void CompiledStaticCall::emit_to_interp_stub(CodeBuffer &cbuf) { // Stub is fixed up when the corresponding call is converted from // calling compiled code to calling interpreted code. // mov rmethod, 0 // jmp -4 # to self address mark = cbuf.insts_mark(); // Get mark within main instrs section. // Note that the code buffer's insts_mark is always relative to insts. // That's why we must use the macroassembler to generate a stub. MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf); address base = __ start_a_stub(to_interp_stub_size()*2); int offset = __ offset(); if (base == NULL) return; // CodeBuffer::expand failed // static stub relocation stores the instruction address of the call __ relocate(static_stub_Relocation::spec(mark)); // static stub relocation also tags the Method* in the code-stream. __ mov_metadata(rmethod, (Metadata*)NULL); __ movptr(rscratch1, 0); __ br(rscratch1); assert((__ offset() - offset) <= (int)to_interp_stub_size(), "stub too big"); __ end_a_stub(); }
address CompiledStaticCall::emit_to_interp_stub(CodeBuffer &cbuf) { // Stub is fixed up when the corresponding call is converted from // calling compiled code to calling interpreted code. // movq rbx, 0 // jmp -5 # to self address mark = cbuf.insts_mark(); // Get mark within main instrs section. // Note that the code buffer's insts_mark is always relative to insts. // That's why we must use the macroassembler to generate a stub. MacroAssembler _masm(&cbuf); address base = __ start_a_stub(to_interp_stub_size()); if (base == NULL) { return NULL; // CodeBuffer::expand failed. } // Static stub relocation stores the instruction address of the call. __ relocate(static_stub_Relocation::spec(mark), Assembler::imm_operand); // Static stub relocation also tags the Method* in the code-stream. __ mov_metadata(rbx, (Metadata*) NULL); // Method is zapped till fixup time. // This is recognized as unresolved by relocs/nativeinst/ic code. __ jump(RuntimeAddress(__ pc())); // Update current stubs pointer and restore insts_end. __ end_a_stub(); return base; }
void CounterOverflowStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) { __ bind(_entry); Metadata *m = _method->as_constant_ptr()->as_metadata(); __ mov_metadata(rscratch1, m); ce->store_parameter(rscratch1, 1); ce->store_parameter(_bci, 0); __ far_call(RuntimeAddress(Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::counter_overflow_id))); ce->add_call_info_here(_info); ce->verify_oop_map(_info); __ b(_continuation); }
void PatchingStub::emit_code(LIR_Assembler* ce) { assert(NativeCall::instruction_size <= _bytes_to_copy && _bytes_to_copy <= 0xFF, "not enough room for call"); Label call_patch; // static field accesses have special semantics while the class // initializer is being run so we emit a test which can be used to // check that this code is being executed by the initializing // thread. address being_initialized_entry = __ pc(); if (CommentedAssembly) { __ block_comment(" patch template"); } if (_id == load_klass_id) { // produce a copy of the load klass instruction for use by the being initialized case #ifdef ASSERT address start = __ pc(); #endif Metadata* o = NULL; __ mov_metadata(_obj, o); #ifdef ASSERT for (int i = 0; i < _bytes_to_copy; i++) { address ptr = (address)(_pc_start + i); int a_byte = (*ptr) & 0xFF; assert(a_byte == *start++, "should be the same code"); } #endif } else if (_id == load_mirror_id) { // produce a copy of the load mirror instruction for use by the being // initialized case #ifdef ASSERT address start = __ pc(); #endif jobject o = NULL; __ movoop(_obj, o); #ifdef ASSERT for (int i = 0; i < _bytes_to_copy; i++) { address ptr = (address)(_pc_start + i); int a_byte = (*ptr) & 0xFF; assert(a_byte == *start++, "should be the same code"); } #endif } else { // make a copy the code which is going to be patched. for (int i = 0; i < _bytes_to_copy; i++) { address ptr = (address)(_pc_start + i); int a_byte = (*ptr) & 0xFF; __ emit_int8(a_byte); *ptr = 0x90; // make the site look like a nop } } address end_of_patch = __ pc(); int bytes_to_skip = 0; if (_id == load_mirror_id) { int offset = __ offset(); if (CommentedAssembly) { __ block_comment(" being_initialized check"); } assert(_obj != noreg, "must be a valid register"); Register tmp = rax; Register tmp2 = rbx; __ push(tmp); __ push(tmp2); // Load without verification to keep code size small. We need it because // begin_initialized_entry_offset has to fit in a byte. Also, we know it's not null. __ movptr(tmp2, Address(_obj, java_lang_Class::klass_offset_in_bytes())); __ get_thread(tmp); __ cmpptr(tmp, Address(tmp2, InstanceKlass::init_thread_offset())); __ pop(tmp2); __ pop(tmp); __ jcc(Assembler::notEqual, call_patch); // access_field patches may execute the patched code before it's // copied back into place so we need to jump back into the main // code of the nmethod to continue execution. __ jmp(_patch_site_continuation); // make sure this extra code gets skipped bytes_to_skip += __ offset() - offset; } if (CommentedAssembly) { __ block_comment("patch data encoded as movl"); } // Now emit the patch record telling the runtime how to find the // pieces of the patch. We only need 3 bytes but for readability of // the disassembly we make the data look like a movl reg, imm32, // which requires 5 bytes int sizeof_patch_record = 5; bytes_to_skip += sizeof_patch_record; // emit the offsets needed to find the code to patch int being_initialized_entry_offset = __ pc() - being_initialized_entry + sizeof_patch_record; __ emit_int8((unsigned char)0xB8); __ emit_int8(0); __ emit_int8(being_initialized_entry_offset); __ emit_int8(bytes_to_skip); __ emit_int8(_bytes_to_copy); address patch_info_pc = __ pc(); assert(patch_info_pc - end_of_patch == bytes_to_skip, "incorrect patch info"); address entry = __ pc(); NativeGeneralJump::insert_unconditional((address)_pc_start, entry); address target = NULL; relocInfo::relocType reloc_type = relocInfo::none; switch (_id) { case access_field_id: target = Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::access_field_patching_id); break; case load_klass_id: target = Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::load_klass_patching_id); reloc_type = relocInfo::metadata_type; break; case load_mirror_id: target = Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::load_mirror_patching_id); reloc_type = relocInfo::oop_type; break; case load_appendix_id: target = Runtime1::entry_for(Runtime1::load_appendix_patching_id); reloc_type = relocInfo::oop_type; break; default: ShouldNotReachHere(); } __ bind(call_patch); if (CommentedAssembly) { __ block_comment("patch entry point"); } __ call(RuntimeAddress(target)); assert(_patch_info_offset == (patch_info_pc - __ pc()), "must not change"); ce->add_call_info_here(_info); int jmp_off = __ offset(); __ jmp(_patch_site_entry); // Add enough nops so deoptimization can overwrite the jmp above with a call // and not destroy the world. for (int j = __ offset() ; j < jmp_off + 5 ; j++ ) { __ nop(); } if (_id == load_klass_id || _id == load_mirror_id || _id == load_appendix_id) { CodeSection* cs = __ code_section(); RelocIterator iter(cs, (address)_pc_start, (address)(_pc_start + 1)); relocInfo::change_reloc_info_for_address(&iter, (address) _pc_start, reloc_type, relocInfo::none); } }