コード例 #1
ファイル: mpu6050_dmp.c プロジェクト: speed20/lmos
uint8_t mpu6050_dmpInitialize() {
    // reset device
    DEBUG_PRINTLN("\r\nResetting MPU6050...\r\n");
    Delay(30); // wait after reset

    // disable sleep mode
    DEBUG_PRINTLN("Disabling sleep mode...\r\n");

    // get MPU hardware revision
    DEBUG_PRINTLN("Selecting user bank 16...\r\n");
    mpu6050_setMemoryBank(0x10, true, true);
    DEBUG_PRINTLN("Selecting memory byte 6...\r\n");
    DEBUG_PRINTLN("Checking hardware revision...\r\n");
    uint8_t hwRevision = mpu6050_readMemoryByte();
    DEBUG_PRINTLN("Revision @ user[16][6] = 0x%0x\r\n", hwRevision);
    DEBUG_PRINTLN("Resetting memory bank selection to 0...\r\n");
    mpu6050_setMemoryBank(0, false, false);

    // check OTP bank valid
    DEBUG_PRINTLN("Reading OTP bank valid flag...\r\n");
    uint8_t otpValid = mpu6050_getOTPBankValid();
    DEBUG_PRINTLN("OTP bank is %s\r\n", otpValid ? "valid!" : "invalid!");

    // get X/Y/Z gyro offsets
    DEBUG_PRINTLN("Reading gyro offset values...");
    int8_t xgOffset = mpu6050_getXGyroOffsetTC();
    int8_t ygOffset = mpu6050_getYGyroOffsetTC();
    int8_t zgOffset = mpu6050_getZGyroOffsetTC();
    DEBUG_PRINTLN("X gyro offset = %d\r\n", xgOffset);
    DEBUG_PRINTLN("Y gyro offset = %d\r\n", ygOffset);
    DEBUG_PRINTLN("Z gyro offset = %d\r\n", zgOffset);
//    i2c_read_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_USER_CTRL, buffer); // ?
    DEBUG_PRINTLN("Enabling interrupt latch, clear on any read, AUX bypass enabled\r\n");
    i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_INT_PIN_CFG, 0x32);

	/* hmc5883l setting */
//	i2c_write_byte(&hmc5883l, HMC5883L_RA_CONFIG_A, 0x70);

    // load DMP code into memory banks
    DEBUG_PRINTLN("Writing DMP code to MPU memory banks\r\n");
    if (mpu6050_writeProgMemoryBlock(dmpMemory, MPU6050_DMP_CODE_SIZE, 0, 0, false)) {
        DEBUG_PRINTLN("Success! DMP code written and verified.\r\n");

        DEBUG_PRINTLN("Configuring DMP and related settings...\r\n");

        // write DMP configuration
        DEBUG_PRINT("Writing DMP configuration to MPU memory banks\r\n");
        if (mpu6050_writeProgDMPConfigurationSet(dmpConfig, MPU6050_DMP_CONFIG_SIZE)) {
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Success! DMP configuration written and verified.\r\n");

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Setting DMP and FIFO_OFLOW interrupts enabled...\r\n");

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Setting sample rate to 200Hz...\r\n");
            mpu6050_setRate(4); // 1khz / (1 + 4) = 200 Hz

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Setting clock source to Z Gyro...\r\n");

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Setting DLPF bandwidth to 42Hz...\r\n");

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Setting external frame sync to TEMP_OUT_L[0]...\r\n");

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Setting gyro sensitivity to +/- 2000 deg/sec...\r\n");

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Setting DMP configuration bytes (function unknown)...\r\n");

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Clearing OTP Bank flag...\r\n");

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Setting X/Y/Z gyro offsets to previous values...\r\n");

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Setting X/Y/Z gyro user offsets to zero...\r\n");
//			mpu6050_setXGyroOffset(220);
//			mpu6050_setYGyroOffset(76);
//			mpu6050_setZGyroOffset(-85);
//			mpu6050_setZAccelOffset(700);

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Writing final memory update 1/19 (function unknown)...\r\n");
            uint8_t dmpUpdate[16], j;
            uint16_t pos = 0;
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], true);

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Writing final memory update 2/19 (function unknown)...\r\n");
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], true);

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Resetting FIFO...\r\n");

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Reading FIFO count...\r\n");
            uint8_t fifoCount = mpu6050_getFIFOCount();

            DEBUG_PRINT("Current FIFO count=\r\n");
            uint8_t fifoBuffer[128];
//            mpu6050_getFIFOBytes(fifoBuffer, fifoCount);

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Writing final memory update 3/19 (function unknown)...\r\n");
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], true);

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Writing final memory update 4/19 (function unknown)...\r\n");
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], true);

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Disabling all standby flags...\r\n");
            i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_PWR_MGMT_2, 0x00);

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Setting accelerometer sensitivity to +/- 2g...\r\n");
            i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_ACCEL_CONFIG, 0x00);

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Setting motion detection threshold to 2...\r\n");

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Setting zero-motion detection threshold to 156...\r\n");

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Setting motion detection duration to 80...\r\n");

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Setting zero-motion detection duration to 0...\r\n");

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Setting AK8975 to single measurement mode...\r\n");
			// to do
            //mag -> setMode(1);
#if 1
			/* set hmc5883l */
//			i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_I2C_MST_CTRL, 0x40);

			/* slave1 for read */
			i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_I2C_SLV0_ADDR, HMC5883L_ADDRESS | I2C_READ);
			i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_I2C_SLV0_REG, HMC5883L_RA_DATAX_H);
			i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_I2C_SLV0_CTRL, 0x86);

			/* slave1 for write */
			i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_I2C_SLV2_ADDR, HMC5883L_ADDRESS);
			i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_I2C_SLV2_REG, HMC5883L_RA_MODE);
			i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_I2C_SLV2_DO, HMC5883L_MODE_SINGLE);
			i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_I2C_SLV2_CTRL, 0x81);

            i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_I2C_SLV4_CTRL, 0x18);
            i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_I2C_MST_DELAY_CTRL, 0x05);
#if 0
            // setup AK8975 (0x0E) as Slave 0 in read mode
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Setting up AK8975 read slave 0...\r\n");
            i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_I2C_SLV0_ADDR, 0x1E);
            i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_I2C_SLV0_REG,  0x01);
            i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_I2C_SLV0_CTRL, 0xDA);

            // setup AK8975 (0x0E) as Slave 2 in write mode
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Setting up AK8975 write slave 2...\r\n");
            i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_I2C_SLV2_ADDR, 0x0E);
            i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_I2C_SLV2_REG,  0x0A);
            i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_I2C_SLV2_CTRL, 0x81);
            i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_I2C_SLV2_DO,   0x01);

            // setup I2C timing/delay control
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Setting up slave access delay...\r\n");
            i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_I2C_SLV4_CTRL, 0x18);
            i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_I2C_MST_DELAY_CTRL, 0x05);
            // enable interrupts
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Enabling default interrupt behavior/no bypass...\r\n");
            i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_INT_PIN_CFG, 0x00);

            // enable I2C master mode and reset DMP/FIFO
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Enabling I2C master mode...\r\n");
            i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_USER_CTRL, 0x20);
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Resetting FIFO...\r\n");
            i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_USER_CTRL, 0x24);
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Rewriting I2C master mode enabled because...I don't know\r\n");
            i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_USER_CTRL, 0x20);
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Enabling and resetting DMP/FIFO...\r\n");
            i2c_write_byte(&mpu6050, MPU6050_RA_USER_CTRL, 0xE8);

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Writing final memory update 5/19 (function unknown)...\r\n");
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], true);
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Writing final memory update 6/19 (function unknown)...\r\n");
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], true);
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Writing final memory update 7/19 (function unknown)...\r\n");
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], true);
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Writing final memory update 8/19 (function unknown)...\r\n");
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], true);
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Writing final memory update 9/19 (function unknown)...\r\n");
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], true);
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Writing final memory update 10/19 (function unknown)...\r\n");
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], true);
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Writing final memory update 11/19 (function unknown)...\r\n");
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], true);
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Reading final memory update 12/19 (function unknown)...\r\n");
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_readMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1]);
            #ifdef DEBUG
                DEBUG_PRINT("Read bytes: ");
                for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
                    DEBUG_PRINTF("0x%02x ", dmpUpdate[3 + j]);

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Writing final memory update 13/19 (function unknown)...\r\n");
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], true);
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Writing final memory update 14/19 (function unknown)...\r\n");
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], true);
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Writing final memory update 15/19 (function unknown)...\r\n");
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], true);
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Writing final memory update 16/19 (function unknown)...\r\n");
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], true);
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Writing final memory update 17/19 (function unknown)...\r\n");
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], true);

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Waiting for FIFO count >= 46...\r\n");
            while ((fifoCount = mpu6050_getFIFOCount()) < 46);
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Reading FIFO...\r\n");
            mpu6050_getFIFOBytes(fifoBuffer, min(fifoCount, 128)); // safeguard only 128 bytes
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Reading interrupt status...\r\n");

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Writing final memory update 18/19 (function unknown)...\r\n");
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], true);

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Waiting for FIFO count >= 48...\r\n");
            while ((fifoCount = mpu6050_getFIFOCount()) < 48);
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Reading FIFO...");
            mpu6050_getFIFOBytes(fifoBuffer, min(fifoCount, 128)); // safeguard only 128 bytes
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Reading interrupt status...\r\n");
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Waiting for FIFO count >= 48...\r\n");
            while ((fifoCount = mpu6050_getFIFOCount()) < 48);
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Reading FIFO...\r\n");
            mpu6050_getFIFOBytes(fifoBuffer, min(fifoCount, 128)); // safeguard only 128 bytes
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Reading interrupt status...\r\n");

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Writing final memory update 19/19 (function unknown)...\r\n");
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], true);

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Disabling DMP (you turn it on later)...\r\n");

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Setting up internal 48-byte (default) DMP packet buffer...\r\n");
            dmpPacketSize = 48;
            /*if ((dmpPacketBuffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(42)) == 0) {
                return 3; // TODO: proper error code for no memory

            DEBUG_PRINTLN("Resetting FIFO and clearing INT status one last time...\r\n");
        } else {
            DEBUG_PRINTLN("ERROR! DMP configuration verification failed.\r\n");
            return 2; // configuration block loading failed
    } else {
        DEBUG_PRINTLN("ERROR! DMP code verification failed.\r\n");
        return 1; // main binary block loading failed
    return 0; // success
コード例 #2
 * initialize mpu6050 dmp
uint8_t mpu6050_dmpInitialize() {
	//setup interrupt

	mpu6050_writeBit(MPU6050_RA_PWR_MGMT_1, MPU6050_PWR1_DEVICE_RESET_BIT, 1);
    _delay_ms(30);//wait after reset

    //disable sleep mode

    //set memorybank to 0
    mpu6050_setMemoryBank(0, 0, 0);

    //get X/Y/Z gyro offsets
    int8_t xgOffset = mpu6050_getXGyroOffset();
    int8_t ygOffset = mpu6050_getYGyroOffset();
    int8_t zgOffset = mpu6050_getZGyroOffset();

    //setting slave 0 address to 0x7F
	mpu6050_writeByte(MPU6050_RA_I2C_SLV0_ADDR + 0*3, 0x7F);
	//disabling I2C Master mode
	mpu6050_writeBit(MPU6050_RA_USER_CTRL, MPU6050_USERCTRL_I2C_MST_EN_BIT, 0);
	//setting slave 0 address to 0x68 (self)
	mpu6050_writeByte(MPU6050_RA_I2C_SLV0_ADDR + 0*3, 0x68);
	//resetting I2C Master control
	mpu6050_writeBit(MPU6050_RA_USER_CTRL, MPU6050_USERCTRL_I2C_MST_RESET_BIT, 1);

    //load DMP code into memory banks
    if (mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(mpu6050_dmpMemory, MPU6050_DMP_CODE_SIZE, 0, 0, 1, 1) == 1) {
        if (mpu6050_writeDMPConfigurationSet(mpu6050_dmpConfig, MPU6050_DMP_CONFIG_SIZE, 1)) {

        	//set clock source
        	mpu6050_writeBits(MPU6050_RA_PWR_MGMT_1, MPU6050_PWR1_CLKSEL_BIT, MPU6050_PWR1_CLKSEL_LENGTH, MPU6050_CLOCK_PLL_ZGYRO);

        	//set DMP and FIFO_OFLOW interrupts enabled
        	mpu6050_writeByte(MPU6050_RA_INT_ENABLE, 0x12);

            //set sample rate
        	mpu6050_writeByte(MPU6050_RA_SMPLRT_DIV, 4); // 1khz / (1 + 4) = 200 Hz

            //set external frame sync to TEMP_OUT_L[0]

            //set DLPF bandwidth to 42Hz
            mpu6050_writeBits(MPU6050_RA_CONFIG, MPU6050_CFG_DLPF_CFG_BIT, MPU6050_CFG_DLPF_CFG_LENGTH, MPU6050_DLPF_BW_42);

            //set gyro sensitivity to +/- 2000 deg/sec
            mpu6050_writeBits(MPU6050_RA_GYRO_CONFIG, MPU6050_GCONFIG_FS_SEL_BIT, MPU6050_GCONFIG_FS_SEL_LENGTH, MPU6050_GYRO_FS_2000);

            //set DMP configuration bytes (function unknown)
            mpu6050_writeByte(MPU6050_RA_DMP_CFG_1, 0x03);
            mpu6050_writeByte(MPU6050_RA_DMP_CFG_2, 0x00);

            //clear OTP Bank flag
            mpu6050_writeBit(MPU6050_RA_XG_OFFS_TC, MPU6050_TC_OTP_BNK_VLD_BIT, 0);

            //set X/Y/Z gyro offsets to previous values
            //xgOffset = 0;
            //ygOffset = 0;
            zgOffset = 90;


            //set X/Y/Z gyro user offsets to zero
            mpu6050_writeWords(MPU6050_RA_XG_OFFS_USRH, 1, 0);
            mpu6050_writeWords(MPU6050_RA_YG_OFFS_USRH, 1, 0);
            mpu6050_writeWords(MPU6050_RA_ZG_OFFS_USRH, 1, 0);

            //writing final memory update 1/7 (function unknown)
            uint8_t dmpUpdate[16], j;
            uint16_t pos = 0;
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&mpu6050_dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], 1, 0);

            //writing final memory update 2/7 (function unknown)
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&mpu6050_dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], 1, 0);

            //reset FIFO
            mpu6050_writeBits(MPU6050_RA_USER_CTRL, MPU6050_USERCTRL_FIFO_RESET_BIT, 1, 1);

            //reading FIFO count
            uint8_t fifoCount = mpu6050_getFIFOCount();
            uint8_t fifoBuffer[128];

            //current FIFO count
            mpu6050_readBytes(MPU6050_RA_FIFO_R_W, fifoCount, fifoBuffer);

            //setting motion detection threshold to 2
            mpu6050_writeByte(MPU6050_RA_MOT_THR, 2);

            //setting zero-motion detection threshold to 156
            mpu6050_writeByte(MPU6050_RA_ZRMOT_THR, 156);

            //setting motion detection duration to 80
            mpu6050_writeByte(MPU6050_RA_MOT_DUR, 80);

            //setting zero-motion detection duration to 0
            mpu6050_writeByte(MPU6050_RA_ZRMOT_DUR, 0);

            //reset FIFO
            mpu6050_writeBit(MPU6050_RA_USER_CTRL, MPU6050_USERCTRL_FIFO_RESET_BIT, 1);

            //enabling FIFO
            mpu6050_writeBit(MPU6050_RA_USER_CTRL, MPU6050_USERCTRL_FIFO_EN_BIT, 1);

            //enabling DMP

            //resetting DMP
            mpu6050_writeBit(MPU6050_RA_USER_CTRL, MPU6050_USERCTRL_DMP_RESET_BIT, 1);

            //waiting for FIFO count > 2
            while ((fifoCount = mpu6050_getFIFOCount()) < 3);

            //writing final memory update 3/7 (function unknown)
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&mpu6050_dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], 1, 0);

            //writing final memory update 4/7 (function unknown)
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&mpu6050_dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], 1, 0);

            //writing final memory update 5/7 (function unknown)
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&mpu6050_dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], 1, 0);

            //reading FIFO data..."));
            mpu6050_getFIFOBytes(fifoBuffer, fifoCount);

            //reading final memory update 6/7 (function unknown)
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&mpu6050_dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_readMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1]);

            //waiting for FIFO count > 2
            while ((fifoCount = mpu6050_getFIFOCount()) < 3);

            //reading FIFO data
            mpu6050_getFIFOBytes(fifoBuffer, fifoCount);

            //writing final memory update 7/7 (function unknown)
            for (j = 0; j < 4 || j < dmpUpdate[2] + 3; j++, pos++) dmpUpdate[j] = pgm_read_byte(&mpu6050_dmpUpdates[pos]);
            mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(dmpUpdate + 3, dmpUpdate[2], dmpUpdate[0], dmpUpdate[1], 1, 0);

            //disabling DMP (you turn it on later)

            //resetting FIFO and clearing INT status one last time
            mpu6050_writeBit(MPU6050_RA_USER_CTRL, MPU6050_USERCTRL_FIFO_RESET_BIT, 1);
        } else {
            return 2; // configuration block loading failed
    } else {
        return 1; // main binary block loading failed
    return 0; // success
コード例 #3
 * write a dmp configuration set
unsigned char mpu6050_writeDMPConfigurationSet(char address, const unsigned char *data, unsigned short dataSize, unsigned char useProgMem) {
	unsigned char progBuffer[8];
	unsigned char *pProgBuffer;
	pProgBuffer = &progBuffer[0];
    unsigned char success, special;
    unsigned short i, j;
    //if (useProgMem) {
    //    progBuffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(8); // assume 8-byte blocks, realloc later if necessary

    // config set data is a long string of blocks with the following structure:
    // [bank] [offset] [length] [byte[0], byte[1], ..., byte[length]]
    unsigned char bank, offset, length;
    for (i = 0; i < dataSize;) {
        if (useProgMem) {
            bank = data[i++];
            offset = data[i++];
            length = data[i++];
        } else {
            bank = *data; data++; i++;
            offset = *data; data++; i++;
            length = *data; data++; i++;

        // write data or perform special action
        if (length > 0) {
            // regular block of data to write
            if (useProgMem) {
                //if (sizeof(progBuffer) < length) progBuffer = (unsigned char *)realloc(progBuffer, length);
                for (j = 0; j < length; j++) progBuffer[j] = 1; //pgm_read_byte(data + i + j);
            } else {
                for (j = 0; j < length; j++) {
                	progBuffer[j] = *data;
            success = mpu6050_writeMemoryBlock(address, pProgBuffer, length, bank, offset, 0, 0);
            i += length;
        } else {
            // special instruction
            // NOTE: this kind of behavior (what and when to do certain things)
            // is totally undocumented. This code is in here based on observed
            // behavior only, and exactly why (or even whether) it has to be here
            // is anybody's guess for now.
            if (useProgMem) {
                special = 1; //pgm_read_byte(data + i++);
            } else {
                special = *data; data++; i++;
            if (special == 0x01) {
                // enable DMP-related interrupts

            	//write_bit(MPU6050_RA_INT_ENABLE, MPU6050_INTERRUPT_ZMOT_BIT, 1); //setIntZeroMotionEnabled
            	//write_bit(MPU6050_RA_INT_ENABLE, MPU6050_INTERRUPT_FIFO_OFLOW_BIT, 1); //setIntFIFOBufferOverflowEnabled
            	//write_bit(MPU6050_RA_INT_ENABLE, MPU6050_INTERRUPT_DMP_INT_BIT, 1); //setIntDMPEnabled
            	unsigned char temp = 0x32;
            	i2cWrite(address, MPU6050_INT_ENABLE, &temp, 1);  // single operation

                success = 1;
            } else {
                // unknown special command
                success = 0;

        if (!success) {
            //if (useProgMem) free(progBuffer);
            return 0; // uh oh
    //if (useProgMem) free(progBuffer);
    return 1;