <= *mi_eval_scalar(¶s->near_width)); return(miTRUE); }
miBoolean contour_contrast_function_levels( miStdInfo *info1, miStdInfo *info2, int level, miState *state, Contour_Contrast_Parameters_Levels *paras) { /* * No contour if level too near or too deep */ if (level < *mi_eval_integer(¶s->min_level) || *mi_eval_integer(¶s->max_level) < level) return(miFALSE); /* * Contour if one ray intersected an object and one ray hit background */ miASSERT(info1 || info2); if ((info1 == NULL) != (info2 == NULL)) return(miTRUE); miASSERT(info1 && info2); /* * Contour if sufficiently large difference in depth */ if (fabs(info1->point.z - info2->point.z) > *mi_eval_scalar(¶s->zdelta)) return(miTRUE); /* * Contour if sufficiently large change in normal */ if (mi_vector_dot(&info1->normal, &info2->normal) < cos(*mi_eval_scalar(¶s->ndelta) * M_PI/180.0)) return(miTRUE); /* * Contour if different materials (if specified) */ if (*mi_eval_boolean(¶s->diff_mat) && info1->material != info2->material) return(miTRUE); /* * Contour if different object labels (if specified) */ if (*mi_eval_boolean(¶s->diff_label) && info1->label != info2->label) return(miTRUE); /* * Contour if different triangle indices (if specified) */ if (*mi_eval_boolean(¶s->diff_index) && (info1->index != info2->index || mi_vector_dot(&info1->normal_geom, &info2->normal_geom) < 0.9999)) return(miTRUE); /* * Contour if color contrast (if specified) --- doesn't work properly * on objects behind semitransparent objects since there can be a * contrast on the semistransparent object caused by the color * difference behind it (as a result, it looks like the contrast * shader of the semitransparent object is used on the object behind * even though it isn't). */ if (*mi_eval_boolean(¶s->contrast) && (fabs(info1->color.r-info2->color.r) > state->options->contrast.r || fabs(info1->color.g-info2->color.g) > state->options->contrast.g || fabs(info1->color.b-info2->color.b) > state->options->contrast.b)) return(miTRUE); /* * No contour otherwise */ return(miFALSE); }
miBoolean Facade_tex_coord(miState *state, miScalar size, miBoolean cylindrical, miVector *tex_point) { miVector facing, facade_center, observer_center; miVector intersection; miVector fx, fy, fz; /* first - determine the center of the facade, the center of the observer, and the direction of the facade */ { mi_point_from_object(state, &facade_center, &zero); observer_center = state->org; mi_vector_sub(&facing, &observer_center, &facade_center); if (cylindrical) { miVector fix; mi_vector_to_object(state, &fix, &facing); fix.y = 0; mi_vector_from_object(state, &facing, &fix); } mi_vector_normalize(&facing); } /* second - compute the intersection of the ray and the facade */ { miScalar l; l = lume_plane_ray_intersection(&intersection, &facade_center, &facing, &state->point, &state->dir); if (l <= 0) /* no intersection */ return miFALSE; } /* third - build a coordinate system for the texture */ { miVector object_up; fz = facing; mi_vector_from_object(state, &object_up, &up); mi_vector_prod(&fx, &object_up, &fz); mi_vector_normalize(&fx); mi_vector_prod(&fy, &fz, &fx); mi_vector_normalize(&fy); } /* forth - convert the intersection to the texture coordinate system */ { mi_vector_sub(&intersection, &intersection, &facade_center); tex_point->x = mi_vector_dot(&intersection, &fx); tex_point->y = mi_vector_dot(&intersection, &fy); tex_point->z = mi_vector_dot(&intersection, &fz); mi_vector_div(tex_point, size); tex_point->x += 0.5; tex_point->y += 0.5; } return miTRUE; }
extern "C" DLLEXPORT miBoolean physical_light( miColor *result, miState *state, struct physical_light *parms) { struct physical_light p, *paras = &p; /* mi_eval'ed parameters */ miTag light = 0; miColor visibility = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; miVector normal, u, v, axis, spotdir, dir; miScalar cosine, r=state->dist, r2, f, d, area, radius; miScalar exponent, spread; miScalar maxcolor; int type, areatype; p.color = *mi_eval_color (&parms->color); p.cone = *mi_eval_scalar(&parms->cone); p.threshold = *mi_eval_scalar(&parms->threshold); p.cos_exp = *mi_eval_scalar(&parms->cos_exp); miASSERT(paras->color.r >= 0.0 && paras->color.g >= 0.0 && paras->color.b >= 0.0); /* no 'light suckers', please */ mi_query(miQ_INST_ITEM, state, state->light_instance, &light); mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_TYPE, state, light, &type); mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA, state, light, &areatype); if (state->type == miRAY_LIGHT) { /* * compute irradiance from this light source at the surface of * object */ mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_EXPONENT, state, light, &exponent); r2 = exponent == 0 || exponent == 2 ? r*r : pow(r, exponent); switch(areatype) { case miLIGHT_NONE: /* point, spot or directional*/ /* * distance attenuation: 4 Pi r^2 is the area of a * sphere around the point. Same normalization as for * spherical light */ f = type==miLIGHT_DIRECTION ? 1 : 1 / (4 * M_PI * r2); break; case miLIGHT_RECTANGLE: /* rectangular area light */ mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA_R_EDGE_U, state, light, &u); mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA_R_EDGE_V, state, light, &v); mi_vector_prod(&normal, &u, &v); mi_vector_normalize(&normal); mi_vector_to_light(state, &dir, &state->dir); mi_vector_normalize(&dir); /* * Compute area-to-point form factor (except cos at * the receiver). <cosine> is cos at sender. Returning * 2 means "no color and stop sampling". */ cosine = mi_vector_dot(&normal, &dir); if (cosine <= 0) return((miBoolean)2); if (paras->cos_exp != 0 && paras->cos_exp != 1) cosine = pow(cosine, paras->cos_exp); /* * cos term and distance attenuation. No area term * since "color" of the light is energy, not radiance. */ f = cosine / (M_PI * r2); break; case miLIGHT_DISC: /* disc area light */ mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA_D_NORMAL, state,light,&normal); mi_vector_to_light(state, &dir, &state->dir); mi_vector_normalize(&dir); cosine = mi_vector_dot(&normal, &dir); if (cosine <= 0) return((miBoolean)2); if (paras->cos_exp != 0 && paras->cos_exp != 1) cosine = pow(cosine, paras->cos_exp); f = cosine / (M_PI * r2); break; case miLIGHT_SPHERE: /* spherical area light */ case miLIGHT_CYLINDER: /* cylindrical area light */ f = 1 / (4 * M_PI * r2); break; case miLIGHT_OBJECT: /* two sided */ /* * this is legal for object lights only: state->child * is set according to the intersection with the light * geometry itself */ cosine = -state->child->dot_nd; if (cosine <= 0) return(miFALSE); if (paras->cos_exp != 0 && paras->cos_exp != 1) cosine = pow(cosine, paras->cos_exp); f = cosine / (4 * M_PI * r2); break; default: mi_error("physical_light: unknown light source type"); } if (type == miLIGHT_SPOT) { /* spot light source */ mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_DIRECTION, state, light, &spotdir); miASSERT(fabs(mi_vector_norm(&spotdir) - 1.) < miEPS); mi_vector_to_light(state, &dir, &state->dir); mi_vector_normalize(&dir); d = mi_vector_dot(&dir, &spotdir); if (d <= 0) return(miFALSE); mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_SPREAD, state, light, &spread); if (d < spread) return(miFALSE); if (d < paras->cone) f *= 1 - (d - paras->cone) / (spread - paras->cone); } /* * Return false without checking occlusion (shadow ray) if * color is very dark. (This introduces bias which could be * avoided if probabilities were used to decide whether to * carry on or return here.) */ maxcolor = mi_MAX3(paras->color.r, paras->color.g, paras->color.b); if (f * maxcolor < paras->threshold) return(miFALSE); /* * Check for occlusion by an opaque object and compute * visibility */ if (!mi_trace_shadow(&visibility, state) || BLACK(visibility)) return(miFALSE); /* * Compute result. Visibility is always (1 1 1) here for * dgs_material() so the multiplication by visibility could be * avoided. But for base light shaders visibility can be less. */ result->r = f * paras->color.r * visibility.r; result->g = f * paras->color.g * visibility.g; result->b = f * paras->color.b * visibility.b; } else { /* Visible area light source: return radiance*/ switch (areatype) { case miLIGHT_RECTANGLE: /* rectangular area light */ mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA_R_EDGE_U, state, light, &u); mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA_R_EDGE_V, state, light, &v); mi_vector_prod(&normal, &u, &v); /* Compute radiance: result = paras->color / area */ mi_normal_to_light(state, &dir, &state->normal); if (mi_vector_dot(&normal, &dir) > 0) { area = 4.0 * mi_vector_norm(&normal); miASSERT(area > 0.0); result->r = paras->color.r / area; result->g = paras->color.g / area; result->b = paras->color.b / area; } else *result = black; /* back side is black */ break; case miLIGHT_DISC: /* disc area light source */ mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA_D_NORMAL, state,light,&normal); mi_normal_to_light(state, &dir, &state->normal); if (mi_vector_dot(&normal, &dir) > 0) { mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA_D_RADIUS, state, light, &radius); area = M_PI * radius * radius; miASSERT(area > 0.0); result->r = paras->color.r / area; result->g = paras->color.g / area; result->b = paras->color.b / area; } else *result = black; break; case miLIGHT_SPHERE: /* spherical area light */ mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA_S_RADIUS, state,light,&radius); area = 4.0 * M_PI * radius * radius; miASSERT(area > 0.0); result->r = paras->color.r / area; result->g = paras->color.g / area; result->b = paras->color.b / area; break; case miLIGHT_CYLINDER: /* cylindrical area light */ mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA_C_RADIUS, state,light,&radius); mi_query(miQ_LIGHT_AREA_C_AXIS, state, light, &axis); /* area = pi*radius^2 * h = pi*radius^2 * 2 * |axis| */ area = 2 * M_PI * radius * radius * mi_vector_norm(&axis); miASSERT(area > 0.0); result->r = paras->color.r / area; result->g = paras->color.g / area; result->b = paras->color.b / area; break; case miLIGHT_OBJECT: mi_query(miQ_INST_AREA, state, state->light_instance, &area); result->r = paras->color.r / area; result->g = paras->color.g / area; result->b = paras->color.b / area; break; case miLIGHT_NONE: /* point, spot or directional*/ miASSERT(0); break; default: mi_error("physical_light: unknown light source type"); } } miASSERT(result->r >= 0 && result->g >= 0 && result->b >= 0); return(miTRUE); }
extern "C" DLLEXPORT miBoolean mib_amb_occlusion( miColor *result, miState *state, struct mib_amb_occlusion_p *paras) { double sample[3], near_clip, far_clip; int counter = 0; miUint samples = *mi_eval_integer(¶s->samples); miScalar clipdist = *mi_eval_scalar(¶s->max_distance); miBoolean reflecto = *mi_eval_boolean(¶s->reflective); miBoolean ret_type = *mi_eval_integer(¶s->return_type); miTag org_env = state->environment; /* Original environ. */ miVector orig_normal, trace_dir; miScalar output = 0.0, samplesdone = 0.0; miScalar spread = *mi_eval_scalar(¶s->spread); miScalar o_m_spread = 1.0f - spread; miColor env_total; /* environment Total */ miVector norm_total; /* Used for adding up normals */ miBoolean occ_alpha = *mi_eval_boolean(¶s->occlusion_in_alpha); miScalar falloff = 1.0; miao_trace_info ti; int version = 1; /* If called as user area light source, return "no more samples" for any call beyond the first */ if (state->type == miRAY_LIGHT && state->count > 0) return (miBoolean)2; /* Figure out the call version */ mi_query(miQ_DECL_VERSION, 0, state->shader->function_decl, &version); if (version >= 2) { falloff = *mi_eval_scalar(¶s->falloff); if (falloff <= 0.0) falloff = 1.0; ti.id_inclexcl = *mi_eval_integer(¶s->id_includeexclude); ti.id_nonself = *mi_eval_integer(¶s->id_nonself); /* None of these options used, go into compatible mode */ ti.compatible = (ti.id_inclexcl == 0 && ti.id_nonself == 0 ); } else { ti.compatible = miTRUE; } /* Used for adding up environment */ env_total.r = env_total.g = env_total.b = env_total.a = 0; far_clip = near_clip = clipdist; orig_normal = state->normal; norm_total = state->normal; /* Begin by standard normal */ /* Displacement? Shadow? Makes no sense */ if (state->type == miRAY_DISPLACE || state->type == miRAY_SHADOW) { result->r = result->g = result->b = result->a = 0.0; return (miTRUE); } if (clipdist > 0.0) mi_ray_falloff(state, &near_clip, &far_clip); /* Avoid recursion: If we are designated as environment shader, we will be called with rays of type miRAY_ENVIRON, and if so we switch the environment to the global environment */ if (state->type == miRAY_ENVIRONMENT) state->environment = state->camera->environment; while (mi_sample(sample, &counter, state, 2, &samples)) { mi_reflection_dir_diffuse_x(&trace_dir, state, sample); trace_dir.x = orig_normal.x*o_m_spread + trace_dir.x*spread; trace_dir.y = orig_normal.y*o_m_spread + trace_dir.y*spread; trace_dir.z = orig_normal.z*o_m_spread + trace_dir.z*spread; mi_vector_normalize(&trace_dir); if (reflecto) { miVector ref; miScalar nd = state->dot_nd; /* Calculate the reflection direction */ state->normal = trace_dir; state->dot_nd = mi_vector_dot( &state->dir, &state->normal); /* Bugfix: mi_reflection_dir(&ref, state); for some reason gives me the wrong result, doing it "manually" works better */ ref = state->dir; ref.x -= state->normal.x*state->dot_nd*2.0f; ref.y -= state->normal.y*state->dot_nd*2.0f; ref.z -= state->normal.z*state->dot_nd*2.0f; state->normal = orig_normal; state->dot_nd = nd; trace_dir = ref; } if (mi_vector_dot(&trace_dir, &state->normal_geom) < 0.0) continue; output += 1.0; /* Add one */ samplesdone += 1.0; if (state->options->shadow && miao_trace_the_ray(state, &trace_dir, &state->point, &ti)) { /* we hit something */ if (clipdist == 0.0) output -= 1.0; else if (state->child->dist < clipdist) { miScalar f = pow(state->child->dist / clipdist, (double) falloff); output -= (1.0 - f); norm_total.x += trace_dir.x * f; norm_total.y += trace_dir.y * f; norm_total.z += trace_dir.z * f; switch (ret_type) { case 1: { /* Environment sampling */ miColor envsample; mi_trace_environment(&envsample, state, &trace_dir); env_total.r += envsample.r * f; env_total.g += envsample.g * f; env_total.b += envsample.b * f; } break; default: /* Most return types need no special stuff */ break; } } } else { /* We hit nothing */ norm_total.x += trace_dir.x; norm_total.y += trace_dir.y; norm_total.z += trace_dir.z; switch (ret_type) { case 1: /* Environment sampling */ { miColor envsample; mi_trace_environment(&envsample, state, &trace_dir); env_total.r += envsample.r; env_total.g += envsample.g; env_total.b += envsample.b; } break; default: /* Most return types need no special treatment */ break; } } } if (clipdist > 0.0) mi_ray_falloff(state, &near_clip, &far_clip); if (samplesdone <= 0.0) /* No samples? */ samplesdone = 1.0; /* 1.0 to not to break divisons below */ switch (ret_type) { case -1: /* Plain old occlusion with untouched normal*/ case 0: /* Plain old occlusion */ default: /* (also the default for out-of-bounds values) */ { miVector old_dir = state->dir; output /= (miScalar) samplesdone; if (ret_type == -1) norm_total = state->normal; else { mi_vector_normalize(&norm_total); /* If the color shaders use the normal.... give them the bent one... */ state->normal = norm_total; state->dir = norm_total; } if (output == 0.0) *result = *mi_eval_color(¶s->dark); else if (output >= 1.0) *result = *mi_eval_color(¶s->bright); else { miColor bright, dark; bright = *mi_eval_color(¶s->bright); dark = *mi_eval_color(¶s->dark); result->r = bright.r * output + dark.r * (1.0 - output); result->g = bright.g * output + dark.g * (1.0 - output); result->b = bright.b * output + dark.b * (1.0 - output); if (occ_alpha) result->a = output; else result->a = bright.a * output + dark.a * (1.0 - output); } state->normal = orig_normal; state->dir = old_dir; } break; case 1: /* Sampled environment */ { miColor br = *mi_eval_color(¶s->bright), drk = *mi_eval_color(¶s->dark); result->r = drk.r + (br.r * env_total.r / samplesdone); result->g = drk.g + (br.g * env_total.g / samplesdone); result->b = drk.b + (br.b * env_total.b / samplesdone); if (occ_alpha) result->a = output/ samplesdone; else result->a = 1.0; } break; case 2: /* Bent normals, world */ case 3: /* Bent normals, camera */ case 4: /* Bent normals, object */ { miVector retn; /* returned Normal */ mi_vector_normalize(&norm_total); if (ret_type == 2) mi_normal_to_world(state, &retn, &norm_total); if (ret_type == 3) mi_normal_to_camera(state, &retn, &norm_total); if (ret_type == 4) mi_normal_to_object(state, &retn, &norm_total); result->r = (retn.x + 1.0) / 2.0; result->g = (retn.y + 1.0) / 2.0; result->b = (retn.z + 1.0) / 2.0; if (occ_alpha) result->a = output/ samplesdone; else result->a = 1.0; } break; } if (state->type == miRAY_LIGHT) { /* Are we a light shader? */ int type; mi_query(miQ_FUNC_CALLTYPE, state, 0, &type); /* Make sure we are called as light shader */ if (type == miSHADER_LIGHT) { /* If so, move ourselves to above the point... */ state->org.x = state->point.x + state->normal.x; state->org.y = state->point.y + state->normal.y; state->org.z = state->point.z + state->normal.z; /* ...and set dot_nd to 1.0 to illuminate fully */ state->dot_nd = 1.0; } } /* Reset environment, if we changed it */ state->environment = org_env; return miTRUE; }