std::pair<level, justification> substitution::instantiate_metavars(level const & l, bool use_jst) { if (!has_meta(l)) return mk_pair(l, justification()); justification j; auto save_jst = [&](justification const & j2) { j = mk_composite1(j, j2); }; level r = replace(l, [&](level const & l) { if (!has_meta(l)) { return some_level(l); } else if (is_meta(l)) { auto p1 = get_assignment(l); if (p1) { auto p2 = instantiate_metavars(p1->first, use_jst); if (use_jst) { justification new_jst = mk_composite1(p1->second, p2.second); assign(meta_id(l), p2.first, new_jst); save_jst(new_jst); } else { assign(meta_id(l), p2.first); } return some_level(p2.first); } } return none_level(); }); return mk_pair(r, j); }
virtual expr visit_meta(expr const & m) { name const & m_name = mlocal_name(m); auto p1 = m_subst.get_expr_assignment(m_name); if (p1) { if (!has_metavar(p1->first)) { if (m_use_jst) save_jst(p1->second); return p1->first; } else if (m_use_jst) { auto p2 = m_subst.instantiate_metavars(p1->first); justification new_jst = mk_composite1(p1->second, p2.second); m_subst.assign(m_name, p2.first, new_jst); save_jst(new_jst); return p2.first; } else { auto p2 = m_subst.instantiate_metavars(p1->first); m_subst.assign(m_name, p2.first, mk_composite1(p1->second, p2.second)); return p2.first; } } else { return m; } }
void save_jst(justification const & j) { m_jst = mk_composite1(m_jst, j); }
constraint mk_class_instance_root_cnstr(std::shared_ptr<class_instance_context> const & C, local_context const & _ctx, expr const & m, bool is_strict, unifier_config const & cfg, delay_factor const & factor) { environment const & env = C->env(); justification j = mk_failed_to_synthesize_jst(env, m); auto choice_fn = [=](expr const & meta, expr const & meta_type, substitution const & s, name_generator const & ngen) { environment const & env = C->env(); auto cls_name_it = is_ext_class(C->tc(), meta_type); if (!cls_name_it) { // do nothing, since type is not a class. return lazy_list<constraints>(constraints()); } local_context ctx = _ctx.instantiate(substitution(s)); pair<expr, justification> mj = update_meta(meta, s); expr new_meta = mj.first; justification new_j = mj.second; unsigned depth = 0; constraint c = mk_class_instance_cnstr(C, ctx, new_meta, depth); unifier_config new_cfg(cfg); new_cfg.m_discard = false; new_cfg.m_use_exceptions = false; new_cfg.m_pattern = true; new_cfg.m_kind = C->m_conservative ? unifier_kind::VeryConservative : unifier_kind::Liberal; auto to_cnstrs_fn = [=](substitution const & subst, constraints const & cnstrs) -> constraints { substitution new_s = subst; // some constraints may have been postponed (example: universe level constraints) constraints postponed = map(cnstrs, [&](constraint const & c) { // we erase internal justifications return update_justification(c, mk_composite1(j, new_j)); }); metavar_closure cls(new_meta); cls.add(meta_type); bool relax = C->m_relax; constraints cs = cls.mk_constraints(new_s, new_j, relax); return append(cs, postponed); }; auto no_solution_fn = [=]() { if (is_strict) return lazy_list<constraints>(); else return lazy_list<constraints>(constraints()); }; unify_result_seq seq1 = unify(env, 1, &c, ngen, substitution(), new_cfg); unify_result_seq seq2 = filter(seq1, [=](pair<substitution, constraints> const & p) { substitution new_s = p.first; expr result = new_s.instantiate(new_meta); // We only keep complete solutions (modulo universe metavariables) return !has_expr_metavar_relaxed(result); }); if (get_class_unique_class_instances(C->m_ios.get_options())) { optional<expr> solution; substitution subst; constraints cnstrs; for_each(seq2, [&](pair<substitution, constraints> const & p) { subst = p.first; cnstrs = p.second; expr next_solution = subst.instantiate(new_meta); if (solution) { throw_class_exception(m, [=](formatter const & fmt) { format r = format("ambiguous class-instance resolution, " "there is more than one solution"); r += pp_indent_expr(fmt, *solution); r += compose(line(), format("and")); r += pp_indent_expr(fmt, next_solution); return r; }); } else { solution = next_solution; } }); if (!solution) { return no_solution_fn(); } else { // some constraints may have been postponed (example: universe level constraints) return lazy_list<constraints>(to_cnstrs_fn(subst, cnstrs)); } } else { if (try_multiple_instances(env, *cls_name_it)) { lazy_list<constraints> seq3 = map2<constraints>(seq2, [=](pair<substitution, constraints> const & p) { return to_cnstrs_fn(p.first, p.second); }); if (is_strict) { return seq3; } else { // make sure it does not fail by appending empty set of constraints return append(seq3, lazy_list<constraints>(constraints())); } } else { auto p = seq2.pull(); if (!p) return no_solution_fn(); else return lazy_list<constraints>(to_cnstrs_fn(p->first.first, p->first.second)); } } }; bool owner = false; bool relax = C->m_relax; return mk_choice_cnstr(m, choice_fn, factor, owner, j, relax); }