コード例 #1
ファイル: tgmpop.c プロジェクト: Canar/mpfr
static void
test_cmp_q (mpfr_prec_t pmin, mpfr_prec_t pmax, int nmax)
  mpfr_t x, z;
  mpq_t  y;
  mpfr_prec_t p;
  int res1, res2;
  int n;

  mpfr_init (x);
  mpfr_init2 (z, MPFR_PREC_MIN);
  mpq_init (y);

  /* check the erange flag when x is NaN */
  mpfr_set_nan (x);
  mpq_set_ui (y, 17, 1);
  mpfr_clear_erangeflag ();
  res1 = mpfr_cmp_q (x, y);
  if (res1 != 0 || mpfr_erangeflag_p () == 0)
      printf ("Error for mpfr_cmp_q (NaN, 17)\n");
      printf ("Return value: expected 0, got %d\n", res1);
      printf ("Erange flag: expected set, got %d\n", mpfr_erangeflag_p ());
      exit (1);

  for(p=pmin ; p < pmax ; p++)
      mpfr_set_prec (x, p);
      for (n = 0 ; n < nmax ; n++)
          mpfr_urandomb (x, RANDS);
          mpq_set_ui (y, randlimb (), randlimb() );
          if (!MPFR_IS_SINGULAR (x))
              mpfr_sub_q (z, x, y, MPFR_RNDN);
              res1 = mpfr_sgn (z);
              res2 = mpfr_cmp_q (x, y);
              if (res1 != res2)
                  printf("Error for mpfr_cmp_q: res=%d sub_z gives %d\n",
                         res2, res1);
                  exit (1);
  mpq_clear (y);
  mpfr_clear (x);
  mpfr_clear (z);
コード例 #2
static void
test_cmp_q (mpfr_prec_t pmin, mpfr_prec_t pmax, int nmax)
  mpfr_t x, z;
  mpq_t  y;
  mpfr_prec_t p;
  int res1, res2;
  int n;

  mpfr_init (x);
  mpfr_init2 (z, MPFR_PREC_MIN);
  mpq_init (y);
  for(p=pmin ; p < pmax ; p++)
      mpfr_set_prec (x, p);
      for (n = 0 ; n < nmax ; n++)
          mpfr_urandomb (x, RANDS);
          mpq_set_ui (y, randlimb (), randlimb() );
          if (!MPFR_IS_SINGULAR (x))
              mpfr_sub_q (z, x, y, MPFR_RNDN);
              res1 = mpfr_sgn (z);
              res2 = mpfr_cmp_q (x, y);
              if (res1 != res2)
                  printf("Error for mpfr_cmp_q: res=%d sub_z gives %d\n",
                         res2, res1);
                  exit (1);
  mpq_clear (y);
  mpfr_clear (x);
  mpfr_clear (z);
コード例 #3
ファイル: tgmpop.c プロジェクト: Canar/mpfr
static void
special (void)
  mpfr_t x, y;
  mpq_t q;
  mpz_t z;
  int res = 0;

  mpfr_init (x);
  mpfr_init (y);
  mpq_init (q);
  mpz_init (z);

  /* cancellation in mpfr_add_q */
  mpfr_set_prec (x, 60);
  mpfr_set_prec (y, 20);
  mpz_set_str (mpq_numref (q), "-187207494", 10);
  mpz_set_str (mpq_denref (q), "5721", 10);
  mpfr_set_str_binary (x, "11111111101001011011100101100011011110010011100010000100001E-44");
  mpfr_add_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDN);
  CHECK_FOR ("cancelation in add_q", mpfr_cmp_ui_2exp (y, 256783, -64) == 0);

  mpfr_set_prec (x, 19);
  mpfr_set_str_binary (x, "0.1011110101110011100E0");
  mpz_set_str (mpq_numref (q), "187207494", 10);
  mpz_set_str (mpq_denref (q), "5721", 10);
  mpfr_set_prec (y, 29);
  mpfr_add_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDD);
  mpfr_set_prec (x, 29);
  mpfr_set_str_binary (x, "11111111101001110011010001001E-14");
  CHECK_FOR ("cancelation in add_q", mpfr_cmp (x,y) == 0);

  /* Inf */
  mpfr_set_inf (x, 1);
  mpz_set_str (mpq_numref (q), "395877315", 10);
  mpz_set_str (mpq_denref (q), "3508975966", 10);
  mpfr_set_prec (y, 118);
  mpfr_add_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDU);
  CHECK_FOR ("inf", mpfr_inf_p (y) && mpfr_sgn (y) > 0);
  mpfr_sub_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDU);
  CHECK_FOR ("inf", mpfr_inf_p (y) && mpfr_sgn (y) > 0);

  /* Nan */
  mpfr_add_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDU);
  CHECK_FOR ("nan", mpfr_nan_p (y));
  mpfr_sub_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDU);
  CHECK_FOR ("nan", mpfr_nan_p (y));

  /* Exact value */
  mpfr_set_prec (x, 60);
  mpfr_set_prec (y, 60);
  mpfr_set_str1 (x, "0.5");
  mpz_set_str (mpq_numref (q), "3", 10);
  mpz_set_str (mpq_denref (q), "2", 10);
  res = mpfr_add_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDU);
  CHECK_FOR ("0.5+3/2", mpfr_cmp_ui(y, 2)==0 && res==0);
  res = mpfr_sub_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDU);
  CHECK_FOR ("0.5-3/2", mpfr_cmp_si(y, -1)==0 && res==0);

  /* Inf Rationnal */
  mpq_set_ui (q, 1, 0);
  mpfr_set_str1 (x, "0.5");
  res = mpfr_add_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDN);
  CHECK_FOR ("0.5+1/0", mpfr_inf_p (y) && MPFR_IS_POS (y) && res == 0);
  res = mpfr_sub_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDN);
  CHECK_FOR ("0.5-1/0", mpfr_inf_p (y) && MPFR_IS_NEG (y) && res == 0);
  mpq_set_si (q, -1, 0);
  res = mpfr_add_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDN);
  CHECK_FOR ("0.5+ -1/0", mpfr_inf_p (y) && MPFR_IS_NEG (y) && res == 0);
  res = mpfr_sub_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDN);
  CHECK_FOR ("0.5- -1/0", mpfr_inf_p (y) && MPFR_IS_POS (y) && res == 0);
  res = mpfr_div_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDN);
  CHECK_FOR ("0.5 / (-1/0)", mpfr_zero_p (y) && MPFR_IS_NEG (y) && res == 0);
  mpq_set_ui (q, 1, 0);
  mpfr_set_inf (x, 1);
  res = mpfr_add_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDN);
  CHECK_FOR ("+Inf + +Inf", mpfr_inf_p (y) && MPFR_IS_POS (y) && res == 0);
  res = mpfr_sub_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDN);
  CHECK_FOR ("+Inf - +Inf", MPFR_IS_NAN (y) && res == 0);
  mpfr_set_inf (x, -1);
  res = mpfr_add_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDN);
  CHECK_FOR ("-Inf + +Inf", MPFR_IS_NAN (y) && res == 0);
  res = mpfr_sub_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDN);
  CHECK_FOR ("-Inf - +Inf", mpfr_inf_p (y) && MPFR_IS_NEG (y) && res == 0);
  mpq_set_si (q, -1, 0);
  mpfr_set_inf (x, 1);
  res = mpfr_add_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDN);
  CHECK_FOR ("+Inf + -Inf", MPFR_IS_NAN (y) && res == 0);
  res = mpfr_sub_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDN);
  CHECK_FOR ("+Inf - -Inf", mpfr_inf_p (y) && MPFR_IS_POS (y) && res == 0);
  mpfr_set_inf (x, -1);
  res = mpfr_add_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDN);
  CHECK_FOR ("-Inf + -Inf", mpfr_inf_p (y) && MPFR_IS_NEG (y) && res == 0);
  res = mpfr_sub_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDN);
  CHECK_FOR ("-Inf - -Inf", MPFR_IS_NAN (y) && res == 0);

  /* 0 */
  mpq_set_ui (q, 0, 1);
  mpfr_set_ui (x, 42, MPFR_RNDN);
  res = mpfr_add_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDN);
  CHECK_FOR ("42+0/1", mpfr_cmp_ui (y, 42) == 0 && res == 0);
  res = mpfr_sub_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDN);
  CHECK_FOR ("42-0/1", mpfr_cmp_ui (y, 42) == 0 && res == 0);
  res = mpfr_mul_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDN);
  CHECK_FOR ("42*0/1", mpfr_zero_p (y) && MPFR_IS_POS (y) && res == 0);
  mpfr_clear_flags ();
  res = mpfr_div_q (y, x, q, MPFR_RNDN);
  CHECK_FOR ("42/(0/1)", mpfr_inf_p (y) && MPFR_IS_POS (y) && res == 0
             && mpfr_divby0_p ());
  mpz_set_ui (z, 0);
  mpfr_clear_flags ();
  res = mpfr_div_z (y, x, z, MPFR_RNDN);
  CHECK_FORZ ("42/0", mpfr_inf_p (y) && MPFR_IS_POS (y) && res == 0
              && mpfr_divby0_p ());

  mpz_clear (z);
  mpq_clear (q);
  mpfr_clear (x);
  mpfr_clear (y);
コード例 #4
ファイル: tgmpop.c プロジェクト: Canar/mpfr
static void
check_for_zero (void)
  /* Check that 0 is unsigned! */
  mpq_t q;
  mpz_t z;
  mpfr_t x;
  int r;
  mpfr_sign_t i;

  mpfr_init (x);
  mpz_init (z);
  mpq_init (q);

  mpz_set_ui (z, 0);
  mpq_set_ui (q, 0, 1);

  RND_LOOP (r)
      for (i = MPFR_SIGN_NEG ; i <= MPFR_SIGN_POS ;
          MPFR_SET_SIGN(x, i);
          mpfr_add_z (x, x, z, (mpfr_rnd_t) r);
          if (!MPFR_IS_ZERO(x) || MPFR_SIGN(x)!=i)
              printf("GMP Zero errors for add_z & rnd=%s & s=%d\n",
                     mpfr_print_rnd_mode ((mpfr_rnd_t) r), i);
              mpfr_dump (x);
              exit (1);
          mpfr_sub_z (x, x, z, (mpfr_rnd_t) r);
          if (!MPFR_IS_ZERO(x) || MPFR_SIGN(x)!=i)
              printf("GMP Zero errors for sub_z & rnd=%s & s=%d\n",
                     mpfr_print_rnd_mode ((mpfr_rnd_t) r), i);
              mpfr_dump (x);
              exit (1);
          mpfr_mul_z (x, x, z, (mpfr_rnd_t) r);
          if (!MPFR_IS_ZERO(x) || MPFR_SIGN(x)!=i)
              printf("GMP Zero errors for mul_z & rnd=%s & s=%d\n",
                     mpfr_print_rnd_mode ((mpfr_rnd_t) r), i);
              mpfr_dump (x);
              exit (1);
          mpfr_add_q (x, x, q, (mpfr_rnd_t) r);
          if (!MPFR_IS_ZERO(x) || MPFR_SIGN(x)!=i)
              printf("GMP Zero errors for add_q & rnd=%s & s=%d\n",
                     mpfr_print_rnd_mode ((mpfr_rnd_t) r), i);
              mpfr_dump (x);
              exit (1);
          mpfr_sub_q (x, x, q, (mpfr_rnd_t) r);
          if (!MPFR_IS_ZERO(x) || MPFR_SIGN(x)!=i)
              printf("GMP Zero errors for sub_q & rnd=%s & s=%d\n",
                     mpfr_print_rnd_mode ((mpfr_rnd_t) r), i);
              mpfr_dump (x);
              exit (1);

  mpq_clear (q);
  mpz_clear (z);
  mpfr_clear (x);
コード例 #5
ファイル: tgmpop.c プロジェクト: Canar/mpfr
static void
addsubq_overflow_aux (mpfr_exp_t e)
  mpfr_t x, y;
  mpq_t q;
  mpfr_exp_t emax;
  int inex;
  int rnd;
  int sign, sub;

  emax = mpfr_get_emax ();
  set_emax (e);
  mpfr_inits2 (16, x, y, (mpfr_ptr) 0);
  mpq_init (q);

  mpfr_set_inf (x, 1);
  mpfr_nextbelow (x);
  mpq_set_ui (q, 1, 1);

  for (sign = 0; sign <= 1; sign++)
      for (sub = 0; sub <= 1; sub++)
              unsigned int flags, ex_flags;
              int inf;

              inf = rnd == MPFR_RNDA ||
                    rnd == (sign ? MPFR_RNDD : MPFR_RNDU);
              ex_flags = MPFR_FLAGS_INEXACT | (inf ? MPFR_FLAGS_OVERFLOW : 0);
              mpfr_clear_flags ();
              inex = sub ?
                mpfr_sub_q (y, x, q, (mpfr_rnd_t) rnd) :
                mpfr_add_q (y, x, q, (mpfr_rnd_t) rnd);
              flags = __gmpfr_flags;
              if (inex == 0 || flags != ex_flags ||
                  (inf ? ! mpfr_inf_p (y) : ! mpfr_equal_p (x, y)))
                  printf ("Error in addsubq_overflow_aux(%ld),"
                          " sign = %d, %s\n", (long) e, sign,
                          mpfr_print_rnd_mode ((mpfr_rnd_t) rnd));
                  printf ("Got inex = %d, y = ", inex);
                  mpfr_dump (y);
                  printf ("Expected flags:");
                  flags_out (ex_flags);
                  printf ("Got flags:     ");
                  flags_out (flags);
                  exit (1);
          mpq_neg (q, q);
      mpfr_neg (x, x, MPFR_RNDN);
      mpq_neg (q, q);

  mpq_clear (q);
  mpfr_clears (x, y, (mpfr_ptr) 0);
  set_emax (emax);
コード例 #6
ファイル: tgmpop.c プロジェクト: Canar/mpfr
static void
reduced_expo_range (void)
  mpfr_t x;
  mpz_t z;
  mpq_t q;
  mpfr_exp_t emin;
  int inex;

  emin = mpfr_get_emin ();
  set_emin (4);

  mpfr_init2 (x, 32);

  mpz_init (z);
  mpfr_clear_flags ();
  inex = mpfr_set_ui (x, 17, MPFR_RNDN);
  MPFR_ASSERTN (inex == 0);
  mpz_set_ui (z, 3);
  inex = mpfr_mul_z (x, x, z, MPFR_RNDN);
  if (inex != 0 || MPFR_IS_NAN (x) || mpfr_cmp_ui (x, 51) != 0)
      printf ("Error 1 in reduce_expo_range: expected 51 with inex = 0,"
              " got\n");
      mpfr_out_str (stdout, 10, 0, x, MPFR_RNDN);
      printf ("with inex = %d\n", inex);
      exit (1);
  inex = mpfr_div_z (x, x, z, MPFR_RNDN);
  if (inex != 0 || MPFR_IS_NAN (x) || mpfr_cmp_ui (x, 17) != 0)
      printf ("Error 2 in reduce_expo_range: expected 17 with inex = 0,"
              " got\n");
      mpfr_out_str (stdout, 10, 0, x, MPFR_RNDN);
      printf ("with inex = %d\n", inex);
      exit (1);
  inex = mpfr_add_z (x, x, z, MPFR_RNDN);
  if (inex != 0 || MPFR_IS_NAN (x) || mpfr_cmp_ui (x, 20) != 0)
      printf ("Error 3 in reduce_expo_range: expected 20 with inex = 0,"
              " got\n");
      mpfr_out_str (stdout, 10, 0, x, MPFR_RNDN);
      printf ("with inex = %d\n", inex);
      exit (1);
  inex = mpfr_sub_z (x, x, z, MPFR_RNDN);
  if (inex != 0 || MPFR_IS_NAN (x) || mpfr_cmp_ui (x, 17) != 0)
      printf ("Error 4 in reduce_expo_range: expected 17 with inex = 0,"
              " got\n");
      mpfr_out_str (stdout, 10, 0, x, MPFR_RNDN);
      printf ("with inex = %d\n", inex);
      exit (1);
  MPFR_ASSERTN (__gmpfr_flags == 0);
  if (mpfr_cmp_z (x, z) <= 0)
      printf ("Error 5 in reduce_expo_range: expected a positive value.\n");
      exit (1);
  mpz_clear (z);

  mpq_init (q);
  mpq_set_ui (q, 1, 1);
  mpfr_set_ui (x, 16, MPFR_RNDN);
  inex = mpfr_add_q (x, x, q, MPFR_RNDN);
  if (inex != 0 || MPFR_IS_NAN (x) || mpfr_cmp_ui (x, 17) != 0)
      printf ("Error in reduce_expo_range for 16 + 1/1,"
              " got inex = %d and\nx = ", inex);
      mpfr_dump (x);
      exit (1);
  inex = mpfr_sub_q (x, x, q, MPFR_RNDN);
  if (inex != 0 || MPFR_IS_NAN (x) || mpfr_cmp_ui (x, 16) != 0)
      printf ("Error in reduce_expo_range for 17 - 1/1,"
              " got inex = %d and\nx = ", inex);
      mpfr_dump (x);
      exit (1);
  mpq_clear (q);

  mpfr_clear (x);

  set_emin (emin);
コード例 #7
ファイル: gmpy2_sub.c プロジェクト: fuzzylogician/gmpy
static PyObject *
GMPy_Real_Sub(PyObject *x, PyObject *y, CTXT_Object *context)
    MPFR_Object *result;


    if (!(result = GMPy_MPFR_New(0, context)))
        return NULL;

    /* This only processes mpfr if the exponent is still in-bounds. Need
     * to handle the rare case at the end. */

    if (MPFR_Check(x) && MPFR_Check(y)) {
        result->rc = mpfr_sub(result->f, MPFR(x), MPFR(y), GET_MPFR_ROUND(context));
        goto done;

    if (MPFR_Check(x)) {
        if (PyIntOrLong_Check(y)) {
            int error;
            long temp = GMPy_Integer_AsLongAndError(y, &error);
            if (!error) {
                result->rc = mpfr_sub_si(result->f, MPFR(x), temp, GET_MPFR_ROUND(context));
                goto done;
            else {
                mpz_t tempz;
                mpz_set_PyIntOrLong(tempz, y);
                result->rc = mpfr_sub_z(result->f, MPFR(x), tempz, GET_MPFR_ROUND(context));
                goto done;

        if (CHECK_MPZANY(y)) {
            result->rc = mpfr_sub_z(result->f, MPFR(x), MPZ(y), GET_MPFR_ROUND(context));
            goto done;

        if (IS_RATIONAL(y)) {
            MPQ_Object *tempy;

            if (!(tempy = GMPy_MPQ_From_Number(y, context))) {
                return NULL;
            result->rc = mpfr_sub_q(result->f, MPFR(x), tempy->q, GET_MPFR_ROUND(context));
            goto done;

        if (PyFloat_Check(y)) {
            result->rc = mpfr_sub_d(result->f, MPFR(x), PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(y), GET_MPFR_ROUND(context));
            goto done;

    if (MPFR_Check(y)) {
        if (PyIntOrLong_Check(x)) {
            int error;
            long temp = GMPy_Integer_AsLongAndError(x, &error);
            if (!error) {
                result->rc = mpfr_sub_si(result->f, MPFR(y), temp, GET_MPFR_ROUND(context));
                mpfr_neg(result->f, result->f, GET_MPFR_ROUND(context));
                goto done;
            else {
                mpz_t tempz;
                mpz_set_PyIntOrLong(tempz, x);
                result->rc = mpfr_sub_z(result->f, MPFR(y), tempz, GET_MPFR_ROUND(context));
                mpfr_neg(result->f, result->f, GET_MPFR_ROUND(context));
                goto done;

        if (CHECK_MPZANY(x)) {
            result->rc = mpfr_sub_z(result->f, MPFR(y), MPZ(x), GET_MPFR_ROUND(context));
            mpfr_neg(result->f, result->f, GET_MPFR_ROUND(context));
            goto done;

        if (IS_RATIONAL(x)) {
            MPQ_Object *tempx;

            if (!(tempx = GMPy_MPQ_From_Number(x, context))) {
                return NULL;
            result->rc = mpfr_sub_q(result->f, MPFR(y), tempx->q, GET_MPFR_ROUND(context));
            mpfr_neg(result->f, result->f, GET_MPFR_ROUND(context));
            goto done;

        if (PyFloat_Check(x)) {
            result->rc = mpfr_sub_d(result->f, MPFR(y), PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(x), GET_MPFR_ROUND(context));
            mpfr_neg(result->f, result->f, GET_MPFR_ROUND(context));
            goto done;

    if (IS_REAL(x) && IS_REAL(y)) {
        MPFR_Object *tempx, *tempy;

        tempx = GMPy_MPFR_From_Real(x, 1, context);
        tempy = GMPy_MPFR_From_Real(y, 1, context);
        if (!tempx || !tempy) {
            return NULL;
        result->rc = mpfr_sub(result->f, MPFR(tempx), MPFR(tempy), GET_MPFR_ROUND(context));
        goto done;


    GMPY_MPFR_CLEANUP(result, context, "subtraction");
    return (PyObject*)result;