コード例 #1
   INT32 _rtnQueryOptions::fromQueryMsg ( CHAR *pMsg )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      CHAR *pQuery = NULL ;
      CHAR *pSelector = NULL ;
      CHAR *pOrderBy = NULL ;
      CHAR *pHint = NULL ;

      rc = msgExtractQuery( pMsg, &_flag, (CHAR**)&_fullName, &_skip, &_limit,
                            &pQuery, &pSelector, &pOrderBy, &pHint ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Extrace query msg failed, rc: %d", rc ) ;

      if ( NULL != _fullNameBuf )
         SDB_OSS_FREE( _fullNameBuf ) ;
         _fullNameBuf = NULL ;

         _query = BSONObj( pQuery ) ;
         _selector = BSONObj( pSelector ) ;
         _orderBy = BSONObj( pOrderBy ) ;
         _hint = BSONObj( pHint ) ;
      catch( std::exception &e )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Extrace query msg occur exception: %s",
                 e.what() ) ;
         rc = SDB_SYS ;
         goto error ;

      return rc ;
      goto done ;
コード例 #2
ファイル: pmdProcessor.cpp プロジェクト: Niwalker/SequoiaDB
   INT32 _pmdDataProcessor::_onQueryReqMsg( MsgHeader * msg,
                                            SDB_DPSCB *dpsCB,
                                            _rtnContextBuf &buffObj,
                                            INT64 &contextID )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      INT32 flags = 0 ;
      CHAR *pCollectionName = NULL ;
      CHAR *pQueryBuff = NULL ;
      CHAR *pFieldSelector = NULL ;
      CHAR *pOrderByBuffer = NULL ;
      CHAR *pHintBuffer = NULL ;
      INT64 numToSkip = -1 ;
      INT64 numToReturn = -1 ;
      _rtnCommand *pCommand = NULL ;

      rc = msgExtractQuery ( (CHAR *)msg, &flags, &pCollectionName,
                             &numToSkip, &numToReturn, &pQueryBuff,
                             &pFieldSelector, &pOrderByBuffer, &pHintBuffer ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Session[%s] extract query msg failed, rc: %d",
                   getSession()->sessionName(), rc ) ;

      if ( !rtnIsCommand ( pCollectionName ) )
         rtnContextBase *pContext = NULL ;
            BSONObj matcher ( pQueryBuff ) ;
            BSONObj selector ( pFieldSelector ) ;
            BSONObj orderBy ( pOrderByBuffer ) ;
            BSONObj hint ( pHintBuffer ) ;
            MON_SAVE_OP_DETAIL( eduCB()->getMonAppCB(), msg->opCode,
                               "CL:%s, Match:%s, Selector:%s, OrderBy:%s, "
                               "Hint:%s", pCollectionName,
                               hint.toString().c_str() ) ;

            PD_LOG ( PDDEBUG, "Session[%s] Query: matcher: %s\nselector: "
                     "%s\norderBy: %s\nhint:%s", getSession()->sessionName(),
                     matcher.toString().c_str(), selector.toString().c_str(),
                     orderBy.toString().c_str(), hint.toString().c_str() ) ;

            rc = rtnQuery( pCollectionName, selector, matcher, orderBy,
                           hint, flags, eduCB(), numToSkip, numToReturn,
                           _pDMSCB, _pRTNCB, contextID, &pContext, TRUE ) ;
            if ( rc )
               goto error ;

            if ( ( flags & FLG_QUERY_WITH_RETURNDATA ) && NULL != pContext )
               rc = pContext->getMore( -1, buffObj, eduCB() ) ;
               if ( rc || pContext->eof() )
                  _pRTNCB->contextDelete( contextID, eduCB() ) ;
                  contextID = -1 ;

               if ( SDB_DMS_EOC == rc )
                  rc = SDB_OK ;
               else if ( rc )
                  PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Session[%s] failed to query with return "
                          "data, rc: %d", getSession()->sessionName(), rc ) ;
                  goto error ;
         catch ( std::exception &e )
            PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Session[%s] Failed to create matcher and "
                     "selector for QUERY: %s", getSession()->sessionName(), 
                     e.what () ) ;
            rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
            goto error ;
         rc = rtnParserCommand( pCollectionName, &pCommand ) ;

         if ( SDB_OK != rc )
            PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Parse command[%s] failed[rc:%d]",
                     pCollectionName, rc ) ;
            goto error ;

         rc = rtnInitCommand( pCommand , flags, numToSkip, numToReturn,
                              pQueryBuff, pFieldSelector, pOrderByBuffer,
                              pHintBuffer ) ;
         if ( SDB_OK != rc )
            goto error ;

         PD_LOG ( PDDEBUG, "Command: %s", pCommand->name () ) ;

         rc = rtnRunCommand( pCommand, getSession()->getServiceType(),
                             eduCB(), _pDMSCB, _pRTNCB,
                             dpsCB, 1, &contextID ) ;
         if ( rc )
            goto error ;

      if ( pCommand )
         rtnReleaseCommand( &pCommand ) ;
      return rc ;
      goto done ;
コード例 #3
   INT32 _coordCMDListLobs::execute( MsgHeader *pMsg,
                                     pmdEDUCB *cb,
                                     INT64 &contextID,
                                     rtnContextBuf *buf )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      SDB_RTNCB *pRtncb = pmdGetKRCB()->getRTNCB() ;

      CHAR *pQuery = NULL ;
      BSONObj query ;

      rtnContextCoord *context = NULL ;
      coordQueryOperator queryOpr( TRUE ) ;
      coordQueryConf queryConf ;
      coordSendOptions sendOpt ;

      contextID = -1 ;

      rc = msgExtractQuery( (CHAR*)pMsg, NULL, NULL,
                            NULL, NULL, &pQuery,
                            NULL, NULL, NULL ) ;

      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Parse message failed, rc: %d", rc ) ;

         query = BSONObj( pQuery ) ;
         BSONElement ele = query.getField( FIELD_NAME_COLLECTION ) ;
         if ( String != ele.type() )
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, "invalid obj of list lob:%s",
                    query.toString( FALSE, TRUE ).c_str() ) ;
            rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
            goto error ;
         queryConf._realCLName = ele.valuestr() ;
      catch ( std::exception &e )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "unexpected err happened:%s", e.what() ) ;
         rc = SDB_SYS ;
         goto error ;

      rc = queryOpr.init( _pResource, cb, getTimeout() ) ;
      if ( rc )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Init query operator failed, rc: %d", rc ) ;
         goto error ;

      queryConf._openEmptyContext = TRUE ;
      queryConf._allCataGroups = TRUE ;
      rc = queryOpr.queryOrDoOnCL( pMsg, cb, &context,
                                   sendOpt, &queryConf, buf ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "List lobs[%s] on groups failed, rc: %d",
                   queryConf._realCLName.c_str(), rc ) ;

      contextID = context->contextID() ;

      return rc ;
      if ( context )
         pRtncb->contextDelete( context->contextID(), cb ) ;
      goto done ;
コード例 #4
   INT32 _coordCMDListCLInDomain::execute( MsgHeader *pMsg,
                                           pmdEDUCB *cb,
                                           INT64 &contextID,
                                           rtnContextBuf *buf )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      BSONObj conObj ;
      BSONObj dummy ;
      CHAR *query = NULL ;
      BSONElement domain ;
      rtnQueryOptions queryOptions ;
      vector<BSONObj> replyFromCata ;
      contextID = -1 ;

      rc = msgExtractQuery( (CHAR*)pMsg, NULL, NULL,
                            NULL, NULL, &query,
                            NULL, NULL, NULL );
      if ( rc != SDB_OK )
         PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "failed to parse query request(rc=%d)", rc ) ;
         goto error ;

         conObj = BSONObj( query ) ;
      catch ( std::exception &e )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "unexpected err happened: %s", e.what() ) ;
         rc = SDB_SYS ;
         goto error ;

      domain = conObj.getField( FIELD_NAME_DOMAIN ) ;
      if ( String != domain.type() )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "invalid domain field in object:%s",
                  conObj.toString().c_str() ) ;
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         goto error ;

      queryOptions.setQuery( BSON( CAT_DOMAIN_NAME << domain.valuestr() ) ) ;
      queryOptions.setCLFullName( CAT_COLLECTION_SPACE_COLLECTION ) ;

      rc = queryOnCataAndPushToVec( queryOptions, cb, replyFromCata,
                                    buf ) ; 
      if ( SDB_OK != rc )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to execute query on catalog:%d", rc ) ;
         goto error ;

      rc = _rebuildListResult( replyFromCata, cb, contextID ) ;
      if ( SDB_OK != rc )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to rebuild list result:%d", rc ) ;
         goto error ;

      return rc ;
      if ( contextID >= 0 )
         pmdGetKRCB()->getRTNCB()->contextDelete( contextID, cb ) ;
         contextID = -1 ;
      goto done ;
コード例 #5
   // PD_TRACE_DECLARE_FUNCTION ( COORD_EVAL_EXE, "_coordCMDEval::execute" )
   INT32 _coordCMDEval::execute( MsgHeader *pMsg,
                                 pmdEDUCB *cb,
                                 INT64 &contextID,
                                 rtnContextBuf *buf )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      spdSession *session = NULL ;
      contextID           = -1 ;

      CHAR *pQuery = NULL ;
      BSONObj procedures ;
      spdCoordDownloader downloader( this, cb ) ;
      BSONObj runInfo ;

      rc = msgExtractQuery( (CHAR*)pMsg, NULL, NULL,
                            NULL, NULL, &pQuery, NULL,
                            NULL, NULL );
      if ( SDB_OK != rc )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to extract eval msg:%d", rc) ;
         goto error ;

         procedures = BSONObj( pQuery ) ;
         PD_LOG( PDDEBUG, "eval:%s", procedures.toString().c_str() ) ;
      catch ( std::exception &e )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "unexpected err happened:%s", e.what() ) ;
         rc = SDB_SYS ;
         goto error ;

      session = SDB_OSS_NEW _spdSession() ;
      if ( NULL == session )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to allocate mem." ) ;
         rc = SDB_OOM ;
         goto error ;

      rc = session->eval( procedures, &downloader, cb ) ;
      if ( SDB_OK != rc )
         const BSONObj &errmsg = session->getErrMsg() ;
         if ( !errmsg.isEmpty() )
            *buf = rtnContextBuf( errmsg.getOwned() ) ;
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to eval store procedure:%d", rc ) ;
         goto error ;

      if ( FMP_RES_TYPE_VOID != session->resType() )
         rc = _buildContext( session, cb, contextID ) ;
         if ( SDB_OK != rc )
            PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to prepare reply msg:%d", rc ) ;
            goto error ;

      runInfo = BSON( FIELD_NAME_RTYPE << session->resType() ) ;
      *buf = rtnContextBuf( runInfo ) ;

      if ( -1 == contextID )
         SAFE_OSS_DELETE( session ) ;
      return rc ;
      if ( contextID >= 0 )
         pmdGetKRCB()->getRTNCB()->contextDelete( contextID, cb ) ;
         contextID = -1 ;
      goto done ;
コード例 #6
   // PD_TRACE_DECLARE_FUNCTION ( COORD_CMDSTATBASE_EXE, "_coordCMDStatisticsBase::execute" )
   INT32 _coordCMDStatisticsBase::execute( MsgHeader *pMsg,
                                           pmdEDUCB *cb,
                                           INT64 &contextID,
                                           rtnContextBuf *buf )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK;

      SDB_RTNCB *pRtncb                = pmdGetKRCB()->getRTNCB() ;

      contextID                        = -1 ;

      coordQueryOperator queryOpr( isReadOnly() ) ;
      rtnContextCoord *pContext = NULL ;
      coordQueryConf queryConf ;
      coordSendOptions sendOpt ;
      queryConf._openEmptyContext = openEmptyContext() ;

      CHAR *pHint = NULL ;

      rc = msgExtractQuery( (CHAR*)pMsg, NULL, NULL,
                            NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                            NULL, &pHint );
      PD_RC_CHECK ( rc, PDERROR, "Execute failed, failed to parse query "
                    "request, rc: %d", rc ) ;

         BSONObj boHint( pHint ) ;
         BSONElement ele = boHint.getField( FIELD_NAME_COLLECTION ) ;
         PD_CHECK ( ele.type() == String,
                    SDB_INVALIDARG, error, PDERROR,
                    "Execute failed, failed to get the field(%s)",
                    FIELD_NAME_COLLECTION ) ;
         queryConf._realCLName = ele.str() ;
      catch( std::exception &e )
         PD_RC_CHECK ( rc, PDERROR, "Execute failed, occured unexpected "
                       "error:%s", e.what() ) ;

      rc = queryOpr.init( _pResource, cb, getTimeout() ) ;
      if ( rc )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Init query operator failed, rc: %d", rc ) ;
         goto error ;

      rc = queryOpr.queryOrDoOnCL( pMsg, cb, &pContext,
                                   sendOpt, &queryConf, buf ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Query failed, rc: %d", rc ) ;

      rc = generateResult( pContext, cb ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to execute statistics, rc: %d", rc ) ;

      contextID = pContext->contextID() ;
      pContext->reopen() ;

      return rc;
      if ( pContext )
         pRtncb->contextDelete( pContext->contextID(), cb ) ;
      goto done ;
コード例 #7
ファイル: rtnCoordQuery.cpp プロジェクト: 247687009/SequoiaDB
   INT32 rtnCoordQuery::queryOnMainCL( CoordGroupSubCLMap &groupSubCLMap,
                                       MsgOpQuery *pSrc,
                                       pmdEDUCB *cb,
                                       netMultiRouteAgent *pRouteAgent,
                                       CoordGroupList &sendGroupList,
                                       rtnContextCoord *pContext )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK;
      INT32 rcTmp = SDB_OK;
      CHAR *pBuffer = NULL;
      INT32 bufferSize = 0;
      REPLY_QUE replyQue;
      BOOLEAN takeOver = FALSE ;

      SDB_ASSERT( pContext, "pContext can't be NULL!" );

         CoordGroupSubCLMap::iterator iterGroup;
         REQUESTID_MAP sendNodes;

         INT32 flag;
         CHAR *pCollectionName;
         SINT64 numToSkip;
         SINT64 numToReturn;
         CHAR *pQuery;
         CHAR *pFieldSelector;
         CHAR *pOrderBy;
         CHAR *pHint;
         BSONObj boQuery;
         BSONObj boFieldSelector;
         BSONObj boOrderBy;
         BSONObj boHint;
         rc = msgExtractQuery( (CHAR *)pSrc, &flag, &pCollectionName,
                               &numToSkip, &numToReturn, &pQuery,
                               &pFieldSelector, &pOrderBy, &pHint );
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR,
                     "failed to parse query message(rc=%d)", rc );
         boQuery           = BSONObj( pQuery );
         boFieldSelector   = BSONObj( pFieldSelector );
         boOrderBy         = BSONObj( pOrderBy );
         boHint            = BSONObj( pHint );

         iterGroup = groupSubCLMap.begin();
         while( iterGroup != groupSubCLMap.end() )
            BSONArrayBuilder babSubCL;
            CoordGroupInfoPtr groupInfo;
            CoordSubCLlist::iterator iterSubCL
                                    = iterGroup->second.begin();
            while( iterSubCL != iterGroup->second.end() )
               babSubCL.append( *iterSubCL );
            BSONObjBuilder bobNewQuery;
            bobNewQuery.appendElements( boQuery );
            bobNewQuery.appendArray( CAT_SUBCL_NAME, babSubCL.arr() );
            BSONObj boNewQuery = bobNewQuery.obj();
            rc = msgBuildQueryMsg( &pBuffer, &bufferSize, pCollectionName,
                                   flag, 0, numToSkip, numToReturn,
                                   &boNewQuery, &boFieldSelector,
                                   &boOrderBy, &boHint );
            PD_CHECK( SDB_OK == rc, rc, RECV_MSG, PDERROR,
                      "Failed to build query message(rc=%d)", rc );
               MsgOpQuery *pReqMsg = (MsgOpQuery *)pBuffer;
               pReqMsg->version = pSrc->version;
               pReqMsg->w = pSrc->w;
            rc = rtnCoordGetGroupInfo( cb, iterGroup->first, FALSE,
                                       groupInfo ) ;
            PD_CHECK( SDB_OK == rc, rc, RECV_MSG, PDERROR,
                      "Failed to get group info(groupId=%u, rc=%d)",
                      iterGroup->first, rc ) ;
            rc = rtnCoordSendRequestToOne( pBuffer, groupInfo, sendNodes,
                                           MSG_ROUTE_SHARD_SERVCIE, cb ) ;
            PD_CHECK( SDB_OK == rc, rc, RECV_MSG, PDERROR,
                      "Failed to send request(rc=%d)", rc ) ;

         rcTmp = rtnCoordGetReply( cb, sendNodes, replyQue, MSG_BS_QUERY_RES ) ;
         if ( SDB_OK != rcTmp )
            PD_LOG( PDWARNING, "failed to get reply(rcTmp=%d)", rcTmp );
            if ( SDB_APP_INTERRUPT == rcTmp || SDB_OK == rc )
               rc = rcTmp;
         while( !replyQue.empty() )
            takeOver             = FALSE ;
            MsgOpReply *pReply   = NULL;
            pReply               = (MsgOpReply *)(replyQue.front());
            rcTmp                = pReply->flags ;
            UINT32 groupID = pReply->header.routeID.columns.groupID;
            if ( rcTmp != SDB_OK )
               if ( SDB_OK == rc )
                  rc = rcTmp;
               if ( SDB_DMS_EOC == rcTmp )
                  sendGroupList[ groupID ] = groupID;
                  groupSubCLMap.erase( groupID );
                  rcTmp = SDB_OK;
                  CoordGroupInfoPtr groupInfoTmp;
                  cb->getCoordSession()->removeLastNode( groupID );
                  if ( SDB_CLS_FULL_SYNC == rcTmp )
                     rtnCoordUpdateNodeStatByRC( pReply->header.routeID,
                                                rcTmp );
                     rcTmp = rtnCoordGetGroupInfo( cb, groupID, TRUE,
                                                   groupInfoTmp );
                     if ( rcTmp )
                        PD_LOG ( PDERROR, "Failed to update group info"
                                 "(groupID=%u, rc=%d)",
                                 rcTmp );
                        if ( SDB_OK == rc )
                           rc = rcTmp;
               rcTmp = pContext->addSubContext( pReply, takeOver );
               if ( SDB_OK == rcTmp )
                  sendGroupList[ groupID ] = groupID;
                  groupSubCLMap.erase( groupID );
            if ( rcTmp != SDB_OK && SDB_OK == rc )
               rc = rcTmp;

            if ( !takeOver )
               SDB_OSS_FREE( pReply );
      catch ( std::exception &e )
         PD_RC_CHECK( SDB_INVALIDARG, PDERROR, "Occur unexpected error:%s",
                      e.what() ) ;
      if ( pBuffer != NULL )
         SDB_OSS_FREE( pBuffer );
         pBuffer = NULL;
      return rc;
      goto done;
コード例 #8
ファイル: rtnCoordQuery.cpp プロジェクト: 247687009/SequoiaDB
   INT32 rtnCoordQuery::execute( CHAR *pReceiveBuffer, SINT32 packSize,
                                 CHAR **ppResultBuffer, pmdEDUCB *cb,
                                 MsgOpReply &replyHeader,
                                 BSONObj **ppErrorObj )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      pmdKRCB *pKrcb                   = pmdGetKRCB();
      CoordCB *pCoordcb                = pKrcb->getCoordCB();
      netMultiRouteAgent *pRouteAgent  = pCoordcb->getRouteAgent();
      rtnContextCoord *pContext        = NULL ;
      BSONObj boQuery;
      BSONObj boOrderBy;
      CoordGroupList                   sendGroupList ;

      MsgHeader*pHeader                = (MsgHeader *)pReceiveBuffer;
      replyHeader.header.messageLength = sizeof( MsgOpReply );
      replyHeader.header.opCode        = MSG_BS_QUERY_RES;
      replyHeader.header.requestID     = pHeader->requestID;
      replyHeader.header.routeID.value = 0;
      replyHeader.header.TID           = pHeader->TID;
      replyHeader.contextID            = -1;
      replyHeader.flags                = SDB_OK;
      replyHeader.numReturned          = 0;
      replyHeader.startFrom            = 0;

      INT32 flag = 0;
      CHAR *pCollectionName = NULL;
      SINT64 numToSkip = 0;
      SINT64 numToReturn = 0;
      CHAR *pQuery = NULL;
      CHAR *pFieldSelector = NULL;
      CHAR *pOrderBy = NULL;
      CHAR *pHint = NULL;
      BSONObj *err = NULL ;
      MsgOpQuery *pSrc = (MsgOpQuery *)pReceiveBuffer;

      rc = msgExtractQuery( pReceiveBuffer, &flag, &pCollectionName,
                            &numToSkip, &numToReturn, &pQuery,
                            &pFieldSelector, &pOrderBy, &pHint );
                  "failed to parse query request(rc=%d)", rc );

      if ( pCollectionName != NULL && '$' == pCollectionName[0] )
         rtnCoordCommand *pCmdProcesser = NULL;
         rtnCoordProcesserFactory *pProcesserFactory
                  = pCoordcb->getProcesserFactory();
         pCmdProcesser = pProcesserFactory->getCommandProcesser(
            pCollectionName );
         PD_CHECK( pCmdProcesser != NULL, SDB_INVALIDARG, error, PDERROR,
                  "unknown command:%s", pCollectionName );
         rc = pCmdProcesser->execute( pReceiveBuffer, packSize,
                                      ppResultBuffer, cb, replyHeader,
                                      &err );
         SDB_ASSERT( NULL == err, "impossible" );
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "failed to execute the command(command:%s, "
                    "rc=%d)", pCollectionName, rc );
         goto done;

         boQuery = BSONObj( pQuery );
         boOrderBy = BSONObj( pOrderBy );
      catch ( std::exception &e )
                     "occur unexpected error:%s",
                     e.what() );

      rc = executeQuery( (CHAR *)pSrc, boQuery, boOrderBy, pCollectionName,
                        pRouteAgent, cb, pContext ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "query failed(rc=%d)", rc );

      replyHeader.contextID = pContext->contextID() ;
      pContext->addSubDone( cb );
      return rc;
      replyHeader.flags = rc;
      goto done;