コード例 #1
tactic change_goal_tactic(elaborate_fn const & elab, expr const & e) {
    return tactic([=](environment const & env, io_state const & ios, proof_state const & s) {
            proof_state new_s = s;
            goals const & gs  = new_s.get_goals();
            if (!gs) {
                return proof_state_seq();
            expr t            = head(gs).get_type();
            bool report_unassigned = true;
            if (auto new_e = elaborate_with_respect_to(env, ios, elab, new_s, e, none_expr(), report_unassigned)) {
                goals const & gs    = new_s.get_goals();
                goal const & g      = head(gs);
                substitution subst  = new_s.get_subst();
                auto tc             = mk_type_checker(env);
                constraint_seq cs;
                if (tc->is_def_eq(t, *new_e, justification(), cs)) {
                    if (cs) {
                        unifier_config cfg(ios.get_options());
                        buffer<constraint> cs_buf;
                        to_buffer(new_s.get_postponed(), cs_buf);
                        unify_result_seq rseq = unify(env, cs_buf.size(), cs_buf.data(), subst, cfg);
                        return map2<proof_state>(rseq, [=](pair<substitution, constraints> const & p) -> proof_state {
                                substitution const & subst    = p.first;
                                constraints const & postponed = p.second;
                                substitution new_subst = subst;
                                expr final_e = new_subst.instantiate_all(*new_e);
                                expr M       = g.mk_meta(mk_fresh_name(), final_e);
                                goal new_g(M, final_e);
                                assign(new_subst, g, M);
                                return proof_state(new_s, cons(new_g, tail(gs)), new_subst, postponed);
                    expr M   = g.mk_meta(mk_fresh_name(), *new_e);
                    goal new_g(M, *new_e);
                    assign(subst, g, M);
                    return proof_state_seq(proof_state(new_s, cons(new_g, tail(gs)), subst));
                } else {
                    throw_tactic_exception_if_enabled(new_s, [=](formatter const & fmt) {
                            format r = format("invalid 'change' tactic, the given type");
                            r += pp_indent_expr(fmt, *new_e);
                            r += compose(line(), format("does not match the goal type"));
                            r += pp_indent_expr(fmt, t);
                            return r;
                    return proof_state_seq();
            return proof_state_seq();
コード例 #2
static optional<pair<expr, expr>> mk_op(environment const & env, old_local_context & ctx, type_checker_ptr & tc,
                                        name const & op, unsigned nunivs, unsigned nargs, std::initializer_list<expr> const & explicit_args,
                                        constraint_seq & cs, tag g) {
    levels lvls;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nunivs; i++)
        lvls = levels(mk_meta_univ(mk_fresh_name()), lvls);
    expr c = mk_constant(op, lvls);
    expr op_type = instantiate_type_univ_params(env.get(op), lvls);
    buffer<expr> args;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
        if (!is_pi(op_type))
            return optional<pair<expr, expr>>();
        expr arg = ctx.mk_meta(some_expr(binding_domain(op_type)), g);
        op_type  = instantiate(binding_body(op_type), arg);
    expr r = mk_app(c, args, g);
    for (expr const & explicit_arg : explicit_args) {
        if (!is_pi(op_type))
            return optional<pair<expr, expr>>();
        r = mk_app(r, explicit_arg);
        expr type = tc->infer(explicit_arg, cs);
        justification j = mk_app_justification(r, op_type, explicit_arg, type);
        if (!tc->is_def_eq(binding_domain(op_type), type, j, cs))
            return optional<pair<expr, expr>>();
        op_type  = instantiate(binding_body(op_type), explicit_arg);
    return some(mk_pair(r, op_type));
コード例 #3
list<expr> get_coercions_from_to(type_checker & from_tc, type_checker & to_tc,
                                 expr const & from_type, expr const & to_type, constraint_seq & cs, bool lift_coe) {
    constraint_seq new_cs;
    environment const & env = to_tc.env();
    expr whnf_from_type = from_tc.whnf(from_type, new_cs);
    expr whnf_to_type   = to_tc.whnf(to_type, new_cs);
    if (lift_coe && is_pi(whnf_from_type)) {
        // Try to lift coercions.
        // The idea is to convert a coercion from A to B, into a coercion from D->A to D->B
        if (!is_pi(whnf_to_type))
            return list<expr>(); // failed
        if (!from_tc.is_def_eq(binding_domain(whnf_from_type), binding_domain(whnf_to_type), justification(), new_cs))
            return list<expr>(); // failed, the domains must be definitionally equal
        expr x = mk_local(mk_fresh_name(), "x", binding_domain(whnf_from_type), binder_info());
        expr A = instantiate(binding_body(whnf_from_type), x);
        expr B = instantiate(binding_body(whnf_to_type), x);
        list<expr> coe = get_coercions_from_to(from_tc, to_tc, A, B, new_cs, lift_coe);
        if (coe) {
            cs += new_cs;
            // Remark: each coercion c in coe is a function from A to B
            // We create a new list: (fun (f : D -> A) (x : D), c (f x))
            expr f = mk_local(mk_fresh_name(), "f", whnf_from_type, binder_info());
            expr fx = mk_app(f, x);
            return map(coe, [&](expr const & c) { return Fun(f, Fun(x, mk_app(c, fx))); });
        } else {
            return list<expr>();
    } else {
        expr const & fn   = get_app_fn(whnf_to_type);
        list<expr> r;
        if (is_constant(fn)) {
            r = get_coercions(env, whnf_from_type, const_name(fn));
        } else if (is_pi(whnf_to_type)) {
            r = get_coercions_to_fun(env, whnf_from_type);
        } else if (is_sort(whnf_to_type)) {
            r = get_coercions_to_sort(env, whnf_from_type);
        if (r)
            cs += new_cs;
        return r;
コード例 #4
ファイル: noncomputable.cpp プロジェクト: avigad/lean
 void visit_binding(expr const & _e) {
     if (should_visit(_e)) {
         buffer<expr> ls;
         expr e = _e;
         while (is_lambda(e) || is_pi(e)) {
             expr d = instantiate_rev(binding_domain(e), ls.size(), ls.data());
             expr l = mk_local(mk_fresh_name(), binding_name(e), d, binding_info(e));
             e = binding_body(e);
         visit(instantiate_rev(e, ls.size(), ls.data()));
コード例 #5
ファイル: projection.cpp プロジェクト: bmalehorn/lean
environment mk_projections(environment const & env, name const & n,
                           implicit_infer_kind infer_k, bool inst_implicit) {
    auto p  = get_nparam_intro_rule(env, n);
    unsigned num_params = p.first;
    inductive::intro_rule ir = p.second;
    expr type = inductive::intro_rule_type(ir);
    buffer<name> proj_names;
    unsigned i = 0;
    while (is_pi(type)) {
        if (i >= num_params)
            proj_names.push_back(mk_fresh_name(env, proj_names, n + binding_name(type)));
        type = binding_body(type);
    return mk_projections(env, n, proj_names, infer_k, inst_implicit);
コード例 #6
ファイル: rec_on.cpp プロジェクト: sakas--/lean
environment mk_rec_on(environment const & env, name const & n) {
    if (!inductive::is_inductive_decl(env, n))
        throw exception(sstream() << "error in 'rec_on' generation, '" << n << "' is not an inductive datatype");
    name rec_on_name(n, "rec_on");
    declaration rec_decl = env.get(inductive::get_elim_name(n));

    buffer<expr> locals;
    expr rec_type = rec_decl.get_type();
    while (is_pi(rec_type)) {
        expr local = mk_local(mk_fresh_name(), binding_name(rec_type), binding_domain(rec_type), binding_info(rec_type));
        rec_type   = instantiate(binding_body(rec_type), local);

    // locals order
    //   A C minor_premises indices major-premise

    // new_locals order
    //   A C indices major-premise minor-premises
    buffer<expr> new_locals;
    unsigned idx_major_sz = *inductive::get_num_indices(env, n) + 1;
    unsigned minor_sz     = *inductive::get_num_minor_premises(env, n);
    unsigned AC_sz        = locals.size() - minor_sz - idx_major_sz;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < AC_sz; i++)
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < idx_major_sz; i++)
        new_locals.push_back(locals[AC_sz + minor_sz + i]);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < minor_sz; i++)
        new_locals.push_back(locals[AC_sz + i]);
    expr rec_on_type = Pi(new_locals, rec_type);

    levels ls = param_names_to_levels(rec_decl.get_univ_params());
    expr rec  = mk_constant(rec_decl.get_name(), ls);
    expr rec_on_val = Fun(new_locals, mk_app(rec, locals));

    environment new_env = module::add(env,
                                      check(env, mk_definition_inferring_trusted(env, rec_on_name, rec_decl.get_univ_params(),
                                              rec_on_type, rec_on_val, reducibility_hints::mk_abbreviation())));
    new_env = set_reducible(new_env, rec_on_name, reducible_status::Reducible, true);
    new_env = add_aux_recursor(new_env, rec_on_name);
    return add_protected(new_env, rec_on_name);
コード例 #7
 expr visit_binding(expr e) {
     expr_kind k = e.kind();
     buffer<expr>  es;
     buffer<expr>  ls;
     while (e.kind() == k) {
         expr d = visit(instantiate_rev(binding_domain(e), ls.size(), ls.data()));
         expr l = mk_local(mk_fresh_name(), binding_name(e), d, binding_info(e));
         e = binding_body(e);
     e = visit(instantiate_rev(e, ls.size(), ls.data()));
     expr r = abstract_locals(e, ls.size(), ls.data());
     while (!ls.empty()) {
         expr d = mlocal_type(ls.back());
         d = abstract_locals(d, ls.size(), ls.data());
         r = update_binding(es.back(), d, r);
     return r;
コード例 #8
/** \brief Given a term <tt>a : a_type</tt>, and a metavariable \c m, creates a constraint
    that considers coercions from a_type to the type assigned to \c m. */
constraint mk_coercion_cnstr(type_checker & from_tc, type_checker & to_tc, coercion_info_manager & infom,
                             expr const & m, expr const & a, expr const & a_type,
                             justification const & j, unsigned delay_factor, bool lift_coe) {
    auto choice_fn = [=, &from_tc, &to_tc, &infom](expr const & meta, expr const & d_type, substitution const & s) {
        expr          new_a_type;
        justification new_a_type_jst;
        if (is_meta(a_type)) {
            auto p = substitution(s).instantiate_metavars(a_type);
            new_a_type     = p.first;
            new_a_type_jst = p.second;
        } else {
            new_a_type     = a_type;
        if (is_meta(new_a_type)) {
            if (delay_factor < to_delay_factor(cnstr_group::DelayedChoice)) {
                // postpone...
                return lazy_list<constraints>(constraints(mk_coercion_cnstr(from_tc, to_tc, infom, m, a, a_type, justification(),
                                                                            delay_factor+1, lift_coe)));
            } else {
                // giveup...
                return lazy_list<constraints>(constraints(mk_eq_cnstr(meta, a, justification())));
        constraint_seq cs;
        new_a_type = from_tc.whnf(new_a_type, cs);
        if ((lift_coe && is_pi_meta(d_type)) || (!lift_coe && is_meta(d_type))) {
            // case-split
            buffer<expr> locals;
            expr it_from = new_a_type;
            expr it_to   = d_type;
            while (is_pi(it_from) && is_pi(it_to)) {
                expr dom_from = binding_domain(it_from);
                expr dom_to   = binding_domain(it_to);
                if (!from_tc.is_def_eq(dom_from, dom_to, justification(), cs))
                    return lazy_list<constraints>();
                expr local = mk_local(mk_fresh_name(), binding_name(it_from), dom_from, binder_info());
                it_from  = instantiate(binding_body(it_from), local);
                it_to    = instantiate(binding_body(it_to), local);
            buffer<expr> alts;
            get_coercions_from(from_tc.env(), it_from, alts);
            expr fn_a;
            if (!locals.empty())
                fn_a = mk_local(mk_fresh_name(), "f", new_a_type, binder_info());
            buffer<constraints> choices;
            buffer<expr> coes;
            // first alternative: no coercion
            constraint_seq cs1 = cs + mk_eq_cnstr(meta, a, justification());
            unsigned i = alts.size();
            while (i > 0) {
                expr coe = alts[i];
                if (!locals.empty())
                    coe = Fun(fn_a, Fun(locals, mk_app(coe, mk_app(fn_a, locals))));
                expr new_a = copy_tag(a, mk_app(coe, a));
                constraint_seq csi = cs + mk_eq_cnstr(meta, new_a, new_a_type_jst);
            return choose(std::make_shared<coercion_elaborator>(infom, meta,
                                                                to_list(choices.begin(), choices.end()),
                                                                to_list(coes.begin(), coes.end())));
        } else {
            list<expr> coes    = get_coercions_from_to(from_tc, to_tc, new_a_type, d_type, cs, lift_coe);
            if (is_nil(coes)) {
                expr new_a = a;
                cs += mk_eq_cnstr(meta, new_a, new_a_type_jst);
                return lazy_list<constraints>(cs.to_list());
            } else if (is_nil(tail(coes))) {
                expr new_a = copy_tag(a, mk_app(head(coes), a));
                infom.save_coercion_info(a, new_a);
                cs += mk_eq_cnstr(meta, new_a, new_a_type_jst);
                return lazy_list<constraints>(cs.to_list());
            } else {
                list<constraints> choices = map2<constraints>(coes, [&](expr const & coe) {
                        expr new_a   = copy_tag(a, mk_app(coe, a));
                        constraint c = mk_eq_cnstr(meta, new_a, new_a_type_jst);
                        return (cs + c).to_list();
                return choose(std::make_shared<coercion_elaborator>(infom, meta, choices, coes, false));
    return mk_choice_cnstr(m, choice_fn, delay_factor, true, j);
コード例 #9
expr abstract_type_context::push_local(name const & pp_name, expr const & type, binder_info const & bi) {
    return mk_local(mk_fresh_name(), pp_name, type, bi);