コード例 #1
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void efss_createfilecb( char *name, unsigned int length, unsigned char *pData,
                       EFSFUN pllDestroyFun, unsigned int MemMgrArg )
    FILEHEADER *pfh;

    /* Allocate the file header structure */
    pfh = mmAlloc( sizeof(FILEHEADER) );
    if( !pfh )


    /* Record the filename, size, and data pointer */
    strncpy( pfh->Filename, name, EFSS_FILENAME_MAX-1 );
    pfh->Filename[EFSS_FILENAME_MAX-1] = 0;
    pfh->Length     = length;
    pfh->RefCount   = 0;
    pfh->pData      = pData;
    pfh->Flags      = 0;
    pfh->pMemMgrCallback = pllDestroyFun;
    pfh->MemMgrArg = MemMgrArg;


    /* Put it in our list */
    pfh->pNext = pRoot;
    pRoot      = pfh;


コード例 #2
ファイル: mmalloc.c プロジェクト: nataliabaran/Sources
void *
mmRealloc( void* adr, size_t newsize )
    size_t oldsize = *((size_t*)(adr)-1);
    void* newadr = mmAlloc( newsize );
    memcpy( newadr, adr, (oldsize < newsize) ? oldsize : newsize );
    mmFree( adr );
    return newadr;
コード例 #3
ファイル: netIoIf.c プロジェクト: amartya00/openmp_temp
// **************************************************************************************
static inline int_least32_t ConStrToIPN( uint_least8_t *str, IPN *pIPN )
  uint_least8_t   *buffer;
  struct in_addr in1;
  int_least32_t    retcode = 0;

  // If the string is an IP, we're done
  if( inet_aton( (char *) str, &in1 ) )
     *pIPN = in1.s_addr;

  // All the DNS functions need a scrap buffer
  buffer = mmAlloc( 512 );
  if( buffer )
    // We can treat buffer as a HOSTENT structure after
    // DNSGetHostByXxx calls
    HOSTENT *phe = (HOSTENT *)buffer;

    retcode = DNSGetHostByName( (char *) str, buffer, 512 );
    if( !retcode && phe->h_addrcnt )
#ifndef _INCLUDE_IPv6_CODE
      *pIPN = phe->h_addr[0];
      pIPN = (IPN *)phe->h_addr_list[0];
      retcode = 1;
      retcode = 0;

    mmFree( buffer );
  return( retcode );
コード例 #4
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------- */
EFSS_FILE *efss_fopen( char *name, char *mode )
    FILEHEADER *pfh;
    FILEPTR    *pf;

    /* Verify the read mode */
    if( stricmp( mode, "rb" ) )


    pfh = efss_findfile( name );

    if( !pfh )

    /* Allocate the file header structure */
    pf = mmAlloc( sizeof(FILEPTR) );
    if( !pf )

    pf->pfh = pfh;
    pf->Pos = 0;



    return( pf );
コード例 #5
static void daemon6()
    int                   i,closeSock;
    struct sockaddr_in6   sin1;
    SOCKET                tsock;
    CHILD*                pc;

    // Enter our lock
    SemPend( hDSem6, SEM_FOREVER );

        // Create any socket that needs to be created
        for( i=0; i<DAEMON_MAXRECORD; i++ )
            if( drec6[i].Type && drec6[i].s == INVALID_SOCKET )
                // Create UDP or TCP as needed
                if( drec6[i].Type == SOCK_DGRAM )
                    drec6[i].s = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
                    drec6[i].s = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);

                // If the socket was created, bind it
                if( drec6[i].s != INVALID_SOCKET )
                    // Bind to the specified Server port
                    bzero( &sin1, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) );
                    sin1.sin6_family     = AF_INET6;
                    memcpy((void *)&sin1.sin6_addr,(void *)&drec6[i].LocalAddress, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
                    sin1.sin6_port       = htons(drec6[i].LocalPort);

                    if( bind( drec6[i].s,(struct sockaddr *)&sin1, sizeof(sin1) ) < 0 )
                        fdClose( drec6[i].s );
                        drec6[i].s = INVALID_SOCKET;

                // If the socket is bound and TCP, start listening
                if( drec6[i].s != INVALID_SOCKET && drec6[i].Type != SOCK_DGRAM )
                    if( listen( drec6[i].s, drec6[i].MaxSpawn ) < 0 )
                        fdClose( drec6[i].s );
                        drec6[i].s = INVALID_SOCKET;

            // Update the fdPoll array
            pollitem6[i].fd = drec6[i].s;
            if( drec6[i].Type && drec6[i].TasksSpawned < drec6[i].MaxSpawn )
                pollitem6[i].eventsRequested = POLLIN;
                pollitem6[i].eventsRequested = 0;

        // Leave our lock
        SemPost( hDSem6 );

        // Poll with a timeout of 10 second - to try and catch
        // synchronization error
        if( fdPoll( pollitem6, DAEMON_MAXRECORD, 10000 ) == SOCKET_ERROR )

        // Enter our lock
        SemPend( hDSem6, SEM_FOREVER );

        // Spawn tasks for any active sockets
        for( i=0; i<DAEMON_MAXRECORD; i++ )
            // If no poll results or the drec6 has been freed, skip it
            if( !pollitem6[i].eventsDetected || !drec6[i].Type )

            // If the socket is invalid, close it
            if( pollitem6[i].eventsDetected & POLLNVAL )
                fdClose( drec6[i].s);
                drec6[i].s = INVALID_SOCKET;

            if( pollitem6[i].eventsDetected & POLLIN )
                if( drec6[i].Type == SOCK_DGRAM )
                    tsock = drec6[i].s;
                    closeSock = 0;
                    tsock = accept( drec6[i].s, 0, 0 );
                    closeSock = 1;

                if( tsock != INVALID_SOCKET )
                    // Create a record to track this task
                    pc = mmAlloc( sizeof(CHILD) );
                    if( !pc )
                        goto spawnComplete;

                    // Create the task
                    pc->hTask = TaskCreate( dchild6, "dchild6",
                                            drec6[i].Priority, drec6[i].StackSize,
                                            (UINT32)&drec6[i], (UINT32)pc, 0);
                    if( !pc->hTask )
                        mmFree( pc );
                        goto spawnComplete;

                    // Open a socket session for the child task
                    fdOpenSession( pc->hTask );

                    // Fill in the rest of the child record
                    pc->closeSock = closeSock;
                    pc->s = tsock;

                    // Now we won't close the socket here
                    closeSock = 0;

                    // Link this record onto the DREC
                    pc->pPrev = 0;
                    pc->pNext = drec6[i].pC;
                    drec6[i].pC = pc;
                    if( pc->pNext )
                        pc->pNext->pPrev = pc;

                    // If there was an error, we may need to close the socket
                    if( closeSock )
                        fdClose( tsock );

コード例 #6
ファイル: tftpLocal.c プロジェクト: amartya00/openmp_temp
 // int NtTftpSend()
// Send a file using TFTP
// Return Conditions:
// In the following cases, FileSize is set to the actual file size:
//      1 - If file was sucessfully transferred
//      0 - ??
//      -1 - failed
// In the following cases, FileSize is set to the actual number of
// bytes copied.
//     <0 - Error
//        TFTPERROR_ERRORCODE: TFTP server error code. The error code
//          is written to pErrorCode, and an error message is
//          written to FileBuffer. The length of the error message
//          is written to FileSize.
int NtTftpSendLocal( UINT32 TftpIP, char *szFileName, char *FileBuffer,
                UINT32 *FileSize, UINT16 *pErrorCode )
    TFTP *pTftp;
    int rc;          // Return Code

    // Quick parameter validation
    if( !szFileName || !FileSize || (*FileSize != 0 && !FileBuffer) )
        return( TFTPERROR_BADPARAM );

    // Malloc Parameter Structure
    if( !(pTftp = mmAlloc( sizeof(TFTP) )) )
        return( TFTPERROR_RESOURCES );

    // Initialize parameters to "NULL"
    bzero( pTftp, sizeof(TFTP) );
    pTftp->Sock = INVALID_SOCKET;

    // Malloc Packet Data Buffer
    if( !(pTftp->PacketBuffer = mmAlloc( DATA_SIZE )) )
        goto ABORT2;

    // store IP in network byte order
    pTftp->PeerAddress = TftpIP;

    // Setup initial socket
    rc = tftpSocketSetup( pTftp );
    if( rc < 0 )
        goto ABORT2;

    //  Socket now registered and available for use. Get the data
    pTftp->szFileName  = szFileName;
    pTftp->Buffer      = FileBuffer;
    pTftp->BufferSize  = *FileSize;   // Do not read more than can fit in file
	pTftp->BufferUsed  = *FileSize;

    // PUT the requested file
    rc = tftpPutFile( pTftp );
    if( rc < 0 )

        // Set the "FileSize" to the actual number of bytes copied
        //*FileSize = pTftp->BufferUsed;

        // If the ErrorCode pointer is valid, copy it
        if( pErrorCode )
            *pErrorCode = pTftp->ErrorCode;

        // Set the "FileSize" to the file size (regardless of bytes copied)
        //*FileSize = pTftp->FileSize;

    if( pTftp->Sock != INVALID_SOCKET )
        fdClose( pTftp->Sock );
    if( pTftp->PacketBuffer )
        mmFree( pTftp->PacketBuffer );
    mmFree( pTftp );

コード例 #7
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int httpsClientProcess( SOCKET Sock, WOLFSSL *ssl)
    HTTPS_MSG *pMsg = 0;
    int      nMethod;
    int      rc = 0;
    int      length,i,realmidx;
    int      (*PostFunction)(WOLFSSL *, int, unsigned char *) = 0;
    int      fCGI = 0;
    int termstrSizeRemaining = sizeof(pMsg->termstr);
    int parseSizeRemaining   = sizeof(pMsg->parsestr);
    int requestSizeRemaining = sizeof(pMsg->RequestedFile);
    struct timeval to;
    struct linger  lgr;

    /* Init the socket parameters */

    lgr.l_onoff  = 1;
    lgr.l_linger = 5;
    rc = setsockopt((int)Sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, &lgr, sizeof( lgr ));
    if (rc < 0) {
        goto SHUTDOWN;

    /* Configure our socket timeout to be 10 seconds */
    to.tv_sec  = 20;
    to.tv_usec = 0;
    rc = setsockopt( (int)Sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &to, sizeof( to ) );
    if (rc < 0) {
        goto SHUTDOWN;

    rc = setsockopt( (int)Sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &to, sizeof( to ) );
    if (rc < 0) {
        goto SHUTDOWN;

    /* Start the HTTP message processing */

    pMsg = mmAlloc( sizeof(HTTPS_MSG) );
    if( !pMsg )
        goto SHUTDOWN;

    /* Init the message record */
    pMsg->Sock              = Sock;
    pMsg->ssl               = ssl;
    pMsg->parsed            = 0;
    pMsg->unparsed          = 0;
    pMsg->flagreadall       = 0;
    pMsg->length            = 0;
    pMsg->PostContentLength = 0;
    pMsg->URIArgs           = 0;
    pMsg->username[0]       = 0;
    pMsg->password[0]       = 0;

    if (strlen(CRLF) < termstrSizeRemaining) {
        strcpy(pMsg->termstr,  CRLF );
        termstrSizeRemaining = termstrSizeRemaining - strlen(CRLF);
    else {
        /* Error constructing message, return failure */
        goto SHUTDOWN;

    if (strlen(CRLF) < termstrSizeRemaining) {
        strcat(pMsg->termstr,  CRLF );
        termstrSizeRemaining = termstrSizeRemaining - strlen(CRLF);
    else {
        /* Error constructing message, return failure */
        goto SHUTDOWN;

    if (strlen(SPACE) < parseSizeRemaining) {
        strcpy(pMsg->parsestr, SPACE);
        parseSizeRemaining = parseSizeRemaining - strlen(SPACE);
    else {
        /* Error constructing message, return failure */
        goto SHUTDOWN;

    /* Read the method */
    rc = httpsParseRecv( pMsg );
    if( rc<=0  )
        goto SHUTDOWN;
    nMethod = httpsExtractTag( pMsg->request );

    /* Get URI */
    rc = httpsParseRecv( pMsg );
    if( rc<=0 )
        goto SHUTDOWN;
    strcpy( pMsg->URI, pMsg->request );

    /* Setup for CRLF delimitor (CRLFCRLF is still terminator) */
    if (strlen(CRLF) < parseSizeRemaining) {
        strcpy(pMsg->parsestr, CRLF);
        parseSizeRemaining = parseSizeRemaining - strlen(CRLF);
    else {
        /* Error constructing message, return failure */
        goto SHUTDOWN;

    /* Scan all tags for tags we're interested in */
        int nTag;

        rc = httpsParseRecv( pMsg );
        if( rc < 0 )
            goto SHUTDOWN;
        if( rc == 0 )
        /* A null tag after a tag is a CRLFCRLF */
        if( i && !pMsg->request[0] )

        /* Extract the tag */
        nTag = httpsExtractTag( pMsg->request );

        /* Process all the tag types we care about */
        if( nTag == TAG_CLEN )
            pMsg->PostContentLength = atoi(pMsg->request + 16);

        if( nTag == TAG_AUTH )
            httpsGetAuthParams( pMsg, (unsigned char *)pMsg->request + 21 );

    /* Process the URI into RequestedFile */
    length = strlen(pMsg->URI);

    /* Scan URI for a '?' and terminate at that point */
        if( pMsg->URI[i] == '?' )
            pMsg->URI[i] = 0;
            pMsg->URIArgs = pMsg->URI + i + 1;

    /* Set the new string length (if any) */
    length = i;

    /* Assume success from this point on */
    rc = 1;

    /* If URI terminates with a '/', then add index.html, UNLESS */
    /* length is 1, in which case replace '/' with index.html */
    /* If URI does not terminate with a '/', use it as is */
    /* Note: We always remove the leading '/' */
    if( !length || (length == 1 && pMsg->URI[0] == '/') ) {
        if (strlen(DEFAULT_NAME) < requestSizeRemaining) {
            strcpy(pMsg->RequestedFile, DEFAULT_NAME);
            requestSizeRemaining =
                    requestSizeRemaining - strlen(DEFAULT_NAME);
        else {
            /* Error constructing message, return failure */
            goto SHUTDOWN;
    else {
        if (strlen(pMsg->URI + 1) < requestSizeRemaining) {
            strcpy(pMsg->RequestedFile, pMsg->URI + 1);
            requestSizeRemaining =
                    requestSizeRemaining - strlen(pMsg->URI + 1);

            if (pMsg->URI[length - 1] == '/') {
                if (strlen(DEFAULT_NAME) < requestSizeRemaining) {
                    strcat(pMsg->RequestedFile, DEFAULT_NAME);
                    requestSizeRemaining =
                            requestSizeRemaining - strlen(DEFAULT_NAME);
                else {
                    /* Error constructing message, return failure */
                    goto SHUTDOWN;
        else {
            /* Error constructing message, return failure */
            goto SHUTDOWN;

    /* Authenticate the request */

    /* Act on filecheck status code */
    if( i & EFS_FC_NOTFOUND )
        goto SHUTDOWN;
    if( i & EFS_FC_AUTHFAILED )
        httpsAuthenticationReq( ssl, realmidx );
        goto SHUTDOWN;
    if( i & EFS_FC_NOTALLOWED )
        goto SHUTDOWN;
    if( i & EFS_FC_EXECUTE )
        fCGI = 1;
        PostFunction = (int(*)(WOLFSSL *, int, unsigned char *))

    /* Execute based on the method and fCGI flag */
    switch (nMethod)
    case TAG_GET:
        if( !fCGI ) {
            httpsSendFullResponse( ssl, HTTP_OK, pMsg->RequestedFile );
            if( !PostFunction ) {  	
                https404(ssl);   /* function does not exist */
                /* Now call Post function using the "get" syntax */
                if( !PostFunction( ssl, 0, (unsigned char *)pMsg->URIArgs ) )
                    rc = 0;
                    goto SHUTDOWN_postclose;

    case TAG_POST:
        if( !fCGI )
            https405(ssl);   /* file is not a CGI */
        else if( !PostFunction )
            https404(ssl);   /* function does not exist */
        /* Now call Post function using "post" syntax */
        else if( !PostFunction( ssl, pMsg->PostContentLength,
                               (unsigned char *)pMsg->URIArgs ) )
            rc = 0;
            goto SHUTDOWN_postclose;

        https501( ssl );   /*  Not Implemented */

#if 0
/* Close socket on error */
    if( rc <= 0 )
        fdClose( Sock );
    /* Free buffer if we allocated one */
    if( pMsg )
        mmFree( pMsg );

    if( rc < 0 )
        rc = 0;

    return( rc );