コード例 #1
ファイル: view.c プロジェクト: jpeak5/csc4356
void view_time(const view *V, double t, state *s)
    int i = (int) floor(t);
    int j = (int)  ceil(t);

    if (i < j)
        state_mix(s, V->list + mmod(i - 1, V->n),
                     V->list + mmod(i + 0, V->n),
                     V->list + mmod(i + 1, V->n),
                     V->list + mmod(i + 2, V->n), t - i);
           memcpy(s, V->list + mmod(i, V->n), sizeof (state));
コード例 #2
ファイル: BigInt.c プロジェクト: michbad/misc
BigInt *balance(BigInt *num) {
    //makes sure every entry in digits is a digit
    int length = num->length;
    int *digits = num->digits;
    int sign = num->sign;
    int i=0;
    int needs_repeating = 0;
    for(i=0; i<length-1;++i) {
        digits[i+1] += mdiv(digits[i], 10);
        digits[i] = mmod(digits[i], 10);
    if (digits[length-1] >= 10) {
        int a = mdiv(digits[length-1], 10);
        int b = mmod(digits[length-1], 10);
        digits[length] = a;
        digits[length-1] = b;
    if(digits[length-1]<0) {
        digits[length-1] *= -1;
        sign *= -1;
        //perform k*10^length - rest = (k-1)*10^length + 999..99 - rest + 1
        digits[length-1] -= 1;
        for(i=0; i<length-1; ++i) {
            digits[i] = 9 - digits[i];
        digits[0] += 1; //may cause digits[0] to become unbalanced again
        needs_repeating = 1;

    num->digits = digits;
    num->length = length;
    num->sign = sign;
    num->size = num->size;
    if (needs_repeating) {num = balance(num);} //won't have the same problem again
    if(!strcmp(toString(num), "0")) {
        num->sign = 0;
    return num;
    //TODO add 0
コード例 #3
ファイル: modtest.c プロジェクト: 8l/csolve
	MINT a,b,q,r;

	MINIT(&a); MINIT(&b); MINIT(&q); MINIT(&r);
	while ((fputs("a: ",stdout), min(&a) != EOF) && (fputs("b: ",stdout), min(&b) != EOF)) {
		mout(&a); putchar('\n');
		mout(&b); putchar('\n');
		mout(&q); putchar('\n');
		mout(&r); putchar('\n');
		mout(&a); putchar('\n');
		mout(&b); putchar('\n');
		mout(&r); putchar('\n');
コード例 #4
// static
pascal OSStatus IGraphicsCarbon::MainEventHandler(EventHandlerCallRef pHandlerCall, EventRef pEvent, void* pGraphicsCarbon)
  IGraphicsCarbon* _this = (IGraphicsCarbon*) pGraphicsCarbon;
  IGraphicsMac* pGraphicsMac = _this->mGraphicsMac;
  UInt32 eventClass = GetEventClass(pEvent);
  UInt32 eventKind = GetEventKind(pEvent);

  switch (eventClass)
    case kEventClassKeyboard:
      switch (eventKind)
        case kEventRawKeyDown:
          if (_this->mTextEntryView)
            return eventNotHandledErr;

          bool handle = true;
          int key;
          UInt32 k;
          GetEventParameter(pEvent, kEventParamKeyCode, typeUInt32, NULL, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &k);

          char c;
          GetEventParameter(pEvent, kEventParamKeyMacCharCodes, typeChar, NULL, sizeof(char), NULL, &c);

          if (k == 49) key = KEY_SPACE;
          else if (k == 125) key = KEY_DOWNARROW;
          else if (k == 126) key = KEY_UPARROW;
          else if (k == 123) key = KEY_LEFTARROW;
          else if (k == 124) key = KEY_RIGHTARROW;
          else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') key = KEY_DIGIT_0+c-'0';
          else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') key = KEY_ALPHA_A+c-'A';
          else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') key = KEY_ALPHA_A+c-'a';
          else handle = false;

            handle = pGraphicsMac->OnKeyDown(_this->mPrevX, _this->mPrevY, key);

            return noErr;
            return eventNotHandledErr;

    case kEventClassControl:
      switch (eventKind)
        case kEventControlDraw:
          int gfxW = pGraphicsMac->Width(), gfxH = pGraphicsMac->Height();

          IRECT r = GetRegionRect(pEvent, gfxW, gfxH);

          CGrafPtr port = 0;

          if (_this->mIsComposited)
            GetEventParameter(pEvent, kEventParamCGContextRef, typeCGContextRef, 0, sizeof(CGContextRef), 0, &(_this->mCGC));
            CGContextTranslateCTM(_this->mCGC, 0, gfxH);
            CGContextScaleCTM(_this->mCGC, 1.0, -1.0);
            GetEventParameter(pEvent, kEventParamGrafPort, typeGrafPtr, 0, sizeof(CGrafPtr), 0, &port);
            QDBeginCGContext(port, &(_this->mCGC));
            //RgnHandle clipRegion = NewRgn();
            //GetPortClipRegion(port, clipRegion);
            Rect portBounds;
            GetPortBounds(port, &portBounds);

            int offsetW = 0;
            int offsetH = -portBounds.top;
            //int offsetH = (portBounds.bottom - portBounds.top) - gfxH; // this almost works with AS, but clip rect seems wrong when previewing/breaks RTAS
            if ((portBounds.right - portBounds.left) >= gfxW)
              offsetW = 0.5 * ((portBounds.right - portBounds.left) - gfxW);
            CGContextTranslateCTM(_this->mCGC, portBounds.left + offsetW, offsetH);
            r = IRECT(0, 0, pGraphicsMac->Width(), pGraphicsMac->Height());
            pGraphicsMac->Draw(&r); // Carbon non-composited will redraw everything, the IRECT passed here is the entire plugin-gui
            QDEndCGContext(port, &(_this->mCGC));
          return noErr;
    case kEventClassMouse:
      HIPoint hp;
      GetEventParameter(pEvent, kEventParamWindowMouseLocation, typeHIPoint, 0, sizeof(HIPoint), 0, &hp);

      #ifdef RTAS_API
      // Header offset
      hp.x -= _this->GetLeftOffset();
      hp.y -= _this->GetTopOffset();

      Rect bounds;
      GetWindowBounds(_this->mWindow, kWindowTitleBarRgn, &bounds);

      // adjust x mouse coord if the gui is less wide than the window
//      int windowWidth = (bounds.right - bounds.left);
//      if (windowWidth > pGraphicsMac->Width())
//      {
//        hp.x -= (int) floor((windowWidth - pGraphicsMac->Width()) / 2.);
//      }

      // Title bar Y offset
      hp.y -= bounds.bottom - bounds.top;

      int x = (int) hp.x;
      int y = (int) hp.y;

      #else // NOT RTAS
      HIPointConvert(&hp, kHICoordSpaceWindow, _this->mWindow, kHICoordSpaceView, _this->mView);
      int x = (int) hp.x - 2;
      int y = (int) hp.y - 3;

      UInt32 mods;
      GetEventParameter(pEvent, kEventParamKeyModifiers, typeUInt32, 0, sizeof(UInt32), 0, &mods);
      EventMouseButton button;
      GetEventParameter(pEvent, kEventParamMouseButton, typeMouseButton, 0, sizeof(EventMouseButton), 0, &button);
      if (button == kEventMouseButtonPrimary && (mods & cmdKey)) button = kEventMouseButtonSecondary;
      IMouseMod mmod(true, button == kEventMouseButtonSecondary, (mods & shiftKey), (mods & controlKey), (mods & optionKey));

      switch (eventKind)
        case kEventMouseDown:
          if (_this->mTextEntryView)
            #if !(USE_MLTE)
            HIViewRef view;
            HIViewGetViewForMouseEvent(_this->mView, pEvent, &view);
            if (view == _this->mTextEntryView) break;

          #ifdef RTAS_API // RTAS triple click
          if (mmod.L && mmod.R && mmod.C && (pGraphicsMac->GetParamIdxForPTAutomation(x, y) > -1))
            return CallNextEventHandler(pHandlerCall, pEvent);

          CallNextEventHandler(pHandlerCall, pEvent);

          UInt32 clickCount = 0;
          GetEventParameter(pEvent, kEventParamClickCount, typeUInt32, 0, sizeof(UInt32), 0, &clickCount);

          if (clickCount > 1)
            pGraphicsMac->OnMouseDblClick(x, y, &mmod);
            pGraphicsMac->OnMouseDown(x, y, &mmod);

          return noErr;

        case kEventMouseUp:
          pGraphicsMac->OnMouseUp(x, y, &mmod);
          return noErr;

        case kEventMouseMoved:
          _this->mPrevX = x;
          _this->mPrevY = y;
          pGraphicsMac->OnMouseOver(x, y, &mmod);
          return noErr;

        case kEventMouseDragged:
          if (!_this->mTextEntryView)
            pGraphicsMac->OnMouseDrag(x, y, &mmod);
          return noErr;

        case kEventMouseWheelMoved:
          EventMouseWheelAxis axis;
          GetEventParameter(pEvent, kEventParamMouseWheelAxis, typeMouseWheelAxis, 0, sizeof(EventMouseWheelAxis), 0, &axis);

          if (axis == kEventMouseWheelAxisY)
            int d;
            GetEventParameter(pEvent, kEventParamMouseWheelDelta, typeSInt32, 0, sizeof(SInt32), 0, &d);

            if (_this->mTextEntryView) _this->EndUserInput(false);

            pGraphicsMac->OnMouseWheel(x, y, &mmod, d);
            return noErr;


    case kEventClassWindow:
      WindowRef window;

      if (GetEventParameter(pEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeWindowRef, NULL, sizeof (WindowRef), NULL, &window) != noErr)

      switch (eventKind)
        case kEventWindowDeactivated:
          if (_this->mTextEntryView)

  return eventNotHandledErr;
コード例 #5
ファイル: mprime.cpp プロジェクト: gbl08ma/eigenmath
static int
mprimef(unsigned int *n, unsigned int *q, int k)
	int i, j;
	unsigned int *t, *x, *y;

	// generate x

	t = mcopy(n);

	while (1) {
		for (i = 0; i < MLENGTH(t); i++)
			t[i] = rand();
		x = mmod(t, n);
		if (!MZERO(x) && !MEQUAL(x, 1))


	// exponentiate

	y = mmodpow(x, q, n);

	// done?

	if (MEQUAL(y, 1)) {
		return 1;

	j = 0;

	while (1) {

		// y = n - 1?

		t = msub(n, y);

		if (MEQUAL(t, 1)) {
			return 1;


		if (++j == k) {
			return 0;

		// y = (y ^ 2) mod n

		t = mmul(y, y);
		y = mmod(t, n);

		// y = 1?

		if (MEQUAL(y, 1)) {
			return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: OptionRowHandler.cpp プロジェクト: TaroNuke/openitg
	virtual void Load( OptionRowDefinition &defOut, CString sParam )
		ASSERT( sParam.size() );

		if( sParam.CompareNoCase("NoteSkins")==0 )		{ FillNoteSkins( defOut, sParam );		return; }
		else if( sParam.CompareNoCase("Steps")==0 )		{ FillSteps( defOut, sParam, false );	return; }
		else if( sParam.CompareNoCase("StepsLocked")==0 )	{ FillSteps( defOut, sParam, true );	return; }
		else if( sParam.CompareNoCase("Characters")==0 )	{ FillCharacters( defOut, sParam );		return; }
		else if( sParam.CompareNoCase("Styles")==0 )		{ FillStyles( defOut, sParam );			return; }
		else if( sParam.CompareNoCase("Groups")==0 )		{ FillGroups( defOut, sParam );			return; }
		else if( sParam.CompareNoCase("Difficulties")==0 )	{ FillDifficulties( defOut, sParam );	return; }
		else if( sParam.CompareNoCase("SongsInCurrentSongGroup")==0 )	{ FillSongsInCurrentSongGroup( defOut, sParam );	return; }


		m_bUseModNameForIcon = true;
		defOut.name = sParam;

		Default.Load( -1, ParseCommands(ENTRY_DEFAULT(sParam)) );

		/* Parse the basic configuration metric. */
		Commands cmds = ParseCommands( ENTRY(sParam) );
		if( cmds.v.size() < 1 )
			RageException::Throw( "Parse error in ScreenOptionsMaster::%s", sParam.c_str() );

		defOut.bOneChoiceForAllPlayers = false;
		const int NumCols = atoi( cmds.v[0].m_vsArgs[0] );
		for( unsigned i=1; i<cmds.v.size(); i++ )
			const Command &cmd = cmds.v[i];
			CString sName = cmd.GetName();

			if(		 sName == "together" )			defOut.bOneChoiceForAllPlayers = true;
			else if( sName == "selectmultiple" )	defOut.selectType = SELECT_MULTIPLE;
			else if( sName == "selectone" )			defOut.selectType = SELECT_ONE;
			else if( sName == "selectnone" )		defOut.selectType = SELECT_NONE;
			else if( sName == "showoneinrow" )		defOut.layoutType = LAYOUT_SHOW_ONE_IN_ROW;
			else if( sName == "reloadrowmessages" )
				for( unsigned a=1; a<cmd.m_vsArgs.size(); a++ )
					m_vsReloadRowMessages.push_back( cmd.m_vsArgs[a] );
			else if( sName == "enabledforplayers" )
				for( unsigned a=1; a<cmd.m_vsArgs.size(); a++ )
					CString sArg = cmd.m_vsArgs[a];
					PlayerNumber pn = (PlayerNumber)(atoi(sArg)-1);
					ASSERT( pn >= 0 && pn < NUM_PLAYERS );
					defOut.m_vEnabledForPlayers.insert( pn );
			else if( sName == "exportonchange" )	defOut.m_bExportOnChange = true;
			else if( sName == "broadcastonexport" )
				for( unsigned i=1; i<cmd.m_vsArgs.size(); i++ )
					m_vsBroadcastOnExport.push_back( cmd.m_vsArgs[i] );
			else		RageException::Throw( "Unkown row flag \"%s\"", sName.c_str() );

		for( int col = 0; col < NumCols; ++col )
			GameCommand mc;
			mc.Load( 0, ParseCommands(ENTRY_MODE(sParam, col)) );
			/* If the row has just one entry, use the name of the row as the name of the
			 * entry.  If it has more than one, each one must be specified explicitly. */
			if( mc.m_sName == "" && NumCols == 1 )
				mc.m_sName = sParam;
			if( mc.m_sName == "" )
				RageException::Throw( "List \"%s\", col %i has no name", sParam.c_str(), col );

			if( !mc.IsPlayable() )
				LOG->Trace( "\"%s\" is not playable.", sParam.c_str() );

			ListEntries.push_back( mc );

			CString sName = mc.m_sName;
			CString sChoice = mc.m_sName;
			defOut.choices.push_back( sChoice );

		// OpenITG hack: load player-defined speed mods
		if (sParam == "Speed")
			set<CString> additionalSet;
			// load anything from the machine profile first
			Profile *pMProf = PROFILEMAN->GetMachineProfile();
			if (pMProf != NULL)
				FOREACH_CONST(CString, pMProf->m_sPlayerAdditionalModifiers, mod)

			// then load anything from the players' profiles
			FOREACH_EnabledPlayer( pn )
				Profile *pProf = PROFILEMAN->GetProfile(pn);
				if (pProf == NULL) continue;
				FOREACH_CONST(CString, pProf->m_sPlayerAdditionalModifiers, mod)
			FOREACHS_CONST( CString, additionalSet, addit_mod )
				Regex mult("^[0-9]{1,2}(\\.[0-9]{1,2})?x$");
				Regex constmod("^C[0-9]{1,4}$");
				Regex mmod("^M[0-9]{1,4}$");
				CString sAdditModName;
				if (mult.Compare(*addit_mod))
					float factor = 1.0f;
					sscanf(*addit_mod, "%fx", &factor);
					sAdditModName = ssprintf("x%.1f", factor);
				else if (constmod.Compare(*addit_mod))
					unsigned bpm = 300;
					sscanf(*addit_mod, "C%u", &bpm);
					sAdditModName = ssprintf("c%u", bpm);
				else if (mmod.Compare(*addit_mod))
					unsigned bpm = 600;
					sscanf(*addit_mod, "M%u", &bpm);
					sAdditModName = ssprintf("m%u", bpm);
				else ASSERT(0); // how'd it get in here in the first place...

				GameCommand mc;
				mc.Load( 0, ParseCommands(CString("mod,")+*addit_mod+";name,"+sAdditModName) );
				if ( !mc.IsPlayable() )
					LOG->Trace( "Additional mod \"%s\" is not playable.", addit_mod->c_str() );
コード例 #7
ファイル: moduncon.c プロジェクト: DanielTillett/splint
int g (int *x) /*@*/
  (void) umod (x);
  (void) umod (mmod (umod (x)));
  return *x;
コード例 #8
ファイル: moduncon.c プロジェクト: DanielTillett/splint
int f (int *x)
  (void) umod (mmod (umod (x)));
  return *x;