コード例 #1
int msAddLabel(mapObj *map, labelObj *label, int layerindex, int classindex, shapeObj *shape, pointObj *point, labelPathObj *labelpath, double featuresize)
  int i;
  labelCacheSlotObj *cacheslot;

  labelCacheMemberObj *cachePtr=NULL;
  layerObj *layerPtr=NULL;
  classObj *classPtr=NULL;

  if(!label) return(MS_FAILURE); // RFC 77 TODO: set a proper message
  if(label->status == MS_OFF) return(MS_SUCCESS); /* not an error */
  if(!label->annotext) {
    /* check if we have a labelpnt style */
    for(i=0; i<label->numstyles; i++) {
      if(label->styles[i]->_geomtransform.type == MS_GEOMTRANSFORM_LABELPOINT)
    if(i==label->numstyles) {
      /* label has no text or marker symbols */
      return MS_SUCCESS;

  layerPtr = (GET_LAYER(map, layerindex)); /* set up a few pointers for clarity */
  classPtr = GET_LAYER(map, layerindex)->class[classindex];

  if(classPtr->leader.maxdistance) {
    if (layerPtr->type == MS_LAYER_ANNOTATION) {
      msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "LEADERs are not supported on annotation layers", "msAddLabel()");
      return MS_FAILURE;
    if(labelpath) {
      msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "LEADERs are not supported on ANGLE FOLLOW labels", "msAddLabel()");
      return MS_FAILURE;
  /* check that the label intersects the layer mask */

  if (layerPtr->mask) {
    int maskLayerIdx = msGetLayerIndex(map, layerPtr->mask);
    layerObj *maskLayer = GET_LAYER(map, maskLayerIdx);
    unsigned char *alphapixptr;
    if (maskLayer->maskimage && MS_IMAGE_RENDERER(maskLayer->maskimage)->supports_pixel_buffer) {
      rasterBufferObj rb;
      memset(&rb, 0, sizeof (rasterBufferObj));
      MS_IMAGE_RENDERER(maskLayer->maskimage)->getRasterBufferHandle(maskLayer->maskimage, &rb);
      if (point) {
        int x = MS_NINT(point->x);
        int y = MS_NINT(point->y);
        /* Using label repeatdistance, we might have a point with x/y below 0. See #4764 */
        if (x >= 0 && x < rb.width && y >= 0 && y < rb.height) {
#ifdef USE_GD
          if(rb.type == MS_BUFFER_BYTE_RGBA) {
            alphapixptr = rb.data.rgba.a+rb.data.rgba.row_step*y + rb.data.rgba.pixel_step*x;
            if(!*alphapixptr) {
              /* label point does not intersect mask */
              return MS_SUCCESS;
          } else {
            if(!gdImageGetPixel(rb.data.gd_img,x,y)) {
              return MS_SUCCESS;
          assert(rb.type == MS_BUFFER_BYTE_RGBA);
          alphapixptr = rb.data.rgba.a+rb.data.rgba.row_step*y + rb.data.rgba.pixel_step*x;
          if(!*alphapixptr) {
            /* label point does not intersect mask */
            return MS_SUCCESS;
      } else if (labelpath) {
        int i = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < labelpath->path.numpoints; i++) {
          int x = MS_NINT(labelpath->path.point[i].x);
          int y = MS_NINT(labelpath->path.point[i].y);
          /* Using label repeatdistance, we might have a point with x/y below 0. See #4764 */
          if (x >= 0 && x < rb.width && y >= 0 && y < rb.height) {
#ifdef USE_GD
            if (rb.type == MS_BUFFER_BYTE_RGBA) {
              alphapixptr = rb.data.rgba.a + rb.data.rgba.row_step * y + rb.data.rgba.pixel_step*x;
              if (!*alphapixptr) {
                /* label point does not intersect mask */
                return MS_SUCCESS;
            } else {
              if (!gdImageGetPixel(rb.data.gd_img, x, y)) {
                return MS_SUCCESS;
            assert(rb.type == MS_BUFFER_BYTE_RGBA);
            alphapixptr = rb.data.rgba.a + rb.data.rgba.row_step * y + rb.data.rgba.pixel_step*x;
            if (!*alphapixptr) {
              /* label point does not intersect mask */
              return MS_SUCCESS;
    } else {
      msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "Layer (%s) references references a mask layer, but the selected renderer does not support them", "msAddLabel()", layerPtr->name);
      return (MS_FAILURE);

  /* Validate label priority value and get ref on label cache for it */
  if (label->priority < 1)
    label->priority = 1;
  else if (label->priority > MS_MAX_LABEL_PRIORITY)
    label->priority = MS_MAX_LABEL_PRIORITY;

  cacheslot = &(map->labelcache.slots[label->priority-1]);

  if(cacheslot->numlabels == cacheslot->cachesize) { /* just add it to the end */
    cacheslot->labels = (labelCacheMemberObj *) realloc(cacheslot->labels, sizeof(labelCacheMemberObj)*(cacheslot->cachesize+MS_LABELCACHEINCREMENT));
    MS_CHECK_ALLOC(cacheslot->labels, sizeof(labelCacheMemberObj)*(cacheslot->cachesize+MS_LABELCACHEINCREMENT), MS_FAILURE);
    cacheslot->cachesize += MS_LABELCACHEINCREMENT;

  cachePtr = &(cacheslot->labels[cacheslot->numlabels]);

  cachePtr->layerindex = layerindex; /* so we can get back to this *raw* data if necessary */
  cachePtr->classindex = classindex;
  if(shape) {
    cachePtr->shapetype = shape->type;
  } else {
    cachePtr->shapetype = MS_SHAPE_POINT;
  cachePtr->leaderline = NULL;
  cachePtr->leaderbbox = NULL;

  /* Store the label point or the label path (Bug #1620) */
  if ( point ) {
    cachePtr->point = *point; /* the actual label point */
    cachePtr->labelpath = NULL;
  } else {
    cachePtr->labelpath = labelpath;
    /* Use the middle point of the labelpath for mindistance calculations */
    cachePtr->point = labelpath->path.point[labelpath->path.numpoints / 2];

  /* TODO: perhaps we can get rid of this next section and just store a marker size? Why do we cache the styles for a point layer? */

  /* copy the styles (only if there is an accompanying marker)
   * We cannot simply keeep refs because the rendering code alters some members of the style objects
  cachePtr->styles = NULL;
  cachePtr->numstyles = 0;
  if(layerPtr->type == MS_LAYER_ANNOTATION && classPtr->numstyles > 0) {
    cachePtr->numstyles = classPtr->numstyles;
    cachePtr->styles = (styleObj *) msSmallMalloc(sizeof(styleObj)*classPtr->numstyles);
    if (classPtr->numstyles > 0) {
      for(i=0; i<classPtr->numstyles; i++) {
        msCopyStyle(&(cachePtr->styles[i]), classPtr->styles[i]);

  /* copy the label */
  cachePtr->numlabels = 1;
  cachePtr->labels = (labelObj *) msSmallMalloc(sizeof(labelObj));
  msCopyLabel(cachePtr->labels, label);

  cachePtr->markerid = -1;

  cachePtr->featuresize = featuresize;

  //cachePtr->poly = (shapeObj *) msSmallMalloc(sizeof(shapeObj));
  cachePtr->poly = NULL;

  cachePtr->status = MS_FALSE;

  if(layerPtr->type == MS_LAYER_POINT && classPtr->numstyles > 0) { /* cache the marker placement, it's already on the map */
    rectObj rect;
    double w, h;

    if(cacheslot->nummarkers == cacheslot->markercachesize) { /* just add it to the end */
      cacheslot->markers = (markerCacheMemberObj *) realloc(cacheslot->markers, sizeof(markerCacheMemberObj)*(cacheslot->cachesize+MS_LABELCACHEINCREMENT));
      MS_CHECK_ALLOC(cacheslot->markers, sizeof(markerCacheMemberObj)*(cacheslot->cachesize+MS_LABELCACHEINCREMENT), MS_FAILURE);

    i = cacheslot->nummarkers;

    cacheslot->markers[i].poly = (shapeObj *) msSmallMalloc(sizeof(shapeObj));

    /* TO DO: at the moment only checks the bottom style, perhaps should check all of them */
    /* #2347: after RFC-24 classPtr->styles could be NULL so we check it */
    if(classPtr->styles != NULL) {
      if(msGetMarkerSize(&map->symbolset, classPtr->styles[0], &w, &h, layerPtr->scalefactor) != MS_SUCCESS)
      rect.minx = point->x - .5 * w;
      rect.miny = point->y - .5 * h;
      rect.maxx = rect.minx + (w-1);
      rect.maxy = rect.miny + (h-1);
      msRectToPolygon(rect, cacheslot->markers[i].poly);
      cacheslot->markers[i].id = cacheslot->numlabels;

      cachePtr->markerid = i;



  /* Maintain main labelCacheObj.numlabels only for backwards compatibility */

コード例 #2
ファイル: maprendering.c プロジェクト: GI-Santana/mapserver
int msDrawMarkerSymbol(mapObj *map, imageObj *image, pointObj *p, styleObj *style,
                       double scalefactor)
  int ret = MS_SUCCESS;
  if (!p)
    return MS_SUCCESS;
  if (style->symbol >= map->symbolset.numsymbols || style->symbol <= 0)
    return MS_SUCCESS; /* no such symbol, 0 is OK   */

  if (image) {
    if(MS_RENDERER_PLUGIN(image->format)) {
      rendererVTableObj *renderer = image->format->vtable;
      symbolStyleObj s;
      double p_x,p_y;
      symbolObj *symbol = map->symbolset.symbol[style->symbol];
      /* store a reference to the renderer to be used for freeing */
      symbol->renderer = renderer;
      if(preloadSymbol(&map->symbolset,symbol,renderer) != MS_SUCCESS) {
        return MS_FAILURE;

      s.style = style;
      if (!s.color && !s.outlinecolor && symbol->type != MS_SYMBOL_PIXMAP &&
          symbol->type != MS_SYMBOL_SVG) {
        return MS_SUCCESS; // nothing to do if no color, except for pixmap symbols
      if(s.scale == 0) {
        return MS_SUCCESS;

      /* TODO: skip the drawing of the symbol if it's smaller than a pixel ?
      if (s.size < 1)
       return; // size too small

      p_x = p->x;
      p_y = p->y;

      if (style->polaroffsetpixel != 0 ||
          style->polaroffsetangle != 0) {
        double angle = style->polaroffsetangle * MS_DEG_TO_RAD;
        p_x +=  (style->polaroffsetpixel * cos(-angle)) * scalefactor;
        p_y +=  (style->polaroffsetpixel * sin(-angle)) * scalefactor;

      p_x +=  style->offsetx * scalefactor;
      p_y +=  style->offsety * scalefactor;

      if(symbol->anchorpoint_x != 0.5 || symbol->anchorpoint_y != 0.5) {
        double sx,sy;
        double ox, oy;
        if(UNLIKELY(MS_FAILURE == msGetMarkerSize(map, style, &sx, &sy, scalefactor))) {
          return MS_FAILURE;
        ox = (0.5 - symbol->anchorpoint_x) * sx;
        oy = (0.5 - symbol->anchorpoint_y) * sy;
        if(s.rotation != 0) {
          double sina, cosa;
          double rox,roy;
          sina = sin(-s.rotation);
          cosa = cos(-s.rotation);
          rox = ox * cosa - oy * sina;
          roy = ox * sina + oy * cosa;
          p_x += rox;
          p_y += roy;
        } else {
          p_x += ox;
          p_y += oy;

      if(renderer->use_imagecache) {
        imageObj *tile = getTile(image, symbol, &s, -1, -1,0);
          return renderer->renderTile(image, tile, p_x, p_y);
        else {
          msSetError(MS_RENDERERERR, "problem creating cached tile", "msDrawMarkerSymbol()");
          return MS_FAILURE;
      switch (symbol->type) {
        case (MS_SYMBOL_TRUETYPE): {
          unsigned int unicode;
          glyph_element *glyphc;
          face_element *face = msGetFontFace(symbol->font, &map->fontset);
          if(UNLIKELY(!face)) return MS_FAILURE;
          unicode = msGetGlyphIndex(face,unicode);
          glyphc = msGetGlyphByIndex(face,s.scale,unicode);
          if(UNLIKELY(!glyphc)) return MS_FAILURE;
          ret = drawGlyphMarker(image, face, glyphc, p_x, p_y, s.scale, s.rotation, s.color, s.outlinecolor, s.outlinewidth);
        case (MS_SYMBOL_PIXMAP): {
          ret = renderer->renderPixmapSymbol(image,p_x,p_y,symbol,&s);
        case (MS_SYMBOL_ELLIPSE): {
          ret = renderer->renderEllipseSymbol(image, p_x, p_y,symbol, &s);
        case (MS_SYMBOL_VECTOR): {
          ret = renderer->renderVectorSymbol(image, p_x, p_y, symbol, &s);
        case (MS_SYMBOL_SVG): {
          if (renderer->supports_svg) {
            ret = renderer->renderSVGSymbol(image, p_x, p_y, symbol, &s);
          } else {
#if defined(USE_SVG_CAIRO) || defined(USE_RSVG)
            ret = msRenderRasterizedSVGSymbol(image, p_x,p_y, symbol, &s);
            msSetError(MS_SYMERR, "SVG symbol support is not enabled.", "msDrawMarkerSymbol()");
            return MS_FAILURE;
      return ret;
    } else if( MS_RENDERER_IMAGEMAP(image->format) )
      msDrawMarkerSymbolIM(map, image, p, style, scalefactor);

  return ret;
コード例 #3
int msAddLabelGroup(mapObj *map, int layerindex, int classindex, shapeObj *shape, pointObj *point, double featuresize)
  int i, priority, numactivelabels=0;
  labelCacheSlotObj *cacheslot;

  labelCacheMemberObj *cachePtr=NULL;
  layerObj *layerPtr=NULL;
  classObj *classPtr=NULL;

  layerPtr = (GET_LAYER(map, layerindex)); /* set up a few pointers for clarity */
  classPtr = GET_LAYER(map, layerindex)->class[classindex];

  if(classPtr->numlabels == 0) return MS_SUCCESS; /* not an error just nothing to do */
  for(i=0; i<classPtr->numlabels; i++) {
    if(classPtr->labels[i]->status == MS_ON) {
  if(numactivelabels == 0) return MS_SUCCESS;

  /* if the number of labels is 1 then call msAddLabel() accordingly */
  if(numactivelabels == 1) {
    for(i=0; i<classPtr->numlabels; i++) {
      if(classPtr->labels[i]->status == MS_ON)
        return msAddLabel(map, classPtr->labels[i], layerindex, classindex, shape, point, NULL, featuresize);

  if (layerPtr->type == MS_LAYER_ANNOTATION && (classPtr->numlabels > 1 || classPtr->leader.maxdistance)) {
    msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "Multiple Labels and/or LEADERs are not supported with annotation layers", "msAddLabelGroup()");
    return MS_FAILURE;

  /* check that the label intersects the layer mask */
  if(layerPtr->mask) {
    int maskLayerIdx = msGetLayerIndex(map,layerPtr->mask);
    layerObj *maskLayer = GET_LAYER(map,maskLayerIdx);
    unsigned char *alphapixptr;
    if(maskLayer->maskimage && MS_IMAGE_RENDERER(maskLayer->maskimage)->supports_pixel_buffer) {
      rasterBufferObj rb;
      int x,y;
      x = MS_NINT(point->x);
      y = MS_NINT(point->y);
      /* Using label repeatdistance, we might have a point with x/y below 0. See #4764 */
      if (x >= 0 && x < rb.width && y >= 0 && y < rb.height) {
#ifdef USE_GD
        if(rb.type == MS_BUFFER_BYTE_RGBA) {
          alphapixptr = rb.data.rgba.a+rb.data.rgba.row_step*y + rb.data.rgba.pixel_step*x;
          if(!*alphapixptr) {
            /* label point does not intersect mask */
            return MS_SUCCESS;
        } else {
            return MS_SUCCESS;
        assert(rb.type == MS_BUFFER_BYTE_RGBA);
        alphapixptr = rb.data.rgba.a+rb.data.rgba.row_step*y + rb.data.rgba.pixel_step*x;
        if(!*alphapixptr) {
          /* label point does not intersect mask */
          return MS_SUCCESS;
    } else {
      msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "Layer (%s) references references a mask layer, but the selected renderer does not support them", "msAddLabelGroup()", layerPtr->name);
      return (MS_FAILURE);

  /* Validate label priority value and get ref on label cache for it */
  priority = classPtr->labels[0]->priority; /* take priority from the first label */
  if (priority < 1)
    priority = 1;
  else if (priority > MS_MAX_LABEL_PRIORITY)
    priority = MS_MAX_LABEL_PRIORITY;

  cacheslot = &(map->labelcache.slots[priority-1]);

  if(cacheslot->numlabels == cacheslot->cachesize) { /* just add it to the end */
    cacheslot->labels = (labelCacheMemberObj *) realloc(cacheslot->labels, sizeof(labelCacheMemberObj)*(cacheslot->cachesize+MS_LABELCACHEINCREMENT));
    MS_CHECK_ALLOC(cacheslot->labels, sizeof(labelCacheMemberObj)*(cacheslot->cachesize+MS_LABELCACHEINCREMENT), MS_FAILURE);
    cacheslot->cachesize += MS_LABELCACHEINCREMENT;

  cachePtr = &(cacheslot->labels[cacheslot->numlabels]);

  cachePtr->layerindex = layerindex; /* so we can get back to this *raw* data if necessary */
  cachePtr->classindex = classindex;
  if(shape) {
    cachePtr->shapetype = shape->type;
  } else {
    cachePtr->shapetype = MS_SHAPE_POINT;

  cachePtr->point = *point; /* the actual label point */
  cachePtr->labelpath = NULL;

  cachePtr->leaderline = NULL;
  cachePtr->leaderbbox = NULL;

  // cachePtr->text = msStrdup(string); /* the actual text */

  /* TODO: perhaps we can get rid of this next section and just store a marker size? Why do we cache the styles for a point layer? */

  /* copy the styles (only if there is an accompanying marker)
   * We cannot simply keep refs because the rendering code  might alters some members of the style objects
  cachePtr->styles = NULL;
  cachePtr->numstyles = 0;
  if(layerPtr->type == MS_LAYER_ANNOTATION && classPtr->numstyles > 0) {
    cachePtr->numstyles = classPtr->numstyles;
    cachePtr->styles = (styleObj *) msSmallMalloc(sizeof(styleObj)*classPtr->numstyles);
    if (classPtr->numstyles > 0) {
      for(i=0; i<classPtr->numstyles; i++) {
        msCopyStyle(&(cachePtr->styles[i]), classPtr->styles[i]);

  ** copy the labels (we are guaranteed to have more than one):
  **   we cannot simply keep refs because the rendering code alters some members of the style objects

  cachePtr->numlabels = 0;
  cachePtr->labels = (labelObj *) msSmallMalloc(sizeof(labelObj)*numactivelabels);
  for(i=0; i<classPtr->numlabels; i++) {
    if(classPtr->labels[i]->status == MS_OFF) continue;
    msCopyLabel(&(cachePtr->labels[cachePtr->numlabels]), classPtr->labels[i]);
  assert(cachePtr->numlabels == numactivelabels);

  cachePtr->markerid = -1;

  cachePtr->featuresize = featuresize;

  //cachePtr->poly = (shapeObj *) msSmallMalloc(sizeof(shapeObj));
  cachePtr->poly = NULL;

  cachePtr->status = MS_FALSE;

  if(layerPtr->type == MS_LAYER_POINT && classPtr->numstyles > 0) {
    /* cache the marker placement, it's already on the map */
    /* TO DO: at the moment only checks the bottom style, perhaps should check all of them */
    /* #2347: after RFC-24 classPtr->styles could be NULL so we check it */
    rectObj rect;
    double w, h;
    if(msGetMarkerSize(&map->symbolset, classPtr->styles[0], &w, &h, layerPtr->scalefactor) != MS_SUCCESS)

    if(cacheslot->nummarkers == cacheslot->markercachesize) { /* just add it to the end */
      cacheslot->markers = (markerCacheMemberObj *) realloc(cacheslot->markers, sizeof(markerCacheMemberObj)*(cacheslot->cachesize+MS_LABELCACHEINCREMENT));
      MS_CHECK_ALLOC(cacheslot->markers, sizeof(markerCacheMemberObj)*(cacheslot->cachesize+MS_LABELCACHEINCREMENT), MS_FAILURE);

    i = cacheslot->nummarkers;

    cacheslot->markers[i].poly = (shapeObj *) msSmallMalloc(sizeof(shapeObj));

    rect.minx = (point->x - .5 * w);
    rect.miny = (point->y - .5 * h);
    rect.maxx = rect.minx + (w-1);
    rect.maxy = rect.miny + (h-1);
    msRectToPolygon(rect, cacheslot->markers[i].poly);
    cacheslot->markers[i].id = cacheslot->numlabels;

    cachePtr->markerid = i;



  /* Maintain main labelCacheObj.numlabels only for backwards compatibility */
