コード例 #1
ファイル: fountain.c プロジェクト: saihack/NetHack
static void
dowatersnakes() /* Fountain of snakes! */
    register int num = rn1(5,2);
    struct monst *mtmp;

    if (!(mons[PM_WATER_MOCCASIN].geno & (G_GENOD | G_EXTINCT))) {
	if (!Blind)
	    pline("An endless stream of %s pours forth!",
		  Hallucination ? makeplural(rndmonnam()) : "snakes");
	    You("hear something hissing!");
	while(num-- > 0)
	    if((mtmp = makemon(&mons[PM_WATER_MOCCASIN],u.ux,u.uy)) &&
	       t_at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
		(void) mintrap(mtmp);
    } else
	pline("The fountain bubbles furiously for a moment, then calms.");
コード例 #2
ファイル: fountain.c プロジェクト: saihack/NetHack
static void
dowaternymph() /* Water Nymph */
	register struct monst *mtmp;

	if(mons[PM_WATER_NYMPH].geno & (G_GENOD | G_EXTINCT)) return;
	if((mtmp = makemon(&mons[PM_WATER_NYMPH],u.ux,u.uy))) {
		if (!Blind)
		   You("attract %s!", a_monnam(mtmp));
		   You("hear a seductive voice.");
		mtmp->msleep = 0;
		if (t_at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
		    (void) mintrap(mtmp);
	} else
		if (!Blind)
		   pline("A large bubble rises to the surface and pops.");
		   You("hear a loud pop.");
コード例 #3
ファイル: fountain.c プロジェクト: saihack/NetHack
dowaterdemon() /* Water demon */
	register struct monst *mtmp;

	if(mons[PM_WATER_DEMON].geno & (G_GENOD | G_EXTINCT)) return;
	if((mtmp = makemon(&mons[PM_WATER_DEMON],u.ux,u.uy))) {
	    if (!Blind)
		You("unleash %s!", a_monnam(mtmp));
		You("feel the presence of evil.");

	/* Give those on low levels a (slightly) better chance of survival */
	    if (rnd(100) > (80 + level_difficulty())) {
		pline("Grateful for %s release, %s grants you a wish!",
		      his[pronoun_gender(mtmp)], he[pronoun_gender(mtmp)]);
	    } else if (t_at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
		(void) mintrap(mtmp);
コード例 #4
ファイル: hack.dog.c プロジェクト: jyin0813/OpenBSD-src
/* return 0 (no move), 1 (move) or 2 (dead) */
dog_move(struct monst *mtmp, int after)
	int nx, ny, omx, omy, appr, nearer, j;
	int udist, chi, i, whappr;
	struct monst *mtmp2;
	struct permonst *mdat = mtmp->data;
	struct edog *edog = EDOG(mtmp);
	struct obj *obj;
	struct trap *trap;
	xchar cnt, chcnt, nix, niy;
	schar dogroom, uroom;
	xchar gx, gy, gtyp, otyp;	/* current goal */
	coord poss[9];
	int info[9];
#define GDIST(x,y) ((x-gx)*(x-gx) + (y-gy)*(y-gy))
#define DDIST(x,y) ((x-omx)*(x-omx) + (y-omy)*(y-omy))

	if(moves <= edog->eattime) return(0);	/* dog is still eating */
	omx = mtmp->mx;
	omy = mtmp->my;
	whappr = (moves - EDOG(mtmp)->whistletime < 5);
	if(moves > edog->hungrytime + 500 && !mtmp->mconf){
		mtmp->mconf = 1;
		mtmp->mhpmax /= 3;
		if(mtmp->mhp > mtmp->mhpmax)
			mtmp->mhp = mtmp->mhpmax;
			pline("%s is confused from hunger.", Monnam(mtmp));
		else	pline("You feel worried about %s.", monnam(mtmp));
	} else
	if(moves > edog->hungrytime + 750 || mtmp->mhp < 1){
			pline("%s dies from hunger.", Monnam(mtmp));
		pline("You have a sad feeling for a moment, then it passes.");
	dogroom = inroom(omx,omy);
	uroom = inroom(u.ux,u.uy);
	udist = dist(omx,omy);

	/* maybe we tamed him while being swallowed --jgm */
	if(!udist) return(0);

	/* if we are carrying sth then we drop it (perhaps near @) */
	/* Note: if apport == 1 then our behaviour is independent of udist */
		if(!rn2(udist) || !rn2((int) edog->apport))
		if(rn2(10) < edog->apport){
			relobj(mtmp, (int) mtmp->minvis);
			if(edog->apport > 1) edog->apport--;
			edog->dropdist = udist;		/* hpscdi!jon */
			edog->droptime = moves;
	} else {
		if ((obj = o_at(omx,omy)))
			if(!strchr("0_", obj->olet)){
				if((otyp = dogfood(obj)) <= CADAVER){
					nix = omx;
					niy = omy;
					goto eatobj;
				if (obj->owt < 10*mtmp->data->mlevel)
					if (rn2(20) < edog->apport+3)
						if (rn2(udist) || !rn2((int) edog->apport)){
							/* if(levl[omx][omy].scrsym == obj->olet)
								newsym(omx,omy); */

	/* first we look for food */
	gtyp = UNDEF;	/* no goal as yet */
	gx = gy = 0;
	for(obj = fobj; obj; obj = obj->nobj) {
		otyp = dogfood(obj);
		if(otyp > gtyp || otyp == UNDEF) continue;
		if(inroom(obj->ox,obj->oy) != dogroom) continue;
		if(otyp < MANFOOD &&
		 (dogroom >= 0 || DDIST(obj->ox,obj->oy) < 10)) {
			if(otyp < gtyp || (otyp == gtyp &&
				DDIST(obj->ox,obj->oy) < DDIST(gx,gy))){
				gx = obj->ox;
				gy = obj->oy;
				gtyp = otyp;
		} else
		if(gtyp == UNDEF && dogroom >= 0 &&
		   uroom == dogroom &&
		   !mtmp->minvent && edog->apport > rn2(8)){
			gx = obj->ox;
			gy = obj->oy;
			gtyp = APPORT;
	if(gtyp == UNDEF ||
	  (gtyp != DOGFOOD && gtyp != APPORT && moves < edog->hungrytime)){
		if(dogroom < 0 || dogroom == uroom){
			gx = u.ux;
			gy = u.uy;
#ifndef QUEST
		} else {
			int tmp = rooms[(int)dogroom].fdoor;
			    cnt = rooms[(int)dogroom].doorct;

			gx = gy = FAR;	/* random, far away */
			    if(dist(gx,gy) >
				dist(doors[tmp].x, doors[tmp].y)){
					gx = doors[tmp].x;
					gy = doors[tmp].y;
			/* here gx == FAR e.g. when dog is in a vault */
			if(gx == FAR || (gx == omx && gy == omy)){
				gx = u.ux;
				gy = u.uy;
#endif /* QUEST */
		appr = (udist >= 9) ? 1 : (mtmp->mflee) ? -1 : 0;
		if(after && udist <= 4 && gx == u.ux && gy == u.uy)
		if(udist > 1){
			if (!IS_ROOM(levl[(int)u.ux][(int)u.uy].typ) || !rn2(4) ||
			   whappr ||
			   (mtmp->minvent && rn2((int) edog->apport)))
				appr = 1;
		/* if you have dog food he'll follow you more closely */
		if (appr == 0) {
			obj = invent;
				if(obj->otyp == TRIPE_RATION){
					appr = 1;
				obj = obj->nobj;
	} else	appr = 1;	/* gtyp != UNDEF */
	if(mtmp->mconf) appr = 0;

	if(gx == u.ux && gy == u.uy && (dogroom != uroom || dogroom < 0)){
	coord *cp;
		cp = gettrack(omx,omy);
			gx = cp->x;
			gy = cp->y;

	nix = omx;
	niy = omy;
	cnt = mfndpos(mtmp,poss,info,ALLOW_M | ALLOW_TRAPS);
	chcnt = 0;
	chi = -1;
	for(i=0; i<cnt; i++){
		nx = poss[i].x;
		ny = poss[i].y;
		if(info[i] & ALLOW_M){
			mtmp2 = m_at(nx,ny);
			if(mtmp2->data->mlevel >= mdat->mlevel+2 ||
			  mtmp2->data->mlet == 'c')
			if(after) return(0); /* hit only once each move */

			if(hitmm(mtmp, mtmp2) == 1 && rn2(4) &&
			  mtmp2->mlstmv != moves &&
			  hitmm(mtmp2,mtmp) == 2) return(2);

		/* dog avoids traps */
		/* but perhaps we have to pass a trap in order to follow @ */
		if((info[i] & ALLOW_TRAPS) && (trap = t_at(nx,ny))){
			if(!trap->tseen && rn2(40)) continue;
			if(rn2(10)) continue;

		/* dog eschewes cursed objects */
		/* but likes dog food */
		obj = fobj;
		    if(obj->ox != nx || obj->oy != ny)
			goto nextobj;
		    if(obj->cursed) goto nxti;
		    if(obj->olet == FOOD_SYM &&
			(otyp = dogfood(obj)) < MANFOOD &&
			(otyp < ACCFOOD || edog->hungrytime <= moves)){
			/* Note: our dog likes the food so much that he
			might eat it even when it conceals a cursed object */
			nix = nx;
			niy = ny;
			chi = i;
			edog->eattime =
			    moves + obj->quan * objects[obj->otyp].oc_delay;
			if(edog->hungrytime < moves)
			    edog->hungrytime = moves;
			edog->hungrytime +=
			    5*obj->quan * objects[obj->otyp].nutrition;
			mtmp->mconf = 0;
			    pline("%s ate %s.", Monnam(mtmp), doname(obj));
			/* perhaps this was a reward */
			if(otyp != CADAVER)
			edog->apport += 200/(edog->dropdist+moves-edog->droptime);
			goto newdogpos;
		    obj = obj->nobj;

		for(j=0; j<MTSZ && j<cnt-1; j++)
			if(nx == mtmp->mtrack[j].x && ny == mtmp->mtrack[j].y)
				if(rn2(4*(cnt-j))) goto nxti;

/* Some stupid C compilers cannot compute the whole expression at once. */
		nearer = GDIST(nx,ny);
		nearer -= GDIST(nix,niy);
		nearer *= appr;
		if((nearer == 0 && !rn2(++chcnt)) || nearer<0 ||
			(nearer > 0 && !whappr &&
				((omx == nix && omy == niy && !rn2(3))
				|| !rn2(12))
			nix = nx;
			niy = ny;
			if(nearer < 0) chcnt = 0;
			chi = i;
	nxti:	;
	if(nix != omx || niy != omy){
		if(info[chi] & ALLOW_U){
			(void) hitu(mtmp, d(mdat->damn, mdat->damd)+1);
		mtmp->mx = nix;
		mtmp->my = niy;
		for(j=MTSZ-1; j>0; j--) mtmp->mtrack[j] = mtmp->mtrack[j-1];
		mtmp->mtrack[0].x = omx;
		mtmp->mtrack[0].y = omy;
	if(mintrap(mtmp) == 2)	/* he died */
コード例 #5
ファイル: hack.mon.c プロジェクト: tcadigan/hack_1.0
int m_move(struct monst *mtmp, int after)
    struct monst *mtmp2;
    int nx = 0;
    int ny = 0;
    int omx;
    int omy;
    int appr;
    int nearer;
    int cnt;
    int i;
    int j;
    xchar gx;
    xchar gy;
    xchar nix;
    xchar niy;
    xchar chcnt;
    schar chi;
    boolean likegold = 0;
    boolean likegems = 0;
    boolean likeobjs = 0;

    /* Not strictly necessary: chi >= 0 will do */
    schar mmoved = 0;
    coord poss[9];
    int info[9];

    if(mtmp->mtrapped != 0) {
        i = mintrap(mtmp);

        if(i == 2) {
            /* He died */
            return 2;

        if(i == 1) {
            /* Still in trap so didn't move */
            return 0;

    if((mtmp->mhide != 0)
       && (o_at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) != NULL)
       && (rn2(10) != 0)) {
        /* Do not leave hiding place */
        return 0;

    /* My dog gets a special treatment */
    if(mtmp->mtame != 0) {
        return dog_move(mtmp, after);

    /* Likewise for shopkeeper */
    if(mtmp->isshk != 0) {
        mmoved = shk_move();

        if(mmoved == 1) {
            if(mintrap(mtmp) == 2) {
                /* He died */
                return 2;

            if(likegold != 0) {
            if(likegems != 0) {

            if(mtmp->mhide != 0) {
                mtmp->mundetected = 1;

        return mmoved;

    /* And for the guard */
    if(mtmp->isgd != 0) {
        mmoved = gd_move();

        if(mmoved == 1) {
            if(mintrap(mtmp) == 2) {
                /* He died */
                return 2;

            if(likegold != 0) {

            if(likegems != 0) {

            if(mtmp->mhide != 0) {
                mtmp->mundetected = 1;

        return mmoved;

    if((mtmp->data->mlet == 't') && (rn2(5) == 0)) {
        if(rn2(2) != 0) {
        else {

        mmoved = 1;

        if(mmoved == 1) {
            if(mintrap(mtmp) == 2) {
                /* He died */
                return 2;

            if(likegold != 0) {

            if(likegems != 0) {

            if(mtmp->mhide != 0) {
                mtmp->mundetected = 1;

        return mmoved;

    if((mtmp->data->mlet == 'D') && (mtmp->mcan == 0)) {

    if((Blind == 0)
       && (Confusion == 0) 
       && (mtmp->data->mlet == 'U') 
       && (mtmp->mcan == 0)
       && (cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) != 0)
       && (rn2(5) != 0)) {
        pline("%s's gaze has confused you!", Monnam(mtmp));

        if(rn2(5) != 0) {
            mtmp->mcan = 1;

        /* Timeout */
        Confusion = d(3, 4);

    if((mtmp->mflee == 0) && (u.uswallow != 0) && (u.ustuck != mtmp)) {
        return 1;

    appr = 1;

    if(mtmp->mflee != 0) {
        appr = -1;

    if((mtmp->mconf != 0)
       || (Invis != 0)
       || (mtmp->mcansee == 0)
       || ((index("Biy", mtmp->data->mlet) != 0) && (rn2(3) == 0))) {
        appr = 0;

    omx = mtmp->mx;
    omy = mtmp->my;
    gx = u.ux;
    gy = u.uy;

    if((mtmp->data->mlet == 'L') && (appr == 1) && (mtmp->mgold > u.ugold)) {
        appr = -1;

#ifdef TRACK
     * Random criterion for 'smell'
     * should use mtmp->msmell
    if(('a' <= mtmp->data->mlet) && (mtmp->data->mlet <= 'z')) {
        coord *cp;
        schar mroom;

        mroom = inroom(omx, omy);
        if((mroom < 0) || (mroom != inroom(u.ux, u.uy))) {
            cp = gettrack(omx, omy);

            if(cp != 0) {
                gx = cp->x;
                gy = cp->y;

    /* Look for gold or jewels nearby */
    if(index("LOD", mtmp->data->mlet) != NULL) {
        likegold = 1;
    else {
        likegold = 0;

    if(index("ODu", mtmp->data->mlet) != NULL) {
        likegems = 1;
    else {
        likegems = 0;

    likeobjs = mtmp->mhide;

#define SRCHRADIUS 25
    /* Not too far away */
    xchar mind = SRCHRADIUS;
    int dd;

    if(likegold != 0) {
        struct gen *gold;

        for(gold = fgold; gold != NULL; gold = gold->ngen) {
            dd = DIST(omx, omy, gold->gx, gold->gy);
            if(dd < mind) {
                mind = dd;
                gx = gold->gx;
                gy = gold->gy;

    if((likegems != 0) || (likeobjs != 0)) {
        struct obj *otmp;
        for(otmp = fobj; otmp != NULL; otmp = otmp->nobj) {
            if((likeobjs != 0) || (otmp->olet == GEM_SYM)) {
                if((mtmp->data->mlet != 'u')
                   || (objects[otmp->otyp].g_val != 0)) {
                    dd = DIST(omx, omy, otmp->ox, otmp->oy);
                    if(dd < mind) {
                        mind = dd;
                        gx = otmp->ox;
                        gy = otmp->oy;

    if((mind < SRCHRADIUS) && (appr == -1)) {
        if(dist(omx, omy) < 10) {
            gx = u.ux;
            gy = u.uy;
        else {
            appr = 1;

    nix = omx;
    niy = omy;
    if(mtmp->data->mlet == 'u') {
        cnt = mfndpos(mtmp, poss, info, NOTONL);
    else {
        if(index(" VWZ", mtmp->data->mlet) != 0) {
            cnt = mfndpos(mtmp, poss, info, NOGARLIC);
        else {
            cnt = mfndpos(mtmp, poss, info, ALLOW_TRAPS);

    /* ALLOW_ROCK for some monsters? */
    chcnt = 0;
    chi = -1;

    for(i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) {
        nx = poss[i].x;
        nx = poss[i].y;

        for(j = 0; (j < MTSZ) && (j < (cnt - 1)); ++j) {
            if((nx == mtmp->mtrack[j].x) && (ny == mtmp->mtrack[j].y)) {
                if(rn2(4 * (cnt - j)) == 0) {
#ifdef STUPID
                    /* Some stupid compilers thing that is is too complicated */
                    int d1 = DIST(nx, ny, gx, gy);
                    int d2 = DIST(nix, niy, gx, gy);
                    if(d1 < d2) {
                        nearer = 1;
                    else {
                        nearer = 0;
		    if(DIST(nx, ny, gx, gy) < DIST(nix, niy, gx, gy)) {
			nearer = 1;
		    else {
			nearer = 0;
                    if(((appr == 1) && (nearer != 0))
                       || ((appr == -1) && (nearer == 0))
                       || (mmoved == 0)) {
                        nix = nx;
                        niy = ny;
                        chi = i;
                        mmoved = 1;
                    else {
                        if(appr == 0) {
                            if(rn2(chcnt) == 0) {
                                nix = nx;
                                niy = ny;
                                chi = i;
                                mmoved = 1;
                            else {

    if(mmoved != 0) {
        if((info[(int)chi] & ALLOW_M) != 0) {
            mtmp2 = m_at(nix, niy);

            if((hitmm(mtmp, mtmp2) == 1)
               && (rn2(4) != 0) 
               && (hitmm(mtmp2, mtmp) == 2)) {
                return 2;

            return 0;

        if((info[(int)chi] & ALLOW_U) != 0) {
            hitu(mtmp, d(mtmp->data->damn, mtmp->data->damd) + 1);
            return 0;

        mtmp->mx = nix;
        mtmp->my = niy;

        for(j = MTSZ - 1; j > 0; --j) {
            mtmp->mtrack[j] = mtmp->mtrack[j - 1];

        mtmp->mtrack[0].x = omx;
        mtmp->mtrack[0].y = omy;

#ifndef NOWORM
        if(mtmp->wormno != 0) {
    else {
        if((mtmp->data->mlet == 'u') && (rn2(2) != 0)) {
            return 0;

#ifndef NOWORM
        if(mtmp->wormno != 0) {

    if(mmoved == 1) {
        if(mintrap(mtmp) == 2) {
            /* He died */
            return 2;

        if(likegold != 0) {

        if(likegems != 0) {

        if(mtmp->mhide != 0) {
            mtmp->mundetected = 1;


    return mmoved;
コード例 #6
ファイル: steed.c プロジェクト: FredrIQ/nhfourk
/* Stop riding the current steed */
dismount_steed(int reason)
    struct monst *mtmp;
    struct obj *otmp;
    coord cc;
    const char *verb = "fall";
    boolean repair_leg_damage = TRUE;
    unsigned save_utrap = u.utrap;
    boolean have_spot = landing_spot(&cc, reason, 0);

    mtmp = u.usteed;    /* make a copy of steed pointer */
    /* Sanity check */
    if (!mtmp)  /* Just return silently */

    /* Check the reason for dismounting */
    otmp = which_armor(mtmp, os_saddle);
    switch (reason) {
        verb = "are thrown";
        pline("You %s off of %s!", verb, mon_nam(mtmp));
        if (!have_spot)
            have_spot = landing_spot(&cc, reason, 1);
        losehp(rn1(10, 10), "killed in a riding accident");
        set_wounded_legs(LEFT_SIDE, (int)LWounded_legs + rn1(5, 5));
        set_wounded_legs(RIGHT_SIDE, (int)RWounded_legs + rn1(5, 5));
        repair_leg_damage = FALSE;
        pline("You can no longer ride %s.", mon_nam(u.usteed));
        if (!have_spot)
            have_spot = landing_spot(&cc, reason, 1);
        /* caller displays message */
        /* hero has just died... */
        /* no messages, just make it so */
        if (otmp && otmp->cursed) {
            pline("You can't.  The saddle %s cursed.",
                  otmp->bknown ? "is" : "seems to be");
            otmp->bknown = TRUE;
        if (!have_spot) {
            pline("You can't. There isn't anywhere for you to stand.");
        if (!mtmp->mnamelth) {
            pline("You've been through the dungeon on %s with no name.",
            if (Hallucination)
                pline("It felt good to get out of the rain.");
        } else
            pline("You dismount %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
    /* While riding these refer to the steed's legs so after dismounting they
       refer to the player's legs once again. */
    if (repair_leg_damage)
        LWounded_legs = RWounded_legs = 0;

    /* Release the steed and saddle */
    u.usteed = 0;
    u.ugallop = 0L;

    /* Set player and steed's position.  Try moving the player first unless
       we're in the midst of creating a bones file. */
    if (reason == DISMOUNT_BONES) {
        /* move the steed to an adjacent square */
        if (enexto(&cc, level, u.ux, u.uy, mtmp->data))
            rloc_to(mtmp, cc.x, cc.y);
        else    /* evidently no room nearby; move steed elsewhere */
            rloc(mtmp, FALSE);
    if (!DEADMONSTER(mtmp)) {
        place_monster(mtmp, u.ux, u.uy);
        if (!Engulfed && !u.ustuck && have_spot) {
            const struct permonst *mdat = mtmp->data;

            /* The steed may drop into water/lava */
            if (!is_flyer(mdat) && !is_floater(mdat) && !is_clinger(mdat)) {
                if (is_pool(level, u.ux, u.uy)) {
                    if (!Underwater)
                        pline("%s falls into the %s!", Monnam(mtmp),
                              surface(u.ux, u.uy));
                    if (!is_swimmer(mdat) && !amphibious(mdat)) {
                } else if (is_lava(level, u.ux, u.uy)) {
                    pline("%s is pulled into the lava!", Monnam(mtmp));
                    if (!likes_lava(mdat)) {
            /* Steed dismounting consists of two steps: being moved to another
               square, and descending to the floor.  We have functions to do
               each of these activities, but they're normally called
               individually and include an attempt to look at or pick up the
               objects on the floor: teleds() --> spoteffects() --> pickup()
               float_down() --> pickup() We use this kludge to make sure there
               is only one such attempt. Clearly this is not the best way to do
               it.  A full fix would involve having these functions not call
               pickup() at all, instead calling them first and calling pickup()
               afterwards.  But it would take a lot of work to keep this change
               from having any unforseen side effects (for instance, you would
               no longer be able to walk onto a square with a hole, and
               autopickup before falling into the hole). */
            /* [ALI] No need to move the player if the steed died. */
            if (!DEADMONSTER(mtmp)) {
                /* Keep steed here, move the player to cc; teleds() clears
                   u.utrap */
                in_steed_dismounting = TRUE;
                teleds(cc.x, cc.y, TRUE);
                in_steed_dismounting = FALSE;

                /* Put your steed in your trap */
                if (save_utrap)
            /* Couldn't... try placing the steed */
        } else if (enexto(&cc, level, u.ux, u.uy, mtmp->data)) {
            /* Keep player here, move the steed to cc */
            rloc_to(mtmp, cc.x, cc.y);
            /* Player stays put */
            /* Otherwise, kill the steed */
        } else {

    /* Return the player to the floor */
    if (reason != DISMOUNT_ENGULFED) {
        in_steed_dismounting = TRUE;
        in_steed_dismounting = FALSE;
        turnstate.vision_full_recalc = TRUE;
    } else
        /* polearms behave differently when not mounted */
        if (uwep && is_pole(uwep))
            u.bashmsg = FALSE;