コード例 #1
ファイル: genwrapper.cpp プロジェクト: tell/pbkz
    void initialize() {
        if (init>0) return; 
#ifdef _allow_cachefiles
        cachedir =  makefullpath(ReadConf("bkz.conf","svpccache"));
        mkdirRecursive(cachedir.c_str(), 0777);
        init  = 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: writer.c プロジェクト: djoshea/matudp
// based on the trial we're currently writing to disk,
void updateSignalFileInfo(SignalFileInfo* pSignalFile, DataLoggerStatus* pStatus, unsigned trialIdx)
    DataLoggerStatusByTrial* trialStatus = pStatus->byTrial + trialIdx;

    unsigned msec;
    struct tm timeInfo;

    convertWallclockToLocalTime(trialStatus->wallclockStart, &timeInfo, &msec);

	// append the date as a folder onto dataRoot
    char dateFolderBuffer[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
    strftime(dateFolderBuffer, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, "%Y-%m-%d", &timeInfo);

    // build pathBufferIndex as   dataRoot/storeName/subject/YYYYMMDD/
    // build pathBufferSaveTag as dataRoot/storeName/subject/YYYYMMDD/protocol/saveTag#/
    char pathBufferIndex[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
    char pathBufferTrial[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
    snprintf(pathBufferIndex, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH,
            "%s/%s/%s/%s", dataRoot, pStatus->dataStore, pStatus->subject, dateFolderBuffer);
    snprintf(pathBufferTrial, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH,
            "%s/%s/saveTag%03d", pathBufferIndex, pStatus->protocol, pStatus->saveTag);

    // check that this data directory exists if it's changed from last time
    if(strncmp(pathBufferTrial, pSignalFile->filePath, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH) != 0)
        // path has changed, need to check that this path exists, and/or create it
        if (access( pathBufferTrial, R_OK | W_OK ) == -1)
            // this new path doesn't exist or we can't access it --> mkdir it
            int failed = mkdirRecursive(pathBufferTrial);
                diep("Error creating trial data directory");

        // update the filePath so we don't try to create it again
        strncpy(pSignalFile->filePath, pathBufferTrial, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH);
        logInfo("Updating trial data dir : %s\n", pSignalFile->filePath);

    // now check the index file to make sure it exists
    // the index file is simply a list of .mat files written to this directory
    // which makes it is easy for other programs to detect when these files
    // are added, rather than having to stat the whole directory repeatedly
    char indexFileBuffer[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
    snprintf(indexFileBuffer, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH,
            "%s/trialIndex.txt", pathBufferIndex);

    char saveTagIndexFileBuffer[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
    snprintf(saveTagIndexFileBuffer, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH,
            "%s/trialIndex.txt", pathBufferTrial);

    // check whether the index file is the same as last time
    if(strncmp(indexFileBuffer, pSignalFile->indexFileName, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH) != 0)
        // it's changed from last time
        strncpy(pSignalFile->indexFileName, indexFileBuffer, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH);
        logInfo("Updating trial index file : %s\n", pSignalFile->indexFileName);

        pSignalFile->indexFile = fopen(pSignalFile->indexFileName, "a");

        if(pSignalFile->indexFile == NULL)
            diep("Error opening index file.");

    // check whether the save tag index file is the same as last time
    if(strncmp(saveTagIndexFileBuffer, pSignalFile->saveTagIndexFileName, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH) != 0)
        // it's changed from last time
        strncpy(pSignalFile->saveTagIndexFileName, saveTagIndexFileBuffer, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH);
        logInfo("Updating save-tag index file : %s\n", pSignalFile->saveTagIndexFileName);

        pSignalFile->saveTagIndexFile = fopen(pSignalFile->saveTagIndexFileName, "a");

        if(pSignalFile->saveTagIndexFile == NULL)
            diep("Error opening index file.");
    // create a unique mat file name based on <subject>_protocol_<date.time.msec>_id<trialId>.mat
    char fileTimeBuffer[MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH];
    strftime(fileTimeBuffer, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH, "%Y%m%d.%H%M%S", &timeInfo);

    // assemble short file name without path
    snprintf(pSignalFile->fileNameShort, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH,
            "%s_%s_id%06d_time%s.%03d.mat", pStatus->subject, pStatus->protocol,
            trialStatus->trialId, fileTimeBuffer, msec);

    // path relative to index file, e.g. protocol/saveTag#/fileName.mat
    snprintf(pSignalFile->fileNameRelativeToIndex, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH,
            "%s/saveTag%03d/%s", pStatus->protocol, pStatus->saveTag, pSignalFile->fileNameShort);

    // assemble file name with path
    snprintf(pSignalFile->fileName, MAX_FILENAME_LENGTH,
            "%s/%s", pSignalFile->filePath, pSignalFile->fileNameShort);
コード例 #3
ファイル: SharedObject_as.cpp プロジェクト: adamh/gnash-fork
/// Returns false if the data cannot be written to file.
/// If there is no data, the file is removed and the function returns true.
SharedObject_as::flush(int space) const

    /// This is called on on destruction of the SharedObject, or (allegedly)
    /// on a call to SharedObject.data, so _data is not guaranteed to exist.
    /// The function should never be called from SharedObject.flush() when
    /// _data is 0.
    if (!_data) return false;

    if (space > 0) {
        log_unimpl("SharedObject.flush() called with a minimum disk space "
                "argument (%d), which is currently ignored", space);

    const std::string& filespec = getFilespec();

    if (!mkdirRecursive(filespec)) {
        log_error("Couldn't create dir for flushing SharedObject %s", filespec);
        return false;

    log_debug(_("SharedObject %s not flushed (compiled as read-only mode)"),
    return false;

    if (rcfile.getSOLReadOnly()) {
        log_security("Attempting to write object %s when it's SOL "
                "Read Only is set! Refusing...", filespec);
        return false;
    // Open file
    std::ofstream ofs(filespec.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
    if (!ofs) {
        log_error("SharedObject::flush(): Failed opening file '%s' in "
                "binary mode", filespec.c_str());
        return false;

    // Encode data part.
    SimpleBuffer buf;
    if (!encodeData(_name, *_data, buf)) {
        return true;

    // Encode header part.
    SimpleBuffer header;
    encodeHeader(buf.size(), header);
    // Write header
    ofs.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(header.data()), header.size());
    if (!ofs) {
        log_error("Error writing SOL header");
        return false;

    // Write AMF data
    ofs.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf.data()), buf.size());
    if (!ofs) {
        log_error("Error writing %d bytes to output file %s",
                buf.size(), filespec.c_str());
        return false;

    log_security("SharedObject '%s' written to filesystem.", filespec);
    return true;