static void test(void) { mps_arena_t arena; mps_pool_t pool; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root; mps_fmt_t format; mps_chain_t chain; mps_ap_t ap; mycell *a, *b, *c; mycell *p; mps_ld_t ld; int i, j; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), mmqaArenaSIZE), "create arena"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); cdie(mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, MPS_RANK_AMBIG, 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); cdie(mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); cdie(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&pool, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool"); cdie(mps_ap_create(&ap, pool, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "create ap"); a = allocone(ap, 100); b = a; c = a; for (j = 1; j < 100; j++) { comment("%i of 100", j); p = allocdumb(ap, sizeof(mps_ld_s)); ld = (mps_ld_t) getdata(p); b = a; c = a; for (i = 1; i < 100; i++) { mps_ld_reset(ld, arena); UC; c = allocone(ap, 200); UC; setref(b, 0, c); UC; b = c; } } mps_ap_destroy(ap); mps_pool_destroy(pool); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(format); mps_root_destroy(root); mps_thread_dereg(thread); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mps_arena_t arena; mps_pool_t poolamc, poolawl; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root, root1; mps_fmt_t format; mps_chain_t chain; mps_ap_t apamc, apawl; mycell *a, *b, *c, *d, *e, *f, *g; int i; int j; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), mmqaArenaSIZE), "create arena"); die(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); die(mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); cdie( mps_root_create_table(&root1,arena,mps_rank_ambig(),0,&exfmt_root,1), "create table root"); die(mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); die(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&poolamc, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool"); die(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&poolawl, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apawl, poolawl, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apamc, poolamc, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); b = allocone(apamc, 1, mps_rank_exact()); for (j = 1; j < 100; j++) { comment("%i of 100.", j); a = allocone(apamc, 5, mps_rank_exact()); b = a; c = a; d = a; e = a; f = a; g = a; for (i = 1; i < 5000; i++) { c = allocone(apamc, 20, mps_rank_exact()); d = allocone(apamc, 20, mps_rank_exact()); if (ranint(8) == 0) e = c; if (ranint(8) == 0) f = c; if (ranint(8) == 0) g = c; setref(b, 0, c); setref(c, 1, d); setref(c, 2, e); setref(c, 3, f); setref(c, 4, g); b = c; } } mps_arena_park(arena); mps_ap_destroy(apawl); mps_ap_destroy(apamc); mps_pool_destroy(poolamc); mps_pool_destroy(poolawl); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(format); mps_root_destroy(root); mps_root_destroy(root1); mps_thread_dereg(thread); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mps_arena_t arena; mps_pool_t poolamc, poolawl; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root; mps_fmt_t format; mps_chain_t chain; mps_ap_t apamc, apawl, apweak; mycell *a, *b; RC; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), mmqaArenaSIZE), "create arena"); die(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); die(mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); die(mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); die(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); die(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&poolamc, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool(amc)"); cdie(mps_pool_create(&poolawl, arena, mps_class_awl(), format, getassociated), "create pool(awl)"); cdie(mps_ap_create(&apweak, poolawl, mps_rank_weak()), "create ap(weak)"); cdie(mps_ap_create(&apawl, poolawl, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap(awl)"); cdie(mps_ap_create(&apamc, poolamc, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap(amc)"); b = allocone(apamc, 1, mps_rank_exact()); a = allocone(apweak, 1, mps_rank_weak()); mps_ap_destroy(apawl); mps_ap_destroy(apamc); mps_ap_destroy(apweak); comment("Destroyed aps."); /* buffered segments aren't condemned! */ setref(a, 0, b); mps_arena_collect(arena); asserts(getref(a, 0) == b, "Reference changed or was splatted."); mps_pool_destroy(poolamc); mps_pool_destroy(poolawl); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(format); mps_root_destroy(root); mps_thread_dereg(thread); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mps_pool_t poolamc, poolawl, poollo; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root0, root1; mps_chain_t chain; mps_fmt_t format; mps_ap_t apamc, apawl, aplo; mycell *a, *b, *c, *d, *z; long int j; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), (size_t)(1024*1024*40)), "create arena"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); cdie(mps_root_create_reg(&root0, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); cdie(mps_root_create_table(&root1, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, (mps_addr_t *)&exfmt_root, 1), "create table root"); cdie(mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); die(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&poolamc, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool(amc)"); die(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&poollo, arena, mps_class_amcz(), format, chain), "create pool(amcz)"); cdie(mps_pool_create(&poolawl, arena, mps_class_awl(), format, getassociated), "create pool(awl)"); cdie(mps_ap_create(&apawl, poolawl, mps_rank_weak()), "create ap(awl)"); cdie(mps_ap_create(&apamc, poolamc, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap(amc)"); cdie(mps_ap_create(&aplo, poollo, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap(amcz)"); mps_message_type_enable(arena, mps_message_type_finalization()); mps_message_type_enable(arena, mps_message_type_gc()); /* register loads of objects for finalization (1000*4) */ a = allocone(apamc, 2, 1); for (j=0; j<1000; j++) { b = allocone(apamc, 2, mps_rank_exact()); c = allocone(apawl, 2, mps_rank_weak()); d = allocone(aplo, 2, mps_rank_exact()); /* rank irrelevant here! */ mps_finalize(arena, (mps_addr_t*)&b); mps_finalize(arena, (mps_addr_t*)&c); mps_finalize(arena, (mps_addr_t*)&d); mps_finalize(arena, (mps_addr_t*)&d); final_count += 4; setref(a, 0, b); setref(a, 1, c); setref(c, 1, d); a = b; } /* throw them all away and collect everything */ a = NULL; b = NULL; c = NULL; d = NULL; exfmt_root = NULL; for (j=0; j<5; j++) { mps_arena_collect(arena); while (mps_message_poll(arena)) { messagepoll(&z, FINAL_DISCARD); } } /* how many are left? (n.b. ideally this would be 0 but there's no guarantee) */ report("count1", "%i", final_count); /* now to test leaving messages open for a long time! */ for (j=0; j<10; j++) { comment("%d of 10", j); a = allocone(apamc, 10000, mps_rank_exact()); mps_finalize(arena, (mps_addr_t*)&a); final_count +=1; comment("finalize"); messagepoll(&z, FINAL_QUEUE); } comment("reregister"); for (j=0; j<10; j++) { comment("%d of 10", j); qpoll(&z, FINAL_REREGISTER); } b = a; z = a; for (j=0; j<10; j++) { comment("%d of 10", j); messagepoll(&z, FINAL_QUEUE); qpoll(&z, FINAL_STORE); a = allocone(apamc, 2, mps_rank_exact()); setref(z, 0, b); setref(a, 1, z); b = a; } for (j=0; j<10; j++) { a = allocone(apamc, 2, mps_rank_exact()); qpoll(&z, FINAL_DISCARD); messagepoll(&z, FINAL_DISCARD); setref(a, 0, b); b = a; } /* Force old objects to be killed */ while (qmt() == 0) { qpoll(&z, FINAL_DISCARD); } while (mps_message_poll(arena)) { messagepoll(&z, FINAL_DISCARD); } mps_arena_park(arena); mps_root_destroy(root0); mps_root_destroy(root1); comment("Destroyed roots."); mps_ap_destroy(apawl); mps_ap_destroy(apamc); mps_ap_destroy(aplo); comment("Destroyed aps."); mps_arena_collect(arena); comment("Collected arena."); while (mps_message_poll(arena)) { messagepoll(&z, FINAL_DISCARD); } report("count2", "%d", final_count); mps_arena_park(arena); mps_pool_destroy(poolamc); mps_pool_destroy(poolawl); mps_pool_destroy(poollo); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(format); mps_thread_dereg(thread); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mps_pool_t poolawl; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root0, root1; mps_fmt_t format; mps_ap_t apawl; mycell *a; long int j; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), (size_t)1024*1024*30), "create arena"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); cdie(mps_root_create_reg(&root0, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); cdie(mps_root_create_table(&root1, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, (mps_addr_t *)&exfmt_root, 1), "create table root"); cdie(mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_pool_create(&poolawl, arena, mps_class_awl(), format, getassociated), "create pool"); cdie(mps_ap_create(&apawl, poolawl, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); /* alloc lots in an AWL pool; it should be collected away */ for(j=0; j<1000; j++) { a = allocdumb(apawl, 1024ul*1024, mps_rank_exact()); } /* (total allocated is 1000 M) */ mps_arena_park(arena); mps_root_destroy(root0); mps_root_destroy(root1); comment("Destroyed roots."); mps_ap_destroy(apawl); comment("Destroyed ap."); mps_pool_destroy(poolawl); comment("Destroyed pool."); mps_fmt_destroy(format); comment("Destroyed format."); mps_thread_dereg(thread); comment("Deregistered thread."); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); pass(); }
static void test(void) { mps_arena_t arena; mps_pool_t pool; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root; mps_ap_t apA, apB; mps_fmt_t format; mps_chain_t chain; mycell *ambigref; size_t bytes; size_t alignment; mps_addr_t q; mps_word_t i; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), mmqaArenaSIZE), "create arena"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); cdie(mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); cdie(mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); cdie(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&pool, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool"); die(mps_ap_create(&apA, pool, mps_rank_exact()), "create apA"); die(mps_ap_create(&apB, pool, mps_rank_exact()), "create apB"); bytes = offsetof(struct data, ref)+sizeof(struct refitem); alignment = MPS_PF_ALIGN; bytes = (bytes+alignment-1)&~(alignment-1); die(mps_reserve(&q, apB, bytes), "reserve: "); comment("Reserve"); ambigref = q; ambigref->data.tag = MCdata; ambigref-> = MCerrorid; ambigref->data.numrefs = 0; ambigref->data.size = bytes; i = mps_collections(arena)+2; while ((unsigned) mps_collections(arena) < i) { allocdumb(apA, 1024*256); } apB->init = apB->alloc; while (mps_collections(arena) < i+2) { allocdumb(apA, 1024*256); } asserts((apB->limit != 0 || mps_ap_trip(apB, q, bytes))==0, "Commit succeeded!"); comment("Finished"); mps_ap_destroy(apA); mps_ap_destroy(apB); mps_pool_destroy(pool); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(format); mps_root_destroy(root); mps_thread_dereg(thread); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mps_arena_t arena; mps_pool_t pool; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root; mps_chain_t chain; mps_fmt_t format; mps_ap_t ap; mycell *a, *b; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), mmqaArenaSIZE), "create arena"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); cdie( mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); cdie( mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&pool, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&ap, pool, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); a = allocone(ap, 1024, 1); z = a; b = allocone(ap, 1024, 1); setref(b, 0, a); a = allocdumb(ap, 1024*64, 1); a = allocdumb(ap, 1024*64, 1); comment("Collecting..."); mps_arena_collect(arena); asserts(z != a, "Didn't move!"); comment("Writing bad pointer..."); b->data.ref[0].addr = z; mps_arena_collect(arena); comment("Bad pointer not spotted in collection"); fail(); mps_ap_destroy(ap); comment("Destroyed ap."); mps_pool_destroy(pool); comment("Destroyed pool."); mps_fmt_destroy(format); comment("Destroyed format."); mps_chain_destroy(chain); comment("Destroyed chain."); mps_root_destroy(root); comment("Destroyed root."); mps_thread_dereg(thread); comment("Deregistered thread."); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mycell *p, *q; int i; mps_res_t res; size_t lim0, avail0, lim1, avail1, commit1, lim2, avail2, commit2; size_t lim3, avail3, commit3, lim4, avail4, commit4; size_t lim5, avail5, commit5, lim6, avail6, commit6; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), ARENA_SIZE), "create space"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); cdie(mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, MPS_RANK_AMBIG, 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create stack root"); cdie( mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&poolsnc, arena, mps_class_snc(), format), "create pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apsnc, poolsnc, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "create ap"); report("lim0", "%d", lim0 = mps_reservoir_limit(arena)); report("avail0", "%d", avail0 = mps_reservoir_available(arena)); mps_reservoir_limit_set(arena, (size_t) 0); mps_reservoir_limit_set(arena, (size_t) (5ul*1024*1024)); report("lim1", "%d", lim1 = mps_reservoir_limit(arena)); report("avail1", "%d", avail1 = mps_reservoir_available(arena)); report("commit1", "%d", commit1 = arena_committed_and_used(arena)); report("defecit1", "%d", lim1-avail1); mps_reservoir_limit_set(arena, (size_t) (1045)); report("lim2", "%d", lim2 = mps_reservoir_limit(arena)); report("avail2", "%d", avail2 = mps_reservoir_available(arena)); report("commit2", "%d", commit2 = arena_committed_and_used(arena)); report("defecit2", "%d", lim2-avail2); /* set commit limit to whatever is currently committed plus 1 MB */ die(mps_arena_commit_limit_set(arena, arena_committed_and_used(arena)+1024*1024), "commit limit set"); mps_reservoir_limit_set(arena, (size_t) (10ul*1024*1024)); report("lim3", "%d", lim3 = mps_reservoir_limit(arena)); report("avail3", "%d", avail3 = mps_reservoir_available(arena)); report("commit3", "%d", commit3 = arena_committed_and_used(arena)); report("defecit3", "%d", lim3-avail3); report("spill3", "%d", commit3-mps_arena_commit_limit(arena)); /* now raise it by 1/2 MB -- reservoir should grow */ die(mps_arena_commit_limit_set(arena, arena_committed_and_used(arena)+512*1024), "commit limit set"); report("lim4", "%d", lim4 = mps_reservoir_limit(arena)); report("avail4", "%d", avail4 = mps_reservoir_available(arena)); report("commit4", "%d", commit4 = arena_committed_and_used(arena)); report("grow4", "%d", avail4-avail3); report("spill4", "%d", commit4-mps_arena_commit_limit(arena)); /* try some allocation -- more than a small amount should fail */ i = -1; p = NULL; res = MPS_RES_OK; while (res == MPS_RES_OK) { res = allocrone(&q, apsnc, 10, MPS_RANK_EXACT); if (res == MPS_RES_OK) { setref(q, 0, p); p = q; } i++; } report("allocfail", "%d", i); report_res("failres", res); /* available shouldn't have changed since before allocation */ report("lim5", "%d", lim5 = mps_reservoir_limit(arena)); report("avail5", "%d", avail5 = mps_reservoir_available(arena)); report("commit5", "%d", commit5 = arena_committed_and_used(arena)); report("grow5", "%d", avail5-avail4); report("spill5", "%d", commit5-mps_arena_commit_limit(arena)); /* try some allocation from reservoir -- not much should fail */ i = -1; res = MPS_RES_OK; while (res == MPS_RES_OK) { res = reservoir_allocrone(&q, apsnc, 10, MPS_RANK_EXACT); if (res == MPS_RES_OK) { setref(q, 0, p); p = q; } i++; } report("allocfail2", "%d", i); report_res("failres2", res); /* available should have changed now */ report("lim6", "%d", lim6 = mps_reservoir_limit(arena)); report("avail6", "%d", avail6 = mps_reservoir_available(arena)); report("commit6", "%d", commit6 = arena_committed_and_used(arena)); report("spill6", "%d", commit6-mps_arena_commit_limit(arena)); report("shrink6", "%d", avail5-avail6); mps_root_destroy(root); comment("Destroyed root."); mps_ap_destroy(apsnc); comment("Destroyed ap."); mps_pool_destroy(poolsnc); comment("Destroyed pool."); mps_fmt_destroy(format); comment("Destroyed format."); mps_thread_dereg(thread); comment("Deregistered thread."); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed space."); }
static void test(void) { mps_space_t space; mps_pool_t poolamc1, poolawl2; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root; mps_fmt_t format; mps_ap_t ap1, ap2; mycell *a, *b; int i; int j; RC; cdie(mps_space_create(&space), "create space"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, space), "register thread"); cdie( mps_root_create_reg(&root, space, MPS_RANK_AMBIG, 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); cdie( mps_fmt_create_A(&format, space, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&poolamc1, space, mps_class_amc(), format), "create pool"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&poolawl2, space, mps_class_awl(), format), "create pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&ap1, poolamc1, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "create ap"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&ap2, poolawl2, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "create ap"); for (j=1; j<100; j++) { comment("%i of 100.", j); for (i=1; i<10000; i++) { UC; a = allocone(ap1, 100, 1); b = allocone(ap2, 100, 1); setref(a, 0, b); setref(b, 0, a); UC; } DC; DMC; } mps_ap_destroy(ap1); mps_ap_destroy(ap2); comment("Destroyed aps."); mps_pool_destroy(poolamc1); mps_pool_destroy(poolawl2); comment("Destroyed pools."); mps_fmt_destroy(format); comment("Destroyed format."); mps_root_destroy(root); comment("Destroyed root."); mps_thread_dereg(thread); comment("Deregistered thread."); mps_space_destroy(space); comment("Destroyed space."); }
static void test(void) { mps_pool_t poolmv, poolawl, poolamc; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root0, root1, root2; mps_addr_t p; mps_chain_t chain; mps_fmt_t format; mps_ap_t apawl, apamc; mps_addr_t base; mps_addr_t *addr; int i,j,merge,stale,prevstale; mycell *held[AMBIGHOLD]; RC; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), 100*1024*1024), "create arena"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); base = &exfmt_root; addr = base; cdie( mps_root_create_table(&root0, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, addr, 1), "create exfmt root"); cdie( mps_root_create_table(&root2, arena, mps_rank_exact(), 0, (mps_addr_t *)obj_table, MAXLDS), "create table root"); cdie( mps_root_create_reg(&root1, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create register and stack root"); cdie( mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&poolawl, arena, mps_class_awl(), format, getassociated), "create awl pool"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&poolmv, arena, mps_class_mv(), 0x4000, 128, 0x4000), "create mv pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apawl, poolawl, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&poolamc, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create amc pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apamc, poolamc, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); /* allocate MAXLDS objects, and make each LD depend on the corresponding object */ for (i=0; i < MAXLDS; i++) { mps_alloc(&p, poolmv, sizeof(mps_ld_s)); lds[i] = (mps_ld_t) p; mps_alloc(&p, poolmv, sizeof(mps_ld_s)); ldm[i] = (mps_ld_t) p; } for (i=0; i < MAXLDS; i++) { obj_table[i] = allocone(apamc, ranint(1000), mps_rank_exact()); mps_ld_reset(lds[i], arena); mps_ld_add(lds[i], arena, (mps_addr_t) obj_table[i]); addr_table[i] = obj_table[i]; } for (merge = 1; merge <= MAXMERGE; merge++) { comment("Merge %d", merge); for (i=0; i < MAXLDS; i++) { if (ranint(100) < BLATPERCENT) { obj_table[i] = allocone(apamc, ranint(1000), mps_rank_exact()); mps_ld_reset(lds[i], arena); mps_ld_add(lds[i], arena, (mps_addr_t) obj_table[i]); addr_table[i] = obj_table[i]; } } mergelds(merge); stale = 0; prevstale = 0; i = 0; while (stale < MAXLDS) { for (j = 0; j < AMBIGHOLD; j++) { held[j] = obj_table[ranint(MAXLDS)]; } i++; stale = checklds(merge); if (stale > prevstale) { prevstale = stale; comment("inc to %d at %d", stale, i); } for (j = 0; j < JUNK; j++) { (void)allocdumb(apamc, ranint(1000), mps_rank_exact()); } } } comment("held[0] = %p", held[0]); /* avoid warning about unused variable */ mps_arena_park(arena); mps_ap_destroy(apawl); mps_ap_destroy(apamc); comment("Destroyed aps."); mps_pool_destroy(poolmv); mps_pool_destroy(poolamc); mps_pool_destroy(poolawl); comment("Destroyed pools."); mps_fmt_destroy(format); comment("Destroyed format."); mps_chain_destroy(chain); comment("Destroyed chain."); mps_root_destroy(root0); mps_root_destroy(root1); mps_root_destroy(root2); comment("Destroyed roots."); mps_thread_dereg(thread); comment("Deregistered thread."); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mps_pool_t pool; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root; mps_fmt_t format; mps_chain_t chain; mps_ap_t ap, ap2; mycell *a, *b; mps_res_t res; int i; /* create an arena that can't grow beyond 30 M */ cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), (size_t) (1024*1024*30)), "create arena"); mps_arena_commit_limit_set(arena, (size_t) (1024*1024*40)); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); cdie(mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, MPS_RANK_AMBIG, 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); cdie(mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); die(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&pool, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool"); cdie(mps_ap_create(&ap, pool, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "create ap"); /* allocate until full */ i = 0; b = NULL; while (allocrone(&a, ap, 128, MPS_RANK_EXACT) == MPS_RES_OK) { i++; setref(a, 0, b); b = a; } comment("%d objs allocated.", i); report("committed", "%ld", mps_arena_committed(arena)); /* try to allocate 10 times */ cdie(mps_ap_create(&ap2, pool, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "create second ap"); mps_ap_destroy(ap); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { res = allocrone(&a, ap2, 128, MPS_RANK_EXACT); report("predie", "%s", err_text(res)); } /* now let everything die, and try to allocate 10 times */ mps_root_destroy(root); for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { res = allocrone(&a, ap2, 128, MPS_RANK_EXACT); report("postdie", "%s", err_text(res)); } die(allocrone(&a, ap2, 128, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "alloc failed"); mps_ap_destroy(ap2); mps_pool_destroy(pool); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(format); mps_thread_dereg(thread); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mps_arena_t arena; mps_pool_t pool; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root; mps_chain_t chain; mps_fmt_t format; mps_ap_t ap; mycell *a,*b,*c; size_t inpsize; int i; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), mmqaArenaSIZE), "create arena"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); cdie( mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); cdie( mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&pool, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&ap, pool, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); scanf("%lx", &inpsize); a = allocone(ap, 0, NULL, NULL, inpsize); comment("%x\n", (int) a); b = a; for (i=1; i<100; i++) { c = allocone(ap, i, NULL, NULL, inpsize); b->ref[0] = c; b = c; comment("%d: %lx\n", i, (mps_word_t) b); /* getchar(); */ } b = a; while (b != c) { comment("%ld: %x\n", b->data, (int) b); b = b->ref[0]; } mps_arena_park(arena); mps_ap_destroy(ap); comment("Destroyed ap."); mps_pool_destroy(pool); comment("Destroyed pool."); mps_fmt_destroy(format); comment("Destroyed format."); mps_chain_destroy(chain); comment("Destroyed chain."); mps_root_destroy(root); comment("Destroyed root."); mps_thread_dereg(thread); comment("Deregistered thread."); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mps_space_t space; mps_pool_t pool; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root; mps_fmt_t format; mps_ap_t ap; mycell *a, *b; cdie(mps_space_create(&space), "create space"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, space), "register thread"); cdie( mps_root_create_reg(&root, space, MPS_RANK_AMBIG, 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); cdie( mps_fmt_create_A(&format, space, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&pool, space, mps_class_amc(), format), "create pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&ap, pool, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "create ap"); a = allocone(ap, 1024, 1); z = a; b = allocone(ap, 1024, 1); setref(b, 0, a); a = allocdumb(ap, 1024*64, 1); a = allocdumb(ap, 1024*64, 1); comment("Collecting..."); mps_arena_collect(space); asserts(z != a, "Didn't move!"); comment("Writing bad pointer..."); b->data.ref[0].addr = z; mps_arena_collect(space); comment("Bad pointer not spotted in collection"); fail(); mps_ap_destroy(ap); comment("Destroyed ap."); mps_pool_destroy(pool); comment("Destroyed pool."); mps_fmt_destroy(format); comment("Destroyed format."); mps_root_destroy(root); comment("Destroyed root."); mps_thread_dereg(thread); comment("Deregistered thread."); mps_space_destroy(space); comment("Destroyed space."); }
static void test(void) { mps_chain_t chain; mycell *x; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), (size_t) 1024*1024*30), "create arena"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); cdie( mps_root_create_table_masked(&root1, arena, mps_rank_exact(), 0, (mps_addr_t*)&a[0], 4, 0x4), "create a root table"); cdie( mps_root_create_table(&root2, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, (mps_addr_t*)&b[0], 4), "create b root table"); cdie( mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); die(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&poolamc, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool"); die(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&poollo, arena, mps_class_amcz(), format, chain), "create pool"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&poolawl, arena, mps_class_awl(), format, getassociated), "create pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apamc, poolamc, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&aplo, poollo, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apawl, poolawl, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); newstamp = 0; alloccomments = 1; die(allocrdumb(&a[0], aplo, 64, mps_rank_exact()), "alloc"); die(allocrdumb(&a[1], apamc, 64, mps_rank_exact()), "alloc"); die(allocrdumb(&a[3], apawl, 64, mps_rank_exact()), "alloc"); a[2] = (mycell *)((mps_word_t)a[3] | 4); die(allocrdumb(&b[0], aplo, 64, mps_rank_exact()), "alloc"); die(allocrdumb(&b[1], apamc, 64, mps_rank_exact()), "alloc"); b[2] = NULL; die(allocrdumb(&b[3], apawl, 64, mps_rank_exact()), "alloc"); rootcount = 0; walkroots(NULL); report("count1", "%ld", rootcount); cdie(mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create stack root"); x = allocdumb(apamc, 64, mps_rank_exact()); (void)allocdumb(apamc, 64, mps_rank_exact()); (void)allocdumb(apamc, 64, mps_rank_exact()); rootcount = 0; speccount = 0; walkroots(x); report("count2", "%ld", rootcount); report("countspec", "%ld", speccount); mps_arena_park(arena); mps_ap_destroy(apamc); mps_ap_destroy(aplo); mps_ap_destroy(apawl); comment("Destroyed aps."); mps_pool_destroy(poolamc); mps_pool_destroy(poollo); mps_pool_destroy(poolawl); comment("Destroyed pools."); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(format); comment("Destroyed format."); mps_root_destroy(root2); mps_root_destroy(root1); mps_root_destroy(root); comment("Destroyed roots."); mps_thread_dereg(thread); comment("Deregistered thread."); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mps_arena_t arena; mps_pool_t poolamc, poolawl; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root; mps_fmt_t format; mps_chain_t chain; mps_ap_t apamc, apawl, apran; mycell *a[100], *c; int i; int j; int k,z; alloccomments = 1; skipcomments = 1; formatcomments = 1; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), mmqaArenaSIZE), "create arena"); die(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); die(mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, MPS_RANK_AMBIG, 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); die(mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); die(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&poolamc, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&poolawl, arena, mps_class_awl(), format), "create pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apawl, poolawl, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "create ap"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apamc, poolamc, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "create ap"); for(i=0; i<100; i++) { a[i] = allocone(apamc, 6, 1); } for(i=0; i<10000; i++) { j = ranint(100); k = 5 + ranint(500); if (ranint(2)==1) { apran = apawl; } else { apran = apamc; } c = a[j]; a[j] = allocone(apran, k, 1); k = ranint(100); z = ranint(2); setref(a[k], 0, c); setref(a[j], z, a[k]); } mps_ap_destroy(apawl); mps_ap_destroy(apamc); mps_pool_destroy(poolamc); mps_pool_destroy(poolawl); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(format); mps_root_destroy(root); mps_thread_dereg(thread); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mps_arena_t arena; mps_pool_t poolamc, poolawl; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root; mps_fmt_t format; mps_chain_t chain; mps_ap_t apamc, apawl; mycell *a, *b, *c, *d, *e, *f, *g; int i; int j; RC; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), mmqaArenaSIZE), "create arena"); die(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); die(mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, MPS_RANK_AMBIG, 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); die(mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); die(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&poolamc, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&poolawl, arena, mps_class_awl(), format), "create pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apawl, poolawl, MPS_RANK_WEAK), "create ap"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apamc, poolamc, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "create ap"); b = allocone(apamc, 1, 1); for (j=1; j<10; j++) { comment("%i of 10.", j); UC; a = allocone(apawl, 5, 1); setref(b, 0, a); b = a; c = a; d = a; e = a; f = a; g = a; for (i=1; i<1000; i++) { UC; c = allocone(apamc, 100, 1); c = allocone(apawl, 100, 1); if (ranint(8) == 0) d = c; if (ranint(8) == 0) e = c; if (ranint(8) == 0) f = c; if (ranint(8) == 0) g = c; UC; setref(b, 0, c); UC; setref(c, 1, d); UC; setref(c, 2, e); UC; setref(c, 3, f); UC; setref(c, 4, g); UC; b = c; } DC; DMC; } mps_ap_destroy(apawl); mps_ap_destroy(apamc); mps_pool_destroy(poolamc); mps_pool_destroy(poolawl); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(format); mps_root_destroy(root); mps_thread_dereg(thread); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mps_arena_t arena; mps_pool_t pool; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root; mps_chain_t chain; mps_fmt_t format; mps_ap_t ap; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), mmqaArenaSIZE), "create arena"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); cdie( mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); cdie( mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&pool, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&ap, pool, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); { mps_addr_t p; cdie(mps_reserve(&p, ap, 0x100), "Reserve: "); } mps_ap_destroy(ap); comment("Destroyed ap."); mps_pool_destroy(pool); comment("Destroyed pool."); mps_fmt_destroy(format); comment("Destroyed format."); mps_chain_destroy(chain); comment("Destroyed chain."); mps_root_destroy(root); comment("Destroyed root."); mps_thread_dereg(thread); comment("Deregistered thread."); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mps_arena_t arena; mps_pool_t pool; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root, root1; mps_fmt_t format; mps_chain_t chain; mps_ap_t ap; mycell *b; /* create an arena that can't grow beyond 1 Mb */ cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), (size_t) (1024*1024*1)), "create arena"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); cdie(mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); cdie(mps_root_create_table(&root1, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, (mps_addr_t*)&exfmt_root, 1), "create table root"); cdie(mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); die(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&pool, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool"); cdie(mps_ap_create(&ap, pool, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); comment("ready"); comment("reserved %ld, committed %ld", mps_arena_reserved(arena), mps_arena_committed(arena)); b = allocdumb(ap, 1024ul*1024ul*40, mps_rank_exact()); comment("alloc 40 MB"); comment("reserved %ld, committed %ld", mps_arena_reserved(arena), mps_arena_committed(arena)); b = allocdumb(ap, 1024ul*1024ul*40, mps_rank_exact()); comment("alloc 80 MB"); comment("reserved %ld, committed %ld", mps_arena_reserved(arena), mps_arena_committed(arena)); mps_arena_collect(arena); comment("collected"); comment("reserved %ld, committed %ld", mps_arena_reserved(arena), mps_arena_committed(arena)); mps_ap_destroy(ap); mps_pool_destroy(pool); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(format); mps_root_destroy(root); mps_root_destroy(root1); mps_thread_dereg(thread); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mps_arena_t arena; mps_pool_t poolmv, poolawl; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root0, root1; mps_addr_t p; mps_ld_t lds[MAXLDS]; mps_fmt_t format; mps_ap_t apawl; mycell *a, *b; int i; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), (size_t)1024*1024*30), "create arena"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); cdie(mps_root_create_table(&root0, arena, MPS_RANK_AMBIG, 0, (mps_addr_t *)&exfmt_root, 1), "create exfmt root"); cdie(mps_root_create_reg(&root1, arena, MPS_RANK_AMBIG, 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create register and stack root"); cdie(mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_pool_create(&poolawl, arena, mps_class_awl(), format), "create awl pool"); cdie(mps_pool_create(&poolmv, arena, mps_class_mv(), 0x4000, 128, 0x4000), "create mv pool"); cdie(mps_ap_create(&apawl, poolawl, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "create ap"); b = allocone(apawl, 5, MPS_RANK_EXACT); for (i=0; i < MAXLDS; i++) { comment("%d", i); mps_alloc(&p, poolmv, sizeof(mps_ld_s)); a = allocone(apawl, 5, MPS_RANK_EXACT); setref(a, 0, b); b = a; a = allocdumb(apawl, 256*1024, MPS_RANK_EXACT); comment("alloc"); lds[i] = p; mps_ld_reset(lds[i], arena); comment("reset"); if (i>0) { mps_ld_add(lds[i], arena, (mps_addr_t) b); } comment("add"); } for (i=0; i < MAXLDS; i++) { comment("%d", i); asserts(mps_ld_isstale(lds[i], arena, p) == 0, "%d stale but shouldn't be", i); } mps_ap_destroy(apawl); comment("Destroyed ap."); mps_pool_destroy(poolmv); mps_pool_destroy(poolawl); comment("Destroyed pools."); mps_fmt_destroy(format); comment("Destroyed format."); mps_root_destroy(root0); mps_root_destroy(root1); comment("Destroyed roots."); mps_thread_dereg(thread); comment("Deregistered thread."); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mps_arena_t arena; mps_pool_t pool; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root; mps_fmt_t format; locell *a; int i; alloclocomments = 0; allowlocopies = 0; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), mmqaArenaSIZE), "create arena"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); cdie( mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); cdie( mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtLO), "create format"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&pool, arena, mps_class_lo(), format), "create pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&ap, pool, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); a = string_ch("Hello there"); (void)string_ch("Wibble wobble foo"); (void)string_ch("Ba "); for (i=0; i<10000; i++) { a = conc(string_ch("B"), a); (void)conc(string_ch("Hello there"), string_ch(" folks!")); } mps_arena_park(arena); mps_ap_destroy(ap); comment("Destroyed ap."); mps_pool_destroy(pool); comment("Destroyed pool."); mps_fmt_destroy(format); comment("Destroyed format."); mps_root_destroy(root); comment("Destroyed root."); mps_thread_dereg(thread); comment("Deregistered thread."); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mps_pool_t pool; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root, root1; mps_fmt_t format; mps_chain_t chain; mps_ap_t ap; mycell *a, *b; mps_addr_t base, *addr; mps_res_t res; int j; /* create an arena that can't grow beyond 30 M */ cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), (size_t) (1024*1024*30)), "create arena"); die(mps_arena_commit_limit_set(arena, (size_t) (1024*1024*30)), "limit"); die(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); die(mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); base = &exfmt_root; addr = base; cdie( mps_root_create_table(&root1,arena,mps_rank_ambig(),0,addr,1), "create table root"); cdie(mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); die(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&pool, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&ap, pool, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); /* allocate 16 M of (live) stuff */ b = allocone(ap, 2, mps_rank_exact()); for (j=0; j<160; j++) { a = allocone(ap, 2, mps_rank_exact()); setref(a, 0, b); b = allocdumb(ap, 1024*100, mps_rank_exact()); setref(a, 1, b); b = a; } comment("created 16M of live objects"); fillup(); comment("try to make collect by allocating another 1G..."); empty(); for (j=0; j<1000*1024; j++) { res=allocrdumb(&a, ap, 1024, mps_rank_exact()); if (res == MPS_RES_OK) { comment("%i ok", j); } else { break; } } comment("collect world..."); for (j=0; j<10; j++) { mps_arena_collect(arena); } mps_ap_destroy(ap); mps_pool_destroy(pool); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(format); mps_root_destroy(root); mps_root_destroy(root1); mps_thread_dereg(thread); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mycell *p, *q; int i; mps_res_t res; size_t lim7, avail7, commit7, lim8, avail8, commit8; size_t lim9, avail9, commit9; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), ARENA_SIZE), "create space"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); cdie(mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, MPS_RANK_AMBIG, 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create stack root"); cdie( mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&poolamc, arena, mps_class_amc(), format), "create pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apamc, poolamc, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "create ap"); mps_arena_commit_limit_set(arena, mps_arena_committed(arena)+1024*1024); mps_reservoir_limit_set(arena, 0); report("lim7", "%d", lim7 = mps_reservoir_limit(arena)); report("avail7", "%d", avail7 = mps_reservoir_available(arena)); report("commit7", "%d", commit7 = mps_arena_committed(arena)); /* available should be zero, but should be able to allocate with reservoir permit, until commit_limit is reached */ i = -1; p = NULL; res = MPS_RES_OK; while (res == MPS_RES_OK) { res = reservoir_allocrone(&q, apamc, 10, MPS_RANK_EXACT); if (res == MPS_RES_OK) { setref(q, 0, p); p = q; } i++; } report("allocfail3", "%d", i); report_res("failres3", res); /* should be none left to make available */ mps_reservoir_limit_set(arena, 10ul*1024*1024); report("lim8", "%d", lim8 = mps_reservoir_limit(arena)); report("avail8", "%d", avail8 = mps_reservoir_available(arena)); report("commit8", "%d", commit8 = mps_arena_committed(arena)); report("spill8", "%d", commit8-mps_arena_commit_limit(arena)); /* throw away objects and collect world */ p = NULL; q = NULL; mps_root_destroy(root); mps_arena_collect(arena); /* available should have gone up now */ report("lim9", "%d", lim9 = mps_reservoir_limit(arena)); report("avail9", "%d", avail9 = mps_reservoir_available(arena)); report("commit9", "%d", commit9 = mps_arena_committed(arena)); report("grow9", "%d", avail9-avail8); report("spill9", "%d", commit9-mps_arena_commit_limit(arena)); /* destroy everything remaining */ mps_ap_destroy(apamc); comment("Destroyed ap."); mps_pool_destroy(poolamc); comment("Destroyed pool."); mps_fmt_destroy(format); comment("Destroyed format."); mps_thread_dereg(thread); comment("Deregistered thread."); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed space."); }
static void test(void) { mps_arena_t arena; mps_pool_t pool; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root; mps_chain_t chain; mps_fmt_t format; mycell *cells; int h,i,j,k,l; mycell *p[NAPS]; mycell *pobj; size_t bytes; size_t alignment; mps_addr_t q; int nextid = 0x1000000; /* turn on comments about copying and scanning */ formatcomments = BLAH; fixcomments = BLAH; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), mmqaArenaSIZE), "create arena"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); cdie( mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); cdie( mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&pool, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool"); for (i=0; i<NAPS; i++) { die(mps_ap_create(&ap[i], pool, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); ap_state[i] = 0; } cells = allocone(ap[0], NCELLS); /* ap_state can have the following values: 0 before reserve 1 after reverse 2 after init 3 after I=A 0 after commit */ for(h=0; h<100; h++) { comment("%i of 100", h); comment("%i collections", (int) mps_collections(arena)); for(j=0; j<1000; j++) { i = ranint(NAPS); switch (ap_state[i]) { case 0: nrefs[i] = NUMREFS; bytes = offsetof(struct data, ref)+nrefs[i]*sizeof(struct refitem); alignment = MPS_PF_ALIGN; bytes = (bytes+alignment-1)&~(alignment-1); s[i] = bytes; die(mps_reserve(&q, ap[i], s[i]), "reserve: "); p[i] = q; p[i]->data.tag = 0xD033E2A6; p[i]-> = nextid; ap_state[i] = 1; commentif(BLAH, "%i: reserve %li at %p", i, nextid, q); nextid +=1; break; case 1: commentif(BLAH, "%i: init %li", i, p[i]->; p[i]->data.tag = MCdata; p[i]->data.numrefs = nrefs[i]; p[i]->data.size = s[i]; ap_state[i] = 2; for (k=0; k<nrefs[i]; k++) { if PNULL { p[i]->data.ref[k].addr = NULL; p[i]->data.ref[k].id = 0; } else { l = ranint(NCELLS); pobj = getref(cells, l); p[i]->data.ref[k].addr = pobj; p[i]->data.ref[k].id = (pobj==NULL ? 0 : pobj->; } commentif(BLAH, " ref %i -> %li", k, p[i]->data.ref[k].id); } break; case 2: commentif(BLAH, "%i: begin commit %li", i, p[i]->; ap[i]->init = ap[i]->alloc; ap_state[i] = 3; break; case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: ap_state[i]+=1; break; case 10: commentif(BLAH, "%i: end commit %li", i, p[i]->; q=p[i]; if (ap[i]->limit != 0 || mps_ap_trip(ap[i], p[i], s[i])) { l = ranint(NCELLS); setref(cells, l, q); commentif(BLAH, "%i -> %i", i, l); } ap_state[i] = 0; break; } } checkfrom(cells); }
static void test(void) { mps_arena_t arena; mps_pool_t poolamc, poolawl; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root; mps_fmt_t format; mps_chain_t chain; mps_ap_t apamc, apexact, apweak; mycell *a, *b, *c, *d, *e, *f, *g; int i; int j; RC; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), mmqaArenaSIZE), "create arena"); die(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); die(mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); die(mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); die(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&poolamc, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&poolawl, arena, mps_class_awl(), format, getassociated), "create pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apexact, poolawl, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apweak, poolawl, mps_rank_weak()), "create ap"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apamc, poolamc, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); b = allocone(apamc, 1, 1); for (j=1; j<=10; j++) { comment("%i of 10.", j); UC; a = allocone(apexact, 5, 1); setref(a, 0, b); b = a; c = a; d = a; e = a; f = a; g = a; for (i=0; i<1000; i++) { UC; c = allocone(apamc, 50, 0); if (ranint(2) == 0) { c = allocone(apweak, 50, 1); } else { c = allocone(apexact, 50, 1); } if (ranint(8) == 0) d = c; if (ranint(8) == 0) e = c; if (ranint(8) == 0) f = c; if (ranint(8) == 0) g = c; UC; setref(c, 0, b); UC; setref(c, 1, d); UC; setref(c, 2, e); UC; setref(c, 3, f); UC; setref(c, 4, g); UC; b = c; } DC; DMC; } mps_arena_park(arena); mps_ap_destroy(apweak); mps_ap_destroy(apexact); mps_ap_destroy(apamc); comment("Destroyed aps."); mps_pool_destroy(poolamc); mps_pool_destroy(poolawl); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(format); mps_root_destroy(root); mps_thread_dereg(thread); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mps_pool_t poolmv, poolawl, poolamc; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root0, root1, root2; mps_addr_t p; mps_fmt_t format; mps_chain_t chain; mps_ap_t apawl, apamc; mycell *a, *b; int i,j; RC; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), (size_t)1024*1024*30), "create arena"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); cdie(mps_root_create_table(&root0, arena, MPS_RANK_AMBIG, 0, (mps_addr_t*)&exfmt_root, 1), "create exfmt root"); cdie(mps_root_create_table(&root2, arena, MPS_RANK_EXACT, 0, (mps_addr_t *)obj_table, MAXLDS), "create table root"); cdie(mps_root_create_reg(&root1, arena, MPS_RANK_AMBIG, 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create register and stack root"); cdie(mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); cdie(mps_pool_create(&poolawl, arena, mps_class_awl(), format), "create awl pool"); cdie(mps_pool_create(&poolmv, arena, mps_class_mv(), 0x4000, 128, 0x4000), "create mv pool"); cdie(mps_ap_create(&apawl, poolawl, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "create ap"); /* First we'll use only pool classes MV and AWL. So LDs shouldn't */ /* go stale at all. */ b = allocone(apawl, 5, MPS_RANK_EXACT); for (i=0; i < MAXLDS; i++) { comment("%d", i); mps_alloc(&p, poolmv, sizeof(mps_ld_s)); a = allocone(apawl, 5, MPS_RANK_EXACT); setref(a, 0, b); b = a; a = allocdumb(apawl, 256*1024, MPS_RANK_EXACT); comment("alloc"); lds[i] = p; mps_ld_reset(lds[i], arena); comment("reset"); if (i>0) { mps_ld_add(lds[i], arena, (mps_addr_t) b); } comment("add"); } for (i=0; i < MAXLDS; i++) { comment("%d", i); asserts(mps_ld_isstale(lds[i], arena, p) == 0, "%d stale but shouldn't be", i); } /* Then use AMC, so object do move and LDs go stale. */ die(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&poolamc, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apamc, poolamc, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "create ap"); /* Allocate MAXLDS objects, and make each LD depend on the corresponding */ /* object. */ for (i=0; i < MAXLDS; i++) { comment("%d", i); obj_table[i] = allocone(apamc, ranint(100), MPS_RANK_EXACT); mps_ld_add(lds[i], arena, (mps_addr_t) obj_table[i]); } for (i=0; i < 1000; i++) { comment("%d of 1000", i); checklds(); for (j=0; j < 8; j++) { a = allocdumb(apamc, 32*1024, MPS_RANK_EXACT); } } mps_ap_destroy(apawl); mps_ap_destroy(apamc); mps_pool_destroy(poolmv); mps_pool_destroy(poolamc); mps_pool_destroy(poolawl); comment("Destroyed pools."); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(format); mps_root_destroy(root0); mps_root_destroy(root1); mps_root_destroy(root2); comment("Destroyed roots."); mps_thread_dereg(thread); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { long int i; long int rsize; int inramp; mycell *r, *s; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), (size_t) 1024*1024*ARENALIMIT), "create arena"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); cdie( mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); cdie( mps_root_create_table(&root1, arena, mps_rank_exact(), 0, &objtab[0], TABSIZE), "create root table"); cdie( mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&poolamc, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apamc, poolamc, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); inramp = 0; for (i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { if (i % 10000 == 0) { comment("%ld of %ld", i, ITERATIONS); } alloc_back(); if (inramp) { s = allocone(apamc, 3, mps_rank_exact()); setref(r, 0, s); setref(s, 1, r); r = s; s = allocdumb(apamc, RAMPSIZE, mps_rank_exact()); setref(r, 2, s); rsize ++; if (ranint(LEAVERAMP) == 0) { r = allocone(apamc, 2, mps_rank_exact()); s = allocone(apamc, 2, mps_rank_exact()); #ifdef RAMP_INTERFACE mps_ap_alloc_pattern_end(apamc, mps_alloc_pattern_ramp()); #endif #ifdef COLLECT_WORLD mps_arena_collect(arena); mps_arena_release(arena); #endif comment("ramp end, %ld objects", rsize); inramp = 0; } } else { if (ranint(ENTERRAMP) == 0) { #ifdef RAMP_INTERFACE mps_ap_alloc_pattern_begin(apamc, mps_alloc_pattern_ramp()); #endif comment("ramp begin"); r = allocone(apamc, 3, mps_rank_exact()); inramp = 1; rsize = 0; } } } mps_arena_park(arena); mps_ap_destroy(apamc); comment("Destroyed ap."); mps_pool_destroy(poolamc); comment("Destroyed pool."); mps_fmt_destroy(format); comment("Destroyed format."); mps_chain_destroy(chain); comment("Destroyed chain."); mps_root_destroy(root1); mps_root_destroy(root); comment("Destroyed roots."); mps_thread_dereg(thread); comment("Deregistered thread."); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mps_pool_t poolamc, poolawl, poollo; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root0, root1; mps_fmt_t format; mps_chain_t chain; mps_ap_t apamc, apawl, aplo; mycell *a, *b, *c, *d, *z; long int i,j; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), (size_t)1024*1024*30), "create arena"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); cdie(mps_root_create_reg(&root0, arena, MPS_RANK_AMBIG, 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); cdie(mps_root_create_table(&root1, arena, MPS_RANK_AMBIG, 0, (mps_addr_t*)&exfmt_root, 1), "create table root"); cdie(mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); die(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&poolamc, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool(amc)"); cdie(mps_pool_create(&poolawl, arena, mps_class_awl(), format), "create pool(awl)"); cdie(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&poollo, arena, mps_class_amcz(), format, chain), "create pool(amcz)"); cdie(mps_ap_create(&apawl, poolawl, MPS_RANK_WEAK), "create ap(awl)"); cdie(mps_ap_create(&apamc, poolamc, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "create ap(amc)"); cdie(mps_ap_create(&aplo, poollo, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "create ap(amcz)"); mps_message_type_enable(arena, mps_message_type_finalization()); /* register loads of objects for finalization (1000*4) */ a = allocone(apamc, 2, 1); b = a; for (j=0; j<1000; j++) { a = allocone(apamc, 2, MPS_RANK_EXACT); c = allocone(apawl, 2, MPS_RANK_WEAK); d = allocone(aplo, 2, MPS_RANK_EXACT); /* rank irrelevant here! */ mps_finalize(arena, (mps_addr_t*)&a); mps_finalize(arena, (mps_addr_t*)&c); mps_finalize(arena, (mps_addr_t*)&d); mps_finalize(arena, (mps_addr_t*)&d); final_count += 4; } /* throw them all away and collect everything */ a = NULL; b = NULL; c = NULL; d = NULL; mps_root_destroy(root0); mps_root_destroy(root1); comment("Destroyed roots."); mps_arena_collect(arena); i = 0; while (final_count != 0 && i < 10) { finalpoll(&z, FINAL_DISCARD); if (mps_message_poll(arena) == 0) { i++; a = allocdumb(apawl, 1024, MPS_RANK_WEAK); a = allocdumb(apamc, 1024, MPS_RANK_EXACT); a = allocdumb(aplo, 1024, MPS_RANK_EXACT); mps_arena_collect(arena); comment(" %i", final_count); } } /* how many are left? (Ideally, this would be 0 but there's no guarantee.) */ report("count", "%i", final_count); report("iter", "%i", i); /* now to test leaving messages open for a long time! */ mps_ap_destroy(apawl); mps_ap_destroy(apamc); mps_ap_destroy(aplo); comment("Destroyed aps."); mps_pool_destroy(poolamc); mps_pool_destroy(poolawl); mps_pool_destroy(poollo); comment("Destroyed pools."); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(format); mps_thread_dereg(thread); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mps_arena_t arena; mps_pool_t poolamc, poolawl; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root, root1; mps_fmt_t format; mps_chain_t chain; mps_ap_t apamc, apawl; size_t size0, size1; mycell *a, *b, *c, *d, *e, *f, *g; int i; int j; RC; deathcomments = 0; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), mmqaArenaSIZE), "create arena"); die(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); die(mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); cdie( mps_root_create_table(&root1, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, &exfmt_root, 1), "create exfmt root"); die(mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); die(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&poolamc, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&poolawl, arena, mps_class_awl(), format, getassociated), "create pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apawl, poolawl, mps_rank_weak()), "create ap"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apamc, poolamc, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); b = allocone(apamc, 1, 1); for (j=1; j<=10; j++) { comment("%i of 10.", j); a = allocone(apawl, 5, 1); setref(b, 0, a); b = a; c = a; d = a; e = a; f = a; g = a; for (i=1; i<=1000; i++) { if (i%100 == 0) { comment(" %i", i); } if (ranint(2)) { c = allocone(apamc, 100, 1); } else { c = allocone(apawl, 100, 1); } if (ranint(8) == 0) d = c; if (ranint(8) == 0) e = c; if (ranint(8) == 0) f = c; if (ranint(8) == 0) g = c; setref(b, 0, c); setref(c, 1, d); setref(c, 2, e); setref(c, 3, f); setref(c, 4, g); b = c; } if (j==3) { DC; comment("...collecting:"); RC; size0 = arena_committed_and_used(arena); mps_arena_collect(arena); size1 = arena_committed_and_used(arena); report("sizebefore0", "%lu", (unsigned long) size0); report("sizeafter0", "%lu", (unsigned long) size1); report("diff0", "%lu", (unsigned long) size0-size1); DC; mps_arena_release(arena); comment("...released"); } DC; comment("clamping..."); mps_arena_park(arena); RC; for (i=1; i<=1000; i++) { if (i%100 == 0) { comment(" %i", i); } if (ranint(2)) { c = allocone(apamc, 100, 1); } else { c = allocone(apawl, 100, 1); } if (ranint(8) == 0) d = c; if (ranint(8) == 0) e = c; if (ranint(8) == 0) f = c; if (ranint(8) == 0) g = c; setref(b, 0, c); setref(c, 1, d); setref(c, 2, e); setref(c, 3, f); setref(c, 4, g); b = c; } asserts(counters[COPY_COUNT]==0, "Eppur si muove!"); DC; if (j==9) { comment("collecting..."); size0 = arena_committed_and_used(arena); mps_arena_collect(arena); size1 = arena_committed_and_used(arena); report("sizebefore1", "%lu", (unsigned long) size0); report("sizeafter1", "%lu", (unsigned long) size1); report("diff1", "%lu", (unsigned long) size0-size1); DC; } mps_arena_release(arena); comment("released."); RC; } mps_arena_park(arena); mps_ap_destroy(apawl); mps_ap_destroy(apamc); mps_pool_destroy(poolamc); mps_pool_destroy(poolawl); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(format); mps_root_destroy(root); mps_root_destroy(root1); mps_thread_dereg(thread); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mps_arena_t arena; mps_pool_t poolamc, poollo; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root; mps_fmt_t format; mps_chain_t chain; mps_ap_t apamc, aplo; mycell *a[100]; int i; int j; int k,z; alloccomments = 1; formatcomments = 1; cdie(mps_arena_create(&arena, mps_arena_class_vm(), mmqaArenaSIZE), "create arena"); die(mps_thread_reg(&thread, arena), "register thread"); die(mps_root_create_reg(&root, arena, mps_rank_ambig(), 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create root"); die(mps_fmt_create_A(&format, arena, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie(mps_chain_create(&chain, arena, genCOUNT, testChain), "chain_create"); die(mmqa_pool_create_chain(&poolamc, arena, mps_class_amc(), format, chain), "create pool(amc)"); die(mps_pool_create(&poollo, arena, mps_class_lo(), format), "create pool(lo)"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&aplo, poollo, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apamc, poolamc, mps_rank_exact()), "create ap"); for(i=0; i<100; i++) { a[i] = allocone(aplo, 6, 1); } for(i=0; i<10000; i++) { j = ranint(100); comment("New object %i", j); a[j] = allocone(aplo, 5+ranint(50), 1); k = ranint(50); z = ranint(5); comment("setting %i (%p) %i", k, a[k], z); setref(a[k], z, a[j]); (void)allocdumb(apamc, 0x400*64, 0); } mps_arena_park(arena); mps_ap_destroy(aplo); mps_ap_destroy(apamc); comment("Destroyed aps."); mps_pool_destroy(poolamc); mps_pool_destroy(poollo); comment("Destroyed pools."); mps_chain_destroy(chain); mps_fmt_destroy(format); mps_root_destroy(root); mps_thread_dereg(thread); mps_arena_destroy(arena); comment("Destroyed arena."); }
static void test(void) { mps_pool_t poolmv, poolawl, poolamc; mps_thr_t thread; mps_root_t root0, root1, root2; mps_addr_t p; mps_fmt_t format; mps_ap_t apawl, apamc; mycell *a, *b; int i,j; RC; cdie(mps_space_create(&space), "create space"); cdie(mps_thread_reg(&thread, space), "register thread"); cdie( mps_root_create_table(&root0, space, MPS_RANK_AMBIG, 0, &exfmt_root, 1), "create exfmt root"); cdie( mps_root_create_table(&root2, space, MPS_RANK_EXACT, 0, (mps_addr_t *)obj_table, MAXLDS), "create table root"); cdie( mps_root_create_reg(&root1, space, MPS_RANK_AMBIG, 0, thread, mps_stack_scan_ambig, stackpointer, 0), "create register and stack root"); cdie( mps_fmt_create_A(&format, space, &fmtA), "create format"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&poolawl, space, mps_class_awl(), format), "create awl pool"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&poolmv, space, mps_class_mv(), 0x4000, 128, 0x4000), "create mv pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apawl, poolawl, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "create ap"); cdie( mps_pool_create(&poolamc, space, mps_class_amc(), format), "create amc pool"); cdie( mps_ap_create(&apamc, poolamc, MPS_RANK_EXACT), "create ap"); /* first we'll use only pool classes MV and AWL. So LDs shouldn't go stale at all. */ b = allocone(apawl, 5, MPS_RANK_EXACT); for (i=0; i < MAXLDS; i++) { comment("%d", i); mps_alloc(&p, poolmv, sizeof(mps_ld_s)); a = allocone(apawl, 5, MPS_RANK_EXACT); setref(a, 0, b); b = a; a = allocdumb(apamc, 256*1024, MPS_RANK_EXACT); a = allocdumb(apawl, 256*1024, MPS_RANK_EXACT); comment("alloc"); lds[i] = p; mps_ld_reset(lds[i], space); comment("reset"); if (i>0) { mps_ld_add(lds[i], space, (mps_addr_t) b); } comment("add"); } for (i=0; i < MAXLDS; i++) { comment("%d", i); asserts(mps_ld_isstale(lds[i], space, p) == 0, "%d stale but shouldn't be", i); } /* allocate MAXLDS objects, and make each LD depend on the corresponding object */ for (i=0; i < MAXLDS; i++) { comment("%d", i); obj_table[i] = allocone(apamc, ranint(100), MPS_RANK_EXACT); mps_ld_add(lds[i], space, (mps_addr_t) obj_table[i]); } for (i=0; i < 1000; i++) { comment("%d of 1000", i); checklds(); for (j=0; j < 4; j++) { a = allocdumb(apamc, 32*1024, MPS_RANK_EXACT); } } mps_ap_destroy(apawl); mps_ap_destroy(apamc); comment("Destroyed aps."); mps_pool_destroy(poolmv); mps_pool_destroy(poolamc); mps_pool_destroy(poolawl); comment("Destroyed pools."); mps_fmt_destroy(format); comment("Destroyed format."); mps_root_destroy(root0); mps_root_destroy(root1); mps_root_destroy(root2); comment("Destroyed roots."); mps_thread_dereg(thread); comment("Deregistered thread."); mps_space_destroy(space); comment("Destroyed space."); }