コード例 #1
ファイル: mtcp_restart.c プロジェクト: ningke/dmtcp
int __libc_start_main (int (*main) (int, char **, char **),
                       int argc, char **argv,
                       void (*init) (void), void (*fini) (void),
                       void (*rtld_fini) (void), void *stack_end)
  char **envp = argv + argc + 1;
  int result = main (argc, argv, envp);
コード例 #2
ファイル: mtcp_restart.c プロジェクト: SpiritsThief/dmtcp
int __libc_start_main (int (*main) (int, char **, char **),
                       int argc, char **argv,
                       void (*init) (void), void (*fini) (void),
                       void (*rtld_fini) (void), void *stack_end)
  int mtcp_sys_errno;
  char **envp = argv + argc + 1;
  int result = main(argc, argv, envp);
  (void)mtcp_sys_errno; /* Stop compiler warning about unused variable */
コード例 #3
ファイル: mtcp_restart.c プロジェクト: SpiritsThief/dmtcp
int main(int argc, char *argv[], char **environ)
  char *ckptImage = NULL;
  MtcpHeader mtcpHdr;
  int mtcp_sys_errno;
  int simulate = 0;

  if (argc == 1) {
    MTCP_PRINTF("***ERROR: This program should not be used directly.\n");

#if 0
MTCP_PRINTF("Attach for debugging.");
{int x=1; while(x);}

// TODO(karya0): Remove vDSO checks after 2.4.0-rc3 release, and after testing.
// Without mtcp_check_vdso, CentOS 7 fails on dmtcp3, dmtcp5, others.
// TODO(karya0): Remove this block and the corresponding file after sufficient
// testing:  including testing for __i386__, __arm__ and __aarch64__
  /* i386 uses random addresses for vdso.  Make sure that its location
   * will not conflict with other memory regions.
   * (Other arch's may also need this in the future.  So, we do it for all.)
   * Note that we may need to keep the old and the new vdso.  We may
   * have checkpointed inside gettimeofday inside the old vdso, and the
   * kernel, on restart, knows only the new vdso.

  rinfo.fd = -1;
  rinfo.use_gdb = 0;
  rinfo.text_offset = -1;
  while (argc > 0) {
    // Flags for standalone debugging
    if (argc == 1) {
      // We would use MTCP_PRINTF, but it's also for output of util/readdmtcp.sh
      mtcp_printf("Considering '%s' as a ckpt image.\n", argv[0]);
      ckptImage = argv[0];
    } else if (mtcp_strcmp(argv[0], "--use-gdb") == 0) {
      rinfo.use_gdb = 1;
    } else if (mtcp_strcmp(argv[0], "--text-offset") == 0) {
      rinfo.text_offset = mtcp_strtol(argv[1]);
      shift; shift;
    // Flags for call by dmtcp_restart follow here:
    } else if (mtcp_strcmp(argv[0], "--fd") == 0) {
      rinfo.fd = mtcp_strtol(argv[1]);
      shift; shift;
    } else if (mtcp_strcmp(argv[0], "--stderr-fd") == 0) {
      rinfo.stderr_fd = mtcp_strtol(argv[1]);
      shift; shift;
    } else if (mtcp_strcmp(argv[0], "--simulate") == 0) {
      simulate = 1;
    } else {
      MTCP_PRINTF("MTCP Internal Error\n");
      return -1;

  if ((rinfo.fd != -1) ^ (ckptImage == NULL)) {
    MTCP_PRINTF("***MTCP Internal Error\n");

  if (rinfo.fd != -1) {
    mtcp_readfile(rinfo.fd, &mtcpHdr, sizeof mtcpHdr);
  } else {
    int rc = -1;
    rinfo.fd = mtcp_sys_open2(ckptImage, O_RDONLY);
    if (rinfo.fd == -1) {
      MTCP_PRINTF("***ERROR opening ckpt image (%s); errno: %d\n",
                  ckptImage, mtcp_sys_errno);
    // This assumes that the MTCP header signature is unique.
    // We repeatedly look for mtcpHdr because the first header will be
    //   for DMTCP.  So, we look deeper for the MTCP header.  The MTCP
    //   header is guaranteed to start on an offset that's an integer
    //   multiple of sizeof(mtcpHdr), which is currently 4096 bytes.
    do {
      rc = mtcp_readfile(rinfo.fd, &mtcpHdr, sizeof mtcpHdr);
    } while (rc > 0 && mtcp_strcmp(mtcpHdr.signature, MTCP_SIGNATURE) != 0);
    if (rc == 0) { /* if end of file */
      MTCP_PRINTF("***ERROR: ckpt image doesn't match MTCP_SIGNATURE\n");
      return 1;  /* exit with error code 1 */

  DPRINTF("For debugging:\n"
          "    (gdb) add-symbol-file ../../bin/mtcp_restart %p\n",
          mtcpHdr.restore_addr + rinfo.text_offset);
  if (rinfo.text_offset == -1)
    DPRINTF("... but add to the above the result, 1 +"
            " `text_offset.sh mtcp_restart`\n    in the mtcp subdirectory.\n");

  if (simulate) {
    mtcp_simulateread(rinfo.fd, &mtcpHdr);
    return 0;

  rinfo.saved_brk = mtcpHdr.saved_brk;
  rinfo.restore_addr = mtcpHdr.restore_addr;
  rinfo.restore_end = mtcpHdr.restore_addr + mtcpHdr.restore_size;
  rinfo.restore_size = mtcpHdr.restore_size;
  rinfo.vdsoStart = mtcpHdr.vdsoStart;
  rinfo.vdsoEnd = mtcpHdr.vdsoEnd;
  rinfo.vvarStart = mtcpHdr.vvarStart;
  rinfo.vvarEnd = mtcpHdr.vvarEnd;
  rinfo.post_restart = mtcpHdr.post_restart;
  rinfo.motherofall_tls_info = mtcpHdr.motherofall_tls_info;
  rinfo.tls_pid_offset = mtcpHdr.tls_pid_offset;
  rinfo.tls_tid_offset = mtcpHdr.tls_tid_offset;
  rinfo.myinfo_gs = mtcpHdr.myinfo_gs;

  restore_brk(rinfo.saved_brk, rinfo.restore_addr,
              rinfo.restore_addr + rinfo.restore_size);
  getTextAddr(&rinfo.text_addr, &rinfo.text_size);
  if (hasOverlappingMapping(rinfo.restore_addr, rinfo.restore_size)) {
    MTCP_PRINTF("*** Not Implemented.\n\n");
  } else {
  return 0;  /* Will not reach here, but need to satisfy the compiler */