static int dump_verify_info (MonoImage *image, int flags) { GSList *errors, *tmp; int count = 0, verifiable = 0; const char* desc [] = { "Ok", "Error", "Warning", NULL, "CLS", NULL, NULL, NULL, "Not Verifiable" }; if (verify_code) { /* verify code */ int i; MonoTableInfo *m = &image->tables [MONO_TABLE_METHOD]; for (i = 0; i < m->rows; ++i) { MonoMethod *method; MonoError error; method = mono_get_method_checked (image, MONO_TOKEN_METHOD_DEF | (i+1), NULL, NULL, &error); if (!method) { g_print ("Warning: Cannot lookup method with token 0x%08x due to %s\n", i + 1, mono_error_get_message (&error)); mono_error_cleanup (&error); continue; } errors = mono_method_verify (method, flags); if (errors) { MonoClass *klass = mono_method_get_class (method); char *name = mono_type_full_name (&klass->byval_arg); if (mono_method_signature (method) == NULL) { g_print ("In method: %s::%s(ERROR)\n", name, mono_method_get_name (method)); } else { char *sig; sig = mono_signature_get_desc (mono_method_signature (method), FALSE); g_print ("In method: %s::%s(%s)\n", name, mono_method_get_name (method), sig); g_free (sig); } g_free (name); } for (tmp = errors; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) { MonoVerifyInfo *info = (MonoVerifyInfo *)tmp->data; g_print ("%s: %s\n", desc [info->status], info->message); if (info->status == MONO_VERIFY_ERROR) { count++; verifiable = 3; } if(info->status == MONO_VERIFY_NOT_VERIFIABLE) { if (verifiable < 2) verifiable = 2; } } mono_free_verify_list (errors); } } if (count) g_print ("Error count: %d\n", count); return verifiable; }
/*监控需要hook的函数*/ static void profile_jit_result (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoMethod *method, MonoJitInfo* jinfo, int result) { if (result == MONO_PROFILE_FAILED) return; if (mono_method_get_token (method) == 0) return; /*一般是动态生成的marshall*/ uint32_t iflags; int flag = mono_method_get_flags (method, &iflags); if (iflags != 0) return; /*iflags非0 一般是一些native和特殊的method实现*/ if (mono_jit_info_get_code_size (jinfo) < 4) return; /*代码段太小, 无法hook*/ void *p = mono_jit_info_get_code_start (jinfo); if (p == 0) { LOGD ("function code size is null"); return; } /*测试jit函数是否是mov r12, sp*/ if (*(uint32_t*)p != 0xE1A0C00D) LOGD ("exception func : %s , %p", mono_method_get_name (method), p); /*TODO : 增加可配置的image和函数列表*/ if (strcmp (get_method_image_name (method), "Assembly-CSharp") != 0) return; if (strcmp (mono_method_get_name (method), ".ctor") == 0) return; if (strcmp (mono_method_get_name (method), ".cctor") == 0) return; if (strcmp (mono_method_get_name (method), "set") == 0) return; if (strcmp (mono_method_get_name (method), "get") == 0) return; if (strcmp (mono_method_get_name (method), "Update") == 0) return; if (strcmp (mono_method_get_name (method), "LateUpdate") == 0) return; if (strcmp (mono_method_get_name (method), "OnGUI") == 0) return; /*TODO : 需要一个容器来存储还未编译, 但又想hook的函数*/ bool donthook = false; pthread_mutex_lock (&replace_mutex); if (replace_method_dict.find (method) != replace_method_dict.end ()) donthook = true; pthread_mutex_unlock (&replace_mutex); if (donthook) return; char *hook = specific_hook (p, method, (void*)func_trace); if (hook == 0) { /*将失败的hook也放到一个表里面*/ LOGD ("hook err : %s", mono_method_get_name (method)); return; } pthread_mutex_lock (&hooked_mutex); hooked_method_dict[method] = new HookInfo(jinfo, hook); pthread_mutex_unlock (&hooked_mutex); LOGD ("hook func : %s , %p", mono_method_get_name (method), p); return; }
MonoMethod *CScriptClass::GetMonoMethod(const char *methodName, int numParams) { MonoMethodSignature *pSignature = nullptr; void *pIterator = 0; MonoClass *pClass = (MonoClass *)m_pObject; MonoType *pClassType = mono_class_get_type(pClass); MonoMethod *pCurMethod = nullptr; while (pClass != nullptr) { pCurMethod = mono_class_get_methods(pClass, &pIterator); if(pCurMethod == nullptr) { pClass = mono_class_get_parent(pClass); if(pClass == mono_get_object_class()) break; pIterator = 0; continue; } pSignature = mono_method_signature(pCurMethod); int signatureParamCount = mono_signature_get_param_count(pSignature); bool bCorrectName = !strcmp(mono_method_get_name(pCurMethod), methodName); if(bCorrectName && signatureParamCount == numParams) return pCurMethod; } return nullptr; }
/** * mono_get_exception_type_initialization: * @type_name: the name of the type that failed to initialize. * @inner: the inner exception. * * Returns: a new instance of the System.TypeInitializationException */ MonoException * mono_get_exception_type_initialization (const gchar *type_name, MonoException *inner) { MonoClass *klass; gpointer args [2]; MonoObject *exc; MonoMethod *method; gpointer iter; klass = mono_class_from_name (mono_get_corlib (), "System", "TypeInitializationException"); g_assert (klass); mono_class_init (klass); /* TypeInitializationException only has 1 ctor with 2 args */ iter = NULL; while ((method = mono_class_get_methods (klass, &iter))) { if (!strcmp (".ctor", mono_method_get_name (method)) && mono_method_signature (method)->param_count == 2) break; method = NULL; } g_assert (method); args [0] = mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), type_name); args [1] = inner; exc = mono_object_new (mono_domain_get (), klass); mono_runtime_invoke (method, exc, args, NULL); return (MonoException *) exc; }
MonoObject *create_managed_from(const Dictionary &p_from, GDMonoClass *p_class) { MonoObject *mono_object = mono_object_new(SCRIPTS_DOMAIN, p_class->get_mono_ptr()); ERR_FAIL_NULL_V(mono_object, NULL); // Search constructor that takes a pointer as parameter MonoMethod *m; void *iter = NULL; while ((m = mono_class_get_methods(p_class->get_mono_ptr(), &iter))) { if (strcmp(mono_method_get_name(m), ".ctor") == 0) { MonoMethodSignature *sig = mono_method_signature(m); void *front = NULL; if (mono_signature_get_param_count(sig) == 1 && mono_class_from_mono_type(mono_signature_get_params(sig, &front)) == CACHED_CLASS(IntPtr)->get_mono_ptr()) { break; } } } CRASH_COND(m == NULL); Dictionary *new_dict = memnew(Dictionary(p_from)); void *args[1] = { &new_dict }; MonoException *exc = NULL; GDMonoUtils::runtime_invoke(m, mono_object, args, &exc); UNLIKELY_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION(exc); return mono_object; }
static void method_jit_result (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoMethod *method, MonoJitInfo* jinfo, int result) { if (result == MONO_PROFILE_OK) { int i; MonoDebugSourceLocation *sourceLoc; MonoDebugMethodJitInfo *dmji; MonoClass *klass = mono_method_get_class (method); char *signature = mono_signature_get_desc (mono_method_signature (method), TRUE); char *name = g_strdup_printf ("%s(%s)", mono_method_get_name (method), signature); char *classname = g_strdup_printf ("%s%s%s", mono_class_get_namespace (klass), mono_class_get_namespace (klass)[0] != 0 ? "::" : "", mono_class_get_name (klass)); gpointer code_start = mono_jit_info_get_code_start (jinfo); int code_size = mono_jit_info_get_code_size (jinfo); iJIT_Method_Load vtuneMethod; memset(&vtuneMethod, 0, sizeof(vtuneMethod)); vtuneMethod.method_id = iJIT_GetNewMethodID(); vtuneMethod.method_name = name; vtuneMethod.method_load_address = code_start; vtuneMethod.method_size = code_size; vtuneMethod.class_file_name = classname; dmji = mono_debug_find_method (method, mono_domain_get()); if (dmji != NULL) { vtuneMethod.line_number_size = dmji->num_line_numbers; vtuneMethod.line_number_table = (vtuneMethod.line_number_size != 0) ? (LineNumberInfo*)malloc(sizeof(LineNumberInfo) * vtuneMethod.line_number_size) : NULL; for (i = 0; i < dmji->num_line_numbers; ++i) { sourceLoc = mono_debug_lookup_source_location (method, dmji->line_numbers[i].native_offset, mono_domain_get()); if (sourceLoc == NULL) { g_free (vtuneMethod.line_number_table); vtuneMethod.line_number_table = NULL; vtuneMethod.line_number_size = 0; break; } if (i == 0) vtuneMethod.source_file_name = strdup(sourceLoc->source_file); vtuneMethod.line_number_table[i].Offset = dmji->line_numbers[i].native_offset; vtuneMethod.line_number_table[i].LineNumber = sourceLoc->row; mono_debug_free_source_location (sourceLoc); } mono_debug_free_method_jit_info (dmji); } iJIT_NotifyEvent(iJVM_EVENT_TYPE_METHOD_LOAD_FINISHED, &vtuneMethod); if (vtuneMethod.source_file_name != NULL) g_free (vtuneMethod.source_file_name); if (vtuneMethod.line_number_table != NULL) g_free (vtuneMethod.line_number_table); g_free (signature); g_free (name); g_free (classname); } }
void CPipeServer::GetMethodName() { void *method=(void *)ReadQword(); char *methodname=mono_method_get_name(method); WriteWord(strlen(methodname)); Write(methodname, strlen(methodname)); }
GDMonoMethod *GDMonoClass::get_method(MonoMethod *p_raw_method) { MonoMethodSignature *sig = mono_method_signature(p_raw_method); int params_count = mono_signature_get_param_count(sig); StringName method_name = mono_method_get_name(p_raw_method); return get_method(p_raw_method, method_name, params_count); }
const Vector<GDMonoMethod *> &GDMonoClass::get_all_methods() { if (!method_list_fetched) { void *iter = NULL; MonoMethod *raw_method = NULL; while ((raw_method = mono_class_get_methods(get_mono_ptr(), &iter)) != NULL) { method_list.push_back(memnew(GDMonoMethod(mono_method_get_name(raw_method), raw_method))); } method_list_fetched = true; } return method_list; }
IMonoMethod *CScriptClass::GetMethod(const char *name, int numParams, bool throwOnFail) { MonoMethodSignature *pSignature = nullptr; void *pIterator = 0; MonoClass *pClass = (MonoClass *)m_pObject; MonoType *pClassType = mono_class_get_type(pClass); MonoMethod *pCurMethod = nullptr; while (pClass != nullptr) { pCurMethod = mono_class_get_methods(pClass, &pIterator); if(pCurMethod == nullptr) { pClass = mono_class_get_parent(pClass); if(pClass == mono_get_object_class()) break; pIterator = 0; continue; } pSignature = mono_method_signature(pCurMethod); int signatureParamCount = mono_signature_get_param_count(pSignature); bool bCorrectName = !strcmp(mono_method_get_name(pCurMethod), name); if(bCorrectName && signatureParamCount == numParams) return new CScriptMethod(pCurMethod); } if(throwOnFail) { if(!GetMonoScriptSystem()->IsInitialized()) { CryLogAlways("Failed to locate method %s in class %s", name, GetName()); } else if(IMonoAssembly *pCorlibAssembly = GetMonoScriptSystem()->GetCorlibAssembly()) { if(IMonoException *pException = GetMonoScriptSystem()->GetCorlibAssembly()->GetException("System", "MissingMethodException", "Failed to locate method %s in class %s", name, GetName())) pException->Throw(); } } return nullptr; }
static MonoException * create_exception_two_strings (MonoClass *klass, MonoString *a1, MonoString *a2) { MonoError error; MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get (); MonoMethod *method = NULL; MonoObject *o; int count = 1; gpointer args [2]; gpointer iter; MonoMethod *m; if (a2 != NULL) count++; o = mono_object_new_checked (domain, klass, &error); mono_error_assert_ok (&error); iter = NULL; while ((m = mono_class_get_methods (klass, &iter))) { MonoMethodSignature *sig; if (strcmp (".ctor", mono_method_get_name (m))) continue; sig = mono_method_signature (m); if (sig->param_count != count) continue; if (sig->params [0]->type != MONO_TYPE_STRING) continue; if (count == 2 && sig->params [1]->type != MONO_TYPE_STRING) continue; method = m; break; } args [0] = a1; args [1] = a2; mono_runtime_invoke_checked (method, o, args, &error); mono_error_raise_exception (&error); /* FIXME don't raise here */ return (MonoException *) o; }
MonoExceptionHandle mono_get_exception_type_initialization_handle (const gchar *type_name, MonoExceptionHandle inner, MonoError *error) { HANDLE_FUNCTION_ENTER (); MonoClass *klass; MonoMethod *method; gpointer iter; error_init (error); klass = mono_class_load_from_name (mono_get_corlib (), "System", "TypeInitializationException"); mono_class_init_internal (klass); iter = NULL; while ((method = mono_class_get_methods (klass, &iter))) { if (!strcmp (".ctor", mono_method_get_name (method))) { MonoMethodSignature *sig = mono_method_signature_internal (method); if (sig->param_count == 2 && sig->params [0]->type == MONO_TYPE_STRING && mono_class_from_mono_type_internal (sig->params [1]) == mono_defaults.exception_class) break; } method = NULL; } g_assert (method); MonoDomain * const domain = mono_domain_get (); MonoStringHandle type_name_str = mono_string_new_handle (domain, type_name, error); mono_error_assert_ok (error); gpointer args [ ] = { MONO_HANDLE_RAW (type_name_str), MONO_HANDLE_RAW (inner) }; MonoObjectHandle exc = mono_object_new_handle (domain, klass, error); mono_error_assert_ok (error); mono_runtime_invoke_handle (method, exc, args, error); goto_if_nok (error, return_null); goto exit; return_null: exc = mono_new_null (); exit: HANDLE_FUNCTION_RETURN_REF (MonoException, MONO_HANDLE_CAST (MonoException, exc)); }
MonoExceptionHandle mono_get_exception_reflection_type_load_checked (MonoArrayHandle types, MonoArrayHandle exceptions, MonoError *error) { HANDLE_FUNCTION_ENTER (); MonoClass *klass; MonoMethod *method; gpointer iter; error_init (error); klass = mono_class_load_from_name (mono_get_corlib (), "System.Reflection", "ReflectionTypeLoadException"); mono_class_init_internal (klass); /* Find the Type[], Exception[] ctor */ iter = NULL; while ((method = mono_class_get_methods (klass, &iter))) { if (!strcmp (".ctor", mono_method_get_name (method))) { MonoMethodSignature *sig = mono_method_signature_internal (method); if (sig->param_count == 2 && sig->params [0]->type == MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY && sig->params [1]->type == MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY) break; } method = NULL; } g_assert (method); MonoExceptionHandle exc = MONO_HANDLE_CAST (MonoException, MONO_HANDLE_NEW (MonoObject, mono_object_new_checked (mono_domain_get (), klass, error))); mono_error_assert_ok (error); gpointer args [ ] = { MONO_HANDLE_RAW (types), MONO_HANDLE_RAW (exceptions) }; mono_runtime_invoke_checked (method, MONO_HANDLE_RAW (exc), args, error); goto_if_nok (error, return_null); goto exit; return_null: exc = MONO_HANDLE_CAST (MonoException, mono_new_null ()); exit: HANDLE_FUNCTION_RETURN_REF (MonoException, exc); }
int CScriptClass::GetMethods(const char *name, int numParams, IMonoMethod ***pMethodsOut, int maxMethods, bool throwOnFail) { MonoMethodSignature *pSignature = nullptr; void *pIterator = 0; int i = 0; MonoClass *pClass = (MonoClass *)m_pObject; MonoType *pClassType = mono_class_get_type(pClass); MonoMethod *pCurMethod = nullptr; while (pClass != nullptr) { pCurMethod = mono_class_get_methods(pClass, &pIterator); if(pCurMethod == nullptr) { pClass = mono_class_get_parent(pClass); if(pClass == mono_get_object_class()) break; pIterator = 0; continue; } pSignature = mono_method_signature(pCurMethod); int signatureParamCount = mono_signature_get_param_count(pSignature); bool bCorrectName = !strcmp(mono_method_get_name(pCurMethod), name); if(bCorrectName && signatureParamCount == numParams) { *pMethodsOut[i] = new CScriptMethod(pCurMethod); i++; if(i == maxMethods) return i + 1; } } return i + 1; }
static void output_method (MonoMethod *method, gpointer dummy, MonoProfiler *prof) { MonoMethodHeader *header; char *classname; char *tmpsig; char *tmpname; FILE *outfile; MonoClass *klass; MonoImage *image; outfile = prof->outfile; header = mono_method_get_header (method); tmpsig = mono_signature_get_desc (mono_method_signature (method), TRUE); tmpsig = g_markup_escape_text (tmpsig, strlen (tmpsig)); klass = mono_method_get_class (method); classname = mono_type_get_name (mono_class_get_type (klass)); image = mono_class_get_image (klass); tmpname = mono_method_get_name (method); tmpname = g_markup_escape_text (tmpname, strlen (tmpname)); fprintf (outfile, "\t<method assembly=\"%s\" class=\"%s\" name=\"%s (%s)\" token=\"%d\">\n", mono_image_get_name (image), classname, tmpname, tmpsig, mono_method_get_token (method)); g_free (tmpsig); g_free (tmpname); fprintf (outfile, "\t\t"); count = 0; prev_offset = 0; mono_profiler_coverage_get (prof, method, output_entry); fprintf (outfile, "\n"); fprintf (outfile, "\t</method>\n"); }
/* * mono_method_find * * Get method by its name and argument types */ MonoMethod* mono_method_find(MonoClass *klass, char *name, MonoType **params, int nparams) { MonoMethod *method = NULL; MonoType *param_type; MonoMethodSignature *sig; gpointer method_iter = NULL; gpointer param_iter = NULL; int i; while ((method = mono_class_get_methods(klass, &method_iter))) { if (strcmp(mono_method_get_name(method), name)) continue; sig = mono_method_signature(method); if (mono_signature_get_param_count(sig) != nparams) continue; i = 0; while ((param_type = mono_signature_get_params(sig, ¶m_iter))) { if (mono_class_from_mono_type(param_type) != mono_class_from_mono_type(params[i])) break; if (mono_type_is_byref(param_type) != mono_type_is_byref(params[i])) break; i++; } if (i == nparams) { return method; } } return NULL; }
void CPipeServer::EnumMethodsInClass() { void *c=(void *)ReadQword(); void *iter=NULL; void *method; do { method=mono_class_get_methods(c, &iter); WriteQword((UINT_PTR)method); if (method) { char *name; name=mono_method_get_name(method); WriteWord(strlen(name)); Write(name, strlen(name)); } } while (method); }
static MonoExceptionHandle create_exception_two_strings (MonoClass *klass, MonoStringHandle a1, MonoStringHandle a2, MonoError *error) { HANDLE_FUNCTION_ENTER (); MonoMethod *method = NULL; int const count = 1 + !MONO_HANDLE_IS_NULL (a2); gpointer iter; MonoMethod *m; MonoObjectHandle o = mono_object_new_handle (mono_domain_get (), klass, error); mono_error_assert_ok (error); iter = NULL; while ((m = mono_class_get_methods (klass, &iter))) { MonoMethodSignature *sig; if (strcmp (".ctor", mono_method_get_name (m))) continue; sig = mono_method_signature_internal (m); if (sig->param_count != count) continue; if (sig->params [0]->type != MONO_TYPE_STRING) continue; if (count == 2 && sig->params [1]->type != MONO_TYPE_STRING) continue; method = m; break; } gpointer args [ ] = { MONO_HANDLE_RAW (a1), MONO_HANDLE_RAW (a2) }; mono_runtime_invoke_handle (method, o, args, error); if (!is_ok (error)) o = mono_new_null (); HANDLE_FUNCTION_RETURN_REF (MonoException, MONO_HANDLE_CAST (MonoException, o)); }
/** * mono_get_exception_reflection_type_load: * @types: an array of types that were defined in the moduled loaded. * @exceptions: an array of exceptions that were thrown during the type loading. * * Returns: a new instance of the `System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException` */ MonoException * mono_get_exception_reflection_type_load (MonoArray *types, MonoArray *exceptions) { MonoError error; MonoClass *klass; gpointer args [2]; MonoObject *exc; MonoMethod *method; gpointer iter; klass = mono_class_load_from_name (mono_get_corlib (), "System.Reflection", "ReflectionTypeLoadException"); mono_class_init (klass); /* Find the Type[], Exception[] ctor */ iter = NULL; while ((method = mono_class_get_methods (klass, &iter))) { if (!strcmp (".ctor", mono_method_get_name (method))) { MonoMethodSignature *sig = mono_method_signature (method); if (sig->param_count == 2 && sig->params [0]->type == MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY && sig->params [1]->type == MONO_TYPE_SZARRAY) break; } method = NULL; } g_assert (method); args [0] = types; args [1] = exceptions; exc = mono_object_new_checked (mono_domain_get (), klass, &error); mono_error_assert_ok (&error); mono_runtime_invoke_checked (method, exc, args, &error); mono_error_raise_exception (&error); /* FIXME don't raise here */ return (MonoException *) exc; }
/** * mono_get_exception_type_initialization: * @type_name: the name of the type that failed to initialize. * @inner: the inner exception. * * Returns: a new instance of the `System.TypeInitializationException` */ MonoException * mono_get_exception_type_initialization (const gchar *type_name, MonoException *inner) { MonoError error; MonoClass *klass; gpointer args [2]; MonoObject *exc; MonoMethod *method; gpointer iter; klass = mono_class_load_from_name (mono_get_corlib (), "System", "TypeInitializationException"); mono_class_init (klass); iter = NULL; while ((method = mono_class_get_methods (klass, &iter))) { if (!strcmp (".ctor", mono_method_get_name (method))) { MonoMethodSignature *sig = mono_method_signature (method); if (sig->param_count == 2 && sig->params [0]->type == MONO_TYPE_STRING && mono_class_from_mono_type (sig->params [1]) == mono_defaults.exception_class) break; } method = NULL; } g_assert (method); args [0] = mono_string_new (mono_domain_get (), type_name); args [1] = inner; exc = mono_object_new_checked (mono_domain_get (), klass, &error); mono_error_assert_ok (&error); mono_runtime_invoke_checked (method, exc, args, &error); mono_error_raise_exception (&error); /* FIXME don't raise here */ return (MonoException *) exc; }
void virt_mono_throw_unhandled_exception (MonoObject *exc) { caddr_t err; char *message = (char *) ""; const char *name = (const char *) ""; MonoString *str; MonoMethod *method; MonoClass *klass; gboolean free_message = FALSE; gint i; if (mono_object_isinst (exc, mono_get_exception_class ())) { klass = mono_object_get_class (exc); method = NULL; while (klass && method == NULL) { gpointer m_iter = NULL; for (method = mono_class_get_methods (klass, &m_iter); method != NULL; method = mono_class_get_methods (klass, &m_iter)) { MonoMethodSignature *sig = mono_method_signature (method); guint32 flags = 0; const char *name = mono_method_get_name (method); mono_method_get_flags (method, &flags); if (!strcmp ("ToString", name) && sig->param_count == 0 #ifdef OLD_KIT_1_1_5 && (flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_VIRTUAL) && (flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_PUBLIC) #endif ) { break; } method = NULL; } if (method == NULL) klass = mono_class_get_parent (klass); } g_assert (method); str = (MonoString *) mono_runtime_invoke (method, exc, NULL, NULL); if (str) { message = mono_string_to_utf8 (str); free_message = TRUE; name = mono_class_get_name (klass); } } /* * g_printerr ("\nUnhandled Exception: %s.%s: %s\n", exc->vtable->klass->name_space, * exc->vtable->klass->name, message); */ g_printerr ("\nUnhandled Exception: %s\n", message); err = srv_make_new_error ("42000", "MN001", "Unhandled Mono Exception [%.200s]: %.200s", name, message); if (free_message) g_free (message); sqlr_resignal (err); }
static gboolean collect_coverage_for (MonoProfiler *prof, MonoMethod *method) { int i; char *classname; char *fqn; MonoMethodHeader *header; gboolean has_positive, found; guint32 iflags, flags, code_size; MonoClass *klass; MonoImage *image; flags = mono_method_get_flags (method, &iflags); if ((iflags & 0x1000 /*METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_INTERNAL_CALL*/) || (flags & 0x2000 /*METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_PINVOKE_IMPL*/)) return FALSE; //if (method->wrapper_type != MONO_WRAPPER_NONE) // return FALSE; klass = mono_method_get_class (method); image = mono_class_get_image (klass); /* Hacky way of determining the executing assembly */ if (! prof->outfile_name && (strcmp (mono_method_get_name (method), "Main") == 0)) { prof->outfile_name = g_strdup_printf ("%s.cov", mono_image_get_filename (image)); } /* Check filters */ if (prof->filters) { /* Check already filtered classes first */ if (g_hash_table_lookup (prof->filtered_classes, klass)) return FALSE; classname = mono_type_get_name (mono_class_get_type (klass)); fqn = g_strdup_printf ("[%s]%s", mono_image_get_name (image), classname); // Check positive filters first has_positive = FALSE; found = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < prof->filters->len; ++i) { char *filter = g_ptr_array_index (prof->filters_as_str, i); if (filter [0] == '+') { filter = &filter [1]; if (strstr (fqn, filter) != NULL) found = TRUE; has_positive = TRUE; } } if (has_positive && !found) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < prof->filters->len; ++i) { // Is substring search suffices ??? // GPatternSpec *spec = g_ptr_array_index (filters, i); // if (g_pattern_match_string (spec, classname)) { char *filter = g_ptr_array_index (prof->filters_as_str, i); if (filter [0] == '+') continue; // Skip '-' filter = &filter [1]; if (strstr (fqn, filter) != NULL) { g_hash_table_insert (prof->filtered_classes, klass, klass); return FALSE; } } g_free (fqn); g_free (classname); } header = mono_method_get_header (method); mono_method_header_get_code (header, &code_size, NULL); if (code_size > 20000) { exit (1); g_warning ("Unable to instrument method %s:%s since it is too complex.", mono_class_get_name (klass), mono_method_get_name (method)); return FALSE; } g_hash_table_insert (prof->methods, method, method); g_hash_table_insert (prof->classes, klass, klass); g_hash_table_insert (prof->assemblies, mono_image_get_assembly (image), mono_image_get_assembly (image)); return TRUE; }
const char* mioMethod::getName() const { if (!mmethod) { return nullptr; } return mono_method_get_name(mmethod); }
String MonoMethod::getName() const { return String(mono_method_get_name(mMethod)); }
IMonoMethod *CScriptClass::GetMethod(const char *name, IMonoArray *pArgs, bool throwOnFail) { MonoMethodSignature *pSignature = nullptr; void *pIterator = 0; MonoClass *pClass = (MonoClass *)m_pObject; MonoType *pClassType = mono_class_get_type(pClass); MonoMethod *pCurMethod = nullptr; int suppliedArgsCount = pArgs ? pArgs->GetSize() : 0; while (pClass != nullptr) { pCurMethod = mono_class_get_methods(pClass, &pIterator); if(pCurMethod == nullptr) { pClass = mono_class_get_parent(pClass); if(pClass == mono_get_object_class()) break; pIterator = 0; continue; } pSignature = mono_method_signature(pCurMethod); int signatureParamCount = mono_signature_get_param_count(pSignature); bool bCorrectName = !strcmp(mono_method_get_name(pCurMethod), name); if(bCorrectName && signatureParamCount == 0 && suppliedArgsCount == 0) return new CScriptMethod(pCurMethod); else if(bCorrectName && signatureParamCount >= suppliedArgsCount && suppliedArgsCount != 0) { //if(bStatic != (mono_method_get_flags(pCurMethod, nullptr) & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_STATIC) > 0) //continue; void *pIter = nullptr; MonoType *pType = nullptr; for(int i = 0; i < signatureParamCount; i++) { pType = mono_signature_get_params(pSignature, &pIter); if(mono::object item = pArgs->GetItem(i)) { MonoClass *pItemClass = mono_object_get_class((MonoObject *)item); MonoType *pItemType = mono_class_get_type(pItemClass); MonoTypeEnum itemMonoType = (MonoTypeEnum)mono_type_get_type(pItemType); MonoTypeEnum monoType = (MonoTypeEnum)mono_type_get_type(pType); if(itemMonoType != monoType) { // exceptions: // Anything can be treated as object. if(monoType == MONO_TYPE_OBJECT) {} // The runtime confuses things with value types a lot, so ignore parameters that appear with that type. else if(itemMonoType == MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE || monoType == MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE) {} else { if(MonoClass *pMethodParameterClass = mono_type_get_class(pType)) { MonoWarning("Parameter mismatch when searching for method %s in class %s.%s, on parameter %i: Provided type %s.%s does not match expected parameter type %s.%s.", name, mono_class_get_namespace(pClass), mono_class_get_name(pClass), i + 1, mono_class_get_namespace(pItemClass), mono_class_get_name(pItemClass), mono_class_get_namespace(pMethodParameterClass), mono_class_get_name(pMethodParameterClass)); } else { MonoWarning("Parameter mismatch when searching for method %s in class %s.%s, on parameter %i: Provided type %s.%s does not match parameter type.", name, mono_class_get_namespace(pClass), mono_class_get_name(pClass), i + 1, mono_class_get_namespace(pItemClass), mono_class_get_name(pItemClass)); } break; } } } if(i + 1 == suppliedArgsCount) return new CScriptMethod(pCurMethod); } } } if(throwOnFail) { if(IMonoException *pException = GetMonoScriptSystem()->GetCorlibAssembly()->GetException("System", "MissingMethodException", "Failed to locate method %s in class %s", name, GetName())) pException->Throw(); } return nullptr; }
void GDMonoClass::fetch_methods_with_godot_api_checks(GDMonoClass *p_native_base) { CRASH_COND(!CACHED_CLASS(GodotObject)->is_assignable_from(this)); if (methods_fetched) return; void *iter = NULL; MonoMethod *raw_method = NULL; while ((raw_method = mono_class_get_methods(get_mono_ptr(), &iter)) != NULL) { StringName name = mono_method_get_name(raw_method); // get_method implicitly fetches methods and adds them to this->methods GDMonoMethod *method = get_method(raw_method, name); ERR_CONTINUE(!method); if (method->get_name() != name) { #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED String fullname = method->get_ret_type_full_name() + " " + name + "(" + method->get_signature_desc(true) + ")"; WARN_PRINTS("Method `" + fullname + "` is hidden by Godot API method. Should be `" + method->get_full_name_no_class() + "`. In class `" + namespace_name + "." + class_name + "`."); #endif continue; } #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED // For debug builds, we also fetched from native base classes as well before if this is not a native base class. // This allows us to warn the user here if he is using snake_case by mistake. if (p_native_base != this) { GDMonoClass *native_top = p_native_base; while (native_top) { GDMonoMethod *m = native_top->get_method(name, method->get_parameters_count()); if (m && m->get_name() != name) { // found String fullname = m->get_ret_type_full_name() + " " + name + "(" + m->get_signature_desc(true) + ")"; WARN_PRINTS("Method `" + fullname + "` should be `" + m->get_full_name_no_class() + "`. In class `" + namespace_name + "." + class_name + "`."); break; } if (native_top == CACHED_CLASS(GodotObject)) break; native_top = native_top->get_parent_class(); } } #endif uint32_t flags = mono_method_get_flags(method->mono_method, NULL); if (!(flags & MONO_METHOD_ATTR_VIRTUAL)) continue; // Virtual method of Godot Object derived type, let's try to find GodotMethod attribute GDMonoClass *top = p_native_base; while (top) { GDMonoMethod *base_method = top->get_method(name, method->get_parameters_count()); if (base_method && base_method->has_attribute(CACHED_CLASS(GodotMethodAttribute))) { // Found base method with GodotMethod attribute. // We get the original API method name from this attribute. // This name must point to the virtual method. MonoObject *attr = base_method->get_attribute(CACHED_CLASS(GodotMethodAttribute)); StringName godot_method_name = CACHED_FIELD(GodotMethodAttribute, methodName)->get_string_value(attr); #ifdef DEBUG_ENABLED CRASH_COND(godot_method_name == StringName()); #endif MethodKey key = MethodKey(godot_method_name, method->get_parameters_count()); GDMonoMethod **existing_method = methods.getptr(key); if (existing_method) memdelete(*existing_method); // Must delete old one methods.set(key, method); break; } if (top == CACHED_CLASS(GodotObject)) break; top = top->get_parent_class(); } } methods_fetched = true; }