コード例 #1
ファイル: parent.c プロジェクト: flux-framework/flux-core
static void lsmod_request_cb (flux_t *h, flux_msg_handler_t *mh,
                              const flux_msg_t *msg, void *arg)
    json_t *mods = NULL;

    if (flux_request_decode (msg, NULL, NULL) < 0)
        goto error;
    mods = module_list ();
    if (flux_respond_pack (h, msg, "{s:O}", "mods", mods) < 0)
        flux_log_error (h, "%s: flux_respond", __FUNCTION__);
    json_decref (mods);
    if (flux_respond_error (h, msg, errno, NULL) < 0)
        flux_log_error (h, "%s: flux_respond_error", __FUNCTION__);
コード例 #2
ファイル: dump.c プロジェクト: barak/lush
/* return size of dump file */
static off_t dump(const char *s)
   /* Build the big list */
   at *ans = NIL, **where = &ans;
   /* 1 - the modules */
   at *p = module_list();
   at *q = p;
   while (CONSP(q)) {
      *where = new_cons(Car(q), NIL);
      where = &Cdr(*where);
      q = Cdr(q);
   /* 2- the globals */
   *where = global_defs();

   /* Header */
   at *atf = OPEN_WRITE(s,"dump");
   FILE *f = Gptr(atf);
   write32(f, DUMPMAGIC);
   write32(f, DUMPVERSION);

   /* The macro character map */
   errno = 0;
   test_file_error(f, errno);
   /* Write the big list */
   bool oldready = error_doc.ready_to_an_error;
   error_doc.ready_to_an_error = false;
   bwrite(ans, f, true);
   error_doc.ready_to_an_error = oldready;
   lush_delete(atf);     /* close file */

   /* get file size */
   struct stat buf;
   if (stat(s, &buf)>=0)
      if (S_ISREG(buf.st_mode))
         return buf.st_size;
   return (off_t)0;