コード例 #1
ファイル: monodiet.c プロジェクト: ANahr/mono
static void
check_vmethods (MonoClass *klass, MonoMethod *method)
	MonoMethod **vtable;
	if (method->klass == klass)
	mono_class_init (klass);
	mono_class_init (method->klass);
	vtable = klass->vtable;
	/* iface */
	if (!vtable)
	if (method->klass->flags & TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_INTERFACE) {
		if (MONO_CLASS_IMPLEMENTS_INTERFACE (klass, method->klass->interface_id)) {
			int iface_offset = mono_class_interface_offset (klass, method->klass);
			g_assert (method->slot != -1);
			if (vtable [iface_offset + method->slot])
				add_types_from_method (vtable [iface_offset + method->slot]);
	} else {
		if (mono_class_has_parent (klass, method->klass)) {
			g_assert (method->slot != -1);
			if (vtable [method->slot])
				add_types_from_method (vtable [method->slot]);
コード例 #2
ファイル: exception.c プロジェクト: Alkarex/mono
 * mono_get_exception_type_initialization:
 * @type_name: the name of the type that failed to initialize.
 * @inner: the inner exception.
 * Returns: a new instance of the System.TypeInitializationException
MonoException *
mono_get_exception_type_initialization (const gchar *type_name, MonoException *inner)
	MonoClass *klass;
	gpointer args [2];
	MonoObject *exc;
	MonoMethod *method;
	gpointer iter;

	klass = mono_class_from_name (mono_get_corlib (), "System", "TypeInitializationException");
	g_assert (klass);

	mono_class_init (klass);

	/* TypeInitializationException only has 1 ctor with 2 args */
	iter = NULL;
	while ((method = mono_class_get_methods (klass, &iter))) {
		if (!strcmp (".ctor", mono_method_get_name (method)) && mono_method_signature (method)->param_count == 2)
		method = NULL;

	g_assert (method);

	args [0] = mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), type_name);
	args [1] = inner;

	exc = mono_object_new (mono_domain_get (), klass);
	mono_runtime_invoke (method, exc, args, NULL);

	return (MonoException *) exc;
コード例 #3
ファイル: mono-profiler-iomap.c プロジェクト: Appercode/mono
static inline void print_report (const gchar *format, ...)
	MonoError error;
	MonoClass *klass;
	MonoProperty *prop;
	MonoString *str;
	char *stack_trace;
	va_list ap;

	fprintf (stdout, "-=-=-=-=-=-=- MONO_IOMAP REPORT -=-=-=-=-=-=-\n");
	va_start (ap, format);
	vfprintf (stdout, format, ap);
	fprintf (stdout, "\n");
	va_end (ap);
	klass = mono_class_load_from_name (mono_get_corlib (), "System", "Environment");
	mono_class_init (klass);
	prop = mono_class_get_property_from_name (klass, "StackTrace");
	str = (MonoString*)mono_property_get_value_checked (prop, NULL, NULL, &error);
	mono_error_assert_ok (&error);
	stack_trace = mono_string_to_utf8_checked (str, &error);
	mono_error_assert_ok (&error);

	fprintf (stdout, "-= Stack Trace =-\n%s\n\n", stack_trace);
	g_free (stack_trace);
	fflush (stdout);
コード例 #4
static gint64
debugger_lookup_class (guint64 image_argument, G_GNUC_UNUSED guint64 dummy,
		       G_GNUC_UNUSED guint64 dummy2, gchar *full_name)
	MonoImage *image = (MonoImage *) GUINT_TO_POINTER ((gsize) image_argument);
	gchar *name_space, *name, *pos;
	MonoClass *klass;

	pos = strrchr (full_name, '.');
	if (pos) {
		name_space = full_name;
		*pos = 0;
		name = pos + 1;
	} else {
		name = full_name;
		name_space = NULL;

	klass = mono_class_from_name (image, name_space ? name_space : "", name);
	if (!klass)
		return -1;

	mono_class_init (klass);
	mono_class_setup_methods (klass);
	return (gint64) (gssize) klass;
コード例 #5
ファイル: monodiet.c プロジェクト: ANahr/mono
static void
handle_type (MonoClass *klass, guint32 flags)
	int i;
	guint32 missing;
	MonoCustomAttrInfo* cattrs;
	gpointer val = NULL, oldkey = NULL;
	MonoProperty* prop;
	MonoEvent* event;
	MonoMethod* method;
	MonoClassField* field;
	gpointer iter;
	if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (type_table, klass, &oldkey, &val)) {
		missing = flags & ~(GPOINTER_TO_UINT (val));
	} else {
		missing = flags;
	if (!missing)
	g_hash_table_insert (type_table, klass, GUINT_TO_POINTER (missing));
	if (verbose)
		g_print ("#processing klass: %s.%s\n", klass->name_space, klass->name);
	mono_class_init (klass);
	if (klass->parent)
		add_type (klass->parent);
	if (klass->nested_in)
		add_type (klass->nested_in);
	iter = NULL;
	while ((method = mono_class_get_methods (klass, &iter))) {
		if ((missing & TYPE_METHODS) || strcmp (method->name, ".cctor") == 0)
			add_types_from_method (method);
	if (klass->enumtype) {
		add_field (mono_class_get_field_from_name (klass, "value__"));
	if (force_enums || (missing & TYPE_FIELDS)) {
		iter = NULL;
		while ((field = mono_class_get_fields (klass, &iter)))
			add_field (field);
	iter = NULL;
	while ((prop = mono_class_get_properties (klass, &iter))) {
		cattrs = mono_custom_attrs_from_property (klass, prop);
		handle_cattrs (cattrs);
	iter = NULL;
	while ((event = mono_class_get_events (klass, &iter))) {
		cattrs = mono_custom_attrs_from_event (klass, event);
		handle_cattrs (cattrs);
	for (i = 0; i < klass->interface_count; ++i)
		add_type (klass->interfaces [i]);
	cattrs = mono_custom_attrs_from_class (klass);
	handle_cattrs (cattrs);
コード例 #6
ファイル: security-manager.c プロジェクト: TheMetalMage/mono
mono_security_manager_get_methods (void)
	/* Already initialized ? */
	if (secman.securitymanager)
		return &secman;

	/* Initialize */
	secman.securitymanager = mono_class_get_security_manager_class ();
	if (!secman.securitymanager->inited)
		mono_class_init (secman.securitymanager);

	return &secman;
コード例 #7
ファイル: security-manager.c プロジェクト: TheMetalMage/mono
 * Context propagation is required when:
 * (a) the security manager is active (1.x and later)
 * (b) other contexts needs to be propagated (2.x and later)
 * returns NULL if no context propagation is required, else the returns the
 * MonoMethod to call to Capture the ExecutionContext.
mono_get_context_capture_method (void)
	static MonoMethod *method = NULL;

	if (mono_image_get_assembly (mono_defaults.corlib)->aname.major < 2)
		return NULL;

	/* older corlib revisions won't have the class (nor the method) */
	MonoClass *execution_context = mono_class_try_get_execution_context_class ();
	if (execution_context && !method) {
		mono_class_init (execution_context);
		method = mono_class_get_method_from_name (execution_context, "Capture", 0);

	return method;
コード例 #8
ファイル: debug-mini.c プロジェクト: xfchangwei/mono
mono_debug_open_method (MonoCompile *cfg)
	MiniDebugMethodInfo *info;
	MonoDebugMethodJitInfo *jit;
	MonoMethodHeader *header;

	info = (MiniDebugMethodInfo *) cfg->debug_info;
	if (!info)

	mono_class_init (cfg->method->klass);

	header = cfg->header;
	g_assert (header);
	info->jit = jit = g_new0 (MonoDebugMethodJitInfo, 1);
	info->line_numbers = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (MonoDebugLineNumberEntry));
	jit->num_locals = header->num_locals;
	jit->locals = g_new0 (MonoDebugVarInfo, jit->num_locals);
コード例 #9
ファイル: exception.c プロジェクト: campolake/mono_research
 * mono_get_exception_reflection_type_load:
 * @types: an array of types that were defined in the moduled loaded.
 * @exceptions: an array of exceptions that were thrown during the type loading.
 * Returns: a new instance of the `System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException`
MonoException *
mono_get_exception_reflection_type_load (MonoArray *types, MonoArray *exceptions)
	MonoError error;
	MonoClass *klass;
	gpointer args [2];
	MonoObject *exc;
	MonoMethod *method;
	gpointer iter;

	klass = mono_class_load_from_name (mono_get_corlib (), "System.Reflection", "ReflectionTypeLoadException");

	mono_class_init (klass);

	/* Find the Type[], Exception[] ctor */
	iter = NULL;
	while ((method = mono_class_get_methods (klass, &iter))) {
		if (!strcmp (".ctor", mono_method_get_name (method))) {
			MonoMethodSignature *sig = mono_method_signature (method);

			if (sig->param_count == 2 && sig->params [0]->type == MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY && sig->params [1]->type == MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY)
		method = NULL;
	g_assert (method);

	args [0] = types;
	args [1] = exceptions;

	exc = mono_object_new_checked (mono_domain_get (), klass, &error);
	mono_error_assert_ok (&error);

	mono_runtime_invoke_checked (method, exc, args, &error);
	mono_error_raise_exception (&error); /* FIXME don't raise here */

	return (MonoException *) exc;
コード例 #10
ファイル: exception.c プロジェクト: Alkarex/mono
 * mono_get_exception_reflection_type_load:
 * @types: an array of types that were defined in the moduled loaded.
 * @exceptions: an array of exceptions that were thrown during the type loading.
 * Returns: a new instance of the System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException
MonoException *
mono_get_exception_reflection_type_load (MonoArray *types, MonoArray *exceptions)
	MonoClass *klass;
	gpointer args [2];
	MonoObject *exc;
	MonoMethod *method;

	klass = mono_class_from_name (mono_get_corlib (), "System.Reflection", "ReflectionTypeLoadException");
	g_assert (klass);
	mono_class_init (klass);

	method = mono_class_get_method_from_name (klass, ".ctor", 2);
	g_assert (method);

	args [0] = types;
	args [1] = exceptions;

	exc = mono_object_new (mono_domain_get (), klass);
	mono_runtime_invoke (method, exc, args, NULL);

	return (MonoException *) exc;
コード例 #11
ファイル: exception.c プロジェクト: campolake/mono_research
 * mono_get_exception_type_initialization:
 * @type_name: the name of the type that failed to initialize.
 * @inner: the inner exception.
 * Returns: a new instance of the `System.TypeInitializationException`
MonoException *
mono_get_exception_type_initialization (const gchar *type_name, MonoException *inner)
	MonoError error;
	MonoClass *klass;
	gpointer args [2];
	MonoObject *exc;
	MonoMethod *method;
	gpointer iter;

	klass = mono_class_load_from_name (mono_get_corlib (), "System", "TypeInitializationException");

	mono_class_init (klass);

	iter = NULL;
	while ((method = mono_class_get_methods (klass, &iter))) {
		if (!strcmp (".ctor", mono_method_get_name (method))) {
			MonoMethodSignature *sig = mono_method_signature (method);

			if (sig->param_count == 2 && sig->params [0]->type == MONO_TYPE_STRING && mono_class_from_mono_type (sig->params [1]) == mono_defaults.exception_class)
		method = NULL;
	g_assert (method);

	args [0] = mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), type_name);
	args [1] = inner;

	exc = mono_object_new_checked (mono_domain_get (), klass, &error);
	mono_error_assert_ok (&error);
	mono_runtime_invoke_checked (method, exc, args, &error);
	mono_error_raise_exception (&error); /* FIXME don't raise here */

	return (MonoException *) exc;
コード例 #12
ファイル: monodiet.c プロジェクト: ANahr/mono
static void
add_types_from_method (MonoMethod *method) {
	const MonoOpcode *opcode;
	MonoMethodHeader *header;
	const unsigned char *ip, *il_code_end;
	gpointer val = NULL, oldkey = NULL;
	int i, n;
	guint32 token;
	MonoClass *klass;
	MonoClassField *field;
	MonoCustomAttrInfo* cattrs;
	MonoType** locals;
	gpointer exc_iter;
	MonoExceptionClause clause;

	if (g_hash_table_lookup_extended (method_table, method, &oldkey, &val))
	g_hash_table_insert (method_table, method, NULL);

	g_assert (method->klass);

	if (verbose > 1)
		g_print ("#processing method: %s\n", mono_method_full_name (method, TRUE));
	mono_class_init (method->klass);
	cattrs = mono_custom_attrs_from_method (method);
	handle_cattrs (cattrs);
	add_type (method->klass);
	add_types_from_signature (mono_method_signature (method));
	for (i = 0; i < mono_method_signature (method)->param_count + 1; ++i) {
		cattrs = mono_custom_attrs_from_param (method, i);
		handle_cattrs (cattrs);

	if (method->flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_VIRTUAL)
		virtual_methods = g_list_prepend (virtual_methods, method);

	/* if no IL code to parse, return */

	header = mono_method_get_header (method);

	locals = mono_method_header_get_locals (header, &n, NULL);
	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
		klass = mono_class_from_mono_type (locals [i]);
		add_type (klass);
	for (exc_iter = NULL; mono_method_header_get_clauses (header, method, &exc_iter, &clause);) {
		if (clause.flags == MONO_EXCEPTION_CLAUSE_NONE)
			add_type (clause.data.catch_class);

	ip = mono_method_header_get_code (header, &n, NULL);
	il_code_end = ip + n;

	while (ip < il_code_end) {
		if (verbose > 2)
			g_print ("#%s", mono_disasm_code_one (NULL, method, ip, NULL));
		if (*ip == 0xfe) {
			i = *ip + 256;
		} else {
			i = *ip;

		opcode = &mono_opcodes [i];

		switch (opcode->argument) {
		case MonoInlineNone:
		case MonoInlineType:
			token = read32 (ip + 1);
			add_type (mono_class_get (method->klass->image, token));
			ip += 5;
		case MonoInlineField: {
			token = read32 (ip + 1);
			field = mono_field_from_token (method->klass->image, token, &klass, NULL);
			add_field (field);
			add_type (klass);
			ip += 5;
		case MonoInlineTok:
		case MonoInlineSig:
			/* FIXME */
		case MonoInlineString:
		case MonoShortInlineR:
		case MonoInlineBrTarget:
		case MonoInlineI:
			ip += 5;
		case MonoInlineVar:
			ip += 3;
		case MonoShortInlineVar:
		case MonoShortInlineI:
		case MonoShortInlineBrTarget:
			ip += 2;
		case MonoInlineSwitch:
			n = read32 (ip);
			ip += 4;
			ip += 4 * n;
		case MonoInlineI8:
		case MonoInlineR:
			ip += 9;
		case MonoInlineMethod:
				MonoMethod *cm = mono_get_method (method->klass->image, read32 (ip + 1), NULL);
				add_type (cm->klass);
				add_types_from_method (cm);
			ip += 5;
			g_assert_not_reached ();
コード例 #13
ファイル: pedump.c プロジェクト: Appercode/mono
static int
verify_image_file (const char *fname)
	GSList *errors = NULL, *tmp;
	MonoImage *image;
	MonoTableInfo *table;
	MonoAssembly *assembly;
	MonoImageOpenStatus status;
	int i, count = 0;
	const char* desc [] = {
		"Ok", "Error", "Warning", NULL, "CLS", NULL, NULL, NULL, "Not Verifiable"

	image = mono_image_open_raw (fname, &status);
	if (!image) {
		printf ("Could not open %s\n", fname);
		return 1;

	if (!mono_verifier_verify_pe_data (image, &errors))
		goto invalid_image;

	if (!mono_image_load_pe_data (image)) {
		printf ("Could not load pe data for assembly %s\n", fname);
		return 1;

	if (!mono_verifier_verify_cli_data (image, &errors))
		goto invalid_image;

	if (!mono_image_load_cli_data (image)) {
		printf ("Could not load cli data for assembly %s\n", fname);
		return 1;

	if (!mono_verifier_verify_table_data (image, &errors))
		goto invalid_image;

	mono_image_load_names (image);

	/*fake an assembly for class loading to work*/
	assembly = g_new0 (MonoAssembly, 1);
	assembly->in_gac = FALSE;
	assembly->image = image;
	image->assembly = assembly;
	mono_assembly_fill_assembly_name (image, &assembly->aname);

	/*Finish initializing the runtime*/
	mono_install_assembly_load_hook (pedump_assembly_load_hook, NULL);
	mono_install_assembly_search_hook (pedump_assembly_search_hook, NULL);

	mono_init_version ("pedump", image->version);

	mono_install_assembly_preload_hook (pedump_preload, GUINT_TO_POINTER (FALSE));

	mono_icall_init ();
	mono_marshal_init ();

	if (!verify_partial_md && !mono_verifier_verify_full_table_data (image, &errors))
		goto invalid_image;

	table = &image->tables [MONO_TABLE_TYPEDEF];
	for (i = 1; i <= table->rows; ++i) {
		MonoError error;
		guint32 token = i | MONO_TOKEN_TYPE_DEF;
		MonoClass *klass = mono_class_get_checked (image, token, &error);
		if (!klass) {
			printf ("Could not load class with token %x due to %s\n", token, mono_error_get_message (&error));
			mono_error_cleanup (&error);
		mono_class_init (klass);
		if (mono_class_has_failure (klass)) {
			printf ("Error verifying class(0x%08x) %s.%s a type load error happened\n", token, klass->name_space, klass->name);

		mono_class_setup_vtable (klass);
		if (mono_class_has_failure (klass)) {
			printf ("Error verifying class(0x%08x) %s.%s a type load error happened\n", token, klass->name_space, klass->name);
	if (count)
		return 5;
	return 0;

	for (tmp = errors; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
		MonoVerifyInfo *info = (MonoVerifyInfo *)tmp->data;
		g_print ("%s: %s\n", desc [info->status], info->message);
		if (info->status == MONO_VERIFY_ERROR)
	mono_free_verify_list (errors);
	if (count)
		g_print ("Error count: %d\n", count);
	return 1;