コード例 #1
ファイル: common.c プロジェクト: uvbs/SupportCenter
/* this one will parse dates of the form:
 * month|day|hour|minute|sec* (2 chars each)
 * and year is given. Returns a time_t date.
_gnutls_x509_time2gtime (const char *ttime, int year)
  char xx[3];
  struct fake_tm etime;
  time_t ret;

  if (strlen (ttime) < 8)
      gnutls_assert ();
      return (time_t) - 1;

  etime.tm_year = year;

  /* In order to work with 32 bit
   * time_t.
  if (sizeof (time_t) <= 4 && etime.tm_year >= 2038)
    return (time_t) 2145914603;	/* 2037-12-31 23:23:23 */

  xx[2] = 0;

/* get the month
  memcpy (xx, ttime, 2);	/* month */
  etime.tm_mon = atoi (xx) - 1;
  ttime += 2;

/* get the day
  memcpy (xx, ttime, 2);	/* day */
  etime.tm_mday = atoi (xx);
  ttime += 2;

/* get the hour
  memcpy (xx, ttime, 2);	/* hour */
  etime.tm_hour = atoi (xx);
  ttime += 2;

/* get the minutes
  memcpy (xx, ttime, 2);	/* minutes */
  etime.tm_min = atoi (xx);
  ttime += 2;

  if (strlen (ttime) >= 2)
      memcpy (xx, ttime, 2);
      etime.tm_sec = atoi (xx);
      ttime += 2;
    etime.tm_sec = 0;

  ret = mktime_utc (&etime);

  return ret;
コード例 #2
static time_t
decode_internaldate (const char *in)
	const char *inptr = in;
	int hour, min, sec, n;
	struct tm tm;
	time_t date;
	char *buf;

	memset ((void *) &tm, 0, sizeof (struct tm));

	tm.tm_mday = strtoul (inptr, &buf, 10);
	if (buf == inptr || *buf != '-')
		return (time_t) -1;

	inptr = buf + 1;
	if (inptr[3] != '-')
		return (time_t) -1;

	for (n = 0; n < 12; n++) {
		if (!g_ascii_strncasecmp (inptr, tm_months[n], 3))

	if (n >= 12)
		return (time_t) -1;

	tm.tm_mon = n;

	inptr += 4;

	n = strtoul (inptr, &buf, 10);
	if (buf == inptr || *buf != ' ')
		return (time_t) -1;

	tm.tm_year = n - 1900;

	inptr = buf + 1;
	if (!decode_time (&inptr, &hour, &min, &sec))
		return (time_t) -1;

	tm.tm_hour = hour;
	tm.tm_min = min;
	tm.tm_sec = sec;

	n = strtol (inptr, NULL, 10);

	date = mktime_utc (&tm);

	/* date is now GMT of the time we want, but not offset by the timezone ... */

	/* this should convert the time to the GMT equiv time */
	date -= ((n / 100) * 60 * 60) + (n % 100) * 60;

	return date;
コード例 #3
ファイル: util.c プロジェクト: bdwalton/cvsps
void convert_date(time_t * t, const char * dte)
    static regex_t date_re;
    static int init_re;

#define MAX_MATCH 16
    size_t nmatch = MAX_MATCH;
    regmatch_t match[MAX_MATCH];

    if (!init_re) 
	if (regcomp(&date_re, "([0-9]{4})[-/]([0-9]{2})[-/]([0-9]{2}) ([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})( [-+][0-9]{4})?", REG_EXTENDED)) 
	if (regcomp(&date_re, "([0-9]{4})[-/]([0-9]{2})[-/]([0-9]{2}) ([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})", REG_EXTENDED)) 
	    fprintf(stderr, "FATAL: date regex compilation error\n");
	init_re = 1;
    if (regexec(&date_re, dte, nmatch, match, 0) == 0)
	regmatch_t * pm = match;
	struct tm tm = {0};

	char tzbuf[32];
	int offseth = 0, offsetm = 0;

	/* first regmatch_t is match location of entire re */
	tm.tm_year = get_int_substr(dte, pm++);
	tm.tm_mon  = get_int_substr(dte, pm++);
	tm.tm_mday = get_int_substr(dte, pm++);
	tm.tm_hour = get_int_substr(dte, pm++);
	tm.tm_min  = get_int_substr(dte, pm++);
	tm.tm_sec  = get_int_substr(dte, pm++);
	offseth    = -get_int_substr(dte, pm++);

	offsetm= offseth%100;
	if(offsetm<0) offsetm*=-1;
	snprintf(tzbuf, sizeof(tzbuf), "UTC%+d:%d", offseth, offsetm);

	tm.tm_year -= 1900;

	*t = mktime_utc(&tm, tzbuf);
	*t = atoi(dte);
コード例 #4
ファイル: julian_date.c プロジェクト: core-dd/libpredict
time_t predict_from_julian(predict_julian_date_t date)
	double seconds_since = date*NUM_SECONDS_IN_DAY;
	time_t ret_time = get_julian_start_day();
	//add number of seconds since julian start day to the julian start day, get current time_t
	struct tm timeinfo;
	gmtime_r(&ret_time, &timeinfo); 
	timeinfo.tm_sec += seconds_since;
	ret_time = mktime_utc(&timeinfo);
	return ret_time;
コード例 #5
ファイル: julian_date.c プロジェクト: core-dd/libpredict
 * Helper function for getting the Julian day start date (1979-12-31 00:00 UTC) as time_t.
 * \return Internally defined Julian start date (fixed)
time_t get_julian_start_day()
	struct tm start_time;
	start_time.tm_sec = 0;
	start_time.tm_min = 0;
	start_time.tm_hour = 0;
	start_time.tm_mday = 31;
	start_time.tm_mon = 11;
	start_time.tm_year = 1979-1900;
	start_time.tm_isdst = 0;
	return mktime_utc(&start_time);
コード例 #6
bool SDLAppSettings::parseDateTime(const std::string& datetime, time_t& timestamp) {

    int timezone_offset = 0;

    Regex timestamp_regex("^(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2})(?: (\\d{1,2}):(\\d{2})(?::(\\d{2}))?)?(?: ([+-])(\\d{1,2}))?$");

    std::vector<std::string> results;

    if(!timestamp_regex.match(datetime, &results) || results.size() < 3) return false;

    struct tm timeinfo;
    memset(&timeinfo, 0, sizeof(timeinfo));

    timeinfo.tm_isdst = -1;
    timeinfo.tm_year = atoi(results[0].c_str()) - 1900;
    timeinfo.tm_mon  = atoi(results[1].c_str()) - 1;
    timeinfo.tm_mday = atoi(results[2].c_str());

    // optional: hours, minutes and seconds
    if(results.size() >= 5) {
        timeinfo.tm_hour = atoi(results[3].c_str());
        timeinfo.tm_min  = atoi(results[4].c_str());
        if(results.size() >= 6) {
            timeinfo.tm_sec  = atoi(results[5].c_str());

    // optional: timezone (optional)
    if(results.size() >= 8) {

        int tz_hour = atoi(results[7].c_str());
        int tz_min  = 0;

        if(results.size() >= 9) {
            tz_min = atoi(results[8].c_str());

        int tz_offset = tz_hour * 3600 + tz_min * 60;

        if(results[6] == "-") {
            tz_offset = -tz_offset;
        timestamp = mktime_utc(&timeinfo);
        timestamp -= tz_offset;
    } else {
        timestamp = mktime(&timeinfo);

    return true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: notifications.c プロジェクト: tajmouati/showtime
static int
parse_created_on_time(time_t *tp, const char *d)
  int year;
  int month;
  int day;
  int hour;
  int min;
  int sec;

  if(sscanf(d, "%d-%d-%dT%d:%d:%dZ",
	    &year, &month, &day, &hour, &min, &sec) != 6)
    return -1;

  return mktime_utc(tp, year, month-1, day, hour, min, sec);
コード例 #8
ファイル: gtimer.c プロジェクト: 325116067/semc-qsd8x50
 * g_time_val_from_iso8601:
 * @iso_date: an ISO 8601 encoded date string
 * @time_: a #GTimeVal
 * Converts a string containing an ISO 8601 encoded date and time
 * to a #GTimeVal and puts it into @time_.
 * Return value: %TRUE if the conversion was successful.
 * Since: 2.12
g_time_val_from_iso8601 (const gchar *iso_date,
			 GTimeVal    *time_)
  struct tm tm;
  long val;

  g_return_val_if_fail (iso_date != NULL, FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (time_ != NULL, FALSE);

  /* Ensure that the first character is a digit,
   * the first digit of the date, otherwise we don't
   * have an ISO 8601 date */
  while (g_ascii_isspace (*iso_date))

  if (*iso_date == '\0')
    return FALSE;

  if (!g_ascii_isdigit (*iso_date) && *iso_date != '-' && *iso_date != '+')
    return FALSE;

  val = strtoul (iso_date, (char **)&iso_date, 10);
  if (*iso_date == '-')
      /* YYYY-MM-DD */
      tm.tm_year = val - 1900;
      tm.tm_mon = strtoul (iso_date, (char **)&iso_date, 10) - 1;
      if (*iso_date++ != '-')
       	return FALSE;
      tm.tm_mday = strtoul (iso_date, (char **)&iso_date, 10);
      /* YYYYMMDD */
      tm.tm_mday = val % 100;
      tm.tm_mon = (val % 10000) / 100 - 1;
      tm.tm_year = val / 10000 - 1900;

  if (*iso_date++ != 'T')
    return FALSE;
  val = strtoul (iso_date, (char **)&iso_date, 10);
  if (*iso_date == ':')
      /* hh:mm:ss */
      tm.tm_hour = val;
      tm.tm_min = strtoul (iso_date, (char **)&iso_date, 10);
      if (*iso_date++ != ':')
        return FALSE;
      tm.tm_sec = strtoul (iso_date, (char **)&iso_date, 10);
      /* hhmmss */
      tm.tm_sec = val % 100;
      tm.tm_min = (val % 10000) / 100;
      tm.tm_hour = val / 10000;

  time_->tv_sec = mktime_utc (&tm);
  time_->tv_usec = 0;
  if (*iso_date == ',' || *iso_date == '.')
      glong mul = 100000;

      while (g_ascii_isdigit (*++iso_date))
          time_->tv_usec += (*iso_date - '0') * mul;
          mul /= 10;
  if (*iso_date == '+' || *iso_date == '-')
      gint sign = (*iso_date == '+') ? -1 : 1;
      val = strtoul (iso_date + 1, (char **)&iso_date, 10);
      if (*iso_date == ':')
	val = 60 * val + strtoul (iso_date + 1, (char **)&iso_date, 10);
        val = 60 * (val / 100) + (val % 100);

      time_->tv_sec += (time_t) (60 * val * sign);
  else if (*iso_date++ != 'Z')
    return FALSE;

  while (g_ascii_isspace (*iso_date))

  return *iso_date == '\0';