コード例 #1
ファイル: test3.c プロジェクト: Adamwuming/paho.mqtt.c
int test3a_m(struct Options options)
	char* testname = "test3a_m";
	char* test_topic = "C client test3a_m";
	int subsqos = 2;
	MQTTClient c;
	MQTTClient_connectOptions opts = MQTTClient_connectOptions_initializer;
	MQTTClient_willOptions wopts = MQTTClient_willOptions_initializer;
	MQTTClient_SSLOptions sslopts = MQTTClient_SSLOptions_initializer;
	int rc = 0;

	failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 3a_m - Server authentication - multi-threaded client using callbacks");
	fprintf(xml, "<testcase classname=\"test3\" name=\"test 3a_m\"");
	global_start_time = start_clock();

	rc = MQTTClient_create(&c, options.server_auth_connection, "test3a_m", MQTTCLIENT_PERSISTENCE_DEFAULT, persistenceStore);
	if (!(assert("good rc from create", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d\n", rc)))
		goto exit;

	opts.keepAliveInterval = 20;
	opts.cleansession = 1;
	opts.username = "******";
	opts.password = "******";
	if (options.haconnections != NULL)
		opts.serverURIs = options.haconnections;
		opts.serverURIcount = options.hacount;

	opts.ssl = &sslopts;
	if (options.server_key_file != NULL) 
		opts.ssl->trustStore = options.server_key_file; /*file of certificates trusted by client*/

	rc = MQTTClient_setCallbacks(c, NULL, NULL, multiThread_messageArrived,	multiThread_deliveryComplete);
	if (!(assert("Good rc from setCallbacks", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;

	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Connecting");

	rc = MQTTClient_connect(c, &opts);
	if (!(assert("Good rc from connect", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;

	rc = MQTTClient_subscribe(c, test_topic, subsqos);
	if (!(assert("Good rc from subscribe", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;

	multiThread_sendAndReceive(c, 0, test_topic);
	multiThread_sendAndReceive(c, 1, test_topic);
	multiThread_sendAndReceive(c, 2, test_topic);

	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Stopping\n");

	rc = MQTTClient_unsubscribe(c, test_topic);
	if (!(assert("Unsubscribe successful", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;
	rc = MQTTClient_disconnect(c, 0);
	if (!(assert("Disconnect successful", rc == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;

	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "%s: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", testname, tests, failures);
	return failures;
コード例 #2
ファイル: test3.c プロジェクト: EricOcasio/paho.mqtt.c
int test2a_m(struct Options options)
	char* testname = "test2a_m";
	char* test_topic = "C client test2a_m";
	int subsqos = 2;
	/* TODO - usused - remove ? MQTTClient_deliveryToken* dt = NULL; */
	MQTTClient c;
	MQTTClient_connectOptions opts = MQTTClient_connectOptions_initializer;
	MQTTClient_willOptions wopts = MQTTClient_willOptions_initializer;
    MQTTClient_SSLOptions sslopts = MQTTClient_SSLOptions_initializer;
	int rc = 0;

	failures = 0;
	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "Starting test 2a_m - Mutual SSL authentication - multi-threaded client using callbacks");

	if (!(assert("good rc from create", (rc = MQTTClient_create(&c, options.connection, "test2a_m", MQTTCLIENT_PERSISTENCE_DEFAULT, persistenceStore)) == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d\n", rc)))
		goto exit;

	opts.keepAliveInterval = 20;
	opts.cleansession = 1;
	opts.username = "******";
	opts.password = "******";
	if (options.haconnections != NULL)
		opts.serverURIs = options.haconnections;
		opts.serverURIcount = options.hacount;

    opts.ssl = &sslopts;
    if (options.server_key_file != NULL) opts.ssl->trustStore = options.server_key_file; /*file of certificates trusted by client*/
    opts.ssl->keyStore = options.client_key_file;  /*file of certificate for client to present to server*/
	if (options.client_key_pass != NULL) opts.ssl->privateKeyPassword = options.client_key_pass;
    //opts.ssl->enabledCipherSuites = "DEFAULT";
    //opts.ssl->enabledServerCertAuth = 1;

	if (!(assert("Good rc from setCallbacks", (rc = MQTTClient_setCallbacks(c, NULL, NULL, multiThread_messageArrived, multiThread_deliveryComplete)) == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;

	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Connecting");

	if (!(assert("Good rc from connect", (rc = MQTTClient_connect(c, &opts)) == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;

	if (!(assert("Good rc from subscribe", (rc = MQTTClient_subscribe(c, test_topic, subsqos)) == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;

	multiThread_sendAndReceive(c, 0, test_topic);
	multiThread_sendAndReceive(c, 1, test_topic);
	multiThread_sendAndReceive(c, 2, test_topic);

	MyLog(LOGA_DEBUG, "Stopping");

	if (!(assert("Unsubscribe successful", (rc = MQTTClient_unsubscribe(c, test_topic)) == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;
	if (!(assert("Disconnect successful", (rc = MQTTClient_disconnect(c, 0)) == MQTTCLIENT_SUCCESS, "rc was %d", rc)))
		goto exit;

	MyLog(LOGA_INFO, "%s: test %s. %d tests run, %d failures.",
			(failures == 0) ? "passed" : "failed", testname, tests, failures);

	return failures;