コード例 #1
void AIStateMachine::multiplex(U64 current_time)
  // Return immediately when this state machine is sleeping.
  // A negative value of mSleep means we're counting frames,
  // a positive value means we're waiting till a certain
  // amount of time has passed.
  if (mSleep != 0)
	if (mSleep < 0)
	  if (++mSleep)
	  if (current_time < (U64)mSleep)
	  mSleep = 0;

  DoutEntering(dc::statemachine, "AIStateMachine::multiplex() [" << (void*)this << "] [with state: " << state_str(mState == bs_run ? mRunState : mState) << "]");
  llassert(mState == bs_initialize || mState == bs_run);

  // Real state machine starts here.
  if (mState == bs_initialize)
	mAborted = false;
	mState = bs_run;
	if (mAborted || mState != bs_run)
コード例 #2
ファイル: aistatemachine.cpp プロジェクト: nebadon2025/replex
void AIStateMachine::multiplex(event_type event)
  // If this fails then you are using a pointer to a state machine instead of an LLPointer.
  llassert(event == initial_run || getNumRefs() > 0);

  DoutEntering(dc::statemachine(mSMDebug), "AIStateMachine::multiplex(" << event_str(event) << ") [" << (void*)this << "]");

  base_state_type state;
  state_type run_state;

  // Critical area of mState.
	multiplex_state_type_rat state_r(mState);

	// If another thread is already running multiplex() then it will pick up
	// our need to run (by us having set need_run), so there is no need to run
	// ourselves.
	llassert(!mMultiplexMutex.isSelfLocked());		// We may never enter recursively!
	if (!mMultiplexMutex.tryLock())
	  Dout(dc::statemachine(mSMDebug), "Leaving because it is already being run [" << (void*)this << "]");

	// Start of critical area of mMultiplexMutex.

	// If another thread already called begin_loop() since we needed a run,
	// then we must not schedule a run because that could lead to running
	// the same state twice. Note that if need_run was reset in the mean
	// time and then set again, then it can't hurt to schedule a run since
	// we should indeed run, again.
	if (event == schedule_run && !sub_state_type_rat(mSubState)->need_run)
	  Dout(dc::statemachine(mSMDebug), "Leaving because it was already being run [" << (void*)this << "]");

	// We're at the beginning of multiplex, about to actually run it.
	// Make a copy of the states.
	run_state = begin_loop((state = state_r->base_state));
  // End of critical area of mState.

  bool keep_looping;
  bool destruct = false;

	if (event == normal_run)
#ifdef CWDEBUG
	  if (state == bs_multiplex)
		Dout(dc::statemachine(mSMDebug), "Running state bs_multiplex / " << state_str_impl(run_state) << " [" << (void*)this << "]");
		Dout(dc::statemachine(mSMDebug), "Running state " << state_str(state) << " [" << (void*)this << "]");

	  // This debug code checks that each state machine steps precisely through each of it's states correctly.
	  if (state != bs_reset)
		  case bs_reset:
			llassert(state == bs_initialize || state == bs_killed);
		  case bs_initialize:
			llassert(state == bs_multiplex || state == bs_abort);
		  case bs_multiplex:
			llassert(state == bs_multiplex || state == bs_finish || state == bs_abort);
		  case bs_abort:
			llassert(state == bs_finish);
		  case bs_finish:
			llassert(state == bs_callback);
		  case bs_callback:
			llassert(state == bs_killed || state == bs_reset);
		  case bs_killed:
			llassert(state == bs_killed);
	  // More sanity checks.
	  if (state == bs_multiplex)
		// set_state is only called from multiplex_impl and therefore synced with mMultiplexMutex.
		mDebugShouldRun |= mDebugSetStatePending;
		// Should we run at all?
	  // Any previous reason to run is voided by actually running.
	  mDebugShouldRun = false;

	  // Now we are actually running a single state.
	  // If abort() was called at any moment before, we execute that state instead.
	  bool const late_abort = (state == bs_multiplex || state == bs_initialize) && sub_state_type_rat(mSubState)->aborted;
	  if (LL_UNLIKELY(late_abort))
		// abort() was called from a child state machine, from another thread, while we were already scheduled to run normally from an engine.
		// What we want to do here is pretend we detected the abort at the end of the *previous* run.
		// If the state is bs_multiplex then the previous state was either bs_initialize or bs_multiplex,
		// both of which would have switched to bs_abort: we set the state to bs_abort instead and just
		// continue this run.
		// However, if the state is bs_initialize we can't switch to bs_killed because that state isn't
		// handled in the switch below; it's only handled when exiting multiplex() directly after it is set.
		// Therefore, in that case we have to set the state BACK to bs_reset and run it again. This duplicated
		// run of bs_reset is not a problem because it happens to be a NoOp.
		state = (state == bs_initialize) ? bs_reset : bs_abort;
#ifdef CWDEBUG
		Dout(dc::statemachine(mSMDebug), "Late abort detected! Running state " << state_str(state) << " instead [" << (void*)this << "]");
	  mDebugLastState = state;
	  // Make sure we only call ref() once and in balance with unref().
	  if (state == bs_initialize)
		// This -- and call to ref() (and the test when we're about to call unref()) -- is all done in the critical area of mMultiplexMutex.
		mDebugRefCalled = true;
		case bs_reset:
		  // We're just being kick started to get into the right thread
		  // (possibly for the second time when a late abort was detected, but that's ok: we do nothing here).
		case bs_initialize:
		case bs_multiplex:
		case bs_abort:
		case bs_finish:
		  sub_state_type_wat(mSubState)->reset = false;		// By default, halt state machines when finished.
		  finish_impl();									// Call run() from finish_impl() or the call back to restart from the beginning.
		case bs_callback:
		case bs_killed:
		  // bs_killed is handled when it is set. So, this must be a re-entry.
		  // We can only get here when being called by an engine that we were added to before we were killed.
		  // This should already be have been set to NULL to indicate that we want to be removed from that engine.
		  // Do not call unref() twice.

	  multiplex_state_type_wat state_w(mState);

	  // Start of critical area of mState

	  // Unless the state is bs_multiplex or bs_killed, the state machine needs to keep calling multiplex().
	  bool need_new_run = true;
	  if (event == normal_run || event == insert_abort)
		sub_state_type_rat sub_state_r(mSubState);

		if (event == normal_run)
		  // Switch base state as function of sub state.
			case bs_reset:
			  if (sub_state_r->aborted)
				// We have been aborted before we could even initialize, no de-initialization is possible.
				state_w->base_state = bs_killed;
				// Stop running.
				need_new_run = false;
				// run() was called: call initialize_impl() next.
				state_w->base_state = bs_initialize;
			case bs_initialize:
			  if (sub_state_r->aborted)
				// initialize_impl() called abort.
				state_w->base_state = bs_abort;
				// Start actually running.
				state_w->base_state = bs_multiplex;
				// If the state is bs_multiplex we only need to run again when need_run was set again in the meantime or when this state machine isn't idle.
				need_new_run = sub_state_r->need_run || !sub_state_r->idle;
			case bs_multiplex:
			  if (sub_state_r->aborted)
				// abort() was called.
				state_w->base_state = bs_abort;
			  else if (sub_state_r->finished)
				// finish() was called.
				state_w->base_state = bs_finish;
				// Continue in bs_multiplex.
				// If the state is bs_multiplex we only need to run again when need_run was set again in the meantime or when this state machine isn't idle.
				need_new_run = sub_state_r->need_run || !sub_state_r->idle;
				// If this fails then the run state didn't change and neither idle() nor yield() was called.
				llassert_always(!(need_new_run && !sub_state_r->skip_idle && !mYieldEngine && sub_state_r->run_state == run_state));
			case bs_abort:
			  // After calling abort_impl(), call finish_impl().
			  state_w->base_state = bs_finish;
			case bs_finish:
			  // After finish_impl(), call the call back function.
			  state_w->base_state = bs_callback;
			case bs_callback:
			  if (sub_state_r->reset)
				// run() was called (not followed by kill()).
				state_w->base_state = bs_reset;
				// After the call back, we're done.
				state_w->base_state = bs_killed;
				// Call unref().
				destruct = true;
				// Stop running.
				need_new_run = false;
			default: // bs_killed
			  // We never get here.
		else // event == insert_abort
		  // We have been aborted, but we're idle. If we'd just schedule a new run below, it would re-run
		  // the last state before the abort is handled. What we really need is to pick up as if the abort
		  // was handled directly after returning from the last run. If we're not running anymore, then
		  // do nothing as the state machine already ran and things should be processed normally
		  // (in that case this is just a normal schedule which can't harm because we're can't accidently
		  // re-run an old run_state).
		  if (state_w->base_state == bs_multiplex)		// Still running?
			// See the switch above for case bs_multiplex.
			// abort() was called.
			state_w->base_state = bs_abort;

#ifdef CWDEBUG
		if (state != state_w->base_state)
		  Dout(dc::statemachine(mSMDebug), "Base state changed from " << state_str(state) << " to " << state_str(state_w->base_state) <<
			  "; need_new_run = " << (need_new_run ? "true" : "false") << " [" << (void*)this << "]");

	  // Figure out in which engine we should run.
	  AIEngine* engine = mYieldEngine ? mYieldEngine : (state_w->current_engine ? state_w->current_engine : mDefaultEngine);
	  // And the current engine we're running in.
	  AIEngine* current_engine = (event == normal_run) ? state_w->current_engine : NULL;

	  // Immediately run again if yield() wasn't called and it's OK to run in this thread.
	  // Note that when it's OK to run in any engine (mDefaultEngine is NULL) then the last
	  // compare is also true when current_engine == NULL.
	  keep_looping = need_new_run && !mYieldEngine && engine == current_engine;
	  mYieldEngine = NULL;

	  if (keep_looping)
		// Start a new loop.
		run_state = begin_loop((state = state_w->base_state));
		event = normal_run;
		if (need_new_run)
		  // Add us to an engine if necessary.
		  if (engine != state_w->current_engine)
			// engine can't be NULL here: it can only be NULL if mDefaultEngine is NULL.
			// Mark that we're added to this engine, and at the same time, that we're not added to the previous one.
			state_w->current_engine = engine;
		  // We are leaving the loop, but we're not idle. The statemachine should re-enter the loop again.
		  mDebugShouldRun = true;
		  // Remove this state machine from any engine,
		  // causing the engine to remove us.
		  state_w->current_engine = NULL;

		// Mark that we stop running the loop.

		if (destruct)
		  // We're about to call unref(). Make sure we call that in balance with ref()!
		  mDebugRefCalled  = false;

		// End of critical area of mMultiplexMutex.

		// Release the lock on mMultiplexMutex *first*, before releasing the lock on mState,
		// to avoid to ever call the tryLock() and fail, while this thread isn't still
		// BEFORE the critical area of mState!


	  // Now it is safe to leave the critical area of mState as the tryLock won't fail anymore.
	  // (Or, if we didn't release mMultiplexMutex because keep_looping is true, then this
	  // end of the critical area of mState is equivalent to the first critical area in this
	  // function.

	  // End of critical area of mState.

  while (keep_looping);

  if (destruct)